I Am Vengeance (2018) Poster

(II) (2018)

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Testosterone, bad directing and writing failed this film
Top_Dawg_Critic27 August 2018
Sure we've seen these films before. Yes there was every cliche in this film. But I never get bored watching vengeance films - unless they are produced like a 5th grader.

Right from the start (and throughout), the annoying Tetris music set the stage for failure. The screenplay just as infantile and bad. The director couldn't even instruct his actors on where to properly look during certain scenes, and where to aim the cameras properly. The heroin addict girl was overly annoying, loud and obnoxious. Stu Bennett overplayed and under-performed this tough guy act. He made Steven Seagal look more convincing in his recent flop action films. The fight scenes where 1980's. The entire film was predictable.

Unless you're really really bored, I'd pass on this one. Even the fake reviewers felt guilty giving this a 10/10 so they gave it an 8. It's a very generous 3/10 from me.
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Seen it a million times before.
tcb377325 August 2018
This is such a stale outdated plot and terrible acting. Can't believe I actually watch the whole movie. Knowing how it was going to end from the beginning.
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So disappointing!
doctorslide-1003626 August 2018
I'm a massive fan of revenge movies but this left me feeling flat. Standard plot, every macho cliché in the book and some very average acting.
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Pretty good B action movie.
braddy424 August 2018
This one had a lot of originality and unpredictability to keep a viewer engaged. I find almost all B action movies boring and cartoonish Ninja like, but this one was a level above normal largely because of the interesting lead.
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Never trust a movie poster with multiple 5 star rating
phanthinga20 October 2018
I'm a pretty forgiving person when it come to action movies cause I believe not all should be on the same level at John Wick,Die Hard or T2 but sometime I come across a horrendous movie that seriously make me rethink about my life choices and this time the movie called "Vengeance" (2018).Starring Stu Bennett as the ex military badass in this "Walking Tall" kind of story you would think nothing can go wrong when it such a simple and easy premise but the reality is it not only wrong but beyond redemption.Bennet is the worst vigilante I ever saw in my whole life and when the movie give him a chance to make itself a bit more tolerable that is to get rid off the annoying as hell junkie chick "Sandra" the script written by the director himself Ross Boyask screwed that up cause apparently Bennet character "John Gold" sympathy for her and let her be his sidekick while he already got something real good going on with the café owner chick "Rose".I know that the romance aspect in these B-grade action movies nothing more than just a way to make us as the audience find the main character more likable but "Vengeance" somehow managed to screwed that up too
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Limited vengeance
TheLittleSongbird15 October 2018
Saw 'Vengeance' because the idea was somewhat intriguing, despite not being a novel one by any stretch, and revenge have been done well numerous times. Didn't have high expectations but was hardly dubious and was genuinely hoping it would fare better than the less than great, to put to mildly, reception makes out.

The sad news is that count me in as another person who was not impressed by 'Vengeance' at all. If asked whether it was as bad as has been said by most, my answer would be by subjective standards yes it is. Have seen worse but nothing in 'Vengeance' works on any level, am not giving a negative review for malicious reasons. Was actually hoping it would be watchable regardless of how problematic it was, but there is a fine line between that and a film that doesn't look as though it tried particularly hard and 'Vengeance' falls into the latter.

Visually, it is far from slick or stylish. Instead it looks cheap and low budget and hasty time constraints are betrayed in every scene in especially the editing, which is one of those films that was edited on a broken down bacon slicer. The music is intrusive and is one of the film's most annoying assets, also felt it didn't fit at all with the style or the atmosphere of the film and like it was intended for another film.

Direction is never more than static, which is not a good position to be in. At its worst, it is hard to detect any direction as it does struggle maintaining momentum or telling a coherent story, but it is especially bad with the direction of the actors and the character interaction as both are seldom detected.

Furthermore, 'Vengeance' is a dreadfully scripted film. Have not in a while heard dialogue this juvenile or senseless, Key Stage 2 primary school students have written better and that is being serious. The story does nothing new with a less than novel concept, there is no tension or suspense and it is all non-stop predictability and dullness. Complete with sloppily edited and clumsily and seldom, if at all, coherently choreographed action, which lacks excitement and felt 30+ years out of date.

Not a single interesting or likeable character, Sandra is excruciatingly irritating beyond belief. Have come across some annoying characters recently but she takes the cake. The acting is terrible, with Stu Bennett badly lacking the charisma for a role clearly intended to be gritty, parts are over-compensated but most of the time this is a lazy effort for him.

Overall, a failure on every level. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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Potential to be a good film but massive let down
msalra31 August 2018
Trying to be a cheesy American action movie in a small English town. Should have left out the corny speeches before fights. The fight scenes unrealistic. Had the potential to be a good film but massive let down
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Cheap, cliched, and not much fun
Wizard-827 December 2018
It isn't very often that you come across a British action movie, which "Vengeance" (a.k.a. "I am Vengeance") is. But if you are unfortunate enough to watch this movie, you'll see why British filmmakers make very few action movie. It's an awesomely cheap affair, seemingly with interiors filmed in abandoned buildings and empty storefront that have been hastily and skimpily set dressed. The camera is also jammed in close to the actors more often than not (another tell-tale sign of a low budget), and the cinematography is dreary and sometimes blurry. The movie is also saddled with a bad script. The script has absolutely NO surprises; you'll have seen every plot turn in hundreds of American action movies before. The script doesn't even really take advantage of the British setting; with almost no rewriting, this story could be taking place in America. The lead character is also written (and performed, for that matter) to be little more than a brutal thug with no heart or sympathy attached to him. As for the action, it's a long time coming; you have to wait until almost the halfway point for the first real action scene. And when the action does come, it's choreographed and directed in a manner that's lame and confusing at worse, and utterly routine at best. In the end, the movie is only recommended for people who have never seen an action movie before... or any other movie before, for that matter.
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I don't get all the hate.
lookingnewthings5 August 2019
This is not the worst B Grade action movie I have ever seen. Yes, it's cliche, yes, it's predictable. However, you don't watch these types of movies for originality's sake. You watch them because they are meant to be fun. This movie was just that, for me. No exposition, no preaching, no satire. Just straight to the story of a guy getting killed and his buddy showing up to exact revenge. My main complaint is that this movie needed less annoying junkie girl and more fighting sequences.
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Above Average Ol' School B Action Movie
ActionFan-Reviews3 September 2018
Keep in mind most of these direct to VOD, bargain bin action titles are crap. I admit I am a bit of a connoisseur of B-action movies which led me to the generically titled " Vengeance". I had heard of the main star from his WWE days as "Wade Barrett" and from another decent B - Level action film "Eliminators" with fellow action star Scott Adkins. I did not expect much from the movie and I'm sure most people who watch it won't either, but it does deliver on some solid action. Plenty of fights, shootouts, violent bad guy deaths with one liners thrown in for good measure, A good body count from the former WWE star who would do well in other low/mid level action movies. Perhaps a Russian henchman or sidekick to some aging action star. Overall, if you dig these kinds of movies you should give it a watch and ignore the (current) 4.0 rating and enjoy these movies for what they are.

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I am watchable
LukasSpathis8 June 2021
I Am Vengeance was directed and written by Ross Boyask and stars Stu Bennett, Anna Shaffer, Gary Daniels, Bryan Larkin, Alan Calton, Sebastian Knapp, and Kevin Leslie. It follows an ex-special operator as he returns home to find out who killed his best friend and why, making sure to kill all of those responsible along the way.

The Plot: It's hard to be original at this point in cinema, and the reductive attitudes more and more people have don't make it any easier; so I Am Vengeance takes the basic revenge-based action template and tries little to make itself especially different. After the murder of his best friend Dan (Leslie) and his family at the hands of Hatcher (Daniels), ex-soldier turned merc Gold (Bennett) returns to his hometown where it seems that no one is willing to speak up about who killed Dan. After a run-in with Hatcher and goons Marshall (Larkin) and Lambert (Calton), Gold meets Sandra (Shaffer) who knows Keith (Knapp) who knew Dan and got the short end from Hatcher. Following his introduction, Gold is ready to take the baddies down and save the town. There's a conspiracy bent to the story that, while by no means unheard of, does add the slightest bit of depth to a quite surface level story. It's just nice to have some meat on the bones of an action B-Movie while still being an efficient time killer.

The Characters: Everyone in the movie is a walking, talking cliche and there's (again) near zero efforts to challenge the action hero status quo; which is fine but leaves the actors without much to dig in to and the movie feeling closer to a template than something finished. Gold is a pretty archetypical tough guy who can throw down with the best of them thanks to his military background and gun-for-hire lifestyle. Boyask is wise to include an element of mystery about the man. He's been considered a primary target by a shadowy suit who's always watching him and reporting in on what he's doing. It's more window-dressing than character but it's something. Sandra fills the sidekick role out well enough, although Shaffer plays her way too bubbly, which gets old fast. Hatcher and his goons are all played well by the actors, but there's so little to them aside from basic greed that any impression they do happen to make is because of the actors and not the script; which is true for most of the characters here.

The Action: For an action movie, there isn't very much action. There are some decent sequences that make good use of Bennett's aptitude for physicality, but there's only a couple of fights worth remembering. Highlights include a fight inside a drug den between Gold and Lambert and the final showdown between Gold and Hatcher where the both of them get to show off their skills. It's not built up all that well and Bennett isn't on the level of Daniels quite yet in his career, but it does act as a moment where Gold gets to blow off all the steam he had clearly been holding on to for a long time and lets the movie end on a high note. Editing trickery is equal parts obvious and confusing when it does happen. One major fight scene is cut as though Bennett was incapable of action but that couldn't be further from the truth, as is shown whenever he has to take down some fools.

The Technics: This lower budgeted B-Movie manages to have two solidly known faces in the action world while still looking competent, except during some of the fight scenes, which is an accomplishment on its own terms. Conversely, the sounds are subpar at best, with an out of place electronic theme that comes up fairly often and never quite gels with what's happening on screen. Stock sound effects are also used, which by itself isn't any problem, but using the same sound three times in the same scene in a context that doesn't make sense certainly is a problem. Luckily it's only that egregious once, a phrase that suits the movie more than it should. It's well-produced but leaves you wanting more.

As a first outing for a new action hero, I Am Vengeance shows some promise, largely due to Bennett and some good action beats. Unfortunately more often than not, the movie plays it safe, using the same formula with no deviation. With a more playful script there could be something worth franchising, but not quite yet.

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Not that bad--decent action
matvox-4324325 January 2019
It's a decent Netflix action movie. Not that bad. The star is ugly, the characters simplistic, the plot as basic as it gets, but there's plenty of good old fashioned violent revenge. Throw in a few cute women and you have the makings of a regular Grade B movie. What's not to like?
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Stu Bennett legit hard man
kevxzara28 August 2018
The man one thing I loved about this movie is stu Bennett aka wwe bad news barret. This guy plays this part perfectly and is a legit tough guy in real life, a bare knuckle boxing champ, stabbed with a 8inch blade and even beat the guy up somehow after being stabbed, I love stu Bennett a felow guy brought up In Preston Lancashire. Hope he gets bigger roles in better movies,, thumbs up to STU
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One Man Band Revenge Opera
zardoz-1327 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Ross Boyask's "I Am Vengeance" is a standard-issue revenge movie along the lines of Michael Hodges' "Get Carter." Stu Bennett plays John Gold and he smashes a narcotics racket in a small British town named Devotion that is orchestrated by a collection of tough guys with military backgrounds. One of Gold's old army buddies is murdered by these hooligans. They are a nasty bunch who inspire terror in the locals. Gold blows into town and announces that he has come to find out who killed his old friend Sgt. Dan Mason. The bad guys are led by Gary Daniels, and he makes a strong villain. Not bad, but not a Charles Bronson vengeance movie. Stu Bennett has a commanding personality.
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80's gone bad
timjones-8973725 August 2018
With bad acting terrible plot and average fighting scenes this was a flop. Sandra was the main reason for the ludicrous acting don't waste your time
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If you like action, you could do worse
dara-fink27 August 2018
I'm usually not a fan of writer/director movies, but this takes the Hollywood revenge movie just a little more over the top.

A few plot discontinuities and a some of the dialog was, well, amateurish - but a very solid effort. Much colstlier movies haven't delivered as much.

For a little mindless entertainment, this is worth the time.
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Awful writing
genetk4418 April 2019
And terrible directing and very amateur acting. Storyline was absurd,no logicto it. Really, no redeeeming qualities to this piece of junk.
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This would have worked beautifully as a comedy.....
s327616926 August 2018
In one sense Vengeance is a missed opportunity. As a satirical comedic take on the action revenge genre it could have been a real winner.

Regrettably any humour to be derived from this flick has more to do with its obvious "B grade" credentials combined with the fact it tries far too hard, to take itself seriously. The result is farcical affair with corny characterisations, deadpan, often monosyllabic dialogue, awkward action scenes and a starkly basic plot that's an unsophisticated "retread of a retread".

One to watch after a six pack or two. 4/10 from me.
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Ok movie
tklbny31 July 2019
Not bad action movie just don't care for the profanity. Stopped watching because of it.
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seldrv26 September 2019
I have seen some bad films but this beats them all, i think the actors should look for a different vocation
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Best B-movie I have seen in a long time
kipper-122 June 2020
I was actually impressed by this movie. There was a coherent plot, credible action scenes and most of all much better acting than I expected from this category. The hero, the villains, the supporting cast - they were all very good; I've seen much worse in blockbusters.

This sort of vengeance movies are usually based in the US, so it was nice to see a British village as the venue too.
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As bad as it gets!
stembeachlime30 January 2019
Some of the worst acting you're ever find! Can't add much more than that...lol
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Good Movie!
tkarlmann12 November 2018
Revenge flicks are my cup of tea. This one is very good. Loved that this film didn't take itself too seriously -- as shown in the very good female characters -- good comedy relief there too.
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Good action and fight choreography
tomrussell-7101515 December 2020
Dodgy writing here and there. Good lead acting performances but my main annoyance is how these "Highly trained soldiers" can't hit a barn door with an RPG. The amount of rounds let off from they're weapons without hitting the target is just silly. Overall enjoyed the film though
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So dumb it's funny
rdamian196319 October 2020
Don't have expectations. Acting is fairly poor and the fight scenes are almost comical. It's poorly entertaining
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