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Lucy, the Human Chimp (2021 TV Movie)
Born in the human world, raised by the human parents.
26 May 2021
Most of the human and (wild) animal relationship movies are comedies and mostly targeted audience were children, families. Its either entertainment film or the documentary film.

Take for instance, take the recent film based on the real, The One and Only Ivan (2020) or any DisneyNature films. But there are some fine realistic films too we can find, and this is one of those.

Very emotional tale, reminded me of the Jane Hawking, the wife of Stephen Hawking from the film, The Theory of Everything (2014). Yes, a woman who dedicated all her life for another person, like a servant, slave. The commitment she expected nothing in return.

In this story, if she wanted, she could have looked after her own life, instead she dedicated to Lucy, a human chimp that's born in the human world, raised by the human parents and sent to live the wild life as it meant to be in the African jungle.

Was it a right decision? Very debatable among the commoners and the experts. But 40 years ago the world was different than what human think and do today.

They had not had the original footages, so they recreated it with the actors to accomplish the project. It was a short film, but very good. I hope this will turn into a real motion picture. I definitely want that.
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SEASON 01: It surprised me!
13 May 2021
I had no expectation. I don't know why I even gave it a shot, while I'd plenty of series to go on from my watchlist. In the end, I'm more than satisfied.

You know, it kind of resembles the Better Things (2016), three kids raised by a single parent. If you had liked that, you will like it as well.

Here, the story of three siblings, growing up together after their parents died. All the responsibility goes to the eldest brother. Nicely, beautifully, narrated tale, episode after episode.

Somewhat felt like a realistic portrayal. But it also had shares of cinematic rendering, especially the comedy parts.

The topics were bold enough to talk. Like homosexual to teen sex, bullying to suicides, autism to standing up to the world. At the end of every episode, they mentioned helpline for prevention regarding each episode's topic. That's a nice one.

In the age if superhero movies/series where OTT platforms are taking over, this kind of little cute series brings the balance that's missing between the genres. Especially for the grown-ups. Now I'm looking forward for the season 2.

SEASON 01: 8/10.
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Propelled by Propaganda
29 April 2021
Previous movies in the series were good when it had the Hong Kong origin. But now this is polluted with ccp's propaganda.

This is definitely not a biopic. Definitely not Ip Man's tale. His screen appearance was shortened. And focused more on a fictional story that influenced by ccp's own narration.

Today's Hong Kong filmmakers lost all the freedom to tell the (true) story they want to. Or could be brainwashed by red. Or threatened their lives.

As of where today's global politics stand, they used the Ip Man's worldwide popularity as a pawn to spread their propaganda.

They once tried that with India. They are not wanted India lean towards America, so they made a film called 'Kung Fu Yoga' to mark the friendship. It didn't work.

They wanted to accomplish a couple of things from this film. First, targeting Japan by dragging its Karate into the story, by saying kung fu is superior than Karate. Just like how the original Japanese connection 'Karate Kid' became chinese 'Karate Kid' in its remake.

And second target was the white people, especially Americans, making them look like the fools. I'm neither white nor yellow. I'm neither American nor East Asian. From my perspective, this film is an utter crap. I didn't buy their propaganda, I hope you won't do as well.
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Nobody (I) (2021)
Better not to call Nobody!
16 April 2021
This is one of those films you should not miss. If Liam Neeson had a breakthrough with 'Taken' to be an action figure, this is definitely for Bob Odenkirk.

Watching the trailer/teaser, I thought it could be like another 'A History of Violence'. But I was wrong. Actually, it was like 'John Wick', but only fast and furious. Starts and ends quickly. Everything what viewers wanted.

The story, nothing much to discuss about it in a long paragraph. It was simple and brief. The characters were too like you see in any action or drama films. But how they were portrayed/developed and progressed was the phenomenal.

I haven't seen 'Better Call Saul'. I have seen Bob Odenkirk only in 'Breaking Bad', that's all. And I didn't know he'll be this good in action avatar. Yeah, he excelled it. Now be prepared to see him in more roles like this in the future.

Definitely there will be a sequel, and I'm looking forward to it. All I hope is, they won't mess it up. If you haven't seen it yet, watch it. One of the best entertainer of the year. Could have not asked for a better beginning of the summer 2021 being I'm a cinephile.

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A stellar motivator.
13 April 2021
A movie like this makes me to get back to watching the Tamil films. That's what I like in the Indian cinema, the Parallel cinema. In the recent time, this kinda of films ruling with the better recognition. So for me, it was the best find among those.

Nothing wrong to call it the Indian version of the 2015 Japanese film, 'Flying Colours'. This story focused even more on its depth. More importantly, it was more Indian, with how narration panned out and transition of the each level of the story progress.

Very motivational film. A must see by the students. The story divides into scenario, where the first half was set in the backdrop of a rural, while the remaining were in contrast to that. The end was good. With some edge nerve moment.

I liked the cast and their performances. The script and the music too. The only drawback was from the technical aspect of the film, the typical Tamil movie style sound editing which drowned the realistic touch of the storytelling. Otherwise, or it won't bother once you are into the story and the characters.

I already recommended it to a few people I know. So far one of the best films from the year 2021. I hope it will get recognised to the wide stream of audience all across the globe.

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For some, behind their success, there's a grandma!
6 February 2021
Track of my recent movie watching was not good. Most of them were average. I thought they are not making good movies anymore. And then I watched this one. Fantastic.

Honestly, the beginning was not impressive. I came to conclusion that I picked another average film to watch. But, soon, when the runtime got the half way through, the narrative got me. Hooked till the end without knowing it already heading for the final credit roll.

It was based on the real, very inspiring. Not many people credit their grandmother for their success in the life. This is one such beautiful film that focused on an elderly person's influence on a kid when the parents fail.

Give an Oscar to Glenn Close already. She deserves it. Amy Adams too was good, and so everyone else in the main roles. Watching this film gave me the feeling the Oscar season has started. Hope the film wins many awards.

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Wolfwalkers (2020)
Wolf wolf howls the wolf.
12 December 2020
Tomm Moore, one of the best animation filmmakers we've right now, probably all time, just behind Hayao Miyazaki. A fine end to the trilogy, that's beautifully told stories of the Irish fairytales.

If you loved Previous two, you'll love it as well. As usual the animation was impressive. Who makes 2D animation in the today's world. So it's a treasure. And the 2021 Oscars nod should be a must, otherwise the ceremony has no value. And unlike previous two Oscars nods, this time hopefully it wins. Fingers crossed.

The music was too beautifully blended with the storytelling. A movie for all age groups and a must see. I'm already waiting for the next film from the director. Before that, I'm gonna rewatch it a couple more times, or even more.
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Just for Cailee Spaeny.
4 November 2020
When I started to watch it, I confused why they called it a sequel. Because the same pattern followed in the beginning as the original. Sometime in the middle, it all changed.

The story is not that interesting. The end was all the sudden and below average. The cast, could be the worst in a movie in the recent times, except, Cailee Spaeny. She makes you watch it, otherwise, a movie/ sequel to skip.

The end hints, there could be another movie. If they do, I hope they bring new and vibrant cast to make the film more interesting.
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Privacy please!
24 February 2018
This film is strictly for adults. But older and matured teenagers can be spared. This is a very good subject for grown ups to open their eyes and youngsters to learn. It's about masturbation. I mean, what's wrong with that! First of all, the film is not fully researched or surveyed kind of perspective. It was more an opinion based theme from the common people and experts. Moreover, it's very fun to watch if your mind is not framed with hardcore religious craps.

Naturally, humans and other species have done and still doing it since the beginning of the life. Just because the civilisation has flourished with rule and regulation means not this thing is a bad for us in any way. In fact, it helps us in millions of ways. Like if one neutralise (relieves) his sexual urges like this way, the rapes can be prevented. So, this is a wonder film that talks openly the most hesitated topic in the society. In some cases, even among friendships.

I don't know this writer, director. Well, I don't have to, but I just enjoyed his little film. It was a short documentary like around 70 minutes. Interview style narration, but there were plenty of film clips, just to explain stuffs. There are like millions of films and you will get all the scene situations, don't have to recreate them. They have nicely given some examples. I had seen most of those films, so I managed to understand! But that does not how it works. Because of raw parts were censored. Yet we all know what's behind it, like it was understandable term.

-xX] There is no such thing as sex addiction. It's sexual compulsions, not addiction. [Xx-

There were lots of good things told in the film. I liked the idea of doctors writing a prescription. The films using this concept just to make fun out of it. Maybe that's where what's going wrong. Because most of the trend begins from that platform as many people blindly follows what they see on the screen. So I think it's time to tell the truth. It was very sad how this film opened. It revealed a real life incident of a teenager. The sex education must include this concept as saying there's nothing wrong in doing that. Believe me, most of first experience comes without understanding what they were doing in their early 10s.

But it has some dark sides too, I mean a person can lose everything he had earned in his life like in a second. It's none other than Paul Reubens of Pee-Wee fame. I mean, come on, people think their children are safe with thieves, junkies, smokers and alcoholics than what people do in their private. It does not mean he had raped somebody or going to. Seems they just have scared of the unpredictability of the future. Not in here, in any circumstances, the future is unpredictable. Other than that, there's nothing wrong with it.

It has to be private. There's nothing proud to be openly acknowledged as the society is filled with under-aged people as well. But when you come across someone doing it, just ignore it and respect the privacy. I have seen many documentaries on many themes, like most of them are unique, this one as well. They might have already made one or more, but I haven't seen them. I'm really happy I came across it, and I surely recommend it to everybody.

The only drawback of this film was, there's nothing told from the negative side. Of course, everything has good and bad sides. They have convinced from the good stuffs, but what about the disadvantages. Somebody could make a separate film on that, but people recognise the only negatives and label relieving is a bad thing. It should have been in this film, like 5 to 10 minutes of cover would have worked out. Otherwise, I would have said it was a masterpiece, but it's still good for watching once.

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The tale for a cup of coffee.
24 February 2018
It was like, came five years ago. One of the most unexpected films from a debutant director to succeed commercially, as well as to grab as many as the German Academy Awards. A 'black and white' and a short film than an average runtime. A small budget flick that the entire story revolved within a day. These are the interesting basic things about it you must know. Then going into the film, it's really feels good kind. But not everything in the story was pleasant. I mean, there's nothing serious, but a man who faces difficulties.

It was about a young, carefree man. Dropped out of law practice and having no job or a girlfriend, he spends his days as how it turns out itself. He has one good friend, nut not an ideal one. And of course annoying father who always advises him to be normal like everybody else. But this particular day is not ordinary. After saying goodbye to a girl he spent the night with, all he wanted was a cup of fresh coffee. Unfortunately, he did not get it.

So the rest of the day follows, as many unexpected events begin to unfold. One of it was encountering an old schoolmate. She invites him to her play. Meanwhile, his date with dad and later in the day ending up in a pub where he meets an old man who narrates his life experience. Just after that, the story takes a simple twist as the day too is coming to an end, the end credit started to roll up.

-xX] The only thing I can do, is do nothing for you anymore. [Xx-

I like modern 'black and white' films. Actually 99 per cent of those films I've seen were like masterpieces or almost. They simply don't make one, unless what they wanted to narrate on the screen is something special. It really captured the depth. The depth of the character. When it all began, we know zero about the lead character, but very soon everything changes, only heading forward. And when it reached the other end, you would feel you have known him long enough. One of the reasons could be your life, having similarity with the film. Most of the people have passed that stage in their 20s, like either being rebellious or unemployed/carefree.

It was pretty much like one of those films you have seen that centres on one particular thing. Because of a small timing indifference or a mistake can lead a slight deviation in the path and then a new adventure begins. That's what in my language we say, 'in a cycle gap'. Bicycles might be big, but its path/track is so thin. In this, it was all about a cup of coffee. If he had got it when he first desired for it, the thing would have been different. Very neatly written screenplay. No doubt why it won the national award for that.

Towards the end, I felt slowness, like it got tired of everything. But that's perfect, because since this tale is about a single day, that's how people as well feel in their long day. Overall, it worked out for me and so for most those who saw it. I might be late, but watched it, did not I! If you have seen it, that's great, but if not, then I suggest you to try it. Quite fun to watch. No serious laughs, but in a couple of scenes it delivered as it meant. Felt like I've watched a German film after a long time, but I've picked the right one.

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The Reckoning (2015 TV Movie)
The puzzle pieces of romance.
24 February 2018
The third and final film, based on the Beverly Lewis' 'The Heritage of Lancaster County' novel trilogy. This was an unexpected watch. I mean I was not going to watch these films. But I had a short time, so I had to pick a short film and television films are always less than 90 minutes long. Once I saw the first, I could not leave behind the remaining two. After all it was not a bad watch. If you are like close enough to 30 or above that, you will find these films decent. Because that's what life is about. You are mature enough to understand them. Ten years ago definitely I would have not enjoyed them as of now.

As I've mentioned in the previous review, that I did not know what to expect from it. For me, the actual story had ended in the previous part itself. This was just an extension, extension of Katie Lapp's new world's new life. Surely some people would be very interesting to know how she makes her new lifestyle. Because there's a lot to learn, especially being too kind in this tough world. Every step forward is a new lesson. Anyway, she has trusted people all around her. What she now needs is a man and his unending love and care.

After inheriting wealth from her mother, now herself entangled in a new situation. The first film was about unveiling the truth, followed by in the second, she reconnected with her root, and now the romance. It's a three way romance, she does not know whom to choose. Caught between past and present, the film focused on her journey of self-discovery. She's helping those who needs it. Besides, it helped her to realise what her heart says. In the end, it all ended up happily as always for a Hallmark film.

-xX] I think before you make a future with Justin, you need to make peace with your past. [Xx-

To watch it on an average day, it won't be that bad. But if you pick it with lots of expectations, then you are in a wrong film. The families would approve it easily. Yet this third film was not as good as previous two. Because the romance theme they have used in this was so common in most of the same themes. What uplifted the film was those orphan segments. It had told some meaningful aspect of the wealthy people with a good heart. And that's the that, the film did not impress me on the overall. One of the reasons was, again, the casting.

Three films and each time a bunch of new actors stepped-in on someone's role we were very used to. I know what you might be thinking. It's not Katie Lapp, but some supporting characters. Katie's Amish parents particular. The original actors were brilliant. They never had more scope for their parts, but I loved them in their short span. It was too late to switch to a new pair. So, I felt out of synch with the narration when their parts came in. I have never seen a trilogy that messed up like this.

My pick is the middle one. I liked the second film very much. But the first was decent and expected to end the trilogy in a same way. Despite re-cast, the actors were good. At least they should have stuck with the same director. Though this director was okay. Another thing is, the end. That's not what I'd expected, but that's fine for not giving what the viewers had expected, but it did make sense, except leaving a bad impression on Katie of what she has chosen. I mean not the man, but what kind of life. So my conclusion is, this part was least decent in the series. But as a trilogy not bad for once trying.

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The Confession (2013 TV Movie)
To find the root.
24 February 2018
The second film based on the Beverly Lewis' 'The Heritage of Lancaster County' trilogy. The first was all about unfolding the secret. It was a good family film, overall a decent film. I knew what to expect from this part, but what I did not was the emotions. I actually thought of it, because of the plot. Since the previous film did not exploit it, it was only a matter of time we get our eyes wet. Yes, it was so touching, especially if you are a lighthearted. Even I felt it, but obviously the film filled with cliches.

I think it does not matter, because only entertainment films can be criticised for not being original. Films about life, if they had focused on reality can be exempted. What I had watched was more a cinematic, more a television quality, but totally acceptable. Even though it had some flaws that I 'm going to assert later.

Now coming to the story, Katie Lapp had left the Amish county to find Laura Mayfield. The challenges await in the world she has never been. But she manages it all well, except why she has come for. Soon finds herself in a mixed up situation, and coming out of it leads the narration to its end.

-xX] Be like a flower. Be beautiful, rain or Shine. [Xx-

I liked it better than the first. Probably one of the best Hallmark films I've seen in the overall account. So what's the negative of the film is the cast. I did not like it, really did not. There's a new Katie Lapp, played by Katie Leclerc. She was amazing. That does not mean Panabaker was bad. She did not retain the role because of the scheduling conflict. That's what they said. But whatever the reason, it did not stop the film to get its standards.

From the actors' perspective, they all did justice to their parts. From the viewer's perspective, it's too bad to see different people in midway. But once you get used to it, there's no difference. Just an enjoyable drama. Not the entire film has been recast. So still it felt very familiar to carry on my watch. Helmed by the same director, it's a nicely done job. As always, short and to the point. Can the next one would keep up the same rhythm is the question that I'll going to find out very soon.

I hope there will not be another Katie Lapp. But anyway, that's the finale of this trilogy, so expecting to end on a high. Almost the basic storyline is all exploited. What might comes is not known. That's what interests me now. So let you know what I think of the trilogy once I finish watching the third. Meanwhile, I say don't miss this if you like television/Hallmark films

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The Shunning (2011 TV Movie)
Time to step out of the box!
24 February 2018
This is the first film, based on the Beverly Lewis' 'The Heritage of Lancaster County' trilogy. It is a television film series that was telecasted in the Hallmark. This channel is good at this kind of story narration. I have seen many similar films and one of those was 'Love Comes Softly'. The same filmmaker directed this as well.

The film is about a young Amish woman. I've never met one in my life, nor knew anything about them, until I'd learned everything through watching the films. So I've no good or bad impression on them. But watching the film, especially the first half did not show them in a good light. Until the storytelling ends, there's nothing to judge. And as expected, it'd given a good reason in the later part.

It was suspenseful at the opening. An English woman who has just landed in Lancaster county, looking for a particular person. Not everybody is interested in helping her. But somehow the message reaches the other end. Soon they are terrified and prepared for the bad thing. It's all linked to their daughter Katie. The truth always finds its way out and that's how Katie gets involved in it. Besides her instinct was always been on her side. The rest is about her expedition to unlock more truth.

-xX] No matter where god puts us, it's up to us how we choose to live. [Xx-

This is good for literature. But for screen adaptation, it does not have any chance to deliver a similar success. Not in the current generation. Would have been great half a century ago. Though for a television, it all makes sense. Because television audience is different. Consists mainly families, and that too as well women. So most of the television films are women oriented themes. On that aspect, this is a wonderful film. I too sometimes enjoy watching them. So I consider it a decent find, to watch in between the mainstream films.

I knew this filmmaker would deliver, but the cast as well been wonderful. The story did not reveal much. It played hide and seek, but it had enough contents the whole first instalment to carry on with. As well as the curiosity it puts in us about what might follow in the sequel is a good thing. It had enough depth in characters to take on a ride. Other than that, the story is yet to come out with an explanation to cover all the bases. In a way, it does not matter if it heads forward only to focus on the future developments.

A simple 90 minute drama, it does not have much topic to discuss. I've said everything I'd wanted to. So now I'm an inch closer to check out the next part. I hope it maintains the same rhythm. But I'm not liking it already as I'm finding something unfamiliar in the cast. I'll let you know what that's all about in the next review once I finished watching it. Meanwhile, it is not bad for once watching, but the original target audience should be watching it than anybody else.

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In search of truth, a coming-of-age tale.
24 February 2018
I'm really bad at guessing things. When I first saw the film poster and read the title, I thought it could be about immigration. No, it isn't. This is a comedy, a black comedy, involving a teenager obsessed to find his biological father. So his adventure is where it all takes him was what comically portrayed.

There's nothing special about the story. Not in the initiation. So once the second half commence, that's where the film becomes unpredictable. Because all the developments were done in the earlier and what followed was simply an unexpected consequence.

Vincent, a teenager suddenly interested to know who is his birth father. He has not properly got answered by his mom for that question. So his quest begins, all in a right direction, but he did not expect it to turn out to be a disappointment. What follows after that was an interesting event ended with a simple twist.

First of all it is not your normal comedy flick. The storyline might look familiar, but presented on the screen artistically. I laughed at the cast's expressions than the comedy scenes/events. Especially in those shots where they have to see straight into the camera. Somewhat fun to watch, but overall just above average film.

-xX] Work is the enemy of pleasure. [Xx-

As I've said, they knew how to begin, even the conclusion was well figured out, but how to reach there was where they have got lost a little bit. Moreover, it all was done quite unexpected adventurously. That's what I saw in the poster and misunderstood prior of watching it.

As an animal lover, I hated that donkey part. The film looked decent, until that. They should have avoided it. But anyway, I'm glad I saw it. The cast was good and shot in some lovely outdoor places. At least I came to know this stylish filmmaker. Now I should keep an eye on him.

There are many good French comedies, so this is not one of them, a must see, yet I feel why not once. Because it is being so simple. Except the runtime was close to the two hours. They say it is a drama, but there's a more fun side of it than considering it a serious drama.

Finally, who knows, it could work better for you than me. But choose it carefully. Because this is not a famous French film of the year. Not many people know its existence. Above that, it might not be a great film, but surely not the worst to ignore without researching basic info before deciding what to do.

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Tulip Fever (2017)
An affair that changed the lives of many around it forever!
24 February 2018
It is very sad to know that only blind people have seen it. Otherwise, this is not a response the film deserved. It was almost a solid 10 out of 10 film. Superfast narration. Beautiful setting. Of course the background score was good, but if it had an even better catchy score, then it would have been one of my all time favourites.

Surely one of the best costume dramas I've seen in my life. It seems like a drama, but it was more a romance-thriller. Especially the final quarter was amazing. Little predictable, but overall the narration kept surprising me frequently. It was a secret affair that has been waiting to take along everyone around to the down!

This story was narrated in the background as it had happened, that tells us about an orphan grew up in a convent and later an old wealthy man took her in as his wife. In return, she has to give him an heir, a son. But she's not succeeding, until a young artist who came to make the couple's portrait, then they two has fallen in love.

The secret romance takes the surprise twists when it had interlocked with other people's affair around them. Now they all who are involved in it must try to fix it once for all. And of course, at the end someone must get hurt, at least not physically. Who is that or is it more than one is the conclusion unfolded so touchingly rather than too much emotion.

This project saw too many obstacles. I'm happy it's now here after all these years of struggle. Based on the book of the same name. Excellently transformed into the screen. And not particular, but all the actors were equally great. I've heard lots about the love between the Netherlands and Tulips, but seeing it in a film was truly wonderful. PAY NO ATTENTION TO FILM CRITICS AND THEIR ARDENT FOLLOWERS. It's one hundred per cent a fantastic period drama of the year that's not to be missed, particularly by the grown ups!!

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All We Had (2016)
A rare and a beautiful portrayal the mother-daughter relationship!
24 February 2018
Katie Holmes directional debut film. Adapted from the novel of the same name. I really had not planned to love it. I thought it was another passing-by film in my life. Surprisingly, it was so much better. I simply loved it. Because anything about life struggle really intrigues me. Especially the struggles of the aging people, women, children themes.

This was about a mother and her teenage daughter. After escaping from her latest boyfriend, they decide to hit the road, travelling randomly. That reminded me 'The Glass Castle'. Their road adventure came to an end at some point, then set a tone similar to 'Safe Haven'. So they end up in a diner. Their lives begin to take shape around it. With so many turns, where the remaining narration heads were told by deciding their fate.

For some people, it was a drama where nothing much happens. But I felt every moment. The life does not just change like turning a coin to the other side. That's the detail, especially the relationship with others were nicely built. The whole story was narrated from the kid's perspective, like how she saw her mother struggling with boyfriends, alcohol and finally finding their own place to call home to lead a normal life.

It was almost a sentimental film. They should have created a more melodic track or borrowed one from the outside for it, because it deserves one. That would have set a tone for the film. It was just like another 'Infinitely Polar Bear', except it was mother-daughter thing. I think families would love such film. This really says that Katie Holmes has potential to be a great director. She also jointly produced it. Believe me. It is a totally underrated film. All I say is, it's a must see. If you listen to the haters, then you're missing out something wonderful!

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Better Things: Graduation (2017)
Season 2, Episode 10
The Sam's next level of challenges raising her three girls!
24 February 2018

There are plenty of TV channels and each produce their own set of series every year. You can't watch them all. Especially I'm being a cinephile, it is hard to keep up the pace with small screen products. And not to forget, in the age of online streaming, among Netflix, Amazon Prime et cetera, it makes even harder to choose what to watch with less time we have. Anyway, I'd seen the first season of this series, so I wanted to continue with its second. Because it was one of the best comedy show. Comedy mean not that revolves around silly things. It was close to realistic, that makes it a special. Sadly, it is for grown ups only. But I don't think there's any harm for older and matured teenagers.

It was not the best scene to open, but the following events folded very nicely. Yeah, started off like another excellent season. Almost all the episodes were great, maybe except a couple with a little margin of let-down. But definitely a beautiful follow up. The same intensity was carried out throughout. The same Sam and the same three daughters of her. They had given preference to each and everyone. Some new characters made into, but they used the existing one to the fullest. I can't say it was better than the first, but surely stood equally. I know everyone's favourite would be the episode 'Eulogy'. It was emotional.

We know Pamela Adlon was one of the creator, since it was loosely based on her own life, but she took more responsibility in this season. I mean she directed the entire season. She did a wonderful job. Nothing was confirmed, but one of the episodes goes superstition. I liked some dialogues. They are knowledgeable and motivational. If you are a single parent, you will understand it better. A woman raising three kids is not an easy task. They absolutely brought it on the screen. Once again the three youngsters gave their best shot for the show. It all ended so coolly. Definitely yes to the season three, but has to wait till the year end!

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Gerald's Game (2017)
The game that opened the doors from the past to the future.
24 February 2018
From the director known for horror and thriller films. So reading the synopsis I realised it is another thriller. Most likely '127 Hours', 'Buried' et cetera kind. That's where I misunderstood it. It opened in a similar fashion. A middle aged couple decided to sexually exploit on one weekend in an isolated place to restore faith in their marriage. But soon something goes wrong, and the woman ends got trapped in the bed for days. Her fight against the time and other psychological effects, particularly memories of the haunting past breaks loose. It just does not end by revealing, can she makes out of there, but it goes even ahead to detail out, bringing a perfect conclusion to the tale. Of course with full of surprises in the final quarter.

Initially, I anticipated it could end up as a decent film. But that exceeded when it reached the end. I really enjoyed. Especially the last few minutes, how beautifully patched all the holes. You know, in most of the thrillers, it simply ends without giving out the exact result. It sometime the viewers have to assume whatever way they want. I don't like that. Occasionally, okay, but not in every film. This is really a great writing. It was originally based on the book of the same name by Stephen King. If you are a literature fan, you surely thinking to check it out and I say go for it.

The reception was not overwhelming. They say it was just an above average, but for me, it was fantastic. Not because how it had started out, but how it had all ended up. The actors were great, and that is Carla Gugino solely did that. Almost 90 per cent of the film had just two characters. And then there's a flashback, which I think was a fine addition. Following that final five minutes. I think it is a must see if you like thrillers. But my greatest surprise was, it had a few scary sequences. It was truly better than most of the horror films. The film is one of the best of the year in this genre you could find.

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Logan Lucky (2017)
Prison break and the heist!
24 February 2018
The film entirely remained below the rhythm, but there's an audience for such film. Despite I'm not one of them, I enjoyed it. Because it looked simple. They did not try too much, just to impress the viewers. Especially not in the mood to surprise. So I watched thinking it's a straight plain heist film. But then the end revealed more than what I'd expected. You can call that the twist. That came in an unusual way.

The story of two brothers whose lives are not making any progress. Especially when one of them loses the job and now in the cusp of completely losing custody of his child, decides to rob in an unusual place. So his brother and sister joins, along with a most famous robber who is now serving his final days in the prison. How it all works and ends were told in the final quarter with some intense thriller.

The cast was awesome. I mean, if you are a cinephile, there's no reason you could avoid it from watching forever. But when you do, you might regret for being late. It was fun, though not out and out comedy. Especially I liked the ending. Because, initially I thought, the narration had too much flaws. But then they all covered it by giving good reasons. I might have rated it a bit high, but surely it is not an average film. I definitely want a sequel. From none other than the same writer, director and the cast. That means I favour it for others to check it out.

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Every arrogance from the past has a consequence!
24 February 2018
Another film based on the book of the same name for Ritesh Batra. Also second film to release in the same calendar year. Incidentally, both films dealt with aging people. The story was told from a man whose romance life has not that successful. He recalls his university graduate days, like how he met a mysterious woman and later went to meet her parents.

Following, the other events, the film also told the present time developments. Where he has divorced and lives alone. Executing fatherly duty to his pregnant daughter, the tale begins to take a fresh twist. So he tries his best to uncover the truth. In the end what he finds brings an end to the narration.

I love films abut aged people. This is one of my favourite themes that I enjoy watching them as I do for children's films. Wonderful casting. Of course it looked a bit long tale, but totally worth it. Slow in pace and not all the way to-the-point kind of narration.

You might think some parts are unnecessary, but overall a nicely written screenplay. The end twist was simple. It was not very clear, because the film was almost a PG certificate. The difference is it talks about the grown up stuff. So it was understood with all the detailed clues what the twist is, despite not shown in the picture. A little underrated, but no masterpiece. I surely recommend it, mainly for the grown ups.

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The Sinner: Part VIII (2017)
Season 1, Episode 8
The truth got lost in the missing past!
24 February 2018

I did not think there's more to come just after watching episode one. When the crime had happened, I thought that's it and what might follow is could be a simple courtroom drama. Then episode after episode, the tale had started to take twists. Especially detective Harry Ambrose was the one turned it all. With his detective instinct, the story kept growing suspense till the season finale.

The 8 episodes are a short season. What was once called a mini-series. But it was great to keep the plot tighter. Then each episode being 45 minutes long, the overall season did not have sufficient pace to go forward without a drag. Usually that's how the series develops its storyline. So there's nothing bad about it, just it took its time to come to the point. Obviously saving the best part for the final.

A mother has been arrested on a murder charge. She knows she's guilty, so not making any further complication in the court. But a detective working on that case does not agree it all. He decides to dig deeper into that case for something, a reason, particularly from her past. Without seeing any success, it drags a bit. But towards the end, the twist brings all the changes the tale needed just before the conclusion.

Based on the book of the same name. Biel is a decent actress, but her recent feature films are not making any buzz. This is her television entry with a bang. It is one of the best crime-drama-mystery. Definitely not a masterpiece. On a common sense, it's utterly a nonsense. But it was good in the entertainment aspect. I hope this mystery ends here itself. What I want in the season two is about her two years of stay in the prison. About her struggle to get over those periods. But there's no news yet about the next season. Meanwhile, it is surely one of the best series of the year, which means you should watch it.

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The Defenders: The Defenders (2017)
Season 1, Episode 8
Four heroes join the hand against the Hand!
24 February 2018

I might not be eligible to watch this. Because I'm thorough with 'Daredevil', but I haven't seen the other three series. Maybe I could try it now, but anyway, I've watched it and what I think is, it was good. I loved Marvels' big screen's big heroes coming together. This is a small screen thing and the idea was not bad at all.

They have kept it to the limits. I mean, if you have seen both the seasons of 'Daredevil', you know that it was so powerful, especially the villains. In this, at first, it looked promising, but the end was decent. Still the Marvel fans would love it for being simple. But when four superheroes come together, it should have been a mega thing. So felt, that was what lacked in this. Yet I got well entertained with just 8 episodes. That means there's no drag. All were to the point.

I was curious whose going to lead them. In avengers, it was led by Stark, the Iron-man. Since this tale took place in Hell's Kitched, no doubt it should be Daredevil and kind of that's how it all happened. But there's always a beginning to everything. Particularly these powerful men won't just join the hands. They did not make it a complicated thing. It all took like one fight and then they allied.

An ancient organisation called the Hand, is now deciding to claim back their glory by bringing down the New York City. Within them, they have differences, but their vision is same. It all begins with a massive earthquake, a warning bell that only a few people understood. Those were with two identities, the superheroes. On the other side NYPD tries its hand, but they had no clue where to begin. These superheroes decides to take the Hand by themselves. It all leads to one final battle which reveals how it all end.

Maybe they wanted to keep it low. If you observe the ending, who had ended where, there's more to come. The season two could get even bigger. I feel they could get back to what Marvel is famous for. I mean mighty battles. Come on, there was only Black Sky against four. The match was not fair. So for me, it was good, but not great as it should have been like any Marvel's cinematic. So I'm very eager when the follow up comes out. By then, I'll be ready with those three dues I was saying about.

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The true colour of communism!!!
24 February 2018
I have heard Holocaust, but not Holodomor. Thanks to this film. This is a piece of history. A bitter history, that people of the world should know what communism does. It commenced during the end of Tsar era and when Stalin's reign began. The film focused on a young man grew up in a small town, dreaming to be an artist. But suddenly everything has changed once Ukraine struggled to gain its independence from the Soviet Union. From his perspective, his journey through the Unkraine's toughest time had been explained. It had some romance, but overwhelmed by an unending conflict. They had to wait for 60 years, finally to get what they were fighting for.

The music was good. The background score accompanied awesomely throughout the narration. Decent actors and direction. Overall a good film, but I don't know what went wrong for it fail to reach out the people. Maybe the unfamiliar cast. But anyway, this film still did better in Ukraine as expected. From the 30s, slowly faded away from the world's interest in this matter. Mainly the reason could have been the WWII. Otherwise, there's no difference between what had happened here comparing to what nazis did a decade later. Why not, you will surely learn something out of it. So definitely yes, I would recommend it.

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A runaway bride's tale!
24 February 2018
It was kind of a road movie, but it all had ended sooner than the rest of the story come into effect. The story of a runaway bride. She hits the road with her troubled little sister. They decide to go to the place where they grew up together. Along the way, they encounter a few things. Like doing some mischievous things, shopping, et cetera. When they reach their destination, they try to make the most of it like nothing had happened. But it always keeps haunting them, which leads to quarrels between them. So what happens later, how their unplanned trip ends were revealed in the remaining parts.

It was so simple. But there's nothing new. The cast, especially the two sisters makes it looks decent. Personally, I liked the little one. I thought it was predictable, and in the most cases it was, but there were some unexpected new developments happened. Particularly the new romance. After all it was not a bad film. But if you think so, then it's just you are not the audience they aimed for. Maybe if I was a woman, I could have liked it better. I've enjoyed watching it, but in the end, I felt it was an average film. I hope the film finds its audience, one of them could be you. So choose it wisely.

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Stranger danger!
24 February 2018
Based on the book of the same name. A thriller-drama from Australia, from the director of the WWII film, 'Lore'. The story of an Aussie backpacker who meets a local man in Berlin and then they end up in the bed. As one and two days go on, she finally comes to realise that she got held up. Locked-in by him in an isolated building, she fights back, but not enough to break out free. What happens then, can she get out of there alive is what focused on the remaining parts.

I think it was an okayish film. Because it was like one sided narration. She remained a mystery, but the bad guy was thoroughly detailed. Too much drama, I meant slow drama. That's not the issue, nearly two hours long narrative was. There's nothing much happens. Kind of drags to kill time. Especially the father-son relationship. And finally, the end was decent, but the way it happened was not quite convincing. Because of possibilities. People can do intelligently, differently, but what they have shown in this flick was too crazy and risky thing, unless it takes place in a country where laws have less effect. So overall a watchable film, not bad as a very few says.

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