Sgt. Stubby: An American Hero (2018) Poster

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Works! A true and distintive Dog and War movie
brianjohnson-2004318 April 2018
You don't very often see kids movie which are based on true stories or war. But that's what Stg. Stubby is about. Surprisingly, it works.

The strengths: The music, the story and the fact that the movie doesn't have one of the likely endings one might predict. I suspect the ending is largely due to Stubby being based on a true story. I'm unaware how accurate this portrayal is to the real story, but it seemed to me like a respectable adaptation. The way they managed to show the awful reality of The Great War, while keeping it G rated is really a difficult triumph of the film. It's important for people to have exposure the errors in war, as opposed to just the victories and heroism. This film highlights both.

The weaknesses: The voice acting doesn't stand out as great. The dialogue isn't a strength. But they get a longer leash (no pun intended) because it's a kids movie. The animation is great in the 2D segments, and much of the 3D animation is fine. However there are clips where I can tell they didn't have the funds to make the animation as good as they'd like it to be. The clips of the soldiers marching seem noticeably too synchronized and took me out of the story.

Overall, I recommend this film to anyone. It's not a film expect to win Oscars or nominations. But, it's a distinctive likable real-story dog movie. And the film is especially good if you want a mostly uplifting real story for kids about a subject they likely know little about: World War 1.

I'm probably in the minority, but I find the history of World War 1 to be just interesting and important as World War 2. It seems the average person knows 10 times more about World War 2 than World War 1 and there are about 10 World War 2 movies for each World War 1 movie. World War 1 highlights how futile and unnecessarily evil war can be even for the victors. World War 2 on the other-hand often enables the attitude of supporting war, because a lot of the losses to World War 2 seem worth it or necessary because of what was gained and what was at stake. A lot of wars are more like WW1 than WW2, and this is something everyone should understand.
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Give the Dog a Bone
billcr1227 September 2018
I usually watch violent crime dramas and so this is a radical departure from my usual taste in films. I loved Sgt. Stubby,. The animation is incredible and the story a great tale (or tail) of doggy heroism during WWI. Stubby was a mutt from New Haven, Connecticut who was adopted by a military unit in 1918. America sent troops to France to fight the Germans and the doggy was hidden on a ship. Stubby had an uncanny ability to sense danger and warn his human masters. He also found wounded soldiers and alerted his caretakers as to their location. I have added this movie to my ten best list of 2018.
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This movie shocked me.
I unfairly thought it would be obnoxious, corny & vanilla, like a Christian Redbox rental. Instead, it's an authentic & beautifully storied family film, & probably the greatest kid's war movie of all time. It was such a smart idea to not overly personify Stubby, making his incredible story all the more endearing. Even with a noticeable lack-of-budget in the animation & vocal performances, this heartfelt true story is better than anything Dreamworks, Illumination, or Blue Sky have put out in years.
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unusual, engaging and educational
dave-mcclain16 April 2018
"Sgt. Stubby: An American Hero" (PG, 1:24) is an animated adventure, based on the true story of an American Army unit's canine mascot during World War I. Stubby (so named because of his small tail) was a stray and hadn't received formal training as a military working dog, but his contributions to his unit during the trench warfare at the Western Front during the Great War made him the first canine promoted to the rank of sergeant and, ultimately, the most decorated dog in U.S. military history. This computer-animated movie is directed and co-written by Richard Lanni, whose resume includes writing and directing big and small screen depictions of the final year of World War II. Lanni's co-writer, Mike Stokey, is a combat veteran who has served as a military advisor for numerous films and TV shows.

The titular mutt latches onto Army private Robert Conroy (voice by Logan Lerman) after Robert tosses him a cookie during a military parade. Stubby follows Robert to the make-shift basic training area for the Connecticut National Guard on the grounds of Yale University and won't leave him alone. Robert is afraid that Stubby's presence will get him and his tentmates, Elmer Olsen (Jordan Beck) and Hans Schroeder (Jim Pharr), in trouble, but Stubby charms their drill sergeant (Jason Ezzell) and gets to stay.

When the unit prepares to go fight, Robert bids Stubby a sad farewell, but Stubby refuses to let his best friend leave him behind. Stubby manages to jump on the troop train and then stow away on the ship taking the soldiers to France. Stubby continually manages to charm everyone around him - including the military powers-that-be - to whom he also demonstrates his usefulness - and stays with New England's 26th Infantry Division all the way to the front. When Robert is assigned to join a burly French soldier named Gaston Baptiste (Oscar nominee Gérard Depardieu) on his scouting missions, Stubby comes along, which is just the beginning of the pooch's exciting, dangerous and heroic wartime adventures.

"Sgt. Stubby: An American Hero" is an engaging and educational animated adventure. In spite of the horrors of war surrounding him, Stubby's charming, happy and loving nature clearly shines through. Meanwhile, there's a lot of educational value here (aided by sparse narration by Oscar nominee Helena Bonham Carter as Robert's older sister) - especially for younger Movie Fans who don't yet understand what war is (or know much about history), but are too young to be exposed to more graphic or complex depictions of man's inhumanity to man. That all makes this an unusual, but valuable and entertaining animated movie which is likely to appeal to kids, dog lovers and history buffs of all ages. "B+"
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A Surprisingly Good Children's War Movie
williampsamuel17 March 2019
SGT. Stubby: An American Hero is a charmingly old-fashioned children's story about a man and his dog. It's also a movie about one of the most brutal wars in human history. Blending these elements makes for a delicate balancing act, but it's one that the filmmakers largely succeed at. And to top it off, this is a true story, one that's long overdue for a big screen adaptation.

Most people today have never heard of Stubby, but a hundred years ago he was the country's most beloved canine and cutest little war hero. Just a scrappy little mutt living on the streets, he wormed his way into the hearts of a regiment training for the war and followed them to Europe, where he made a name for himself catching rats, carrying messages, and saving lives.

This movie follows his story with a focus on the relationship between Stubby and his adoptive owner, Private Conroy, and his bonds with his fellow soldiers. It's adorable, heartwarming, often funny, and sometimes scary, at least by children's standards. The pace is just right; quick enough to hold kids' attention, but never rushed. Likewise, the humor is enough to amuse without distracting from the story or the emotional elements.

Above all, Sergeant Stubby works because, it doesn't humanize its canine protagonist. Stubby doesn't talk, he doesn't wink at the camera, we don't hear his thoughts. He's just a dog, if a very clever one. Even so he's still brimming with personality; a hyperactive, mischievous, and very brave little ball of fur. Most of the film's humor derives from his natural goofiness and tendency to do certain dog-like things at the most inopportune moments, as any dog owner can relate to.

For a film set amidst the horrors of trench warfare, this is an amazingly kid friendly affair. This may be the first war movie where no-one is shot or dies on screen. There are frequent hints of danger and mildly scary images to remind young viewers that this is a war, but no blood or bodies. This is actually more sanitized than some Disney movies. It may not be an accurate view of war, but it's a good introduction for young audiences. And as stated before this is a true story. Certain elements have of course been embellished or filled in, but from the gas attack to the capture of the German spy most of this actually happened.

Admittedly, some of the supporting human characters are seriously underdeveloped. And occasional lines of dialog sound kind of dumb, but that's entirely excusable in a kid's movie. The biggest issue with Sergeant Stubby is that virtually no-one will see it. From what I've gathered, there appears to have been virtually no ad campaign proceeding its release. No TV or Radio spots. Few trailers in theaters. I only knew it was playing at my local multiplex because I spotted it while looking up the schedule for another movie.

I'm not surprised that the online ads I have seen implore readers that "Sergeant Stubby needs your help!" So by all means, take your kids to see this movie while you can, and spread the word about it. It'll be a real shame for a movie this good to go unnoticed.
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They've nailed the depiction of Stubby's story!
evangiang23 April 2018
I've never seen this movie advertised anywhere and as a true WWI history buff, this was fantastic! Seeing Stubby come to life on screen was the best thing I've ever watched. The animations were really impressive and making this as a family friendly from a war that was shell-shocking was a big step up for Fun Academy Motion Pictures and I think this was the first animated film to ever be based on true events about a soldier who becomes a man's best friend to a stray Boston Terrier mix. I highly recommend this movie for history buffs, schools or to all families who want to see true events come to life in theatres!
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A harmless, but often too safe animated movie.
Animated_Antic25 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Movies that are based on a true stories can sometimes either be really good or really bad. I'm one that like films that are based on actual events and historical moments, but I feel sometimes they are played to be cute and heartwarming and I can often get bored with those movies. We don't see a lot of animated films with this kind of caliber and I think for good reason because sometimes they can end up like "Sgt. Subby: An American Hero". Before I start I will say that this is a cute film, but unfortunately it plays more like an educational film to be shown in a classroom and not an animated film released in theaters. That's not exactly a good sign for this film and I feel that it also was trying way too hard to be safe. It really is a shame because the story in the film is quite a fascinating.

With the United States having entered the first World War One, many men have either been drafted or volunteered to fight the war against the Germans. At a military camp in New Haven, one private named Robert Conroy (Logan Lerman) finds that a dog has wandered onto the camp and has grown fond of the soldiers in his division called the Yankees. Conroy and the other soldiers Elmer Olsen (Jordan Beck) and Hans Schroeder (Jim Pharr) have also started to really like the dog as well whom they have named Stubby. After the Yankees division is sent off to Europe, Stubby stows away on a boat and comes to Europe with Conroy and the others. While fighting in France, the duo meet a French soldier named Gaston Baptiste (Gérard Depardieu) and the rest of the story is the trio traveling across Europe to fight the Central Powers and win the war for the allies.

This is really a rather fascinating story and I do think that it's a very good one to tell for a film, but unfortunately the filmmakers decided to make the film way too safe for audiences and not take any big risks or challenges. Like I said it feels more like a film you would typically play in a history classroom in middle school. The story between Conroy and Stubby is done very well, but unfortunately it's not a very suspenseful war movie and feels way too tame. It comes off not only as boring, but also way too safe. The filmmakers decided to make this movie as kid friendly as possible and decided not to put any profanity or blood in it which is very unusual for a war film. If the film was aiming for a G rating, then I would understand that. But the film is rated PG and it unfortunately comes off feeling way to safe which is made even more unspectacular in an era where Disney films and Pixar movies have been brave enough to put profanity and even some blood into their movies. I also wasn't exactly impressed with the animation as it felt rather unfinished at times. The company who made this film Mirkos Images did a fantastic job animating "Captain Underpants" last year for DreamWorks, but it seems that the energy in the animation is sadly gone in this film. The character models sometimes feel rather plastic like and at times I felt like I was watching a student film more than I was an actual theatrical release. As far as the characters go, I wish I could get invested in them. All of them to me felt way too nice and didn't have an edge or a unique personality that stood out. They all just were a little too happy at times and nothing more. I will say though that the bond Conroy does have with Stubby is genuine and I do feel the filmmakers did a great job at planning that out. Had they also made the war scenes more gruesome and not as safe, then the film might've actually been a lot better.

Honestly, that's really by biggest problem with "Sgt. Subby: An American Hero". It's way too safe. The story was way too tame at times especially in its war scenes, the animation is a little unfinished and a little plastic like, and the characters don't exactly have any strong personalities to them. This film really is a shame because I do think there is a good story in here, but unfortunately the filmmakers played it way too safely that I simply can't give a full recommendation to this film. It's harmless enough, but for a animated movie that takes place during the first World War it should've been better and taken more chances.
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Fantastic movie to explain WWI to kids
ed-reddy18 April 2018
This historically accurate, non bloody, non gore children's film perfectly captures the horrrors of war in a perfect 90 minutes. The film is based on the experiences of a small dog called Stubby and several key characters in his life during the later stage of World War I. I would have to say it's perfect for elementary aged kids if you wanted to show them how the war was fought and how it impacted the lives of civilians. My 9 year old loved the film and wishes to see it again.
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Sgt. Stubby proves why dogs are man's best friend
kikoydaba37 July 2019
Ever since their domestication, dogs have accompanied men in peace and in war. This is a story about the most decorated military dog in American history. Sgt. Stubby oozes with heart accompanied by good CGI. Staying true to reality, Sgt. Stubby does not speak. Instead, the driving force of the film is Robert Conroy, Sgt. Stubby's owner, who has to experience the horrors of war and contemplate friendship and loneliness. It strays from depicting explicit violence and gore which retains the optimism of the film and the lead character. During their time in Europe the partnership met Gaston, a French solider, who grounds the characters and makes the film a worthwhile exploration of friendship. However, Sgt. Stubby lacks the gut punch and necessary depth to truly elevate its qualities as a transcendent animation. Still, Sgt. Stubby proves why dogs are man's best friend.

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Court Martial - Doggy bag included.
Johnsog12312 September 2018
Watched the trailer. 0/10 The only people rating this higher must have a connection with the film, or have been paid to review the film. This movie deserves a single use dog bag.
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Accomplishing the Impossible
mjwright-724-24172115 April 2018
I teach American Military History as an elective at the high school level in which we cover the role of animals (including Sergeant Stubby) and I loved this film! The film makers accomplished something incredibly difficult in the way they captured the intensity and sadness of WWI while keeping the movie appropriate for children. Both my daughter and wife were overcome with emotion and both had plenty of follow-up questions. Bravo!
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likeable enough
SnoopyStyle14 January 2019
In 1917, young American recruit Robert Conroy (Logan Lerman) is marching with his fellow soldiers when he picks up a stray mutt. The starving little dog refuses to leave him and he decides to call him Stubby. Stubby would continue to follow the young man and his platoon as they get deployed in France. Conroy is befriended by French soldier Gaston Baptiste (Gérard Depardieu). Stubby would save his men time and time again as he becomes a celebrated canine during the war. Margaret (Helena Bonham Carter) is Robert's sister and the narrator.

The characters are likeable and the animation is fine for a lower level movie. It's a based on a real dog and it's able to handle the war stories with a lighter touch for kids. The poison gas story is great and could have served as the big climax. It's set up well with the tear gas demonstration. Emotionally, that's the big turn and the movie could have wrapped up quickly after that. Instead, it's only the midway point. The grenade story is problematic right from when Robert starts playing fetch with Stubby. I knew that's a stumbling block at that moment. The incident does not really make sense. Stubby would probably fetch the grenade back to Robert or Gaston. Overall, the movie is able to handle the dark war stories without devolving into gore and guts. It maintains its sweet nature and would be a fine movie for kids and others.
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Not a kids or a family movie
randyh6614 April 2018
Animated film that is neither a kids movie or a family movie. It's uneventful and barely enough action to keep a person entertained let alone children. We left the theatre and ruined a rare occasion to have a family night.
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I know An amazing dog after this movie
hessamlotfi24 October 2019
It was an interesting movie. What was striking about me was that there were no death scenes in the animation. Although the film was about World War I. The downside of the movie was the stubby's running scenes.
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Good Surprise
mtludovico13 February 2024
"Sgt. Stubby: An American Hero" earns a respectable 7 out of 10 for its poignant depiction of Stubby, the remarkable military dog. The animation vividly captures the bond between Stubby and his human comrades during the tumult of WWI. Despite the weighty subject matter of war, the film manages to be both uplifting and inspirational, showcasing the resilience of the human spirit and the unwavering loyalty of our furry friends. Notably, the movie tactfully handles violence, ensuring it remains suitable for audiences of all ages. Overall, "Sgt. Stubby" delivers a touching and meaningful cinematic experience, deserving recognition for its portrayal of courage, loyalty, and the enduring power of friendship.
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Wonderful movie for people of all ages!
shelleyb8917 April 2018
This film was a great film showing how special one little dog was! It's amazing to me the things that Sgt. Stubby did. The storyline was great along with the graphics. I couldn't help but smile during the whole film. I'm ready to go see it again! A MUST SEE for any dog lover!
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Pleasant Movie.
thematchless-1348612 May 2019
Right from the animation to the story line, this movie is pleasant and worth watching with kids. While based on a true story, the lines between the fact and the fiction get blurred so easily that it begins to look more like a fantasy. There are certain formula stereotypical characters and ideas in the movie that has forced my to rate it down to 7. Otherwise it did have the potential of getting 8-9 /10. Overall it is certainly recommended.
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A Heartwarming Gem to Stir the Soul
Shilohbloo10 November 2018
There are really no appropriate words to express my feelings about this lovely little hero and the charming film that did an incredible job encapturing him; but I will do my best. ... My Papa Herbie and I saw this amazing movie for his birthday just three days before he went into the hospital. and he said that he just kept thinking about Sgt. Stubby and couldn't help but choke up with tears every time, reminding him of his own beloved furbaby, Frisco, from many years before. He kept saying what a beautiful dog he was and how this is one of the best movies ever made...and I wholeheartedly agree with him. This poignant film should be shown in libraries, museums, schools, veteran groups, etc., everywhere! I just can't thank enough all those involved for bringing beloved Stubby so beautifully to us, and for what they had done for me and my precious father (who has since passed onto the good Lord) through him...for making it and giving such a heartwarming memory of me and my beloved pops. Until the very last he was talking about sweet Stubby. You just have no idea what this meant to us. Clearly Sgt. Stubby is still saving lives even now!!! We also played Stubby's music at his vet funeral service on Memorial Day weekend, and everyone was in awe at the loveliness of it all. Thank you again so very much, and so many of God's blessings to you.🙏🐶🐕🐾🙏
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Appropriate for kids ages 6 to 12
Silfiriel5 January 2021
It just doesn't does it for adults.

The dialogue is way too clichéd. It feels lime every line was taken from another movie.

The performances are too dry, maybe it is due to the animation.

It is based on a real events dogs and people.

Kids might enjoy it more.
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Can't say enough ...
Mstiye-4523314 April 2018
As mentioned by another, wasn't expecting much ... an added plus: storyline reminded me of the heroics of my WWII DSC, upgraded Medal of Honor recipient Uncle (requirement: fighting power from both sides, must save lives, and, either almost, or losing one's life while insuring the safety of others) ... wasn't initially impressed by the animation still ads, but it successfully accomplished the nuances of a dog, if you've ever had one, especially a medium breed. Impressed by the detailing of the animation: the highlighted appearance of a wet tongue; the wool fibers of the uniform; the natural gait of this breed and the humans; etc. It brought smiles, laughter, memories, pathos, tears, and amazement. It held your attention and heart from beginning to end! So well-written, portrayed, excellently executed! Initially saw, because my Mom loves dog movies, it reminded me of my paternal Uncle, and it was shown close in location. We (4) all fell in love with this, the true storyline preserving the legacy. Historically, a gem! Highly recommend for all ages! Was more than pleasantly surprised; can't say enough praises... kudos to all involved!!
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Great for all ages...GO SEE THIS!!
janellefanning18 April 2018
This was a wonderful movie for all ages. Please stay for the entirety of the credits as they show some actual photos of Stubby. It was such a wonderful telling of the true story of Stubby the most decorated war dog off all time. I would highly recommend to anyone looking for a feel good story or even a history lesson, Please go see this movie
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America and puppies!
rascaljamie119 April 2018
Who doesn't love America and puppies? It was refreshing to see a movies that celebrates our heritage. Perhaps this is why the film is not in wide release, because I't doesn't pander to Hollywood's agenda. On the 100th anniversary of the Great War, being a member of the 26th MEB and a pitty owner, it hit home in every way. Despite the few pinko reviews on this site, it is a must see.
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Excellent Movie!!!
rileymansmom18 April 2018
I took my two girls to see this movie and wow - it was educational, entertaining and just down right awesome. We fell in love with the characters and of course the dog but it's an excellent movie and I can't wait to buy the DVD. There are too many movies out there that aren't family worthy but this one definitely is and very well made. I can truly say it will make you appreciate what you have looking at what the generation before us had to endure during this time. Loved!
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Fun, Real Story for Adults and Kids
taramcc-2678117 April 2018
I have always loved the story of Stubby. When I found his story was being turned into a movie I was so excited. I saw this movie yesterday and it was great. I am a history teacher, and I can say this movie is historically accurate. I appreciate that the movie creators took out the blood and guts so kids can also enjoy this movie. It is a movie animal/dog lovers will enjoy, kids, adults, anyone who loves history and a good dog story. You will fall in love with Stubby the second the movie starts.
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ceposki17 April 2018
If you're a dog lover, military buff, history buff, or an animation fan...this film covers all your bases. They bring Stubby to life. His story is amazing.
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