Confessions of a Teenage Jesus Jerk (2017) Poster

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Religions are for idiots.
deloudelouvain26 November 2020
I used to live in Belgium, in a big city, where Jehovah's Witnesses were constantly harassing people trying to get you on their train of ridiculous beliefs. I really enjoyed talking to them, just to let them see how dumb they sounded, but I have to admit it's like talking to a wall, a bunch of brainwashed retards from the Middle Ages. I talked with them for hours, mainly just to amuse myself, and to answer their questions with scientific facts, and sometimes I saw the younger ones that were not completely brainwashed yet that there might be a logical answer to their questions. The elder of their groups are just lost forever, no reasoning with those mentally challenged ones. Now I live in Spain, very remote, and never have anybody knocking on my door anymore. Jehovah's Witnesses are now replaced by very catholic people, they basically believe the same nonsense but don't harass you about it. To me it doesn't matter what you believe, whether you're Muslim, Catholic, Mormon, Jehovah's Witness, or whatever other of thousands religions, as long as you keep your disillusions for yourself and don't harm anybody, be my guest, but I'm entitled to believe you're all a bunch of idiots, that's my belief. That said this movie is a good representation of the Jehovah's Witnesses. I can say that as I know a couple of friends that used to be in this sect, before they finally saw the light and left their congregations to live a normal life, and finally truly enjoy life like everybody should. Confessions Of A Teenage Jesus Jerk is more a coming of age movie, about children questioning everything and experiencing their sexuality. To me all religions are crazy, but some are just a bit crazier than others, Jehovah's Witness is one of them. The movie is well made, has a comedy touch to it if you're a non-believer, but I can see believers being offended by it, but then again they are so gullable and dumb I wonder if they would really get the irony.
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Not what it seems from the title.
Frame-By-Frame4 July 2018
I was expecting to see some sort of mocking religious comedy that would entertain on a comedy level only. This film is not that at all. It's actually a well crafted drama and more a coming of age film. Saying that, it does have its funny moments and I think the writers achieved a good balance between showing the faith and discipline whilst not knocking it too much. Personally, whilst I have no interest in what Jehova Witnesses preach I do have a lot of respect for their choice and determination. As long as I can say NO to them at the door. The only problem I do have is when they force their belief on people unable to make a proper choice and it leads to misery and tragedy. Some of that misery and tragedy is touched upon in this film. There are a few dialogues during the film from older Jehova Witnesses about why they joined the religion. This is an unusual twist in film making but it does seem to fit in ok. Overall the acting and production standards are excellent. The lead character is well cast and gives an amazing performance. Don't be put off by the religious element. The film neither ridicules or promotes the religion, rather it shows what growing up in a strict Jehova Witness family environment during the Reagan years could be like. An unusual film that held my interest right to the end. My rating 7/10 Recommended
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Confessions of a Teenage Selfish Jerk
theblerd24 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, I thought this movie was pretty accurate portrayal of life growing up a Jehovah's Witness. Until our main character Gabe has sex with his cousin. Lemme repeat that. The main character. The one we're supposed to root for and feel for. Had sex. With. His. Cousin. And from that point on he becomes more and more of a selfish prick, only concerned about his own desires, as evident by when he sexually assaults his longtime crush, who is not only engaged but repeatedly tells him, no I can't while bawling her eyes out. This is the protagonist? We're supposed to feel for this? If I was his father and I found out my son slept with his cousin and sexually assault a young engaged sister, I would've kicked him out of my house too.

There were some really sad emotional beats in the movie such as when his best friend committed suicide after being disfellowshipped for spreading apostasy with the Crisis of Conscience book. And unfortunately, in the 80's, mental health wasn't as much of a thing so no one around his friend could see the signs that his mental health was struggling so bad. And unlike what his father said, we do not teach suicide is murder. Jehovah can and will take into consideration any mental health issues that weren't addressed when he makes his judgement.

Overall, it feels like the movie is trying to say, look at how screwed up I am because I was raised a Jehovah's Witness. But if this truly was based on the director's life I would tell him, no you're screwed up because you had sex with you cousin. And it turned you into a terrible person.
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Long road to nowhere
joeyford-553423 November 2023
Eric Stoltz directs this movie which takes a long time to get nowhere. I guess religion hurt him sometime in his youth and so he feels the need to tell everybody how bad it is. Jehovah's witness is certainly a cult and makes it Fair game. Most Christian religions on the other hare not as foreboding as this sad little tale lead you to believe. There's a nudity that makes it worthwhile but overall not a very fun movie. Just a depressing look at a depressing time in Somebody's depressing Life with overbearing parents and a church that wants to Control every aspect of their existence Then take all of their Money. Would not recommend this one.
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Great film and book
jamiewoods-067466 September 2018
Growing up as a Jehovah's Witness myself, the film is very relatable, a good peek into what it's like as a teen in the religion. Very worth a watch even if you have never been involved with any JWs.
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Coming of age of a Teenage Jesus Jerk
JGReviews6 January 2020
I decided to check out this new movie because it sounded like the type of indie coming-of-age movie that I tend to like, well that and I was curious about Eric Stoltz's directorial debut, and Confessions of a Teenage Jesus Jerk did not disappoint. The film is a really interesting story about a young man who is having to deal head on with sexuality as he is getting older, yet balance that with the fact that he is a Jehovah's Witness. Now I wasn't that familiar with what being a Jehovah's Witness entails, but it became clear that this created a unique yet still relatable situation for the lead character and many of us watching who have had to deal with perhaps different, but similarly conservative upbringings. One of the early scenes is an incredibly awkward encounter where the guy doesn't even know what to do with bare boobs in front of him.

If you're interested in a well made indie coming-of-age film that deals with the complexities of maturing within a conservative religion, then definitely check out Confessions of a Teenage Jesus Jerk! Highly recommend.
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Had to be written as a bio
cornishbev29 April 2018
As I watched it I thought this had to be written by someone who experienced growing up as a Jehovah Witness as the authenticity and the struggles were so accurately portrayed. I thoroughly enjoyed this film and felt the character development was tremendous - the main actor in particular was extraordinary.
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Balances respecting people's faith, with the realities of being a Jehovah Witness
LLgoatJ3 May 2018
I'm not a fan of Jehovah Witness after my wife was harrassed on the door step and had to call the police to get rid of them. I am also not particularly religious but I still enjoyed this film. Although this obviously has a great deal to do with the religion, at its heart it really is just a coming of age film.

The film follows Gabe and his friends as they try and be teenagers while following the strict religion that punishes them with not being allowed to interact with other Jehovah Witnesses. Of course being teenagers they break all the rules.

This is not a religious film. There is sex shown and mentioned but nothing explicit. Although there is a comical but explicit integration of a new adult recruit about accidental anal sex with his wife. I wouldn't watch it with your nan.

Overall I enjoyed this film. There are funny and sad parts. The film showed the harsh realities of being a Jehovah Witness but at the same time did not preach that people who choose this religion are bad or stupid people. The film has moments with older Jehovah Witnesses about why they joined the religion. Although it doesn't make it clear if these were genuine or actors.

The whole Jehovah Witness thing may put people off but they are missing out on a decent film. The film is basically a coming of age film just with the twist of being set with the turmoil of a religion that frowns upon all the urges and things you want to do as a teenager.
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Jehovah's Witness to the Raw Dirty Cult Core
MayhemFilmKreations8 January 2020
This film shows a smidge of how a Jehovah's Witness life is like in this religion. Totally on point about life inside the JW cult. To think this is just one person's story, but still, you get the picture painted nicely and get the idea of how screwed up things are inside this cult. The book Crisis of Conscience was in this movie and as a Jehovah's Witness, if you're caught reading it, it can be extremely devastating and brutal. I enjoyed everything in this film. The acting was brilliant! It also was beautifully shot and produced and defiantly keeps ones attention to the very end as the story intensely unfolds. Bravo!!! This is a must-see motion picture!!!
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religous wrestlemania.....
ops-5253526 April 2018
Its not a documentary,itsnot a mocumentary either,but what religous sturdyness can do to people,young as old is amazing,both in a good or bad sense . i shall not decide whats right,but having grown up in a less to one per cent religious environment,i'm thankfull to my parents for that. after watching this well acted movie . in fact ,it has the ambitions of a great comedy,but it isnt,even though i giggeled inbetween. you will not regret it if your watching it,and by all means,dont ask for permission......
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It's about Jehovah Witnesses not Mormons
abbdoc-4845023 April 2018
I enjoyed this movie Eric Stolz does the subject matter justice with empathy I do however wonder if the reviewer who mentioned it's Mormon based has actually watched the movie as it's patently obvious and quoted in quantum throughout the movie that it's about Jehovah Witnesses!
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It's Faith Versus Hormones
TheAll-SeeingI2 November 2019
At the intersection of hormonal overdrive and the social programming of a young Jehovah's Witness comes the rad '80's throwback, "Confessions of a Teenage Jerk," the film adaptation of Tony DuShane's infamous book by that same name. Famously, not every great read translates to the big screen, but with DuShane penning the screenplay, it's easy to see why this one hits across the board.

Gabe (Sasha Feldman) is said teenage jerk. It's tough to say he's got his Rebel Yell on quite yet, but questions surrounding his family-provided faith are starting to seep through his newfound cracks. Like many faiths, inheriting this one apparently comes with prerequisite responsibilities levied by pressure from a devout family (pops is a church elder) and the religious institution they exist to serve. Yet Gabe also finds himself as a lad overwhelmed by the conflicting ravages of testosterone, and from that dichotomous push-and-pull, a highly enjoyable film is born: Gabe's loins implore him to get laid, yet his well-conditioned mind implores him to serve his God and play the long game. Along the way, Gabe pays witness to his cousin's breasts; elsewhere, confessions to "accidental" sodomy are offered by a clearly repentant church husband. Gabe somewhat innocuously falls in disfavor of his church, causing further cracks along the fault lines of the family dynamic, where all is already not too well (dad has a hair trigger temper, and mom is an escapist boozer). Typical American family, then, is Gabe's.

In the balance, "Confessions of a Teenage Jerk" succeeds in projecting far beyond the confines of its religious footprint: God or no God, so many of us have negotiated life's early tug of war in which our hand-me-down game plan must be reconciled with one that speaks to us personally. From that standpoint, "Confessions of a Teenage Jerk" has a truly broad-based appeal as a terrific piece of entertainment worthy of our collective indulgence. - Was this review of use to you? If so, let me know by clicking "Helpful." Cheers!
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sewisidalj8420 June 2018
This movie was a real insight into life as a Jehovah's Witness. Gabe (portrayed by Sasha Feldman), struggled with life as a member of the religion, as well as trying to be a normal teenager. Psychologically, he attempts to avoid "getting in trouble" while doing things normal teenagers do, fearing punishment from the strict religion. Sasha really stole the show, as well as the other cast did phenomenal. I would recommend this film to anyone!
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JW Drama
darcyweir4 January 2020
Jehovah's witness religion has always been on the periphery of my mind. After watching this film I learned alot about what it must be like to be trapped inside this cult. The family is it's own self contained unit, reinforcing and entrapping all members to the faith of JW. Anyone that challenges their ways is seen as an outsider and can be punished through humiliation.

I'm actually a huge fan of Eric Stoltz and this film. This story he crafted takes us on the journey of one adolescent man who tries to navigate modern life in a funny, satirical and dramatic way as a JW cult member.
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Twisted coming of age
cbax12323 March 2020
This is a really intriguing story about a teenager trying to figure it out. Trying to figure out his sexuality as what he knows so deeply goes against his religion. These types of stories are eye-opening, especially if you've never lived anything like this. This film is real, and we need more real films.
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This movie is deep and worth your time to watch.
suzeqrocks-4881612 March 2018
Confessions of a Teen Age Jesus Jerk is a brilliantly crafted depiction the psychological turmoil and trauma that young members of the Mormon faith experience, due to the extreme conservatism of the religion. Instead of your typical "coming of age" movie, this peek behind the scenes of such a strict dogma, demonstrates the mental and emotional scars it leaves on it's young people. Coming from an upbringing in a different conservative religion, I can completely empathize. I could barely stand the pressure that was put on these kids. It's a must see for anyone that has broken free from a conservative childhood. The writing feels authentic to each character's roll and the acting is superb. I truly hope that this movie will support those who need it most, bring light to the dark shadows of religious conservatism and the possibility for all humans to be fully self expressed without the confines of dogmatic religion. Watch this movie, it will help you have compassion for other, which connects us all. In-joy.
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Truly CHILLING reality of growing up a JW.
barbcast-417247 May 2020
Only those who lived it will ever understand. Those committee meetings (aka courtroom judgements) that they portray where strange older men question teens about actual sexual acts down to the details are REAL. THIS HAPPENED EVERY DAY and STILL DOES if you are a JW.

So many of my friends who didn't get it do now that they have watched this. If you have no interest in JWs, please just move on and don't bother, you won't care. But if you have someone you love, someone raised in this awful cult of abuse, PLEASE WATCH THIS FILM WITH THEM. It's the best way you can show your support, and believe me, after you watch it, you'll understand why you had to.
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Worth watching!!
craigahrens15 January 2020
I usually don't watch movies like this but... my gosh was I impressed. This film is so well done. I enjoyed the actors (they were all so good), the story and the look of this film. My hat is off to the director who kept me engaged throughout. The film contains a lot of good moments in it. I strongly suggest this movie to anyone looking for a fun time. This film is for sure worth checking out!!
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Honest, accurate, without bashing, and surprisingly really funny
rjk200023 January 2020
I didn't know what to expect from this movie. I grew up among a lot of Jehovah's Witnesses, and I had friends who were cast out staying at my place while they got their life together. This film truly captures what it was like and what my friends went through -- trying to live up to the teachings while still trying to resist their natural urges. This film does not bash Jehovah's Witnesses -- it's actually quite good at being honest in its portrayal. No character is an outright villain which makes the story so much more tragic. But what's surprising about this film is how absolutely funny it is. This is an impressive indie.
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Heightened coming of age story
caseykilloran15 January 2020
This sexually fuel coming of age story is heightened when you write it from the protective of a Jehovah's Witness. I thought this 80's throwback was the perfect film to watch on a Sunday night. The lead is quirky and lovable as he messes up every situation he is in. I root for him the whole way. I recommend it.
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kjs114423 February 2020
This is a fascinating coming of age story, about a young man's struggle with his own desires and the pressures of the adults around him. The directing and the acting are excellent, and the story really holds your interest the entire time. The film is compelling and is a fascinating character study.
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Compelling Religious Drama.
harriscalvin-110 January 2020
Confessions of a Teenage Jesus Jerk is a really intresting look at the complex lives of a group of teenages dedicated to their faith as Jehovah Witnesses, but still dealing with the everyday realities of being a teenager. The subject matter is believable. I thought the lead actors did really well and the camera work, editing, & music were spot on. A thought provoking and educational film about the challenges of becoming an adult and religion.
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Interesting coming of age story about a Jehovah's Witness
jason-ancona13 January 2020
Confessions of a Teenage Jesus Jerk is a semi-autobiographical story about a young man (Gabe) who is struggling with his faith and the rules he must abide by. All while dealing with the conflicts and wants of a teenage male. Programmed to believe one way, while questioning things that differentiate from church rules. Interesting tale and well told. Based on the novel by the same name.
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