
12 Reviews
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Baby Reindeer (2024)
Don't misunderstand this, it's not a series about "a stalker"
17 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The show is quite shocking. For some it may be not, I understand not everybody has empathy, as some people haven't developed quite as far their empathetic skills. I say that because some people have watched it and they can't see past the stalker or realize how shocking everything that's in the series is.

I very rarely get shocked by any movie. Mostly because most movies out there at the end have a very unrealistic artistic value to them. Each minute that passes you feel like you're just watching a movie.

Well ... not here. I watch the series, and so many scenes are so awkward as they can be in real life. You rarely feel second-hand shame (cringe) in movies. And when you do, it means that both the acting is good, the script is very well played, and the direction is well done. The series feels real, and it is real. It's the real life story of the actor Richard Gadd who plays himself.

I'm writing this review and yet I haven't even watched the 6th episode yet. I'm already feeling Ive watched TOO much!

It's not like personally I've not done drugs, or haven't been in awkward situations. It's the exact opposite, that makes it the series feel so ... close to real life? So close that it feels like it's happening in front of you. As said, the scary part is that it doesn't feel like you're watching a film! It feels real ... and that's scary. Especially when you know for a fact that all these are the reality of the comedian himself who wrote the series.

And don't misunderstand me. It's not that it's just based in real life. Many films have, yet many of them don't feel real. As said, it's very well and honestly written and every scene feels entirely real and as awkward as it would feel in real life.

This is a series if you want to watch something that touches the ground of reality, and yet is shocking. But don't get overhyped, because overstimulation and oversaturation from hollywood movies can make somebody really insensitive to reality. Remember that this is reality, not a marvel movie.
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It's a "solid 7" bro-movie based on the history of Polish gangsters. Actors, director, music everything is tied together very nicely
27 November 2023
Do watch it, if you're interested in a bro-manship movie, on gangsters, on ethics and human values, on history. It will make you question a lot about the humans involved in this movie and how gray area some things can be and how despite the fact that the protagonist cared about human value, ethics etc he screwed himself up in an unethical business because of the need to feel adrenaline, or become somebody to someone else, the feel to feel important.

If I didn't have to value it among other movies I would put an 8-9, but there are many great movies and the enemy of the great is the greatest.

But this movie is definitely worth your time. I won't spoil anything, I feel you don't need to know much or else it will ruin your experience. I started watching it with the feeling of "are we romanticizing gangsters now? Really?", but it's not what this movie is about.

Watch it with remorse, empathy, value for everybody's lives inside even the ones killed. That way you'll get into the head of the protagonist and the writer(s) behind this movie, start understanding that it's not about romanticizing gangsters, but about humans as a whole, as a species. Try to see the bigger picture, and this movie will feel like an unpolished gem.
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After Life (2019–2022)
A genuine masterpiece from Ricky. No need for big budget to make a good series. It's enough to care for it.
8 August 2023
Honestly, it connected so much with me I couldn't stop crying.

While it was a comedy series, Life After really touched me emotionally in ways no series has succeeded.

It was beyond real.

The best comparison I could make with another show, it was like Bojack Horseman, but in non-animated series and touched me more tbh but Bojack is still a great diamond for everybody to see.

I salute Rickie Gervais for making this diamond real. It proves that great series are still being made from people who really care, while the hollywood industry is still milking Marvel and DC cows just out of pure greed without producing anything really valuable to the public. Just "watch this and lose 1-2 hours of your life".

But this, had multiple lessons to teach you throughout the whole series. That we're all people. That yes, everybody struggles even if they dont tell you they do. Nobody is special. We're all kind of the same but different but deeply we're all kind of the same and compassion should exist towards people and is to be bidirectional, not one way.

It makes you think of people you have never thought of before, or at least get in their perspective. Teaches you that they're are or at least used to be like you as well, and to share your compassion to them.

I'll be honest, last years have made me kind of a cynic. Despite me caring for people, I mainly got bitterness and carelessness back. I won't go hard inside my own experiences as that would make it less of a review, wouldn't it.

Point is, I have learned to care for myself first and uninstalling myself, was not ... "not" in my thoughts sometimes. But this series makes me at least give a chance to people who I might want to give a chance and a chance to myself to at least enjoy myself however I can.

Honestly, best series I've watched maybe for the entire time? Like, it's a series I will never forget. Like Bojack. It touched my heart my soul even though I don't believe in "souls" and such but you get the meaning, and the performance of all people inside was content to fabulous.
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Really underwhelming and absolutely no point in any story
20 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's like the director took a bad AI, told it to "generate a bunch of spooky Japanese stories", and generated a bunch of "spooky" stories where there is absolutely no "gotcha" moment or something to say to the viewer either morally or emotionally in any way and never ends with an explanation of anything that happened and neither anything really makes sense in most of the stories. Like ... for example


A mountain that attracts radiation better because it's higher even though the laboratory is deep underground the mountain and the radiation has to go through all that? How does that make sense? And why that specific mountain? And why it spawns undead? Like literally nothing makes sense and the author makes no effort to properly explain why any of that happens except of "its a high mountain thus attracts radiation". Sure, why the undead? Why does it attract radiation? Why anything happens here? What's the whole point of the story? It's not even scary or spooky. It's just an underwhelming story.


If I would use ChatGPT it would generate better stories and more meaningful stories than the ones in this series. And I'm serious. I've seen better stories from ChatGPT.
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The Sea Beast (2022)
Story with ethics involved, suitable both for adults and kids
28 January 2023
The story gives quite important ethical dilemmas that both adults and kids can learn from.

It teaches you how story, can be wrong. How we can and should always doubt the reality but also get taught by it and handle it with care. How adults can be wrong and biased. How kids even though naive sometimes understand the world better and clearer than a biased adult. And that a biased adult can still recover and come on the "good" part of a story. It creates a fine line for food for thought.

It's a great way to introduce to everybody the morality of ethics, history and of everything we do as humans and that we can always doubt everything.

I think that is missing from many "kid stories" these days because of how lazy written they are. But this one had some decent writing with a decent story and legends for people to learn from.

Besides, the graphics are amazing, the art-style is pleasant. I think it's a decent movie to see for everybody. And besides that I'm not a parent, I think parents should seriously consider this movie for their kids.
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Pretty raw prison show, showing as much of the reality as possible
28 November 2020
Firstly, I must commend the show's host, Mr. Raphael Rowe. He's respectful to prisoners, yet really straight forward. He knows exactly the questions to ask in order to not intimidate the prisoners, and yet his expression is really raw and honest yet respectful at the same time. So, props for the social and interview skills he has, not many have these. He's the best possible host they could choose out there for this job if you ask me, thank god they made the best choice possible.

Secondly, the show is about the host who's literally put and treated as a prisoner for some days inside of some of the world's toughest prisons. This way, it shows his treatment from other inmates and guards as a prisoner, and shows the lifestyle that these prisoners, employees and guards are having inside the prison, taken from as many perspectives as possible. He's treated mostly as a regular prisoner, while also keeping the interviewer's privileges when necessary to talk to guards, other inmates and gather information about the life inside the prison.
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How I Met Your Mother (2005–2014)
Should you watch it? Absolutely.
31 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Is the end worth it? Nah.

The end in some kind of way tries to justify that Ted and Robin should be together. When clearly they did try a hundred times already. So, the plot trying to justify their non-platonic love makes itself look stupid, as if there was something blocking them from being together. It would be great if they really did fit together, like Ted and the Tracy, the Mom in the 8th and 9th season did really freaking fit! But now Ted wants Robin? When the plot clearly showed that he was happy with Tracy? Without even justifying why suddenly he wants Robin instead of Tracy who he had 2 kids with?

And the last straw? The kids. The freaking kids. Why would the kids, just like that, agree that "Hey, our dad likes aunt Robin instead of our mom who they seem to love each other. Dad, go find Robin and tell her you love her!". Not even Disney stories try to sell you that kind of nonsense. Even they are more realistic than that.

Should you watch it? Absolutely. The end has nothing to do with how good the show is. A good ending can just save a bad show, and bad ending can ruin a masterpiece (see Game of Thrones). But this is a sitcom, not a legendary story about Dragons , Queens and Kings. It's a show to make you laugh and relax. So, sit down, get chill and watch it while you make yourself a nice coffee. Or tea, I dont judge.

I think it is one of the best, if not the best (for me at least), sitcom show that exists.
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The Outsider (I) (2018)
It's a solid movie
26 May 2020
By no means it is a masterpiece. Not every movie has to be a masterpiece obviously.

  • The protagonist being so bland, sometimes gives an emotion of coldness and chilliness, which makes the viewer perceive the movie in a more educational and broad 3rd perspective rather than being emotional and narrow-minded view. Obviously both have their advantages and disadvantages.
Which is what the director wanted the viewer to sense I believe, as the Japanese cinema is not very dramatic often, and usually depicts the scenes in a cold-minded manner. So, if you like the Japanese cinema, you will most likely like this one too.
  • The post WW2 Japanese ERA is just wonderfuly depicted.

  • No exploration into the protagonist's character
  • The protagonist (Jared Leto) is rather bland. He mostly shows no emotions. The movie doesn't expose any parts of his past. Obviously, this falls down to how the director and the rest of the team decided for that character to be scripted. But I believe he didn't have to be THAT bland. I barely managed to connect with the protagonist. But since we got nothing of his past, you can't really understand him. That's like the first rule of psychotherapy, to understand someone you must understand his past and we have no clue about him except 1 detail or two.
  • You get more connected with the co-protagonist than with the protagonist himself, at least we get some information about the co-protagonist's feelings and him & his family's past.
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Batman Ninja (2018)
The story made me believe for a moment that this is an anime series instead of a movie
30 December 2018
Others claim that you wont like this unless you like Anime. Guess what, I like anime. I'm certainly not a fanatic and I havent watched more than 10-20 animes out there, but Ive certainly watched some bad and some good ones.

This Batman "Anime" movie is the worst anime Ive ever watched. The only reason one may find it appealing is because it has gorgeous art that looks like it was taken from ancient japanese paintings. But aside from that, it has really nothing to offer in terms of story, immersion, getting connected with a character.

It's slow paced as ****. The story is ridiculous. It has scenes that make you feel empty because of how non-immersive they are. And it's utterly boring.

After 30 minutes of watching it, I felt like I was watching a series and maybe the next episodes are better and it just builds up now. But then I got reminded that it's a damn movie.

Do not waste your time. This movie is just a painting with a beautiful looking canvas that has no story or immersion to give.
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It made me feel like it was a poor adaptation
3 June 2018
Let me clarify that I've never watched the prequel. Although, this movie made me feel like ... there was so much potential. I sensed that it could have been done so much better than this.

The movie, well, was OK. Not something significant but not too bad either. But I felt so much that the direction and plot of this movie were so undeveloped that I had to write this review.

The photographic material and the idea of the movie's scenery is absolutely stunning. But I also feel like there could have been done so much more on this aspect as well. It's like they gave a little bit of everything but nothing was special ... except the photography a great little bit.

The whole experience felt emotionless and too calm. I'm not from the guys that love Action so much that want it everywhere. But this movie was just ... too desaturated. I mean ... go watch Wall-E ... it has far more emotion than this movie and the whole story is based around a Robot which can't even speak on a Dessert land with nothing around him. And the start of Wall-E was far more emotional and saturated and it was the part I loved, there wasn't any action in that! It just had emotional saturation. The ending all it had me say was "Huh, totally expected that ... So what? Where's the emotion?". All I just have to say for this movie is: Could have been so much better, I felt so much the potential and I'm going crazy that the chance of this being something good was lost. It was just OK.
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Death Race (2008)
It is what it is. It's called Death Race, not "A Sherlock Holmes Series"
7 March 2018
By the time I entered to see this movie, I knew what to expect. Jason Statham. A movie called "Death Race". A poster with spiked cars and bazookas on them. Why the hell would I expect a "Deep Sophisticated Movie"?

So, I grabbed 2-3 beers, some chips and started the movie!

Hell I enjoyed it. And I was in Home.

Don't listen to the critics. I love Sophisticated movies, I mean my favourite Director is Guy Ritchie and he tries to make every time a movie with a complicated plot. This is not Batman: Dark Night. It's a classic American Culture - Game-Like movie. Do you want pure Explosions & Guns entertainment to do something with your time? This is what you're looking for and it's good for what it is.
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Hacker (I) (2016)
It doesn't represent its Title plus Hollywood representation of Hacking
11 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
It's a bit disappointing going to see a movie based on the strong title it's using and then feeling like you got your time wasted.

The whole movie is not about Hacking, it's about smuggling. And how did they achieve to get the smuggling business working I hear you say? Oh by Hollywood Hacking. Which means (very little spoiler but it's covered on the start of the movie) that literally our main protagonist wrote in Google "Darkweb", got registered in the team called "Darkweb" (So the page is not even in the Darkweb) and out of nothing he just "hacks". It doesn't explain the background job or anything our protagonist does except for the foreground part of the story. Which is that somehow they get packages from someone/somewhere (we don't actually know, the story leaves us blind) and they sell them to some contacts they happen to know.

It doesn't show anything from the "Hacking" part because obviously, it's too technical and more boring than it seems. The movie makes Hacking (the 0% of the movie because in literal terms, there is no hacking, just a little bit cracking) pretty much look like a Video Game in which the hacking part is concluded by the push of a button, some terminal lines (for pretty much unknown reason) and looking at a computer screen.

They created things out of nothing (Fake ID's and Credit Cards, how did they make them ?) and pretty much nothing gets explained in the movie. The only thing close to this was at the start of the movie where our protagonist searches "How To Code", which part was NEVER used in the movie. So that part was pretty useless as well.

The only little bit exciting part was the goodbye kiss of the movie. It made a -you could call it- a little bit good plot twist but after all this hay the movie gave us, I couldn't be much excited because it still leaves many parts unexplained and the movie still doesn't deserve even a little bit the title "Hacker".

Summary ....:

This movie is not about hacking, but smuggling. If you want real hacking and cracking, go watch the series "Mr.Robot". Although, even this does not have anything that could excite you very much on the Hacking part but at least it would worth the Title "Hacker". This movie does not. It's a poorly made "Clickbaitish" title.
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