
9 Reviews
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The Witcher (2019– )
Absolute Garbage
22 November 2022
So much better than the Netflix version. Netflix completely reversed the protagonists and Witcher became a sex toy for the women in the story.

Absolute Garbage!

So much better than the Netflix version. Netflix completely reversed the protagonists and Witcher became a sex toy for the women in the story.

Absolute Garbage!

So much better than the Netflix version. Netflix completely reversed the protagonists and Witcher became a sex toy for the women in the story.

Absolute Garbage!

So much better than the Netflix version. Netflix completely reversed the protagonists and Witcher became a sex toy for the women in the story.

Absolute Garbage!

So much better than the Netflix version. Netflix completely reversed the protagonists and Witcher became a sex toy for the women in the story.

Absolute Garbage!

So much better than the Netflix version. Netflix completely reversed the protagonists and Witcher became a sex toy for the women in the story.

Absolute Garbage!

So much better than the Netflix version. Netflix completely reversed the protagonists and Witcher became a sex toy for the women in the story.

Absolute Garbage!

So much better than the Netflix version. Netflix completely reversed the protagonists and Witcher became a sex toy for the women in the story.

Absolute Garbage!

So much better than the Netflix version. Netflix completely reversed the protagonists and Witcher became a sex toy for the women in the story.

Absolute Garbage!

So much better than the Netflix version. Netflix completely reversed the protagonists and Witcher became a sex toy for the women in the story.

Absolute Garbage!

So much better than the Netflix version. Netflix completely reversed the protagonists and Witcher became a sex toy for the women in the story.

Absolute Garbage!

So much better than the Netflix version. Netflix completely reversed the protagonists and Witcher became a sex toy for the women in the story.

Absolute Garbage!
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Idiotic and stupid
26 February 2022
Crossword-maker Tess Harper (Lacey Chabert) reconnects with former boyfriend Hunter Hall, a producer on the popular game show Riddle Me This. He invites her onto the show. When the host is murdered, detective Logan O'Connor is the first cop on the scene. He had gone to the studio to surprise Tess with flower.
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Duke (II) (2019)
Tries too desperately to immitate others
21 February 2022
This movie is pretty well shot, very reminiscent of the 2000 "Memento" movie by the American director Christopher Nolan, but the acting and screenplay will make you vomit in your own mouth.
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Moral Equivalance Garbage
27 September 2014
This movie was expertly directed and had tons of historical consultants, that didn't prevent it to stink to heaven high when it came one simple thing: HISTORICAL ACCURACY.

Oh sure, all the military vehicles are correct, and every ribbon on the German uniform is done just right, but that's NOT what I'm talking about. The historical accuracy of the human kind is COMPLETELY MISSING.

The main heroes (presuming from the title, the average everyday Germans) are portrayed as innocent 20-year olds, apparently completely oblivious to the Nazi propaganda that was avalanching Germany for the last 8 years. They are friends with a Jewish tailor and see absolutely nothing wrong it. After all, what could be wrong with having a Jewish friend in 1941's Germany, right? Then comes the soap opera and the war drama. Don't get me wrong. Both of these are expertly done, and quite engaging in their own respects. But I feel like the producers desperately tried to appeal to BOTH sexes equally, unnecessarily making some episodes too short while others too long. That however is a minor quibble.

The major quibble of mine is the unabashed and naked attempt by the producers to equate the German atrocities in the WWII with those of other countries. Russia, Ukraine, and, particularly, Poland...

The Polish partisans are portrayed as Jew-hating assholes and provide a nice opposite to the clean-cut, multi-kulti main characters who would never say a bad thing about Jew, much less kill him... Surely that's a historical fact... Right?? RIGHT???
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Charming Classic of Polish Cinema
19 April 2008
I've seen this movie when I was a kid and now 30 years later I was surprised to remember all of the tunes and many of the lyrics. They are quite catchy and some truly hilarious, attacking the Nazi occupation through patriotic defiance and laughter.

The movie is essentially told in flashbacks and relates the life of Warsaw residents during the World War II. The first half is composed of various amusing or poignant vignettes featuring a song. The second half is more of a traditional war movie, although the pace sometimes drops to a crawl, as though the film makers were trying to stretch it to 100 minutes.

The acting is very good and strongly reminds me of classic Polish pre-WWII comedies with character actors and fast dialogue. The movie is also interesting in that it is almost completely devoid of pro-Soviet propaganda, which would later dominate all Polish war movies.
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Katyn (2007)
Perhaps good for a TV mini-series, but not for the big screen
19 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Oh what a disappointment this movie is. I can't believe it was directed by Wajda. There's practically no plot and 90% of the movie consists of various people walking in and out of the screen, weakly trying to interact with each other while talking about the Katyn massacre. The most interesting part comes right at the end, but by that time I simply stopped caring while trying to suppress my yawns.

Almost the entire movie is filmed with a hand-held camera, which is supposed to convey the feeling of "personal immediacy" but there's nothing personal or immediate about most of the movie. Instead, the constant jerking of the camera made me seasick. To be fair, there are some great shots too (no pun intended), but nothing that makes you go "Wow!".

If you're not familiar with the Katyn massacre, the movie will leave you scratching your head. If you are familiar, you'll be scratching your head too, although maybe for different reasons. Basically, the movie states and restates over and over again that it was the Soviets who murdered thousands of Polish soldiers in 1940. This point is hammered repeatedly as though someone in the audience needed to be convinced of this basic historical fact. However, the movie never tries to explain as to WHY they were killed. After all, tens of thousands of Polish soldiers in the other Soviet POW camps were not harmed and were released in 1941. It is also never explained adequately HOW MANY people perished, although the figure 20,000 is thrown in a couple of times.

The acting is adequate with only Komorowska (old woman) and Chyra (Lt. Jerzy) giving noticeable performances, but they get to act for maybe 10-15 minutes in total. Certainly not enough to carry the whole movie. Many other actors seem to have been chosen more for their matinée looks rather than their acting abilities, but I won't mention their names. Suffice to say that they are definitely NOT the Oscar material, so any claims that this movie was "robbed" of the Academy Award are simply laughable.

The tone of movie is wrong as well. On one hand it tries to be an accurate historical drama, on the other it resorts to cheap anti-Soviet propaganda such as showing a Russian soldier tear up the Polish flag and using it to clean his boots. Then there are some puzzling scenes which have absolutely no bearing on the plot, such as a couple climbing on a roof or the liquidation of the Krakow University.

There are many missed opportunities to make this movie more interesting, such as adding a political angle to the story, or showing the German discovery of the graves, or even portraying Anna's trip from the Soviet occupied part to the German occupied Krakow. All of these aspects could have been the major part of the movie, but instead they're reduced to a couple of minutes. In the end, we get a collection of loosely fitting, confusing, boring scenes about the reaction of Poles to one of their greatest tragedies of WWII. Not very compelling and not worthy of Wajda at all.
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Young Punks Get Their Revenge
9 March 2005
It's a small tale about a group of young thugs who aren't invited to a school costume party so they decide to invite themselves and beat up everyone.

I found it interesting mostly for its historical value just to see how a school dance looked like in the 50's Poland. The dance scenes are boring and the fight scenes unconvincing, but both are filmed competently, especially considering that they happen at night and Polanski was still a student. The soundtrack of the fight was quite badly dubbed, however, creating some unintentional chuckles. This short also further reinforced my opinion that Polanski has an obsession with violence.
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The Grey Zone (2001)
More Suitable for the Stage than the Big Screen
10 January 2005
The weakness of the movie is visible right from the start. It's the dialogue. Not only it's hard to understand, but it's also way too fast, and so cryptic that I gave up trying to understand what they were talking about. This kind of dialogue tempo might be suited for a small stage, but in a movie it sounds extremely artificial and distracting.

The story itself is rather simple. A group of Jewish prisoners (Sonderkommandos) works in the Birkenau death camp, doing the Nazi's dirty job and hoping to survive from one day to another. However, there's a problem. Apart from being eaten alive by guilt and self-hatred, they also know that no Sonderkommando group has ever survived more than 4 month. They fear their time is running out. Some of them would like to revolt and die a quick, dignified death, but others prefer not to rock the boat. Is it really so easy to pick the first option?

Apart from the desperate and bleak mood, the look of the movie is also very depressing, which I suppose is quite appropriate. Not only the predominant color of the movie is grey, but it's all drowned in darkness and shadows. At times, it's really hard to discern who's on screen. Not that it matters, actually, since the actors here are not doing any exceptional work. Buscemi does his routine wise-guy schtick, and Keitel does a passable job as the camp's kommandant, although his attempts to look evil get tiresome eventually (he does a lot of snarling). Other actors don't get much opportunity to shine though, with the possible exception of the doctor (Allan Corduner) who mostly wastes it.

The movie is quite violent in its depiction of the camp life, although it's perhaps not as shocking as The Schindler's List or The Pianist. The Germans are stereotypical evil sadistic Nazis who seem to enjoy every moment they get to abuse the prisoners or simply shoot them in the head. Is it realistic? Perhaps, I wasn't there. But it does seem like the director milks all the head-shots for all they're worth, until we become desensitized to it.

Overall, I'm quite disappointed with this movie but still would recommend it to those who enjoy movies about WWII. 6/10
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Contact (1997)
Manipulative Schmaltz
17 June 2003
Manipulative schmaltz which manages to insult both my emotional sensibility and intellect. SETI is a genuinely interesting topic but this movie manages to make it into a retching experience. Even "Forrest Gump" wasn't so mawkish.
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