
2 Reviews
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Samaritan (I) (2022)
Stallone is all heart, but the movie was lame
28 August 2022
I love Stallone. He's my hero really. And I love how he puts his heart and soul into any movie he commits to. The Samaritin is a decent movie, but with no hero/villian devopment at all it's hard to make the mental jump. There just isn't enough laid down in the back story for you to really care about any of the characters. It's not a bad movie idea, and plays into an older Stallone pretty well, but its just not excuted well at all.

Everything seemed rushed and unppaslable. The kid was okay, looked a bit like a young river Phenoix but without the acting chops.

The Villian was a Bane from "The dark Knight rises" wannabe.. This is an entertaining and decent film, with Sly giving great one line advice and good action scenes. But ultimately, it's nothing new and a bit awkward.

6 out of ten.
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If you don't giggle a LOT during this then give up!
23 November 2021
I went into this Movie with mid, to reasonable expectations. I'm a Ghostbusters fan, a big one. However, I've always felt that there was a little too much praise for Ghostbusters 2, and even in small parts Ghostbusters 1, (very small parts , to do with story progression, but still 10/10 BTW!) Not gonna reference 2016 ha!

Afterlife, seeing the very first clip of it years ago , just the back door of ecto 1 in the barn had me excited.

And then more trailers and more excitement! And then another trailer and MORE excitement!!!!

And then!!! Covid....ugh, and an 18th month delay.

It had previously occurred to me that this new addition to the franchise was maybe a little rushed in the making. I mean from the first conception to first full trailer was barely a year, and I thought to myself "I really hope they use this downtime to really fine tune things" get it right.. Look, I need not had worried. a JOY.

It really is, I mean look, it ain't gonna win any Oscars, and it's everything we've kinda seen before in some form, but it's "HOW" it's done. We've all had a pepperoni pizza, but the difference from a 3rd generation authentic New York pizza is vastly superior to a slice on the side of a corner shop take out.

Afterlife is so full of heart that you just have to smile, like, no ifs or buts, you gotta smile!

The Characters, although not perfect, (the kids can be slightly annoying in their comic relief) but in general are spot on and funny. Pheopbe is fantastic, steals the show and carries large parts of the movie, which speaks volumes for her talent and the casting.

Paul Rudd is very engaging and better than I expected even though I'm already a fan. The other supporting cast all knit in seamlessly.

"The guys" I don't wanna give any spoilers away, so I'll just say that it felt RIGHT. It was time :)

The story is engrossing and moves along nicely and the jokes are sometimes genuinely laugh out loud. "The wink got me" lol The special effects are very extremely good and the action sequences are sometimes spectacular.

I could go on and on about various stuff, but, really, by the end of the movie there is a sense of real completion of a story, and a huge, massive (for this Irish lad) feel of emotions that linger on long after leaving the cinema.

I left the Cinema on a high, and on 2nd viewing, even higher.

It's a crazy World out there at the minute guys, This Movie shows a piece of what we are all fighting and living for,..... the joy in life.

Ghostbusters afterlife may be a love letter to the original Ghostbusters, but its a beautiful one.
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