7 Reviews
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Green Acres (1965–1971)
11 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This amazingly funny and awesome show was written by geniuses for geniuses ONLY! In other words, geniuses comprehend it completely. The actors are very likeable and Lisa is so sweet and polite. Perhaps Douglas, Oliver Wendell Douglas is a hot head, but what can you expect when you live amidst so many numbskulls, backward folk, things that don't work, things that constantly break down. I love all the precious animals that are always treated with respect. Money goes out the window and friendship takes its place. Of course there are the rogues like Mr. Haney, but I'm sure if it came right down to it, he too, would be there to lend a helping hand.

The house, well, it may be a home, but I wouldn't live there (even though a few houses close by look even worse).
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Caesar (2002)
Wrong video with movie
10 July 2018
Too bad they have the wrong video with this movie. You'd think they'd fix it.
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6 June 2018
I don't usually bother writing reviews, but I HAD TO! I can't understand why a show of this caliber been cancelled, and in fact FIRMLY BELIEVE it should have at least 6 seasons. It's quirky, fun, funny, confusing, original AND NEEDS MORE SEASONS, BECAUSE YOU CAN'T LEAVE US IN THE LURCH!! Perfectly cast, perfectly timed, perfect music, just plain perfect. Why do crappy shows continue to mar our viewing 'pleasure' yet shows like this are tossed? If BBC America dumped it, surely someone smart will pick it up!! We love this show and will not let you take it from us!
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Wolf Totem (2015)
I couldn't bear to watch more
15 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I am a WOLF LOVER, and for that reason alone I could not bear to watch more after they murdered those wolf cubs!!! It thoroughly disgusted me!!! Sure, in the beginning, the cinematography was very good, and the acting was so-so. I could easily envision the greed of humanity, which is a given, more so in our time, but still valid even then. Watching humans STEAL the very food from the wolves after they worked so hard in obtaining it for their cubs, only to see humans and their inhumanity at work murdering the very cubs the pilfered food was meant to feed. Near the beginning one of the main actors is reading a book about how it's better to be dead than to lack freedom and then he goes and catches a wolf? Again, I couldn't bear to watch man's constant inhumanity to other living creatures! This is the main reason I gave this movie such a low score.
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Corner Gas (2004–2009)
Laugh Out Loud Funny
15 September 2014
First let me say that I'm excited about the movie coming out soon! I learned about Corner Gas when I saw it at the library and read what it was about, and am I ever glad I found it. Living in the US, it's difficult if not impossible to find shows that are actually funny. The "humor" in this country seems to fall into the sexual genre or things I couldn't care less about. The last funny show this country had was Seinfeld and that's just plain sad. So...f you have a sense of humor and know what's REALLY funny, then this show is for you. I love the subliminal sarcasm as well as the in your face type it has to offer. I love that insults get tossed around helter skeleter vs holding it in or doing it under one's breath. How the occupants of the town always get into a predicament and always get out of said predicaments in the most circuitous ways is enough to make one laugh aloud. Tons of trickery and tomfoolery going around. If this isn't your thing, then you don't know what real humor is all about. If you're looking for the Modern Family or the Family Guy type of non-humor, well keep moving.
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The Colony (I) (2013)
Great Apocalyptic Movie!
24 October 2013
This movie had it all. There was great acting by Laurence Fishburne and Kevin Zegers, sorry to say mediocre from Bill Paxton. I liked that after the slow beginning, the movie quickly went into high adrenaline-mode with tons of action and chase scenes. Even horror aficionados should enjoy this movie. Honestly, this was one of the very few movies I've watched recently on DVD or even at the movies that I can say I'd watch again!

You know how previews usually show you all the best parts of a movie, well not in this case. The plot-line was well thought out, there was vivid imagery as well. The scenery was done very well, with views of how humanity had existed prior. The place these last dregs of humanity resided in is an actual place, so background work did go into it.
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Justified (2010–2015)
I found it boring
24 October 2013
Right from the start of the show, I had a feeling I was going to dislike it and I was right. Perhaps it's the twang or the people I immediately want to go away who are in it, or maybe the plot-lines are just too ridiculous. I mean, nobody is that intuitive or smart. Can you say this series is biased loud enough? The acting left much to be desired, the conversations ran from bland to moronic and unrealistic.

I didn't see any really believable character interactions. In fact, sometimes they seemed to be bored with each other. I thought it was funny how some woman committed a major crime but she was still walking around loose and frankly doing anything she wanted and I mean ANYTHING. I gave it four episodes worth to get better, but it dragged on and on. They never seemed to let up on how everybody else is stupid but the main character is so overblown smart, so overblown wonderful. If they had been smart, they'd have given him an actual personality, given him scars, which he seemed to lack, at least in the first four episodes. I can't believe there are so many stellar reviews of this bland show.
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