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Ms. Marvel (2022)
8 June 2024
This is the best thing Marvel have done in a while and the first thing they've done in ages that had a heart and soul! Parts of this didn't even feel like a superhero tv show because it had a strong lead WITH a personality and a life and friends and a family. Kamala was so likable because she's so relatable and feels like a real person which is also a testament to Iman's acting. The storyline was interesting and even when it moved slower I was still interested because I was so invested in the characters as people. The diversity was amazing and centering asian muslim women was beautiful and needs to be done more. When I heard Marvel are unsure if to renew this show I was heartbroken, horrified but not surprised considering how little time stories like this are given. However, nobody can say this is a bad tv show and so if this does't get a season 2 everyone on this show can rest knowing they created an AMAZING tv show, dare I say the best tv show Marvel has ever made?
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What a beautiful movie!
28 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I knew I was going to like this movie from about 10 minutes in. The main character is funny and his dynamic with all the characters is perfect. His best friend Bo is so likeable and I love how much we're seeing Ben Wang in things these days. Zoe Renee played the wonderful love interest and was assertive and independent in a role that could've just been about two guys fighting over her. Dexter Darden is BRILLIANT as Chang's coach and he made me smile from his first scene. Bloom Li is an excellent lead character and he gives some very emotional and raw performances throughout this film which were beautiful to watch.

The film was also really funny, I loved the basketball references and the montages were so good, if any film wants to put montages in their film and have them be entertaining and fun watch this film. It gave the film a lovely nostalgic 2000s throwback feel which was so enjoyable. It also does such a great job of showing the Asian family dynamic (and also the modern version with separated families) without demonising the mother as is so often done. Instead, it shows BOTH sides and I loved how they showed Asian expressions of love e.g. Giving your child the food off your plate just so they can eat more etc.

I love how the main character made a pretty huge mistake, was rude and hurt lots of people because we then got to see him grow and make amends which never usually happens in these sorts of films. The main character might say something rude but never majorly messes up and I think this film sends a much healthier message to kids that even if you do something really stupid and embarrassing, with hard work and the right mental attitude you can come back from it. I also loved the general message of the film, that anything is possible but that you shouldn't be chasing anyone else's approval except your own.

Witty, emotional and unlike anything else out there. Really glad I found this film.
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Brilliant movie that is so one the nose
28 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is such an accurate representation of being a minority in the modern world and says things which we're never usually allowed to say on the big screen. Justice and An-Li had great chemistry and you were really routing for them to find a way to be together. There were so many great scenes but I loved when Aren was trying to tell Jason that his life wasn't free of influence and as he got closer and closer to saying the truth he got closer and closer to falling down the stairs. The symbolism was beautiful and so subtle but effective. I also loved the climax scene where Aren is on stage just taking up space he's been denied for so long. It was so satisfying to have him continue to talk and shout as people tried to silence him. This film was wonderful and it's so needed, which is probably (ironically) why it's not performed well. A great film about the modern world that's funny, interesting and deeply honest.
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The worst film I've seen all year
27 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Gosh this film was BORING!!!! I contemplated walking out of the cinema so many times and kept naively thinking the film would end soon but no there was always another unnecessary fight or chase scene. Anya Taylor Joy (who I came to see this movie for) wasn't even in it until a third of the way into the movie and when she does appear she's mute! It's like they wanted a female lead but didn't really so used a child and then had her play mute to reduce her lines. All the villains were boring and I don't think I cared about a single character in this film. The violence was redundant and so boring by the end. There was virtually no plot and the movie could've been 45 minutes if they did use the plot they had. I spent the whole film frustrated because none of the characters seemed to have a brain or any motivation and nothing made sense. Why were there Uncle Festers everywhere? How did 4 people take over an entire plant? Did nobody really recognise her just because she cut her hair? Nobody wondered where the little girl went or where a boy suddenly appeared from? What were the humans even being used for and who has the fuel for hundreds of motorbikes or who even has hundreds of motorbikes in the apolocypse? The ending was anti-climatic and virtually no females speak to each other in the entire film. The main character falls for the only man in the entire film who is nice to her and nice is probably a strong word, he just gives her basic respect. THEN after 2 hours of people just trying to prove they're better than one another we don't even get to see her go home?!?! The worst action films I've ever seen and hours of my life I will never get back. Sorry Anya and Chris but even you couldn't make this interesting, I would've fallen asleep if there wasn't an explosion every 20 seconds. If you want a good action film WITH a plot go see Monkey Man or Fall Guy, they're both 10 times the film this horrible never-ending thing was.
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The Fall Guy (2024)
Best action movie I've seen in a LONG time
6 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This was a really good movie with a great cast and a fast-moving plot. Ryan and Emily have excellent chemistry and scenes with them riffing off each other were brilliant. The plot was interesting (if thin in logic at times) but went in unexpected directions and I have never cared about an action movie couple so much before. I've never wanted a character to make it to karaoke night so much before!

I think what really helped this movie was the main character being a stuntman so the stunt scenes were necessary and realistic (as in it's not an average guy doing incredible tricks or a retired spy somehow still being indestructible but someone who is trained to do stunts and take hits). So instead of it being "oh no we need this phone let's destroy all of Sydney in a huge driving scene we don't need" it was "okay let's scare the villain by doing an incredibly big stunt into getting a confession out of him" which make the actions scenes so much more logical. There were of course that were just there for show and could've been kept out but overall the action sequences were tied in very well to the plot.

I also enjoyed how this was basically a love letter to everyone behind the camera of the film and it was nice to show the effort that goes into making a film from all the crew and production team.

Winston Duke was great and his vendetta with the large mercenary was very impressive to watch. Hannah played a perfect villain and I was pleasantly surprised to see Stephanie's cameo. The only character that I didn't get was Aaron Taylor Jonhson's. Particularly the scene at the end where he gets a small redemption arc? Wasn't necessary and was really confusing. Ryan and Emily were of course the starring duo and I would love to see them in more things together.

Thrilling, entertaining, funny and oddly sweet and romantic. Definitely one of the best films this year so far.
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A good spy movie with women at the helm (hence the bad reviews)
11 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was fun, visually very appealing and had likable characters. I would go as far to say this is Stewart's best character and ultimately the chemistry between the girls is the best part of the film. The storyline starts from a place every modern day woman can relate to and Banks plays a great Bosley. Ella Balinska plays a very good powerhouse but falls slightly short of the tough heartless act but is still a good character. Naomi Scott's character is probably the least likable and the character sometime comes off cringey and annoying but this is often the case with main characters. Stewart as the villan was genius and he plays it excellently. Overall it's a wonderful film about the power of women when we come together and use the patriachy to our advantage and there lies the reason for the negative reviews. I can't help but think this film would be much better recieved if it came out around the Barbie era. A great film to show young girls or anyone who feels powerless.
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Monkey Man (2024)
Amazing film with gripping compelling story and beautiful scenary
7 April 2024
This film was truly stunning to watch. The camera angles, mix of colours and design of the shoot were all done very well. The story jumped right into the plot which I find action movies don't tend to do so very much enjoyed that. Dev Patel was AMAZING in this film! His acting was excellent and his stunts were phenomenal. This film is such a big win for him and I hope it gets nominated for so many awards because he deserves props for this film. The violence felt justified as in it didn't feel like over-kill gore as is the case with quite a lot of fight scenes in action films. I was surprised with how many sweet heartfelt moments there were in this film and felt myself feeling weirdly uplifted afterwards which has never happened with any other thriller film I've seen. A film I will remember in the future and a stand-out film for the year so far.
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Origin (2023)
Beautiful and emotional film
17 March 2024
This film makes you feel things. I made the mistake of eating during this film and had to put my food down because this isn't one of those films you can just put on in the backgrounds. The flashbacks are so powerful and emotional. You feel as if you're there and are heavily invested in their stories with how masterfully they're placed into the plot. The chemsitry between Aunjanue Ellis-Taylor and Jon Bernthal is wonderful and provides such beautiful romantic moments into what could've been an overly heavy film. I had heard of the book but had no idea what went into writing it or how much the author lost in the process. A wonderful film that will stay on your mind after you've seen it. I hope this film gets the recognition it deserves.
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A thoughtful and well-written film
7 February 2024
I didn't see any advertisements for this film and just luckily stumbled upon it when searching through films expected in 2024 and I am so glad that I did! This film is a perfect mix of comedy and stupidity that so accurately reflects the current societal relationship with race. I found myself cringing at some of the "progressive" characters while also seeing parts of them in myself and family members. It was a great film that really made you think but also didn't patronise you by telling you what the right or wrong answer is. The characters were well-written, flawed but also likable and real. This is a wonderful film and everyone should go and see it.
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Mean Girls (2024)
A fun retelling with Reneé Rapp as the stand-out star
5 February 2024
As a big fan of the original I was excited for any more mean girls content and was one of the few fans happy when they announced this would be a film of the musical version. I thought it was a film that could easily be transformed into a musical and I was right. The songs fit in well and mesh with the story very well. It also helps that pretty much the whole cast are amazing singers and with power-house vocals like Reneé Rapp and Auli'i Cravalho the songs really shone and were enjoyable. Speaking of I found Rapp and Cravalho were the standouts of the movie with them dominating every scene they were in. Rapp in particular was amazing and I can't wait to see more of her in the future. I hadn't heard of her before this film and am now a very enthusiastic fan. I did think Cady and Aaron fell a little flat but to be fair compared to all the other characters they are the most boring so I think that was inevitable. Overall a fun adaptation that is of course not as good as the original but offers fun songs, an incredible Regina and a more progressive take.
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Hilda: Chapter 8: The Fairy Isle (2023)
Season 3, Episode 8
Justice for Johanna!!!
18 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
While this was a very beautiful episode I actually felt like it ended the series on a bad note and I felt a little disappointed as a whole based on how Hilda treats Johanna. Throughout the whole show Johanna has risked everything for Hilda and there have been some really tough moments where the two have butted heads because of this. There was even an episode earlier this season where Johanna went all John Mcclane to save Hilda from the river spider. Johanna had been through a lot and we see even more of that in this episode. Therefore, I was actually really annoyed that Hilda wanted her mother to abandon her long-lost parents (who she thought had abandoned her only to learn they sacrificed themselves for her) just so Hilda could go back and be with her friends! Hilda was so incredibly selfish and insensitive and I get she's a child but it was really cruel to give Johanna barely a day with her parents before they go back to just being shadows who lurk around. As the show finished I couldn't help but think "is this really meant to be some comfort for Johanna? That her long lost parents are shadows she can't touch or communicate with in any way?". I have no idea why the writers didn't just create a way for Johanna's parents to come back so they could be together. Now the whole season just seems sad and depressed because all I can think of is the final scene of Johanna sitting on the wall looking a little sad while Hilda is off having tons of fun. Kids should come first but give her mum a bone at least!
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Wish (II) (2023)
Beautiful animation and song...shame the story didn't match
2 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There are several positives for this film and the first is every single scene is visually stunning. The animators did an excellent job and it gives off a perfect fairytale impression which is exactly what Disney ordered. Second, the songs were beautiful, the lead was the perfect Disney lead with a powerful musical voice and there was a nice mix of different genres so the musicians clearly had fun. Thirdly, the characters were likable, unique and fun. Star and the Queen in particular were my stand outs and again they were all animated beautifully. The one downside? The plot didn't match up and the story felt unfinished. If you told me the original script was scrapped and this was quickly put together a month before release I would believe you. The story felt aimless and vague and sadly, is a pretty big flaw. So if you want a movie with a great ending impression or take home message, this isn't the movie for you. However if you want a nicely animated short film with good music, then this is right up your street.
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Felt much longer than it was and the end was a relief
17 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I think the best way to describe this film is disjointed. It felt like they spent too little time on each of the characters but at the same time scenes seemed to drag on and the dialogue was boring. There was no chemisry between the two main characters and their romance was high unbelievable but is the main point of the film. It jumps from the capitol, to the games, to district 12 so much I can't help but think it would've been better as a tv show so it could've properly been broken down into different parts. Some things were just highly unrealistic too such as a bunch of Capitol studens chanting to free a tribute? Never going to happen. Also Lucy trying to kiss Snow within what a daty of meeting him? Also how was there so little fighting or action in a film about people fighting to the death? Some plot points just didn't make sense like how on earth Snow sent a bird with his friend confessing treason then being upset when his friend was killed to the last 30 minutes of the film where the characers did a 360 and admitted killing people without telling us who. It had good potential and I liked he easter eggs to the later movies but overall missed the mark for me. Just go see The Marvels instead.
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One of the most underrated Disney films ever!
23 July 2023
I was a huge Disney fan as a kid but had never even heard of this film until I became an adult. I have no idea why this film is so unknown but in my opinion, it's one of the top rank Disney films and I think if it were re-released today it would be a hit. This film is a great mix between silly comedy and really sweet heart wrenching moments that reminded me of coco and I'd be surprised if anyone watches this film and doesn't cry. The plot is interesting and I didn't see the plot twist coming at all. The characters are vivid and likable and the voice actors have amazing chemistry. Truly a brilliant Disney film that all Disney fans should treat themselves to.
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Barbie (I) (2023)
Heart-warming, serious and such an important movie for everyone to see!
22 July 2023
When I sat down to watch this film I assumed it would be some fun pink silly movie but it was not in the best possible way. It starts very much in that way but the second Barbie gets to the real world everything changes and the film makes so many important statements on sexism and the treatment of women. I thought it perfectly addressed the affect Barbie has had on the world and never shied away from it. This movie does not flinch away from the reality of the world or what damage ignorance can do (Ken). America Ferrera's speech is amazing and moved me so much as did Barbie's own found freedom. Robbie was an amazing Barbie and all the women shined in this movie...and Alan was pretty good too. It was everything you can want from a movie, sharp, whitty, moving, honest and progressive. The perfect Barbie.
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Matilda: The Musical (II) (2022)
Just didn't hit the spot for me
22 July 2023
If you love the sound of children singing, you'll enjoy this film but if you don't then don't watch this film. I'm not opposed to child stars but the singing was really shrill and I found some of the child actor's voices really hurt your ears after a bit. I thought Lashana Lynch was an amazing Miss Honey and Emma Thompson did a good job of creating her own Trunchbull. I think Lashana Lynch was the only thing better than the original but to be fair it's always hard to beat a classic. It also felt like the movie was lacking something and also wasted time and then suddenly sped up some plot points. Not a great remake unless you like musicals with children.
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Elemental (2023)
A beautiful metaphor for real-life social issues
7 July 2023
Elemental was a sweet and heartwarming story and although it won't go down as one of Disney's greats it was still memorable. I think my favourite thing was the subtle themes of diversity and inclusivity throughout as well as the very relevant storyline of certain people being excluded from society simply for being different. It can work on many levels and I thought this movie would be an excellent way to introduce young children to these issues similar to how Inside Out was utilised. The main characters were sweet and the voice actors did a good job to give them vivid personalities. The animators did an excellent job as some scenes were just STUNNING and I loved how the fire characters weren't just orange but actually moved like a flame even when standign still. That must've been hard to annimate but they did any amazing job. To summarise: Visually stunning sweet story about the struggle of cast-out members of society.
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Cunk on Earth (2022)
Typical brilliant British humour
3 July 2023
There's nothing more hilarious then watching a deadpan Brit wind up a bunch of Americans. The British dry humour fitted excellently with this style of mockumentary and Diane Morgan was AMAZING in this role. It was a show I binged really quickly as it was a great show to put on in the background and you didn't have to concentrate hard. Funnily though she did raise some interesting questions which did make me pause and she had a point a few times. My favourite thing was the pump up the jam repetition each episode. I loved it and it was so random and hilarious. Hope we get more spin-offs in the future!
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Turning Red (2022)
Up there with Encanto and Big Hero 6 for amazing recent Disney Films
2 July 2023
One of the first thing I loved about this film was the characters were so thought out and likable. I watched a similar Dreamworks film and the friends were nowhere near as endearing as the friendship group in this film. They were goofy, silly and embarssing but that's exactly what 13-year old girls are like! As an Asian daughter myself the pressure of an over-bearing mum and the need to always please her really struck home and I found this such an emotional and beautiful film! It was also really funny and unlike other films out there. It was also nice to have an early 2000s throwback and I just loved everything about this film. One of Disney's best!
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A film even Annie Murphy can't save
30 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was one of those films which just lacked any personality and was unlucky. It had all the correct elements. Interesting concept, nice animiation, good voiceactors but it never really hit. The story just felt very 2 dimensional and I think many of the characters and dialogue just seemed to fill the time instead of actually being important. It felt similar to Disney's Turning Red but not done as well. The friends were way too cheesy and didn't get the good balance Turning Red had between silly but sweet. Similarly apart from her mum, the main characters family members were largely redundant and didn't bring anything. The only character I really enjoyed was Annie Murphy's character because she was so lively and injected a breath of fresh air into the film...which they then ruined by turning her evil and having the "mermaids are bad krakens good" seperation return. Not the worst film I've seen this year but I'm glad I didn't pay for my cinema ticket myself.
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The Owl House: Watching and Dreaming (2023)
Season 3, Episode 3
A beautiful ending to a spectacular show
18 June 2023
I cannot stress enough how much I love this show! This show is up there with the greats such as Avatar the Last Airbender and Shera and Princess of Power and the final episode was no different. This show was a masterclass in diversity and inclusion and watching it just made me feel healed and seen. This show should be the blueprint for all "children's" shows because so much love and care was put into the characters and the message is so beautiful. I want to thank all the writers, cast, crew and everyone who helped bring this beautiful masterpiece to life. Disney, take notes. You need more shows like this.
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Bob's Burgers: Amelia (2023)
Season 13, Episode 22
The best tribute to Amelia Earhart
11 June 2023
This season has truly brought back some of the Bob Burger's magic and this was the perfect final episode. Episodes like this where the character confronts a mature real life situation are what seperates Bob's Burgers from other cartoons. Louise is one of the most interesting characters in my opinion and seeing her come to terms with her hero being more complicated than a simple hero was actually really beautiful. Watching this episode made me want to learn about Amelia and was a really inspiring episode. Can't wait for the next season, Bob's Burgers is just getting warmed up and is aging like fine wine.
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A Kind of Spark (2023– )
Brilliant, heartwarming, entertaining, and important.
2 June 2023
I watched this show in under 2 days which for me is amazing but I just couldn't stop watching it. The story is very interesting and unlike any other shows on autism which I've seen. First of all it showed autism in girls which is under-researched and generally talked less about than autism in boys. The main character and her sister both have autism and I love how they showed that different autistic people present differently, even within the same family. I also loved how it didn't fall into the trope of presenting autistic people are emotionless or rude. Both girls had personalities and were likable. It also didn't shy away from what it means to be autistic nor treat the girls like burdens or charity cases. The story mirrors a historical mystery and I found the revelations from that story just as heartwarming. It highlighted the challenges autistic people face but also gave a hopeful happy ending that for every bad person there's someone who wants to help. Educational and emotional, a wonderful show.
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Wonderful show that I absolutely binged!
30 May 2023
This show had everything from stunning visuals, interesting storyline, emotion and comedy. There were about 4 storylines running parallel to one another and they all fit together while contrasting better than any tv show I'd seen. For me Michelle Yeoh and Jimmy Liu were the standouts. Michelle was hilarious, stealing every scene she was in while also being regal and magestic. Jimmy was soooo endearing and I cannot believe he is not a seasoned actor, he is a future talent to watch. The stunts were brilliant and made even better with some of the cast being professional fighters. I really enjoyed how it showed what it's like to be an Eastern Immigrant in the West and the passive-aggressive racism POC experience. I cannot wait for season 2!
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Decent but darker and less beast hunting than expected
21 May 2023
I thought this film would basically be a homage to the book and Newt would go on a hunt around New York for all his magical creatures and it would be wholesome light fun...that is not what happened.

The film is DARK and I sincerly hope nobody brought their children to the cinema to see this. At time I thought I was watching Tim Burton instead of Harry Potter and was on par with the scariest parts of the HP franchise is not scarier.

Redmaybe was okay byt Katherine Waterston was far better and stole every scene she was in. Dan Fogler also played the cluess muggle (we're not going with no mag) very well too.

There seemed liek several big names in this film who were in it for 5 seconds (Zoe Kravitz, Depp etc) who just didn't need to be. Rather than hiring big "A-listers" I think the cast should've relatively understated and the actors should've been allowed to make the role their own without being instantly recognisable.

I probably won't be watching the sequels because, as I mentioned, this film had a darker underlying storyline which I didn't really care about. In my opinion this should've been a movie seperate from the originals with only a few hints and easter eggs in there for die hard fans. I don't see the point in bringing backstories for characters who should either get their own movies or be left alone. So this movie could've been infintely better if it was more focused on the creatures and less on Grindelwald and the creepy cult people...but still a decent and captivating film.
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