
2 Reviews
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A perfectly enjoyable film, if you know what to expect
4 August 2014
By now you should really know what your getting into with "The Expendables 3" if you've seen the previous installments in the series. If you have not seen the previous films then with an "Expendables" movie you should expect witty jokes, lots of action, a star studded cast filled with old and current action stars and a paper thin story which is used just to set up the next gun fight. "The Expendables 3" is no exception to this formula and that is not a bad thing. Although there is some problems with the formula.

One thing to note about this new installment in the series is that the story is the best it has ever been. Its not Oscar worthy but its more interesting and fleshed out than the previous films. "The Expendables 3" see's Barney Ross (Sylvester Stallone) and his team of mercenaries go after an arms dealer Conrad Stonebanks (Mel Gibson) who turns out to have history with Barney and "The Expendables". Now Stonebanks is set out on wiping out "The Expendables" which forces Barney to retire his old team and recruit a new team.

The cast in "The Expendables 3" is even bigger this time around with old favorites returning such as Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jet Li to reprise their roles as Trench and Yin Yang. Along with some great new editions like Antonio Banderas and Wesley Snipes. However the cast is just too big this time around. Lots of fan favorite characters are given very little to do and the same goes to some of the new characters. For example Harrison Ford does very little apart from tell Barney where to go and what to do throughout the film. He just feels shoehorned into the story because they couldn't get Bruce Willis back to reprise his role as Church. Also most of the new younger editions to the cast are not given anything interesting or note worthy to do apart from make fun of the older members of the cast about how old they all are and shoot a gun at random soldiers. Mel Gibson is the best villain by far in the series as he is truly menacing and really is a force to be reckoned with, but he feels underused and the film would have benefited from a good villain. What makes most great action movies great is the presence of a truly menacing villain. A few great action movies to name with fantastic villains is "Die Hard" and "The Terminator".

Of course the action is the most important part of any action movie and the action in "The Expendables 3" is as good as any of the previous films. This film doesn't try to do anything really that new with the action but there are a couple key moments particularly in the latter half of the movie which stand out and there is plenty of witty banter between characters to entertain you between the action sequences. Although some of the special effects in the movie are horrifically bad and really take you out of the action.

Over all "The Expendables 3" is a perfectly enjoyable film with entertaining action scenes, some incredibly bad effects which take you out of the film, a much improved story and a fine cast although there is some questionable new editions to the cast which make you wonder why they are even in the movie apart from the fact that Sylvester Stallone believes that bigger is better
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A Howling Success!
18 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
"The Wolf of Wall Street" may be one of the most refreshing films in years. Recently Hollywood has been shipping out many unoriginal films that do not have much flare or ambition to them and Comic book/super hero movies have been thrown at us that are entertaining but fall flat in creativity. However Martin Scorsese shows us in this film that films can still be captivating, engrossing and have very rich and clever dialogue that by the time you have left the cinema the motivational speeches of Jordan Belfort are imprinted in your mind.

To help bring the script to life we get an amazing performance from Leonardo DiCaprio as Jordan Belfort who really delivers his lines with such enthusiasm that you believe every word of his speeches are the truth. DiCaprio really gives an Oscar worthy performance. The supporting cast also do a fantastic job.

The film follows Jordan Belfort who goes to Wall Street to be a stock broker and quench his thirst for money. He then starts his own firm and uses illegal methods to gain millions of dollars. He uses these millions to create his decadent and lavish lifestyle with havoc and laughter ensuing. However the same greed that made him rise to be a multi-millionaire will be his downfall.

As I said the film follows this pattern of Belforts rise and fall which is also the same in previous Scorsese films such as "Goodfellas". To anyone who has seen "Goodfellas" they may feel that the Wolf of Wall Street is the exact same movie and on paper and so you will probably be able to guess how the film ends before even stepping into the cinema. However do not go into this film expecting a plot twist halfway through or something that redefines the way films are made. The film should be loved for the the engrossing and hilarious journey through greed and corruption that it takes you on as it really is a thrill ride without any explosions or tense moments and it should be praised for managing such a feat! The equivalent of gun fights and car chases in an action movie are sheer dialogue and wit in this film.

Although I personally felt that the film may have been a bit too long, I felt that three hours is a bit too much for this movie to handle. We are shown two hours and thirty minutes of non stop outrageousness which at a point becomes a bit overwhelming and some scenes feel like they are just there to emphasise how insane these peoples life styles were and could easily be shortened down because you understand this message about two hours into the film. Despite this the film does save itself at the last thirty minutes.

Overall "The Wolf Of Wall Street" is Martin Scorseses greatest film in years with all round great performances. This film has been a seven year project and you can tell that a lot of time, dedication and effort has went into making this film as good as it possibly can be, it does stumble at parts but it truly is a howling success that makes you want to beat your chest while humming.
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