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31 May 2024
Years ago, when I was a kid, in the good old days, I watched Garfield And Friends when it was on T. V. on Saturday Mornings. Then, that same show used to be on T. V. not on Saturdays, but weekdays, and I'd occasionally watch it. That show consisted of 3 segments, 2 Garfield Segments, another segment with the comic strip called U. S. Acres, and a Garfield Quickie. It wasn't my favorite T. V. Show, but it was entertaining. I feel like Garfield's voice from that show, was definitely the best Garfield voice, is still memorable and recognizable sounding years later. I used to have all these Garfield Comic Books, and enjoyed reading them, get laughs. Garfield is definitely a comic book character that has stood the test of time. I saw that original Garfield movie from 2004 once years ago, and hardly remember it. 20-years later, another Garfield movie would come out with the animation style we have nowadays. Chris Pratt, the guy that voiced Mario last year, voices Garfield. But, I'd say nobody can beat Garfield's voice from Garfield And Friends. I'd say the movie was like a lot of computer animated movies that come out nowadays. Maybe an interesting concept, but not the most entertaining movie. Not, as good as animated movies that came out years earlier, like Lion King or Toy Story. Or a really good, old animated movie from The 1960s, The Sword In The Stone. Probably not as memorable or watchable. This movie wasn't as good as last year's Super Mario Bros. Movie, that Pratt voices Mario, and with Samuel L. Jackson voicing Vic in The Garfield Movie, it's not as good as the animated movie The Incredibles where Jackson voices Frozone. I thought the plot of the movie was a little hard to explain and write about. It still was nice to see iconic characters like Garfield, Odie, and Jon. Though, it seemed to leave out other Garfield Characters from the Comics/T. V. show and the other main characters in the movie, aren't characters I'm familiar with in the Garfield Universe. Since the movie was animated, I think it would have been interesting if they made the Arbuckle house in the movie, look like the house on the T. V. show, which you would see regularly. The movie was okay, but hardly worth seeing more than once. Probably not the movie you'd want for a movie night. It had it's humor in it, could get you laughing as Garfield is funny. But, there was one scene in particular I thought made the movie, and was a well-done scene. I don't want to give a spoiler, but I'll just briefly say I enjoyed a battle/fighting scene in like the climax of the movie. That scene in particular was awesome and made the movie more worth seeing! Overall, I don't think the movie was as entertaining as the Garfield Comics, or Garfield And Friends T. V. Show, but it comes close behind that show. I'd say it's definitely better than the 2004 Garfield Movie. If you watch a lot of the animated movies that come out nowadays, it feels like as entertaining as a lot of them. But, the climax scene was a scene I loved, where I'll give this movie a better review! It was a cleverly thought out scene, that seemed like something out of the ordinary, and that works for Garfield.
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Don't Forget DragonBall
25 August 2022
By now, as used to as we are as things like the constant transformations in the series, or characters like Vegeta, Gohan, Goten, Trunks, Beerus, Whis, Mr. Satan, Videl, Pan, etc. Let's not forget where the whole series started? Before DragonBall Z, DragonBall G. T. And DragonBall Super, there was just DragonBall. The beginning of the storyline to this series did not start with the arrival of Raditz. Before all this, there were 153 episodes of DragonBall. The characters I mentioned above were not in the series, however we get to know most of the other characters we know through the rest of the series, along with characters we stop seeing, like Launch in DragonBall. I'm sure most of us would want to see Launch again, even for a cameo. DragonBall was not about Saiyans and Super Saiyan Transformations, along with Goku and Piccolo's planets they originated from Vegeta and Namek. Some of us even prefer DragonBall to DragonBall Z. But, most of us that have watched the series whatever our favorite, could at least point out things DragonBall did better than the other series? We know the Red Ribbon Army not long after DragonBall starts, but not Dr. Gero instead Dr. Flappe. The RR Army was a very interesting organization For Real! There are even a couple of RR Army Songs. That saga was interesting, and there's interesting storylines including in the General Blue Saga. General Blue who is a member of the RR Army, there's a storyline of finding a hidden Pirate Cave with Pirate Treasure. That's a storyline we're not used to seeing in the DragonBall series, and to me conveys a strong storyline, besides knowing the whole series for battle. We also know Piccolo in DragonBall even before Vegeta, and while Piccolo is mostly seen as a good guy from DragonBall Z and a mentor now, it makes him more interesting how he started evil, and his fight was incredible. Anyway, why am I saying this? A line Piccolo says in the movie is something, like "Do Your Research." While people that have seen the series notice plot holes and things that seem forgotten, this movie took us back to earlier things we remember from DragonBall and DragonBall Z. Piccolo is a character we like and a lot of us want to see him more in action. A lot of us feel like he's now underused. How this remembers things from earlier in the series, you even see Piccolo do a move you only really see him use once in DragonBall and maybe one of the other movies. You're surprised to not see him use it after DragonBall, but I won't say what the move is? Piccolo also seems to be the Piccolo we remember and like! Gohan gets time to shine too. If you saw the trailer, you might have noticed there's spotlight on Piccolo and Gohan, when a lot of us feel like there's too much spotlight on Goku and Vegeta. Though, now Gohan seems like a nerd. In the movie, he reminded me of Stu Pickles from Rugrats, even a somewhat similar hairstyle. It's still cool to see him in action! The movie was entertaining, and it's nice to hear about the RR Army again. But, none of us would think Cell Max is better than Cell from D. B. Z. Also, Broly in Dragon Ball Super, now voiced by Johnny Yong Bosch, that played Adam the Black Ranger in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers after Zack. Broly looks better in the original D. B. Z. Movies than he does now. While there are some cool special effects, a lot of us prefer the original animation from the show. The movie was entertaining, but I didn't think it was quite as entertaining as a lot of DragonBall Z. The episodes I mentioned above, like the RR Army Pirate Treasure storyline, or fight with Piccolo in DragonBall might also seem more entertaining to you than movie. You get tired of some of these new things and transformations. I maybe should have talked more about the movie, but I'm saying a thing the movie did right was remind us of what happened earlier in the DragonBall series, where I can remind you where this whole series came from?
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Will There Be A 3rd Film
16 August 2020
First off, I seriously cannot believe how long it's been since the National Treasures movies came out. First came out in 2004, second in 2007. More than a decade. Where has all the time gone? I still find these National Treasure movies looking fresh today, but you will notice older cellphones in them. These National Treasure films will make for a fun movie night. I've been wondering if there'd be a 3rd National Treasure Film for awhile? There have been internet rumors about it, but I don't know for sure? It would be cool to see the adventurous cast we recognize from National Treasure in action more than a decade later.

So, as this movie is a sequel to the first National Treasure, we will recognize the cast from the original film. However, there will be differences. One, even mentioned on Bonus Features, is they take us to different locations more spread out than the first. It's cool to see scenes in Europe.

Like the first one, this movie is a fun, action, adventure treasure hunting movie. Characters trying to do what it takes to find the secrets leading to treasure along with other things, this movie includes trying to uncover family history. Doing what you can to succeed in the mission, even if it resorts to doing something illegal, or dangerous.

A good fun movie, not entirely realistic though. Or, we wonder how much of the history is accurate, how much is made up? The first one seemed to give more history, this one the history seems a little more made up, and it's more about uncovering the secrets. The first one, also had more of a treasure hunting feel than this one. To me, this has less of a treasure hunting feel and more an adventure feel. I like the first one better, but this is a good follow up sequel. If you're up for an entertaining movie night, you can watch either National Treasure, follow mostly the characters we recognize from it Ben, Abigail, Riley, along with anybody else that joins them whether they're good or bad.
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Henry Danger (2014–2020)
Too Bad It's Over
22 March 2020
Today is the day the final episode of Henry Danger aired, after being on T.V. for 5.5-years. Nickelodeon's longest running live action show with 121 episodes. The final episode just aired, and while there's a sequel continuation of the series starting next week called Danger Force, it's sad to think after all this time, a show that's been on T.V. for so long, has come to an end. I ought to say, that of all the shows that air on Nickelodeon, lately this one seems to be the most recognizable. Like, we remember lots of shows that aired on Nickelodeon in the past. But, turning on T.V. to Nickelodeon, this show would seem like the most recognizable, and possibly most watchable of all Nickelodeon's current shows. A lot of shows on Nickelodeon or the Disney Channel are shows we wouldn't care about nowadays. A common thing people say. But, Henry Danger is at least watchable, and it's telling you something if it's Nickelodeon's longest running live action show.

As it concluded, it's just sad how recognizable characters we've seen on T.V. so long that have made a good team are done with the series. Characters we've gotten to follow through to the end. To start, the show is about an indestructible superhero named Captain Man. He got a kid Henry Hart to be his sidekick from the beginning as a 13-Year Old. He became Kid Danger. These characters transform into their superhero selves while blowing bubbles. We've seen Henry his friends: Charlotte, and Jasper, Henry's sister Piper, Henry's parents. We've also gotten to know Ray's other whacko employee Schwoz.

I'll tell you that while a Super Hero show, this isn't like how we'd probably think of a Super Hero show. I mean it would barely make a video game, because it's not that action packed. There's minimal fighting/physical contact in the show. Some episodes there are no bad guys and just a fun plot. Most of the villains on that show aren't very villainous with diabolical plots, just cheesy villains with some cheesy ideas you wonder how they come up with? It's mostly comedy, and this show can get you to laugh!! Some of the episodes are pretty cheesy I wonder why I even watch it as an adult? But, it has it's clever moments. I like the Henry Danger Musical Episode, favorite song, The Bro Song. My favorite episode would be "A Tale Of Two Pipers." Of all the episodes I've seen of that show, things seemed most dire in that episode and most intense action. I've enjoyed seeing the epic conclusion of the show! I thought the last episodes might end with more action and a darker tone like what we saw in the promo, but not. Still, a great way to end the show. It's sad it has to end here, but hey it lasted so long and was good while it lasted!!
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Best Peter Parker/Best Spider-Man Movie
8 July 2019
I'm going to start off with a comparison, as I've talked with other people about this movie and they had some of the same opinions I have, even in comparison to the other Spider-Man movies. To start off, there have been a lot of Spider-Man movies. We can remember the Sam Raimi movies from the 2000s where Peter Parker was Tobey Maguire. Mary Jane Watson was Kirsten Dunst, and Aunt May Parker was played by an elderly woman. I ought to say, I seriously can't believe how long it's been since those movies came out, already more than a decade. For one, watching it even back then in 2002, I thought it had some flaws and was overrated, still a good movie. A couple of flaws, one is while the 2002 Spider-Man didn't say the year it was, even when I first saw it, I thought it looked like it took place before the time it was made 2001/2002 as I noticed they didn't even mention the internet. Another flaw, is while Tobey Maguire isn't a bad actor I thought he seemed a little old, mature, and serious for the Peter Parker Role. He reminds me of Billy, the Blue Power Ranger in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. In Spider-Man, Maguire could play a geek, though I thought the way he showed emotion didn't exactly seem realistic. His relationship with Mary Jane Watson, didn't always seem so real, mostly a neighborhood girl he was attracted to, and got along with, but I feel like it barely showed chemistry between those two like they were a good couple together. Those original Spider-Man movies were great movies though, and I think they should do a Spider-Man 4 with the original cast where we could find out what they're supposedly up to years later?

We have 2 Amazing Spider-Man movies with Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker. I feel like they should have just skipped those, especially since there'd be new Spider-Man movies with a new Peter Parker that would come out shortly after these ones did. I thought this Peter Parker was a cooler Peter Parker than Tobey Maguire, though he was also old for the part as a High School Student. I also thought the chemistry between him and Gwen Stacey, was more real than between Parker and Watson in the original Spider-Man movies. They might not be your favorite Spider-Man movies, but they're still entertaining!!

Now, Spider-Man is a hero alongside The Avengers. The Avengers eventually added Spider-Man to their franchise. We now have Tom Holland play Spider-Man. Like a lot of people I've talked to, we agree he's the best Peter Parker. I mean for one, he's a younger Peter Parker. He isn't as much of a nerd as Tobey Maguire, or as cool as Andrew Garfield. Though, he is quirky and funny. He's younger and gives more of a feel of being a High School Student than those other 2. He also gives more of a feel of being an inner-city character. His Aunt May isn't the elderly woman we think of as Aunt May. He fights alongside The Avengers, and rather than in the original Spider-Man movies where he tries to save NYC from villains created by the technology of Oscorp, he is like a regular High School student fighting alongside the Avengers, saving the World from Avengers villains.

I'll be honest, that I saw Spider-Man Homecoming, and didn't like that movie, feeling like it was too dull and focused too much on Special Effects, not plot or relatable world. But, this movie was so much better!! For one, as you can tell by the trailer, they spice things up. Rather than Spider-Man being an NYC hero, "Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man," we see him travel to Europe with his classmates, where we see European culture and scenes in Venice, probably the biggest Hollywood movie ever shot in Venice, Italy. It gave a feel of traveling to Europe with classmates. I thought there was more realistic chemistry between him and the Mary Jane Watson character. The action was incredible, not something to bore you, but something to keep you watching. The allusion scenes were absolutely incredible, at times it was hard to know exactly what was going on?

Another thing to mention is as I mentioned there should be a Spider-Man 4 with the original cast, taking us back to the Spider-Man we first knew, we see one of the original cast members of Spider-Man in a cameo. I won't say who, but I'll say we'll recognize him and feel like he acts just like his character in the original movies.

The endings during the credits hinted a sequel. This movie is good enough where you want to see a sequel, you're anxious to find out what is going to happen next? Go Spider-Man, you belong in the Avengers Universe!! I rank this movie a 10/10!
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The Prodigy (2019)
Awesome Horror Movie
13 June 2019
This movie didn't make much at the box office, and might not be a movie really talked about, but I saw this movie and loved it. After seeing the trailer, I wanted to check this movie out. I'd later rent it on-demand and I was entertained by the whole movie!! I definitely feel like this is an underrated Horror Movie.

You'll see from the trailer how the movie involves a kid named Miles Blume who has 2 sides, one of his sides is dark. We find out in the movie what the other side is, but I don't know if I should mention it, it might count as a spoiler. I wasn't sure what his 2 sides were about before watching it? This movie does a good job in showing things from a mental perspective, the inside of the mind. Like what is it with the mind that causes a child to have 2 different sides?

What I also thought about this movie, is while a lot of us feel like there aren't enough good kid actors these days, I thought the actor that played Miles did a good job. He's supposed to be an 8-year old boy. I thought he seemed more realistic, and definitely more likable than who has to be the most iconic 8-year old boy movie character ever, Kevin McAllister from Home Alone. Watching Home Alone, I can't help but notice that Kevin's character is meant to be liked but he isn't all that likable, he's a bratty kid and his character doesn't seem all that realistic. Of Course, I'm not here to talk about Home Alone on a Prodigy Review, but I thought of the comparison while watching this and thought Miles seemed more realistic as a character, and his character is more likable than Kevin McAllister's character, even when we see Miles's on his bad side.

The movie has breathtaking horror that will leave you clinging on your seat to the very end. It's just a movie I got into, while I feel like a lot of movies that come out nowadays aren't movies I get into. If you're into Horror, I bet you'd like this too.
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Silly, And Very Funny
3 December 2018
If you've seen this movie, you might be around my age and saw it when you were a kid. I remember getting this movie from a video rental store, back when video rental stores were a big deal. It doesn't seem like a movie that has lived on, or watched by kids of today. But, even so I feel like the characters: Rocky, Colt, and Tum Tum are memorable characters. More memorable than most movie siblings. For some reason, they've always reminded me of the brothers in Malcolm In The Middle, since I've been familiar with that show.

Anyway, this movie is an unnecessary movie and it's a very silly movie. Pretty much the whole movie is silly, hardly anything is serious. The cheese factor of this movie might be a reason we don't want to watch it feeling like it's a silly kids movie. But, even so this movie is hilarious. I don't see how you could not crack up while watching this movie? The humor in this movie will probably crack you up more than the humor in a lot of other movies. While this movie is silly, it is undeniably very funny. The hospital scenes with the nurses were pretty clever and funny, including a giant scary nurse, lol.

This movie is also cool, because it shows martial arts ninja style which naturally seems intriguing. It takes us to Japan, to make the movie more interesting. That being said, I feel like they could have done a better job of showing us around Japan, at least Tokyo and given us more of a feel of actually traveling to Japan. For example, a movie that came out later that also involves traveling to another country and martial arts is the 2010 Karate Kid. That's entertaining because it presents a feel of being in China. I feel like Japan in this movie was presented mostly for the martial arts scenes, and plot of good guys vs bad guys.

The plot of the movie also gets slightly interesting with an Indiana Jones/National Treasure plot. There is a legendary, supposedly hidden Cave Of Gold that could possibly only be accessed by having certain weapons including a dagger we see in the movie. However, while this plot makes the movie more interesting, it wasn't a well-written plot, not the same as in Indiana Jones or National Treasure.

If we see these movies we probably remember the love interests of Rocky. Including in the first one, that memorable chant from the brothers, "Rocky Loves Emily." Well, in this movie we're introduced to another ninja character a female ninja named Miyo. One very tough girl, and skilled martial artist. She is a well-written character.

One other comment to make with this movie, and you might get mad and strongly disagree, but to me personally this movie has what has to be one of the best movie ending scenes ever. I feel like most movies do not have very strong or memorable ending scenes. But, the ending scene is definitely memorable and might have you laughing. A good way to end a comedic non-serious movie. A very strong ending indeed!!

So yeah, this movie is very silly enough to probably keep you from wanting to watch it. But, even so I bet if you gave it a try, you'd probably have a nice laugh watching this!! After all, laughter is the best medicine, hee-hee-hee!!
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Jurassic Park Is 25-Years Old
28 June 2018
No doubt, one of the best movies ever made is Jurassic Park. Despite seeing that movie numerous times, it never gets old. If you're up for a movie night, an entertaining thriller, Jurassic Park is an ideal movie to see for a movie night.

Since Jurassic Park came out, they have done sequels and rewrote the story to Jurassic World. I will say, I thought it was impressive with the first Jurassic World of how they finally got a secure dinosaur amusement park. It felt like a real place!! I wish this new movie had included Gray and Zach from the first to give more of a sequel feel.

Anyway, I just want to say that they seem to have trouble coming up with sequels and make them appeal as much as Jurassic Park. For one, I feel like the dinosaurs looked and seemed more realistic in Jurassic Park with practical effects than they do now as CGI. I also thought their eyes looked more realistic in Jurassic Park. With CGI being so big nowadays, I still am often times more for the practical effects. In Jurassic Park, the dinosaurs look like dinosaurs, but with the CGI we have nowadays, some of the time while watching this new movie, I thought the dinosaurs looked like they could be aliens instead from an alien movie attacking.

Another thing to mention is we remember and like the characters from Jurassic Park: Alan Grant, Ellie Sattler, Ian Malcolm. In these Jurassic World movies we think of Claire and Owen as the main characters. There are other characters, but mostly these characters in the Jurassic World movies aren't all that interesting, just like characters to play a scene in an action movie with dinosaurs. There's like no character development in this movie, as a good part of Jurassic Park is how we see character development with Alan Grant.

I ought to say, I thought the action sequence we see from the trailer with the volcano was cool. Often times when we think of dinosaurs we think of volcanoes. But, I thought the other action sequence, while it still kept you on your seat I thought of it as cheesy, and not really seeming realistic, just including action scenes with dinosaurs.

While this movie was okay, it's not a movie I'd really care to see again or really recommend seeing. It entertained me, but didn't really leave me feeling excited. I'd leave it at a 5/5.
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Incredibles 2 (2018)
Incredible Movie!!
17 June 2018
Ever since I saw the first Incredibles, I have been hoping and waiting for a sequel. The first Incredibles leaves a hint for a sequel, and it seemed like a good enough movie for a sequel. After almost 14-years they finally did a sequel. This sequel starts where the last one left off. Despite years having passed since the first movie came out, the cast hasn't aged. This movie also has good direction and writing, as I've seen sequels that seem off from their predecessors, however this movie seems to flow in the same direction as The Incredibles. It will feel like a good continuation of the story. It will be nice to see a Super Hero family we remember so well from 14-years ago, and a family that is like as iconic as The Simpsons, (also a family that doesn't age), on screen again in action. I'm sure you'll be very entertained by the action!!

I ought to say that the baby Jack Jack has more of a role in this movie. What I think is probably the most memorable scene from the original movie, would probably be the bonus scene on the menu, "Jack Jack Attack" with Jack Jack and the babysitter, Kari. You'll remember that scene with Jack Jack in this movie.

I felt like this movie had a better plot and better direction than the original Incredibles. You'll feel for the characters and The Incredibles do a great job in presenting a super hero family that also at times tries to be normal, and has certain normal things to work out which can seem like real life.

If you liked the first Incredibles, definitely watch this one. I'm sure you'll be entertained by the action. You probably would agree with me that unlike a lot of other sequels this movie seems On Parr with the first one. Get it On Parr? The Incredibles last name is Parr.

After seeing this movie, I'm hoping for an Incredibles 3!! Of all the Pixar characters, I feel like they are the most worthy characters for a sequel. I give it a 10/10!!
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Speechless (2016–2019)
J.J. Is A Firework
12 October 2017
Prime Time T.V. shows coming out try to be funny and original. This T.V. show is both, and it shows us how awesome and normal a kid with disabilities can be!! My title is an allusion to Katy Perry's song Firework. You'll feel that same way about J.J.

So about this show being original, it helps us get to know a family and a teen with cerebral palsy. He can't walk, and gets around in a wheelchair. He also can't speak, but he's not deaf. He doesn't communicate with sign language, but he uses his head gear with a laser where he points to a board, and everybody around him always seems to immediately know what he's trying to say?

We have J.J.'s Mom, Maya. She speaks in a British accent, which alone makes the character more interesting. Maya loves J.J. so much, and will do anything for him. She and the family frequently can get away with things when they use having a disabled son as an excuse. But, Maya fights for everything to get her son involved in regular activities in school and feel as normal as the other kids, not just because he's disabled. She's also into giving J.J. anything he wants, even if she doesn't like it.

We have J.J.'s caretaker Kenneth. Kenneth is a big older black guy, who lives in his own apartment away from the Dimeo family, but he really feels like he's part of their family. He almost always is with them when we see the family together. Kenneth is a funny man, and feels like he is doing something with his life helping out J.J. We occasionally hear some of his backstory prior to helping J.J. and other things he does aside from assisting J.J.

We have the other characters: Dylan, Jimmie, and Ray. I don't find these characters as interesting. They don't get as much attention as J.J. does, but they are all very supportive of J.J. and would do anything for him. Ray is a dorky guy trying to fit in, and the voice of reason. Dylan is a tough girl that seems real smart in her responses. Jimmie seems a little whacko and doesn't take things seriously. He reminds me of the Dad in Modern Family.

We also have their house and big van. The house is an older house small, and not the nicest looking house. It's a mess and disorganized as this family mostly shows to be disorganized. We have the big van which holds a wheelchair and Maya can get away with speeding.

Anyway, this T.V. show is really funny and can get me laughing. This T.V. show brings prime-time into teaching how awesome and normal a kid with a disability can be. This isn't like Sesame Street having a character in the main cast not speak and use sign language. Or, this isn't like a discovery show you'll see on T.V. talking about kids with disabilities. This is prime-time, comedy. We see a whacko family and funny caretaker doing the best to live their lives and take care of a disabled family member. J.J. is a character we'll like. He really shows his personality, and the things he wants in life. Even though he can't speak or walk, he seems pretty normal aside from that. He isn't an annoying kid with disabilities that you won't like. For example, the only other acting role the actor that plays J.J. Micah Fowler has been in is a movie called Labor Day. For the brief scene he was in, he seemed to be portrayed like an annoying disabled kid. But, in this T.V. show he really is somebody we care for and who doesn't seem annoying. A Prime-Time show can show how inspiring a disabled kid can be through comedy, which makes it more entertaining than trying to teach the same lesson through a Discovery Show, or kids education show.

I'm so happy this T.V. show made it to a second season. I hope it lasts many more seasons. I'm sure it will inspire kids who are disabled through comedy!!
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Beats Harry Potter
22 July 2017
To start off, this is a movie I hadn't heard of. One time while I was at the gym on the treadmill, one of the T.V.s had this movie on. It was on mute with closed captioning. It looked like a kid movie, yet it was more entertaining than the other things on T.V. like sports and the news. I was entertained with how much of it I saw while running the treadmill, and decided to rent it.

I saw this movie, and even as an adult I loved it. Too bad it doesn't have the best reviews. I'll be a person that gives this movie a positive review. But, first I want to compare this to a story involving magic that we're all familiar with, Harry Potter. I've read the Harry Potter books and enjoyed them. I think they're clever, and I think the story of how J.K. Rowling didn't have the book originally published, but didn't give up and is now the second richest woman in England is very inspirational. At the same time, I think Harry Potter is extremely overrated and has its flaws in the book. One of the flaws, is I feel like the book focuses too much on the wizarding world, and not enough on the real world, and doesn't leave us with enough good messages, which I felt that this movie was inspirational, relatable, and left us with good messages.

Now saying how Harry Potter is about a boy that's a wizard, this movie is about a boy named Bobby. The movie starts when he's 5, but we mostly see him as a 12-year old. He isn't considered a wizard, but a boy that is interested in magic, wanting to be a magician. Also, a shy boy who has a dog named Ozzy. He got that dog early in the movie, when it was stray not knowing the dog is very old and part of the wizarding community. Bobby walks everywhere with Ozzy, even places that you think normally wouldn't allow dogs. While Bobby looks for a book on magic, he really becomes a magician, and Ozzie immediately becomes more real. However, the main wizard villain is after the book too, and Bobby quickly learns that he is the chosen one.

This movie has wizarding action. The kind of action we like to see in movies that involve wizards and action. This action to me, felt more realistic than the action we see in Harry Potter. The magic tricks felt like real magic tricks that we could imagine seeing in a magic show. I'll say that in the Harry Potter Universe, the magic in it doesn't feel much like magic, but just part of the wizarding world. What the wizards have and are capable of. This movie gave more of a feel of what we think of as magic.

Another thing to say which I feel like this scene alone beats Harry Potter. I'd say the scariest scene in the movie, was a scene involving a suit of armor. I don't want to spoil it and say what happens, but that scene felt too real while watching it. It was very well done!! It could make you imagine being in the same situation.

I feel like this movie could be even scarier than Harry Potter, because a lot of the things felt more real. I'm not saying this movie was too scary, definitely not. But, it did have scary scenes, especially the scene I mentioned above. You also really feel for the characters, and you hope Bobby can succeed at magic, along with getting money to help his mom who is having trouble paying for the house.

I don't see why people don't like this movie? It's family friendly and at the same time has scary scenes. But, it really offers a perspective and good message. Sometimes, we have to believe in ourselves, along with getting ourselves out, not just being so shy. To me those messages came to me more than the messages from the Harry Potter books. I'd consider this a completely different story than Harry Potter, and a little better. I'd recommend this to you. But if you're like most of these other people reviewing the movie, you might not like it. If you're like me, and if what I posted above makes this movie sound interesting, you'll like it.
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Ferris Bueller Forever
19 April 2017
Of all the movies ever made, Ferris Bueller feels like one of the most iconic movie characters. Years after this movie was made, there'd be an even more iconic movie character in a Coming Of Age movie, Napoleon Dynamite. Napoleon Dynamite which I think was supposed to take place in the 2004-2005 School Year as it said it on his I.D. looks like it was supposed to take place in the '80s. Ferris Bueller actually does take place in the '80s, but looks like a more modern recent film than Napoleon Dynamite, even though obviously the producers didn't intend for Napoleon Dynamite to look modern. I'm not a fan of Napoleon Dynamite, and would say Ferris Bueller is a much better movie.

About being iconic, Ferris Bueller's Day Off is no doubt one of the most iconic '80s movies, and most iconic Coming Of Age movies. So, I just mentioned 2 more aspects that make this movie iconic. Watching this movie gives you an '80s vibe. I've heard so many people wish they could go back to the 1980s. This movie will give you a reason to wish to go back, especially as a High School Student back then.

Even though this movie is from the '80s, like I said it will not look so old. It is no doubt a timeless movie. They brought out some of the best technology they had at the time this movie was made. A computer before computers were everyday devices, and hacking onto somebody else's computer in the '80s. A Ferrari from 1961. A synthesizer which was $8,000 in 1984. We see how Ferris's keyboard has sound effects of coughing. We have a nice suburban neighborhood with nice houses, and a lot of this movie takes place in the city of Chicago. There's that memorable exciting scene of the parade.

The plot of the movie is also timeless. Playing hooky from school. A high school student not feeling like the things he's learning in school are worth his time. But, we have the main message and quote from this movie, "Life Moves Pretty Fast, If You Don't Stop And Look Around Once In Awhile, You Could Miss It."

Another interesting thing about this movie is how the whole movie takes place in a single day. It doesn't even go to night. This movie is a clear example of enjoying life and how much you can do in just a single day!! That reminds me, I think it's interesting how we think time flies. It can be hard to believe how many days have passed in our lives from moments that happened years ago that might not seem so long ago. We can easily calculate online how many days have passed since then, and it will seem like a lot. Most of us wouldn't be able to remember at the top of our head what we did on a random date years ago. I've heard of some people with a memory that good. It's hard to believe that each one of those days was 24 hours.

But, that's what make this movie amazing. They might be awesome movie characters, with the right actors for their parts. We might be curious about what happens next? But, this movie has no official sequel, because it's supposed to be a certain day. I think this movie shows us how much we can do just in a single day. We can't get the time back when it's gone, and it's hard to believe how many days have passed. But, we can ask, "What Can I Do Today?"

This movie is a fun exciting movie to watch that will put you in a good mood. If you haven't seen it, definitely see it!! This is one movie that is worth seeing at least once in your lifetime.
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Dragon Ball Super (2015–2018)
Continuation Of An Epic Series
15 April 2017
To start off, most of us don't like the ending of DragonBall Z. I agree, the ending was bad. We have the end of a very long series, 153 episodes in DragonBall and 291 episodes of DragonBall Z, totaling 444 episodes. The main focus of the ending was on a new character, Uub who is only on the last 3 episodes and is a character we don't care so much about. The ending scene of DragonBall was a good way to end the first series. The ending scene of DragonBall G.T. was a good way to close the book on where the series was supposed to end years before Super. But, the ending of DragonBall Z just sucked badly.

Next, before we had DragonBall Super we had DragonBall G.T. DragonBall G.T. was non-canon but I don't care so much about G.T. Some of us prefer DragonBall over DragonBall Z. But, most of us don't seem to care that much for G.T. The first half of G.T. seemed to be focusing just on 3 characters: Kid Goku, Pan, and Trunks traveling through space having cheesy, kid friendly adventures, which could make the DragonBall series seem even more like it's a series for little kids, watching those episodes. Their adventures weren't as entertaining as the brief adventures Gohan, Bulma, and Krillin had in space while traveling to Namek in Z. The longer travel to Namek, and bigger adventures they had while going were not in the manga, they were still better than the space adventures in G.T.

Now, DragonBall G.T. takes place after Z ends, while DragonBall Super takes place before the ending of Z. Super most likely takes place sometime after Episode 288, He's Always Late, and before Episode 289, Granddaughter Pan. I think the series is supposed to take place a few years later, though the characters especially Trunks and Goten don't appear to have aged since the Buu Saga.

Anyway, this series is epic and nobody can write the series as good as Toriyama. Super seems to follow the DragonBall story we are familiar with, more than G.T. Years after DragonBall Z ended, there would be 2 new movies and then this series. Super follows the movies, and so far in the episodes that have aired in the English Dub, we are currently on where the first movie took place of the fight with Goku and Beerus. I'll tell you, the fight in the show is way better than the fight in the movie Battle Of Gods. Goku seems to be more the Goku we remember in the episodes than the movie, trying harder and not wanting to give up, as this is a characteristic we admire from Goku.

To finish, a lot of us prefer the older animation in DragonBall Z. I have to say, I do too. Also, some of us prefer Super Saiyan 4 in DragonBall G.T. over The Super Saiyan God/Super Saiyan Blue. I have to say, I think Super Saiyan 4 is WAY BETTER and the best thing about G.T. After awhile, these constant Super Saiyan transformations get lame. It's nice how the Super Saiyan God transformation has another way of transforming than rage and screaming, but that transformation still does not look as tough as the Super Saiyan 4 transformation. Super Saiyan 4 is WAY BETTER!!

My review might not have talked too much about Super or been that helpful. But, what I really want to say, is we might remember back in the day when DragonBall Z was on T.V. on Toonami airing new episodes where we always wanted to find out what happens next? It is that way again, this time with Super. While Super might not be as good as Z or DragonBall it still feels way more watchable than G.T. It's nice to see on T.V. new events unfolding before our eyes getting dubbed into English, as most of you who are fans of DragonBall Z, probably have known for years, the sagas and story pretty well in Z, leading up to now, where we get new action and story lines, and see the power of a Super Saiyan God Level. I give this series a 10, and it takes us back to how exciting the DragonBall series is, especially when it is new where we don't know quite as much, what is going to happen? We can ask, will Uub appear in Super? I guess we will eventually find out? Uub no longer feels canon to the series.
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Power Rangers (2017)
Entertaining, But Prefer Original Effects
27 March 2017
A lot of T.V. shows Millennials grew up with as kids, are getting made into PG-13 movies with 21st Century CGI, and Power Rangers is no exception. This movie was entertaining, but it also felt pretty cliché. The action felt like nothing we haven't seen from other movies like Transformers or Avengers with the CGI we have nowadays.

To start off with the Rangers cast, I'm sure all of us can agree they weren't as good as the original 6 Power Rangers including Tommy, when the show first started. I'm amazed years later that they could have such a good cast of the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Even if they weren't the best at acting they were perfect for their parts of the characters they played. Naomi Scott doesn't even come close to how awesome Amy Jo Johnson was as Kimberly. Amy Jo Johnson is immediately still recognizable as Kimberly over 20-years later.

Another thing about the characters, is even in the trailer, I've seen people compare this movie to The Breakfast Club with characters in High School getting in trouble and having Saturday detention. In the original series, the characters were good friends hanging out throughout the series. They were good kids and present themselves as role models for a kids show. In this movie, they were more like rebellious kids, especially Jason. The movie could have at least included Bulk and Skull in detention as Bulk and Skull were a main part of the original series, and always in detention.

I also ought to mention that in Mighty Morphin, the characters were martial artists and gymnasts. It was cool to see martial arts in the show, and martial arts fights. Most of the episodes had unmorphed fights with the putties where we didn't see their super strength, but natural abilities. I ought to say the putty fight in episode 3, "Teamwork" where Trini and Kimberly were fighting putties at the dumpsite was amazing and the hitting was on sync with the music on that scene. You hear the beating sounds at the proper time when there is hitting. That small scene from the one of the first ever episodes of Power Rangers, has in my opinion more entertaining action than the action in this movie.

The zords in this movie felt like what we'd see in a Transformers movie. In Mighty Morphin the dinozords were easily distinguishable. We saw them get called in most of the episodes and saw them come out from their hiding places, the Mastodon coming out of the Arctic, shooting cold blasts. The Pterodactyl coming out of a volcano. Sabertooth Tiger running really fast and jumping over a bush. In the movie the zords just felt like something they could each command with no individuality, and I thought seemed less realistic as CGI than how they filmed them in the original series.

Rita on the other hand seemed better on this movie than the T.V. show. In the show she mostly resides on Moon Palace trying to come up with a diabolical plan to take over. In this movie, she was truly presented as an evil character. I feel like this Rita could kill the Power Rangers way more easily than Rita from the original series. So yeah, I'd say Rita was the one thing the movie did better than the show.

The putties weren't as good. Not like stuntmen from the show where we again see actual martial arts without the super powers in action. I prefer the original effects as I think they seem more realistic especially movement. These CGI effects are cool, but mostly feel like something you'd see on a computer with fast movement that doesn't look as realistic as when the zords and Power Rangers morphed, are men in costumes.

I've mostly complained and compared this to the series. It was still entertaining. I liked the scene where the characters get to know each others, which felt reminiscent to a scene in Breakfast Club. I also like the scene where they jump in the water and we see what's below it!! That scene was cool!! But, overall while an entertaining movie, it feels a little cliché to what we're used to seeing in cinema nowadays. I think the biggest flaw in the movie was not having martial arts like the show. But, it is still an entertaining movie I'm sure you'll find interesting. I'll give it a 6/10.
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Twister (I) (1996)
Cool, But You Might Not Care For The Characters
14 March 2017
This was one of the movies I frequently watched as a kid, and took real interests in tornadoes from a kid's perspective. Of all the movies ever made, this movie seems to be one of the better known movies that is still frequently watched today, 20-years later. When I think of tornadoes I think back to this movie as I'm sure a lot of us do. This movie introduced me as a kid to the different scales of tornadoes. I didn't know there was a different scale of tornadoes, and a lot of people I knew didn't seem to know it at the time. Now, it seems like it's common knowledge that there are different tornado scales. Also, this is arguably Bill Paxton's most memorable movie, and I want to say R.I.P. Bill Paxton.

You can watch this movie and be amazed by the action, showing the destructive power of tornadoes. This movie also takes place in rural Oklahoma, so we get views of that area. This movie also has a plot to it besides just chasing tornadoes and escaping them. A main plot of this movie is trying to get a tornado instrument in the air that analyzes tornadoes, Dorothy. It can also make us ask if tornado chasers really get this close to a tornado?

This movie is entertaining, and well-remembered but it has it's flaws. One of the flaws is it is a long movie, almost 2 hours long. I'm sure if we watch the movie, we watch it for the tornadoes. The tornado scenes are breath-taking action that will keep us entertained. A lot of the other scenes tornadoes aren't in, aren't entertaining and we see the characters on a long drive in rural Oklahoma, using maps before GPS was common.

Another flaw of the movie is I feel like the movie doesn't have likable characters or character development. We might like Helen Hunt as Jo in this movie, but there is nothing really interesting about the characters, aside from being tornado chasers. These aren't characters you'd care to see in a sequel. It just seems like a team of tornado chasers, that there isn't much to know about them. The only characters you can really name are: Jo, Bill, Melissa, Dusty, Jonas, and Meg. There's nothing really interesting about the rest of the characters, and another plot of this movie is seeing how Jo and Bill work together after filing for divorce. Can they get their relationship back?

I also want to say that it's too bad they vilify the character Jonas. Jonas was played by Cary Elwes who plays the likable character Westley in a movie we've all seen, The Princess Bride. He also played Robin Hood in Robin Hood Men In Tights, a funny movie. Too bad they had to vilify him, and not like he's a bad guy, but the movie just makes him an enemy when there's a contest between him and Bill, a character we're supposed to like.

All in all, this is an entertaining movie. But, because of the lack of character development or interesting likable characters, mostly just filling a role for the movie to work with this plot with little background information, I give this movie a 7/10. It still is entertaining and very good, but it has these flaws.
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Better Than Lego Movie
13 February 2017
First off, I played with Legos as a kid. I played them with a friend up until 8th Grade. Rather then do the building, I would mostly just play with them as toys coming up with my own fictional world with stories. I wouldn't be so entertained playing with Legos now, but awe the good old days!!

I saw the first Lego Movie 2 times. I'll admit that it was clever, but I wouldn't say it was well done. That movie reminded me of the fictional Lego world I could imagine as a kid. I even watched it with my Dad and he was amazed at how somebody could come up with such imaginative things. The first Lego Movie seemed to focus more on the Lego World, but I don't think it had a very good plot. The plot seemed too jumbled up with just the imaginations and cheesiness that it felt like it was mostly for kids no older than 10. It also seemed to mostly be focusing on "Everything Is Awesome" and "Believe I Know That Sounds Like A Cat Poster, But It's True." My favorite scene in the first Lego Movie would be that brief live action scene.

Anyway, this second movie doesn't even seem like a sequel to the first. We do not have Emmett or Lord Business. The only character that seems to be the same is Batman, but in the first movie we see him as a Lego that happens to be Batman, not really a Super Hero. This Lego Movie seems all about him and it seems like a different movie than the first that I even wonder if it's supposed to be the same Batman Lego from the first?

I was entertained by this movie more so than the first, because I thought it was more entertaining seeing Super Hero action, while the action in the first movie seemed to be fictitious Lego action. This movie feels like a G rated Batman movie in Legos, even though it's not rated G. The people that made this seemed to know a lot about Batman. But, what I really thought is this movie showed Batman's point of view more than the live action Batman movies we see. I mean we get the feelings of Batman, along with his enemy Joker. We also view Robin differently than any other Batman storyline I've seen. You'll think differently about Batman's sidekick, Robin after seeing this movie.

I was entertained by the action in this movie that it thoroughly entertained me. I enjoyed seeing Batman's life in an animated Lego world, it was just too clever. This Lego Movie takes us more to the real fictional Lego universe we want to see, at least for a movie. I didn't think it would be any better than the first one, but I was thoroughly entertained unlike the first.

The message in this movie also feels like it's presented more strongly than the first. That song "Everything Is Awesome" gets annoying. In this movie the main song is Michael Jackson's song, Man In The Mirror.

I enjoyed it, and I'd recommend it. This review might mostly be a comparison between the two movies, but I felt like this is the best review I can write.
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The Thinning (2016)
The Mood Will Get You
11 November 2016
I just finished seeing this movie. Too bad you can only watch it on YouTube Red. I think it should have had a theatrical release. I wish it were at least on Netflix, On-Demand, and RedBox.

This is a movie starring Peyton List. Peyton List is a young actress that a lot of people are familiar with. She's a natural beauty!! She's been doing shows on the Disney Channel, like Jessie. We also remember her as Holly Hills in the Diary Of A Wimpy Kid movies. She was Greg's crush and she was presented with beauty and charm in those movies. This is the only serious movie/action movie I'm aware of her in. She isn't presented for her beauty and charm in this movie like she was in the Diary Of A Wimpy Kid movies. She's instead presented as like an ordinary girl in high school, and intelligent. We see more of the romance between her and the guy she likes, than we ever between with Holly Hills and Greg Heffley. It's nice to see somebody we are familiar with finally in an intense role.

Now, we can ask what made this movie great? First, as I mentioned the mood in my title, I'll start with the mood. The movie has a very strong mood to it presented throughout the film. It gives the film a dark atmosphere, and it's not one of the upbeat happy kids programs we remember Peyton List in. The whole idea of The Thinning sounds a little scary. The music, choreography of the scenes, the lighting, the reactions of the characters, the halls, the guys in the masks, and the idea make this a very dark film. The lighting really gives a mood to the film as a lot of the movie takes place in a building with dim red lighting. You could almost swear it was nighttime out, when it was supposed to be day.

Another thing that makes the movie great is the idea. We've all taken tests, and we can be familiar with how intense we may be when we are studying for serious tests. We have taken tests in classrooms, and this movie reminds us of comparing our test scores to other students, along with our intelligence. Sometimes we may feel like our test scores determine our intelligence, and feel stupid if we get a low score, even though we should not feel that way. I'm sure you're at least aware that the plot of the movie is about executing people who get low test scores This movie gives a feel of having an intense test session at school as I'm sure most of us if not all of us have felt that way. But, it makes you ask yourself, "what if a test I was taking at school was a life or death situation, like in this movie?"

Another thing to mention which makes this movie great, is I thought this movie gave a perspective of the Holocaust. From today's perspective we see the Holocaust and World War II as events that happened a very long time ago, not really effecting us who are alive today. This movie will give you a little perspective of what if something like the Holocaust were happening today in America? At least that's what I thought, even while watching the trailer. It's supposed to take place in the future in an unspecified year. Some of the technology is a little ahead of what we have. But, we see the movie more of a perspective from today because it mostly looks like it takes place today.

All in all, this movie was a good movie that will keep you focused on what happens, and feel for the characters. It's a different plot from what I've seen, and again makes us ask ourselves of what if a school test we took, would be a life or death situation depending on our score. That's a scary thought. I'm so happy we finally see Peyton List in a serious role. I'd recommend this movie if you're up for an action movie with a dark mood. This would be it.

I really enjoyed the movie, but I'd give it a 9 because of the ending, eliminating a point. The ending didn't really seem to make sense, and makes some of us want a part 2. But, the rest of the movie was enjoyable and I'd definitely recommend it.
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Emelie (2015)
Ideal Thriller
28 October 2016
This is a movie I haven't heard friends talking about. I found the trailer on YouTube, and rented the movie. I stayed up late alone in my apartment last night watching this movie. An ideal thriller to watch at night, in the dark, and alone. I really enjoyed it!! When I first saw the movie trailer for this movie, it gave me the chills as the trailer is very creepy. It made me feel more sorry for the hamster in the trailer, than when I actually saw the whole scene in the movie.

I'm sure everybody who has heard about this movie, knows it's about kids having a psycho babysitter that wasn't their intended babysitter. That's a good direction to go with a movie. I'm sure we all had babysitters as kids, and this makes you ask the question of what if you had a babysitter when you were a kid as scary as Emelie? If you have kids, you might ask the same question, like what if you hired a babysitter for your kids that was just like her?

In this movie, the psycho babysitter's name is Emelie. The actress played her part really well. Her character reminds me a lot of Hannah O' Connor from some of the final episodes of One Life To Live when it was on ABC. A Caucasian girl with dark straight hair around the same length and style, their voices sound a little the same. They are also girls that can be nice with kids, but who also will be very threatening to get what they want.

While the trailer makes this movie look very creepy, and makes Emelie look menacing. Emelie at first seemed kind of nice, and good with kids. The kids didn't seem to have a problem with her at first, and she seemed to just be allowing the kids to get away with more stuff with their parents gone. I thought this movie didn't seem too scary at first until around 3/4 of the movie. Hannah just seemed somewhat psycho.

We have the kids in the movie. I have to say, I've heard people complaining about kid actors nowadays. I thought these kids actors were good. They seemed realistic and they seemed like your everyday kids that you could imagine babysitting. The movie made me imagine if I was there at first when the kids were being babysat as it seemed like a familiar, everyday scene. It later looks more like a movie as we get further into the action. I also admired the oldest kid, Jacob for the bravery he showed.

One other thing to mention about this movie which I've heard people mention, and I'm sure the people who made this movie intended it to look like. This movie doesn't look like it takes place today. It looks like it takes place like 15-years ago, like in the early 2000s. One prime example is a VCR and video tape. We don't even see a DVD player. Some other technology from the movie including the cellphones look like it's from around that time. The year this movie takes place in, is never mentioned.

I didn't consider this movie too much of a horror movie. It seemed mostly like a thriller movie, and it kept me entertained the whole way through wanting to know what happens next? It has a couple of flaws, including unanswered questions we will have while watching it. It's okay if they have unanswered questions leaving us in suspense, but it would have been better if they took more time explaining things, especially Emelie's origins.

In all, a great movie an 8/10. I'd recommend this for you if you're up for a thriller!!
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Arguably Dakota Fanning's Most Memorable Film
4 October 2016
I haven't seen this movie in a very long time. I saw it two times back in 2005 and 2006. That being said, I find it very hard to believe how long ago that was? It doesn't feel that long ago, and this is definitely a movie you'd remember being so graphic and with all the intensity. Dakota Fanning used to be a very talked about child actress. She was like 10 when she was in this movie. This will make some of you feel old, but Dakota is 22 now. I can just be like, "huh" when I put into consideration how long it has really been. I also ought to say that Dakota's younger sister Elle Fanning seems older in a lot of the movies she's played in, than a lot of the movies like this we remember Dakota in. Elle Fanning seems more talked about and she seemed to mature pretty fast. She was like 12, in two movies we might have seen her in, Super 8 and We Bought A Zoo, again being older than Dakota when she played in this movie.

Going on with the movie, alien invasions of Earth not coming in peace but intending to destroy the planet have long since been movie and book plots. This movie shares the name with a radio broadcast done during The Great Depression where aliens from Mars were terrorizing New York City. They announced before the radio broadcast that it was fake, but some people tuning in later believed it, and some of them even evacuated.

This movie is probably supposed to be about that alien invasion, and while the trailer makes it look like the aliens are from Mars, I don't think they were supposed to be from Mars. We've searched Mars and it seems evident there isn't life on Mars. I don't think the planet the aliens are from is ever mentioned or even how far out in the universe it is?

Basically, this movie is about a divorced Dad played by Tom Cruise, Ray Ferrier. His son Robbie and daughter Rachel are visiting. There's an alien invasion while they're visiting and the action mostly just focuses on the family. If I can remember correctly, almost every scene besides the introduction and ending were scenes the main characters were in, mostly Ray, as if it was a movie from their Point Of View. They always seem to be at the center of the action. It's also interesting how as destructive as the aliens are worldwide, there are some areas where it feels like they didn't strike when we get to a different location.

All in all, this is a memorable movie, graphic and violent. I wouldn't entirely recommend it though, because it wasn't too good either. The first half seems okay, but the second half isn't too good. The second half seems a little more sad and graphic than entertaining action, or humor. Also, I feel almost as if there's no real plot besides a family and world trying to survive an alien invasion, and we don't get to know the family too well, but they seem like your typical family in that situation. Though, the tripods in the movie were scary and the noise they make is scary and memorable.

One other thing is this movie shares some similarities with a more recent movie about an alien invasion The Fifth Wave with Chloe Grace Moretz. One similarity is the aliens turning off the power. I think that movie was better written, better explained, and more entertaining than War Of The Worlds. I'd recommend that movie instead. For some entertainment value and for the wow feeling of this movie, I leave it with a 5.
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Dead of Summer (2016– )
The '80s The '80s The '80s
20 July 2016
For years, I have heard so many people talk about the 1980s thinking life was better back then, and wishing we could go back to that time. That being said, I've noticed how a lot of TV shows and movies done today will take place in the '80s, trying to remind people of the lifestyle back then. Obviously, one show that does that is The Goldbergs, 1980 something.

Dead Of Summer also takes place in the '80s, specifically the Summer of 1989. This show involves a group of young adults as camp counselors at Camp StillWater who experience creepy, paranormal things going on around the camp, and they can't really explain what or why this is happening?

That's the thing about this show. I find this show entertaining, something I want to watch on T.V. But, it would be hard for me to write like an article or school paper about what this show is all about? I really can't say too much more about the plot of the TV show than what I put in the previous paragraph as the ideal summary. It's also hard to know the reason for the supernatural activity? The opening scene from the first episode seemed to give a quick reason behind the supernatural activity at the camp, but it wasn't specific enough, and there seem to be other reasons in the later episodes.

Another thing to mention, is unless I really looked into this show, I wouldn't be able to give a Dead Of Summer wiki article for the characters. I feel like it's hard for us to remember the characters names, or even say what is going on with them. I feel like this show focuses on too many things, that it is hard for us to keep a grasp on an individual character. Like one scene, it will focus on a character experiencing something paranormal at the camp, the next scene it will focus on another character, then the next scene, they take us out of the camp focusing on a character's life at home before going to camp, and then switch scenes, making it harder for us to keep up with what is going on?

While this TV show takes place in the '80s, I like a lot of you don't really feel like this show gives us an '80s feel. I mean, their clothes and hairstyle don't really look '80s, and it almost feels like this show takes place today rather then back then. Though, they do a good job showing the technology at the time like an '80s radio, and we hear '80s music. But, this won't take us back to the '80s as much as The Goldbergs and Everybody Hates Chris does.

In all, while I mostly talked about what is wrong with the show. Mostly saying it's hard for us to know what's going on because of the uneven pacing, and it focuses on too many things. I still find this show entertaining to watch. The creators of Once Upon A Time, are co-creators of this show. I'd recommend watching it, but if you start watching now, you'd probably also have trouble explaining what is going on. I think this show deserves an 8/10.
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24 May 2016
I just finished watching this movie on T.V. This movie has some good laughs in it, and it will probably remind people my age of their childhood days. This movie takes me back to the early '90s. A time so many people wish they could go back to. That being said, I wouldn't say this movie is timeless. It feels like it's more from it's time, unlike some movies which stand the test of time being watched by even younger generations, and having things in the movie that don't look so old.

Like one example of a movie that's stood the test of time, and a character in that movie is the director of this movie and plays a character in this movie is Home Alone. The burglar Marv played by Daniel Stern is the director and plays a wacky baseball player in this movie that will keep you laughing. While watching Home Alone, it's hard to believe that movie is a quarter of a century old, and it's a movie frequently on T.V. that many people like to watch during the Holiday Season. Even the kids today are familiar with that movie. I listened to the DVD commentary where the director said they intended to make a movie showing somethings that never change to have it work in coming years. It's different for Rookie Of The Year, but it will remind people more of the simplicity of the early '90s.

This movie has a common theme from many kids movie of the same era. A comical/cheesy sports movie for kids and families. A movie that deals with a losing team. That losing team somehow has a miracle where they become a winning team, and we wonder if they can become champions. The miracle in this movie is a 12-year old kid Henry Rowengartner who breaks his arm, and it heals in a certain way, where he can throw very fast pitches and starts to play for the losing Chicago Cubs. We see the comedy of a kid playing baseball in a Major League team. I remember when this movie came out, and I heard kids at my summer sports camp reciting the line, "Pitcher's Got A Big Butt."

This movie again has a them we see in other kids movies. Some of it might remind you of a movie that came out a year later, Angels In The Outfield. I also would see years later a sports movie called Like Mike involving a kid playing on an NBA team. Kids movies of a losing team becoming a winning team don't seem so big anymore. However, I did see a movie last year called Underdog Kids about a losing Karate Team. In some ways, I prefer that movie more than these other ones, because I felt like it left a better message.

I've also read a book with a plot like that called The Toilet Paper Tigers by Gordon Korman. It is an exciting book about a boys little league team in a rural part of Texas with a coach who doesn't know how to play baseball. His 12-year old granddaughter Kristy Pendergast helps out only to annoy the boys, but does it in a way of putting their strengths to good use. It's a hilarious book, the funniest book i've read in my entire life and very exciting. I wonder if that book would make a better movie, because it makes a better story?

To end, Rookie Of The Year is a cute funny movie that shows lots of comedy of a kid playing baseball. It also shows the relationship between a boy and his mom, and a kid hanging out with friends back then. The movie ends at a good point to end, it probably will not be your favorite movie, or a movie you'd care to own. You most likely would not care for a sequel either. We don't really care about what happens next. The characters from that movie only work for this movie. But, if you want to remember your childhood days, I suggest you watch this as it will get you laughing and remind you how much simpler life was back when this movie came out and we were kids.
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The Visit (I) (2015)
No Point Really
27 April 2016
M. Night Shyamalan is a known director. He obviously is best known for 6th Sense. That's a good and clever movie. I seriously can't believe that movie is almost 17-years old. We can see how much Haley Joel Osment has aged in recent pics. He is also the director of another Thriller a 2002 movie that doesn't seem talked about so much, but it isn't a bad movie, Signs.

You don't hear much of the director Shyamalan anymore, and even when you do it seems like nobody really thinks of him as an ideal film director anymore with recent films including this. We have After Earth, I haven't seen After Earth but that movie has had horrible reviews, and while we might remember Jaden Smith from Karate Kid, and not think of him as a bad actor in that film, Jaden Smith's reviews have gone down because of After Earth. Will Smith who is a popular actor, considers it the worst thing he's done in his career.

I wanted to rent this movie. I mean remembering the popular Sixth Sense, I wanted to see how this new thriller which came out over a decade later would be. I've been seeing some bad reviews for it along with good reviews, which almost every film will have both. I wanted to see if I'd end up enjoying it.

While this movie might have been well thought out of to make a scary movie, it wasn't an ideal film. Here are reasons. It has a couple of scary scenes, and it has a clever idea of kids staying at their grandparents and seeing their grandparents acting creepy. But, here are the problems with the movie. It can be entertaining to see movies shot from a camcorder perspective where the characters make videos. That's the way Earth To Echo was shot. It makes the movie seem a little more real. However, this movie was shot from that perspective and almost didn't have any background music throughout the film, making it look like you were watching reality T.V. or a YouTube video. But, also making the film more boring.

Almost the whole movie took place in rural Pennsylvania. While that might have cut costs, basically the whole film is seeing videos a brother and sister make, Becca and Tyler, and noticing their grandparents acting crazy. It still was a bit entertaining, and there's a twist, but even with the twist, the movie is hard to understand, and it is like what happened?

Basically, this whole movie is what you expect from the trailer and what you see from the reviews. In one sentence, it's kids staying at their grandparents house, and while their grandparents seem pretty normal most of the time, they start acting creepy other moments. It's even hard to understand why?

I leave this movie with a 4/10
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Clever Comedy
19 April 2016
To start off, I remember back in the Summer of 1993 when I was a kid. I was in the kitchen with my sister, I was probably home alone with her. She had the T.V. on, and since this was a new movie at the time, she was watching like a documentary or something on T.V. advertising this movie. I remember around the same time when I was also alone with her in the kitchen, and we were watching another documentary advertising a movie that came out around the same time, Dennis The Menace. I don't remember this Robin Hood Men In Tights Documentary I saw with my sister that well. I do remember how the documentary showed a memorable comedic scene from the movie, where Robin Hood knocks all those knights/suits of armor down domino style.

Anyway, I didn't see the movie back then and I wouldn't look into it until over 20-years later. So far, I've seen it twice this year. This movie isn't talked about that much, and I wouldn't really think about it, until that time of seeing the documentary on T.V. with my sister somehow came back to me, and also that scene where he knocks the knights down domino style. I decided to look into it, and have seen it twice on T.V.

Again, this movie doesn't seem like it's a movie talked about so much. I don't remember anybody talking about it or seeing friends watching it, as I wouldn't really think about the movie for 20+years later. I told my sister, the same sister I watched the documentary with about seeing this movie, and she remembers how she saw the movie a really long time ago. Also, how this movie stars Cary Elwes I'd see my college friends watching probably the movie we are most familiar with him in, The Princess Bride.

About Cary Elwes, he is a great and likable character in this movie playing Robin Hood. The only other movie I can think of that I've seen him in, is Twister. I'm sure I've seen him in other movies, I saw Liar Liar a long time ago, but don't remember him in it. Seeing how comedic he is in this movie, and a character we'd like from Princess Bride, along with a hero in both movies, I feel bad that Twister turned him into a character we weren't supposed to like. He seems like he's too nice of a person to fall under that category.

Now about watching a Robin Hood movie, you might ask is this supposed to be an action movie featuring Robin Hood, an educational movie about who he was, or in less likelihood, a Comedy? You could probably guess with the title of the movie, Men In Tights, it's a comedy. The whole movie is comedic from start to finish.

What really makes this movie funny, this movie is supposed to take place in the 12th Century. However, they intentionally have so many modern day references throughout the movie. It seems to make a movie more entertaining if they take place in the older days, but include modern references where you see people in ancient clothing and ancient backgrounds doing things like rapping as we see in this movie. The modern day references in this movie were very well done, enough for me to not believe this movie is over 20-years old. It doesn't feel that old with all the humor and modern references that clearly work for today, over 20-years later. It also is a pretty happy movie, it will keep you laughing, but also make you feel good. The humor in this movie also seems like humor we get in Austin Powers movies, only the difference this time is the hero is Robin Hood.

So, I have to say it took me 2 decades to check this movie out. If you haven't seen it, I'd strongly recommend you see it. You'll get good laughs from this movie, and it will probably leave you feeling happy inside. I'm sure you'd also think this movie doesn't seem so old with all the modern references that clearly work for today. This movie isn't my favorite movie, but it's a good underrated comedy, that ought to be better known.
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A Little Serious/A Little Cheesy
29 March 2016
This is one of the movies I watched as a kid. Interestingly, during this era the film was made there were a lot of movies which came out with this kind of theme, of a losing team where someone or something helps that team become a winning team. The most memorable film of that category is probably "Space Jam" which came out a couple of years later, and I heard it is still the highest grossing basketball movie.

This movie is probably the first movie we are familiar with that the famous actor Joseph Gordon Levitt. He has come a long way since then, and has become like every girls dream. I wonder what happened to the other kid, J.P.? I haven't heard any clear answers. Joseph Gordon Levitt would much later star in a movie with Tony Danza, they even talked a little about this movie in their interviews, but I wish he'd talk more about what it was like working in this movie.

I recently saw this movie on my parents old VHS tape, and while I remember it pretty well since I was a kid, it mostly just seemed like a cheesy movie and a waste of time. Some of the movie seems serious, I mean it's a movie that involves foster kids, and some of the scenes that don't involve baseball or angels are a little serious. But, the movie seems incredibly cheesy and too focused on an individual character. I mean the movie involves a losing baseball team with a manager George Knox played by Danny Glover who can't take always being on a losing team. Then, we have a couple of boys Roger and J.P. who are in a foster home. As we'd see from the trailer, Roger asks his Dad, "When Are We Going To Be A Family Again." The father replies, "The Way I See It, I'd Say When The Angels Win The Pennant." Now looking at that movie from an adult perspective, it sounds like a sarcastic remark, like why would you believe it? But, Roger takes his fathers words literally and prays for the California Angels in a somewhat funny prayer. The Angels start to help out the California Angels, and that is the main plot of the movie, which is obviously the title.

Let me tell you, while this movie might have wanted to leave a good message of believing in God and miracles, it doesn't do it in a religious way. I mean the angels are lead by Al the boss angel played by Christopher Lloyd. We only see the angels at the ball park, except in one scene. Every scene the angels are in, are cheesy scenes and they do not seem like they are holy, they mostly seem there for comic relief for a film with a somewhat serious tone in some scenes. I mean, it's interesting to think that angels would help a losing team become a winning team with the most bizarre methods. But, the angels weren't in the more serious scenes where what Roger really wanted was his father back. Also, how a prayer would be answered about a losing baseball team becoming a winning baseball team, but not about all the other problems in the world, almost making Roger's problems seem like they're at the center of the universe.

I give this movie credit, it still is somewhat inspirational. But, I wouldn't say the movie is too exciting or too fast paced. I'd say it is mostly just a cheesy movie about angels helping a baseball team win so a boy could get his father back, and again the angels weren't holy.

This movie's message, isn't as inspirational as a more recent movie about the surfer, Bethany Hamilton, "Soul Surfer." That movie was truly inspirational, and not in a cheesy way. It also isn't as inspirational as a recent religious movie about a boy who sees heaven, "Heaven Is For Real." So, I'm sure everybody who sees this "Angels In The Outfield," could agree that the angels didn't seem holy, and were mostly cheesy. I don't really remember laughing at this movie except in a couple of scenes.

What else I want to say, is I've recently seen another kids movie of a losing team becoming a winning team called "Underdog Kids." While that movie was pretty cheesy, I actually enjoyed it somewhat, because I felt like that movie left some really good messages, and probably better messages than "Angels In The Outfield" when "Underdog Kids" doesn't talk about angels. So, I'd recommend that movie.

Also, the funniest book I've read IN MY ENTIRE LIFE is a book around the same age as "Angels In The Outfield" called "The Toilet Paper Tigers," a 1993 book by Gordon Korman. The book is about a low budget little league team of misfits, and a coach who doesn't know how to coach baseball. But, the coach's niece the same age as the boys finds ways to annoy the boys into making them become a winning team. Some of the boys secretly like her. That book would seem to make a better movie than "Angels In The Outfield," of course if it had the right director. It seems like a better story and more exciting. I'd definitely recommend that book.

"Angels In The Outfield," entertains me somewhat, but I wouldn't recommend it. I feel like this movie has too much emphasis on angels helping a losing team in cheesy ways, and a boy in a foster home in mostly ways that aren't inspiring, losing the movie's entertaining factor. Watch another Disney movie the same age as this instead, "Blank Check." I feel like that one is way more entertaining. I give Angels In The Outfield A 6 for some entertainment, and a movie I enjoyed when I was a kid.
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Goosebumps (2015)
Great Movie
14 March 2016
One book and T.V. show everybody who was a kid in the '90s is familiar with is Goosebumps, along with the author R.L. Stine. Goosebumps came on Fox Kids in 1995. The year before, the popular kids show was Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. I loved that show, but stopped watching after the second season when it stopped entertaining me. It seemed to go downhill during the second half of the 2nd Season. I noticed even as a kid, how it was predictable and repetitive. So, Goosebumps seemed like the new popular kids show at the time.

I didn't watch Goosebumps too often as a kid. Some of the episodes are really cheesy and others, not entertaining. I've watched more episodes as an adult. There'd later be other R.L. Stine T.V. Shows not as remembered like The Nightmare Room, and Haunting Hour. There are also a couple of R.L. Stine movies, like When Good Ghouls Go Bad. I've seen that movie, and it is mostly cheesy, though some scenes from that movie reminded me of scenes from this movie. There's also, Haunting Hour, Don't Think About It. A movie with Emily Osment. That movie is a great entertaining Halloween movie, I'd say better than other Halloween movies including Hocus Pocus. While watching that movie, I could really relate to the character Sean, and it seriously helped me. I wrote a review on that movie, you can look at if you're curious.

Now, while this review has been talking about R.L. Stine's earlier works, I will talk about the movie. We can ask about why this movie was good from my opinion? Well, not hearing a lot about this movie, and knowing how some of R.L. Stine's work isn't entertaining, I didn't expect too much before watching this movie. But, as soon as I turned it on, I noticed how entertaining the whole movie was. It's not a movie I'd want to just get up and use the bathroom during, not caring to miss a part, or feeling like the movie was boring. The whole movie entertained me, and I had my eyes glued to the screen.

Dylan Minette played his role really well in this movie, quite a solid performance. He was in a couple of episodes of Haunting Hour. There was also Ryan Lee, who was in an episode of Haunting Hour, and a main character in this movie. He played a funny and interesting character. We have a more well-known actor, Jack Black in this movie. I haven't seen him in awhile. He played his part really well, and added comedy.

Now, about the story. Again, I can mention how some episodes of Goosebumps aren't memorable or too entertaining. This movie had a very entertaining storyline. It had some good humor in it, and Minette's character, Zach seemed like a more memorable character than the characters we'd see in a Goosebumps episode, again solid performance. There was also a bit of a love story in the movie, and from all the R.L. Stine work I've seen, this movie seemed to have the biggest love story. It also gave a bit of a high school feel, and had a good plot. If you've seen the trailer, you'll know how this movie includes all the monsters from the Goosebumps books, rather than just coming up with a new one, and then having the writer of the books R.L. Stine as a main character. The special effects from this movie were pretty good too.

In all, it was a pretty happy and entertaining movie. I'd give it a 10/10. Though, with all the references to the original books, I think it would have been cool if they had done things like play music from the original series, or show the opening and closing to give the real Goosebumps feel we got from that show. Too bad, but it was still an entertaining movie and a must see to anybody who likes R.L. Stine's work.
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