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The 8 Show (2024– )
Characters are too implausible
21 May 2024
A dark comedy or satire with the unique themes present in this show needs to have at least semi-relatable characters that have basic common sense. They don't have to be the most rational or logical individuals, but the audience should at least feel some sort of emotional connection with them in order to suspend their disbelief.

The 8 Show faces a significant challenge here, and unfortunately I think the approach they went with is far too comical, and falls significantly short of quality dark comedy as a result. The contestants are exaggerated caricatures as opposed to relatable humans, and the plot depends far too much on ridiculous decisions and unbelievable traits to progress through a runtime that is about 2 hours too long.

I really wanted to like it as I'm a huge fan of satire, especially of the dark variety. I haven't read the source material so I have no comment on that, but the character interactions and decisions play out very much like they are based in a fantasy world from a comic. Appreciate the effort, but this is one that I wouldn't watch again.
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Ripley (2024)
Style AND Substance!
4 April 2024
This masterpiece of a series is completely unique from the movie, and really elicits its own distinctive film noir vibe both in cinematography and dialogue. Purposeful yet subtle performances by all involved; Andrew Scott is absolutely perfect for this role.

I haven't seen a TV series interpreted from a film source this well since Hannibal, where Mads Mikkelsen was also perfectly cast and gave an unforgettable performance.

What else can be said about this series? A bit of a slow burn, but the pacing is completely suitable, and allows for a bit more fleshing out and development of the characters. Although I love the vibrant colors along the coast of Italy as much as anyone, I feel the choice to use a monochromatic palette here really enhanced the mood and atmosphere of the story.

Top notch production in all aspects!
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Possibly the dumbest "true crime documentary" I've ever seen
1 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The poor guy who is the supposed topic of this nonsense production is probably spinning in his grave. I say he is the supposed topic, because a large part of the runtime is spent on the personal drama of a couple of conspiracy theorist ladies bickering back and forth via their Facebook group.

At the end they basically throw him under the bus (the journalist uses profanity to describe him) based on anecdotes from a couple of ex girlfriends, then pick apart his life and mental health. Let me be more specific... those same boomer ladies and a tech "journalist" speculate on his mental health based on cursory evidence that is presented almost as an afterthought after over an hour of runtime.

No mental health professionals appear in this entire documentary. This is ironic as almost every person being interviewed seem like the ones in need of mental help. There are no crimes committed. His actual cause of death is not revealed. This is by far the worst thing I've watched on HBO. DO NOT waste your time.
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Physical: 100 (2023– )
Super engaging but could use more creativity
30 March 2024
Reviewing this after finishing season 2. I'll start off by saying that this show is intense, and keeps you on the edge of your seat! It's awesome seeing how such a variety of backgrounds compete against each other. There's no political BS here, just straight fierce competition. One of the most original and entertaining shows to come out in a while!

Now about the creativity part. They have all different types of physiques here, including women. There's just no way these women will get anywhere, because quest after quest is mainly focused on pure strength. For example, in the mine quest, my first thought was why not require them to push their own teammates in the carts? This would at least disadvantage the pure strength teams as they are all heavy, while the thin guys and females would give their team an advantage. Or even better, carry teammates on their shoulders!

As it stands, it's slightly anticlimactic as generally you know the strong guys will win, and the women are just there as a token. It would be cool if season 3 could involve some more skill-related things like swimming or skating. It would be wild to see a bodybuilder try to skate! And for team quests, maybe something that advantages smaller-framed people like requiring some quests that incorporate more technical challenges or ones that favor smaller physiques. Altogether great and refreshing show though!
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The View (1997– )
The dregs of our society
23 March 2024
This show is truly the lowest common denominator of Western society. Every time I am unfortunate enough to come across a clip of this show, I am increasingly astonished at the ignorance of the drivel that spills out of their mouths. It is truly like experiencing nails down a chalkboard. The hosts seem to be in their own echo chamber and parrot whatever talking points are chosen by their producers without an ounce of critical thought or analysis.

It's like listening to your alcoholic hippie aunt boorishly raving about what she perceives as the evils in society, except there are 5 of them, and they're all constantly talking over one another. Essentially the antithesis of civilized discourse.
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Nefarious (2023)
Ignore the polarized reviews
15 March 2024
A number of reviews claiming that this is a 9 or 10 can't be taken seriously. Is this film at the level of The Godfather or Citizen Kane? Absolutely not. It is however not without its merits, which I'll discuss momentarily.

There are also very low reviews stating that it's trying to force a Christian worldview based on the dialogue between the two main characters, which takes up 90% of the run time. By that logic, so does almost any possession-type movie out there, The Exorcist included.

It should be noted that the production company behind this movie has conservative roots, but I didn't get the impression that it was overtly preachy at all, aside from maybe the abortion fiasco.

The script is laughably predictable, but I did feel that the dialogue kept me engaged. It was gripping to see how the mental sparring between the two main characters developed, even though it ended up with a fairly formulaic conclusion.

The acting was... sufficient. The possessed man, played by Sean Patrick Flannery, honestly felt a bit over-the-top at times, but was nevertheless a unique take on the character. The psychiatrist was played almost cardboard-like by Jordan Belfi unfortunately, which really was a disservice to the potential of the film.

Overall, it had my attention from beginning to end, which is more than I can say for a lot of other horror/suspense attempts out there. Entertaining result from a low-budget production.
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Red Rooms (2023)
Unique thriller with top-notch production value
22 February 2024
Was pleasantly surprised after randomly catching this film on Crave. Sound design and cinematography are both superb; very moody atmosphere is developed, which does an excellent job at enhancing the aura the script evokes. From the startling glance by the accused to the gorgeous shots of the city, both elements were exceptional, great in the LUT department as well.

The acting is also commendable by all involved, particularly the main actress. I see some reviews saying she was one-dimensional or lacking in emotion, but I found that she really pulled off a mysterious and almost sociopathic vibe very well. Quick mention to wardrobe, which was also great here.

A few minor qualms with the script, I felt that there could have been a bit more depth in the development between the two main female characters, but then again I think that would have also been a tricky balancing act.

Overall, I can highly recommend this to anyone who has a penchant for thrillers with elements of horror, but this film shows that you can accomplish the horror part very well without being graphic or obscene.
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Eat Me (2018)
Deserves a way higher rating
31 December 2023
I'm glad I took a chance on this one despite the low rating. The way that everything is played out is very reminiscent of live theatre, and the script progression is really engaging right from the beginning, even though the whole thing takes place in a single location.

The writing deserves special mention here. It's authentic, and well-delivered via notably strong performances by the actors. The raw emotional journey of the characters is quite poignant and scattered with clever little bits of dark humor.

Overall, a really unconventional and original indie that works really well despite it's simple premise and low budget. A real treat for those who take the effort to read reviews as opposed to judging based on star ratings. Solid 7.5 from me. I'm assuming a lot of low ratings are due to the expectation that this is some kind of horror film, which it is not.
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The Passenger (III) (2023)
Underrated gem!
31 October 2023
The first time in a long time that I've been enthralled by a movie from beginning to end. The tense atmosphere is consistent throughout, and the character development is so well done. This is a story about trauma and raw emotion, and I must say that both main actors were exceptional at bringing that emotion to the screen in their own ways. You can feel the pain of both manifest itself in different ways as more of their past and mental states are revealed.

The script is very well done, with no exaggeration and questionable character actions that can be prevalent in similar films. I love discovering indie gems like this in a world of unoriginality and remakes. Top marks!
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Would have been a lot better if it weren't so condescending
19 October 2023
Top marks for a fun concept that had a ton of potential. Failing marks for making the main character a smug PC police brigade member that sucks the fun out of every situation with her patronizing attitude towards the apparently backwards troglodytes that ran rampant in the 80s.

The script was certainly written and/or heavily edited by someone who was born well after the 80s ended, and made it their mission to disparage the culture. Because it's not like society has ever regressed, and newer is always better right?

There were tons of things wrong with society then as there still are, but come on this is supposed to be a mindless horror/comedy, not gender studies or political science class.
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Moments of brilliance mixed with too much mundane
13 October 2023
I do appreciate the effort that was made here, and after watching the whole series, I can confidently say that there are some exceptional parts that shine through. However, I think this interpretation really lacks the depth, particularly with the characters, to justify the long runtime.

On a positive note, I think the dialogue between Roderick Usher and Dupin was excellent, well done by both of those actors throughout. It's really the only part of the episodes that kept me consistently engaged. In fact you could probably skip most of the first 4 episodes aside from their dialogue and be better off. Pym was also very well-played by Hamill.

The other characters basically just seemed like shallow caricatures. Unfortunately, they take up most of the earlier episodes with their tediously written minutiae. Naturally the majority of them also need to check a few boxes since... well that horse has been beaten enough. It's really taken to an almost comical level in this production though.

Production value is great, and if you can make it past the first 4 episodes or so, things actually get a bit more intense as the story comes to its conclusion. There's also way too much politics mixed in which is pretty distracting, no matter which way you lean. The whole diatribe by Madeline in the last episode seemed way out of place. More like a university student admonishing the evils of capitalism than an evil woman coming to terms with her fate. Couldn't have rolled my eyes harder.
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Fair Play (2023)
Missed the mark
10 October 2023
A solid premise and setup really don't follow through, considering all of the potential present within a relationship in that sort of environment. In the end, Fair Play ends up being a fairly formulaic, surface-level thriller.

The acting was convincing enough, I think where points are lost is in the two-dimensional characters, particularly the male lead. Working on Wall Street is a high-stress job that requires a great deal of mental fortitude, but his confidence just seems to crumble at the slightest adversity. It really disengaged me from the story as he just seems to whine throughout, kind of a dud character. Most everything else was good, just not great.
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Well (2016)
A study in great character writing
6 October 2023
I had no idea what to expect going into this, and although the plot may flounder a bit at times, it is a solid and memorable watch simply due to the well-written dialogue and noteworthy character development. This is a prime example of how to create an exceptional film on a shoestring budget in a single location.

Without spoiling anything, the entire story takes place at a remote gas station where a group of four prostitutes and their two drivers get stranded. As they wait around for repairs, we get some naturally written dialogue that isn't melodramatic but rather eases us into the characters. Jump scares or exaggerated actions are replaced by a growing sense of impatience and unease as a subplot unravels. The almost nihilistic characters piqued my curiosity and engaged me further.

The story may progress a bit slowly for some, but I think it's the unrushed approach that makes this film stand out. It's almost more like a psychological western than a thriller. Full marks for being unique in a world of formulaic blockbusters.
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Pontypool (2008)
Great concept, poor execution
10 September 2023
This movie actually started out fairly intriguing for the first 30 minutes or so. We get a setup similar to Talk Radio (1988) where we're introduced to the main characters, and it's very apparent that the whole movie is going to take place in a single location. Lots of great movies do, so no qualms about that.

The acting is good enough and the dialogue fairly natural. The station starts receiving ominous calls describing chaotic and gruesome events happening, and things get more and more tense as the DJ and his producers try to make sense of what is going on.

Aaaand then things start to just fall apart. It's almost like there was a completely different writer after the first act. The dialogue becomes laughable, and the acting falls off a cliff as the actors struggle to make the ridiculous dialogue believable. There is no logic to the rest of the film. A doctor who seems unphased (and quite warm) despite braving an explosion, cannibalistic chaos and crawling across town in the snow to break into the station appears, with fake snow on him that looks like it was borrowed from a junior high school theater production.

Not only was he completely useless and not believable as a character, but the actor was atrocious. I incredulously witnessed line after line of bone-headed dialogue delivered by an actor who belongs in a Wendy's training video. Fast forwarded to the end.

Whoever is rating this 8-10, I'll have some of what you're smoking.
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Telemarketers (2023)
Raw and Eye-opening
1 September 2023
Like the negative reviews have stated, there are a lot of straight up scumbags interviewed, and maybe it's not as polished and focused as a professional documentary, but it is certainly succeeds at what it sets out to do, which is expose the industry that takes advantage of vulnerable and/or naive Americans to the tone of billions every year. It was really cool to see how CDG evolved, and the footage was complimented by the frank, unscripted interviews they did with the various former employees.

I actually found the approach this documentary takes really entertaining, and I developed a sincere admiration for Pat for his dedication and tenacity. Sure he's not a seasoned journalistic pro, but you could tell he was super passionate about the project, and it showed in the end result. Good stuff, and I actually learned a few things and had many suspicions confirmed about how the industry works.
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Depp V Heard (2023)
Insufferable Rehashed TikTok Nonsense
21 August 2023
Upon finishing the first episode, which was a chore in itself to get through, I could already tell that the overarching formula of this "documentary" is nothing but a chaotic mishmash of random YouTubers and TikTokers giving their hair-brained opinions on the various aspects of the trial, interspersed amongst short clips of the actual courtroom proceedings organized to make it seem more confrontational.

This series is extremely annoying to watch, and I'm saying this as someone who followed the trial very closely. I would rather taze myself and chug Sriracha than watch more, and unless the 2nd and 3rd episodes (which I don't feel I need to watch) have an amazingly different approach, I'm gonna go ahead and give this a huge pass.
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Mediocre storytelling
8 August 2023
Another reviewer here was spot on mentioning that this feels like it was written by an A. I. The dialogue is just so formulaic and awkward, felt robotic. The main female character is really unlikeable, even if she is supposed to be a bitter divorcé discovering herself. Did not root for her, or believe the love interest would ever fall for her. Chemistry was not there.

I actually really enjoy Kemper in her TV comedy roles, but she was badly miscast here. There was a bit of romance and some Hallmark card level feel-goodery, but overall it was just boring and fairly uninspiring. It's not a huge waste of time, but nothing special either.
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Black Mirror (2011– )
A Requiem
16 June 2023
I had Black Mirror at a 10, even after the mediocre season 5. Season 6 was just such a huge disappointment that it made me come back and write this review and change my rating to a 7. I'll start off with the positives, specifically for S6. You get 10/10 for meeting the diversity requirements. I won't say more about that which hasn't already been said, and I'm aware that the show was already incredibly diverse, but this was the first season where I sincerely felt it was forced.

That said, the myriad of characters in S6:E1 were awesome and hilarious. Best episode of the new season by far. Great writing specifically. Very clever, and I laughed throughout.

Anyone reading this review should know that seasons 1-4 are all mostly incredible TV, and you should not miss them. Season 5... well ok. With season 6 you would be better off just watching the first episode which was the only one which had any sort of originality. After that, you get a Twilight rip-off, a predictable space soap opera, and a shadow of a serial killer documentary, not to mention, the formulaic 'strong female character' throughout.

Season 6 is simply dialing it in. It's almost like watching your childhood hero getting fat and complacent. Love you Brooker, but I hope for better.
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Black Mirror: Beyond the Sea (2023)
Season 6, Episode 3
What a waste
15 June 2023
Josh Hartnett returning after a long absence? Aaron Paul? I'm sold! I had such high expectations coming into this episode, but good Lord what a bore of a story that was... you can predict the ending within the first 15mins. Like watching a sci-fi version of an afternoon soap opera for over an hour that seemed like 10.

No fault of the actors at all, but the fact that this script was approved was definitely the result of some favors, because an AI in a coma could write better. I expected way way better from Black Mirror.

I appreciate the effort, but this was the biggest disappointment out of a rather eclectic and interesting season.
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Influencer (II) (2022)
Saved by the Ending
4 June 2023
This isn't a bad movie by any means, I'd say it's passable with an unexpected ending that I enjoyed, but won't spoil. One of the deaths was a total reach and the acting was pretty meh... but then again the actors didn't have much to work with in terms of dialogue, it was all pretty stilted.

Plot was actually pretty decent and original which is why it gets a solid 6, maybe a weak 7. To the sound crew though, ya'll gotta check your levels. Had to watch with subtitles because the dialogue was often inaudible compared to the blaring soundtrack.

A fun movie that deserves its current 6 rating, which is actually not terrible for a slasher/thriller. Was cool seeing Sunset Beach and Granville Island when most films try to hide Vancouver too.
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Hit and miss, but worth it overall
2 June 2023
I just finished watching the 3rd season, and I feel that there is a lot of inconsistency in the skits throughout the whole series so far. Season 1 had a few bangers that had me rolling. I honestly didn't even finish season 2 though, it just seemed to repeat the same formula of trying to force a comedic situation around a spastic, overreacting dude.

Like look at how angry and socially oblivious/awkward this guy can be... Har har. It's funny the first couple of times, but it gets tired after a while. Not everything has to be gold, but some skits were just so annoying with the way they try to force an unfunny character or premise that I actively skipped them.

That said, there are certainly some really funny skits thrown in there too, and most of the ones with the guest stars are gold. I think the writers did a really good job at playing to each guest's comedic strengths.

Overall it's a good watch, and you can easily just skip the annoying ones which are normally identifiable within the first few mins. I would love to see more sketch comedy shows, so this is a welcome addition.
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After Hours (I) (1985)
Underrated Classic
31 May 2023
I just finished watching this movie for the first time in 2023, and I can't believe I slept on it for so long. I was even more shocked when I learned it was directed by Scorcese, who isn't really known for this type of film.

It may be a weird take, but I'll say is that I found it charming and in a way representative of the era. The dirty, gritty streets of Soho the the dark rain make an excellent setting for an 80s adventure. It has a quirky, eclectic vibe to it that takes you away to a chaotic world where the main character goes through a gauntlet of wacky characters that up the intensity and hilarity of the story. The world creating here is probably some of the best I've seen, and I actually felt more insane myself as the movie progressed.

The writing was incredibly clever, and the directing is impressive in that it finds a way to amplify the story to its best possible iteration. A really well put together and original production that may not be for everyone, but it is certainly my type of entertainment. Even if it was half as good it would still blow these poor, mundane remakes out of the water that we're inundated with today.
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Station Eleven (2021–2022)
Exceptional storytelling and great soundtrack
25 May 2023
I went into this show completely blind, and was blown away. I'll start with the storytelling, which was immaculate. I find that scripts which involve a lot of flashbacks can be extremely hit or miss. Often times they don't make sense in the context of the story progression, or sometimes they're used as pointless fillers which have no impact.

Station Eleven seems to know the perfect time to place flashback clips, ranging from a few seconds to half an episode, in order to really add impact to the story. Really well done there.

One thing that really caught my attention was the exceptional use of sound and orchestral music to add power to certain moments. Its one of those things that's often overlooked, but was very noticeable here.

The acting was great from all involved, can't really say anyone stood out as mediocre. Have been very impressed with Davis in Black Mirror as well as Halt and Catch Fire, and she continues the excellence here.

Some may find that the plot is a bit of a slow burn, but the pacing is just right for a thoughtful sci fi fan, and it finishes very strongly with a nice tight ending that doesn't need a second season. Highly recommend.
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Poorly Acted and Trash Writing
23 May 2023
The main actress that plays the judge who is looking for her lost friend is about as interesting as a piece of cardboard. Every other actor was only marginally better. I always watch foreign movies in their original language with subtitles, but this is one of the rare cases where you can actually get more emotion from the English voice-over dub than the original Dutch, and that's setting the bar very low. Just atrocious acting.

The plot is obvious within the first 30 minutes, leaving the audience to watch a completely unlikeable and oblivious main character blunder about until the ludicrous ending. There are no redeeming qualities in this movie unless you enjoy watching pointless infidelity with zero consequences or remorse. 10 points if you can guess who the cheaters are!
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The Diplomat (II) (2023– )
Diplomacy for Dummies
24 April 2023
Diplomat is a fairly formulaic and unremarkable political thriller. Is it entertaining? I would say yes, if you can move past the unfeasible dialogue and the one-dimensional acting by the main actress, who is about as 'diplomatic' as your grumpy old crusty uncle on Thanksgiving. No offense to Russell who is an accomplished actress, but it seems like she was just told to look constantly peeved throughout the duration of this series. You'd think that being amiable and well-spoken would be essential qualities for a diplomat, but apparently here you just need to swear like a pirate, forget being clever or charming. Some of the dialogue is funny though, particularly well-delivered by Sewell.

The plot is fairly contrived, really more about the dramatic personal conflict between the ambassador and her husband with a side of political intrigue. It's like a soap opera masquerading as a suspense thriller. There are some decent twists and turns, but nothing to write home about. Diplomat is generally more light-hearted as opposed to intense.

Reviewing this a week after release, and you can see that it has been heavily brigaded by an army of overly-positive 10 star reviews while critical reviews have been massively downvoted. There is no way that this series is over an 8, maybe a solid 7. Decent for a weekend binge though.
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