
42 Reviews
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Why you should watch a whole season before commenting!
14 September 2023
The first few episodes of a beloved show coming back after being gone for many many years will never live up to the memories of the original. That's just a fact. You're living in the past and wanting to see the old characters reunited. This was never meant to be a Raylan and Boyd spin-off or a reunion. Boyd Holdbrook played a great bad guy as Clement. Willa, Raylan's daughter was a character that many people didn't care for. She was necessary to the series as a whole. Was her decisions annoying? Yes! I wish they didn't make every teenager seem as a dumb as a rock! It makes the character unlikable to no fault of the actor or actress. It's also her first time on a show so be kind! The series as a whole is amazing and it lived up to the Justified series. After the finale, PLEASE RENEW!! Enough of these one season and done shows. Hoping FX knows better.
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A great movie with a serious message.
23 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The Covenant is a great movie. I've been a fan of Guy Ritchie movies for a long time. Jake Gyllenhall was fantastic. As was the actor who played Ahmed. Sorry I'm forgetting his name. The story is about so much more than a bond. It's about integrity and the horrors that the good people that are living through hell in Afghanistan. The man that puts his own life on the line to save one of ours was going above and beyond what he signed up for. He signed up to get his family visas to America and to help rid his country of religious extremismist. We did not hold up our end of the bargain with the people that signed up for that task. Knowing it was going to put their families lives on the line. And we just left them there. It's a history we have with this country. So when the next terrible thing happens here, don't wonder why we have other countries hating us. Just watch The Kingdom with Jamie Foxx and Jennifer Gardner. It touches on the cycle but in a different way. I know I'm ranting but that's what this movie made me feel. I'm angry but also hopeful. Hopeful because we have men like the ones portrayed in this great movie. May the lives of all our fallen soldiers rest in peace. May all the men, women and children we just left behind after the "war" be safe.
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It's so hard to root for any character that you don't like!
3 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really like Plaza as an actress. Theo is a good actor as well. Juice will always be an iconic character. For this movie however I didn't care for Plaza's character Emily. I find it so hard to like a movie when you're constantly asking, what is she doing? How can you actually be so stupid? Yes, there are people that find themselves in bad situations and they do the wrong thing. It doesn't make them stupid. I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about Emily! She goes for two job interviews and in one the boss "tricks" her and she hates that! She hates it cuz she got caught in a lie. Funny thing is, the boss still wants to give her another shot. But Emily is just too upset. Even though she's in debt and working a job she hates! Later she gets an interview thanks to a friend. It's for an internship. How dare they ask her to prove herself. So Emily, in debt and making poor choices cusses the lady out, in front of said friend that got her the interview. Why is it so hard to root for Emily?? That's not even the worse thing or the worse choice she makes! She's told what not to do when she decides that credit card fraud is the way to go. But Emily can't listen to that advice. It's just too hard to not rob the same store only once a week! I powered through this movie hoping beyond hope that the ending would be worth my time. I should've known. That's the thing Emily robbed of mine, time!
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Blue Jay (I) (2016)
Ugh, so good!! Nostalgia is a real feeling.
21 October 2022
This came out in 2016 and I didn't watch it until 2022! Why did I wait??!! Anyone that feels nostalgic when around people you grew up with then you will truly get this movie. It's about high school sweethearts but you can have that feeling with anyone. I absolutely loved this movie. The Duplass brothers are so good. Acting, writing, directing anything that they've done I've liked. Enjoy this short One hour Twenty minute gem! Please leave a review so this movie can get watched even by people like me that have waited six years to watch it. I'll be telling everyone I know that this is a must see!
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So far so great!
23 September 2022
I normally wait until a whole season is over with before leaving a review. I honestly am I only writing this for the people that are on the fence about watching this or not. Selfishly please do!! I don't want this to be one of those shows that had a great first season but for some reason someone makes a bad decision and cancels it. But really watch it for your own good because it's definitely worth watching. The acting is really good and so is the writing. There's cliffhangers and I for one can't wait to find out the answers. I also can't believe that IMDB makes you leave a review that's at least 600 characters! Ok, that's 600. ;)
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Prey (I) (2022)
Who's the Prey and who's the Predator??
5 August 2022
I was only going to rate this until I decided to read some of the comments. This was easily the best one since the original. Not even close to me. I was hopefully when Shane Black did a "reboot" in 2018 I believe. I was disappointed. This was taking the franchise back to the basics and that was a good think! If you liked what Rogue One meant to Star Wars then this story will connect with you. I loved the cinematography. It was beautiful. The acting was really good. Don't worry that the lead actors aren't more well known. I was really not expecting much to be honest. The sequels since The Predator have been let downs. I only watched because the trailer had me with taking it so far back in time. At an hour and forty min it wasn't too short or too long. It was the perfect run time. I hope that you like Prey as much as me and that you rate and leave a comment. Happy hunting!
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Some things are better done slowly
10 April 2022
I admittedly thought it was a bit slow to start. Wasn't sure if I was going to like it. I really had high hopes after watching the trailer and seeing the cast. I'm very glad that I kept watching. It got better and better as it went on. I really like spy/espionage films. So I don't give out high grades unless I really think that's its worthy. The pace of the movie doesn't pick up much as it goes on. It just gets better. So if you don't like what many call a "slow burn" then this movie might not be for you. As my title stated some things are better done slowly and this movie is one of those things. The acting is very good and the story is great. Not excellent but great. I hope that you enjoy this fun as much as did. I was very surprised by the low scores. I think people are starting to not be able to separate movies for what they are. Not every movie is going to be the next "great" this or that. Take it for what it is. This is a really good to great spy film that if you enjoy a slower pace will make you very happy that you took the time to watch. I know I'am. Peace & Love.
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The Outfit (2022)
I'm a cutter.
8 April 2022
I really enjoyed this movie. Not too many movies are set in a place. One of the best ever to have done it is 12 Angry Men. The acting and the story for The Outfit is top notch. It's not a great movie but it is very very good. I would tell anyone I know (or don't know) wink wink to definitely watch this. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
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Old Henry (2021)
A really good western!
26 March 2022
I really liked this movie. I've always like westerns growing up. I think the last good one I saw was the mini series on Netflix called Godless. Very happy I decided to give this one a try. I wasn't disappointed. There's not a lot of action during most of the movie. Which didn't bother me at all. Wait it out and it will be worth it. Old Henry definitely deserves to be talked and hopefully anyone reading this will watch it and pass along a good review and who knows maybe we'll make it famous.
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WHY?? Why do they make you root for the killer??
1 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I say it every time I sit down and watch one of these awful movies, Why do they make the characters so stupid that you actually end up rooting for the psychopath rampaging killer?? I always thought you were supposed to want the people to escape. Maybe even actually kill the bad guy. Like really kill him. Not just shoot or stab him like a mortal human because we all know that these bad guys are somehow born with super human strength. Just forget about the "story" because like this one it's borderline trash! Again, the people are so stupid and would never do the things we are led to believe they would do. Example: Find your friend with his face half cut off and go back to the rest of the friends and say NOTHING! Just sit on a bus with the door closed and not tell anyone why. Wtf!! Some people love these movies and can look past all that stuff and I honestly wish I could do the same. I can't. I've tried. And since I'll do it again hoping for a different outcome, maybe I'm the one of the stupid ones also!
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Reacher (2022– )
Some shows are made to just enjoy!
8 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This isn't a murder mystery who dunnit for the people that want no story holes or things to all make sence. I'm one of those people so I get it. This is a show to enjoy and not over think. Yes Reacher does some stupid stuff. Yes he can't walk around without getting into a fight. Normally someone that large doesn't get messed with. This guy is getting smack talked to him every 5 min. Lol. Again, so what! It's nice to watch dumb nuts get their a** kicked. I liked Tom Cruise as Reacher so I was skeptical of liking this. I watched the series in two nights. So I liked enough to binge and that was the reason I gave it a 7. A little better of a story and it could've been an 8. Really happy they are doing a season 2 because I'm sick of watching a series only for one season and then they expect us to care about a new show they might do the same too!!
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Phat Tuesdays (2022)
Very good!
8 February 2022
This was very well done. I love watching shows/documentaries about the history of comedy. Have no doubt that this has a place in the history of comedy. We see shows that talk about comedy but we don't see a lot that talk specifically about black comedy. Without Phat Tuesdays there's no Def Comedy on HBO. Watch the Doc, enjoy and learn at the same time.
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A little slow at first but then...🔴🚀
6 January 2022
As a HUGE fan of the trilogy I was hoping this wouldn't be a disappointment. I thought if Keanu returned then it's gotta be worthy. It is! The beginning like the original matrix took a min to understand. Nothing new there. It was well worth the wait! All I'm gonna say is if you loved the originals then you'll love this. I hope! ✌🏽
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Hawkeye: Partners, Am I Right? (2021)
Season 1, Episode 4
Simply AWESOME!!
9 December 2021
This is the 1st episode that I wrote a review for. It was amazing! Every episode has been really good. This the best so far. The chemistry between Hawkeye & Kate is so good!! Not going to give a spoiler but seeing Hawkeyes wife a little more involved is really cool. Can't wait to see where that leads. My only complaint about the show as a whole ks that it goes by WAY TOO FAST!! I wish they made them a whole hour. But that's just me being greedy. I love this show!!! 🎯🎯
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I'm starting to root for the bad guys! Small spoilers..kinda
16 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Why even make a movie if the "bad guy" literally can't be killed?? The whole movie they chant," Evil dies tonight." Maybe someone should let them know that no matter what they do or how many people there are to do it, the dude won't die!! At least tell us that he's unkillable and have the movie about people just trying to escape him and not try to kill him. Over and over and over again. I get he has super human strength and all that. Also, why does every single person have to be the dumber than the last victim? I always end up hoping that Micheal gets them because they deserve it. The next movie is supposed to bring this series to a close. Which means he won't be killed again. They'll think he's dead because they did just enough to stop him but not kill him. Like shoot him in the face and heart until there's nothing left. See ya next Halloween so I can be annoyed all over again 🤣🤣🤣
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Now that's what you call a let down!
24 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know what I could write that wouldn't give a part of this movie away. I'm not big "horror suspense" movie person. I do find some entertaining. This was one of them up until the point where these type of movies normally disappoint...the ending! I can't believe that people reviewed this and said," Ya, that's a good way to end it." Now it could just be me but I'm gonna say probably not. If you watch this movie just now that the end could be disappointing. The rest is pretty good actually.
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Warner Brothers better pay this man to finish his vision!!!!
18 March 2021
First off this a completely different Justice League than the one we saw. I don't know how they did THAT, with THIS! This movie is f'n awesome. Four hours was long to sit but it was worth it. Snyder uses all of the time to actually explain the movie and the different characters. I'm praying that the success of this release will get the powers to be to smarten up and pay Snyder whatever it takes to make DC as close as possible to Marvel. This is by far and away the best DC movie and it's not even close! Man of Steel was really good also in my opinion also. Get your snacks, drinks and whatever else and get ready for the movie we deserved all along! #ForAutumn
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Our Friend (2019)
Simply Outstanding!!
8 March 2021
I for one love sad movies. If you don't like them then is definitely not a movie for you. The cast is incredible. The story is outstanding and it will pull at heart strings every step of the way. I just got done watching this and I can't wait to tell everyone to watch this. With some Kleenex on hand for sure. I truly hope you like this movie as much as I did. Everyone deserves love and a friendship like this!
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Loved, Love And Monsters!
4 February 2021
I didn't expect much from this movie. I read a couple reviews and it sounded promising. It was actually really good. It's not going to win any awards but not every movie is made for that reason. The story was good and the acting was really good. I never found myself hating the actors for being so dumb. Which happens in the end of the world type movies. I'd actually really like to see a sequel. As long as they stick to what made this movie good. If you like action adventure with some humor and nothing you have to follow too hard then this is definitely a movie to watch. ✌🏽
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Now what I expected but I think that's the point!
27 December 2020
I went into this movie thinking it would be kinda like Interstellar. Looking for new worlds while Earth is slowly becoming inhabitable. Although there's some of that, there's more. Try to not think about what the movie isn't but more of what it is. Some people want an escape from reality when watching movies. I'm one of those people. But sometimes I want to be reminded that reality is happening and it's happening right now. I think we can all agree that Earth is magnificent. It's quite possibly a miracle. There are people trying to figure that out while you and I watch Netflix movies and then leave reviews. I found myself "trying" to think like those people. I put myself on that ship and on Earth and what would I do and how would I feel. Go into this movie with that thinking and you'll enjoy this movie. It's not a sci-fi as much as a drama. A drama that one day will probably play out.
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Good story(not original) with good acting & bad
15 December 2020
The story isn't original. However I still found it enjoyable. The reason for my fairly low rating is the some of the bad acting. I don't hate to just hate like most of the people leaving good reviews and sticking up for the people leaving comments on some of the actors. Cara is a really good actresses. She's been in a few movies that I've enjoyed and she was good in all of them. Jaden Smith however is not a good actor. Just because I don't think he is doesn't mean that other people can't think that he is. I've just never seen a movie that he's in that would change my mind. Cuba Gooding Jr also wasn't good and I really like him. Boys In The Hood was amazing and of course Jerry Maguire to name two. He hasn't been in a "headline" movie in a while. I don't know what happened but to me he's not the actor he once was. Nia Long was good. Her part is kinda small but I did enjoy her performance. I do believe that if a different actor played the role that Jaden played this movie would've been a lot better. Jaden was so bad that I kept thinking about how bad he is instead of enjoying the movie! Not everyone has the same taste clearly in actors so maybe you'll enjoy the movie more than I did if you find Jadens acting better than I do.
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Another good movie with an ending that seemed me. Worth watching for sure.
11 December 2020
I really liked this movie. The story and the acting were really good. Just as the action picks up that's when the movie ends. I don't need action in every movie I watch. I love a good story. There could be zero action in the film. This movie however does have a little action and suspense. I don't do spoilers so I'll say to give this movie a watch. Hopefully the ending works better for you. It definitely wasn't a terrible ending. I think because the acting and the characters were so good that you were left wanting more. Over a good movie and I'd recommend watching it.
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Forever (2014–2015)
5 years and I'm still upset this show was canceled! Probably will be forever!
29 November 2020
This is a classic example of why regular network tv ratings are down. Streaming services as well but this is why! You finally make a great show and it gets canceled after ONE season. Why would anyone watch a first season of any show? You get involved in the characters, story and it gets taken away. Might as well wait for the announcement that a shows been picked up for a second season before you give your time to a show. This was such a good show. The idea was original and the actors were great. But because it didn't score high in the ratings someone decided to not let the audience grow. I told everyone to watch this and many people loved it. You need to give these new shows a chance to grow. I haven't watched the first season of any new shows on regular network tv since this happened. It's been five years and I'm still upset. I wanted Netflix or Hulu to pick this up so bad. I'm going to give Harrow a shot(which stars the same lead actor) only because it's been picked up for third season. If you do or have watched this show I hope you give Harrow a shot. All the comments say it's kind of like this show except he doesn't come back to life if killed.
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Unsolved Mysteries: Missing Witness (2020)
Season 1, Episode 6
One burning question!
22 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
After watching this episode I only have really big question that I can't find the answer to. I've tried. Why the hell is Sandy raising her grandson? Why haven't any of Leihnas sisters fought for custody. If my mother killed my sister I wouldn't just allow her to then raise my nephew. She was held liable in a civil case. That has to mean something. I want to know if the sisters have even tried to fight for him. They believe their mother killed their sister. They believe she killed her ex-husband and they allow her to raise their nephew? It's driving me crazy that I can't find out more about this.
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Just not enough to make it what it could've been
12 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I was really looking forward to this movie. I've always liked Shia as an actor and an Ayer movie is pretty good. I've read some of the comments about the movie and my complaints are basically the same as theirs. I don't want to figure out the script ten minutes into the movie but I also don't want to be blindsided in a bad way. Creeper was made out to be this bad a** man and I was so looking forward to seeing him let loose. He doesn't even get the chance! I don't want to give away too much but Shia was the reason I paid for the movie and he was second fiddle to the main character. I do think it's pretty cool that this movie seems to take place in the same world as Training Day with Denzel and Ethan Hawke. Now that's how a movie with two main characters is done!
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