
377 Reviews
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Tarot (I) (2024)
They aren't getting their Air BnB Deposit back and I'm not getting that time back...
1 June 2024
I could tell by the trailer what kind of film this would be, but ever the glutton for punishment I went ahead and watched it anyway. What a yawn-worthy, lack of anything remarkable, waste of money and time that was. There was nothing original, or redeeming about it. There weren't even any decent kills, everything was off-camera and you were meant to be satisfied with a weak blood splatter. The acting was 'ok'. Tick for the diversity friend circle quota. (sarcasm) The 'monsters' reminded me of the 'crooked man' from The Conjuring 2' lame, nothing scary about them. Honestly, I have seen Goosebumps episodes scarier.
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Insomnia (2024– )
Creepy and Addictive
27 May 2024
Insomnia had me hooked from the first episode. I love UK shows and this mystery with a twist had me craving more with each passing minute. As a writer I think I have pretty much worked out where it is going, and had done so by the end of the first episode, but I might be completely wrong. Vicky McClure as Emma Averill is brilliant! My only criticism would be that she doesn't 'really' try to fall asleep before getting out of bed. I have had bouts of insomnia for weeks that have had me in the ER, so I get it. This show is dark, creepy, and brilliant. You can feel that there is something just not right under the surface and you have to figure out what exactly is going on, but it's not as simple as Emma going mad. Definitely give it a shot you will not be disappointed.
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I am late to the party (as usual)
8 May 2024
9 years late to the party I finally sat down to watch The Age of Adaline, why I had left it that long I am not 100% sure. Maybe from the trailer I did not think it would be my cup of tea, however, after seeing the trailer again recently, I thought what the hell, and sat down to watch it. I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed this film. Blake Lively was wonderful as Adaline. Yes, it was a bit sugary sweet, but it also made you think a lot. My only peeve about the film was the narration. I know that it was needed to deliver the storyline as it was not one that could be told without it, however I just found it a bit annoying at time. Regardless, I highly recommend this film.
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Abigail (2024)
So Much Fun!
8 May 2024
I wasn't sure what to expect with Abigail, but it definitely exceeded my expectations in every way possible. This fun vampire flick would have fit in the 80's catalogue of crazy vampire films that came out. It certainly had the same feel and the same laughs. Alisha Weir was amazing as Abigail, how she was able to pull off the sweet innocent child routine, then incapsulate a grown woman/vampire within a child's body. Brilliant. Abigail is a film I will definitely be rewatching and one that I will be adding to my physical media collection. If you love vampires, you love a laugh and enjoy blood splatter then please check this gem out.
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The 1% Club (2022– )
Love Lee
4 May 2024
I had heard about the 1% Club but wasn't too sure what it was about, but when I heard that Lee Mack was the host, I knew that I had to check it out and I was pleasantly surprised. I love that the questions are not general knowledge-based, it is more like an IQ test, it's fun and quirky and had me playing along since the first episode. Some of the questions really make you think and you think how good you are, but I am sure once you are on set it takes it all into a whole new ball game. I love Lee's interaction with the audience members, he is a fantastic host. This show has definitely got me hooked.
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Global warming, tick, diversity, tick..
4 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
There have been very few and far between good shark films. Let's face it, everyone wishes they made Jaws. But here I was sitting down to watch another, hoping at least someone would get eaten this time, unlike The Reef 2. Right from the start this film is filled with stuff that seems very unnecessary. We get it, you are trying to have character development, but for me, it was just like reading the food menu for the shark. When it came to the funding they read the quota list and ticked every box twice, let's mention global warming, rubbish in the ocean, make our lead characters lesbians, etc.. etc.. There is nothing wrong with making a film diverse, but when you are so blatant to the point that you are checking boxes it does have you on the side of the shark. Who is going to get killed first? It was like the Spice Girls on vacation. The acting was over the top, camera work was shaky. It was good to see the kills, I thought the whole bride friend sacrificing her own life was a bit ridiculous, they hadn't been at sea for days. It was like a case of The floating piece of ship from the Titanic and rose again. I am sure they could have somehow got the life vest around them both for support. Not the best shark movie, not the worst from the past few years. Far better than The Reef 2 and Requiem.
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Chloe (2009)
Mesmerizing Thriller
30 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I revisited this film last night as I remembered it fondly. It is about Catherine (Julianne Moore) who suspects her husband David (Liam Neeson) is cheating on her. She however can not find the proof and needs to prove it to herself to save her sanity. She does this by enlisting the services of Amanda Seyfried's character Chloe, a high class escort. Catherine pays her to try and seduce David and report back to her, so she can once and for all know if he is a cheater.

Seyfried is fantastic in this role as Chloe, at first you feel almost sorry for her, before her exterior starts to crack and her stalker side is revealed to the point of psycho. Both Neeson and Moore are also fantastic in this film. Credit given to Neeson as his performance was interrupted due to the death of his beautiful wife, but he returned to the set days later to finish.

Chloe is a classic erotic thriller, one you can rewatch and not tire of. Highly recommended.
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I was a little disappointed.
26 April 2024
When I heard about Wicked Little Letters, I was looking forward to seeing it, the storyline sounded exactly like my cup of tea and it being based on a true story made it appeal to me even more. Now firstly I have to say that Jessie Buckley and Oliva Coleman were both at their very best in this film, however, that failed to save it unfortunately. I feel that Wicked Little Letters fell flat and limped it's way to the conclusion that felt very long and drawn out. I was so disappointed, as I love British films, especially quirky ones this like. It really failed to hold my attention in parts and I think it needed to be wrapped up a lot quicker than what it was.
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Imaginary (2024)
Not bad, but not good either.
26 April 2024
I think what let the film Imaginary down the most was the acting. It was very flat, monotone and unexpressive - by all the actors. I think the concept was fine, I wasn't bored at any point during the film, I felt that the not so great acting could be overlooked by the storyline. Of course, Imaginary is the typical paint-by-numbers horror film that fits in the Blumhouse catalog perfectly. The jump scares are predictable, there was nothing scary about the film to me, nevertheless, I am sure some horror novices might find the film creepy. I love the whole imaginary friend concept and I think it is a great concept to play with in a horror film, if done correctly. Look, I don't regret watching this film, I have seen far worse this year - including Late Night With The Devil. I was never bored watching Imaginary. Sadly it will not make it as a horror classic, but it was worth watching.
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Asphalt City (2023)
21 April 2024
Asphalt City is an intense, moving film that depicts the lives of EMS workers in NYC. Watching the film you are really gripped by what paramedics have to go to. Even when you save someone's life that is not always welcomed. Tye Sheridan as Ollie Cross is superb in his role as a rookie EMS worker whilst also trying to study to get into medical school. Sean Penn as Gene Rutkovsky is fantastic in his role, as shows the toll that being an EMS can have in your private life. This movie shows you how these workers are constantly putting their lives on the line to help others and receiving little thanks in the process. They are there at the most critical time and are left unsung heroes, and lack the respect and wages that they truly deserve. Asphalt City is extremely intense with a tinge of melancholy to it. Well worth watching, especially if you like movies that slowly sizzle.
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You all drank the Kool Aid
20 April 2024
Well, that is time I am never getting back! Honestly one of the worst so-called horror films I have ever watched. All these people giving it above 6 have truly drunk the Kool Aid on this one. There is nothing redeeming about this film. I was struggling within the first 15 minutes but held on hoping that it would improve, but it just fizzled and died. The idea of a late-night host selling his soul to the devil through the Bohemian Grove idea could have been something worth watching, however, this failed to captivate and the visual effects were poor. I was hoping for so much better. I seriously think they must have used real hypnosis tricks to get people to think that this movie was good. Lol.
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Immaculate (2024)
If Hammer Horror Films and Argento had a baby....
16 April 2024
Wow! Immaculate is flawless, beautiful, creepy, sinister, and horrific all blended together to make a true horror masterpiece, which nowadays is few and far between. I know that this film won't be to everyone's taste, especially those who like their movies spoon-fed to them and with predictable jump scares. Immaculate is like if Hammer Horror Films and Dario Argento had a baby together. Sydney Sweeney is magnificent in her role as Sister Cecilia. I can't wait to see how her career flourishes and hopefully we get to see her in more horror films, and championing their production. I can't recommend Immaculate enough. Superb. It will be a go-to film for me. I can't wait to add it to my collection.
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Baby Reindeer (2024)
Train Wreck of Trauma
15 April 2024
I did not know what to expect when I started watching Baby Reindeer, I definitely was not disappointed though. As each episode transpires you are riveted by the fact that this is based on a true story, which makes even more shocking. The acting is fantastic, Jessica Gunning as Martha was fascinating, one minute you despised her, the next you pitied her. Her ability to shift her emotions was amazing. It really is a screwed-up story of a warped co-dependency and being completely lost and messed up emotionally from trauma. It also explores the continual self-flagellation Richard Gadd as Donny puts himself through in the quest for fame. I was probably a little let down by the final episode, but well worth the watch.
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Slow Burning Horror
14 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen mixed reviews for The First Omen, however, I am not one to rely on other viewers' reviews to decide if I am going to watch a film or not. It is usually the films with not-so-good reviews that I end up liking the most. I don't need horror spoon-fed to me with a fast pace and predictable jump scares, so if you are the type of horror fan that likes that kind of thing you best keep moving on. The First Omen is definitely a slow burn, delivered elegantly and with the amazing acting skills of Nell Tiger Free who plays the novice Margaret. I think this film plays well as a prequel to the original Omen film. Nell's remarkable acting in the scene where she goes into labor is mind blowing. The way she is so primitive in her stance and actions is haunting. The only flaw I have with the film is the need to introduce the idea of Damien having a twin sister. I thought that though it might be a cool idea, they have restricted themselves with that by showing the actor Gregory Peck's father as the antichrist's human father. So how will it be possible for them to continue, unless it is just one based on Margaret, her sister and the baby. This film is definitely worth a watch if you can handle the slow burn.
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Baghead (2023)
Not the worst horror this year.
7 April 2024
I had been looking forward to Baghead since I saw the trailer, and to be honest it was nice to see a British horror film making an appearance. I'd heard a few bits and pieces about the film. I think the comparison to Talk to Me is unfair. Baghead is definitely better than Talk to Me, whereas Talk to Me had plot holes and a stupid ending, Baghead followed through and filled in any loose ends.

Freya Allan was good as Iris, most of the acting was okay. The actor playing the witch was great. It was a fun, edgy film and a decent watch compared to other horrors I have seen in 23/24. Worth a shot if you like horror films.
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Absolutely love Jon & Lucy
6 April 2024
I'm a fan of both Jon and Lucy, so watching Jon and Lucy's Odd Couples was a no-brainer for me. I think I would probably watch any show they did together or even apart. I love the dynamics of their on-screen relationship, the banter, the sarcasm, and the loathing. So bringing in other celebrity couples and making them play games, guessing statistics, and undergo lie detector tests is great fun to watch. Being Australian I am not overly familiar with most of the celebrities on the show, nevertheless, I have enjoyed it a lot. British comedy shows are undoubtedly fantastic entertainment, I grew up watching British comedians and sitcoms, so I think it is ingrained in me to love shows like these. Anything that can make me laugh out loud is a winner in my book.
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Ted Bundy (2002)
The Best Adaption of the case of Ted Bundy.
30 March 2024
Ted Bundy (2002) leaves no punches, it is graphic and horrific and really clearly defines what a sick and evil psychopath the serial killer Ted Bundy was. For anyone who has only watched Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile, I urge them to watch Ted Bundy because it really strips away the 'Hollywood version' and lays it bare. This film is not for the feint of heart. Any girls oohing over Bundy after watching Zac Efron in the role, should be forced to watch this film. There is no sugar coating with Ted Bundy. Michael Reilly Burke is scary as hell in this role, this film does not glorify serial killers, it shows you how demented a man like Bundy was.
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Risen (2016)
One of my favourite Relgious based films
30 March 2024
Risen excels on all levels in this unique take on the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The acting is excellent and it doesn't feel like just another 'religious' story. This film stands alongside Passion of the Christ and The Last Temptation of Christ in my favourite films based on Jesus. I loved in Risen how there is a supernatural, dare I say Alien context to Jesus and his resurrection. Be it from the sources of light, his appearances, and disappearances to the sound. Definitely give this film a watch, I am sure you will not be disappointed in its adaption of Jesus, it keeps your interest right to the end.
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One that you can re-watch and not bore of.
28 March 2024
I was a fan of The Mountain Between Us when it first came out and I recently watched it again and loved it just as much as the first viewing.

Winslet and Elba as Kate and Ben are fantastic in their roles and you become quite attached to them, and obviously want to see them survive their ordeal but also flourish into more.

Added bonus is the gorgeous dog as their side companion. The cinematography is stunning and the storyline is captivating.

If you like survival films with a romantic edge then definitely give The Mountain Between Us a watch. I am sure you will not be disappointed, especially if you enjoy both Elba and Winslet. I'd love to see them co-star with one another again.
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Beautiful, giving and so much to say.
26 March 2024
Ordinary Angels is an absolute delight to watch from beginning to end. Though at times heavy with sadness, it shows that with love, giving and selflessness things are achievable. Hilary Swank as Sharon is amazing, and Alan Richardson does a fantastic job in his character too. I really can't fault any of the acting in this film.

Based on a true story, it follows the story of a wonderful family caught up in tragedy with the loss of his wife and his youngest daughter Michelle dying unless she can get a life-saving liver transplant. When along comes a human angel in the form of Sharon who goes above and beyond to lift this family out of their financial burden, and stress and offer hope, and mostly show them that they are not alone. I admit I shed tears in this film. Worth watching 100%.
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Laugh Out Loud Funny
23 March 2024
I am absolutely adoring Rob Beckett's Smart TV, I love that they take time to discuss things and not just be all about the questions. I have had so many actual laugh out loud moments and it keeps my attention fully.

Josh, Alison and Rob are hilarious, so quick witted. All the guests they have had on so far have been terrific.

I really can not fault this show at all. No its not a big serious quiz show, but did you expect that with comedians hosting it?

If you love shows like 8 out of 10 cats does Countdown and Would I Lie To you, then you should also love this show. Seriously people need to let up a little and just have a laugh.
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Bill Bailey at his Finest
23 March 2024
I think I'd watch Bill Bailey paint a wall and not get bored. Besides having a fantastic energy/aura about him, his humour is fantastic. I was delighted to see Perfect Pub Walks with Bill Bailey advertised and seeing that the first episode was with Alan Davies beckoned me to watch it even more.

It was interesting to learn of their friendship and be open and candid about things on their walk. The fact that the scenery on these walks is breathtaking is just a bonus. This show won't be everyone's cup of tea as it moves at a snail's pace, but I did not want each walk to end. Definitely worth checking out if you love Bill Bailey.
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Population: 11 (2024– )
I am so over this.
19 March 2024
The last time I checked it was 2024 not 1984. I am beyond over the need for Australians to be portrayed this way. Why can't we move on from this? Is it because filmmakers feel that the rest of the world thinks that is what Australians are like. The stereotypical Paul Hogan Crocodile Dundee misconception? So they feel the need to entertain the masses with this rubbish.

Yes, you get 'odd' and 'characterful' people in the Australian outback, but it is getting beyond a joke. I couldn't even move past the first episode.

We need to do better and stop catering to the Koala Blue and Ken Done era. Time to move on.
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Irish Wish (2024)
Sickly Sweet
16 March 2024
I am not going to be over-critical with my review. This movie isn't meant to be anything more than what it is, just a romantic comedy with beautiful scenery. If you are expecting more than that, I suggest you don't bother. The storyline is quaint and predictable. But it was an okay way to spend an hour and a half, even if you were just envious of the backdrop during that time. It is good to see Lindsay Lohan in this rom/com. She is good in the role of her character who can't quite speak up for herself and quite frankly is a bit of a doormat when it comes to her crush Paul Kennedy. But as they say, the grass isn't greener on the other side, it just appears that way. And through a wish to Saint Bridget chaos ensues.

If you just want to put something on and tune out for a while, then give it a go. No, its nothing worth writing home about.
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Really Enjoyable
16 March 2024
I have to disagree with one of the other reviews saying it reduces Alaska to a supporting cast. Firstly, this series is titled Sue Perkins: Lost in Alaska. The series is about Sue and her adventures in Alaska, it is not just a travel documentary.

Sue Perkins is witty, clever and funny in this series and does take a genuine interest in the people that she meets along the way, she also is mesmerized by her locations. Ultimately, I love the look of Alaska and have always wanted to go there, but I watched this series to see Sue's perspective on this place and watch her adventures and that is exactly what it delivered.
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