
9 Reviews
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Top Class Film
15 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Having watched this film I think Michael Bay definitely learnt from the mistake he made in ROTF. He cut out all of the stupid comedy e.g the twins.

He also made the overall plot a hell of a lot better, the way they linked in the moon landing to Transformers was fantastic I thought, and additionally the old footage they used was clever.

The action scenes were pumped up so much more, and I felt genuine sorrow when IronHide died, and BumbleBee was going to be executed. The background music composed by Steve Jablonsky was fantastic and never so more appreciated during the car chase scene when they are tyring to protect Sentinel.

People will criticise because it is a typical Hollywood block buster but if you want pure escapism then watch the film
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A very confusing film
1 April 2009
QOS is a above average action movie however as a bond movie it's really quite poor and this is not because there is a lack of gadgets or the fact that it's a move away from the normal bond formula there just seems to be something not quite right about this film. There has been heavy criticism of the plot of this movie and it's quite rightly justified. SOmeone on IDMB has said the plot is not the strong point of a bond movie but let's not make it so complicated that after a while people give up caring about the film. With casino royal that felt too long (there was no need for the last 30mins) however even though this is not as long it still felt to long.

The film never really flowed properly and even the action sequences were not all that casino royal did have much better overall sequences e.g the scene where bond chases a man on a construction site was better then any of the scenes within QOS.

Also this is supposes to be a more realistic bond however there is still too much convience within the film, e.g Bond happens to find a tuxedo that fits him perfectly, I mean come on !!!! Also I still have my doubts about Daniel Craig as bond, while he pulls of the action sequences superbly I just feel every time he puts on a suit he does not look right, he can't pull of a James Bond suit like Brosnan did. He always seems better suited when he is wearing a casual shirt or a shirt without a tie. If you look at all the promotions and advertisements for both bond films you'll always see Daniel Craig not wearing a tie just a suit and I think that the producers might just realise this weakness in regards to Craig. I can't really see Daniel Craig transitioning into the Pierce Brosnan type of bond at all and thats my main gripe with these new films.

Overall if you want to see a similar film but far superior then go and see one of the Bourne movies
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A fantastic Bond Movie
1 April 2009
After wathcing Die Another Day I felt this was Brosnans best bond movie so far. The director changed the rules for bond within reason but without detracting from the normal formula.

I really loved the opening sequence and in particular the bit where Brosnan is being tortured it was different but also intriguing at the same time as it added something new to the film. There were some over the top scenes e.g the scene surfing in water but don't let that ruin a really great bond film. I can't say what it was but something in this film really made be root for Brosnan as a bond, maybe it was the way he was betrayed or disowned by his own government it again added something more into the film.

Brosnan does an excellent job as Bond and as much as people have hyped up Daniel Craig Brosnan is a overall better bond (even better then Connery) and here are the reasons why:

1) He pulls of the action sequences well as James Bond 2) He can pull of the James Bond part as well i.e Looking good in a suit (which is something that Daniel Craig can't do) 3) He portrays a much more realistic bond but without being to heartless while Daniel Craig is simply heartless

The other thing I must mention is that for his age Brosnan still looks in fantastic shape and pulls of the film really well. Overall a great addition to the bond movies
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Rocky III (1982)
A Fun Film to Watch
1 April 2009
While any of the Rocky films will never be great thought provokers what they do provide are films that are extremely enjoyable to watch. The build up to the final fight, the music, the training sequences they are all great fun to watch and as a viewer you do get drawn into the movies Rocky 3 does not really provide anything new but it builds well upon the existing formula of Rocky films.

One thing that I would like to mention is the one thing about all Rocky films is that Stallone does draw from his own personal experiences when doing this film. If we examine Rocky 3 we can see that it is about a person who's fame has gone to his head, he is no longer in touch with reality and if Stallone was honest this is reflection of himself at the time as well. This is extremely well documented within the film and surely sends out a clear message to the trappings of becoming famous.

There are some great moments in the films e.g when Rocky says to Adrian 'Nothing is real if you don't believe in it any more'. How true is this statement and all the people who can convince you to believe in yourself it's your wife, the scene truly can hit home to a lot of people
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The Island (2005)
A good action movie
20 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I was the island at the cinema and must admit I was really entertained. The plot is quite interesting but the action scenes as expected are breathtaking. As much as people criticise Bay the one thing he can deliver is action brilliantly.

The plot of the films is basically about growing clones so that organs can be fostered from them and considering how technology etc… is going the storyline is not as far fetched as some people think. McGregor gives a great performance however Scarlett is OK in my opinion ( I don't really see all the hype in here sorry !!!!!). Buscemi is great providing true great comic reliefs (especially the scene with the maid outfits etc…) All in all a good Saturday night movie that will give you thrills and spills
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A great Saturday night movie
20 March 2009
I watched national treasure 2 and must admit I really enjoyed the movie (apart from the fact it was freezing cold in the cinema), the action and plot line were kept moving at really good pace so you never really felt bored (something I did feel in the first movie). There are obvious flaws in the film e.g:

1) Just how easy it was to hack the speed camera database 2) How to infiltrate a secure hotel with the president 3) Kidnapping of the president

However if you ignore these things because lets face it this movie is not meant to be realistic then it's a great adventure ride of a movie. The plot is really interesting and how it goes from clearing his fathers name to finding the lost city of gold is quite clever as well and the overall ending of where the city was found was absolutely great. I felt that this movie was how the 4th Indiana Jones movie should have been in some aspects since the city of gold was a city of gold etc.. and there were no aliens. The characters themselves have grown and developed since the last movie you can see the bond between cage and voight as father and son, riley now trying to step out of cages shadows etc… Oh and the person criticising kruges acting who cares she is fit and does her job well (i.e she looks good)

If you want to see a movie that will not challenge you to much, keep you entertained, and also have a good plot line (which it does no matter how un realistic at times) then I do recommend this film. It's a great Saturday night in film
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Overall a let down
11 March 2009
When I first saw the trailer for T3 I must admit I was excited, judging by the special effects and the action scenes I thought that this would be a good addition to the series.

However after watching the film I must admit I felt overall let down, the film just like Arnie felt old. Majority of the action scenes were good but the film just lacked something, when compared to T2. Even though T2 was made many years earlier the special effects still looked better then this film (except the one scene with Arnie at the end), and also it lacked the darkness, and suspense of the previous films I felt one of the biggest criticism of the film was that the t101 was completely out classed by the new terminator and so you really felt that in every action scene they were going to loose. At least in T2 you felt Arnie had a chance but there was never that feeling in this film. I do realise to some people this might be stupid but the confrontation between the new terminator and Arnie just felt wrong because we all knew Arnie was going to have his a** kicked Also even though Arnie had worked out to get into shape for this film he still looked to clunky and slow (if you can understand that) and I think that made the film less enjoyable overall. You never really felt that Arnie was a terminator just a out dated machine, in T2 Arnie looked (excuse the expression) cool, the scene where he was on the motorbike shooting at the T1000 was awesome but there were no such scenes in this film.

Having a female as the terminator was also wrong, it did not feel right in this film There was also to much humour in this film (probably to give the 12a rating) and that was completely unnecessary, who on earth thought that putting Arnie in purple star shaped sunglasses was a good idea!!!!!!!!!! This really did ruin the film because you could never take Arnie seriously after that John Conner was poor as well, in T2 he showed courage and leadership but here he just looked like a wimp you never really believed that this person could be the saviour of humanity, I don't believe this was the actors fault more the direction of the film that made him into this charhachter I do realise I have criticised this film considerably but it's just after seeing T2 and how awesome that was this film did not even come close, however as a stand alone film it is good but if compared to the previous films it then just looks old and outdated
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A Good Movie Overall
10 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I never really got a chance to watch the original star wars movie at the cinema due to the fact that I was not born, however this did not stop me from enjoying them first on VHS and then on DVD.

Therefore the phantom menace was the first star wars movie I saw on the big screen and I must admit I did enjoy the film. From the very first moment you heard the music and then the rolling credits I was ultimately captured. It was like an old friend saying hello and I did really enjoy the film.

I mean you got to see how C3P0 and R2D2 came about as well, for the first time you got see the Jedi council (always talked about in the first 3 star wars films) and also Darth Vader as a child... All things mentioned or discussed in the first 3 films you finally get to see in this first film and was it great. The light saber battle at the end was fantastic and so was the pod race, also the bit where you first got to see the planet corscant was great as well Certain people have criticised the fact that Darth Vader was referred to as Annie What!!!!! Why are you criticising that, what would you call a child Death, Mean Boy I mean come on he was a child at this point no one ever knew he was going to grow up and be Darth Vader.

Also some people have criticised the whole medi-chlorine thing, however Lucas can't win. If he does not give enough detail then he is criticised and if he does then he is still criticised come on people !!!!! Oh and the person criticising the planet called Naboo what !!!! Seriously do you think your not being a tad unfair what do you expect was it any worse then calling something a Minot (like Han in empire strikes back) The only scepticism I had with the film is Anakins age, I did think he was to young to honestly believe that him and Padme would be lovers But overall a good film and I do recommend it There has been a high amount of criticism aimed at Jar Jar, now I must admit he was not my favourite character but was he any worse then chewy, at least with Jar Jar you could partially understand the film but with chewy you could not understand a damn thing!!!!!
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A Great Film
9 March 2009
After reading all of the negative and positive reviews of ROTS I decided to put my own opinion in.

I personally felt ROTS was a truly great movie and the worse thing about the movie was you know at the end Anakin was going to become Darth Vader, from me watching this movie again was really difficult due to this fact. A lot of people have criticized the dialogue but in all truthfulness was it really that bad, was the dialogue any worse then the 3 sequels, was Hayden worse then Hamill the answer to that is no. Hayden actually represented a person who was in conflict with himself, you could feel his anger and his pain because of the woman that he loved and this is something I don't think anyone ever really felt for Mark Hamill. While his acting was OK the only thing you could ever to connect to with Luke was his fear of going over to the darkside, however a more realistic fear is loosing the woman that you love

Also all of these comments about there not being enough screen time in regards to Anakin going over to the dark side what did you want really ????

Did you want en entire file dedicated to Anakin being lured to the dark side !!!!

In the original films obi wan always said that Anakin was tricked and deceived into going over to the dark side, and that's how it happened in these 3 films. Anankin was slowly manipulated into coming over to the dark side, and lets have a look at how he did this:

1) He forced anakin to become a member of the Jedi council full knowing that they would not treat him as an equal and therefore cause him to spurn the Jedi 2) He told Anakin that he should be going on a mission and not obi wan to capture General Grivous again knowing that the council would not choose him 3) He manipulated Anakin into cutting of Dooku head 4) He tried to manipulate anakin in leaving obi wan behind in the ship after defeating Dooku 5) There was a scene where he sat down with Senator Palpatine and he told Anakin about the dark side 6) He tricked Anakin into thinking that Master Windu was attacking him not the other way around 7) Additionally there was a scene where Anakin and Palpatine are walking out the office and Anakin says your years of advice have been greatly appreciated

These are all example of being subtle and devious in how to brain wash someone, you slowly chip away at them and therefore fits well into what was said by Obi Wan in the Star Wars and Return of the Jedi

There have been so many criticisms about the acting but it was no worse then Star Wars and Co, Natalie Portman was not any worse then Carrie Ann Fisher and Ewan McGregor was in fact better then Harrison Ford (yes he was!!!!!). Harrison Fords acting never changed from one film to another but McGregor's did, Harrison was cocky and that was it. Ewan had to portray a person who in fact had to kill his brother and you could feel is pain the scene where he says 'I Have Failed You' . This was a truly well delivered speech and better then any of the other lines that Ford delivered. The acting is by no means great but then it's not supposed to be if we wanted great acting then go hire Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Tim Robins, Morgan Freeman and Christian Bale ohhh damn I forgot if you got these actors then everyone would complain saying they are to old to perform these roles or they don't look like what they though Obi Wan or Anakin should look like !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh and to people referring to the fact that Obi Wan defeated Anakin by taking the high ground and not understanding it, basic principle of fencing and sword fighting is if a enemy has the higher ground then they will have the advantage since they will not have the same reach as you do and will need to extend there posture to reach you therefore meaning they no longer have balance that's how obi wan defeated anakin !!!!!!!

Overall I would say this was really great film
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