Hanky Panky (2023) Poster


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nikohlashiggins11 May 2024
You can definitely tell this as a low budget movie. The idea of a sentient handkerchief is an awesome idea. This movie reminds me of some of the other b horror movies I've seen like Jack Frost or the stuff. The introduction scene goes on a little too long, some of the interactions are redundant. The scenes are carried by the dialogue most of the time. Normally in movies it's show don't tell but this movie seems to be more tell and less show. The dialogue carrying the film is a huge negative because some of the dialogue is so dry and awkward. The ADR sometimes takes me out of the scenes because it sounds so different from the dialogue In the room. In conclusion, interesting concept but I think this movie suffers from the lack of budget.
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Feels like a Student Short Film
janicekim-8445527 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
From the opening credits, the movie references The Shining, and has a rather goofy running and eventual death scene. It is clear from the movie's opening, tone, music, and poster that it's supposed to be a horror comedy. But there is a disconnect in the lighting and scene setting that takes away from that horror comedy 'feel', and quite distractingly sets the scene to feel more like a sitcom.

Every scene seems to have bright lighting that doesn't match the tone of the scene itself. Even in scenes with graphic violence, the atmosphere never feels scary, dark, moody, or really even different because there is always very bright and even lighting. There are almost no lighting nuances that lend itself to the horror part of this horror comedy. Even in a scene that does create a different atmosphere with lighting, the commitment to very even lighting throughout the film made the switch-up distracting rather than adding to the film. The scene was when Sam and Carla dig through the snow to get through the window. In the shot within the room, there is a darkness element that matches the panicked and dark tone of the shot, but then immediately switches to a shot from the outside looking into the room, which has the same bright and even lighting throughout the film. This stark contrast leaves a huge disconnect that is very confusing. It looks like two different scenes that are not connected to each other in any way.

Every scene seems to be shot in a way that focuses on everything within the scene without any attempts at bokeh. It subconsciously makes it difficult for the audience to decide on what to look at, should we focus on the person talking, or to the other characters reacting near them? Even outside of characters themselves, there are almost no shots where there is a depth of field, complexity, or balance between the foreground, middleground, and background. There really is no difference to any of them, they might as well all exist in the same depth of field. It makes it seem like the entire film was shot on a phone or a wide lens camera with no intentionality on focus.

These are all crucial elements that give this movie an amateurish quality of a student short film as opposed to a feature length film. I am also not sure if the poor quality of the special effects was intentionally made to be bad in a "so bad it's good" way or not.

As for the good, the acting is great. All the characters had believable lines and performances that felt real. I didn't find the dialogue and plot particularly funny or compelling, but the chemistry and feel of the characters were convincing. It's very clear that all the actors were very skilled and talented. This strength in the film is what does set it apart from a student short film where you would normally find inexperienced actors.
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its ight but could be better
noahruiz-villanueva17 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Hanky Panky, despite not being the pinnacle of cinematic achievement, manages to captivate with its unique charm, particularly for those seeking amusement in the absurd. While it may not boast the depth or coherence of more critically acclaimed films, it undeniably holds a certain allure for those willing to embrace its eccentricities. The plot, admittedly, meanders through a labyrinth of nonsensical twists and turns, occasionally veering into territories of bewildering complexity. From sentient clothes to cultic characters, the film revels in its own brand of delightful absurdity, appealing to a distinctly niche audience.

What sets Hanky Panky apart is its ability to elicit genuine laughter from its viewers, albeit often at the expense of its own narrative coherence. It's the kind of movie that thrives on its own outrageousness, inviting audiences to suspend disbelief and simply enjoy the ride. While its ambitions may occasionally exceed its grasp, there's an undeniable sense of joy in witnessing the sheer audacity of its storytelling.

Furthermore, the film's quirks and idiosyncrasies serve as a reminder of the diverse range of storytelling possibilities within the realm of cinema. In a landscape often dominated by formulaic plots and predictable tropes, Hanky Panky dares to defy convention, albeit with varying degrees of success.

Ultimately, Hanky Panky may not be everyone's cup of tea, but for those with a penchant for the offbeat and the bizarre, it offers a refreshing departure from the ordinary. It's a testament to the rich tapestry of cinema, where even the most unconventional of films can find an audience eager to embrace its peculiar charms.
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This was a brutal dumpster fire...
paul_haakonsen7 May 2024
Right, well I had never heard about this 2023 movie titled "Hanky Panky" prior to sitting down to watch it. But I figured that it might be worth checking out, since it seemed like an offbeat comedy, given the title and the synopsis, plus the fact that Seth Green was a part of the cast list, then it couldn't be all bad.'

But it was...

Sure, the movie was off to a good start with the puns on the names of the people involved in the movie.

But, oh boy, was this movie a swing and a miss from writer Nick Roth. I found absolutely no entertainment value in the dumpster fire that served as the script and storyline. It was cringeworthy from start to end, and this movie was just unfathomably difficult to sit through.

Not only was the storyline rubbish, but the character gallery was nothing to write home about either.

I was only familiar with actor Seth Green on the cast list, and he was only doing some voice performance, so he wasn't even on the screen. However, I can't claim that I was impressed with what transpired on the screen.

This is definitely not a movie that I would recommend you to waste 86 minutes, much less your effort or money on. And "Hanky Panky" is most certainly not a movie that I will ever return to watch a second time.

My rating of directors Lindsey Haun and Nick Roth's 2023 horror comedy lands on a one out of ten stars.
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Quirky Yet Ambitious
mckennaniles13 May 2024
In the quirky world of cinema, "Hanky Panky" stands out as a bold attempt at merging eccentricity with profound themes. Set against the rugged backdrop of the Utah mountains, this film weaves together elements of fantasy, friendship, and romance in a way that is both captivating and bewildering.

First and foremost, it's impossible not to appreciate the sheer creativity behind the concept. The idea of a man finding companionship in a sentient napkin, of all things, is undeniably original and lends itself to moments of both hilarity and heartwarming connection. The filmmakers deserve credit for daring to explore such unconventional territory.

However, where the film falters is in its ambition. While the premise is refreshingly unique, it feels as though the story tries to juggle too many elements at once. From saving the world from a dark evil to exploring themes of love and self-discovery, the narrative sprawls in multiple directions, sometimes at the expense of coherence and depth.

Despite these shortcomings, the film does have its moments of brilliance. The acting, in particular, shines brightly, with the cast delivering performances that are both sincere and engaging. The chemistry between the protagonist and his unlikely napkin companion is palpable, elevating the absurd premise into something oddly touching.

In the end, "Hanky Panky" is a testament to the artistry and imagination of filmmaking. While it may stumble in its attempts to do too much, it ultimately succeeds in offering a charming and entertaining experience. If nothing else, it serves as a reminder that even the most outlandish ideas can find resonance on the silver screen.
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A talking Hanky and more silliness, just wonderful.
frank-liesenborgs24 May 2024
Hanky Panky is a low-budget horror-comedy with a cult following in the making. It's a bizarre mix of nonsense, horror, and humor that somehow works. The self-aware jokes and quirky characters, especially Sam and his talking handkerchief Woody, provide a strange emotional core amidst the chaos. While the rough humor and language might offend some, fans of cult classics will appreciate the film's commitment to its oddball concept. Hanky Panky triumphs also despite its limitations (cast paid all expenses out of own pocket), demonstrating the creativity of the filmmakers. My guess is that this movie will get more and more famous over time. Great recommendation if you like something different to watch. And a well deserved 7/10.
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Set to become a cult classic
philosoph-0317826 April 2024
Outrageous, a film you feel that surely you're wasting your time watching, yet which you can't leave alone. The characters overact magnificently, the animation doesn't even have its strings and the fishing rod they use edited out in places. I loved the acting. Filming quality and editing were great. Hilarious. Chemistry between characters was an important element that was used well.

You'll find aliens, odd humans, a Men-in-black character, murder victims and blood by the bucketful, odd table talk ranging from milliners to haberdashers to drapers to mercers. Then there's the talk of sacrifices and rituals. It has everything to keep you guessing. Well done to the team who made this - what should become a classic.
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Weirdly interesting movie
Hanky Panky is co-directed by Lindsey Haun and Nick Roth, a very off-kilter, absurd, and easily cult-followed film. The film, with its unique storyline, odd humor, and surprising speckles of depth, easily makes it memorable material, but then again, what thrusts "Hanky Panky" into an entirely distinctive realm is the eccentric core of the movie: a man and his talking napkin on a mission to save the world from an obscure threat hiding out in a remote Utah cabin. Haun and Roth make the film playful enough to really appeal to the audience. It's the kind of gem that you won't come across too often, where humor is placed on top of a genuinely rich emotional subtext to create a picture, something that is definitely sure to resonate for years.
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A weird wild and fun movie
kxdpx4 May 2024
Hanky Panky, which is described as comedy and horror is a weird, wild, fun, and different kind of movie. I was fortunate enough to attend the premiere. The movie is unique and creative and if you're looking for something fun and campy to watch with your friends, this is perfect. With most films that become cult favorites, I could see my group of friends calling back to parts of the movie at random times long after seeing the film. Another fun part of the movie was the indirect callbacks to other movies. I recognized scenes that reminded me of Clue as the random group was invited to a cabin under peculiar circumstances, with mysterious deaths occurring throughout the movie. There was also a slap scene which reminded me of the movie Airplane. The movie didn't always make sense, but the cast had good chemistry. The actors did a great job with the roles that they were given. Even though the lines were not always believable, the actors did an incredible job bringing the ridiculous characters to life. Each character had a quirky and entertaining personality. The special effects were silly and low-budget, but it made them funny. Even though the movie is described as comedy/horror, it leaned more towards comedy. Anything that was horror wasn't truly scary. It felt as scary as the horror in the Scary Movie franchise. For me, the ending felt rushed, and it didn't necessarily tie up loose ends. And Nick Roth needed more screen time but, overall, it's a movie that I would watch again.
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Absurd and strange
jealousrobot22 April 2024
There's a lot going on in this movie so I was truly never bored. There are times when the production value dwindles, but even during these scenes it is done in a humorous way that makes you crack up even more. The movie doesn't take itself too seriously but the actors are committed, funny, and good looking all which further adds to its enjoyability.

The plot itself is unique and at times refreshingly unexpected. There are obvious references to other cult and horror films but it is done in a new way that doesn't make your eyes roll.

Overall, I hope to see more content from Lindsey and Nick as it is clear that they love what they do and are able to execute their ideas creatively without making you want to pity laugh - only real laughs here!
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A fun and entertaining movie that should be viewed as a comedy rather than a drama.
mannyldelgado17 May 2024
The film Hanky Panky, written by Nick Roth, is a fun roller coaster of a film that follows a group of eccentric people and their interaction in a cabin. Each character is super interesting and often is more than meets the eye. I will not be writing any spoilers in this review but there is a great unexpected plot twist that really adds to the film. This film is told linearly and uses unique comedy to give insight to our characters. It also has a strong main character that is super entertaining to watch. The most noticeable aspect of this film is its use of comedy. But, there is also depth to these characters that should not be overlooked because of how silly and erratic they are. The acting is also great as I think each character plays their role as intended. The cinematography of this film is surprisingly beautiful because it is mostly a comedy. Another thing I want to mention was that the editing is unnoticeable. This is the goal of editing as good editing is determined by how little of it you notice. The production of the film is also good and the special effects, while not super convincing, are good enough for the type of story that Hanky Panky is. The only thing that bothered me about this film was the sound as it would randomly rise during some dialogue. I think this film is great for all audiences as most of the comedy is easy to understand and produced a lot of laughs out loud from me.
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Very Unique Film
aliceleee_19 May 2024
The complex movieHanky Panky combines nonsense, horror fiction and humor into a highly bizarre package. This video demonstrates the inventiveness and tenacity of its makers by making the best use of its restricted funds and unusual production conditions. The self-aware comedy and poignant theme of finding connection in unexpected places make Hanky Panky successful despite its small-scale production values, which are evident in the use of lighting and sound mixing. The film's combination of scary but humorous elements, along with its unexpected developments, kept me still interested and delighted. Despite everything, I have to confess that this is a peculiar movie-the kind I might never purposefully see. Even so, there are certain benefits and positive aspects that I have found. For example, I thought that a big part of the movie's attraction was the connection between the main characters, particularly Sam and Woody. In the middle of the drama, their humor and bond offer a deep emotional core. Furthermore, the directors thoroughly embrace the odd concept, resulting in an ambiance that both pays attention to and stays true to cult classics which I can give some credit for. Though I personally did not mind myself, I did take note that certain viewers may find the film's rough comedy, language, and sexual references offensive, perhaps repelling some viewers. My reason for saying this is that it appeals to a particular audience with its unusual comedy and unexpectedness. In light of this, it becomes popular among enthusiasts for non-traditional, independent movies, but it restricts its wider appeal. All in all, though, I felt that Hanky Panky was a movie that, while reveling in its own strangeness and inventiveness, can still manage to provide an original and charming viewing experience.
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Great Pick when you want to laugh and don't know what to expect
castellonsteph2 May 2024
This movie had me oddly tied in with it's weirdness, I was gripped on the computer trying to watch how the goddamn story unfolds and the explanations in the mysterious things that sometimes in the end even had no answer. I didn't expect to make so many expressions and giggles and jaw dropped moments within the film. It's like opening a door and finding the a wackier turn behind the corner. My boyfriend mentioned it reminded him of sausage party concept in a way- no spoilers tho. It reminds you of a bunch of hilarious things you wouldn't expect to be combined. The actors are too committed to being weird of off-putting or introverted or silly. I love the static of the film and the grain of the camera.
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It has potential.
simonewhitfield1 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie not knowing what to expect, and I can tell you that a talking handkerchief and a killer hat wasn't one of them. This film gives us a few things to unpack from talking objects to wacky/weird characters and their backgrounds.

I will say that the only time that I felt the horror portion of the film was when the neighbor was killed. That is when it took a slight turn but then went back to that goofy vibe that I felt through the first portion of the movie. I definitely enjoyed the slapping scene, I genuinely though that that scene was funny.

Overall, I believe that this film was unique and different but it has potential. I did want more of the horror feel, like a balance of both comedy and horror.
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Funny but could be funnier
I personally thought that this was quite fun and new to watch, especially after seeing so many films with a more serious theme. As such, it was quite a funny movie, and the jokes were definitely something that I would have to note. Looking at the plot, I thought that it was quite creative, essentially combining horror and comedy into one. I also thought that the characters were quite funny too, with their lines being hilarious. Despite being a horror film however, I do think that it was more of a comedy, and personally I enjoy a couple jump scares here and there. To be honest, the film was very reminiscent of the Scary Movie franchise. I did enjoy the idea of the handkerchief being the best friend, and it brings a lighthearted or joking aspect to the film, making it even more humorous. However, I do think that the effects and acting could use some work, but it does allow the movie to have the same atmosphere of "it's so bad that it's good," which in a way adds to the overall aspect of a "cheesy horror film." Personally, I think that this is a great movie to put on with a group of friends and just enjoy it for what it is, instead of trying to read too much into it. It is definitely something that you can put on when you are trying to have some fun and relax. Especially with the plot being quite unpredictable at times as well, there are a lot of different events that happen throughout the film, which are things that you usually don't see everyday; which honestly made me want to watch more.
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delivers everything it promises
mohammadnimajafari7 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Don't let the talking napkin and killer hat premise fool you - "Hanky Panky," the brainchild of directors Nick Roth and Lindsey Haun, is a hidden gem overflowing with comedic absurdity and surprising heart. Having recently attended a private screening with the cast (an experience in itself!), I can confidently say this low-budget marvel deserves a cult following.

Sure, the plot is undeniably silly. A grumpy protagonist (played with deadpan perfection) gets entangled with his talking napkin (voiced with surprising depth) in a battle against a possessed fedora wielding ancient evil. It's ridiculous, but the jokes land with infectious charm, drawing you into this delightfully absurd world. Think "Wet Hot American Summer" meets "Evil Dead" with a dash of "Airplane!" for reference.

The limited budget becomes a strength, not a weakness. The snowy cabin setting and clever use of locations create a focused atmosphere. The practical effects, while not blockbuster quality, have a handmade appeal that adds to the movie's quirky vibe. The focus is on witty dialogue and strong performances, both of which deliver in spades.

The talented cast brings their characters to life. The protagonist's weary cynicism gradually gives way to a surprising friendship with the wise-cracking napkin. The supporting characters, including a mysterious park ranger and a scene-stealing conspiracy theorist, all contribute to the film's hilarity.

"Hanky Panky" won't win Oscars for visuals or production scale. But its heart is in the right place, offering a unique blend of humor and unexpected tenderness. If you crave a good laugh and a movie that embraces the weird, Hanky Panky is a must-watch. Just don't be surprised if you find yourself quoting lines about talking napkins long after the credits roll.
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How to feel like you're high without taking substances
chloeschwartz18 May 2024
Soooo Let's get into this review. I will try my hardest to recollect what I can from this movie. The movie was described to be an unserious horror movie. At first it did do just that. It was off to a really good start actually and I laughed at the beginning of it. I noticed the more I went into the movie the more the movie started to fall apart. I realized that the movie actually reflected my mental.

At the beginning of the movie, I was ready to watch with a clear mind, mid movie my mental started to fall apart a little because I couldn't really keep up. The middle of the movie was a little bit boring so I tried to push through. By the end of the movie it got really chaotic and to reflect onto my brain, it made it feel like I was in a fever dream. It picked up so quickly that i couldn't really keep up. I was so confused and brain numb that I felt like I was high and hallucinating. No joke. I didn't think what to think of this movie. So I had to sleep on it.

However, visually I think the movie is great, the tackiness of the props made funny. Especially when the handkerchief would speak, you can see a hand making it talk. The graininess of the film reminded me of older movies from the early 2000s or 90s as well and made me nostalgic.

I feel like the things in the movie fell apart in the middle so it made me disassociate from the rest of film, hence made it hard for me to think by the end and made it hard what to think when it ended. I am going to be real, I still do not know what the think.

I do, however, believe that the description of an unserious horror movie does fit perfectly here.
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comicgeek4279918 May 2024
Hanky Panky is a film with a 3rd act epic showdown is between a handkerchief and a hat. The film follows Sam, played by Jacob DeMonte-Finn, who has accidentally been invited to spend a weekend at a cabin. He soon gets to know these odd characters and is warned by his talking handkerchief that chaos will ensue and it does. As I watched the film, I could really feel the actors and crew having a lot of fun creating the film. It's always great to see filmmakers making their own paths by getting their friends together and creating something their own way. That is something that I am striving to do myself. I will have to say that I'm not sure if the humor always worked for me. At times it felt like only a select group would enjoy it. Besides that, all of the characters have really interesting and odd qualities to them that fill the movie quite well. Seth Green plays a minor role by voicing the evil hat. I grew up watching Robot Chicken and Can't Hardly Wait, so it was really cool that he was involved in the film. Lindsay Haun and Nick Roth's directing styles are a little subtle here to accommodate a more casual, improvisational film so it would be interesting to see what they could do with another material. Will this become a cult film? The audience will have to deem that. My theory on the sequel name is 2 Hanky 2 Panky.
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A Love Letter to Cult Films
jimmybmagic26 April 2024
The film Hanky Panky, directed by Lindsey Haun and Nick Roth, can best be described as a true love letter to cult films and cinema as a whole. From its opening title credits that invoke imagery similar to The Shining, to its overall witty dialogue reminiscent of films like The Rocky Horry Picture Show, this film demonstrates a true passion for films of all genres and styles. Through seamlessly intertwining humor with scenes that are actually quite suspenseful, the filmmakers are able to keep the audience engaged as you never quite know what is coming next. While at times some of the decisions regarding score or shot selection can be off-putting, they always maintain a deep sense of intentionality by the filmmakers that work to give Hanky Panky its own tone and style that are unlike any other film I have previously seen. The entire concept as a whole feels fresh and new which is something as I viewer I deeply appreciate in the modern culture of cinema that is full of remakes and sequels.

In terms of viewing this film, I cannot recommend more to watch this film with all of your closest friends and family. Similar to how this film was made by a group of friends getting together, I genuinely believe the viewing experience requires just that. Similar to how many cult films thrive in an environment where the audience can interact with one another as well as with the film, Hanky Panky is no different in which it truly makes for a great film to watch with friends. Not only this, as films today can often be too serious, Hanky Panky breaks out from that mold by simply being a film that is fun, carefree, and full of unique/likable characters. With all of this in mind, I highly recommend that next time you are hanging out with friends or family, you give Hanky Panky a watch as it will truly make for a good time.
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For the Select Few
Gia-Alaras27 May 2024
The movie is definitely for a certain audience. Although I did enjoy its conical and weirdly amusing moments, the plot was sometimes very overwhelming. Still was very enjoyable once you could figure out what to actually pay attention to. It is a very interesting film and definitely low budget, but that doesn't restrict the actors at all. The roles they are given are what they truly embody and I could see that they enjoy themselves to the fullest in the film. I do feel the sentient clothing in this film to be some what enjoyable as if the whole plot were a fever dream, which it felt like when watching. I can see this films potential to satisfy those who love cult films.
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Set your expectations accordingly
gilby_jr22 May 2024
Seriously, people, read the description of the movie. If you do that, and still have expectations that this is going to be a cinematic masterpiece, then you have real issues. Know what you're in for, and you won't be disappointed. It's completely cheesy, with terrible acting, and horrible special effects. That said, it accomplished its goal of being entertaining. I giggled once or twice, so I'm giving it a 7.

The description clearly says, "A man and his sentient napkin friend save the world from a dark evil in a cabin deep in the Utah mountains, and also learned to love." It's shorter than 90 minutes long, so it's not like you're having a giant commitment. Watch it and be entertained. Or don't. Whatever.
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Fun to watch
macytphotos10 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was very interesting. It was very weird, but that is the usual for Cult movies. There were a couple moments and aspects of the movie where there should have been more edits, for example, the lighting and camera work seemed off in some scenes. The special effects during the fight between the hat and napkin seemed very amateur, as well as the image of the castle over the ice shack, although, it may have been intentional for the cult audience. Overall, its a nice witty film and it was very fun to watch. The plot is interesting and the ending is unexpected. I would recommend this to someone who likes cult movies.
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Very Funny
christinamalsbury19 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This was a very interesting concept and ended up being a fun viewing experience. The movie did not feel like a horror movie at all, but it was hilarious. All of the characters were very unique and had quirky personalities, but all together, they made the perfect dysfunctional group. Because I loved these characters so much, I would have liked to see their relationships develop further to add an emotional element, especially between the husband and wife (I can't remember their names). It's nit-picky, but the sound was a little off to me, as well. It was hard to know who I should be listening to when multiple people were talking or there were side conversations. I found myself laughing throughout the entire movie. I thought the special effects were silly. It was hilarious that you can see the strings pulling the moving objects. The fight scene between the handkerchief and hat at the end was very drawn out, but that made it funnier. It was a mindless and entertaining watch.
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Cult Classic In the making
VicLovin2313 May 2024
Just like the header tells you this is a cult classic in the making, in which will definitely see a fan base as time goes. If you like raunchy dark comedies this is the film for you. It is so bad its good. Hanky Panky is a film that seems to captivate the audience from start to finish no matter what you may think about it. It keeps you captivated to your screen wanting to know what is going on. The story telling and comedy that is use within this film is hilarious even though at times it may not seem to be comical it does. This is a great movie past time and has the charm of a great cult film.
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Nation of Alien Clothing Accessories?
xavierram5 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Hi, your name is Sam,

Never in, my life did I ever think that I would LOVE a humorously sentient handkerchief that reminds me a lot of Coach Steve from Big Mouth, probably because of the accent and the humor. This movie is AMAZING from the clean freak napkin turned on by cleaning up dirty messes to the nation of talking alien clothing accessories in space. The campy humor in this movie is right up my alley, from Woody acting like a baby saying "Uppies" as he gets folded to the weird siblings in the movie who are NOT so secretly seeing each other sexually. The actors in this movie were phenomenal, all of them playing their parts perfectly bringing out exactly how wacky the characters should be, especially Dr. Crane who committed to the fall (it must have hurt). This movie somewhat reminds me of Scary Movie with its horror-comedy type of style with jokes and horror around each corner.

As for the bad, feeling more attached and focused on the characters, instead of the plot making it forgettable. I felt like the neighbor was hyped up and I feel she could've played a bigger part in the movie, like she could've called for backup or done some investigating, instead, she's busy bringing infinite cookies out of the void. It also didn't make sense how more people started magically understanding the handkerchief, but I guess that's just a me problem.

Overall I can see the cultish nature of the film and can picture watching it with friends quoting various scenes from the movie. I would highly recommend this to my friends despite the movie's caveats. The indy style gives it a nice charm in my opinion and the shots tell the story the right way.
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