
18 Reviews
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Psychokinesis (2018)
Nice entertainment
16 August 2018
This movie is probably not one of those epic moves you will remember for all times, but it has an acceptable nice plot, it takes a little bit of Hancock, without exaggerating and it does not degenerate in a worldsaving superhero movie. On the contrary, the superhero does what he has to do and then pays his debt. The Story flows well, acting was fine, although the bad guy was never really transmitting an evil Mafia like spirit. He was more like a funny caricature of a wanna be bad guy. So probably a little less comedy would have been more impacting from a drama point of view. After all, the story is about tearing down lives of people, most probably a very common situation in strongly developing and speculating countries
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What a junk
7 October 2016
I saw this movie on Netflix and it is among the worst movies I ever saw. The story is poorly developed, there is no drama or tension, it is boring, it is absolutely far away from reality in all aspects. You could start watching the movie at any time and would loose nothing. The basic idea is not bad; but so much more could have been made out if it, without risking to run into exaggeration. This movie shows that to make a good movie it takes not only good ideas, but also the ability to transform them into something. A movie is entertainment, it is a stimulus for reflection, it produces an emotion, this one here tastes like cold coffee (not iced), like a soup without flavor, like a dead pond.
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Awful cover of a nice movie
6 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
There is only one word to define the whole movie, that is: awful. How "Mostly Martha" was remade is awful. The title of the movie is awful. The actors are awful. And the idea of combining good cooking and USA is awful. If you have seen "Bella Martha", well that is the original title and it means "Beautiful Martha", this one is a punch in the stomach. The acting of Ms.Jones is so poor and unnatural that even Jessica Alba, considered one of the worst actresses ( would have done better. Not to mention the cook, who would better play a different role. And the little girl... not worth mentioning. Bella Martha was a very nice movie, an authentic one... why was it remade? There was a story.... here they took it out. There is no story... What shall it represent? In one way also this movie was perfect. You know when all ingredients fit together? Well this is the case here. A perfect Crap....
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Mr. Brooks (2007)
The individual drama of addictions
6 October 2007
Mr. Brooks is a very successful business man, well positioned within society, he has a beautiful wife and lives a harmonic familiar life. He lives in a perfect world. The pure incarnation of the Americian Dream: Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. So, why would a person like him kill people and risk to destroy everything. The answer is quite simple to speak out and at the same time quite difficult to understand: because he is ill. He is an addict, as he well recognizes by himself. Dry for two years, but then suddenly the primordial human instincts prevail. Marshall, who is his addict conscience, the devil who knows everything, is stronger than himself, who just fights with praying the serenity prayer. It is a fight between rationalism and faith, between perfect planning and hope. Like any addict also Mr. Brooks does not like what he does, he just does it. Getting caught would be the relief, but it would mean the end of Marshall. And Marshall definitely wants to survive. Mr. Smith wants to kill for the thrill. He is not addict, he is just a maniac and ends up accordingly. The film covers mainly the personal drama of Mr. Brooks and I was wondering what the wife does, when he is out. She never questions were he is, she never complains that he spends much of his time alone. It seems that he lives his life and she hers. Those who suffer the tragedy of living with an addict person may miss the aspect of the impact on familiar life in the movie. The film also leaves a couple of important question open for the spectator to find the answers. Does Mr. Brooks really want to quit? Personally I don't think so, because although he attends AA meetings he does it because Marshall does not like it and not for himself. Does the last scene represents his wake-up call? Did he touch his ground from where he starts to recover? We don't know that, but it may be possible. This movie is not an easy one, for its difficult subject. However the cast plays it very good. Both Mr. Kostner and William Hurt are perfect in their respective roles and act in a superb way. I just remembered that Ms. Moore was also playing in this movie, when reading other comments. What does she do in this movie? She is definitely not a beauty princess, and acts pretty bad. And her role does not add anything to the movie. Did she pay the get back on screen?
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The Dead Girl (2006)
Contemporary Drama
2 October 2007
This movie is made up of various episodes all tied up around the discovery of a Dead Girl. It brilliantly represents common dramas of our everyday lives, showing our strenghts and our weaknesses as human beings. It is a very touchy and authentic film, in which the different actors perfectly fit in their roles. The spectator may have the impression that this film has not a clear story and the end may leave the one or the other with the question: And?. This is, because we do not have action as we are used to. There is no police investigation and there is also no lawyer who starts an investigation on his own. There is no such thing here. Here we have life sequences that all of us may feel, or may actually have also lived. So there is no need for more explixit action or dialogue. The film ends were it begins. And the circle is complete.
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Stardust (2007)
A modern Fast Food Fairy Tale American Style
2 October 2007
This movie was well presented in the trailers, so I decided to go see it. The cast was also part of this decision, being Michelle Pfeiffer and Robert De Niro among my favorite actors. When it comes to the story however, one may think that Americans are desperately seeking for a moral recovery, for the restoration of lost values, for love, for a message of peace (the American one though, like the Pax Romana in ancient times) to the world. It seems they want to present themselves to the eyes of the world in a way which is so in contrast'to the reality which we see every day in the news. The story has nothing to say which has not yet been told. There are parts which add nothing and are more ridiculous than funny (like the brothers which become spirits after been killed and act as fans and spectators to the events). And what kind of witch is Michelle, if she is not able to solve her tasks on her own? Seems the production has no clear concept.
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Knocked Up (2007)
Surprisingly funny
11 September 2007
After the first half an hour I had the impression that the movie would be an awful one as it was full of low level dialogues and a poor story. But after the two so different lives of the protagonists are thrown together, the result is rather surprising and it turns out that there is a story which is truly entertaining and funny. Of course it is a movie and most probably in real life this will never happen, but we shall not always search for reality like stories. What I found very nice is the fact that we are away from the cliché of the successful man, who finds a girl who is socially not at the same level, like for example in Pretty Woman, but that this time it is a woman who plays the role of being the successful one. Very convincing and politically correct is also the situation at her workplace, were she gets her chance no matter if she is pregnant or not. She is good in her job and that is rewarded. Clean and nice movie for good entertainment.
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Ratatouille (2007)
Impressive animation, the story a Deja vu
8 September 2007
The animation is simply impressive. As far as I can judge, no detail was left out. It was simply perfect. Even without comparing it to other animation movies I think one can agree that this one is for sure among the top ones. However, when it comes to the story, there is really nothing original about it. In its essence, there are so many similarities with "The Perfume", another superlative movie in my eyes. OK, Grenouille was really not a rat, maybe in the metaphoric sense he was, but still a nobody who created the most fine perfumes ever, just using his extraordinary well developed nose. Same as here. But at the end... who cares... Not everybody has seen "The Perfume" so this will leave him or her the freedom to enjoy without the feeling of deja vu. The movie is very entertaining and funny. It's a movie for the whole family and to some extent also educational, which is not always the case. For sure worth buying the DVD.
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Authentic Bourne style... continued
2 September 2007
I was wondering if this third or fourth Bourne movie would be following the same sad and very disappointing path of "Die Hard". But it did not. The film brilliantly continues the saga from the beginning to the end, with a clear and well structured story, with some audacious stunts that however never end up in absolutely absurd evolutions. Bourne is a killer, very well trained in his job, but has also a human side, which he shows in a very natural way. No false morale, not pathetic, not hypocrites. He is authentic. And the film has exactly the right ingredients, not too much and not too less. And it leaves the spectator open to imagine a further film, where maybe our hero gets a little more closer to his female co-star. It was a pleasure to watch this movie, that shows that you can very well entertain without swear words, without sex, without pure and extreme violence. Well done...
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Transformers (2007)
Action and Fantasy pure
3 August 2007
For those who like this type of movie it is two hours of action and entertainment pure. It is some kind of Alien Vs. Predator not pretending anything different than what presented. Special effects are amazing, especially the transforming ones and the idea of the film is also not bad. The hiding of the transformers with eventual destruction of the garden is funny, but their stupid way of talking and behaving is so typical of a certain country in the world. Typical clichés are presented (cars, romantic sunrise etc.). However talking about live cars, the beetle was much more original. The way the protagonist gets to know her is not very convincing. They could have done something more creative. All in All this movie is typical American, some kind of fast food movie, no substance and a lot of artificial effects.
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3 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Those who like the saga of detective John McLaine being in the wrong place at the wrong moment may be disappointed as the movie does not really keep the promises because compared with the others it is far too exaggerated. Only John McLaine of course can drive a trailer the way he does and destroy an Fighter. And what about the fight with the Chinese girl. That hit the roof. Come on... he hits her full power frontally with an SUV and she survives without a scratch, also after being dragged through various walls and landing in an elevator shaft. Who is she wonder woman? Is she one of the Fantastic Four? And the bad guy is really not a bad guy. He is not convincing at all. Much better the bad guys of the other films. Also the Feds played a poor role. The story as such seems pretty realistic. These type of situations may happen as all is based on computer controlled technology. Unfortunately the story that the guy was angry is not a new one this year, with the difference that The Breach was much better. Disappointing is the current Hollywood wave of using Europeans as bad guys. OK a European group played also the bad guys in the other movies, but this starts to be annoying and shows only a certain attitude towards the rest of the world.
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Next (2007)
Two hours of entertainment althoguh...
1 August 2007
Personally I do not like the actor Mr.Cage, but I liked this movie. It is very entertaining and weird, with this continuous moving back and forth in time. You never really know if you are in the future or if the scene takes place in the present. Or if the film is the present and seeing two minutes ahead you decide to walk that path or to change it right before something happens to you. Interesting also, that she allows him to enhance his sight more into the future. The acting was OK, although anybody could have done any of the roles. Julianne Moore is not very convincing in her role and Jessica Biel has two lips, she better sues her esthetist. And any story would have done good. In this case a nuclear threat was chosen. But.. why would an international group do that? At the end they just light the bomb. So what? No explanation for that. But also the outcome of a scientific experiment, or something related to climate change could have been used. Does this movie pretend to scare citizens of California? Does this movie want to tell that also Europeans are the enemy?
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Bug (2006)
1 August 2007
Definitely not my kind of movie, because I left after the first scene of self injury, when Peter extracts one of his teeth. Until then it was anyway very boring to me. And the rest you can easily imagine. Probably an escalation in craziness that ends up in complete self-destruction or so. I have seen quite some movies without action, staged in one room, based on mere dialogue and deeply involving the spectator. This here is not that kind to me. A lot more could have done to involve the spectator. For example the loneliness situation suddenly filled by Peter, or even the mental state of Peter himself. The director could have put some shots out of the past of the two so that the spectator is guided and feels how they feel. All in all the acting was not bad. Ms. Judd did a great job and I probably went to see the film because of her. A film for those who like some pseudo conspiracy theories.
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Death Proof (2007)
Where is the story? Terrible movie
30 July 2007
This movie is absolutely and incredibly empty. The story? There is no story. Stuntmnan Mike, could have done any other job. He could have been a frustrated banker or a depressed clerk or whatever. Why is he driving around with black stunt cars killing people? Suicide thoughts? To get rid of his post traumatic stress disorders? Just for fun? No answer to that throughout the whole film. Why the scene in hospital after the first crash? No added value... What about the police officer... any investigation or so? Second group of girls are definitely overreacting.. I mean.. their reaction could have been justified if they wanted to revenge the first group, but so.... And what about the girl left with the car seller... nothing happened.. oh.. she was the argument to get the car for a free ride. And the Australian girl... first scared to death and then just making a laugh... And please... "It just so happens" better fits in the mouth of Mr. Carradyne, alias Bill, rather than in the empty head acting here and the ring tone of Kill Bill was so cheap a recall to a great movie. Maybe that's what people will remember about this one... Eventually the whole movie it was just pieces around nothing. Technically the movie was not bad actually.. Photography was great, the set also, acting... well naturally genuine, but nothing worth an Oscar...
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Premonition (I) (2007)
Sweet and touchy...
29 July 2007
The movie is classified as a thriller, and as the story goes on and develops I started thinking that all happening to Linda was some sort of plan to drive her crazy and allow him to live his love affair. But instead it was not that way. More than a thriller I would have considered it as a drama. Never boring, never exaggerating, never irrealistic or Hollywood like, which would have been the case if Jim would not have died at the end, but saved by her premonitions. Sandra Bullock is simply fantastic in this role. Actually the whole cast is perfect. A great movie that makes you think and that leaves you with something inside. If you love somebody, just let them know. Don't wait.
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Closure (2007)
What a flop
4 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is an absolute flop. Bad acting, bad soundtrack, bad story. The swear words are completely out of place, the undressed and intimate scenes are adding nothing to the movie. She is being raped, but you do not feel absolutely sorry for her. On the contrary the only guy who had one sexual relationship with her did it to protect his own daughter. So you end up feeling sorry for him. You simply do not feel any emotions. It's a flat movie. The beaten guy looses an eye. OK. That's bad. But he is such a jerk, a real idiot, so the fact that he stabs out the eye at the end of the movie is disgusting. The spectator is not involved, there is no increase in tension. What was the subject? She being raped? The family drama of the raper? of his daughter? of the friends? Was it a car show of Lexus? Where broken windscreens are automatically repaired over night (Tthat was cheap, laugh!!!) If the subject was revenge I hope the production did not want to compete with comparable movies like The Crow, or Charles Bronson's cult movie. This movie is brutal? Well, to paraphrase the trailer of Hostel II: Britons... they have no imagination
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Unexpectedly beautiful and interesting
7 January 2007
When I first saw the trailer, I thought of some weird, cruel and full of blood movie. I did not read the book, maybe I should have done so before, but anyway. The movie was a surprise, never boring and full of beauty and suspense. A great surprise. It was really worth seeing it. Great actors, everybody fit into the role they played. Finally, no sex, no swearwords and no explicit crude cruelties. The whole set looked very realistic and also the fine details transported the viewer in a world that he could very well feel. It is no surprise that the author of the book was reluctant to sell the rights to make a movie out of his masterpiece. To often screenplays cut out important parts of the book, just to fit in a two hours film. I there was some negative critics to this movie, it is completely unjustified, because it offers something really beautiful to the public, who at the end are the final addressees.
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What a romantic action - movie. A must!
7 August 2005
I have seen the movie this afternoon. Well, the story is completely flat. Ms. Jolie looks great although her siliconed lips..... There was missing a sentence like "this movie is sponsored by at least Tissot, Panasonic and Johnny Walker". Scenes like the cool shooting at the end have already been shown in The Matrix as well as the stunt drives on the highway. At least the police could show up sometimes to make it look realistic. It was not even at the level of Mission Impossible, from where the initial scene where Angelina climbs up the mountain was taken. Well, Tom Cruise did it before and the music was better. And of course Angelina sleeps with big ear rings and wakes up after a night of sex with a perfect make-up and perfect hairs. And how pathetic the whole marriage morale..... I found it also completely useless to tell that they had sex 10 times during the last week. Did this change anything or add something to the film? It was not even 2 hours of complete switching off watching a movie like James Bond, where you know that Mr. Bond always jumps out of a submarine at 200 meters depht and steps on a boat perfectly dry in his smoking with a bottle of champagne. It was a movie that pretended to be but wasn't. Probably people go watching it cause of Ms. Jolie and Mr. Pitt. Well they could have done something more in line with their careers, especially Mr.Pitt who did some really appreciable works.
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