
282 Reviews
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
A single misstep was all it took
2 May 2024
Once they couldn't adapt the book's materials anymore it went all wrong from there starting in season 8 taking a deep dive in writing. It was amazing all the way until season 8 probably one of the best tv series of all time.

Story: 9.2 (Excluding S8)

The story is amazing with fantastic plot devices and schemes. It has absolutely amazing worldbuilding and I felt like they should have done so much more to share this uncharted and unknown world to the audience. It does have some hiccups here and there and slows a bit too much in pacing for clever schemes and dialogues between characters but those were very minor problems. It relies alot on shock value in the beginning of the season but much less so later down the series but nonetheless with all the "surprises" that I know now I would be less inclined to watch it again.

Characters: 8.7 (Excluding S8)

They were well designed and unique and were unique from one another. The series did an excellent dividing up the episodes with many mini arcs for alot of characters that were important to the story.

Visuals/Music: 10

Nothing to say here, one of the greatest visuals and sound selection of all time especially from a tv series. The level of production put into these parts of the tv series were nothing short of excellent from the set scenes and costume designs

Overall quite an enjoyable series.

Memorable: Sort of, Rewatchable: Maybe..
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Watchmen (2009)
People do strange things..
23 April 2024
Incredibly well made movie and was quite entertaining from start to finish. It was definitely ahead of its time and was setting new boundaries for superheroes comics other than Marvel and DC.

Story: 8.3

The story was very creative set in a unique time period during the 80s with many different plot elements mixed into one pot. It was well directed and the writing and dialogue were pretty good. The pacing for the movie was alright. I felt that it should have been longer and more of a tv series than anything else but nonetheless they tried their best to make it clear cut and short as possible for a movie.

Characters: 8

All the characters were interesting with their own unique quirks and personalities. They didn't go too deep into their backstory and how they grew up.

Visuals/Music: 8.9

The beats matched the set scenes really well and the camera work was perfect. The song selections were a bit questionable and the visuals were excellent with good camera angles and panning. Lastly the comic as the side plot of the story was quite interesting and well animated.

Overall quite an enjoyable movie.

Memorable: Sort of , Rewatchable: Most likely..
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Creative and an absolute eye candy
11 December 2023
There are very few shows that took me by surprise as this one. In today's day and age where the same stuff is regurgitated, repeated and recycled over and over again its fulfilling and refreshing to something so original and unique. Aside from its originality which had a huge positive bonus on the reception of show it did not only rely on that but also was well rounded in terms of storytelling and directing also.

Story: 8.2

The storytelling was pretty good. Its pace, directing were all well done and the script and writing of the characters was pretty good. The biology and ecosystem of the world the crash landed ship was so unique that I had to give this story at least above an 8, without it I do not think the story would have been as good and would have been quite cliche actually with the colony ship and them crash landing on an alien planet. The atmosphere was very dynamic in this story and gave a wide variety of emotions which made the story truly feel like a rollercoaster.

Characters: 7.8

Nothing too deep or personal about them. I felt like we were not given enough time to really resonate and connect with them especially because this is a mini series and was only 12 eps. Though they felt diverse in terms of personality and background which was good enough for me.

Visuals/Sound: 10

They did an absolutely amazing job in this department. Each scene you could pause and make it your wallpaper of your laptop or phone and also the sounds, beats, and music just added on to the amazing atmosphere the show gave.

Overall quite an enjoyable show.

Memorable: Sort of Rewatchable: Maybe.
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Groundhog Day (1993)
Shaping Myself
28 August 2023
A wonderful movie made that is well directed with passionate acting with a simple yet very funny and creative plot.

Story: 8

The story was simple yet creative. It was well directed and the writing and dialogue were pretty good. It was not deep or anything but was a quick dose to enjoy oneself through the movie's mixture of comedy and romance and a pint of character study.

Characters: 7.5

It solely focuses on the main character while making some minor dives into other characters. Throughout the movie it shows the main character's development as he relives the same day again and again with wonderfully thought of writing and screenplay.

Visuals/Music: 8.5

The beats and sound selections matched the set scenes really well and the camera work was perfect. The colors and the feel of everything really captured the hilarious atmosphere of this movie.

Overall an enjoyable movie.

Memorable: No , Rewatchable: Maybe.
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One of the best animations of all time
23 August 2023
Story: 8.5

The story was kind of going all over the place at first but slowly connecting with one another down the line. It was very detailed with alot of meanings and purpose in the different scenes of the movie.

Characters: 8

Alot of new characters in this movie except most of them were lacking in quality except for a few newly introduced characters and the characters from the first movie.

Visuals/Music: 10

I mean do I really have to say anything. The song selections were fantastic and really matched the atmosphere of the scenes in the movie and the visuals were so dynamic and powerful to capture different imagery and depth. The visuals and song selections were simply top tier.

Overall quite an enjoyable movie.

Memorable: Sort of, Rewatchable: Maybe.
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A fitting end to an amazing trilogy
28 May 2023
This is probably one of the most refreshing and exciting Marvel movies in a while especially how Phase 4 of the Marvel universe is going as of right now.

Plot/Story: 8.4

The story was structured very nicely with generally a smooth pacing though there were some minor bumps especially near the end. The comedy was great with the help of the movie's great writing/dialogue and in general it had similar vibes to its previous 2 predecessors. Also the acting was amazing as well.

Characters: 8.5

The character exposition and development was fantastic and watching the relationships between the different characters grow felt so natural and fantastic.

Sound: 9.8

As usual just like in its previous 2 predecessors, the song selections and the beats were out of this world.

Visuals: 9.8

Marvel really stepped up big in this department. The set designs, how the aliens looked, and the action scenes were all so exhilarating.

Overall quite an enjoyable movie.

Memorable: Yes Rewatchable: Quite likely..
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The Last of Us (2023– )
Light in a World of Darkness
23 April 2023
Finally the tv series for The Last of Us has finally arrived for non gamers. Compared to most modern adaptations from comics to movies or game to shows, the tv series of the Last of Us sticks very closely to its source material with very minute changes. This review will solely be focused on season 1 as season 2 has yet to come out.

Plot/Story: 8.9

Like I previously said, the Last of Us sticks closely to its game counterpart. It expands a bit further on the human side of the world compared to the game such as Riley and Frank and less on the infected though I wish we got to see more. The pacing was pretty good though it could have been managed a bit better on the 2nd half of the season. After the first two eps of the series it did not have the same adrenaline pumping scenes as it had before especially because since we saw less infected. The writing was phenomenal which sticks very closely to its game counterpart and the acting was fantastic. Bella played such an amazing role of Ellie and I was thoroughly impressed on how she can shift her mood and tone so smoothly for such a young actor. The story was well done though it was not perfect there were very minor flaws involved.

Characters: 9.1

The series compared to the game expands quite a bit on the background and lore on the variety of characters that are involved in the series. They were all well written and had their own unique personalities and quirks. Also we could see the development of the relationship between Joel and Ellie from strangers to something of family over time which was so sweet and amazing to see.

Sound: 9.8

Very similar to the game, there isn't much to say. The sound of the infected, the guitar playing, song selections etc.

Visuals: 9.1

It was very well done for the most part such as the CGI and set scenes and costume designs but I think the main focus was the CGI which could be easily seen in certain scenes especially near the end of the season.

Consistency: 8.8

Everything about it was very good on the beginning but fell of slightly near the end especially the CGI and the pacing of the story.

Overall quite an enjoyable series.

Memorable: Yes Rewatchable: Quite Likely...
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The Boys (2019– )
A shining beacon in today's day and age..
6 January 2023
Man this is such a step up compared to the comics as of right now after the end of season 3. Probably one of the few shows that does a better job than its original counterpart.

Plot/Story: 8.9

The concept, the idea of "bad" heroes has been done multiple times but for a whole universe that is quite deep and expansive compared to most others have never been done before. Each season was bigger, better, more explosive, but it always stuck to its recipe. The intro, the buildup which was the longest and most important, the climax, and then the conclusions. The pacing was well done for the most part with resting periods after each grotesque, adrenaline pumping scenes. The consistency was there with a few minor hiccups and flaws but overall amazing writing and character development. Its bitter, sweet, funny, and VERY violent. No deep philosophical thinking or any deep themes, just a very good series that I enjoyed very easily from the gecko

Characters: 8.2

The heroes, the villains, I mean they were all well done for the most part. Each one of them were unique with their own stories and defining personalities. They felt human, they felt real..

Overall well done for the most part just had a hard time connecting with most of them other than 1 or 2 characters.

Visuals/Sound: 9.8

The directing, the sounds, it was really ridiculously well done. Watching the series I could see that they put a lot of effort into it. The directing, the cartoon animation which was so wonderful and unique, the use of IG, the news, etc. Also the set designs and costume designs were well done also.

Overall quite an enjoyable series.

Memorable: Sort of Rewatchable: Quite likely...
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The Godfather (1972)
The protégé for all great films..
3 January 2023
Family drama, some action scenes, a bit of romance, crime, and really well directed, and some amazing quotes, The Godfather is a film that I believe many films similar to its genres in this day and age strive to be.

Plot/Story: 8.5

A film's plot line is very detailed but quite straightforward. The pacing is pretty good for a 3 hour film and and some amazing writing also. The directing and acting were all done and you could see that they put their hearts and souls into it.

Characters: 7.8

They were all done for the most part with their own unique personalities and stuff. But no particular character that really stood out other than Michael.

Visuals/Sounds: 9.5

Really well done, especially for its time and age. The set scenes were stunning and realistic and the sounds and music felt in tune with the atmosphere

Overall a fairly enjoyable film.

Memorable: Sort of Rewatchable: Maybe..
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3 January 2023
Its a really interestingly well made film. Its quite open ended and very philosophical and a well rounded film with nothing special sticking out from it

Plot/Story: 8

The story was quite good in the first half but in the later half things were a bit unclear and confusing with alot of thinking involved. It has really good writing with a nice pace , acting. Its main pros probably being its themes.

Characters: 6.5

The characters were alright. Nothing special about them

Visuals/Sounds: 8

Visuals and music are pretty good. The directing and the sets were well done and the sounds gave a new boost to certain scenes and made the audience more in tune with the atmosphere

Overall a fairly enjoyable film.

Memorable: No, Rewatchable: Unlikely..
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Erased (2016)
16 December 2022
Sounds/Visuals: 8.9 One of the main things I noticed off the bad for the series was the art and the sounds. They were exceptional and really well done for the most part except for the CGI . The music, the sounds, and the voice acting were likable and I had no problems with them.

Plot/Story: 7.8, Consistency: 8, Characters: 7.4 The story was good. With some minor flaws, The revival event was so just so random and made up that despite its "said" rules for it, the main character randomly somehow creates a different type of revival? But I think ignoring that, the main focus for the story was centered around on themes such as friendships and love. The pacing was solid, but as a result of how short the series is, the characters felt a bit lacking and generic and "empty". The beginning episodes established some boundaries and lines for the characters and the main plot for the story but as time went on it started branching out all over the place.

Overall it was a fairly enjoyable series. Short and sweet!

Memorable: No Rewatchable: Maybe.
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Wonderfully made
11 October 2022
Plot/Story: 8

This story has such a simplistic yet well-made writing. The interactions between Parvana are interesting and heart felt. Her "made up" story and how it aligns with her feelings and emotions throughout the plot can analyzed really well. The pacing was well done and had it's fair sure of "breaks" so it didn't feel like a rush but a slow and steady walk. It didn't have one meaningful theme to it but made up of smaller ones such as "family".

Characters: 8

They were really made, and I was pleased with how life like they were depicted. Their personalities and motives were well constructed and intertwined nicely into the plot.

Sound: 9.5

The music and voice acting were fabulous and nothing more could be said about it, it was excellent. Maybe voicing it their native language could have improved the depth and atmosphere even further.

Visuals: 9

Amazing, unique, and well directed.

Overall, an enjoyable movie.

Memorable: Sort of , Rewatchable: Unlikely...
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Prey (I) (2022)
9 October 2022
First starting with the plot.

Plot: 6.4 The girl had a bit of plot armor, admit it. While trying to hunt the predator, she just makes the lives of people around somewhat worse. There were quite a few flaws but with solid pacing and ok writing.

Visuals/Music: 8 The visuals and music were pretty good, and they were well directed and synchronized nicely. Though there were some minor inconsistencies with the visuals.

Characters: 7 The characters are solid I guess. Alot of them were semi likable and nothing particularly unique stuck out about them.

Overall, it was a semi-enjoyable movie.

Memorable: None Rewatchable: Very Unlikely..
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6 September 2022
That's one way to describe the movie. I haven't seen the prequel so I didn't know what to expect going into this. But wow was it spectacular.

Two things that I noticed off the bat were the cinematography and the directing. They are so well done and those two make up 50% on why the movie was so good for me.

The characters and story were solid I guess. I haven't watched the prequel so I wasn't enthralled that much by the characters but were good enough it made the movie more enjoyable. The pacing and consistency of the story were well done and benefitted the characters nicely.

Overall it was an enjoyable movie.

Memorable: No Rewatchable: Unlikely..
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Warrior (2011)
One of the best MMA movies out there..
30 August 2022
Minor flaws with a really good story with great writing. The realism of how MMA was represented was solid, it could have been more "realistic" but nonetheless it is well done I guess. The characters are solid though the dynamics between the two brothers is really interesting and emotional and those two stand out the most in the movie.

The cinematography, the directing, and the visuals were all well made and done also. The actors did a great job, the rawness and confidence of the acting was amazing to see.

Overall it was quiet an enjoyable movie. One of the best MMA movies out there and one of my favorite sports movies of all time

Memorable: So so Rewatchable: Maybe...
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Passionate , exciting, and amusing
29 August 2022
One of the first things that stick out in this movie is it's directing. The directing is very unique and the scenes are captured in many different angles and views. The music selection was great and the visuals were amazing though kinda gross with all the blood everywhere. The writing was clever and hilarious and I thought the characters were well made. Also the mash of fictional writing and real life stories was amazing with the character Django being based on a real life person named Bass Reaves. The pacing is good and the movie feels like it goes by quick even though its quiet long.

Overall it was quiet an enjoyable movie.

Memorable: Sort of Rewatchable: Maybe..
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Naruto: Shippuden (2007–2017)
A step up from the original..
16 August 2022
One of the most popular animes of all time..

Writing seems to have gotten better than its original series The episodes where they showcase the past were probably the best episodes in the whole series other than the fights. The story was good but had bad pacing at times especially during the fights, some flaws, and also the sub par stories of some of the episodes because almost half of them were fillers. Character development was good also. The characters were alright, there are very few that are likable or interesting.

Some of the openings and endings of this anime are legendary and are definitely in the anime hall of fame. The music was amazing. Animation looked pretty good but quite inconsistent at times. It had a similar vibe to the previous series.

Overall it was an enjoyable series, it was well rounded and the only thing that really sticked out was the lore and history of this fictional world.

Memorable: No.. Rewatchable: Maybe..
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Just couldn't put it together..
26 June 2022
Pacing was bad. Writing was aight. The idea was there but they couldn't connect the dots nicely.

The directing was a bit inconsistent. Some of the camera angles were questionable to say the least.

Unique things that we haven't seen before in a mcu movie such as the horror elements, Visuals definitely looked strange at times, wasn't consistent, sometimes it was gorgeous and amazing while other times it lacked authenticity.

The characters were solid I guess. Though I wished we knew more about America since she is like one of the main characters in the movie.

Overall a semi enjoyable film.

Memorable: No , Rewatchable: Unlikely..
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The Boondocks (2005–2014)
Its deeper than you think...
25 June 2022
S1: Funny, wacky, underneath all the silliness lies a bigger pic, a bit far at times, quite consistent for the most part.

S2: Improved animation, I think this might be the best season, comedy not overdone, each episode had a purpose, great writing.

S3: Animation looks great, writing is as good as the second season, a bit weaker in terms of purpose, more comical then second season, but basically as good as the second season. Character development is the best in this season.

S4: Not bad, a bit better than S1, a bit of reused things, feels like it's missin something, best animation out of the 4 seasons.

The voice acting, music, and everything else was superb. Alot of cool and wacky characters that are unique in their own rights.

Overall it was quiet an enjoyable series.

Memorable: Sort of, Rewatchable: Likely..
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Hustle (2022)
Says it all in the title...
17 June 2022
One of the best sport movies I have seen in a while and I have seen alot over the years and more important one of the basketball films out there.

The story was good but a bit cliche, the unknown basketball player coming from a poor background etc etc. The pacing was fluid and the writing was good. The hints of comedy, were hilarious great cinematography, and great acting. Great meaning not only in basketball but in sports in general and life also. The hard work, determination, blood, sweats, and tears it takes to play at the highest level is one of the hardest things any athlete accomplishes.

Memorable: Sort of Rewatchable: Maybe..
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The Batman (2022)
Dark, gritty, and Intriguing
4 June 2022
The story was complex and far reaching. Yes the movie was quiet long but the action scenes and the mystery kept me engaged. The pacing was quiet consistent and it was a well balanced film with like one or two very minor flaws.

The writing was good, especially the dialogue between the characters. The characters were diverse and unique in their own rights. I think Pattison played a pretty solid Batman and in this movie we get to see alot of Batman's detective side.

The cinematography/visuals was by far the best out of any Batman movie thus far. The acting was pretty good also.

Overall it was quite an enjoyable film.

Memorable: So so.. , Rewatchable: Likely..
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23 May 2022
One of the best animal documentaries of all time. The editing, the camera work, the amazing footages, and the great narration by David Attenborough allowed this to be a fantastic ride. It has a lot of great moments and had me in awe and energized. The team did a great job understanding the length the team had to go through to get these footages of these amazing animals. The pacing and the consistency was on point also.

Overall it was a fairly enjoyable documentary.

Memorable: So so.. , Rewatchable: Maybe..
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City of God (2002)
The Cycle of Violence
15 May 2022
One of the best international films I have ever seen. The directing and camera work is amazing, it was just so raw and authentic. The story was good with good themes as well as nicely written characters to support the story and great interactions between them. The set scenes were great and the visuals and sound were nice.

The only problem I had with the film was probably with the pacing. It was very fast paced to say the least. It would have been nice to see the film turned into a tv series instead which would allow characters to be more fleshed out and have a more deep well laid out story. But nonetheless it was definitely an impressive film

Overall it was a fairly enjoyable film.

Memorable: Sort of , Rewatchable: Maybe.
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Justice League: Doom (2012 Video)
Good and sort of impressed
15 May 2022
The storyline and writing were solid Ig with some minor flaws. But one thing that stood out to me the most was probably the animation and action scenes even though the film is like 10 years old. The characters were good, the voice acting was likable, and the interaction between the characters was great. A nice simple film to watch just to waste time.

Overall an enjoyable movie.

Memorable: No , Rewatchable: Unlikely.
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District 9 (2009)
Not regular..
6 May 2022
Something that diverges from the pack and tries something different usually ends in failure or be praised. For District 9 it is probably one of the best sci fi movies I have ever watched.

The CGI, the directing, and the designs were well done and added a well defined layer for the story writing and the dialogue which were even just as good if not better than those. It felt captivating, invoking, and there just so many other words to describe it but just check out the film for yourself!

Overall it was a fairly enjoyable film.

Memorable? : Sort of Rewatchable?: Maybe..
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