
5 Reviews
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A real snoozer.
21 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Transformers 2 suffers from complete utter lack of direction. The movie tries to be so many things and fails at all of them. It tries to be a comedy but the jokes have all been done time and time again, it tries to be dark but with no real threat and characters coming back to life it fails at this, it than tries to be a family adventure movie but with the crude language and sexual innuendo the movie fails at this too.

The plot is non-existent. There does not seem to be anything other than MacGuffins to get from A to B. This would be fine if the characters are interesting or at least relatable. Not the case for this film as every single character is a thin as a paper. Even Shia, who I thought was the best thing in the first movie, loses all his charm and charisma and sleep walks through this.

The action is surprisingly dull....the camera-work is just to shaky and far too close-up to grasp what is happening on screen. Robot fights take nothing more than 5 minutes at a time and the similarity of the robots designs makes it hard to see who you are supposed to be rooting for. Its even harder when none of the robots are even introduced properly.

The first hour of the movie is easily the best part. Some of the charm is still intact. The film than comes to a crashing halt and gets very very boring. The finale does not live up to the build up and you find yourself looking at your watch or slightly drifting off. Continuous explosions, with no feel of threat or danger, draws you completely away from what's happening on screen.

The first movie was decent but lost its charm after repeat viewing...Transformers 2 does not have any charm to begin with. A dull, boring mess.
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Silent Hill (2006)
A great horror epic!
20 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
OK, I have just returned from seeing silent hill. Did I like it? Yes! Did I love it? HELL YES!

The movie pretty much has a solid pace. The cinematography is beautiful and the special effects are great. So what about the story? It does get a bit convoluted, especially when we have scenes solely there to explain WTF is going on.....Sean Bean is a terrible actor, he was bad in LOTR, he was bad in that crappy ITV show he was on and he is pretty crappy in this.....I wish they had cut him from the film entirely..his scenes added nothing, except some explanation on silent hill and to remind us that Rose is in another reality to them...also I was a bit annoyed that PH was really only in two scenes...HOPEFULLY he will get used more in later instalments. The ending was a bit upsetting, I get why it happened...I just got a little chocked up (yes I am a wimp, so sue me). The score is wonderful, I really could listen to it all day....I don't know the names of the songs but I would definitely buy the soundtrack. Rhada is a amazing actress, she has a face which can tell a billion tales with just a slight twitch and she is very believable as a mother looking for her child. Cybil actually was my favourite character, in the beginning she is pretty much a tough ass bitch, but she does become more human towards the end.....what happens to her is pretty graphic,which leads me to another point.....this movie actually is pretty gruesome in parts, a little to gruesome for a silent hill movie. The tension in the film is nail bite ting, the nurse scene actually made most of the audience jump and someone screamed LOL! Thats what is so amazing about this film, you get the same feeling you got when you were playing the game by yourself, complete stillness and fear.

Overall this was a great movie, the visual and grand scale of the movie is so astonishing to watch. It really has some striking visuals...i.e grey children first attack, the first change to alternate silent hill and the final battle which holds much of the gore.

A almost perfect horror movie.
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Manito (2002)
Very Good!
7 May 2005
Manito is a film with a simple plot, but the characters are what puts this movie above the rest. Junior (played very well by Franky G.) is a ex-convict who is married and has a child. He is no good, he constantly has affairs and has a legacy of telling lies. His brother, Manito is about to graduate and Junior decides to have a party for him, but when their estranged Father wants to join, chaos comes which leads to a murder.

The movie looks very shaky and cheap, but it more than makes up for this with a great screenplay and a talented ensemble cast, especially Franky G. who has the good looks and acting talent to go very far.

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Disappointing, but fun for kids!!!!
25 July 2004
Pitch Black was a excellent, underrated, sci-fi cult classic which focused on character development and relationships, rather then SFX and shock tactics.......The Chronicles of Riddick is a overblown, silly, sci-fi soap opera which only focuses on SFX and big battle scenes.

The acting is solid, Vin Diesel goes back to what made him popular and is pretty decent at it, Judi Dench is wasted but good. The CGI is pretty cool and borrows from Dune.

This movie could have been a breath of fresh air on the failing sci-fi genre, but turned into a silly, but fun kiddie action film.

I doubt there will be a sequel, but if there is I hope Twohy really re-watches Pitch Black and give us a adult sci-fi movie.

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Van Helsing (2004)
Terrible, awful and cheesy.
28 April 2004
I just saw this movie in a preview in the UK. his movie is awful. It begins fair, in a black and white sequence, which is the only stand out scene. The rest of the movie falls flat from there on. The acting is terrible, especially from Dracula and his 3 brides. They have the worst Transylvania accents I have heard. This movie will probably have a huge opening weekend, but I warn you its is awful, even with low expectations. It is a brainless, terrible excuse for a movie and really has little to offer, except: sub-par action sequences, shoddy acting, phony accents, big plot holes and terrible CGI. The movie has little going for it. The ending is just so stupid and dumb, making no sense and leaving the audience feeling as if they have wasted 2 hours of their lives........which they have.

Do not recommend.
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