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Smart Intelligent movie.
1 October 2001
James Spader stars as a college friend of a husband whose sister in law is having an affair. Spader videos women as they talk about their sex lives, getting them to divulge their deepest secrets to him..

A good movie that takes it time to develop. 8 iof 10
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Cute little coming of age comedy
1 October 2001
Jennifer Connelly stars as a 15 year old girl who invites her platonic male friend to live in her house. Naturally rumors get started and and her boyfriend isn't too pleased either. A sweet movie that both parent and teen can watch and discuss together. Some brief partial nudity but nothing near what other "teen" movies have in them.

Connelly is gorgeous as always 6 of 10
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A great film..
8 September 2001
What else can be said about this masterpiece by Steven Speilberg about Oskar Schindler who did anything he could - including bribery - to employ jewish workers in his munition plants which resulted in saving over one thousand jews from the nazi slaughter. In a way it is troubling to say this movie is great and is a favorite because of the terrific horror of the subject but Speilberg makes it a poignant memorial for those who lived through the holocaust and a reminder to those who were too young to have remembered that these atrocities did happen and such hatred should never present itself again. 10 of 10
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a bit overwrought but a good movie nonetheless
8 September 2001
Chris O'Donnel stars as a prep school student who cares for a bitter, blind retired army colonel - overplayed by Al Pacino - who received an Oscar nevertheless- Gabrielle Anwar has only a small part in the film as Pacino's tango partner. A good film with an ending that will keep you watching.. 7 of 10
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Scandal (1989)
sex scandal brings down british government..
8 September 2001
Christine Keeler and Bridget Fonda star in this dramatization of the Profumo government scandal that overturned a political party and had much more profound effects on others... well made movie with great performances.. 7 of 10
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The Ryan White Story (1989 TV Movie)
Excellent telling of the tragic life of Ryan White
8 August 2001
Lukas Haas stars as Ryan White, the young boy who became the poster child for young AIDS victims.. the movie tells the story of his life and its ups and downs as he struggles with the disease and ignorance of the people around him. 8 of 10
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river phoenix comes of age to fugitive parents
8 August 2001
River Phoenix stars as a coming of age teenager whose parents are fugitives from the vietnam war protest era who must frequently be on the run to keep one step ahead of the law.. of course, this causes some problems for Phoenix as he becomes a man.. good drama and good acting by all the main characters 6 of 10
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Salvador (1986)
intense story of reporters adventures in civil war el salvador
8 August 2001
James Woods stars as a photographer who faces the cruel and punishing effects of civil war and social injustice on the people of El Salvador. A visually stunning film from Oliver Stone that forces you to examine the U.S. role in other countries. 7 of 10
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The Piano (1993)
not in perfect tune...
17 June 2001
Holly Hunter plays a mute who expresses her thoughts and moods through her piano which she had brought over with her daughter. Arriving to a predetermined marriage to Stewart (Sam Neill) she engages in a sometimes cruel battle of passion and revenge with a fellow settler, played by Harvey Keitel.. WHile the cinematography and score are outstanding along with the acting, the story itself falls a bit flat as it progresses ever so slowly.

Holly Hunter does her own piano playing. 5 of 10
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Platoon (1986)
A soldier's story..
17 June 2001
Charlie Sheen plays a new soldier to Vietnam who experiences first hand the true horror of war as well as the senselessness of the war in Vietnam.. He is soon caught in the middle of a battle for his soul between Berenger and Dafoe.. A truly unforgettable film 10 of 10
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A powerful well done movie..
17 June 2001
Timothy Hutton stars in this drama about a family coping with the tragic accidental death of one son and the suicide attempt of the other.. Superb acting by all, especially Mary Tyler Moore who is outstanding as the emotionally detatched mother.. The debut directorial effort by Robert Redford is a winner, as was he for best director and the film for best picture.. Also a fine debut for Elizabeth McGovern 10 of 10
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Costner and Eastwood play good guy and bad guy
3 June 2001
Kevin Costner stars as an escaped convict who takes a 8 year old boy hostage in Texas during the early 1960s.Clint Eastwood plays his pursuer, a Texas Ranger, who tries to bring them in safely. Of course, the boy, being fatheless, and Costner bond which leads to an overly dramatic finale. A good cast makes for a good movie that never really gets its feet off the ground 6 of 10
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Ordinary people - lite
3 June 2001
Keanu Reeves stars as a friend of a popular high school student who suddenly commits suicide...he and his friends go through emotional turmoil and share their reactions to this horrible incident...Good acting by Reeves and a young Jennifer Rubin..but on the whole is a little too much.. 4 of 10
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Personal Best (1982)
Donnelly and Hemingway become more than teammates
3 June 2001
The inner world of women's track and field is examined in this underrated film. An up and comer (Hemingway) meets up and becomes competetive friends with the veteran looking for one more shot at olympic glory (Donnelly). THeir coach, played well by Scot Glen, tries to keep both of them focused. A good film that lets you get into the characters and their pains and struggles as their friendship grows into a love affair. 6 of 10
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FBI investigation of WTC bombing
29 May 2001
Based on the true story of the FBIs hunt for those who were responsible for the bombing of the World Trade Center Building. A very good film that delves into the FBIs use of informants and how, possibly, the tragedy could have been avoided 7 of 10
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Patton (1970)
George C Scott IS Patton
29 May 2001
George C Scott, in a role made for him it seems, plays old blood and guts general George S Patton who commanded his troops to victory in Europe and Africa. While he had military success, he was less successful playing the political game. He was a general - and he loved war Great movie on all accounts 10 of 10
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Norma Jean & Marilyn (1996 TV Movie)
Marilyn as a schizophrenic manic depressive..
21 May 2001
Ashley Judd and Mira Sorvino both star as Marilyn in this HBO picture. Ashley stars as the young Marilyn "Norma Jean" the controlling part of the woman and Mira stars as Marilyn the star. The two fight viciously for control over her personality, ultimately dooming the woman. A depressing dark view of the sex symbol but it is possibly one of the most accurate - at least dealing with Marilyn - who did have a history of mental illness as well as family history, was manic depressive and deeply troubled. A well acted daring film. Give it a try. 9 of 10
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No One Would Tell (1996 TV Movie)
No One should watch..
21 May 2001
A typical tv movie of the week schlock fare with former tv stars in the starring roles. Cameron plays a young girl who is smitten by her new boyfriend, who starts abusing her. Then one day, she disappears. Gee, i wonder what happened???? Dumb writing, bad acting, and stupid plot 2 o 10
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Nobody's Fool (1994)
A good quietly acted movie
21 May 2001
A virtual all star cast: Newman, Willis, Griffith, Tandy, star in this very well done quiet drama about life between a father and son.

Understated acting by the cast and great writing makes this a very worthwhile movie. One of Griffith's finest performances 6 of 10
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9½ Weeks (1986)
What could've been a great movie turned into soft core fluff
21 May 2001
Kim Basinger and Mickey Rourke star in this controversial story of a wall street exec and an art gallery employee who hook up and begin a very experimental sexual relationship.While the acting by Rourke and Basinger is ok, the flim doesn't allow their characters to truly form. Allegedly there was a lot of film left on the cutting room floor that delved deeper into the characters and the effects of the relationship on them - Basinger's character considering suicide - that would have made the characters more involved for the viewer. As is it is a glossy, well produced, with MTV style editing piece of soft core voyeurism. 4 of 10
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A highly underrated movie.
21 May 2001
Based on a novel by the author of the Exorcist, a truly riveting story filled with twists and turns. With an ending that will surprise you, this is definitely one film to see. Cannot reveal much of the plot without ruining all the surprises..but it deals with a rebellion by some high class military officers...see for yourself 8 of 10
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Nell (1994)
A woman is discovered in the Carolina woods..having lived in a world of her own
8 May 2001
Jodie Foster stars in this popular film about a woman discovered in the woods of Carolina having not know civilization as commonly known.

Of course, the ones who found her, Neeson and Richardson, want to take care of her and show her the new world, while their colleagues and other government people as exposed as "bad guys" and want to exlpoit her. A good film but way too predictable and too "hollywood-ized". There are no suprises at all.. Jodie Foster does a great job in the title role. 6 of 10
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Stone makes a bundle off blood and guts
8 May 2001
In this charming film, two lovers, played by Woody Harrelson and Juliette Lewis engage in brutal graphic violence as serial killers who become media darlings as they go on their spree. Robert Downey Jr plays the ratings first morals later reporter who mickey and mallory take in a way under thier wing. Downey later finds out that the wing has claws.

The movie, which Stone called a social commentary on tabloid journalism, is nothing more than exploitation hipocritically called art. While decrying violence and the slick journalism it glorifies them. The violence is graphic, extreme and edited with the quick cut MTV style.

This film has been praised by some as a modern day A Clockwork Orange. If you believe that, watch this and then watch the Kubrick film. Big difference. Either you love this film or you hate it. Guess which was my opinion.. 3 of 10
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The Natural (1984)
A baseball classic..
8 May 2001
Robert Redford stars in this baseball epic about a young ballplayer who has a promising career cut short by a woman..later he begins his career again in a bottom dwelling team. At first the coaching staff and his teammates believe him to be a washed up old timer. But he becomes their savior.

The finale is classic and should not be missed as should this film not be missed by sport and non sports fan alike. 9 of 10
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3 May 2001
Richard Dreyfus plays a music teacher who raises a hearing impaired son in this disney production that hits all the right notes. (pun intended) very well done and sends a good message. A good family film 7 of 10
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