Teen Titans GO! To the Movies (2018) Poster

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Honestly... the movie is pretty funny
jacobmdmayer21 December 2021
Not gonna lie... I enjoyed it way more than I had any right doing. The movie has a lot of good humor and almost all of the verbal jokes land. The fact it also has some subtle dark humor jokes make it better, perfect example of putting adult comedy in a kids movie so parents can enjoy some of it. As well as getting see Slade Wilson fight the Titans again is a great time as well as great acting from Will Arnet and the veteran Teen Titans cast. The movie honestly shows it respects both the child and adult audiences with giving the kids something new and adults getting a hint of nostalgia in a new way.
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A 90 minute episode...of a genuinely amuisng show
cliftonofun8 June 2019
Parents know that there is nothing quite like cartoons that amuse both kids AND adults. Teen Titans absolutely qualifies in our house - plenty of satirical references, lots of laughs, and multiple parody songs. It works on TV, and it works as a movie too. I'm semi-surprised that this 90 minute episode (because that's absolutely what this was) succeeded in theaters because it feels a bit more like a TV special...but it also feels like a TV special that is truly funny. I laughed throughout - sometimes chuckles and sometimes guffaws, but I was amused the whole time. Thanks, kids!
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Well worth going to the movies for
TheLittleSongbird15 August 2018
Have been a huge lifelong fan of animation, of all styles and decades, and my love for it hasn't wavered. In fact my love has actually gotten stronger and appreciate it even more, thanks to, as said many times, having gained a wider knowledge of it as my tastes broadened.

Will admit to feeling a bit nervous though before watching 'Teen Titans Go! To the Movies'. Despite above average to great reviews as we speak and an appetising concept, it was mentioned more than once that it was true to the show 'Teen Titans Go'. Being someone who hates that show quite strongly (not quite one of the worst animated shows ever, but it is another indicator of how it is so sad that Cartoon Network over the years has declined so drastically), that filled me with dread. Will say, am a fan of the 2000s 'Teen Titans' show, which 'Teen Titans Go!' is a slap on the face to. Seeing it as part of my quest to see as many 2018 films as possible, my reaction was actually that of pleasant surprise.

There are better examples of animation out there, but 'Teen Titans Go! To the Movies' is a huge improvement over 'Teen Titans Go!' with many of that show's flaws being corrected.

By all means, a few of the faults remain. Not all the jokes land, much of the writing has actually improved significantly but some of the jokes are juvenile and misplaced, there is a little toilet humour that the film could easily have done without because it really doesn't fit and makes one cringe.

Problems with pacing remain at times too, there are parts that are too hyper-active and rushed and a few parts drag.

Maybe a few too many characters as well, some more interesting than others and more screen time for some wouldn't have gone amiss.

However, the animation is a big improvement. It is more vibrant, more detailed, much smoother with more expression and nuance, imagination is also here too. The music, which actually was the only good thing about the show, is insanely catchy and atmospheric except it's placed even better and it's more inspired.

Juvenile humour aside, the vast difference for the better in the writing is evident. The dialogue is smart and with a lot of sharpness, tongue-in-cheek nature and wacky wit, and there are some thick and fast gags and fantastic references that are so much fun to recognise and enjoy, are affectionate and don't feel thrown in. It is fair to say to one should be familiar with what is being referenced and parodied so that full understanding makes it even more enjoyable, this is why adults will find there is actually something for them and the younger demographic may find themselves inspired to get acquainted.

Story is thin admittedly and can be rushed, but there are some nice surprises, a surprising intelligence, a bright and breezy nature and much more of a balance of comedy and drama, the former not going overboard and the latter not neglected (when apparent it doesn't get too sombre). On top of that there is an appealing charm and light-heartedness. All of this cannot be said for the show.

Characters are far more interesting and likeable, Robin has depth to him and while the other Teen Titans could have had more screen time a good job is done with Raven and Beast Boy too. The voice acting is great, Scott Menville and Tara Strong actually being well used this time and Will Arnett and Kristen Bell being worthy additions. Was surprised in a good way by Nicholas Cage, that casting should not have worked but somehow it did, working as slyly digging at Hollywood politics responsible for the failure of 'Superman Lives'.

Overall, didn't blow my mind but a more than worthwhile diversion that should help blow any troubles away. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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Better than expected, funny,and great for kids and adults
mfontejon28 July 2018
TEEN TITIANS GO!!!! I walked into this movie not expecting much. This movie made me laugh the whole way through. It's a great movie with lots of references.
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Fun movie
Milk_Tray_Guy15 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Teen Titans Go! Is a show I'll watch now and then and it usually makes me chuckle (although I get bored with the toilet humour - some of which unfortunately found its way here). I like the voice cast, who all made it across to this big screen outing, the story isn't bad, and the Stan Lee cameos are funny.

It's a fun movie, with some sharp in-jokes and well-aimed shots at DC, Marvel, and superhero movies/culture in general. There are loads of DC character/history references (I'm going to enjoy going back and finding the ones I missed); there's also a nice mid-credits tease that sets-up the next movie (Teen Titans Go! Vs. Teen Titans).

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Not bad.
elikimbrell26 July 2018
I will say this. Teen titans go (The show) Is for little kids. I will say that. But the Teen titans go to the movies is actually kind of entertaining. And even some laughs for the family. 7/10.
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A rating from a 10 year old
tinkerbellflyin4 August 2018
Let's think for a moment.... this film is predominantly aimed at children. So I asked my 10 year old what she thought

LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT! I would defiantly see it again

From an adult point of view - I took 3 children (8,9 &10) who laughed all the way through it. I was entertained with the songs and wit and also the nostalgic references.
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Kids will love it
jennyfussell27 July 2018
I took my 10 and 8 year old to see the movie. They have been watching the show for years, and they loved the movie. As an adult who has seen the tv show a lot, I knew what to expect, and can say that I laughed a lot. Was it Oscar worthy? Probably not, but it was entertaining, and that's all that matters to us.
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If You Love The Show, You'll Really Love The Movie
Cizzurp21528 July 2018
As a comic book nerd and a Dad of kids who love the show as much as I do, I was thrilled when I found out they were making a movie. The wit, sarcasm and cameos from the DC and Marvel universe are awesome. Teen TItans Go to the movies is exactly what fans of the franchise want and need. My kids range from 6-14 and we had a great time. They laughed. I laughed. The entire theatre laughed.
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Best last line in a movie ever.
DantesDen28 July 2018
Teen Titans Go! To The Movies is a silly fun flick which has some clever meta humor. Walking into this I expected it to be a decent kids flick, and that's what I got but with a little bit more. Of course there are some childish grade school humor that does get very irritating, but it's a movie based on a TV show specifically made for freaking little children. Even with that kind of humor, I really enjoyed Teen Titans Go! To The Movies and recommend it. As it says in the title, it has the most hilarious last line I've ever seen in any movie since Caddyshack.
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Give it a chance
sbusch-3504826 July 2018
If you're looking for a fun time at the movies and don't want a plot quite as intense as mission impossible, I suggest you check this out. The irreverent humor and many references will keep even the most avid cynic of this show intrigued. What this movie has that too many adult comedies lack is a heart. I was genuinely surprised that I actually cared about Robin's ups and downs throughout the movie due to the surprisingly well-written story. Yes, the movie has the occasional fart joke, but it's not overdone. In fact, the movie is quite aware that those types of jokes aren't for everyone, so it often utilizes them to make fun of itself. It is at times a little predictable, but it has enough going for it that makes the story thematically consistent. It even references it's own cliches and predictableness in a funny way. My only main complaint is the pacing. I think the main reason for this is that the story appears to have its conflict resolve, and it takes awhile for the story to pick up steam again. Comedies can often get overly cynical, but this movie looks to appeal to the heart of the fanboy and dreamer in all of us and accomplishes it. Even if you don't like the movie, I suggest you stick around for the end credits scene because it's got something older fans can get excited for.
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Better than what I expected.
hauntedfiles27 July 2018
It was different then Teen Titans Go! The humour was good, and the animation has improved. I advise you to see it!
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Teen Titans Go to this movie, fan or not.
eparazak4 August 2018
I have a strong feeling that all of the effort for this movie's source material went into this movie.

Teen Titans Go! To The Movies is an animated movie based on the hit CN show Teen Titans Go! It follows the Teen Titans as they are looking to get their own movie, but in order to be taken seriously, they need to have an archenemy. Eventually, they find a villain in Slade, voiced by Will Arnett.

I was pretty interested in this movie because the premise looked somewhat promising despite my distaste of the source material, Teen Titans Go! I went in a theater, and I can safely say that I really enjoyed the experience. I found the movie really funny. I was constantly laughing at the jokes, which was pretty surprising. I could not get myself to laugh at the actual tv show because I found it stupid and child pandering. But that's the thing, the directors of this movie know it, and embrace it for what it is. I mean when your movie opens up with a long fart joke and a stupidly so bad it's good rap song, you know what you're in for.

Something I also appreciate is that the Titans, mostly Robin, actually take their criticism from Jade to heart when she says that. This is partially why I prefer watching something like this than the actual source material; in it, the Teen Titans act half their age, which is apparently an attention grabber. Here, they show a more mature side and I'm genuinely impressed by that.

As enjoyable as this movie is though, I do have my criticisms for it. For one, the animation does look rather cheap for a theatrical animated movie. It's not as bad as Norm of the North; it's not computer animated, instead animated in Adobe Flash. The animation is technically a major step up from the source material. It's more fluid, more detailed and has that theatrical touch to it, but it also has its moments where the animation looks lazy and choppy in certain areas. I can't necessarily blame the movie for this however because the show's animation is regularly choppy.

The plot is all over the place at times, although I can understand why this is; the people behind the movie want it to be faithful to the source material. However, this doesn't necessarily excuse it in my eyes. The movie would continuously switch between its A and B plots and while they do link up by the end, it does make the movie somewhat hard to follow. There are also some filler moments, such as during a Back to the Future-ish reference, which I found really amusing by the way. It's funny and all, but in the longrun, it had nothing to do with the overall plot of the film.

Even with my complaints, I really did enjoy the movie, and even if you hate the show, I still would recommend seeing it since it's a large step up from its source material.

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Even if you haven't seen this movie...you've seen this movie
catholiccontriversy25 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Full disclosure, I have been a vocal critic of Teen Titans Go in the past, but that's primarily because of the nonsense surrounding the show and the call out the critics episodes (Return of Slade, Lets Get Serious, Classic Titans, etc.). I used to watch the series regularly (because that's all CN would air at the time), and didn't stop until The Return of Slade where they said "adults shouldn't like cartoons, cartoons are for children" (ignoring the fact that most of the non-toilet humor was based on references only older fans would get). At the advice of many critics whom I trust, I went into this movie with as much an open mind as I could. I also kept a tally of how many times I laughed out loud and how many times I cringed. Here are my thoughts.

There's nothing original in this movie. The story is pretty much the same old tired "I want more out of life, I achieve it, only to find out what I really needed were the friends I already have." Pretty much all the good jokes were spoiled in the trailers; and it's not just "the trailers spoiled the movie," I'd estimate about 1/10 of the movie was just trailer fodder and set-up for the trailer fodder. I'd say a good half of the jokes are recycled jokes; not just the "you're going to kill martha" and "I'm a comic book movie character that breaks the 4th wall," I mean they actually took jokes from the series and said them again pretty much word for word ("Robin has baby hands" was the big one I remember). While not EXACTLY the same, the set-up and punch lines were the same. The animation quality isn't all that much better from the TV show either. I think there's some more inbetween frames and maybe some more elaborate backgrounds and dynamic camera, but it looks very similar to the TV show (though that is kind of expected when adapting a TV show for a movie, South Park and Simpsons did the same thing).

Then there's the wasted potential. The biggest example is probably Nick Cage as Superman. If you know DC movie history, Nick Cage was supposed to play Superman in the canceled movie Superman Lives (The Death of Superman Lives is a good documentary on it). Nick Cage as superman is a joke in itself, and there are some jokes about Nick Cage being Nick Cage in the movie (that are actually pretty good), but the thing is Superman does not sound like Nick Cage. You can't look at Superman and say "that's Nick Cage," for you to get any of those jokes you need to know Nick Cage plays superman before going in, otherwise the jokes fall flat. All that could have been avoided, if Nick Cage was just directed to deliver the lines in his normal voice. That in and of itself would have been absolutely hilarious (Nick Cage kind of has a "defeated" tone to his voice now, that would have been hilarious coming out of super strong Superman's mouth), and all the Nick Cage jokes would have made sense to more people. But no, Superman has a voice that actually sounds strong. There are a lot of instances of "if you did that just a LITTLE differently it would have made that not only funny but super hilarious, but you didn't and it fell flat."

Why is this a 4/10 and not 1/10 you may be asking? Because I did laugh, there was some good stuff. While my cringe counter was at 41 instances, my lol counter was at 36, and it's theatrically released 2D animation. My advice, just wait for Cartoon Network to play this once a month as part of a TTG marathon, because there's no way cartoon network isn't going to milk this movie like they are with the show.
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Don't hate till you see it
ian_b_joseph27 July 2018
Stay for the after credits scene, it isn't a bad movie at all I'm just saying this to all the hard core teen titans fans out there stay till the end credits
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Second Best DC Movie In The Last 10 Years
MovieBuff117326 August 2018
Teen Titans is about Robin wanting to be in his one superhero movie. He also needs to face Slade at the same time.

Teen Titans was a good kid movie. Kids would love it. Not so much for anybody above 10. There was only a couple times that adults would enjoy this movie. It was really all about kids. The story was also too basic. Kids wouldn't care so that is why you see kids movies with basic stories. The animation was great for kids. The twist at the end was also great.

I would never watch this movie again only with kids or if other people haven't seen it.
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ravidenov27 December 2019
Was the movie amazing? Of course not! It's a cartoon aimed at 5-10 year olds. It was predictable and tried to convey a good message. Still, it was an enjoyable, fun movie, with lots of jokes (most of which kind of fun!!!), and was an all-around great time waster. Don't try to take it seriously and you're in for a good time.
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Go! See this movie!
MikeC1929 July 2018
I decided to go see this movie because of the humor. It looked very self-referential, and seemed to poke fun at itself. I like movies like that, and supporting films based on TV shows. I wasn't a fan of the series, though I've seen a few episodes. This was tremendously entertaining, and furiously funny! The film is a brilliant satire of superhero movies, and makes fun of everything from Marvel and Warner Bros., to DC, itself. This is a very, very funny film, and in a day when so many superhero movies are so serious, this is a great palate cleanser. Highly recommended!
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B- (high 6). July 18' @AMC
Celewa27 December 2020
Mindless and exhausting but clever and well written. Musical number is fantastic and engaging.
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Greatest last line of dialogue ever!
reelwriter-184-6680033 August 2018
This movie was far better than expected. Funny as all heck. Robin's final line of dialogue into the camera will stay with me forever. I'm still laughing. Go see it!!
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Good? Warning: Spoilers

The show.

Pretty bad to some people.

But this.


Humour is good and... THE TEASER.

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Roadkill and bullying are funny..?
somnyadia3 November 2018
Sorry, the jokes send a really bad message to young children. Fart jokes aren't a problem, and neither are silly situational jokes, but many of the other jokes were inappropriate for kids. If you want to be a superhero, take other superheroes who you think are less cool than you and ostracize them? There's another word for that, I think it's bullying. Running an animal over and making it into a funny joke? And those were just a few of the jokes that they were pushing. Someone said the jokes were geared towards adults. I think the adults who think they are funny are probably not very nice, and children need kind messages, not mean messages, if we want to correct a lot of the problems we have in society. Not cool. 1 star.
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Delightful Family Fun
monkeyface5227 July 2018
My kids have been big Teen Titans Go fans from the beginning - and this movie did not disappoint! True to the show, it's filled with hilarious songs and ridiculous plot twists. We laughed the whole time and couldn't stop talking about our favorite parts afterwards. Such a great family film!
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Unexpectedly Good
lilgreentornado16 August 2019
Even though I hate the series , I liked the movie. laughed at most of the jokes and the movie isn't as annoying as the series. Still, there are some problems with the movie, but it's not really noticeable while watching the movie.
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It seemed like it was lacking
gartley9529 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie I thought would be less of a musical and more of an action movie i was glad I didn't pay for the ticket. But don't get me wrong this movie is good and has a lot of dc comic references. This movie seemed like it was trying too hard to pander to one crowd. But they did sneak in Stan Lee and animaniacs joke for older viewer's the ending was annoying but the main question at it was where do babies come from?
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