193 Reviews
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Stay (I) (2005)
25 August 2023
It's easy to criticize a movie like this. It is, after all an attempt at poetry, and an attempt at doing something different. It's easy to turn a blinds eye and harden oneself and overlook the poignant reminiscence of pain and loss.

And I think maybe you don't see the beauty of it because you are blind. Maybe you've forgotten. Or maybe you're just angry.

The iron my is rich.

I have to respect what "Stay" sought out to accomplish: a poetic sketch in film from of the remnants of a moment in time.

And I can only have a greater admiration for this cast. Each of whose reputations have long since been solidified.

This movie is a gem.
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Kandahar (2023)
27 June 2023
Even Gerard Butler's simmering stoic performance cannot salvage this disaster of a plot. While quite a few of the cast are first rate, the action of the characters is borderline comedic.

The story starts of with decent intrigue, but it quickly falls apart as the ostensibly "world class" operative turns out to be a bumbling nitwit apparently unable to get from point a to point b without revealing himself. The action is completely phoned in so there is zero tension.

After that is merely a series of cliche sequences. We've seen so much of this before that the movie descends in to boredom.

The real sin here is the waste of talent, beautiful cinematography, and money. I'm sure this was a very expensive disaster.

Don't bother.
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The Drop (2014)
Slow burning master class.
24 June 2023
"The Drop" is a brilliantly executed piece of cinema. Everyone in this perfectly cast movie simmers in their turn.

Gandolfini plays Marv with not a single hint of Tony Saprano, but manages to find new territory as the scheming bar owner.

And what can you say about Tom Hardy? To think that he can go from playing Bane to giving life to Bob Saginowsky. He somehow manages both the simplicity and complexity of the character- effortlessly.

Meanwhile Noomi Rapace is not to be outdone along with all the other notables, Otiz, Dowd, et al... just absolutely on point.

Of course the cast had a lot to work with because the writing is a joy while the direction keeps the pace taunt.

An absolute gem.
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Resurrection (2022)
This film is pure torture
31 May 2023
This is the worst kind of film made. It pretends to be smart. But the pretense wears off quickly. It's basically a riff on the idiot plot.

Whatever strength, however much intelligence is imbued by the protagonist quickly dissolves away in a quagmire of heedless narcissism. We quickly learn that the main character is not the brilliant person we are meant to think she is, but is rather an imbecilic fruitcake.

And the incongruity stems not from any irony wrought by clever writing but rather from inconsistencies of muddled chicken scratch. We find if hard to believe the psychological degradation of the character; and much easier to blame bad writing, poor structure.

By the end, all that's left is comical, and not in a good way.

A pure waste of talent.
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Mission Pluto (2015 TV Movie)
28 May 2023
I don't know what's worse the idiotic presenter or the utter lack of any real information. Let's start by pointing out that NO ACTUAL PHOTOS OF PLUTO ARE SHOWNA?

Why did they even bother making this episode? And then there is the presenter. Overly dramatic. Sentence after sentence grates the early. Never has banality been heralded with such vacuous pomp.

Is this a joke? Were they not able to wait until all the data had been processed?

As you sit through the entire episode you begin to wonder if anything at all will be revealed. Instead only the history of New Horizons is covered. It's a complete fraud.
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Leap Year (2010)
Absolutely terrible
15 January 2023
Yeah, no. This is one of the most idiotic movies I've seen in decades. I'm a fan of every one in the cast so I put this absolute waste of time on while I ordered DoorDash.

Everyone is a complete subhuman dingbat is this quagmire of a plot. Nothing is believed or relatable or even funny in any way whatsoever the only quasi novel thing about this dross is it ability to fail in ways I hadn't thought possible.

The writing is so trite and unimaginative that each idiot has zero chance at being remotely interesting. Every ounce of charm has been wrought out of the story by a dialogue that is so cliched that even a bottle of whiskey would be of no help.

From start to finish this is a waste is cellular ATP.
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Darkly told
7 January 2023
And unfolds in a way befitting Poe. This is a carefully woven tale in no hurry to unwind itself. Which might prove frustrating to some. And while we've come to expect nothing short of excellence from Mr. Bale, in point of fact his is not the strongest performance.

Harry Melling steals the show with a wonderfully nuanced portrayal on the inimitable young Poe. He centers a rather severe remaining cast that just misses by the narrowest of fractions IMHO. Thus keeping the film from a higher rating.

The bit of slack in the narrative keeps the tension thin. A mistake for me because there were a few moments that could have ratcheted the experience and thereby paying the right homage due Poe. And while it's wonderful to see Robert Duval again, there's not much to write home about there.

A worthwhile production nonetheless

Thumbs up.
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Unstoppable force meets immovable object
20 December 2022
It's hard to choose any single part of this movie that i like the most but it is a beautifully woven story that is masterfully executed at every level. It is austere and sumptuous, simple and complex, calm and violent, so beautiful and yet bloody, a study in choices and a portrait of inexorable will.

The dialogue is exquisite and ripe but never pretentious. Each character is genuine and real in who they are. The existential themes give this MasterClass of filmmaking a timelessness that's is wonderfully reinforced by the spectacular cinematography. Yet there's such a sense of isolation that one almost could image that all the characters are just facets of a single person.

It is a brilliant piece of movie making.
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The Serpent Queen (2022–2024)
Brilliantly done
15 December 2022
There are few moments in history as rich in potential for story telling as 16th century Europe. And fewer still lineages as fabled as that of the Medici's. The Serpent Queen makes full use of the vast accoutrements offered up by this period and delivers an engaging historical drama.

Wit, a spectacular cast, clever dialogue, novel direction, and beautiful cinematography are just a small sample of this wonder series.

Though there's nothing new about period dramas, there is little to no rehashing here of the same. Every scene seems inventive in its delivery. Leading the effort is the brilliantly executed character of Catherine. No small role, both Liv Hill and Samantha Morton are equal to the task. Hill in particular is outstanding.

In a time where every series seems filled to the brim with magic or flying reptiles it is refreshing to watch something that takes a real story and hits it out of the park.
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Causeway (2022)
Soulful sleeper. Maybe not for everyone.
13 December 2022
But I enjoyed it. It's pace is studied. There's a tenderness to the way the story unfolds. Lawrence plays it straight if somewhat somber in her delivery. And I think this sets the tone all the way through the movie. There's very little deviation from the baseline of her recovery.

Brian Tyree Henry seems to hit on the same frequency. But the chemistry between him and Lawrence is real. The dialogue is slack and natural. A wonderful study in character that charmed me from the beginning.

I appreciate movies like this with no pretension or great overarching theme. It's a simple human film about two shattered lives that find some solace between them. I loved it for that; for all the things that's it's missing. What remains is a beautiful story.
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Where the heart lives
8 December 2022
I made dinner and put on the first episode of George & Tammy. I got about two minutes in and felt the need to watch this wonderful sleeper again.

From another time, from another place in my life, Tender Mercies has always been among my most favorite movies. Anyone who has tried to put a few sentences together, and tell a story can find the poignant simplicity of Horton Footer's screenplay as a wonderful example. Raw and authentic in every detail, there is little to distract you from the story of a man looking for redemption.

Tess Harper shines on screen and effortlessly delivers the patience and grace of her character.

The musical score and the cinematography are equally on point.
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The English (2022)
Beautiful and Savage
17 November 2022
Instantly The English has made my top ten. I have seen a lot of movies and series over the many many years I've walked this earth. And seldom have I been struck so profoundly. Every scene, every word, each gesture, to a person reaches out aiming for the heart. Relentlessly uncovering a story that weaves beauty and horror in equal measure. It never waits for you to catch up. But rather pulls you along as you follow- never really knowing what will happen and carefully doling out was has happened.

The chemistry between Emily Blunt and Chaske Spencer is real and tender. I'm torn between whom to call out as Blunt is viscous in her portrayal. But Spencer is not out done with a brutality of his own and a wit to match. Which is a round about way of saying the writing is amazing. Nor is it fair to leave any of the cast out as each takes a turn at brilliance. Which is a round about way of saying the Direction is genius.

Add to that a cinematographic panorama that reminds us of the beauty of this great nation and makes us yearn for what we lost in settling the vast continent.

That's a lot. One cannot ask for more. If it doesn't make your list, I don't know what would.
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Scorpion (2014–2018)
The nadir of television writing
13 November 2022
I had the misfortune of sitting through this spectacularly idiotic tv show and I was floored by the fact that this dross was green-lit, poorly cast, funded, produced, and aired.

Here's the thing. Just because a character incessantly recites his alleged IQ over and over again doesn't actually make the viewer believe it. It takes a smart person to write a smart character. And while the purported IQ of. O'Brien is 190, I'd wager that's the sum total of all the writers' IQ.

Worse still is it's attempt at the high tech subject matter. Even the laughable series logo gets it wrong with the closing tag on the wrong song. Anyone who is a dev will grimace at the buffoonery. The cast to a person is unfit to carry the concept. Elyes Gabel in particular is wholly unlikable IMHO.
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Tulsa King (2022– )
Right on the money
13 November 2022
Exactly what you're looking. Tulsa King delivers. Stallone hits the mark with a brooding no nonsense performance that blends humor and violence to near perfection.

The classic fish out of water scenario is well played. And the first episode does a great job at setting up what looks like a stellar cast. Right from the start the plot begins to weave together. Frankly I was pleasantly surprised.

We'll see how the season unfolds but so far it's a great change of pace from some other series debuts lately. There's no cgi to be sure. Just great characters, authentic dialogue, a smart story, and a first class cast.
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Inside Man (II) (2022)
Are you kidding me with this nonsense?
5 November 2022
Wow. The idiot plot goes for tea and crumpets. This story such as it is is utterly ridiculous. Contrived from minute one we've got the usually on point Stanley Tucci as a wanna be genius martyred inmate whose just oh so much smarter than everyone else as overrated writer Moffat feeds his characters equally contrived bits to show just how oh so smart he thinks he is. It's comical and flaccid.

There is zero tension as the first episode unravels in more character torment. As they plod along in ways that make no sense. Would that one fool be introduced so that he might just explain things and spare the world this inanity.

The point of the series attempts to be anyone can murder anyone. If only that were true for this series.

Thumbs down.
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It's a metaphor you imbeciles
18 October 2022
I see the narrow minded, poorly read, zero imagination, thinking only inside the box, ego centric half wits have come out in droves to flaunt their ignorance. If you posted a review because you've done this climb and the Movie is not accurate, than a) take a hike and b) no one cares. You're better off watching a MasterClass video by that crazy free climbing Alex guy. Or log on to Udemy and sate your appetite for non growth on some pack organization tutorials.

This is a story about perseverance you imbeciles. It's not a how-to on ascending Mt Washington. There's a concept called poetic license that has clearly gone over a lot of heads.

There's a lot going on in this film if you care to look. I like to think that the characters of Pam and John, though real in person, are thematically one person each representing a different side of ourselves. The one that has real fears and feels the pain of life, the other that strives to survive. And the infinite storm is really just the struggles we all face in our inexorable search to make it home.
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Andor (2022– )
And, or? Maybe? Yes indeed
12 October 2022
This is, minute for minute, some of the best television on today. Not a ton of FX. Just a compelling story and great acting. It is certainly more adult than other CGI laden spin offs. I don't think any cute cuddly toys will emerge from the series. But the story shines.

The plight of the rebels feels real. We're drawn into the characters one by one. The acting is first class. The writing succinct. And the ever enigmatic Andor keeps the tension taught and mysterious.

Though the series seemed in no hurry to gain traction, it's totally forgivable as we approach mid season. We're drawn to the next episode as we anticipate the the rage sure to be drawn by the empire.

The writers seem merciless with the characters and Andor himself has a sharp unscrupulous edge not quite on display in Rogue One.

Big thumbs up.
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The Crown (2016–2023)
20 September 2022
I have to be honest. I had refused to watch this show from the moment it was released. Being no fan of monarchies in general, or of the House of Windsor in particular, I wrongly failed to see the potential.

But history always is interesting, especially when left in the hands of able writers and an absolutely spectacular cast. To a person, word for spoken word, I was drawn into this series headlong and found myself taken by this expertly crafted story.

I love that the flaws and tensions that existed are exposed and leveraged. And I find myself reaching for the shelf and pulling out a book or two to refamiliarize myself with some event.

In short it won me over and taught me a lesson or two in the process. What more can one ask?
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More Downton Abby than anything else
2 September 2022
Snore. All style no substance. What remains is saccharine melodrama, contorted physiognomy, and loud music. I fell asleep twice trying to get through the first two episodes. And I get they're trying to set up a number of story lines, but the transitions do little to maintain a cohesive thread. For a franchise that's rich in fantasy and invention, there's very little of either. Sadly the few cinematographic moments that truly shine feel completely co-opted from the Jackson movies. As I was lamenting through this snore fest, Two things come to mind: one, Tolkien might be totally played out, and two, what a colossal waste of money.
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Prey (I) (2022)
A worthy prequel to the classic
5 August 2022
I think Prey did an excellent job at crafting a fresh new story. Let's face it, predictor sequels and spin-offs have felt more like a money grab. But here there's a real story that cleverly weaves a number of story lines together to spin up this intriguing edition.

Amber Midthunder more than holds her own and keeps the pace moving. And the movie does a great job at leveraging the historical context for maximum effect.

Big thumbs up from me.
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Excellent performances
5 August 2022
Once again Viggo and Colin prove they're among the best in the business. Farrell is so good at transforming himself and he's consistent here. The movie takes few if any liberties for the sake of drama but maintains a taught narrative throughout.

What the divers achieved in that rescue was nothing short of a miracle and kudos to Howard for crafting a movie that gives this story all the respect it's due.
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Lightyear (2022)
Tell me. Where do the children play?
5 August 2022
What has happened to us? Why is it that so many cannot just sit back and enjoy this movie. Maybe it's no quite to the level of the original Toy Story. But that was among the first great Pixar hits.

Sometimes progress is just the very opposite and we are too smart for our own good.

I enjoyed this movie quite a bit. Wish more of us would.
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Christine (2016)
26 July 2022
There's a lot to be said for the way this film takes on the weight of its subject matter. There's both distance and intimacy in its approach. The steady, evenness of the pace still builds a real tension as Christine begins to unravel. It's the kind of irony that anchors and gives a true sense of tragedy. I knew nothing of the story before I watched and yet could see the inexorable events unfold ahead of time. All the while never feeling like the movie was giving it all away. I suppose there's an element a kin to rubber necking in that. And maybe that's the point. Brilliant filmmaking and acting in my book.
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The Gray Man (2022)
That'll do pig. That'll do.
22 July 2022
Ryan Gosling and Billy Bob Thornton? Chris Evans and Ana de Armas? Ok. I'm in. I ordered Grubhub, hit the couch, and pressed play.

The movie wastes no time in getting right into it. The premise is great, the action-totally satisfying, and the intrigue plays well.

It's totally worth a look if you're in the mood for a mission impossible meets Bond vibe. Even if the end leaves just a little something to be desired, this is a lot of fun to watch.
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Gold (I) (2022)
Absolute stupidity
20 July 2022
Another exercise in the idiot plot. Though in truth I don't know who is the bigger idiot: the Zac Efron character or me for watching this tedious assault on intelligence. The main premise is wholly unbelievable. And this is one of those movies where you feel like yelling at the screen because every action of the protagonist is more idiotic than the previous. Worse it's completely predictable. There is zero imagination or creativity here. Just absolute junk by whomever Anthony Hayes is. For some reason I kept hoping there'd be something new. But no. It's pure formulaic regurgitation. Which is what you'll want to do after watching it. Trust me. Don't waste your time.
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