
10 Reviews
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Family Guy (1999– )
Dare to compare? Family Guy and the Simpsons
18 January 2009
Family Guy.....what can i say? It can be funny and stupid. The shows characters, Peter Griffin- the fat dad. Lois Griffin- stay at home mom Stewie Griffin- baby who wants Lois to die. Megan Griffin- the girl that everyone hates. Chris Griffin- the fat kid, who'll probably be in every relation to Peter someday. But he's a nice kid. Brian- the talking dog.

Some may compare Family Guy to the Simpsons. It's hard to compare a show that has been around for twice as long as the other. (Simpsons- 20 years, Family Guy- 9 or 10 years depending on if they've made any new episodes recently) However, since the plots are similar, people do compare.

Some of the Family Guy episodes have definitely made me laugh, hard. With those that were funny, there came the ones that were, eh. The humor used in Family Guy is not quite as low key as the Simpsons. The humor is more open because Family Guy is mainly directed toward +14 yrs old. They can mix and mash, doesn't matter. With the Simpsons, you're more limited with the jokes because kids as young as 9 or 10 watch it.

Family Guy isn't really put together good when it comes to characters. A surprise could come to you in any episode, which is good and bad. The Simpsons was well thought out when making the characters. Even though both of these family's are your typical American family(not including the talking dog and the talking baby.) Back when most of the Family Guy episodes were funny, I would watch repeats over and over. Not even thinking about the Simpsons. Getting sick of these repeats and waiting very impatiently for some new episodes. When I found out that a new episode was coming, I promised myself I would watch it. When it came around, I was disappointed. That's when the show pretty much went down hill and I hardly ever watch it now. Unless it's repeats from older episodes. The Simpsons pretty much has gone through this but also comes up in some episodes.

I wouldn't say I like one better than the other because they are both unique in there own way. Both have had there ups and downs.

older episodes of Family Guy- 8/10 newer episodes- of Family Guy- 3/10
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still entertaining, but getting a little inappropriate for young children.
9 December 2008
Spongebob is a classic and you have got to admit, it never gets old. Although I only really like watching the episodes that came out in 1999-2007. Why you ask........because the most recent episodes don't seem to entertain me as much. The humor is more violent and inappropriate, it distracts you from what should be funny. The older episodes were WAY better, mostly because people of any age could watch it and still be entertained. Now that the show is a little more intense, I can't even get a giggle out. I'll probably keep watching the show because, well, it's Spongebob. I just hope that they get back to the amusing humor that gave this show its popularity.

My best advice to you, stick to the old shows and you'll be happy.
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Rugrats (1991–2003)
A childhood memory that never gets old!
13 September 2008
OK, so the show came out before i was born. When i was 3 i saw repeats of some of the very first episodes, i fell in love with it. I remember waking up in the morning to watch rugrats. My favorite cartoon when i was little. Then the movie came out i loved it too! I wasn't really so critical at age 7 when they came out with the newer episodes, so i still watched them. To me, it was so entertaining that i wish they would show more reruns nowadays. Then in 2004, the very last episode was when angelica goes to preschool and i didn't really like that episode that much. But i didn't want to give up, i was hoping for more and more rugrats but all that came out was all-grown up. Mow that was just a sad attempt. They were babies for 13 years and they always will be.

earlier episodes 10/10 newer episodes 7/10
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Double Dare 2000 (2000–2001)
My favorite show to watch on Nick Gas
5 July 2008
I've seen almost every show on nick gas and I must say that double dare 2000 is my favorite. I haven't seen the original double dare, but people say it was really good so i'm going to have to watch it sometime. I was pretty young when the show came out, six, and I didn't know about it so i never watched it. But when I was 10 I saw it and I loved. I kept watching more of what nick gas gave me to watch like, get the picture, figure it out, GUTS, etc. and they are all pretty good shows. But I love double dare 2000. I also like it that they have families. Jason is a very good host. Though I wish I would've been older when these shows came out because I would really like to be an audience member. I'm 13 now and I never get bored with these shows:) overall- 10/10
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Camp Rock (2008 TV Movie)
Camp Rock Review
20 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I must admit, even though i'm not a big fan of Disney channel movies, I still look forward to them. Once the movie was finally over, I knew it was a disappointment.

THE MUSIC: To start off, I know good music when I listen to it, and this movie does not have good music. I am not a fan of the hip-hop/rap kind of music. This movie is called camp ROCK, not camp HIP-HOP. I am sorry but I expected and I wanted rock music. There was only one song that came even close to rock and that was the finale WE ROCK and i'm still a little pushy on that one. Besides that, it was either pop, hip-hop, and a little rap.

ACTING AND SINGING: As for the acting, it was okay. I felt that the actors weren't really getting into there part. SINGING: The only singers who I have heard in this movie are the jonas brothers, so there were some new voices to me. Demi's(mitchie)voice, her voice sounded really raspy, like she needed to clear her throat, but she's obviously lip syncing. Didn't impress me, i've heard better. Tess Tyler's voice, well it's hard to say because I hate the type of songs she was singing but if she could just change her style I would like it.

PLOT AND CHARACTERS- Now the plot could've been really good but it just made the movie boring. It could've been better if they would stop focusing on the characters and their problems. Which brings me up to characters, now is it just me or do the characters seem to be the same in every Disney movie. There's a girl who doesn't fit in. The really popular and snobby girl and the two girls who hang out with her. Don't forget that cute guy everyone loves. It's always this way with Disney channel movies. They stick with the same types of characters and it doesn't seem to entertain me.
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Poltergeist (1982)
Great and enjoyable horror movie!
8 November 2007
OK, i've never really been into horror movies but I decided to give this one a shot. Turns out, I thought it was great! The theme is great, the acting is great. Absolutely no flaws to the movie. Even though the movie was made a little while ago it still is a good horror movie to enjoy today. Most horror movies you'll find today are too much of gore, gruesome, and just plain out nasty like Saw or something like that. Now this movie wasn't to disturbing but it might be a little scary for anyone under the age of 13. It's scary but not gruesome, bloody scary. Just suspenseful on the edge of your seat scary. If you know what I mean. I definitely recommend this to all horror movie lovers. This movie gave me a shock because I thought it wasn't going to be that good. But like I said, it's great! However if you love blood and gore, you won't find much of it in this movie. I heard Poltergeist 2 wasn't that good but i'm going to go rent it anyway! my overall rating: 10/10!
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Teletubbies (1997–2001)
trust me, i think teletubies has already been classified under horror on IMDb.
4 November 2007
The last comment i read said that this show should be put under horror. Well you're right! This stupid show scares me. My little sister convinced me to watch it and i regret it ever since. I watched it and it was a drag. You can't understand what they're saying. It's stupid! This does not help little children learn in anyway. But it will teach parents one more thing, DON'T WATCH TELETUBIES. I'm actually scared of these stupid little teletubies. This is probably the scariest thing i've seen next to Saw 1,2, and 3. Yo just don't see good children's shows these days. It's so sad. But i'm not surprised. Most PBS shows are usually crappy and not educational to children. I don't see how anybody can like this show. The stupid baby talk does not help little toddlers with their steps in trying to speak. To be honest, a good parent would keep their children away from this show at all costs. My little sister is 10 and she just got this to make fun of it. It was pretty much pointless for her to even get it. If i could i'd give this show a -1/10.
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Wizards of Waverly Place (2007–2012)
enjoyable, funny, and goofy. What did you expect from a Disney show?
14 October 2007
I really like Disney shows and i thought this one looked pretty good. I watched and i thought it was great! The plot is unique and reminds me of harry potter or phil of the future(which is good!) The show is funny and the acting is great. Little kids, especially girls will probably stick to shows like hannah montana because they like the whole popstar plot and stuff like that. But i could see a 12 or 13 year old liking this show. The characters in the shows are new faces to me and i think they're pretty talented. Even though is pretty good it might not make it far in Disney because not many people are watching it, but bad reviews shouldn't get the show cancelled because this show probably won't get bad reviews! I definitely recommend this to all Disney fans! I am also going to recommend this to all my friends!:)
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High School Musical 2 (2007 TV Movie)
Not near as good as HSM.
27 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I loved HSM 1 and i was really excited when i found out there was going to be a hsm 2. With all of excitement gone to waste this movie sucked! What did i do to deserve this?! The plot is pointless and the songs that were written. I mean come on, who wants to know about sharpay, (ashley tisdale) being fabulous. That song was i waste and so was almost every other song. The only song i seemed to enjoy was you are the music in me. The singing is OK. But the acting i really hate. The only reason why i really watched this was to see Zac Efron. Without don't even want to know. There are way better movies on Disney. At least hsm was actually worth watching. I could watch it again. However hsm 2 i wouldn't want to sing again unless someone held a gun at me forcing me to see it. Little kids might enjoy it but i hated it. It's no wonder why it only got like a 5.9/10. If you really want to see a good movie don't catch your breath on this. Movies at the theaters are way better than Disney channel original movies. But if i had to pick some of the best movies on Disney they would be: Twitches life size parent trap Those are the only OK movies on Disney. Anyway, take this comment from somebody who cares about what you watch and don't watch. DON'T WACTH THIS MOVIE! My overall rating is 1/10
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Hairspray (2007)
You have to be crazy if you don't like this movie.
12 September 2007
This movie is so up-beat and i was never disappointed with it. There's nothing to hate about in this movie. Nikki Blonsky is amazing. I can't believe she's new to the business, she's awesome! Zac efron was great, and cute. John Travolta was fantastic(always:)). And every other character had great acting and singing skills. I think this movie is a bit better than Grease. However Grease was great too! Anyway, this movie should bring a smile to your face from start to end. It did for me and it should for you! The only sad part was when the movie was over:( I just hope the company that made hairspray won't do this: Make a sequel when there's no need for one. This is what happened in Grease. The first one was great but the second one sucked! WARNING: DO NOT SEE THIS MOVIE IF YOU HATE MUSICALS BECAUSE THIS MOVIE IS MUSCIAL FUN! WHAT THE HECK, YOU'RE GONNA LOVE THIS MOVIE EVEN IF YOU HATE MUSICALS!
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