Fender Bender (2016) Poster

(I) (2016)

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Slasher as expected
dar04172 September 2020
Pretty good B horror that ended with a nice set up for the sequel.
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Absolutely watchable!!
tman-212897 August 2022
I was hard pressed to find a slasher movie that I hadn't seen before and didn't suck and this worked out well. Decent story, it was acted well and it didn't try too hard to be something it wasn't (I. E. it didn't take itself too seriously) good gore/good violence/simple plot, what's not to like?!?!??
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Not that bad. Really enjoyed the ending
espylyn-5360118 May 2022
After reading the reviews I decided to make up my own. Yeah the killing scenes aren't very gory and you'll wonder why the girl does certain things. Overall the actors are great, the killings simple and the ending was not what I expected. Definitely worth a watch 🎬
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Stupidest slasher film I've seen in a while
landont-61-66104528 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
So, first I'll describe the good things about this film. Some of the shots were brilliant, and the atmosphere, tension, and the excellent stalk-and-slash eighties feel of this film was very nice. Just a guy in a mask stalking some teens, very nice job.

Then we get to the ending and I was screaming at the screen. The heroine was a total idiot.

She burns him with a cigarette lighter for like five seconds, thinks hes dead, doesn't bother to pick up his knife and finish him off, and goes back inside the house into a room with no other escape and starts calling 911. Why didn't she get in one of the four operating vehicles on the premises and leave? There were FOUR cars on that lot, all working, and then when the killer corners her back in the house, she refuses to jump out the huge window beside her, and backs into a corner to meet her fate.

Honestly, that ruined the entire thing for me. The blond girl is also equally as dumb. She lies there and watches the car roll over her, instead of lying in the middle of the tracks and sliding under it.

If not for the stupidity of the characters, this would have been a great flick.
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Puke!! Don't waste your time PREDICTABLE!!
dwn-6358430 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
So she has him stabbed and burned, plus knocked out. But she doesn't take the crow bar and smash his head in, or at least his knees, just incase he is alive,. Which they always are. When she didn't finish him off, then I wanted her to die! Oh and also how convenient for a HUGE puddle of water to be right by the killer when he gets lit on fire... smfh. This movie could of been ok. But the production/ writing team have no imagination!
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Too many glaring errors that can't be over-looked
mitchellfinesod4 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Another stereotypical slasher flick where, at the climax, the victim kills the slasher, BUT OOOOOOOOOOOOOH, he's not really dead (didn't see that coming did ya...lol).

Fortunatelly, the director was Politically Correct and made sure to have all the following PC crap on his check-list: 1. Hispanic girl is good 2. Gay friend is good 3. Jock boyfriend is bad 4. White male is an evil killer The only thing missing was a black female hero.

While all of this can be overlooked, the following glaring errors can NOT. Every driver knows that you exchange driver's licenses. If that had been done, the rest of the movie would never have occurred. The cake was drugged, but, the killer could never have known that the victim was going to have her friends over and eat it. Finally, the killer kills the electric off in the house miraculously while he's standing in front of the three friends.

If the producer can't work-out these simple errors, he should not be making movies.
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Great as a throwback to old
djsimon-1741124 May 2021
With an 80s vibe and soundtrack it's not a bad film, if you know your horror this film is pretty much zipper face with a car. Worth an hour and half of your time albeit very predictable.
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The Return of Mark Pavia
gavin694225 May 2016
In a small New Mexico town, a 17-year-old high school girl (Makenzie Vega) who just got her driver's license gets into her first fender bender, innocently exchanging her personal information with an apologetic stranger (Bill Sage).

When listing off the so-called masters of horror, the name Mark Pavia does not typically come up. But Pavia did make a great horror film -- "The Night Flier" -- and has finally returned to the director's chair for "Fender Bender". Where were you, Mark? We missed you! This time, in cooperation with Scream! Factory and Chiller, Pavia takes on the slasher film. This is his baby, through and through: he wrote the script based on his original idea, he directs and he helped produce. And what we get is a pretty decent addition to the genre. Although this is more of a PG-13 horror (no nudity or cursing), it still has its share of gore and it really excels in the way it handles pacing. Cinematography Tyler Cushing lets his camera hover on various things just long enough to build suspense and keep us on edge.

The story also has a nice subplot. Although the identity of the killer is firmly established early on, a cheating boyfriend (or ex-boyfriend) also plays a significant role... and leaves the audience guessing who is going to be the one showing up at the door. And who is more dangerous, a stalking killer or a drunk and emotional ex-boyfriend? While "Fender Bender" is definitely not going to be as big of a hit as "Night Flier", it is still far better than basically every made-for-TV horror and sci-fi film out there. Pavia relies on classic storytelling and shies away from cheap scares and terrible CGI. With the exception of perhaps the "Sharknado" series, SyFy has never come close to what Chiller is unveiling with this.

Welcome back, Mark Pavia. Please don't be a stranger.
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Dreadfully poor and beyond words
makka-0095526 December 2016
I have seen some reviews claiming this is a 'return to the slasher era'. Well, that about says it all. Cheap, badly written script, poor direction and old hat. It takes 49 minutes for our slasher friend to actually do something at all. He is the most unbelievable slasher of all time. Looks like a bank teller, moves and speaks like he has a brain malfunction and might as well have had a red neon arrow on his head saying 'weirdo', but no one notices. He likes to kill people with what looks like a sharp door-handle, come plasterer's trowel and is so slow a snail could escape him. His victims deserve to die, because they are utter and complete morons. The plot is obvious and the end is even more so. The acting isn't half bad, to say the script was appalling, but the sheer absurdity of it all is laughable. A better title for this farce would have been 'gender bender', because, for reasons never apparent, the killer chooses to carry out his crimes dressed as a gimp. My grandmother could have outrun this douche and she had one leg (ok out-hopped). If you have a feeble mind you may enjoy this drivel, but if you have a brain, don't waste your time and/or money watching this Halloween-clichéd, boring, poor excuse for a movie.
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Fender Bender proves to be a noteworthy addition to the slasher genre
kevin_robbins14 November 2023
I recently viewed Fender Bender (2016) on Shudder. The plot revolves around a young lady driver involved in a car accident who, after exchanging contact information, finds herself entangled in a series of murders. As the body count rises, she may regret sharing her contact information...

This film is written and directed by Mark Pavia (The Night Flier) and features Cassidy Freeman (The Forever Purge), Makenzie Vega (The Good Wife), Bill Sage (We Are What We Are) and Dre Davis (Pretty Little Liars).

Surprisingly, I enjoyed this movie more than I expected. The circumstances felt authentic, and the acting was relatable. The cinematography was crisp, providing a realistic aesthetic. The overall vibe of the film is reminiscent of '90s slashers, with a notable slasher costume and intense kill scenes. The gore and brutality add to the film's impact, and the ending pleasantly defies clichés, avoiding a cop-out conclusion. I would welcome a sequel.

In summary, Fender Bender proves to be a noteworthy addition to the slasher genre. I'd give this a 6/10 and recommend a giving it a shot.
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Boring beyond words, so generic it does not need description
the_wolf_imdb14 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Well, the movie is beautifully shot, that's about it. I really like the seventies style of the camera, but not much more.

The greatest sin of the movie is the fact it is incredibly dull and boring. I do not want to point out that it is full of cliché, yes. There is really nothing you would not see before. Everything you would expect is here: Stupid heroine that is simply not able to finish not only the killer, but also cannot finish simple phone call. The usual teen cannon fodder. The impossible to kill enemy that roams endlessly and kills without any reason whatsoever etc.

But this is not the main problem. The real problem is boredom of the whole thing. It is insanely generic. There is no actual thrill, no actual surprise, simply nothing. It is really insulting to request money for such generic stuff. Actually there is a lot of similar movies, that actually are innovative or thrilling, like Knock Knock. This movie really does not even try to bring something even remotely new.
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A good slasher paying homage to the 1980's
mjanssens2617 December 2020
Excellent production values and performances make this film worth the watch. The electronic music is great and the ending is original. I've seen this film a few times and could see it easily becoming a cult classic. Good, scary, and fast paced. Enjoy it.
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If You like Slasher Flicks You Will Probably Enjoy This
HorrorOverEverything17 October 2016
By now I think all horror fans know what to expect when they turn on a slasher movie, 99% of the time you aren't gonna get anything ground breaking that does anything new for the genre, we know it's going to be a killer that slowly picks off some dumb kids one by one until there is one left who may or may not survive the night. So really the best we can hope for is some not so annoying characters, a somewhat intriguing killer, and some brutal kills. "Fender Bender" delivers somewhat in those aspects.

Our main character is a naive 17 year old girl who finds out that her boyfriend is cheating on her, shortly after that her bad day gets worse when her car is hit from behind while she is stopped at a stop sign, she is un-harmed and there isn't much damage to her car so here and the driver who hit her exchange info and go on their ways. I thought this was an OK way to kick off a slasher movie, and a fairly interesting way to introduce our killer (not a spoiler, they make it pretty evident that he is the killer from the get go), it was kind of cool to see the main character interact with the killer before all the killing began.

So after a little bit of story development the killing starts, one thing some slasher movies do wrong is wait way too long before they start killing people off but "Fender Bender" does a good job of getting started right as the set up is starting to feel tired. The kills were actually pretty good too, fairly graphic with a decent amount of gore and the effects were well done for sure. The actors weren't the best though and the characters really weren't all that interesting so I didn't care all they much when they died, but at least the kills were entertaining. Everything leads up to a rather familiar finale with a slightly emotional twist which I thought was well done.

I think fans of slasher movies who aren't bothered too much by the usual clichés and the not so great acting will be able to find things to like in the movie. It doesn't really try anything new but it does a good job of delivering what we expect to see from a slasher flick.

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Plot made no sense
LaverneandShirleysucks29 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
If he's a serial killer why bother to get into the fender benders when you can just stalk them and kill them like normal serial killers do?! Does he have a car fetish or just likes to collect driver's licenses from his victims? Even then, he can just fish them out of their wallets afterwards.

The whole fender bender scenario seemed pointless. I could see if he was going after drivers that pissed him off on the road---that actually would make a better movie than this.

I won't even get into how stupid the victims were. All i'll say is if I came out of the shower and saw pictures on my phone taken of me 5 minutes earlier while I was showering, and muddy boot prints outside the bathroom door---i'm getting the hell out of that house asap. The stupid girl though asks "Who's there?" shrugs her shoulders and goes back to her room to get dressed. WTF?!
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Don't Go by the reviews... WATCH THIS ONE
aarminaj9 December 2016
Just to sum up the movie in a few words here, I recently saw this movie and trust me I WAS NOT ASSOCIATED IN ANY ASPECT OF THIS MOVIE'S MAKING, PRODUCTION OR ACTING DEPARTMENT.So , this is not a forced recommendation when i say just watch this one. You will enjoy it , it has a nice touch to it , the screenplay, direction & story by Mark Pavia is quite well executed. Without getting too much into the plot, cause the director makes it pretty obvious when the first credits start to role that this one is going to be a slasher. Yes their is a nice plot to the movie,its not just duh what is going on here.??The acting department with less and meaningful characters is well handled too, no Oscars here, but who cares.. If you love the good ol slasher movies of the 80's and 90's you will like this one, and with a run time of just 1 hour and 30 mins its well worth your time. A good background and end credit score with a nice hint for a sequel ends this movie... ENJOY IT
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Needs Work
Foutainoflife19 February 2019
I'm gonna have to discuss some spoilers so for those that are looking for a general review to help you decide whether or not to watch it, I'm gonna handle that right here.

This film is about a teenage girl who's car is rear ended by a serial killer who uses insurance information to stalk and kill his victims. Will she survive? This is the plot for this B movie. It has some problems but if you enjoy B movies you know they can't all be winners. This film teeters on a fine line between forgivable and unforgivable moments. I think this is one that you have to watch and judge for yourself. Some folks are more tolerable than others. You'll just have to chance it with this one.


Here are my gripes with this film.

There were times when I thought that some of the actors showed some potential that might be reached with more time and practice.

The script was not good. They had the girl going between acting responsible for her age and clinging and talking to a teddy bear like a 4 year old. She finds pictures taken while she was in the shower along with muddy footprints, that she somehow managed to avoid stepping in, just outside the bathroom entry. She hears things, goes into her bedroom and simply gets dressed to come out of the room with a bat. This is nonsensical. She had her phone but didn't call the cops. She also finds a weird cake with the word sorry on it, sitting on the roof of her car. She doesn't know who it is from but she keeps it rather than tossing it out. When she gains access to the car, she turns it on just so she can heat the cigarette lighter rather than getting the hell out of there. Another nonsensical moment but this one kinda repeats itself when she knocks dude out and didn't leave the property then.

The setting, OMG! I can not be the only person to notice that there was enough thunder, wind and lightning to make you believe that a storm of biblical devastation was about to happen. There was never a single drop of rain and you could even see a layer of dust on the killer's vehicle. When considering that, it leaves you to asked how the killer left muddy shoe prints outside the bathroom entry. Why?

The only thing that I really, really liked about this was the killer's knife. It was unique to me and I liked that. Everything else just seemed to have lacked good editing and an eye for detail.
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Troubled and somewhat bland slasher effort
kannibalcorpsegrinder9 October 2016
After getting into a car accident, a teen finds that the driver she gave the insurance information to is a vicious serial killer intent on targeting victims in the same manner and tries to help her friends visiting her for the weekend when he shows up to finish the job.

This one here wasn't all that great of a slasher. The main issue with this one is the fact that this one just seems to go about itself so slowly that there's just a dreadful and dull pace to it. Even though there's the tell-tale accident quite early in the film, this one really ends to go on forever before it does any kind of slashing antics with it featuring the nearly endless scenes of her around the house doing nothing of any real substance during them as it just consists of variations of her complaining about her shabby treatment by her parents and simply wandering around the house trying to pass the time which is tedious, endless and just not that interesting to watch it happen. That leaves the killer with so little screen-time that he finally appears only in the final half of the film do it also really affects two other key areas in a slasher film about not having too many stalking scenes as well as having quite a low body-count featured here. This one has just a couple stalking scenes overall here as the film's taken up with so many non-slasher scenes there's not really any time for it to engage in these once we get there, and a part of that also comes from the fact that there's just such a flimsy story here to support this kind of slasher film so it's pacing is off quite significantly here with all that blandness up front as well as the extended prologue at the end showing him cleaning up his crimes that also manages to take up plenty of time here since the story is weak and the pacing off. Likewise, the dullness here also tends to make the film simply packed in the one section with kills but nothing else anywhere in the film so there's another major flaw here in the amount of kills it features featuring some of the weakest kills possible anyway. These here really troubling and lower this one significantly. When this one works it's got quite a lot of impressive stalking moments found in the later half here as the scenes of the killer going after the friends which gives this the kind of tense, impressive stalking throughout here as the immediate appearance to let them know he's there gives this a truly dynamic chase here. The darkened house is a fine setting which the stalking takes full advantage of with plenty of set-pieces within the house of him stalking the group and taking the encounters to the different rooms and locations as he goes through his paces hunting them down. That even leads into the traditional final-girl chase here which is a thrilling, action- packed set-piece that is far more interesting than anything else in the film as she pulls off a truly enjoyable fight against him and takes it to him which is what makes this a fantastic finish and really saves this one. It's just that the problems here really hold this one down.

Rated Unrated/R: Violence and Language.
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Dumb people die and they should die.
goonbug11 August 2020
This movie is not worth your time. Main character is implausibly dumb. An automotive cigarette lighter does not spark. This movie will frustrate you and is ultimately unsatisfying in its predictability. You've been warned.
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Enjoy your bath
nogodnomasters25 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The opening sequence lets us know the fender bender (Bill Sage) is the killer who wears a latex mask and we know how he operates. Hilary (Makenzie Vega), a high school student aspiring to be a ballerina is the next victim and clearly the final girl. The plot doesn't sound like much much but they add an ex-boyfriend issue as well as a few friends popping over. Personally I would have done the 911 call a lot earlier and my insurance company demands a police report for any auto repairs, just saying.

The film was okay. Hilary being a ballerina, by formula should have worked back into the film, and it did briefly, but not how I expected. Normally after being whacked in the head a few times with a tire iron, I don't move much. This is your basic break-in stalker/slasher film without Eric Roberts in a cameo role. 2 1/2 stars Guide: No sex or nudity. No swearing as I recall
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My dad hated this movie
kathryndeinum13 June 2021
Just awful. Do not do it. I'll go on. It's so bad it's a real shame it was made at all. There were a couple minutes, where we thought "maybe it'll be alright" we were wrong. It was not alright. It was really, truly awful. I've never left a review for a movie before, but I had to express my displeasure with this one.
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This actually worked for me
burgerman9327 November 2023
A tale as old as time: an older creepy male lures on unsuspecting female victims to kill them, only this time the method differs. For whatever reason this guy likes rear ending womens' cars in order to get their personal information, to in turn send text messages on their phone and show up at their houses and murder them. There was some buildup, but I thought the ending was too subdued.

The main actress Mackenzie Vega is quite beautiful, bright, and charming. The Apple doesn't fall far from the tree; her older sister Alexa also is a star. Mackenzie's character, the ex boyfriend, and the two friends are lackadaisical, but they somehow make this a legitimate film.

I will say this is the first slasher movies I've seen that's remotely entertaining. It just needed a stronger backstory for the killer, and perhaps some kind of reaction from the parents as they get home to see the carnage.
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Boring, braindead characters, generic, no budget slasher
KingOfHungary20 April 2020
A dreadfully boring slasher with a particularly unconvincing actor for the killer, who when not masked, looks a normal guy trying real hard to be creepy and scary and it's not working. The lead victim (& and the first victim) is braindead and does sheerly unrealistic things, carrying a cellphone around all the time and not doing anything with it, not even to text her local friends that she talked to earlier in the same day. There is zero connection to any character because they're just going through the shallow motions of a bare script. There is no redeeming quality in this horror flick, because there is barely any blood, and no gore, so even the killing is boring. The acting is bad by everyone involved, the music is decent, but you hear the same 80s basic electronic riffs in so many other horror films that at least have some blood and guts to it.
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A good horror/thriller
jonsid5712 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was quite a scary film with some gore and thrills. It foes hold you . It has elements of Scream and When a A Stranger Calls. The premise is an interesting one a man bumps into a thé back of a young woman's car and after they exchange details he stalks her . The film has some twists and isn't predictable .
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Good fun
bruceformer26 May 2021
Very 80s style slasher film, which I like so I enjoyed.

These films always were quite stupid so no surprises but a decent job by all in quite a low budget film.
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wasted good plot
mooreyr21 February 2018
Movie has nice plot but stupid screenplay and dull characters. Instead of using fresh techniques for slasher movie, director relies on stupid characters. No explanation for events, no thrill.. Acting is average.
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