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Batman: True or False Face (1966)
Season 1, Episode 17
True or False Face
1 June 2024
False Face is a master of disguise. In this story he is credited with a question mark. In this story the master of deception plans to rob a valuable clown.

He poses as an aide to the princess but it turns out that she is also a fake. So is the crown, that is made from plastic.

Commissioner Gordon is stumped and calls for Batman and Robin.

False Face assisted by Blaze plans to stop the Dynamic Duo. He also has a plan for Gotham City, one that will make him a lot of money.

This story is the only appearance of False Face. He looks creepy with his plasticated face. He also has a touch of the Riddler about him.

It also leads to a sinister portrayal of Chief O'Hara. As False Face takes his image.
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Poolman (2023)
1 June 2024
I Am the Night was a crime noir television show based on the Black Dahlia murders. Chris Pine really must like LA art deco inspired crime thrillers.

Poolman was directed, co written and starring Pine. Unfortunately this satirical take on Chinatown is a hot mess.

With his long hair, shaggy grey beard. Pine wants to reference the Dude, Jeff Bridges.

Unfortunately he is not that good an actor. As a director he can forget it. He is more Emilio Estevez, another actor with an appalling track record as a director.

Pine plays Darren, a pool cleaner in a run down apartment complex where some failed moviemakers live.

One day Darren is embroiled to do some undercover work on some crooked LA politicians. It is all to do with water.

As a detective satire or a movie satire, the film fails.
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Inside No. 9: Mulberry Close (2024)
Season 9, Episode 3
Mulberry Close
1 June 2024
Inside No 9 branched out for its final series as it was shot in Greater Manchester.

Mulberry Close was the kind of place you move to when you go upmarket from a terraced house.

Damon (Reece Shearsmith) and Val (Vinette Robinson) have moved in to number 9. Val finds out that the foxes go straight for the food bin.

Damon finds the neighbours to be nosey and irritating. Then again Val goes out to work and ge loafs about in his pyjamas.

When there is an argument late at night on Halloween. Val seemingly has disappeared, the neighbours get worried.

There is a found footage element to this story as it was recorded on a Ring style doorbell.

It was going more for satire and social commentary. Mention of true crime stories on Netflix. Then there is the inevitable dark twist.

The cast were certainly having a ball.
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Eric: Episode #1.1 (2024)
Season 1, Episode 1
Episode 1
1 June 2024
After The Child in Time in 2017. A children's book author's life is shattered when his daughter goes missing.

Benedict Cumberbatch has gone back to the same well. He plays Vincent, an arrogant hard drinking children's entertainer.

The television show where he is a puppeteer and is aimed at pre teens is facing declining ratings. Vincent refuses to compromise when the network bosses want a new puppet aimed at older children.

Soon his son Edgar disappears on his way to school alone. Leading to a police search.

The story is set in the mid 1980s. I thought there was nothing much outstanding from the first episode apart from thee period setting. Especially given that it was shot mainly in Hungary.

The plot turns towards other characters. Such as the police detective Ledroit who has a grudge against a bar owner. The vice cops who were shaking down a patron.

It looks like another sprawling streaming drama that with pacing the makes the plot drag. The final shot at least made me think that it could go in an interesting direction.
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Doctor Who: Dot and Bubble (2024)
Season 1, Episode 5
Dot and Bubble
1 June 2024
In the 1980s there were Yuppies and Airheads.

Now we have the Tik Tok generation who never let go of their mobile phones.

Russell T Davies has fun with Lindy Pepper-Bean (Callie Cooke) trapped inside her own bubble. Oblivious that people are being eaten.

Until Doctor and Ruby warn her of the danger she is in. Only Lindy cannot even walk on a straight line without her device. Maybe a pot shot at sat nav systems!

This is a riff of The Macra Terror with slug like creatures eating people.

It was noticeable that Lindy's social bubble was limited. It had the ultimate pay off when the Doctor realised what kind of people he was attempt to save.

I did find that the ending just sort of drifted.
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The Game of the Name
31 May 2024
What's in a sign? Well if your club does not have a sign. Then your booked acts cannot find you.

Something Selwyn Froggitt discovers. The booked act, the Sid Arkwright Band fail to show up. Embarrassing for Selwyn as he is the entertainment secretary for the club.

He tries to cover it up by playing more bingo and another attempt to sing Blue Suede Shoes.

The band are the latest no show in many months. All because the sign of the club was damaged during bad weather.

Selwyn offers to fix the sign for free. Only he is no signwriter and spelling is not his strong point.

Some good physical comedy with Clive bearing the brunt of the paint pot. I always knew Selwyn was daft as a brush.
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Bitch Ass (2022)
Games people play
31 May 2024
This is a very low budget horror film. A riff on movies like Saw.

With an introduction by Tony Todd who name checks Candyman.

Q (Teon Kelley) is a disfigured man with a mask who like to play games. Such as Battleship and Jenga.

When some hoods break into his grandmother's house. Q cuts them some slack. They can leave if they can beat him. Only Q is too good for them.

There is a backstory how Q, a shy nervous young student was lured to be cut up by some nasty school bully.

The film presents Q as a sadistic anti hero. He takes his medicine when he loses a game.

You actually sympathise with him more than the others who have done bad things.

The movie has good production values despite the low budget. It also attempts to kickstart a black horror character.
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Peter Gunn: Send a Thief (1960)
Season 2, Episode 33
Send a Thief
31 May 2024
Sadly Duane Eddy who performed one of the most famous version of the Peter Gunn theme passed away in April 2024. It is largely to him the theme tune stayed in public consciousness.

The story opens with a car mechanic being iced by thug Frank Lyles. He next goes to see Doris Reese Stewart, who panics and visits Peter Gunn.

He is given some money and a briefcase to deliver. When he tries to deliver the briefcase, Lyles tries to steal it from him.

Luckily the police arrive, they got a tip off from some lady. There is nothing inside the briefcase.

I wonder if Peter Gunn was meant to be a patsy who was meant to be gunned down. Peter Gunn seems to think so. He and Jacoby go looking for Doris.

There is a lot of double crossing here. Crooks who are after something. The story is stolen by Billy Barty as a pool hustler.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Life, Itself (2024)
Season 5, Episode 10
Life, Itself
30 May 2024
The tacked on extended coda indicates that Paramount thought Discovery had run its course.

Over the course of five seasons there were several brilliant episodes. The last two seasons were less than stellar and Paramount decided to pull the plug.

In the series finale. Moll is injured but Burnham allows for her to mended. Only tha thanks Burnham gets is that Moll tries to kill her gain. While Burnham tries to tell Moll that there is another way. Something Moll has shown no interest in following throughout the season.

As for the Progenitors. Burnham comes face to face with them and realises the true value of their gift which they did not actually invent.

The coda itself went on for too long. It could had ended with the Progenitors story. A solid but bland final episode.
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Halo: Contact (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
29 May 2024
The outer world of Madrigal is invaded by the alien Covenant forces. The Spartans, a war like race of soldiers who the locals of the planet are suspicious of come to repel the Covenant.

However the people of Madrigal are wiped out with just one survivor. Teenager Kwan Ha Boo, she follows the MasterChief to find out an artefact that the Covenants were after.

The opening episode begins with a prolonged action scenes as the aliens invade Madrigal and do battle with the locals. Then the Spartans arrive. It is a while before the opening title sequence.

It cannot last as then the various political machinations come into play.

I am not familiar with the console game Halo. It was a big hit on the Xbox. There is some Dune style world building and elements of the Mandalorian.

Good special effects but it got stodgy very quickly.
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The Lloyd Bridges Show: Yankee Stay Here (1962)
Season 1, Episode 9
Yankee Stay Here
29 May 2024
Is it just me that thinks some stories from The Lloyd Bridges Show had a propaganda element.

The show was made in the height of the Cold war, things like the Cuban missile crisis.

This story involves post war Japan. Adam Shepherd is on a ship and comes across a newspaper headlines that is a few days old. Ann allegation made by Communists about local farmers being displaced by the American air force.

The farmers are being asked to move as the Americans need to build a runway for their planes. They will suitably compensated but the villagers do not want shift. They also do not trust the Americans.

Sergeant Keefer has been entrusted to help out the farmers. Specifically bring water to the fields.

This is a comedic episode with Keefer and his men do not inspire much confidence.

Still I found the end a little too jingoistic considering what will soon take place in Vietnam.
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Red Eye: Episode #1.4 (2024)
Season 1, Episode 4
Episode 4
28 May 2024
As Red Eye progresses, I still think it is a mixture of good and bad. Some shoddy writing stops it becoming a good thriller.

Jess Li turning up alone and late at night at the door of Sir George Chapman. He greets her with a gun. Chapman has links with the security services, he is also rightfully paranoid.

Someone is out to get him. So he leaves all the drapes of his house open. Anyone can take a potshot at him.

Dr Matthew Nolan does know Chapman and did some work for him. The business of passing information via unwitting couriers. Only Nolan keeps going to the galley to make furtive phone calls from that secret mobile phone. He should had just gone to the toilet. At least he would had some privacy.

At least Madeline Delaney seems to have an inkling what is going on with the Chinese. Just who from the security services might be helping them or trying to cover their own backs.
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The Gold Robbers: The Kill (1969)
Season 1, Episode 13
The Kill
28 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The opening titles had the gold getting smelted. Detective Chief Superintendent Cradock knows the man at the top is business mogul Richard Bolt.

His business empire is close to collapsing but Bolt has political friends. His newspaper drags Cradock's name through the dirt. Over his relationship with his mistress. Cradock is still married.

Although Cradock gets gangster Nechros, it is at a huge cost of the lost of a valued colleague.

With nothing left but his dignity. Cradock goes for a face to face showdown with Bolt.

There used to be a time when a policeman's private life was heavily regulated. So nowadays it might be unusual why Cradock's private life was a matter of concern for his boss.

The rest happens today. Media pressure, political pressure, pressure from the top to get the police to look the other day.

I would had liked to see Cradock bringing his man back to the station. Alas Bolt had his own get out clause.

The Gold Robbers was an enjoyable series but to me the last few episodes tailed off a bit.
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Hancock's Half Hour: The Cruise (1959)
Season 5, Episode 6
The Cruise
27 May 2024
Sid takes Tony for a cruise. A chance to relax and chat up the women. Something Sid is adept at sea.

Only Tony is bored going round the ship. He is being pursued by an amorous lady (Hattie Jacques.)

Suddenly Tony is overtaken by panic. He is convinced that the ship is in danger. The captain has disappeared. He even makes the other passengers panic.

Eventually the ship's doctor has to sedate him. Sid has to couch to look after his friend.

It took a while for the episode to get going. It finds it groove when the ship's captain (John Le Mesurier) tries to talk sense to Tony.

Then there is the later party as Tony tries to avoid the advances of the amorous lady who wants to dance with him.
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Perry Mason: The Case of the Petulant Partner (1959)
Season 2, Episode 25
The Case of the Petulant Partner
27 May 2024
Business partners Chuck Clark and Harry Bright were good friends as well as successful in business together.

When the older Clark marries young bride Margaret. The two men drift apart. Harry regards her as a gold digger and he goes to Perry Mason for advice.

Perry tells Harry to dissolve the partnership. He goes to see Clark and talks to Margaret. She jokes that she only married Clark for his money. However her brother seems to be hanging around like a leech.

When Margaret is found dead, Harry is arrested as the main suspect. He had come into some vital information that Margaret and her brother were not siblings.

There are no shortage of suspects. There is a sympathetic look at Margaret the victim, maybe she really did want to settle down with the older Clark.

The ending was surprisingly rushed. I had a good idea of the likely suspect but the motive and everything else had to be explained in the epilogue.
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Gone Too Far: The Mystery of Mrs. Muriel McKay
27 May 2024
Muriel McKay was an Australian woman married to a senior News International executive Alick McKay.

While Rupert Murdoch was abroad, he had loaned his Rolls-Royce to Alick. It seems the kidnappers thought they were kidnapping Murdoch's wife.

The police were called in but Alick also got the News International newspapers involved with the case.

At first the police thought that the mafia was involved with the kidnapping. They also suspected the McKay family members.

It turned out two Indo-Trinidadian brothers who arrived in Britain as visitors were involved in the kidnapping. They demanded one million pounds in ransom but provided no proof of life.

Another crime story that sticks with the facts. It was obviously a bungled kidnapped attempt as it was a case of mistaken identity. No insight is offered about the brothers. The program could had been more interesting.

Mrs McKay's body was never found. Nizamodeen Hosein one of the kidnappers later stated that Mrs McKay suddenly died of a heart attack. He and his brother hid the body.

As of 2024 he is assisting the McKay family to locate Mrs McKay's remains.
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Four Star Playhouse: Ladies on His Mind (1953)
Season 1, Episode 17
Ladies on His Mind
27 May 2024
Psychiatrist Dr Bosanquent (Ronald Colman) is the one who has ladies on his mind.

Three of his patients talk to him about their problems. His mind drifts as he has a reverie about being involved in their stories.

The first patient has marital issues. The second is torn between two men, the third seems to have a hen pecked husband.

I think this story might have been inspired by the Salvador Dali inspired dream sequence in Alfred Hitchcock's Spellbound.

Unfortunately this does not work. It is just uninteresting and dull. Only Hillary Brooke makes an impression as a dominant wife that Dr Bosanquent dreams of poisoning.
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The Small Assassin
27 May 2024
Based on a Ray Bradbury story from 1946. Set in London, Alice Leiber (Susan Wooldridge) has given birth to baby boy, but she is not bonding with him.

He cries incessantly, so much so that Alice hates her child. He shuts up the moment the baby's dad David (Leigh Lawson) arrives home. Starting again once he goes to work in the morning.

Doctor Jeffers (Cyril Cusack) hopes things will eventually settle down, he is loathed to split mother and son up. Alice talks to Doctor Jeffers how she remembers being born, being pulled away from the comfort of her mother's womb. Maybe the baby has experienced the same and now resents Alice.

The demonic child story has been overtaken by Rosemary's Baby, The Omen,, We need to talk about Kevin. So there were little surprises here as no one wants to believe a baby could be evil.

It does end in a disturbing manner.
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Dixon of Dock Green: Target (1975)
Season 21, Episode 1
27 May 2024
All of a sudden we are back to an all filmed episode. It features a young Baroness Floella Benjamin. Who still looks the same in 2024.

I expected this story to involve a young black man called Dallas getting arrested and interrogated back at Dock Green police station. He helps out someone who is either drunk or very ill. A passerby phones the police that a black man is mugging a white man who appears to be unconscious.

Instead the episode goes down a totally different and unusual route.

The drunk/ill man goes by the name of John Smith (Anthony Steel) who has flashbacks to jungle warfare in Africa. Both Rhodesia and British mercenaries in Africa were the in thing around that time.

After Dallas helps Smith get into his flat, Smith pulls a gun. It sends Dallas scurrying out of the house and he calls the police as well.

When DI Crawford arrives on the scene. He sees a striped tent with workmen. A sure sign that someone else is also watching this Mr Smith. The men in the tent appear to be Special Branch. They expect a war criminal to come into contact with Smith.

I felt the story meandered a bit. The scenes with the foreign office woman who owned the house that Smith was living in. Surely she would have a fair idea of what was going in Africa.

It did tackle some grey areas. Smith feeling he owed this war criminal for saving his life. I did wonder just how Dixon would tackle race relations in mid 1970s Britain, if Dallas was arrested.
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All About Eve (1950)
All About Eve
26 May 2024
All About Eve is often compared with Sunset Boulevard. A waspish look at Hollywood and a cynical view of social climbers.

Eve Harrington (Anne Baxter) is the devoted fan of diva and veteran stage actress Margo Channing (Bette Davis.) It is all a cynical ploy. The stagestruck Eve wants to gain entry to Margo's inner circle and slowly devour all.

There is one giveaway when Eve pretends to be on stage and taking a bow. A mark that she is not wide eyed and innocent but to take out the ageing Margo. Once she has absorbed all that Margo has to offer.

The film has a narration by theater critic Addison DeWitt (George Sanders) who regards himself as even more cynical and manipulative than Eve. Only he might have met his match.

Sanders, who won the Oscar for best supporting actor. All About Eve won the Best Picture Oscar.

The movie is a dark bitter look at showbusiness, everyone is out to get a piece of the action. There is a subtext about ageism.

Davis has a more sympathetic role here as Margo, although I felt disappointed that she decided not to take out Eve. In the end the movie pulled its punches.
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Mallard Practice/Beaky Buzzard Gags: Mouse/Born to be Wile E.
26 May 2024
Daffy Duck is the lawyer that Elmer Fudd did not need when he is just about to pay a $30 parking fine.

The inexperienced Daffy Duck guarantees that Elmer will not have to pay a fine with Daffy by his side.

A promise that Daffy actually delivers on. Just a shame that in defending Elmer Fudd, the defendant ends up in even more trouble.

The middle short involves Beaky Buzzard as he swoops in to catch a mouse. Only the mouse was running away from another predator.

Wile E Coyote has got on his motorbike to catch the Road Runner. He is no easy rider as the Road Runner is the wild one.

Once again Wile E Coyote steals the show. I liked his expression how he survived a fall only to end up crashing in another way.
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Significant Other
26 May 2024
Significant Other is a genre bending movie. Is there something malevolent in the woods to science fiction to horror to wilderness survival.

It starts off as a domestic drama. A couple are hiking in the woods in the wilds of Oregon. Ruth (Maika Monroe) and her boyfriend Harry (Jake Lacy) have been together for some time.

Harry wants to marry her. She is happy as they are, annoyed that Harry wants to propose. Why disturb what they already have, it seems Ruth had a traumatic past.

When a red meteor strikes. Ruth eventually notices something about Harry, something subtle but significant.

The movie is a slow burner, relaying on the action of both the leads. It does look it is going nowhere until the rug is pulled. Then it adheres more to the conventions of a survival movie.

Somehow the movie just felt half finished, the script needed more work. The direction was effective.
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The Mystery of Ireland's Eye
26 May 2024
It is Thor and his thunderbolts. When she hears that her uncle Sir Edward de Courcey is in danger over in Ireland.

Maid Marian persuades Robin Hood and Friar Tuck to accompany her to Ireland. Only to find the locals are scared of superstition and the old Norse gods.

They are even nearly taken out by Thor's thunderbolts, but it looks more like a boulder that was deliberately thrown at them from a mountain.

It is the local chieftain Rolf that is indulging with the old gods. It seems he might have taken Sir Edward and later Marian away.

Robin Hood needs to demonstrate to the locals that Rolf has been using trickery to fool them.

I was amused by the idea that Ireland was regarded as some backward land. Although there is an interesting contrast about a land where supposedly Christianity has still not infiltrated it.
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Four Star Playhouse: Backstage (1952)
Season 1, Episode 4
26 May 2024
Paul (Charles Boyer) a charming and well known actor/director goes for a walk after a poker game.

He encounters a desperate woman Amy (Marcia Henderson) contemplating suicide. He takes her to a hotel for the night. When Paul checks up on Amy, she has disappeared.

Fearing that Amy might have killed herself he desperately searches for her. Ignoring that his new play is about to open and it has lost its leading lady.

There is an acidic performance from Hillary Brooke who plays a woman who shines a torch for Paul.

The teleplay very much is a riff on the movie All About Eve which was released several years earlier.
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Will the Real Aunty Sally...?
25 May 2024
Worzel Gummidge's head is turned left and right when he spots two Aunt Sallies walking down the opposite ends of the street.

Can there be two of them. Worzel gets John and Sue to chase them and given them some flowers.

It leaves Worzel confused. Of course the Crowman has an answer. There were loads of Aunt Sallies made for the fairground.

One of them is the vain selfish Aunt Sally. Only sweet to Worzel when he asks her out for tea with plenty of fresh cream cakes. She eats them all.

The other Aunt Sally (Connie Booth) is much nicer to Worzel. Just the kind of girl Worzel wants. She even lets Worzel kiss her.

I'm surprised that Worzel did not notice the American twang of the other Aunt Sally. The best bit was Worzel offered a kiss, the excitement in his face.
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