
16 Reviews
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You could argue that this film was an accomplishment of special effects in 1968. So What?
28 June 2010
Sure, the special effects of this movie were pretty good, even in the year 1968, but c'mon, what else is there to give it praise for? The movie was overlong, boring and made absolutely no sense. I didn't find myself caring for any of the characters, it was horribly directed by Stanley Kubrik and was a poor execution. Call me contemporary, but I like a film where there is a little dialogue, not a complete hour of total silence. I have lots of patience when it comes to film (I enjoyed Citizen Kane, Casablanca and There Will be Blood) but I found this film to be super overrated and shouldn't even be on IMDb's Top 250 List. The Even if they cut an hour, this movie would've and could've been way better. I also heard that Stanley Kubrik cut about 20-30 minutes to make the pacing faster. What pace? It took 2 and a half hours to tell an hour long story. I would sometimes fast forward and I would find that I missed nothing. You'll notice I didn't mention anything about the acting. That's because there was little acting. The only thing we see is actor's expression and small amount of dialogue. The only reason I gave this movie 3 stars is for the HAL storyline. That is the only interesting part of the film. And if you're going to give this film a 10 simply because it has great special effects, then give a 10 to Avatar and Star Wars (OK Star Wars may deserve it, but you get the idea). This film proves that special effects cannot save a film that has horrible directing and a painfully slow story. If any, this is a film that is only for hard core Sci-Fi buffs. Anyone else will be bored completely out of there heads without a fast forward button handy.
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Is it truly that bad?
4 May 2010
Furry Vengeance tells the story of animals that are trying to save their forest, by making Dan's life miserable. I have read some reviews about this movie and have this to say. It's a kids movie! Not Citizen Kane. Seriously though, I actually enjoyed this film. It had some genuinely funny moments in it, The Whak-a-Mole Gag, The Toilet gag, and had some great one liners. However, a few times, I found myself thinking, "All right. That's enough." The skunks were funny the first time, but not the fourth time. The senile lady didn't add that much either. But again, this is a kids movie. Kids I'm sure love this movie. The kids that were in my theater certainly did. I agree that this film is a mix between, "Home Alone" "Over the Hedge" and "Hoot" but it is not as bad as people make it out to be. Do you want my advice? If you can't stand any form of slapstick violence or cute little animals, then skip it. However, if you enjoy those kinds of films, maybe you should check out this film, or at the very least rent it when it comes out. Again, not the greatest film ever made, but it's not terrible!
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Igor (2008)
A fun film, but not in any way a masterpiece.
31 January 2010
After watching "Igor" I didn't know what to think. It seemed a little dark to be a children's film and delivery was late. However, after I gave it some thought, I realized I liked the film better than I first thought. This movie, while not brilliant, is actually kind of fun. This is one of the few attempts to make a children's dark comedy, probably because kids wouldn't understand the things played for comedy should never be done in real life. Take Scamper, for example. He is an immortal, who doesn't want to be immortal. So he tries to kill himself various times, but of course he doesn't dies. While funny on screen, it is not funny in real life. Don't get me wrong this movie can actually be funny and even at times clever. However, it lacked magic. There was nothing that made me wish there was more (except for maybe Scamper) and very little heart. Don't get me wrong, this is a good film, but don't expect "Citizen Kane". Expect a cheesy, dark, but sometimes funny animated film that unfortunately doesn't 100% satisfy.
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A breathtaking visual effects roller coaster.
31 January 2010
I went to see this film in IMAX 3-D with my family, and I must say I was amazed by the excellent visual effects in the film. It probably won't be awesome when it comes out on DVD, but I still think the visual effects will look amazing, even in your living room.

I was also impressed by the story. The story is almost 100% true to Dicken's original story, a rare delicacy in film. The thing about this movie, is that you can actually look into the characters and feel something inside you. When they're sad, you feel sad. When they're happy, you feel happy. I just felt a great connection with the characters, that I just can't feel when watching any other film. This is just an excellent film with even better visual effects.
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Planet 51 (2009)
Unimaginative, but a great way to kill 90 minutes.
31 January 2010
The story is actually really clever twist of something between E.T and ALF. A human trapped on an alien planet like he's the alien. It's a really clever idea, but the execution isn't perfected. There were so many ways this movie could've been better, like better jokes and less potty humor. That doesn't mean all the jokes fall flat. Some of them, actually work quite well. Unfortunately, the best ones have already been released via the trailer. This film is not just about comedy however. This film has a share of action sequences that kept me interested. I would like to say that this film offers nothing new, but gets some things all ready imagined, and kind of messes around with it a little. That's not necessarily a terrible thing, but I think this film overdid it. Animation is not at it's best here, but you could probably tell that just by watching the trailer. If you don't hype up your expectations, then this is a film you'll probably enjoy, or at the very least tolerate. Not memorable, but it's a great filler movie that can keep you interested and slightly entertained for no more than an hour and a half.
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A movie treat that fell out of the sky!
8 October 2009
When I first saw the trailer for this film, the first thing that came to my mind was, "A cute little flick for kids." While this may be true, when I saw it, it forced me to rethink my original thoughts. Clever puns, dialog, physical gags and great animation fill the silver screen. This is right up there as one of the best animated films this year, along with "Up" & "Coraline". This film also has as much action as it does humor, sure to please both action fans and people who love a good comedy. Once again, I'd like to point out how well the animation and special effects of this film were done. This film is Sony Animation Studios best film and I recommend you go see it, or at the very least wait for it to come on video. Just sit back, relax and enjoy.
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Gran Torino (2008)
An excellent modern day masterpiece
14 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Racism is no laughing matter. And this is one of the main issues that is dealt with in this movie. Clint Eastwood stars in this epic drama as a grumpy old man whose wife has just passed on. Since his wife is gone, he has no reason to continue going to church, so he stops going. He lives in a neighborhood where he is the only white man. He is racist and hates his neighbors. Meanwhile, his next door neighbors have trouble as Tao, tries to steal his beloved 1972 Gran Torino to impress a gang. Eventually by the end of the movie, Walt makes a noble act that surprised me.

SPOILER WARNING!!!!!! This next paragraph will contain the spoiler. This is your last warning! At the end of the movie, the gang kidnaps Sue, Tao's sister, rapes her and beats her up. Tao is desperate to kill the gang, but Walt locks him in the basement and states, "I've got blood on my hands. You don't want that. You've still got a long life ahead of you. The only thing worse than killing a person, is getting a medal for it." I couldn't agree more. Then he goes to the house without a gun and allows himself to be gunned down in public, so the boys would go to prison for murder.

This movie deals with hard issues like Racism, Rape, War, Death, Loss & Sacrifice. Clint Eastwood's epic masterpiece is sure to leave you moved. If this is Clint Eastwood's last acting role like he said, then this movie is a great movie for him to end on.
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Happy Feet (2006)
I just, didn't like it.
19 May 2009
I went to see this movie in 2006 during Christmas break. Now, the animation was great, but the plot line is awful. A penguin dancing? Then his love won't love him because he can't sing? To me that was disturbing. The film was also to violent and had to much other adult stuff for it to be acceptable for the age target. Surf's Up was much better, in my opinion. This movie wasn't meant to be funny, but I laughed so much, because this movie is so ridiculous and stupid. Surf's Up was meant to be funny (and it is). This on the other hand, was an unacceptable excuse for an animated children's movie. To me, Elijah Wood, Robin Williams and Steve Irwin couldn't save the show. To me, this movie is best just left alone.
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A 60 year old Indy is still as adventurous and fun as he was 19 years ago.
23 April 2009
I admit, whenever I first watched this movie, I didn't care much for the monkeys. I thought that part was far fetched. But other than that 1 scene, I thought this movie was great. Harrison Ford returns as the heroic Indiana Jones. And I can't see anybody else in the role. I know 70% of you are going to hate me for saying this, but-- I liked this movie better than the 3rd. There, I said it. And you read it correctly. This movie was in my opinion a fun roller coaster with action and comedy mixed with a great story. Personally I liked the ending (don't worry I won't spoil it) the "Nuke the Fridge" scene, and Shia LaBeouf as Mutt Williams. This movie lives up to the legacy of the first 3, even if this one is a little more outrageous.
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The best war movie and best movie ever.
5 April 2009
This is a Steven Speilburg masterpiece that will teach future generations what WWII was like. War is pure hell. And this is the strong message in this well deserved R rating. Even with the language filtered (which was my only disappointment) this movie is on the verge of the NC-17. Nobody wanted to see what war was like. But Steven Speilburg made them anyway. When I saw this movie, my view of war changed. I had no idea of all the deaths and pain our soldiers went through to make the US a better country to live in. Body parts flying everywhere, a man that had his face blown off, blood spraying in all directions, men trying finding their missing limbs and men lying in their own intestines. And that's just the first 30 minutes in the Omaha beach scene. Like I said, this is a strong and moving film that is not for the weak stomach or for people that don't want to know what war was really like. I dare you to watch this movie and not be moved by the strong story and captivating effects that is "Saving Private Ryan."
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Beetlejuice (1988)
A Comidical Horror Film (Need I say more?)
27 March 2009
Beetlejuice is a movie about a recently deceased couple who drowned in a nearby lake and have to stay in their house for 100 years. But another family moved in and they try to scare them off, with a little help from Beetlejuice (I don't know his real name so I used this one.). Now although this movie looks really fake, this is the whole point. This is a movie that its so fake that this horror film is actually funny. Although Michael Keaton appears for 20 minutes or so, he is what makes this movie so great. Alec Baldwin and Geena Davis shine as the recently dead Maitlands. This film has great acting and an excellent (if at some times silly) plot and story. Tim Burton has done it again with this movie. This is a great film that you might want to save for Halloween.
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A very funny film with a few bland jokes and a surprise ending.
13 February 2009
Now. while this movie had quite a bit of funny parts, there were some parts that were a little bland. Fortunately the bland jokes are kept to a minimum. I have no idea why this film is trashed, here, rotten tomatoes and Yahoo!, since this film is rather funny. This film is better than the first and some of the jokes are to funny to ignore. The ending will surprise you, unless you have a sharp memory like Inspector Clouseau. Steve Martin is absolutely hilarious as the famous and bumbling Inspector Jacques Clouseau. He is what makes the film funny and I can't picture any one else doing it justice. This film may be bland and stupid, but it's very entertaining.
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In Search of Dr. Seuss (1994 TV Movie)
You're NEVER to old for Dr. Seuss!
6 October 2007
This is a great biography movie. I learned a lot about Dr. Seuss watching this movie and still think this is a great movie. I like to watch it again & again. I would recommend it for kids aged 6 and up. Even adults might like this movie. This is probably the best TV movie ever. A reporter (Kathy Najimby, Sister Act) wants to find out more about Dr. Seuss so she goes to his house who finds a strange man who turns out the be the Cat in the Hat (Matt Frewer, Honey I shrunk the kids). Now the reporter is on for the ride of a lifetime learning about Dr. Seuss, reading some of his stories & singing some songs. Special Appearances by Robin Williams, Billy Crystal, Christopher Lloyd (Back to the Future), Howie Mandel (Later to be known as the Host of Deal or No Deal) & David Payner. This is a really great movie an I highly recommend it.
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I laughed, I cried, I Loved It.
19 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is really great and I loved it. I laughed when the Parrot usually spoke. The Parrot is the funniest character and I'm sure you will agree. This is a very good movie and I would recommend it for kids ages 5-12. If you like, Parrots, Buried Treasure, and the search of it you will enjoy this movie. With the voice of John Goodman as Mac. I'm telling this movie is great. I almost cried when Mac almost died of being burned to a crisp. I thought he was dead and then he lived through the explosion. Dramatic and funny. This is a very good movie and I hope you will or have enjoyed the movie. As I said, "I laughed, I cried, I Loved It." This movie will make you do all 3. Thanks for reading my comment.
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15 July 2005
It's about this kid who finds a golden ticket and goes into Willy Wonkas factory. It really funny. Weird but very funny. I think it was better than I expected. My sister didn't like it so well but I did and I think that it wasn't to bad. I remember because I just saw it today. In fact I just came back from the movie thethar to see that. The movie was delicious exactly like chocolate. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! Good! Ahh! Johnny Depp did a good job as Willy Wonka and so did Freddie Highmore being Charlie Bucket. They did a good job acting and almost everything that is from the book is in this movie. That was a good movie. Delisous.
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8 July 2005
I like this movie and I thought that this was the best Jim Varney movie yet I've seen. I liked this movie SO much that I asked for it for Christmas and watched it over and over and over again and yet I still like it. My favorite part is the tree house Court scene and when Carl escapes. I thought that both of those scenes were absolutely hilarious. Don't ask me how I got to be A Treehouse hostage fan. It's Jim Varney. I don't know how I got a Jim Varney fan I'm glad to be a fan of Jim Varney and all of his movies. I will still like this movie for a very long time and nothing will take that away from me. And I really mean that.
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