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Closure (2007)
this is not a Straw Dogs
17 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Straightheads 2007

Gillian Anderson gives an excellent performance. Her emotions, following the brutal ordeal of her character, are too realistic for comfort. You are compelled to feel revulsion at her plight, and can understand her cry for revenge.

The effects on the couple's relationships, and how they individually perceive revenge is a strong part of the storyline, as is how they both deal with the realisation that 'Revenge is sweet'.

Danny Dyer portrays his character fairly effectively and the mood change towards the end is quite effective, but Gillian Anderson outshines him.

Anthony Calf, who plays the instigator of the brutal rape, puts in a good performance and when he explains to his victim why he felt forced to do what he did, you could almost, but not quite, feel sorry for him.

The Director, Dan Reed, is no stranger to awards for his work. But, these have been for current affairs and social and political documentaries. This thriller is completely different, and appears to be out of his comfort zone. Much more could have been done to enhance the experience that the film could have given.

The advertising says this is 'Straw Dogs' for the next generation. But regretfully this film comes nowhere near Straw Dogs.


September 2007
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This story starts at the end
10 September 2007
This story starts at the end ! So the film's opening credits advise us. Unfortunately that's not true as we then are treated to around 70 minutes of a typical B science fiction movie of the 1950's. The story is dreary; the plot is very weak and has clearly been filmed on a low budget, as was often the case in those days.

The story could have covered any situation where people are taking refuge in an isolated house and being threatened by someone outside. it just happened to be adapted to fit round a sci-fi story.

The scenery consisted of a few rocks, bushes, and smoke. - Oh yes there was a pool of water as well. Someone wore a rubber mask with a beak like face and what looked like feathers.

Written by Lou Rusoff, who penned several sci-fi stories around that time including The She Creature and It Conquered The World The filming was completed in a matter of days, not allowing the actors time to develop their characters to better advantage. The low budget restraints also prevented this film reaching its potential. It could have been a much better film than it turned out to be.

Mike Connors and Richard Denning brought some life to the film, but even they could not lift this film into the category where you could say- 'I enjoyed that film' Richard Denning's acting career began in 1937. He starred with Gregory Peck and Deborah Kerr in An Affair to Remember and later became more well known on television in the series Hawaii Five-O and The Flying Doctor series.

Directed by Roger Corman who has many films to his credit both as a director and producer. He has made some good films and is still making them. He became very well known for his direction of films from the stories of Edgar Allan Poe, often starring Vincent Price. He also made other low budget films; some were good and entertaining for one reason or another, and most were much better than this.

I would not recommend this film to anyone.


10th September 2007
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Thirst (1979)
Fangs ain't what they used to be
9 September 2007
A modern, clinical approach to a vampire tale with a group of experts trying to ensure that a young woman willingly joins a vampire cult.

By controlling her environment, playing psychological tricks and mind games on the unfortunate girl they hope that they will have succeeded in their task before her boyfriend returns home and finds her missing.

There are those who will stop at nothing until she succumbs, regardless of the detriment to her state of mind, and those who are determined that she will embrace their lifestyle without coming to any mental harm.

There are numbers of anaemic looking people wandering about, looking decidedly lethargic and boring, which the story was in danger of doing also. The plot, however, does have a number of twists and turns to keep you guessing until the final outcome. . Directed by Rod Hardy who has many film and TV series to his credit, including Battlestar Galactica, The X Files and JAG, to name a few. He uses his talent to good effect, but is helped by David Hemmings, whose acting ability lifted the film from what could otherwise have been a dreary outing.

The majority of cast in this Australian film have been more familiar with appearing in a variety of TV series, and the outing onto the big screen was perhaps as much as an experience for them, as watching the film was to me.

If your idea of a vampire movie is one with bats, capes, crucifixes and coffins, then this is not for you. But, it is still worth a look.


9th September 2007
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The Unholy (1988)
priest v evil 1988 style
6 September 2007
The Unholy (1988)

Released in 1988, The Unholy is a cut above the average good v evil story. Indeed there has been other less entertaining films that have gone down the same road.

Directed by Camilo Vila, not really a well known name as directors go, who doesn't do too bad a job. The experienced actors, bringing their skills to this film, no doubt help to achieve this.

Ned Beatty- a well know supporting actor- who appeared in such films as Deliverance and Superman. Ben Cross- in many films and TV episodes. Hal Holbrook – a winner of 4 Emmy awards. Trevor Howard. Well remembered for his performance in Brief Encounter, had a small part in this film, which sadly, was his last. He died in January 1988

The film follows the well-used format of a Priest fighting evil which manifests in his church. The church establishment, as usual, tries to hush up the whole affair.

A well used format, but with this film it works a little better than some others. The priest's initial scepticism is gradually eroded as he realises that evil does exist in a tangible form. It is not just in people's thoughts, including his own, which he struggles to overcome. The final scenes, however, are not helped by the manifestation of the evil force in its true form.

But we have to remember this was 1988. CGI was not the order of the day. So the film's shortcomings must be seen in that context.

Thanks to the British Censor releasing the film uncut for its video/DVD release in 2001, we are able to view the film as originally made To protect us 10 seconds had been removed from the original cinema release in 1988, although their records do not indicate which 10 seconds. If you give this film an airing, which I thoroughly recommend, perhaps you will guess.


7th September 2007
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Them (2006)
A really frightening horror story- do not miss it
6 September 2007
THEM - 2006 (aka ILS)

'Them' is a first for both David Moreau and Xavier Palud jointly in the Directors chair. Mr. Moreau having directed one earlier film 'Back to Saint-Tropez' in 2003

Not only did they co-direct this exceptional film, they also wrote the story. If their future endeavours are as good as this we will be seeing a lot more of them, and I am therefore looking forward to their offering of THE EYE ,which is currently in post production and is a remake of the 2002 Hong Kong film 'Jian Gui' (The Eye)

This French language film is superb, with excellent direction and effective use of the camera and lighting. The leading actors, OLIVIA BONAMY and MICHAEL COHEN are well suited to their roles and play their parts convincingly.

The film holds your attention throughout, right from the nerve jangling opening sequence until the horrific ending. The tension mounts as the film progresses and never lets up on the shocks, with the revelation of what is responsible for the horrors inflicted upon the hapless couple coming as a body blow to the senses. This is not a slasher movie or full of blood and gore, but none the less the terror is real and frightening. Refreshingly the British Board of Film Censors did not make any cuts to the film in awarding it a certificate, and it can be seen in the UK in full.

For those of you who are easily scared, consider watching this film with a friend, rather than hide your face in a cushion- but do watch it.


6th September 2007
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