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You May Kiss the Bridesmaid (2021 TV Movie)
Disappointed in the story and writing. Not very family friendly. Not cool
21 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
About midway through, I really started to dislike the main characters, and the female leads parents.

The movie centers around a wedding. Commitment and trust are the centerpiece of any relationship.

And the leads just discount the boyfriend from NY, as though he was some typical jerk. But, he appears to be a very nice & reliable man. Someone who showed up when she needed him too. But, those parents practically pushed the male lead to break them up, and encouraged their daughter to cheat on her boyfriend. A boyfriend she has been committed enough to that she was going to introduce him to her parents this week.

Then, even as she was getting dressed for her own wedding, the bride also encouraged her sister to break her boyfriend's heart, when he's done absolutely nothing wrong.

Why can't people let her relationship take its course? If it's not meant to be, the other man will be waiting.

I'm really disappointed with a family network, that they encouraged such a storyline.
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Swing Into Romance (2023 TV Movie)
Comical male lead dancer, with missing romance
19 February 2024
You mean to tell me that in a show centered around organized competitive dancing they couldn't find a male lead who at least appeared to be in dancing shape? Or, a guy who could pass as being in dancing shape? Instead of a middle aged dad bod actor? Danica dipped into her Dancing With The Stars experience, and even has some on screen dance numbers with a former DWTS pro, but the male lead is almost comical as a dancer.

The movie has a family theme, with ok entertaining writing. All it missed was moderate believability.

As for the romance portion of the movie, there was very little chemistry between the two leads, to make up for the lack of authenticity in the dancing.
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Bringing Christmas Home (2023 TV Movie)
Bad Wig Was Distracting
19 December 2023
One of the better Christmas movies produced by GAC. But, Jill Wagner should have been the highlight of the movie.

Her appearance and performance were less than we've come to expect from her. I understand Wagner had to cut almost all of her lovely blonde hair off, for another job she was filming around the time she made this, but that auburn colored wig was just awful.

Maybe it was because it was so different from the blonde hair we have come to associate with Wagner.

They could have tried harder to make it look real, by at least attempting to match her natural hair color.

Past the appearance of one of the main characters, I actually enjoyed the movie. I just wish GAC & Hallmark would either try harder to make military themed movies look real, or not try so hard to dumb the topic & dialogue down for the viewers.
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Surprise Me! (2017)
Disturbing movie
5 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So many things wrong with this movie. Mental illness, gaslighting, and emotional abuse. So many things. The main character has so many friends, who let her down the whole movie. They watched her be gaslit, lied to, emotionally abused, and cheated on. And all her friends let it go on. Even her step father and best friend participated in the abuse. None of which is ok. Then, they have the main character marry one of the people who knowingly participated in the abuse, as though that is somehow a happy ending.

I give the movie a 1 just because it I can't give it a zero. I would have stopped watching 1/2 through, but I kept hoping one of her many close friends would come through for her. But, even worse, we find that ALL of them were in on it.
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Finding Normal (2013 TV Movie)
Unbelievable, but entertaining
27 August 2023
First question is why someone would drive all the way from Los Angeles to Long Island. It's the 21st century, and nobody would drive all of that way, as opposed to just hopping on a plane.

The next question is how that person would end up in Louisiana, when driving from California to the Hamptons. That's what normal people would call the scenic route. There's no way Louisiana is on the way to The Hamptons.

I realize it's a comedy, but it's more of an Adam Sandler type ridiculous comedy, than the typical Hallmark family channel type comedy.

It's a slow starter, that picks up in the middle, and only then finally fulfills the comedy part of the movie.
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The Last Kiss (2006)
Nothing funny about it
3 August 2023
They claim it's a romantic comedy. There's really nothing romantic or comedic about it. It's a drama that's actually pretty depressing. All of the characters relationships implode in the first 1/2 of the movie. And they deservedly end up unhappy and alone. It's not until the movie is ending that things begin to resolve themselves. The credits are just ending, and I still am waiting for the comedy part of the movie.

My advice is to go in knowing that it's a drama. Period. And you won't be surprised or disappointed. It has decent character development, and depth. With the full range of emotions. The writing could be better, but I give it a 5.5. I wouldn't recommend paying to watch this movie.
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Loved this movie. Recommend to anyone
26 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this story. I didn't read the book, but the story is not very predictable. It has a twist, with heart. It's enjoyable, heartbreaking, and meaningful. I'd recommend it to anyone with a heart & willing to feel.

Lucy Hale really shows her range, and Kunal Nayyar really separates himself from the character he played in The Bug Bang Theory all those years.

The main character is a book store owner, who's wife recently passed away. His life is turned around, when a baby is left in his story & abandoned. He adopts her, and turns his life around.

He falls in love with a persistent book publisher, who sells books retail stores.

There's a heartbreaking twist, that I won't spoil. The ending may not satisfy everyone, but it's enjoyable as a whole.
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Lucifer: A Lot Dirtier Than That (2021)
Season 6, Episode 6
Worst episode I've watched
10 December 2022
This is the worst episode of the series. I've binge watched all of the series, and been riveted to all of them. Enjoyed & been entertained by all of them.

But, since the show moved to Netflix for season 4, it's been obvious that their was a change in writers & show-runners. Possibly a change in directors as well. Netflix has a long history of prioritizing SJW issues over entertainment.

This is the first episode I found myself fast forwarding through blocks of the episode. Primarily the police procedural scenes. I have not watched this show to be preached to or taught anything. I do not watch anything to have false narratives make me not enjoy a show I love.
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iZombie (2015–2019)
Well cast. Poorly directed
22 November 2022
Casting for this show was excellent, with the exception of one character. David Anders is well cast, as a villain/antagonist, but is clearly overacting throughout the series. He is an American, who has played an American villain in many shows, but continues to use some strange needless American "accent" (Blaine DeBeers). If I didn't know better, I'd think he foreign (non American) speaking, and had to change his dialect for the show. It's very cringy. He's trying too hard, and it ruins the character every time he opens his mouth. It was obvious in the pilot. The director just needed to tell him to stop trying too hard.
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Suits (2011–2019)
Great show for seven seasons
9 August 2022
Was a complete show, for 7 seasons. But Meghan Markle suddenly became the Yoko to Suits.

With Meghan Markles exit, the show lost one of its stars. And season 8-9 became just a swan song.
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Imposters (2017–2018)
No comedy included
24 April 2022
It describes itself as a "Dark Comedy". I've watched the first two episodes, and I've seen zero evidence of comedy. Of any sort.

It's moderately entertaining, and not a waste of time.
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High Fidelity (2020)
19 April 2022
Remake of a movie, back about 2000, starring John Cusack & Jack Black. That movie is a cult classic. This is the same concept, spread out over of series. A single season.

It's actually mildly entertaining. Worth watching, when you're looking for something to watch. It could have been done in a mini series.

Zoe Kravitz does a good job. But her supporting cast is mediocre. At best.
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Undone (2019–2022)
2 April 2022
I wanted to try something new. But really can't get into it. Is it a cartoon, or not? Please choose already. It's really distracting to see actors done over with CGI.
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The Informer (2019)
Incomplete movie
29 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's a decent action/drama movie. With a protagonist that really gets you invested. Problem being, that even thought the law & order part appears resolved the movie ends prematurely. The protagonist is left on the run, without being reunited with his family. A step that could have been taken, without much extra effort. Leaves you feeling short changed.
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The Healer (IV) (2016)
Cute movie
29 March 2022
A sweet old fashion feel good movie, with a little love story built in. It's worth your time.

It'll give you a few tears, and a smile, with a few laughs.
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Casting is everything
26 March 2022
It's entertaining, but not entertaining enough to earn the sequels that were hoped for. They got lucky with a young Lilly Collins, as the epic Clary Fray. They even did well with Lena Heady, as her mother.

But, the rest of the cast is a hodge lodge of nobodies and failures. Robert Sheehan is not only miscast, as Simon, but his acting it atrocious. He attempts an American accent, and comes out sounding Scottish.

If you're a fan of the books, I suggest missing this iteration. If you aren't, and are just looking for a sci fantasy movie to entertain you for an hour or so, give it a try.
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Megan Leavey (2017)
Loved this movie
8 March 2022
If you're a dog owner, have your tissues ready. It really tugs at your heart strings.

How can you not love a true story, about two war heroes, and a hero dog & his handler/owner.
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WU Assassins sequel nobody asked for
17 February 2022
It's a campy b grade sequel to the cancelled WU Assassins series, that didn't make it out of season 1.

What's worse is that any fans of the cancelled series won't even know it's a sequel. Because the previews & title don't tell you that. Not even the IMDB description mentions the series.

It's really not worth your time. It does a poor job of explaining itself, and connecting itself to the original series. They kill off the big bad, and you're left not even knowing how they did it.
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Teen Wolf (2011–2017)
Not a true "teen supernatural"
9 February 2022
It's enjoyable, but takes the 'adults playing teenagers" thing to a whole new level.

Imagine 10 Charisma Carpenters (Buffy) in one show.

25 yr olds playing 17 -18 yr olds. And, for some, it was very obvious.
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Reacher (2022– )
That was really worth the investment
4 February 2022
True to the book. True to the character. Entertaining and fun.

Right amount of action. Right amount of humor.

Looking forward to another season & book.

Definitely recommend it to anyone. You don't need to have read the book to understand & enjoy it.
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Colony: Eleven.Thirteen (2017)
Season 2, Episode 1
Misplaced episode
17 January 2022
Really weirdly placed episode.

It's season 2, after a 10 episode season 1, and we're getting a full blown full episode of backstory to the entire series.

It should have been the pilot, or broken up throughout the first few episodes.
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Condor (2018–2020)
The Fugitive
15 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's just The Fugitive in a TV series, with the CIA being the antagonist, instead of big pharma.

And a lot of frustratingly stupid people. It's slower than it needs to be.
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Sex Appeal (2022)
Entertaining and inappropriate
15 January 2022
Another teen rom/com. It has its funny parts, and makes you feel.

But, it also does what so many Hollywood movies/shows are making a habit of.

Using young 21+ adults to play HS kids with sex/love stories. Trying to normalize HS teens having sex, without using teens.
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The Order (2019–2020)
A tale of two series
14 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If you watch it, watch season 1, and then pack it in. Season 2 will only frustrate you & bore you.

Season 1 is ok, for the typical supernatural drama.

Werewolves, witches/magic, and romance.

It does a good job of the typical. Gets you interested & invested in the characters & relationships.

Then, Season 2 comes along and they let Netflix dictate the storylines & characters.

They literally wipe the memories of 1/2 the characters, and bring them back as different people & different relationships.

Straight characters become gay, and couples no longer remember each other. Ruining what you just spent a whole season investing in.

Then they spend 10 more episodes getting the two main characters back together, only to kill one of them off in the finale. Very disappointing & frustrating.
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Being Human: Rewind, Rewind... (2014)
Season 4, Episode 8
13 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Interesting episode. But, it uses the Back To The Future or The Flash time travel theory.

And we essentially see what happens if just one thing is changed.
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