
9 Reviews
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This was not it.
23 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I like Zack Snyders movies, but this was not it. I was expecting and hoping for something way better than what was delivered. I was willing to give this a chance since the first part didn't really do much for me, but I figured it was the first part of the story that it would all culminate in the second part which it failed to do.

For the positives which there aren't many the action sequences were pretty cool. Some of the special effects were pretty clean, but that is all I can say for the positives.

Now for the negatives first the dialogue of this movie was beyond terrible. Whoever wrote this needs to find a new job because this was some of the worst dialogue I've ever heard, especially in the very beginning when the town people are giving the gifts to the heroes.

What was with all the slow Mo? I know this Zack Snyder signature, but he did it way too much in this film. Also, what was with the grain scene? We didn't need to have it shown repeatedly and dragged out for so long they could've easily cut out a half hour in the first hour of the movie it was not needed.

I wouldn't say all the acting was bad, but there were some characters that were just terrible and did not do a good job acting wise. It could've been the dialogue or the direction. I'm not sure.

And I hear that Snyder wants to do five or six of these films just please don't these first two are so bad that I can't even think of four more of these.
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Echo: Chafa (2023)
Season 1, Episode 1
1st episode just ok
11 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
First episode so far is not bad but nothing great either. I read some reviews one in particular asked what if you don't know sign language that the episode did not have subtitles. Idk where that person was watching the episode but there were subtitles thru out the whole episode and I never had an issue with that. If that is the reason for your low rating maybe you should learn how to hit the subtitles button in Disney plus. Anyway 1st episode is ok so far loved seeing Daredevil and Ronin, I hope there's more of Daredevil in the coming episodes and not just in this one episode. One down four to go.
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What happened to DC animation?
11 January 2024
I don't know what happened with DC animation. They use to be the best part of DC. Some of the animated movies were way better than any of the live action DC/Marvel movies. The last few animation movies have been terrible. Everything from the design of the characters, dialog and story. Who ever was in charge of the old animation bring them back. For this being a crisis storyline it was terrible. The story was all over the place I know there 2 more parts coming but this was so hard to watch that idk if I will even watch the others. Do better DC you're going to lose the rest of your fan base smh.
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Manifest (2018–2023)
Huge plot hole problems and ending question.
26 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
OK, so to start off the show started off great the first two seasons were great seasons had a lot of promise. The third season, I felt like they tried too much, too many characters and they lost themselves. With this final fourth season when they broke it up into two parts, I expected there to be more of a direct shot to an ending, but they still had a lot of filler episodes that didn't help move the story forward at all and a lot of useless characters that were just boring and horrible acting. I will say that the fourth season probably had the worst writing out of all the seasons, a lot of cringe, worthy dialogue, and a lot of cheesy moments. The ending to me didn't make any sense. Well I take that back I understand they were doing more of a fan service give everybody their happy endings, but there's a bunch of glaring unanswered questions that are left with that ending. One to start, the girl that had the baby in the DC when she lands, Obviously she jumps back and now don't even mention the fact that she doesn't care now she doesn't have her baby I get that you know she's gonna have to relive that life and eventually she will have that baby I get that part but to me her not acting like a certain way cause she just lost her child like that didn't make any sense to me. One big plot hole or unanswered question is when you actually really look and pay attention to the ending technically, they're all still going to die because the whole point of this whole thing was they were supposed to prevent whatever was gonna happen they never do prevent it it actually does happen they just go to like a time loop where they go back in time so they can live their lives but if you really look at it, they only have 5 1/2 years before the world ends. They never stopped or prevented anything so to me the ending didn't make any sense or I guess you could just say they gave them their happy ending for the time being, but we all know where this is all going to end so to me it still sounds like they're all going to die in 5 1/2 years because obviously all the stuff is still going to happen, and there's nothing they can do to stop it. That is what was kind of bad because they didn't really answer that question and I don't think we'll ever get the answers because they went the lost route and went with the faith side which I get it. Sometimes it's a lot better I actually am one of the few people who love the ending for lost but for this one it just didn't make sense because pretty much when you look at it, they all will still die in 5 1/2 years the world will still end they didn't prevent it from happening.

Show was still worth watching but first 2 seasons were the best then it's downhill from there.
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Unfortunately disappointing
2 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So I thought this season started off a little slow. I didn't like the direction they were going with some of the characters and thought there was too many storylines going on at once to make it a really good season. Then towards the end of volume one it really started to pick up and build the way that you want a show to build so I was really starting to enjoy it.

So when they started showing the trailers for volume two I was really excited to see where they were going to take this. I honestly thought that they would take a more serious approach, I thought they would go in the direction of like infinity war in there approach to this. Like there was gonna be a lot of consequences and just like infinity war we would lose a lot of the main characters or at least a few of them. Then I would hope that season five would've picked up from there being so much bigger in grandscale since it's going to be the finale it would be like an endgame type deal. Unfortunately that's not what we got. Instead we got what we always get kill the new character and hurt the core team but they make it thru.

Now I know I may be in the minority in here but I do love Max's character. I actually didn't want her character to die, but that being said the way they brought her back was just so terrible. Also eleven now apparently having the power to bring you back to life. It's just really dumb and lazy writing.

I still don't understand what's going on with Will's character, they never really bring it up at all. He just keeps crying and they make us question his sexuality at one point. I honestly don't know what the heck is going on with that character and they never really answered in the show which was really annoying still don't understand why he was crying all the time.

The most cringe worthy part of this episode is when Will is talking to Mike and tells him to tell Eleven he's the heart. Then he starts to speak to her while she's in the upside down. I literally was about to shut it off that's how bad that was. Some of the worse writing some of the cheesiest cringiest writing I've ever seen on the show. The show normally doesn't do that, but that was so bad it made me want to turn it off. I hope to God they don't do that on the next one because that was the worst it's ever been.

Lastly my last gripe about this season the group never all get together til like the last 10 mins of the episode. I guess I'm assuming the last seasons going to have them together the whole time. They literally wait till the last minute for them to kind of be together.

I hope they really go all out in the last season and make up for this weak season 4 ending.
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Invasion (2021–2024)
What happen to Sam Neil!!!
14 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Ok so you start the show with one character and have something happen to him and just decide to forget about it? I don't understand the direction of this show, none of the characters are likable, at times I find myself rooting for them to get killed off so we don't have to see them again. Back to Sam Neil tho, we are 6 episodes in are you planning on ever going back to that story or did Sam Neil realize this show was terrible and doesn't want to appear in anymore episodes. I keep hoping the show is going to get better, but the writing is just terrible it's hard to keep watching. I will watch the whole season just to see how it ends, but I don't see apple Committing to another season. Maybe they can prove me wrong, I guess we will see.
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Titans: Purple Rain (2021)
Season 3, Episode 13
What a cheesy and cringy episode
21 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I know they got resigned for a 4th season, but I'm done with this show. This season started off with some promise and after they kill hawk the show went downhill. This last episode was so cheesy and cringy the dialogue was horrific. I was hoping for something to redeem this season at the end but they never did. For me it's goodbye titans I won't give season 4 a chance after how bad this season went.
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Titans: Souls (2021)
Season 3, Episode 9
What is happening to this show!!?
23 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This season started off so good and had so much promise. This episode called souls has completely lost its soul and what's left is this cheesy melodramatic drivel. I was so excited to finally see them bring back Rachel and Donna but the way they went about it with including Tim Drake was so dumb and cheesy it was cringey. The Tim Drake story is not good and the actor playing him just doesn't seem to fit the character. I was happy to see hawk but then they ruined that with him and the old dove saving people in the afterlife which is by far the worse and cheesiest ending to his story. They should of just left his storyline the way it was. With 4 episodes left in this season I'm hoping it finds it direction back and ends on a good note. If not I believe this will be my last season watching.
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Titans (I) (2018–2023)
Great start but limping to the finish line.
18 September 2021
No spoilers!!!!!

The first 3 episodes of season 3 were great. I was loving what they were doing and looking forward to see where it was going. Since then it's like they fired the good writers from those 3 episodes and the show has been dragging and terrible. I don't know why Barbara Gordon has been such an emphasis this season. I can understand introducing the character but I feel like they have focused too much on her and her storyline is really boring. I feel like after the 1st 3 episodes it's become a whiny teen melodrama and I'm over it. I'm trying to stick in there but it's becoming a struggle to even watch now. I really hope the next episodes get better or I might just be done with this show.
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