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Savages (I) (2012)
Oliver Stone the way we love
1 July 2012
"Savages" is Oliver Stone the way we like him - gritty, sexy, and oh-so-violent. This film starts as a simple story of a laid-back crew of Southern Californian pot dealers, but develops into and all out warfare between them and notoriously ruthless Mexican drug cartels, fronted by a very mean Selma Hayek. This is a Hayek we have not seen before - so gritty and dirty, yet so beautiful and elegant. And who is Hayek's backup - the dirtier than ever Benicio del Toro - in a magnificent performance. Yet the gang still has their hopes with John Travolta, and he steals the show. Drama in every scene, nothing is predictable, a statement from Stone on living in Southern California, which could be anywhere, in this day and age. We are all subject to the whims of the world, as Stone proves, we are perhaps too connected, too much. The world is not a large place anymore, but a terrifyingly small area, where unscrupulous people create havoc. A great storyline, great acting, depth, drama - all top of the line. Do see this one, it is fresh and new, exciting, and will leave you breathless. The 'ultra- violence' of the Droogies in "Clockwork Orange" have nothing on Stone's vision of violence in this masterpiece.
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Footloose (2011)
Dancing in the Aisles
11 October 2011
I was fortunate to win a ticket to a screening in Westwood at the Village Theater and that theater was rocking! People were singing and dancing in the aisles. It was contagious! The story was certainly good enough to carry the movie, but the music and dancing just rage and whoever has any drawbacks on this film just doesn't know how to have a great time. This is the reason movies are made - for people to express every emotion - and this one captures youth, joy, music, fun, and of course - DANCING!!! Shake yourself up and get on down to see this, you will find your feet moving and your body swaying to the rhythm! It was more than cool, and the cast was great, each person fit the part so well. It isn't a heavy piece, but it never intended to be, it is a fun movie for all to enjoy, and again, if you can't enjoy this one, have your blood pressure checked to see of you're still living!
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Dish (2009)
A Boy Comes of Age, In a Manner of Texting
23 June 2011
Israel is a 15 year-old Emo kid. Like millions of teens before him, who kept back pocket combs in the 50's, long hair in the 60's, wild hair in the 70's, and on and on, he is obsessed with his hairstyle more than anything else, as it seems to define his ambiguous life position - inexperienced, still virginal, and thus innocent by today's standards. But that doesn't mean he isn't seeking new worlds - which he does through the modern day method of texting messages. Most people he contacts seem to share the same concerns teens have shared forever - who's doing who - the ritual to the beginning of coming of age. Israel and his friend, Louie, hang out for a while, where Louie shares sex stories to seem to push Israel off his butt and out there to do something, almost so Louie's point of life at that moment would be justified. And Israel seems to be on that road when he meets Ricky, an older, more experienced teen. The film captures the emptiness of many youth, unsure and stepping either carefully or recklessly into adulthood. The addition of texting provides a shared "we are all on the journey" support mechanism, that makes each step a little easier as youth reaches for solutions and actions that are beneficial for life or just momentary experiences. Israel is played by Matthew Monge, with an endearing simplicity that paints a touching picture of innocence, fragility, and playfulness, tempered by a realization that our paths are really only our own.
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The Dukes (2007)
The Dukes Are Kings!
24 April 2007
What a great film - it was evocative of the sixties - stylish - and the feel was one that grabbed you from the first frames - there's a wonderful story and secondary stories that are hilarious - saw it last night at the Newport Beach Film Festival - what a cast - Hollywood stalwarts Robert Davi and Chaz Palmenteiri star as over the hill Doo Wop stars who are running out of money and work, but they earn their kudos up against Joe Campanella and Peter Bogdonavich - and the music, a Doo Wop background set with a crazy crime caper - it will hook you and give you two hours of pure pleasure. Pure enjoyment, this is so classy and well done! I didn't know that Robert Davi had directed this, but what a debut - the style of the cinematographer was evocative of the glossy old school, which was the heart of the story, and all effects worked to push the story and the mood. This is sure to be a surprise winner of the Festival that also birthed the premieres of "Crash" and "The Illusionist."
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King Kong (2005)
12 December 2005
People in the industry who saw a trade screening before the premiere, were all of the same thought of mind - a spectacular film, and obviously one of the best of the year. It was a great picture, every aspect was done superbly, and will surely dazzle and involve audiences in the stakes of the drama. The director wanted an homage to the original King Kong, and he honored the original with his presentation. The acting, the script, and the action cannot be done better. If you liked the original, you'll love this one, and if you haven't seen the original, see them both. You will be doubly pleased! As the first went beyond everything technical in its day, this one does also, all to the benefit of story.
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Upperworld (1934)
Great Period Piece
2 December 2005
I read another review and thought I would offer what I thought were the good points of this film. The film was a typical period B film of man finds girl when wife doesn't pay attention to him. The music is great and was later used as backdrop for short films. Also, we get to see Sidney Toler(who later became Charlie Chan) playing a Chan-like policeman; J. Carrol Naish, who starred as a gangster in many later films; Mary Astor, a star of "The Maltese Falcon", who showed some of the great facials she did in that film; and of course, and early Ginger Rogers. The dialogue is snappy and the direction more than adequate. Enjoy this one, it certainly isn't the greatest ever made, but it never claimed to be - just a film of the times. I gave it a 7 out of 10 for its overall against similar films.
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Nancy Drew Captured
1 December 2005
I think Warner Bros. captured the spirit of the Nancy Drew novels, and presented them in great style. The give and take between Nancy and her father is actually better than the books, and Ted Nickerson, as played by Frankie Thomas, makes the character stand out far more than in the books, where he was just a straight man for Nancy. And Bonita Granville as Nancy gives a phenomenal film portrayal of the heroine of millions, without going over the top, and she is especially likable and memorable. We have to remember this is a film portrayal of a book, it is not the book, nor was it meant to be, and it captures exactly the feeling of Nancy Drew mysteries. I wish the Hardy Boys had been done like this! I gave it a 10 not because it was the best movie ever made, but because it was a great interpretation of the book that lost nothing in the translation to screen, and gained in the character given by superb actors.
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King Kong (1933)
Why we love movies
12 October 2002
Anyone who doesn't rate this movie as one of the best and most enjoyable ever made needs to lighten up. Action, story, characters, love, adventure - what else is there. Generation after generation enjoys Kong, and will forever, while most of the junk foisted upon us today(XXX, Spiderman, MIB) will be forgotten. When this opened on the two largest screens in NYC (unheard of before Kong did it), 100,000 people per day attended in NYC alone! (still unheard of on more than 100 screens) Case closed.
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Moon 44 (1990)
Great prequel to Independence Day
28 September 2002
Surprise, surprise, as old pal Gomer Pyle used to holler when he found out something surprisingly pleasant - and Moon 44 is all that and more.

Perhaps just the first teaming of Roland Emmerich and Dean Devlin makes this worthy enough to watch. Devlin though, has no producing credits here, he plays future computer nerd Terry, the main assistant to the film's hero, Michael Pare. But Emmerich and Devlin must have hit it off and they marched on to several space themed epics.

And while there is some film history emerging, the film is a great treat. It's made sweet and tasty by an interesting story of greed on a grand scale involving planets and resources, with some subtle commentary on prison abuse.

There are comic book bad guys, and Runyonesque inhabitants, but this is some mining planet in some BFE solar system, and it needs a little character color to counter the bleak, dark existence portrayed on Moon 44.

The story continually moves forward and will hold you to the screen for the entire length. The sets are great and used well.

And the acting. For the story, fantastic.

Michael Pare, always with that bitter frown frozen to his face, is perfect as a disdainful and resentful undercover agent working with convicts. Where is he now? We could use his hero style on today's screen.

The surprise is Dean Devlin as the aforementioned computer nerd of the outer solar systems. He plays the role with sarcasm and dry wit to a tee, perfect for a nerd in the universe.

All the supporting cast is perfect, and another surprise is the score, it hits and fits, and I can't see how anyone wouldn't like this one on a late night. And just for fun, see how many cast you can find who played in later Emmerich/Devlin films. Enjoy.
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Towering Inferno Meets Poseidon Adventure,Film Burns & Sinks
6 July 2002
Irwin Allen should be thanked for discovering a cure for insomnia.

The most notable feature about this movie is in the credits. Gayle Kananiokalapontigay's name takes two lines.

The movie is another Irwin Allen disaster - all the way around.

What agents got Paul Newman, William Holden, Jacqueline Bisset, Red Buttons, Ernest Borgnine, Burgess Meredith, James Franciscus, Barbera Carrera, Veronica Hamel, Edward Albert and Pat Morita into this loser?

And the writing? What writing? Carl Foreman and Stirling Silliphant should have had their names removed to save some embarrassment.

A bag of fish left in a car trunk in Sylmar would smell better than this stinker.

The story is stupid. A volcano settles scores and rights wrongs. Except it didn't destroy the master print copy. The acting is wooden, with bad, cliche lines just being spoken. And there's not one shred of excitement or danger at the climax. Just 20 minutes of watching 10 boring people cross a footbridge over a lava bed that poses no real harm.

Somehow Allen got this financed, and nobody read the script. At least I hope that's what happened. Otherwise some people would do anything, and I mean anything, for money.

When Time Ran Out, everybody fled the set.

Even if you've got five million hours left to live, don't waste one second on this piece of junk. Unless you're an insomniac. Even then, you will sleep, but your stomach's gonna churn with this garbage in it.
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Truthful story of two teens lost in the maze of life.
11 June 2002
Falling Like This is about two teens, lost in the maze of youth, who find each other as the only safe ground in their lives. There is no need for depth of reasons why they are lost, so many teens go through similar experiences while trying to adjust to their lives. The portrayals are outstanding. Brian Vaughn portrays the delinquent you like, and Megan Wilson is the girl who doesn't try to change him, but accepts him for who he is. The supporting cast portraying parents and friends fit the mood of the story like a glove. Both sets of parents have their problems, as do friends of Brian and Megan. The best comment I can make is that all have worked so well together that this film is believable, a kudo hardly given to many movies. You will feel right in the middle of the story, not just as an observer.
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Night Visitor (1989)
Rupert Hitzig should do more films with a larger budget.
6 June 2002
This is a classic two week shoot genre flick that is fun all the way around. For the genre, the directing by Hitzig is great, and the show is stolen by a small part done by Jovanni Brascia as a john. Everyone studying film, should watch this to see how the basics work, when you have no or little budget. It is done remarkably well and the cast is stellar. Based on what is in this film, Rupert Hitzig is a man we will hear a lot about.
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A remake of Baltimore Bullet?
16 May 2002
Before you watch this film, watch Baltimore Bullet (1980), with James Coburn and Omar Shariff. If Color of Money isn't a copy of Bullet, then theft doesn't exist. The story, the theme, the characters, all were there eight years before. Bullet was a comedy/drama, with great action scenes and lines any script would die for. Color left out the humor, the action, the lines, along with hubris. Color is a showcase front for Newman and Cruise, nothing more. It captures nothing of the world of pool hustling, whereas Bullet is in the middle, down to the exact method of betting. In Bullet, a svelte and hilarious Michael Lerner almost steals the movie. In Color, the popcorn stole the show. Is there something redeeming about the Color? Well, we only have so many minutes in life, and I wouldn't recommend using any of them on this dog. Woof woof. Scorcese attempts to make a film not a movie. Believe me, all involved with this project are at the top of my personal favorites list, but every dog has its day, and this one had too many.
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Angel (1983)
hilarious Hollywood street spoof with great cast
23 April 2002
Is it the best movie ever made? No. Is it one of the of the funniest of this genre? Yes. Definitely a must see. The story is a young prostitute meets murderer, but the supporting cast is what makes this a gem. The supporting cast includes: Rory Calhoun, as an aging western film star who still wears his holsters, boots and hat, and protects the streets; Dick Shawn as a transvestite with a heart and in one of his most hilarious roles - this was really Oscar stuff - just fun acting, no stuffiness here; and Susan Tyrrell, who steals the picture as a jaded Hollywood woman with more makeup that a tv evangelists wife. This is a film for a time when you really need to be entertained, not preached at, the film is a gas. Great late night fun flick for a group of friends. Really well done.
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Best movie ever about pool hustlers
23 April 2002
Baltimore Bullet is the best movie about pool hustlers ever produced. James Coburn is fantastic in a role that should have been nominated for an Oscar. But the absolute best in the film is the script. Great lines, always moving plot, all connected in a clever, funny and intriguing manner. Totally new stuff. (see how much directors and writers seemed to have learned from this one.) Other pool hustler movies were star showcases that gave a weak story at best, Baltimore Bullet racks em up. Anyone who watches this will enjoy the heck out of it, and watch it again, and again - I guarantee it! I just saw this for the first time and had not known it existed. At the screening, the host told us how Dolly Parton had been available for the film but the director disapproved. This should be screened at every Coburn retrospective, and also shown on AMC or TCM network. A great surprise find!
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The Slingshot (1993)
Visit Sweden - don't worry about the weather!
21 October 2001
Kadisbellan(The Slingshot)is perhaps the best foreign film of 1993. Great story, acting, and many funny moments.

Slingshot is the touching, humorous tale of a Swedish boy in the 20's, from a socialist, jewish family, and his resolve against life's persecutions.

His persecutions include a sadistic, fascist school instructor, overbearing parents, a bully brother, the police, and the daily maturation of a boy to a young man.

How Roland handles and endures these problems is the heart of the film. His solutions are clever and sometimes humorous, but all based out of Roland's steadfast self awareness. We have all walked along the same path.

The cast is super, and each character is extremely real.

Outstanding kudos to Jespar Salen, who plays Roland. His acting and the faces he utilizes make the viewer actually feel his hurts, his inquisitiveness, and his triumphs.

A special role also played by Stellen Sarsgard, as Roland's socialist father, who pontificates daily to any in hearing range. Memorable is his visit to a Russian orthopedic specialist to end his sciatica.

There are many characters and side plots, most end as ours would, but Roland's experience with a young prostitute ends tragically.

The Slingshot gets its title from Roland's ingenuity. His mother sells forbidden condoms, and Roland absconds with some and fashions slingshots out of them for sale to classmates. The slingshot is just one of his many inventions.

Another enjoyable benefit is the quality of the film as a period piece.
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Holy cow! Holy mackerel! Holy smoke!
14 October 2001
What a beautiful, enjoyable film! This movie is a great surprise - inspirational, uplifting, spiritual and very, very real. Here we see the lives of dedicated gospel singers, their talents dedicated to their great faith. No screenwriter could have captured this, and the film not only holds your interest, it captivates you with dazzling footage and revelations.

This is no documentary, this is a solid view of amazing people. And the music get you moving! It isn't "churchy", and if the soundtrack doesn't have you shouting "hallelujah", you're probably not alive!
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Parrish (1961)
You won't stop watching til it's over!
26 September 2001
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen this film many times and it is always a great treat, no matter what part you come in on. It was filmed in the tobacco fields of northeastern Connecticut. The story is of a teen named Parrish, (Troy Donahue) becoming a man through his love affairs with three women, his work in the tobacco industry - (probably couldn't get made in this positive light today)and his fight against his evil step-family. That's the story, but what a cast and plot! Troy shines in his best movie role as a rebellious teen who's in the right. Claudet Colbert plays her classic stock part - Parrish's loving, widowed mother who marries into a sick family. (Headed by an vicious, money-grubbing Karl Malden who goes head to head with Parrish) Connie Stevens is a young, tobacco road loose woman, and she shines - a supporting Oscar should have been hers. Diane McBain wows us as a spoiled rich girl who can't get Parrish, so she tries to bring him down. She also wears supporting Oscar. Sharon Huegeny, as Miss Goody Twoshoes plays it perfect and you love her because just about everybody else is rotten to the core. And Dean Jagger rounds out the story as a wise older friend,imparting to Parrish his life's work and heritage. Further supporting cast includes Dub Taylor and Hampton Francher. Perfect for a rainy afternoon, a summer day, a fall evening, winter in front of the fire, in other words, anytime. Take a chance, it's a super fun and escape movie!
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Super cast and story - a classic slice of teen Americana
26 August 2001
Great Dean Stockwell coming of age, and this is one of his best roles.

Stockwell plays a rebellious, wisecracking schoolboy at odds with the world. The film captures a slice of early 20th century Americana through precocious teens at prep school discovering sports, academia, and of course, girls. Funny and touching, with a great cast and story that even connects today. Leo G. Carroll as a nemesis teacher is excellent, and the antics of the "Tennessee Shad" are still being copied in similar themed films.
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