
465 Reviews
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I haven't seen
20 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Every episode of this. It's more of a background show for me.

But...since 7 is last season.... I'm catching up on season 6 so I can finish it off.

I haven't seen an episode in over a year.

Wow. I either forgot or didn't realize how boring this show is.

Almost fell asleep last episode. Seinfeld has nothing on this show being about nothing. My goodness.

This one...not as boring but still rough.

Some funny stuff from I think the grandmother....and will sasso popping up wa a a pleasant surprise.

What else. Ummm....really only memorable thing was sasso...and I hope there's more sasso and lance barber interaction. That was the highlight of the episode.
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The Daily Show: David E. Sanger (2024)
Season 29, Episode 33
If you need help sleeping...
20 April 2024
This is the episode for you.

Opening was good great grand........until the 3 correspondents unnecessarily popped up.

Boy oh boy. Desi .. Ronnie...and some other guy. Don't know his name.

They truly are no good.

I was spoiled with Colbert carrell Vance DeGeneres Jason Jones sam bee John Oliver John hodgman cenac cordry helms Lewis black Wilmore madrigal aasif riggle etc etc ...and these others just can't hang.

Jordan klepper was a holdover of Stewart....stayed for the forgettable unwatchable Trevor Noah years and is the only real tolerable one other than Roy wood.

So they ruined the 1st part. There are only 2 segments. Long ago it was 3 segments I beliege. Not sure when it went to 2.

The interview ...was a snooze fest.

Not sure how much of it had to do with it being boring...or my being sleepy...or if it's boredom was the main culprit or my sleepiness was the main culprit...or a combo.
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Ehh episode
20 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Opening monologue was fine. Nothing tremendously great or bad. Was fine.

Then the interview with Jillian Michaels.

I'm aware she was a thing 10/20 years ago on tv...biggest loser.

She sort of went my radar at least.

Maher has her on his random.

She was too much. More annoying than anything.

So when she popped up here...same thing.

Her voice. Her delivery. It is pretty similar to that lady in green that gave the response to bidena SOTU. Something Britt maybe.


She definitely didn't help bring the episode up.

Meachem had some good stuff.

I'll have to rewatch his parts again.

Maher did some stuff on kids that was pretty good too. I'll go back and check that out again too.

I could have gone a generous 7 on this....but 6 is fine.
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American Rust: The Mill (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
I know absolutely
7 April 2024
Nothing about this show. I'm still upset I didn't get more Newsroom, so any Jeff Daniels, Ill take it.

But I gotta put up with Maura Tierney. I liked her...she was fine on News Radio. Other than that...mmmmmm.

This episode is borrrr-ing.

I don't know the writer or director....don't know anything else other than the 2 or 3 sentence info on prime video.

Good scene at minute 43...with Jeff Daniels Jeff Daniels-ing, which is really all I want.

I don't need plots...or stories...just details I'll forget anyway.

So, this episode is wrapping up.

Hopefully it will get going but this was a long 60 minutes.

20 total episodes. Let's see how they go, and if the pacing gets any better.

Rate this episode?

10 9 8 7 6 5... 3 or 4. It's boring and drags.

4 gets my point that's fine.
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Boy Meets World: The Uninvited (1994)
Season 2, Episode 5
A rare 7 from me...and I do apologize for the length.
29 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I've been rewatching BMW, and it's not very good.

The memories of it...and what age I was when I initially watched it...and the humor that appealed to me, has changed a lot.

I look back at this fondly, but actually watching the episodes...boy oh boy.

It was fine...for what it was...when it was made etc...but it isn't objectively very good For middle/high schoolers going through some of the things, it's ok...but even back then, there was a whole reality it wasn't addressing.

I won't fault it for that...or the many other things that it could be faults for...the acting, the plots, the inconsistency from characters...forget episode to episode, but even scene to scene sometimes.

It's just sloppy.

It's fine. It isn't that big a deal. I do have fond memories...but 8 9 or 10 rating is pretty much out of the question. At its peak it will be a 7...with a lot of 6's and way more 5 and unders...for just being boring.

Usually I have to decide if one scene...or really one line of dialogue is uneoigh to pull it from a 4 or 5 to a 6 or 7.

Most of the time, no.

That's a great line in a mediocre or bad episode.

So...this episode is plugging along.

Fine. Nothing hysterical...nothing too terribly cringe worthy. It is funny to be the same age as the parents yet still identifying with Corey since we are the same age....were when the show was being made.

So...Allen is old at 40. Ha. not cool.

Shawn...initially wants to know why he wasn't invited...then forgets it and going to class. Bc Shawn wants to go to class. Ok. Then later in the episode...Shawn plays coy about cool, geek etc. Just sloppy to have Shawn have different reactions beginning and ending. It's fine...just could have been better..but hey....just churn out another episode so we can start working on the next episode.

But..I thought this scene was excellent...and really is good to show what kids feel and go through... And what type of relationship shawn and Cory have (even if through the series...the times and reasons these two get into lovers quarrels about the dumbest things strains credibility..but I digest)

Corey goes to chubbies... Don't worry about me, Shawn. I'm just leaving.

Why? I got an order of chili cheese fries. Extra gravy.

No, you're too busy with those other guys.

What other guys?

The other thousand guys at your table.

So they'll make room.

Love that. Shawn being oblivious. Those aren't his lifelong friends. Those are just background players.

It continues.

Cory, what are you talking about?

I'm the worst kind of geek. I'm a geek who didn't know he was a geek.



Do I hang out with geeks?

No. That's why I'm leaving.

Come on. You're my best friend, man. You just gotta loosen up.

You don't think I'm a geek?

Of course not.

You think I'm cool?

Of course not.

Then what am I?

You're Cory. I'm Shawn. Just like it's always been. What else do you need to know?

As I watched this was humming along...then this scene.

So so so good. I can feel the geeks in the writers room writing that dialogue. Geek who doesn't know they're a geek. That's some real life stuff right there.

Shawn's just gotta loosen up.

A geek who's over concerned with stuff....that's just what they need to here. Just loosen up. Shawn....naturally loosened up. Corey...naturally clenched ( randomly and sporadically through the series of course. Consistency. Ehhh)

And to finish the scene off... You're trying to teach me how to be cool.


You're trying to show me that it doesn't matter where you go because if you're truly cool, wherever you go is the cool place to be. Right?



Shut up.

A very cool thing to say. if you didn't get it already...Corey trying to overanalyze and figure out and identify the cool vs uncool thing. That in itself is uncool...which Shawn has to say...stoppppp. Just shut up.

Sometimes...the more you try to do or be x....the less you are and harder it is.

There was more to this and deeper they could have gotten....but I'm sure the writers pulled the reigns back. This is about a 7th grader for 7th graders. Let's not go too deep.

So...that scene I thought was very deep...very true ..very well done...and a high point this far of the show.

I did rewatch everything....and this show did attempt to so heartfelt and crazy over the top ..feeny...fe he he he went. It was a ride...and for the most part, I just went along with it. Did it always make sense. No. Was it always good. No.

Was it always funny. No.

But .. I'll recognize and point out the bright spots when I see them. And this was one.

Now...if I watch this episode later on...I may wonder...after minute 5 10 15...why did I give this a 7. This seems like just another 5er. Maybe a 6er.

It is the tail end.

And it isn't like it's monumentous or anything. It is subtlely powerful.
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Ummm what.
28 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So. Absurd this episode has one review.

This episode is absolutely amazing.

Introduction of both ponderosas.... Mac railing against gay marriage by referencing the Bible...the miller high life commercial guy, may he rest in peace.

Brittany Daniel reprising her role sans penis.... Dead tooth...Charlie and Frank getting gay married for health benefits????

This was what made it's always sunny, it's always sunny.

Amazing dialogue, excellent execution, fantastic absurd plots.

I forgot how good this show was in its hey day.

Funny is funny...and this is freaking hysterical.

And the fact that rob mcilhenney was raised by two women....just adds another layer of awesomeness to this.

And this was the fun mac gay or is he not...or what the hell is he.

I don't throw 8 9 or 10's out there willy nilly. ..and I ranked this a few years ago.

As I rewatched it, and loved every minute, I had to run to IMDb to see what rating I gave it.

I was very relieved to have given it a 9...bc yeah. It's that good.
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Frasier: The Dog That Rocks the Cradle (1999)
Season 7, Episode 5
Roz ruins another episode
25 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I have almost all of season 6 and 7 episodes rated.

This was one that I hadn't rated.

It definitely wasn't 8 9 or 10... and it was really whether this should be 5 6 or 7.

I like bulldog...but roz is the worst part of most shows.

She is top 10 worst characters on shows I watch.

The character, the voice, the opinions etc etc. Just awful.

So I rate this episode based on Roz's awfulness ..or remove roz from my ranking determinations..since I skip over any scenes with her.

I don't want to...but she ruins scenes and ruins episodes.

So . Couple of good scenes in this, but overall ..hmmm my 7's are easily rewatchable..and 6's are not good, but not bad enough to NOT rewatch. So this a 6?

That would be fine.

Best scene was Frasier calling for a restaurant reservation while niles calls for cemetery reservations.

Pretty unforgettable other than that.

Inverse relationship. More roz, lower rating.

Less roz, POTENTIAL for higher rating.
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Frasier: Ham Radio (1997)
Season 4, Episode 18
Boring and
15 March 2024
Completely overrated.

Definitely not a 10 9 or 8.

For me this isn't even a 7 or 6.

I have no desire to ever watch this episode again.

The idea is great...but execution is poor.

Of course...I think this is bc where Frasier gets and goes in later seasons is WAY better and wittier and smarter than an episode like this.




Noel...fine. dreadful as always.

Daphne and Martin have very little in this episode, which is completely fine. Not necessary for everyone to be in every episode every time.

Not much else to say about this. Not only is and does Frasier get better than this, but other shows I've given 8 9 or 10 to are better than this.

This isn't one of the best Frasier episodes and definitely not one of the better episodes of any and all other comedy sitcoms.

This is a filler episode. Nothing memorable. Not an episode that would make someone truly enjoy the show. Mediocre at best.

Oh...and roz is terrible. That bears repeating.
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Boy Meets World: Wrong Side of the Tracks (1995)
Season 2, Episode 19
28 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm rewatching BMW...doing my best to rate every episode.

I do like when Eric gets more goofy...but maybe he gets TOO goofy.

So, season ok. Very mediocre episodes so far.

I'm stingy with my 8's 9's and 10's.

7 are very solid episodes, and 6 are...fine enough to watch again if they pop up.

Anything 5 and under...pass.

This one is a 4.

Few things bad with this.

A different Harley Kiner actor??????

And.. This may not be the first episode he does this ..but I forgot about how much a whiny baby Shawn can be.

I don't know why the show went this direction so often...and why they couldn't have gotten to the same point from a different direction.

Whenever Shawn is like this, it's annoying bc it's so irrational.

And....the episode before, Shawn is helping his uncle repair the bike and gets the price knocked down.

An episode later and he's even considering doing this? Weak sauce.

Addendum: I do feel, that a GREAT opportunity was missed with this episode/scene.

Mr Turner could have highlighted the fact, that without a great friend...when life presents you with those few key moments that will decide the fate of your life...and a decision has to be want and need a Corey Matthews there to help you make the positive right decision and not the negative wrong decision.

Shawn's life can go this way...or that way...and it will come down to the decisions and choices he makes. You'll need a Corey to make sure you make the right decisions and choices that will make your life.

I can't even remember what low hanging, shallow point they made. Had an opportunity to teach an impactful memorable lesson....swing and a miss.
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The Daily Show: Cord Jefferson (2024)
Season 29, Episode 4
21 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I threw the towel in on the daily show a year after Trevor Noah.

I kept waiting for him to improve.

He never did.

He continued doing it rather poorly...but for some reason, some % thought he did it well.

No. Batting 300 may get you into the Hall of Fame in baseball...but in comedy, 30% success rate...probably more like 20% means I gotta put up with a lot of non funny. Not worth the investment.

I followed jon Stewart to his apple tv show...and he'd pop up on Colbert here and there.

I enjoy seeing him back, even though I am not on board with everything...and the parts of his apple show where he talked to the young folks on his team about this that and the other...that wasn't for me. Just give me the interviews or talking right at me.

Klepper... best by far. Liked the Opposition. Happy he stayed connected to daily show with his remotes...and post Trevor, he's one host ill tune in to.

So...what made me write this review... 2 thangs.

Desi. Desi is probably the best of everyone else. Roy Wood Jr is desi and he are probably on equal footing....but the more I see of desi, the less I like.

She leaves me wanting less. if her bit wasn't enough...this one I've never heard of...grace kuhlen or whatever...the one who did the Valentine and presidents...bad on content and delivery.

I'm not writing her off yet. Sam bee took a while to warm up to but I really enjoyed her time on the DS. Full frontal left more to be desired, but I tuned in.

I'll probably finish off watching the klepper week ..not sure I can take 3 days or whatever of desi running the desk.

But hey ...I'll tune in for Monday john....and that increases odds I'll give a host a shot next few days.

I liked some of the guest hosts in 2023....but not enough to start watching the daily show again.

Jon brought me back...guest hosts and correspondents better take advantage of the additional eyeballs Jon's return is resulting in.

I'll have to check if there's been any lingering uptick on the Tues thru Thursday shows following Monday Jon. I assume Jon's episodes resulted in more viewers??????????
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I have no rating for the episode
18 February 2024
It was a boring episode overall.

1st guest. Eh. No clue. Nothing that drew me in. Best part was how short it was.

Ann Coulter. Ha. Last time I heard from her she was getting roasted on comedy central.

Van Jones... he's so inconsequential.

He'll make a good point here and there, but he needs to work on his persuasive delivery cuz it ain't good.

It was interesting to see Coulter and Maher and Jones go back and forth...and Bill had trouble getting a word in here and there.

I had given up hope for the show...but the new rules bit was very good.

I need to go watch it again.

Lot of good stuff in it.

It has been a while since it was a mediocre show but a good new rules.
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Anyone who asks me
11 February 2024
Hey...I see Kevin James has a new special. Have you seen it... should I check it out.

Uhh..I did, so you don't have to.

I love the King of Queens.

I have listened/watched his "Sweat the Small Stuff" comedy Central special 10 times...maybe more.

Love some of his bits and material from that...even the ones that were better stand up material than lines he forces into episodes of KOQ.

He has probably 12 or so solid premises, bits, lines in that special.

This .. My goodness gracious.

This is rough.

Material and execution, both very very poor.

I think I smiled or silently chuckled or thought he made a good point maybe 3 or 4 times.

He came out dancing and moving for about a minute. Absolutely unnecessary.

I have this a 3.

Def not 10 9 8 7 6 5.

It was sub, I generously gave it a 3.

If this wasn't Kevin James...and I didn't already like him, but was a brand new guy. I'd be like...ok. Never need to see that guy again.

Do I like Kevin James? Yes.

Will I see his newer stuff? Eh. Maybe. Depends on what it is...depends the time commitment required.

My expectations? Well...I've seen his stuff the last 10 years, so it ain't a positive expectation.
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Bob Costas....WOW!
10 February 2024
I am not a huge fane of Costas.

He is good as a sportscaster.

Not even sure he still does it...but it's what he'll always be known for.

I don't want to say he's almost too good, but there's just something about him.

When I hear's this guy whos really good...don't have really anything specifically bad to say about him.... I just don't care for him.

Can't point to anything. It isn't what he isn't how he says it.

There's just something about him. It's nothing conscious. Something subconsciously maybe? I don't know.

I'll get back to costas.

I've heard of Coleman Hughes. I don't agree or disagree with him completely...and if I listened to more of him, maybe I'd agree or be net positive on him. But knee jerk...don't care for him. Up to this point, I'm really not too terribly interested in his point. Was very surprised how maher had nothing to say back to him. There was no friction. Seems like Coleman could have said absolutely anything that he wanted and maher would have been fine with it.

That's ok. Maher does that sometimes. But here, I was expecting some back and forth.

The lady. I think she's been on before. Flat. She comes across like a boring old friend of my mom's...or a grammar school teacher. Very low hanging duh. Nothing provocative...nothing I haven't thought of before myself...and nothing memorable as far as a rousing speech

Maher...very little this episode.

Usually if maher isn't providing or mixing it up, the show ia kinda flat. Every now and again, Maher is on the sideline as 2 or 3 guests get into it ( will they ever do 3 guests...or add that 4th towards the end again...or did COVID end that? I feel they've done 3 a handful of times....but seems to be just 2 95% of the time...until overtime. Sometimes 3/4 was too much...and just 2 guests was an extreme rarity before.

Sometimes 2 is enough...sometimes I wish there was a 3rd. Depends on who ..and the topics.

I did used to dislike how few time each guest got when there were 3 or 4..and Bill were trying to get their points in). rating usually hinges upon Maher.

His opening...his interview...his moderation then his new rules. This one...Maher was pretty flat. Scale of 1 to 10...a 5 or 6. Not bad, but not memorable. Instantly forgettable for the most part.

Back Costas.

Wow wow wow wow wow.

He gave it to trump and maga...and how Biden is gonna/may be a problem.

I won't go over what he said...but I jotted down the times that he was rolling.

Minutes... 22 to 24 28 29 39 to 40 42:30 44 45:30 These are rough approximations depending on what/how you are watching it. But rough times.

And...these may not only be be other things I liked...but I think it's all BC.
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The King of Queens: Ticker Treat (2001)
Season 4, Episode 6
Absolutely fabulous episode
6 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Every holiday, I do like to watch the holiday episode of sitcoms I like.

For Halloween ..some good Home Improvement, a good Monk, Everybody Loves Raymond has some good ones. Community does it well too.

This episode of King of Queens is just so rewatch able to me.

There are a handful of KOQ episodes that I can just watch over and over again...and they haven't yet gotten old.

This is definitely one of them.

It's just the little Kevin James-isms and Jerry Stiller-isms.

They both deliver lines like no one else would think to...and have inflections that just make me giggle.

I rated this an 8.

It isn't a perfect episode, so it isn't 9 or 10 Territory.

But extremely enjoyable, re watchable episode of KOQ.

Fun size Kit-Kats.... ALSO FORBIDDEN!


Guy.... I already Z'd out the register

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Everybody Loves Raymond: Be Nice (1999)
Season 3, Episode 23
Currently my least favorite-most disliked episode
9 January 2024
There was nothing good about this episode. I don't think I laughed once.

And...I realized why I was never a huge fan of this show.

I like it. It's fine. It definitely has some highs and memorable things.

But it is not an easy watch.

I remember saying that it struck way too close to home to be funny.

I lived certain parts of this, so I didn't find a lot of things funny. They were real to me, and I did not see the humor.

I also watched this when I was younger, before I was an adult, so I didn't know what adulthood was, so a lot of things I got and understood, but not from experience. Watching it now again, 20 or so years later, lot of stuff hits me differently.

A lot the same way.

However...if I have to choose between this and King of Queens, I'm going King of Queens.

This isn't an easy to watch show. And the main culprit is Debra.

There are so many things she does...and so many ways that she gets mad at Ray, that just bug me.

I don't find it funny...I find it annoying that Debra has an issue with xyz.

And this episodes really highlights that.

Handful of episodes this season, more than 1 and 2. I'm not sure if/how much worse it gets as the seasons roll on.

But this season...episode before she wants a job. No problem, but eh.

And a few things going back...but the Super Bowl episode was I think the one that really started my focusing on it.

I knew that I had issues with Debra, but in seasons 1 and 2, it hadn't come up that much, if at all.

But season 3, it really came in.

So...I tend to be able to watch almost all episodes of shows I like...unless they are completely bad...or the negatives outweigh the positives or neutrals.

I'll rewatch anything 6 and above, so I'm good with binging.

I have already done a handful of 5's and under through 3 seasons. There are episodes that even on reruns, I don't want to watch at all.

It took many many many episodes of It's Always Sunny, and Arrested Development before I got to any that I didn't rate at least a 6.

Some early Seinfeld episodes aren't that good. But they aren't good like ELR episodes aren't good.

They're more boring and unfunny. Certain ELR episodes...I ain't laughing, and I'm disliking the Debra character. I won't write off Debra completely. But when she's 'off', she's pretty unbearable. She is 'off' this episode.
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Brockmire: Placed on Waivers (2019)
Season 3, Episode 6
A detour from where it's been last few episodes
2 January 2024
So.... Season 1 was fine.... Season 2 started off slow first 2 episodes, then went on a great roll.

And Season 3 started off absolutely excellently with zinger line after zinger line.

I was looking forward to more episodes.

The worst part has been and is/was Tyrel Jackson Williams.

I assume he never got any acting lessons, and his over reactions became truly unignorable. It was a bad distraction from Brockmire's excellent nonsense.

Then this Tawny Newsome's terrible acting shown through.

I thought she had been ok enough, but this Really highlighted her shortcomings.

I haven't been eating these episodes, but the last 7 or so episodes will be 7's or higher ..but this one...tracking about a 3.

If the episodes aren't about Brockmire, not too terribly interested.

Same thing with episodes of Barry. I'm there for Heder...and they want me to put up with these other actors and characters I have absolutely no interest in. Same thing happening here.
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The Morning Show: Ghost in the Machine (2023)
Season 3, Episode 2
This show........
28 December 2023
This show....... I.... I don't know how to say it.

I have to ping pong back and forth between this and episodes of Barry. These shows are not easy to watch, especially multiples back to back. Not binge worthy.

Watching these episodes feels like homework.

I watched seasons 1 and 2 maybe a year ago, and picking up season 3 now... the inability of jennifer Aniston's mouth to move completely is so distracting.

And so many other actors are absolutely terrible.

Nestor is good. Cruddup is good.

Duplass is fine.

But everyone unappealing.

This is like the newsroom but you don't care what happens to anyone.

I'm actually rooting against everyone on this show.
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Six Feet Under: Everyone's Waiting (2005)
Season 5, Episode 12
It's finally over
17 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
That was a long five seasons.

Started off mediocre...and stayed there with many trips DOWN and barely any ups.

I honestly can't believe that I stayed all 5 seasons....but it was on in the background as I did other things.

Didn't and happy I didn't give this series more attention than that.

3 and 4 were actual struggles to get through...and season 5 continued.

The 3rd to last episode with Nate's death was the best. Tears throughout. reading all these reviews and seeing how great the finale is.

10 minutes in. Nope.



40. Ugh....running out of runway here folks.

This is pretty much the same stuff we've been getting to 5 seasons.

So ..the final scene..was... fine. It was unique. And different. It wasn't good or amazing and anything to get that excited about. It was a choice...and they went that way. Ok.

And so ....less than mediocre episode that people give a 10...then a 5 minute scene with all future deaths ...and people get all excited about.

Jeezus. Not sure how recent these reviews are. Maybe 15 years ago is was something....before binging etc was truly a thing???

So...reality...this episode was a...3 4 ish. Not 10 9 8 7 6.

A 5 could be justified....but just to attempt to bring the rating back down to reality....since a whole lot of people gave this an undeserving 10....screw it. I'll hop on the band wagon of giving an absurd rating.

I give This a 1.

Does it deserve a 1? Absolutely not.

It also doesn't deserve the 10's it got either.

And definitely not a 9.9 avg. That's crazy and ludicrous and just shows how pointless IMDB ratings have always been.
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Modern Family: The Graduates (2017)
Season 8, Episode 22
I guess I should never say about any particular episode
5 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
.... THIS is the worst modern family episode... bc that would mean i remember all modern family episodes, and of all of them, THIS particular one is the worst one...and I don't know which one was actually the worst.

So...I'll have to say this is ONE OF the worst modern family.

I am tempted to give this a 1...even though i prefer to save those.

Let's see... luke buying a rolls royce. Stupid.

Claire driving rolls royce for some reason. What the hell is she doing???

You call that a tiger...then comes out of a ball pit??? Am i missing something?

I am watching the tv rerun, not dvd version...maybe a scene was edited out.

Joe...the more lines he has, the more likely a lower rating.

He truly is terrible.

The idea of getting phil to cry it out is a good idea.

Execution. Awful.

And manny being as insufferable as ever. It is partly the actor's fault... but the lines they feed god. I wonder if there were any blow ups on set...where the actors go...this is absolutely terrible. I'm not saying this.

You're ruining this character...and I'm going to get all the blame for it.

So...what's her name who plays what point did she start being a bad actress? I remember her younger days as Carol Vessey on Ed...and she was fine in Happy Gilmore...and then she started being Claire... and it seems that every season, she got worse and worse.

I guess whatever she was doing, was being rewarded with awards and money... and so she just kept turning up whatever the hell it was.

Her voice seems to get worse...and pay attention to her hand motions.

It isn't every episode or all the time...but she does some weird stuff with her hands.

Is there any positive of this episode???

I think Frank's wedding was one of the hardest to actually watch bc of Pameron. 1 2 3 is a little muddled. There are worse modern family episodes, that are hard to watch, but not quite like any one with pameron. Bad acting, nonsense plots, bad execution are one thing....and those are really hard to watch...but they are watchable. So...given that there has been worse acting...and worse plot points...and truly unwatchable episodes, i won't give this a 1. I'll give this a generous 3...and if I'm ever tempted to watch it again, i'll know to check IMDB and see why or why not.

I'll have to look back and see how many episodes of season 8 are actually watchable...and only watch those. Because the rest of this really just ruins the show. I think I've tried keeping the fun and good scenes in my head, and tried to completely push out all the other unwatchable terribleness.
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Modern Family: Frank's Wedding (2017)
Season 8, Episode 19
The only reason this didn't get 1 star is
5 November 2023
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Because of the idea of the Dunphy's dressing in 20's garb. It wasn't all great...ok, really only Phil's was good. Claire, Luke and the 2 girls...not good.

The Jay Gloria was ok-ish. More negative than positive, but not nearly the worst problem with this episode.

Of course Manny dancing and anything Joe did were absolutely horrendous.

I'm not sure if Lilly is in this episode at all. It doesn't matter. The older she gets, the less screen time and especially lines she should have.

But...whoever thought up the idea of Cam's sister...and then had the awful idea of bringing her back multiple times...shouldn't be allowed to do anything with television ever again.

Of course, Modern Family seemed to be wanting to make bad decisions the last few years, and this makes sense then.

I cannot watch this episode. It is painful to hear that woman's voice.

I love me some Fred Willard, especially working with Dunphy. But if I had to choose to either put up with Pameron in order to get some Willard and Phil...or not watch this episode at all...miss out on Willard and Phil doing ganster from the 20's...and also not have to endure Pameron... I'd choose the latter.

The Pameron character is right up there with worst characters since the back half of the Office and Andy Bernard...or...I can't think of another. This episode is a net miss.
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Modern Family: Pig Moon Rising (2017)
Season 8, Episode 17
It's getting harder to...get through an episode.
4 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So...I had rated this, but hadn't written a review. My original was a 6. I think it was that bc the show had gotten so bad, that this episode didn't have the absolute terribleness of Clare or Alex or Gloria or Joe or Luke.

So I must have been in a generous mood.

It starts off with annoying Phil...not fun, super excited Phil. I don't know how to describe it necessarily, it just sort of works or doesn't. This one didn't.

As I watched it, instead of my default 7 rating that can either go up or down, I try to not start with any default and just sort of let the episode take me/wind up where it's going to. From the cold open and first few minutes, this was trending a 3.

It really didn't budge much from there. I was even tempted to go a 1...however there are much much worse episodes of Modern Family, so I can't be whilly nilly giving out 1's 2's and 3's. I need to reserve them.

This episode wasn't good or funny by any stretch of the imagination...but it also wasn't bottom of the barrel.

Because the bar for Modern Family is so low... I rated this a 4. Under normal circumstances, it would have been lower, but the worse episodes actually pushed this up to make room for the truly awful and unwatchable.

The only reason I could see me giving this a 6, is bc at this point, watching it new/live, the show had gotten so bad, that relative to least I wasn't furrowing my brow as Gloria's annoyance was at 11...or Claire was being boss lady at work which is really her at her worst...or Joe garbling words...or Alex just being a pathetic person that elicits no sympathy...or Haley at her worst. She isn't even that hot, to be considered 'the hot one' and her personality and actions do not align. She can't get away with what she does.

Anyway...this was a terrible episode that it's only saving grace is it could have been worse. There's a feather in your cap.
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Modern Family: Basketball (2017)
Season 8, Episode 16
Wow. I usually reserve
4 November 2023
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1 star for truly terrible shows or amateur hour and not ready for primetime.

I had already decided when Phil was playing basketball like an absolute fool that this was a 3 star episode...then it cut back to Claire and Joe mande with the wood...and it was then that I had to do what I was forced to do with later Office, HIMYM, Family Guy, IAS episodes....give a 1 star to episodes of shows that are real, on actual networks.

This episode just got worse and worse the longer it went on.

Baby Joe is annoying doing annoying things. Not his fault this time. He did what a child would do when adults tell him to do something.

Jane K is her usual annoying self. I get ahead supposed to be annoying...but she's unlikeable and unwatchable. At least Rob Riggles Gil Thorpe is enjoyable.

Only positive is she gives Gloria grief, which she deserves much more of. At one point I think she was the highest paid actress ..maybe even during this season. Amazing how someone so terrible can get so much money.

Mitch and Cam were the best part of this, and Mitch's acting was horrendous.

Love me some Nathan Fillion and he was ok here...but Haley has been awful for a long time, and this episode highlights that.

I still have a few minutes left.... I think that was it. No Luke no Alex this episode??? Or maybe they were there but i was just so distracted by the other awfulness. Oh yeah, Luke was helping Phil with basketball. Maybe that was it.

This may be the low point of the series. I'm pretty sure there are more 1 star episodes in the next few seasons. I think I ended up throwing in the towel the last 2 seasons it became so unwatchable, so there may be episodes I haven't seen yet.

I reserve my 1's for things that can't possibly get any worse...and really, it could have been worse. I should give this a 2...but I'll keep the 1...leat I have any doubt whether I should watch this again or not.

I'll know if I gave it a 1...don't watch it again Though I may be tempted in the future to watch it again....asking bad could this have been? Was it really 1 star bad??????
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Modern Family: Promposal (2016)
Season 7, Episode 20
Caught a Halloween episode
30 October 2023
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Of Modern Family, and ended up watching some episodes again.

I was in the mood for some Pritchett Dunphy shenanigans.

This season is pretty bad.

And I rated this a 2. The good parts of Cam and Mitchell and fineness of Luke and Manny...was overshadowed by the horribleness that is CEO Claire.

It isn't necessarily the CEO story line that makes the character and actor painful to is most likely just coincidental.

But her voice...her acting...her isn't funny and is just hard to watch.

It did take up until the restaurant scene for me to realize why I gave this a 2...then I realized why.

And I'm not sure if it's 1 or 2 star decrease...but if my default start is a 7 and goes up or down from there...when the actor who plays joe has any speaking starts off a generous 6. That kid is terrible.
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Six Feet Under: Familia (2001)
Season 1, Episode 4
Still formulating my opinion
29 October 2023
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On this show. This is my first time through.

I know Krauss from Sports Night .. Hall from Dexter.

I know the mom as Barney's mom in HIMYM. And the daughter was in one of my favorite guilty pleasure movies Can't Hardly Wait.

This show was made pre Katrina, 2001 to 2005, so it is a bit dated, so I am taking that into consideration but not faulting it for that at all.

Krauss I like. And initially I liked his love interest.

It was this episode I started to not care for her.

Hall..this episode had good hints of Dexter rage, but wasn't quite natural yet. Felt a bit forced.

The daughter...I don't like the actress nor the character. May skip ahead whenever she's on screen.

And I didn't care for the mom when she was on HIMYM and I don't care for her here. I'm sure she plays the part right in this, just don't like her.

I rated episodes 1 to 3 a 6 star. They're fine. Could have been 5's...but 6 is fine. Nothing too memorable. A fine scene here and there.

This episode had some scenes I liked, but I had to weigh it againsty realization of who and what I'm liking and disliking about the show.

This episode has a few flares that went up that tinged it more negative than neutral/positive.

So weighing the positives of this episode vs the negatives...I couldn't do a 6 again...and 5 was too close to 6. Had to give it a 4. We'll see if the things that bothere get worse...stay where they are or reverse themselves.

And this is the problem with giving an episode an overall rating. I really liked Hall showing his anger in the diner, even if it wasn't his best. But I had to give the episode a 4 overall even with a good solid scene like that.

I write reviews like this so when I review it years later, I can do a little digging and get some more meat toy review than simply a numberbetween 1 and 10.
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Frasier: Sleeping with the Enemy (1995)
Season 3, Episode 6
Mercedes Ruehle is absolutely atrocious
16 October 2023
I enjoy rewatching episodes of Frasier...but with season 3 comes Mercedes Ruehle. Every show I like...that she is in, makes me dislike the episodes she's in.

She ruined an episode of Psych by popping up I had no idea she was Tom Hanks mom in Big. Nev r connected the 2, and never saw the mob movie she was in.

Anyway.. This episode other than her is fine. It's not bad enough to skip necessarily on a rewatch, but part of the Frasier gumbo that doesn't stand out. I guess it's there adding some flavor, but would be fine without it.

My 7 is a good rewatch able episode. This gets a generous 6. It's not bad...and the only memorable part of it is Mercedes...for negative reasons. This may get a 5 actually. I have a few more minutes to finish and depending on how much she drags it down, it may turn into a 5.
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