Cats (2019) Poster


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A disastrous show of pompous and inconsequential gibberish, garish visuals and tedious storytelling
themadmovieman21 December 2019
I've got nothing against movie musicals, director Tom Hooper, or even anybody who's a part of making this film. But goodness me, Cats is an absolute monstrosity. Garish, non-sensical, boring and everything in between, it's a pompous and pointless musical that plays out with barely a redeeming feature, proving one of the most unbearable cinema experiences I've had in a very long time.

While I haven't been a big fan of Hooper's work in the past, particularly Les Misérables, Cats pales in comparison to anything the director has made before, failing on all levels in its pathetic attempts to provide even a semblance of fun, magical theatre, and instead staggering along through its repetitive and frankly tedious story on its way to a terrible ending that can't come soon enough.

There's nothing positive I have to say about this movie. Les Misérables, for all its faults, at least had a degree of spectacle, emotion and drama, whereas Cats is little more than an experiment gone wrong: a horrifying Frankenstein's monster that attempts to blend modern cinematic techniques with classic West End storytelling.

First, the visual effects are extremely offputting. Whether it's the uncanny CGI human/cat-like figures, the inconsistent and distracting scaling and sizing issues, or even the plasticky, garish look of the whole film, Cats is a really unpleasant spectacle. And for all of the technical expertise that clearly went into pulling it off, it all feels squandered on a misguided and painfully showy movie.

Next, Hooper's directing is jagged and meandering throughout. While the screenplay is hardly a work of art, Cats lacks even the slightest bit of show-stopping stage energy, symptomatic of direction that leaves the film wandering aimlessly right the way through.

Hooper's visual style is uninspiring and unimaginative, the musical and dance numbers are repetitive and dull, and even the biggest, best dramatic set-pieces are completely missing any sort of real presence, instead just fading into the movie's jarringly inconsistent structure.

The pacing is a massive problem throughout, as the film shirks the need for even a basic three-act structure in exchange for a horribly repetitive yet still inconsistent layout. Basically, for two hours, it goes like this: Dialogue, mini song, big musical number. Dialogue, mini song, big musical number. And repeat. Again and again and again.

In that, Cats proves so boring, so predictable, and clearly so without life that it's happy to just sit and move you from one musical number to the next. A great movie musical should organically blend song and dialogue, with each complementing the other with the goal of developing the story wherever possible.

Cats is so aimless and repetitive, that the pathetic excuse for a story barely seems to move at any point. Instead, it's just a vehicle for big West End musical numbers on the big screen, all built up to in jarring fashion that makes each song more awkward than the last.

That story, too, is almost unbearable throughout. I won't pass judgment on the original stage show, but in the case of this film, the plot is non-sensical, the characters uninteresting, the screenplay unfocused, and the emotion painfully superficial.

A little bit of fantasy is fine by me, but when a film is constantly repeating its fantasy mumbo-jumbo about cats being sent to heaven or something or other, it gives no incentive to keep watching, worsened by a total lack of character focus or even a consistent main lead.

Francesca Hayward plays the young, new cat to join the tribe, so you'd think that she would be the main focus for the story. However, the movie is so distracted by trying to cram in as many A-listers and side characters as possible that the whole thing feels like an endless meet-and-greet, still introducing new characters deep into the latter stages, and not even giving a second to let Hayward's cat take centre stage.

There's no story because it barely gets going. For what feels like an hour and a half, the film jumps between random characters' introductory musical numbers, and then, remembering it has to wrap things up in a two-hour window, abruptly shifts to tying up loose ends that were never really established in the first place.

As a result, despite the immense acting talent on display, none of the characters are memorable, and none play even a leading role for you to connect with at any point. Alongside Hayward, there's Robbie Fairchild and Laurie Davidson, both of whom seem to be on screen enough to warrant a leading role, but neither even gets the slightest bit of attention from the screenplay.

So, whenever their characters take any sort of role in the main plot, it comes across as sudden and out of left-field, a problem only caused because the movie spends so much time trying to entertain you with A-listers dressed as CGI cats. But even for all the Taylor Swift cameos in the world, it's surely not worth steamrolling simple character and narrative development.

In short, Cats is an absolute atrocity. From a director with an already wobbly track record in the musical genre, this film is an utter disaster, failing to capture any sense of spectacle or fun, and instead meandering and wandering through a non-sensical, boring and predictable story that's seemingly used mostly as a platform for some big West End musical numbers and A-list cameos.

There's nothing good to say about Cats, and unless you really want two hours of pain at the cinema, I suggest you stay as clear as possible.
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What were they thinking?
itsnotrafi20 December 2019
I can't imagine how much the actors must've been paid to have this in their resume. From Swift to Elba, JHud to Rebel Wilson. Judy Dench, even! No amount of acting talent could save this sorry excuse for a self-indulgent furry fantasy
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I have never left a movie halfway through before
geoagough28 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
As a fan of the original cats stage production i saw the movie with the tiniest bit of hope that i would enjoy it. i have never been so wrong. the jokes weren't funny, the songs were changed awkwardly, the acting was mediocre at best and the cgi was downright terrifying.

i have given it one extra star, though, for mister mistoffelees.
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Staring at a wall is a far better use of your time.
GrantKanigan25 December 2019
There is a wall in my house. The wall is a simple wall, eight feet tall, and fifteen feet wide, it sits in a corner in the basement. It has been painted beige, with a few coats to cover up the bumps and scratches from coats before. It's got it's idiosyncrasies, the way the light jumps off the paint, the not so even drywalling underneath. Stare at it long enough, and it begins to speak to you - or at least allow you to speak to it. Maybe there's something to the wall - or maybe it's just my romantic illusions of inspiration and contemplation that bring life to it. My point is this - staring at that blank wall for two hours is far more inspiring, interesting and enlightening than watching even just two minutes of the cinematic colonoscopy that is "Cats." A film so awful, so ridiculous and so void of substance its very existence is an affront to musicals, film and theatre. Unless you're a fan of 'so bad it's good' cinema, stay away. This is a watershed moment in bad movie history.
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Worst Movie I Have Ever Seen
sjreid200321 December 2019
Sorry to pile on, but in my 55 years I have never walked out of a movie until now. We had high hopes, we love musicals, but good lord, this was awful on every level.
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saraah_xo2 February 2020
The most entertaining part of this entire movie was reading these hilariously bad reviews. It was SO boring and hard to watch.
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Strong contender for the worst film ever made
andrewsk85 January 2020
In 25 years this film will have a weird cult following, and an aged James Franco will make a "meta" film about it. Until then, it will remain universally regarded as an utter shambles.
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Should be considered as a crime against humanity
nxescii25 December 2019
Honestly I wish I was joking. Just everything was completely terrible. James Corden was cripplingly awful but that's nothing particularly surprising. Leaving the cinema I'd felt as if my soul had been sucked dry. Avoid at all cost.
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The best horror movie since 2018's Hereditary.
irishboy14124 December 2019
This film is truely a masterpeice in unintentional horror. The effects are so special I'm going to have nightmares for weeks to come. Why they didn't just dress the actors in costumes and makeup I have no idea, either the filmmakers are lazy or someone wanted to push the boundries of visual effects. Cats pushes those effects right off a cliff into the uncanny valley. The design and look is freakin disgusting.

I never saw the stage musical, so I didn't know what I was in for. This movie that has no plot, it's just a bunch of random cats introducing themselves. I tried to enjoy it as a so-bad-it's-good cringefest, but the lack of plot and the terrible effects make it impossible.

If you can't even look at the screen without feeling annoyed & disgusted, it's impossible to enjoy it in anyway.

Thanks Tom Hooper.
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I Prayed For The First Time in Decades. What a disaster.
jerseypiper7725 December 2019
I'm not a praying man, but I was praying so hard for this movie to end. From the fist minute, I knew this movie was going to be a disaster. What a waste of talented actors.
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What were they thinking?
tarodgers-7724521 December 2019 just...I can't....I...I got nothing.

Theatre is theatre for a reason.
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crazy-chicken-man18 December 2020
The most well thought out horror movies ever. You'll never ever look at your cat the same again.
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Not sure if I watched the same movie as other people.
emilymoore-5789330 December 2019
I'm probably going to get attacked for this, but I didn't think the movie was that bad. Yes, the cats had human teeth but what do you expect when it's a group of humans, dressing up as cats? The singing was great and the dancing/choreography was also phenomenal. The cast and crew work really hard and hey if you hate it, you hate it but I'm just confused as to how the reviews are so awful.
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I almost put my Cat up for adoption....
tashlast12 January 2020
If I thought I had any will to live before, this movie destroyed it. I went home traumatized, my beloved cat of 4 years was on my bed sleeping and I almost called the adoption center to put her up on their listing. I didn't get rid of her, but I can never look at her or other cats the same way again.

Rating -60/5
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Keep a good stack of holy water around if you wanna watch it.
kamranRa21 December 2019
This is what Dante saw in one of his dreams. also this is traumatizing for children so if you are 22 or older go watch it.
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Cats is the worst movie of the decade.
joystick5323 December 2019
My body and soul was not ready for what I just witnessed.
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My eyes! 😣
dtlacey7820 December 2019
Not entirely sure what I just witnessed but man, that was.......weird. Went in hoping it was gonna be so bad it was good but alas it was so bad it was just plain awful. Self-indulgent & oddly even the A-list cast seemed terrible. Kids will love it no doubt, grown-ups not so much.
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"Am I having a stroke?"
djtachi25 January 2020
"Are we both having strokes?" That was my girlfriend's review Still not sure but I think my brain weighs less now
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I'm in soo much pain right now , so much pain . Please make the pain stop , please ...this movie...noooooooo
salimarsiwala22 December 2019
Do not watch this under any circumstances , this movie is a dangerous to your mental and physical health
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Load of rubbish
barawlings-5653220 December 2019
Not a lot more I can add to the reviews that have already been written. The directors obviously thought that by throwing a load of A list actors at this it would somehow make up for it's short comings. James Corden was terrible (as usual).
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So this is film making in 2019?
benhume197224 December 2019
Rise of the skywalker "im the worst movie of 2019"

Cats "hold my coat"
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Changed my life
tsparis-5424912 March 2020
I got to get real with you. Before this movie, I had high functioning depression. I tried all the methods of beating it. I took meds, I snorted curry, but nothing would stop it. Then the trailer dropped. It was like the clouds parted. Seeing James Corden as a cat was all I needed. In the days to come, I looped the trailer over and over. I couldn't get enough. When the movie came out, I bought the first ticket, trampled a girl to get in, and sat in the first row. And all my sadness dissipated. It was beautiful. In that moment I had an out of body experience. Seeing Judy Dench lick her leg and watching Taylor Swift being slightly less annoying than usual all combined with James Corden was too much. I got home that night and threw out all my meds and curry. I didn't need them anymore. Since then I have devoted myself to watching the movie five times a day while sitting on my head. I am the proud owner of so many cats, I lost count. My neighbors think me strange and Dad said something about disowning me, but it matters not. I have all I need. I no longer shower so I can make time for this glorious masterpiece. The sight of Jason Derulo crawling around alone is enough to wash my body clean enough for years. My hair practically cleans itself now. I can only hope you experience this meowsterpiece in the same way I did. Cats gets a 10/10. It's the least I can give it.
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You either Like it or Hate it
chaz_and_meh13 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The same can be said for the Broadway stage production of Cats. People either like it or can't understand it & dismiss it as trash. But that is how all art is. One person looks at a painting on a wall worth thousands of dollars, where the artist literally just took a brush & flung paint randomly onto the canvas in nonsensical patterns & calls it 'modern art' & someone else looks at it & says, "my toddler could have done better for free." Everyone is entitled to their opinion but it may be helpful to know where people are coming from to see the bias of their opinion.

Someone who has never seen the stage production, probably won't like this at all, even though the movie has more (believe it or not) story & plot than the stage version. Also people who don't like musicals or are used to people singing dialogue, instead of just saying it, probably won't enjoy this movie either. People who don't see "art" in bizarre poetry with nonsensical words, probably won''t understand either the play or movie & get frustrated & angry because they don't know what is going on & people don't like to feel stupid, so they will blame the art itself for not spoon-feeding them everything. People who don't like dancing probably won't enjoy Cats either because most of the show is dancing. People of the lowest common denominator who are looking for explosions or quick 1-liner jokes every 2 seconds or some complicated hidden plot twist, have no business watching Cats. People who expect every song to be top a 40 hit will not like Cats either because again, the songs are meant to express the dialogue, not end up on the radio. Most musicals have 1 or 2 (maybe 3 if they are lucky) memorable songs that could be radio-worthy & for Cats, the only song of that caliber is "Memory." But even for an epic song that good, it doesn't have as big of an impact if the context is lost on most of the audience. It is hard to "feel" for the characters if their backstory is not shown/demonstrated/explained in detail. A couple lines of exposition that are easily missed if not paying close attention is not enough to make a character "likeable" or "relatable" to modern audiences.

Also, if a character is supposed to be an old destitute homeless bum with nothing, they should look like one. Other than a scar by her eye & some not 'purrfect' fur, Grizabella looked fine & quite beautiful. It is harder to feel empathy & sad for someone if they don't look like they should have much to be sad about. In spite of that I think Jennifer Hudson was amazing in her acting in her face & her eyes. It is only because of her looks of cautious surprise & "I'm not sure if you're going to hurt me" expressions when Victoria attempted to befriend her that made me feel anything for Grizabella at all. She totally encapsulated the look of someone who is familiar with being hurt, abused, & betrayed throughout her life. In her song, she mentions the memories of her past, yet we know virtually nothing about her past other than she used to be a glamour cat & was with Macavity at one point. And that is all. But in spite of that her version of "Memory" still blew me away & is my favorite version of the song ever. Some people have complained that the fact that her nose was running because she was crying while she was singing was distracting to them. What? If an old homeless hag was singing about their terrible life, you think they would be smiling? Laughing? No, they would be sobbing, uncontrollably, just like Jennifer Hudson was. She didn't just sing the song so it could be technically perfect, she 'lived' the song fully by putting herself into the character she was playing. Does seeing emotion like that make you uncomfortable? Was that too raw for you? When you see a homeless person on the corner, do you look the other way? Sorry, not everything is sunshine & rainbows & happy endings all the time. Life sucks for most people most of the time with a few bright spots along the way. That's reality. And even though this musical is obviously a fantasy, making it somewhat realistic & relatable is what art is about. It is about having an experience where you hopefully feel something & are changed as a result. But again art is not for everyone.

Is this movie 'purrfect'? Absolutely not. Could it have been better? Totally, in a bunch of ways that have already been related in detail by other reviewers. Were there some cringe-worthy scenes? 100% for sure in the Gumby-cat & Glutton-cat songs. Is it the worst movie of all time? Not in the least, unless you are one of the people mentioned above that really should stick to the cookie-cutter Hollywood movies that you are used to. No offense, really. People like what they like & don't have to like everything that someone else likes. I actually really enjoyed many of the other comments & lol at the creativity of expression in how seeing this movie somehow destroyed their lives. They deserve some credit & props for their gift with humorous words. :-)

Any time something is adapted from one art medium to another there are going to be purists that want things to be the same & any changes are an offense. If everything was going to be exactly the same, what would be the point of making it again? But by changing things, it gives a chance for a different interpretation & maybe even a modernization. A lot of people seem to have issues with the motion-capture & the CGI cat fur not passing the 'uncanny valley' threshold & I can see their point but I find the movie version much more enjoyable than the stage production's terribly gaudy makeup & over-the-top costumes, but that is just my opinion. I know some really like the crazy costume design of the Broadway shows. To each their own, I guess. In the movie, you can almost believe that they are some sort of cat, albeit a fantasy cat, since your pet cat at home probably doesn't talk, sing or dance, or have a human face, hands, & feet.

Some have suggested that the CGI should have just been full 100% cat, but then you lose the important emotional performance that is in the actor's/actresses' face & eyes. The face & eyes are really the window to the soul in conveying the emotion of the story & what you are trying to portray. Using motion capture & CGI helps to not lose that part of the performance. If seeing a human face on a cat body disturbs someone then maybe more practice with using one's imagination might be in order. Some people were bothered by lackluster singing by some of the characters & I can see their point since this is a musical. Being a good singer is 'typically' part of getting a job in a musical. But if the artist is interested in making something 'not typical' that seems a little more realistic than a world where every single individual is a perfect singer & nobody ever sings off key, then they might make a musical where some are more talented with dancing (or something else) instead of singing 'purrfectly'.

Could they have made a different version of this that was dumbed down & Americanized so that a wider audience could have enjoyed it & understood it more? Absolutely, but they seemed to want to stay quite close to the British stage version so that this would still be similar enough for those familiar with it & yet different enough so they could make this version their own interpretation.

So in summary, I would only recommend this to those who are theater-inclined or those who enjoy art & are not looking for 'purrfection' or an exact reiteration of the Broadway show. And to be honest, even though I enjoyed the movie as a whole, there are parts that I did not like. The best part, in my opinion, is from 1:25:08 - 1:36:55 & is the only part that I have re-watched many times. Full disclosure: I actually have never seen the Broadway show in its entirety, but I do enjoy theatre generally, even though it is not as widely available here in the USA as it is in England. I also enjoy some art & educated & cultured activities including musicals & dancing with Les Miserables probably being my most favorite & have not found a version (stage or film) I do not enjoy, including Mr Hooper's version, with the live singing. To me it made it more realistic & emotionally raw & compelling.
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austinryansae6 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie made me a dog person. I have no been so disturbed in my life.
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In the Litter Box
drednm20 December 2019
CGI mess of a movie with caterwauling "stars" in ugly costumes and abysmal dance numbers based on the hit Broadway musical.

The movie is ugly to look at and is an assault on the ears with Jennifer Hudson screaming at the top of her lungs and every other "singer" shown in loving close-up as they mug through their numbers. This includes Judi Dench, Ian McKellen, James Corden, Rebel Wilson, Taylor Swift and others.

Really, I thought Hudson was trying to cough up a hairball. She should have. It would have been the highlight of the film.
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