
5 Reviews
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Interstellar (2014)
9 November 2014
I won't give it a 1 to even things up a little, I give it a 6 which is real. Maybe 6.5 but 7 would be a stretch. I'm disappointed with a film that I waited for so long, with a great title that was waisted. Interstellar should have been a masterpiece, with, well, a lot of Interstellar traveling. The duration is just to long, especially the first part, which brings nothing extra to the story. It's just to stretched out trying to bring I don't know what. A feel of 2001 maybe, but 2001 is in another galaxy for this one. I didn't like Inception either, so maybe it has got to be something with Nolan. I'm a sci-fi fan, but today everyone's trying to make sci-fi, but they don't succeed. They are doing it wrong! District 9 was the last good sci-fi I watched. Interstellar has got great visuals, I give it that, but Gravity had more (another film that sucked big time). I wouldn't watch it again.
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Legionnaire (1998)
The best of Van Damme
22 June 2011
First of all, we got to know this is a Van Damme movie. Taking that into consideration, it is a very good movie. I've watched it several times now, and it really has something special, at least for me. I watch those ratings, like everybody do, when I'm searching for films to watch. But, the ratings are often very misleading, in both ways. So, I'm watching really bad and boring films with ratings 8, and I get turned off of perfectly good films with ratings from 4.5 to 6. Unfortunately, we can't watch all the films, and there will be missed good films, and a lot of bad films watched, but if you want an interesting story, not expecting too much, and have a lot of nice scenes, then don't miss this one. Give it a chance, it's a good film.
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It's watchable. I really mean it!
13 January 2011
I watched this in a theater and I didn't regret it. Before that, I saw the ratings here and read some critics, and it was bad. I went to see it anyway, expecting nothing of it. If I could stand watching 2 hours long The Limits of control, I can surely stand the Little Fockers. And guess what, I liked it! I had a few laughs, the theater was full and everyone was laughing, so, I'm a little puzzled by all this negativity on IMDb. If you liked the first two movies, you will like the third one also. You know what you can expect of the Fockers, right? The same old story. I would recommend to everyone to just watch it (if you liked the others) and then make a judgment. This ratings on IMDb are so misleading, and makes you watch bad films, or not watch the good or the perfectly watchable.
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Watchable, could be way better
2 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Well, I give it 6 stars, because the movie is watchable, but nothing more than that. The plot is very predictable (at least for me), and not very realistic. I know, this is not a documentary, but I like a little realism at least, in this type of movies. When Ana goes to the Russian just looks very naive and annoys me. Then, her faith in the Driver (Vigo), is just annoying. He's a killer, for God's sake! Of course, they managed to put a "forced" and unnatural love story in a movie with some ugly killing scenes. Come on! As I sad, it is watchable, but instantly forgettable, there is nothing to talk about after it finished, and you're glad that it's not 2 hours long.
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Worst film of the year
28 December 2010
Well, unfortunately I saw this film in a theater, so yes, I paid money for it. I think this is the worst film I ever saw. OK, it's meant to be artistic, I suppose, but then, why put such a film in a theater for normal people to watch? It's boring, really boring. It's too long (2 hours), it doesn't have a plot and it goes nowhere. The main protagonist isn't interesting and I really didn't care what he has to do. The plot, if we can call it plot, is repetitive and I really felt like the director wanted to find out the Limits of MY control, or patience. I really hoped that something would come out in the second half of the film, but it really didn't. There's stuff I just don't get (the matchboxes), but not "don't get" in a good way, like, per example, the ending of Space Odissey or something like that. OK, he got directions through the matchboxes, but what did he give in return? Who were the people he had to meet? Why the naked girl? Hmmm. Well, I just don't care. Trust me, don't watch this. Go out for a beer instead. Cheers!
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