
155 Reviews
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Loved it , thanks Shudder
25 December 2022
I saw this movie yesterday, right in time on Christmas Eve. Loved the fact that they made something different with the Santa going on a killing rampage. To add to the point,,, some really brutal kills , this movie is full of blood , swear words and as expected it delivers.

Now some Joker's here on IMDB are rating it low , why? For a bad story , or lac of it. C'mon since when do such gore and splatter movies have a twisty storyline. The story here is simple, sticks to the point. Yes, it takes time to start, but it doesn't slow down till the very end. From the cast not only does Riley Dandy look sexy and cute , she delivers a fine performance. She should get more meatier roles in movies and even shows hopefully. All said and done , go for it. It's on Shudder, worth it and please don't be a troll just for been one! Enjoy and have fun, such movies are made to be taken lightly, thanks to the director and crew and also props to the make up and prosthetics team.
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Terrifier 2 (2022)
Insanely good
30 October 2022
Wow just saw this movie today.. ..have been reading some articles about this and thought hmm maybe they might just be some sort of a marketing gimmick.

But, this one lives upto it's hype, if anyone has seen the first one and I am sure most gore hounds would have by now, they should expect what to expect from this insanely bonkers movie The kills and gore in this are a notch above, most movies you might have seen in the past few years. Damian Leone the director seems to be a master of other departments too, handling, editing, make and special effects besides the fact that they have a super talented team of technicians, and crew on this movie shows in the final result. The actors have done a fabulous job too ,and good thing for no PC casting or social commentary here,, thankfully !

This movie is straight up balls to wall, see it enjoy and spread the word, don't complain about the length or lac of story, there is definitely a good story here.

Watch it please for the love of gore , and practical effects.
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5 October 2022
Seriously, what's wrong with casting people directors these days, or I should ask are their even casting directors working these days.?

If it was true , how on earth can someone explain to me where they got the MAIN MALE LEAD( THAT IS IF I CAN CALL THIS GENTLEMAN ONE) , c'mon you cast a pretty girl , better cast someone atleast half suitable for the girl......... I am not even starting with what lac of plot or storyline this movie is,... Because the first thing you see is visual and this guy couldn't get me past that.

Now coming to the story, nothing new here, they could have easily made this a reboot with a nice story and some sort of plot but they deciyringo with this.

Some okayish gore overall, nothing you haven't seen if you're a gorehound.

No wonder the movie has got low ratings.
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End of the Road (II) (2022)
Waste of space on Netflix
20 September 2022
When I say this movie is a WASTE OF SPACE ON NETFLIX,, it's an understatement of the century.......... Why was this movie made???? Who wrote the absolute CRINGY DIALOGUES??? C'mon you gotta be serious, still getting stuck with the same old nonsense of PC garbage, it's getting monotonous now,,, when will people behind movie making learn it's Passe', it's no longer cool to pass silly characters as heroes and saviours portraying then to be the best people in the world and the rest of all are idiots and don't belong to society. Stop shoving garbage in terms of SOCIAL COMMENTARY, ITS NO LONGER DONE!

Can't say much about the story because there is none. ANNOYING CHARACTERS AND CAST TO ADD.
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Barbarian (2022)
Absolutely loved it
18 September 2022
Wow what an absolute pleasure watching this in theater today,, loved everything. Right from the first act ,to the end. It takes you on a thrill ride, some good scary moments and totally edge of the seat storyline. You think you've seen a lot of ' These Kind' of movies, believe me I thought too, but when I say through the whole movie I realized it's different and a great addition to the horror/ thriller genre. Directon holds you and the screenplay with some solid performances by the main characters keeps you engrossed all through.

Take my word for it , don't wait for this to hit some streaming platform watch it in theatre. You'll love it.
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Resident Evil (2022)
Absolutely annoying cast
16 August 2022
My god, what were they thinking. Where did they get these so called actors from ? Who cast them, and who finalised them for a show on Netflix.? Seriously what's wrong with the casting and production department to hire these people as the main leads for a Netflix show of such magnitude. Besides that ,story is pathetic. I really wish they didn't make this.

The last Resident Evil movie was a gem , hopefully they continue with that and not make the show on Netflix for a season 2.

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Can't believe I saw this in 2022
12 August 2022
I am big horror movie buff and it surprises me that aucha good movie slipped my radar. I saw it yesterday on Shudder and Loved everything about it. The cast, story , screenplay full of fun and gore. It's an homage to old school horror, slasher and thriller genre. Full credit to the director and writers for doing their research and they nailed it with the humor and terrific acting by all cast.

Watch this one,, if like me you still hadn't until now and you'll love it. It deserves a higher rating than 6 my rating a solid 8.
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The Princess (I) (2022)
Fun, action, good cast.. what else do people want
9 August 2022
I seriously don't get the low ratings here as of today, 5.5.. c'mon it's not a movie which claims to be Othello or Oscar packaged ( which generally are boring), but this one is what it gives in the trailer. A fun, action movie with a decent premise some good acting and cool action. Hats off to Joey King who's done a fab job so have the other cast, good to see Dominic Cooper as well.

Just enjoy the movie people there are way too many rubbish topics going on in the world to crib about a movie. So stop been a troll and enjoy, have fun. It's a good movie overall. I hope they make a sequel.
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Good one, but gets a bit dragged
7 August 2022
It's a good movie, well acted. Especially Jhanvi who's done a fine job. But some unnecessary characters spoil the flow I'm the screenplay. It goes well until the last 40 mins where too much is thrown at the audience. I wish they'd kept the momentum, which has some good scenes and the story goes well.

Overall a good watch spoiled by some actors playing the love interests.
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Decent movie, excellent photography
1 August 2022
Saw this in Shudder, it's kind of a mix bag. It starts of well with good character development, some good thrills then goes downhill. The biggest problem with this movie is not enough blood or gore for a shark movie. Yes there are thrills but less sharky thrills and more survival or drama thrills.

A good cast, talented actors who do their parts well, good under water photography, but still I was left with wanting more. I guess it's the blood and gore hound in me,but this movie will always be could've been should've been types. One time watch definitely though.
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Have some fun people
17 July 2022
Why is this movie rated so low hrre on. I guess it's from people who just can't take life and these kind of movies with fun. They have to be critical, analytical and boring at all times. This movie is fun,yes some creature effects are not great but overall it's a good fun ride with a decent story and no Woke casting, some good humor and blood thrown in with a fine screenplay and actors doing their bit. So enjoy and stop been a waste of space by posting your overly critical half baked reviews.

Enjoy and I hope the director makes more movies.
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Revealer (2022)
Not bad, not great either..
9 July 2022
Saw this one on Shudder, this is a hard movie to rate. Because, it swings between some good stuff and mediocre at times. Casting and performances are good from the two leading female actors, but the script seems boring at times, some decent dialogues and screenplay is fine but nothing much in terms of horror or thrill. CGI looks okayish at times, but the main creature was disappointing, kinda clumsy and childish looking.

An average watch on a lazy afternoon. Although I would say the ratings and some hard comments here on IMDB don't necessarily say the truth.
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Idiotic to say the least
1 July 2022
Why was this movie made? What was David Cronenberg thinking and what made the actors sign this movie? Yes, they're all good looking, thankfully no woke casting here but were they thinking they'd be part of some masterful horror cinema.

This is absolute rubbish, I was bored to death looking at the horrible set pieces and the stupid acting besides the dumb story and screenplay.

Please don't torture movie goers with nonsense, first Christopher Nolan made Tennat now, David Cronenberg makes this. Why do big movie directors think they can pass of anything to people. I would rather watch a low budget Indie gem or a slasher made by an unknown director, atleast that will give me some entertainment. I hope producer's give them chance rather than invest movie in trash like this. Even the latest rating of 6 here is too much. I would rate it 0.
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Absolutely brilliant
29 June 2022
Saw this movie tonight, and I had to write a short review or my thoughts here. This is one of the best thrillers I've seen in a long time and this coming from a guy who watches even B movies. It's brilliant acting , the screenplay which is difficult to convey on screen, the thrill and story which keeps you on your seat right till the climax( well executed). Ethan Hawke stands out in his menacing role , so do the child artists.

Overall this movie deserves a theater viewing, music and the whole atmosphere is worth soaking in.

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Double Threat (2022)
Honestly ,, It's not that bad.. Get the sequel
23 June 2022
The movie as a whole is decent, has its ups and downs with the main of Danielle Ryan( gorgeous) and Matthew having some good chemistry. It's not a slow movie, goes by pretty well. Some action shots have been well choreographed, yes , the movie in general with story and screenplay could've been slightly better. But ,hey it's better than a lot of garbage I've seen.

I saw the whole movie without interruptions. Main girl Danielle Ryan has done some good work coming into this movie fully trained in skills needed for such a movie.

Not a bad watch if you don't want to go out in the heat, just turn on the air con and enjoy the fun.

Don't be too critical it's not Too Gun Maverick or going for the Oscars ( who cares for the Oscars anyway)
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Father Stu (2022)
13 June 2022
Watched this one recently. I absolutely loved the movie, it's a good emotional ride all through with solid performances by Mel Gibson and ofcourse Mark Wahlberg who shines in the title role. I've seen some YouTube videos where he's shown to go through a transformation from been a ripped boxer to gaining tonnes of weight. Now that's commitment. You feel for the character and yes ,the real Father Stuart because Mark brings sincerity to his role.

Other cast have done a good job too, screenplay holds you in every scene. Director has done a good job as well.

Watch it, because there's hardly anything wrong with movie.
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Rogue (2007)
One of the best in this genre
13 June 2022
I've seen a lot of Croc / alligator movies. Believe me when I say, this movie holds its ground even in 2022. I recently revisited this , and loved every bit of it just like I did when I first saw it. Greg McClean is a fabulous director, he creates an atmosphere full of tension and the screenplay is tight too. The actors have done a great job and the alligator effects are cool too.

Watch this one, if you still haven't ,keeps you on edge right till the end.
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Row 19 (2021)
C'mon don't give so much hate
10 June 2022
I watched this one in an English dubbed version. I must say, it's a bit different. I am not claiming I completely got the movie,but when I thought about it as the titles roled I was thiy well yes, it's a different movie. The storyline is very vague but it's more of a physiological horror, it makes you think. I enjoyed the movie, screenplay, acting and production quality is not bad. Some idiots hating it here on IMDB are fools, they should rather appreciate the effort director and story board have come up with.

Not a bad way to pass a dull evening, enjoy. It deserves a better and mature viewing and rating too.
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Chain Letter (2010)
People rating this movie low are idiots
6 June 2022
Seriously, what's wrong with this movie? Absolutely nothing, it gives you what it says. What's the problem with these idiots here who are calling this torture porn and mindless story. I really don't understand what they want? Why do they watch such movies if they want to see character o depth development, c'mon it's a Horror with good kills, decent cast and good direction with a tight screenplay which holds to the storyline. If you need and in-depth study of human emotions and connections go watch some war drama , or some Oscar rubbish instead, don't come here and write reviews on slashers and horrors cause you don't understand the basic concept.. it's entertainment, blood, gore, thrill.

This movie delivers all that, I enjoyed it and I hope the director gets to make more movies.
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Incredible movie experience
3 June 2022
I never saw the first Top Gun in theater, I saw it on TV. But I am so glad I saw this one at a theater. What an experience, what a movie. Everything from the actors,to the stunts, photography, action, story and emotions all top notch. It's actually a sequel after 30 some year's but never feels jaded or lethargic with Tom Cruise carrying the baton to lead a bunch of young guns for anew mission. The rest , is epic. Watch the movie, some throwbacks to the old TG will make you nostalgic too. Just watch this one in theatre cause it's not a small screen movie anyway. Have fun,fly high and get the adrenaline rush.

Hats off to Tom Cruise, once again showing us why he gets butts on movie theater seats.
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Emergency (2022)
My god what a horrible cast
30 May 2022
MY REAL RATING.. ZERO Seriously Amazon, or whoever produced this garbage! Where did you get the actors from. None of them have any qualities which would make the viewer watch them for more than 30 seconds, leave alone a whole movie. What an absolute garbage this was, who made this, why is it even a movie. There are so many why's!!? But no answers. To avoid these questions for future viewers if any, I wrote this here, so as to save them the trouble. You're Welcome, still a word of caution.. AVOID THIS AT ANY COST, OR EVEN IF IT'S FREE.
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What a superb movie
25 May 2022
Wow I recently saw this gem, and believe me it's a gem. Just watch it, as you all know by now it's based on the True Story of Billy Moore a boxer from UK who was incarcerated in a Thailand prison. Rest I won't give much into the plot details, it'll quickly take you in the mood right from the start. It's as realistic as it can be shot, the fights, violence, some nudity is not for everyone. So, if you're squeamish don't watch this. Brilliant camerawork, acting top notch specially from the main lead who puts everything in it, direction and screenplay super and the pace is good too. It connects with you emotionally too.

Watch this one , it deserves a higher rating than this here on IMDB. Anyway, who cares, I liked the movie. I am sure anyone who watches it , will too.

Highly recommended.
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Morbius (2022)
19 May 2022
There is seriously something wrong with movie watchers these days. Everything is critical for them, these jokers/ keyboard warriors have to rip off everything they see. The question here is why has this movie got low ratings, no idea. I just saw this movie, it's well made, well acted by the cast specially Jared Leto,story is to the point, special effects are top notch. What else? Nothing much, there is everything you want to see in a Marvel Comic universe. I enjoyed the movie, the length is perfect and it gets to the point within minutes so no complaints with the long theater type monologues too. Just watch this one, give some credit where it's due, specially here where there is no wokeness or PC garbage.

Or maybe people want preaching, PC, in Marvel movies too now, which will be really sad.
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Shark Bait (2022)
A good Shark thriller
18 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really don't understand the low ratings here , I think most people were either busy talking through the movie or playing candy crush saga. I mean seriously what's wrong with the movie? Nothing. Agreed,it's the millionth time we're seeing a shark movie, but the treatment here is different. It's a shark survival movie so there will be some cliches, the kills are good , screenplay is a tad different, characters are annoying and they do exactly the dumb things you'd expect them to do in such a movie, so what's to complian? They get the what's coming to them and we enjoy it ( no spoilers here) So, watch it enjoy it and don't be too critical in today's PC world,not everything has to be PC nonsense.
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Well made , enjoyable
17 May 2022
I saw this movie on Netflix (Ofcourse cause it's an original) , really liked it. It's well made, stylish, the actors ( thankfully no woke or PC nonsense here) have done their part outstanding, direction is good, comedy is good and the story for people like me who didn't know anything about this guy is good too.

Just watch it and enjoy the ride, don't be too critical cause it's not aiming for the academy anyway.
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