Adam Ruins Everything (TV Series 2015–2019) Poster


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The best thing to watch on TV this Fall
wasimchocolate74 November 2015
This show is super interesting and totally shows what is wrong with our society and how can we work towards improving it. The show is funny along with being very informative ,I liked this series a lot very few TV series like this one also most of them are on discovery channel . If anyone likes TV series based on informative stuff then this is a must watch for them.This series is based on the college humors mini web series with the same name Adam Ruins Everything which also is good but you know short so not that fun.This show definitely will be successful as not only he is giving information but he is calling an expert on the field of the topic to his show to support the fact he is telling us.A very good show hope it runs for a long time and remains as interesting as it is this season
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Reminiscent of Penn & Teller's BS
mjohnston-3048413 December 2015
This show immediately reminds me of Pen & Teller's Bullshit, without the vulgarity, gratuitous nudity, and full on ranting from Penn (it was a brilliant show, if you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it).

As of the time of this review, they're 10 episodes into the first season, and I hope they continue on for several seasons more. It's actually fantastic to see Adam and most of the actors from College Humour come off of YouTube and actually get to be on TV. The show's premise is debunking long standing myths with references to studies and actual research. Yes, it's biased. No, it's not always right. It is, however, very well done and very entertaining.

It would be nice if it was hour episodes instead of 1/2 hour ones (20 minutes or so without the commercials) might give them a chance to go into a bit deeper detail about some of the things they talk about.
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First, look at where the bad reviews are coming from...
Explorermike10 July 2019
It's a decent show. It's not perfect. I'm middle of the road when it comes to politics, in fact, I HATE politics!

--Please look at how almost ALL the bad reviews are coming from conservative people.--

For pure, entertainment, this show is great. Maybe not everything is 100% Factual, as always, look for yourself, using more than one source.

Have a great day! :-)
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Very entertaining way to learn
tripper5113 October 2015
I love watching shows on the Discovery and Science channel. Shows like Brain Games and The Universe. Adam Ruins Everything is incredibly entertaining and informative. It questions irrational social norms while breaking the 4th wall and adding very edgy comedy. As of this review (10-3-2015) only one episode has premiered and it was great! It pointed out how many activities and "good deeds" we perform as a society are really just manipulations from advertisers from our past and have no rational basis. After watching the first episode I already have a different outlook on our culture and what I thought was the proper way to live life. It reminded me of the book "The De-Textbook" which is a great book if you enjoy learning the history behind why we do what we do in an entertaining way.

If you like this show I suggest you check out some of his web shorts on College Humor on YouTube.

I really hope this show takes off.
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This is a fantastic new educational show
agustolafur9723 November 2015
I think that this show is one of the greatest informational shows that is on the air right now. They deliver a lot of fascinating information in a very humorous way. Watching these episodes has already changed my view of some of our customs and ways. Adam Conover is fantastic in this series. How he can be hilarious, smart and sometimes sad is what makes this show watchable. it really is a shame that this show isn't more popular, but I hope that it gains more of an audience. Or as the new york times said "Adam Conover's new television series isn't the first dedicated to the fine art of debunking, but it's one of the most entertaining."
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This show should be a constant trending topic on social media!!!
mistapitts8 December 2015
There are so many cons, misconceptions, and deceitful propaganda that hundreds of millions of people just accept as correct and truth.

This show is by far the greatest exploiter of these falsehoods. It simplifies the deception into ways which anyone can understand.

Many of these subjects are painfully HUGE problems with society that have become commonly accepted.

It's like a reworked version of Mythbusters, but instead of urban, cinematic, and legendary myths this show exposes major falsehoods of everyday life in which majority of humans don't even think to question.

Bottom line: Brilliant, incredibly informative, funny, and the only good show TruTV has ever broadcast.
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Well documented and entertaining
jloftus-937-78925528 April 2020
Informative and entertaining, the production staff relies heavily on research and corrects mistakes when they occur. Overall great show.
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Ignore the Negative Reviews
xmattperkins-0418016 October 2019
Majority of negative reviews are from people who don't like facts that go against what they wanna believe. The truth is if these people truly cared about facts, all they would care about is they're facts. They wouldn't care if they came from a liberal or conservative source. Adam has admitted he has made mistakes but at least he lists sources. I've seen people who will send links to articles that either pre-date the new studies or they're from sources that don't list where they get their facts from. I'll take Adam's newer sources over sources that have no facts or are older than the newer sources.
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The Best Show Not Everyone Is Watching
rstef124 December 2015
Adam Ruins Everything is hosted by the decidedly unusual Adam Conover. Rather than cover that fact he revels in it, making himself the butt of many of the jokes on his social awkwardness, Whether he is like that in real life or not, it's highly entertaining and nice to see him not taking himself too seriously.

The show presents LOTS of facts in a quick and breezy, and most importantly, entertaining way so that the average viewer won't feel they are getting information overload or be bored. And as unusual as he is, Adam is an engaging host all the way. And this first season he has picked some great topics to cover: from airport security and charitable donations to summer break, nutrition (one of my fave eps), sex (another fave)to, inevitably, death. Are all the facts presented 100% accurate? Probably not, and Adam even admits that during one of the final episodes, but they do make you think while they amuse and that's important. Too often we take things as fact because they are the status quo, when we should be questioning them. Adam and the show do this for us and it opens up the discussion. Don't accept the way Hollywood or the government present things, do some checking on your own.

The connecting tissue of Adam tormenting various people by ruining stuff they like or took for granted, is hilarious, or in the final episode, downright scary. The supporting cast is a lot of fun and I hope to see Adam and crew back for a second season. Its been a long time since I've enjoyed a non-fiction TV show this much.
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Wildly funny and wildly informative
cherold29 September 2016
A lot of people hate being corrected, but I have always been a big fan of a good disabusement, both because I prefer to know the truth and because I find learning about the ways in which we've been tricked and conned inherently interesting. It's why I loved Robert Wuhl's Assume the Position specials.

Adam Ruins Everything is all about challenging our misconceptions, like diamonds are valuable and tin foil covers protect our aspirin. It is absolutely fascinating to see how many things we just accept without much thought are pure BS.

But the series is also really, really funny and engaging. While Penn & Teller or Robert Wuhl basically did a teaching-with-jokes format, Adam creates entire elaborate dramas in which in encounters people enjoying their lives and harasses them with a steady stream of facts while they beg him to stop. The show is incredibly funny, but also very serious about its information, footnoting each fact and bringing on experts in an amusing manner.

Adam also likes to counter the bleakness of a message that often comes down to "everything you're counting on is a sham" with information about things that genuinely work.

This series lasted a whole season before I even knew it existed; I hope people find it as I did, because it's amazing.
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Overall a decent show except for election episode
bendz-mail26 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The series is a decent show and talks about many misconceptions out there. However, the most recent episode regarding elections was a 30 minute ad to vote for Hillery. The entire episode was comparing Trump to all of the "evil" people out there and basically white-washed anything bad about Hillery. Then proceeded to say how we were one of the few countries out there who hadn't elected a woman for President. Well this is true, but this evil lying criminal is not needed as our first woman President. Adam also proceeded to tell us how LBJ was a lying political cheat but was a good President. Hint Hint - if he was so good let's vote for Hillery because she is a lying political cheat too. So needless to say, I won't be watching this show much any more. If I wanted to watch political ads I don't need 30 minutes to do it.
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You can tell it's good by how many conservatives it upset!
saraha_rogers11 August 2020
Like any media, must be taken with a grain of salt but definitely a funny way to learn some historical tid bits! Sources are provided on screen and although i dont like Adam much himself, the show is entertaining
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This guy is horrible.
sclafunk7 August 2018
Arrogant. Presenting eternally debated issues as objectively simple and one sided, and if you land on any other perspective than his, you're a bad person. This is propaganda for hipsters. This is the new way agendas are presented, thru comedy, where our guard is down the most. As an investigative journalist myself I care only about objectivity, I have no political leaning when I write and research and do my best to avoid the bias of human nature, and this show is shameful in that context. I also pride myself on responding to critique with an open mind and not attaching personal feelings when I'm called out and lashing out at people who stand in the way of what i want to be true with ruminations concerning what actually is true objectively(this will make sense in a moment).

The amount of things Adam skips over, presents out of context, or just straight up doesn't address to get his point across is nothing short of disgraceful. Why?!?! What could the purpose of this show possibly be beyond attempting to reshape issues current or otherwise, for a generation of people who have never really lived without a screen to dive into and use to construct a reality that is better than actual reality any time a hint of discomfort pops up. This is terrifying. There is literally no reason for a show like this to exist beyond arrogantly stating things his Freemason, or whoever really runs things, overlords tell him. Go ahead and give me a "not helpful" Bc I made people face the fact that we've collectively lost the ability to critically think and need a nasally voiced, annoying, intentionally sexually ambiguous, and unintimdating puppet to shape your world view. I could show u pages upon pages of research by really rich people all the way back to the 40s and 50s; that's gone into what personality is best to present information like this, hence allowing it to sink in most efficiently.

I would have no problem if he didn't act like he solved the worlds greatest problems in 21 mins every week. We're all entitled to our opinion, for sure, but when it's presented as fact and any other perspective is condescended to the whole time. That's not an opinion, that's Pure wrong. I don't care about the disclaimer at the beginning, and neither does our human natured collective subconscious. I don't care which way a show like this leans socially or politically, i care that it leans at all. Please don't get that twisted. It's the leaning itself like he on that purple drank that bothers me. It's disingenuous and it's far deeper than some guy spewing nonsense. It's a weapon.

Not quite the same but kinda similar, check out Nathan For You. Much much better docudramedy, not even close.
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Adam Ruins Everything is a great documentary show
drbits4 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Disclaimer: This review is based only on the first episode. The first episode is often a pilot and is not always representative of the series. It often takes 6 or more episodes to work the kinks out of a show.


This show discusses ways in which the public is being ripped off or lied to by marketing hype, by well-meaning charities, misguided health advice, and other similar topics. The show is well researched (references to back up arguments are provided on the show or web site). This show does not waste your time, several topics are covered in one episode instead of the usual 1/2 hour per topic.


In the first episode:

1) Adam describes how the De Beers cartel controls almost all of the world-wide diamond market, how their advertising campaigns led to the now widely accepted idea of a diamond engagement ring (including force feeding the idea of spending two month's pay on the ring - money that a new family needs for other things), and that diamonds are a poor investment because of the huge mark-ups by De Beers and Jewelers. The show suggests that if you want an engagement ring, you should use a cheaper stone, like a sapphire (I would suggest semi-precious stones instead - De Beers controls a large percentage of the Sapphire, Emerald, and Ruby market as well).

2) Tom's shoes (buy a pair and Tom's will donate a pair) is an example of charity gone wrong. Donating money to relief charities allows local decisions about what is needed (we in industrialized countries often donate the wrong things). In fact, donating items overseas that can be made locally depresses the local income. (not on the show: Economists say donating money pumps the local economy and often adds three times the donation to the local economy).

3) Donation of clothing, blankets, and other items overseas usually doesn't provide what is needed. It is better to donate used items locally. Relief organizations at the location know what is needed and donating money to these organizations is much more effective.

4) Canned food drives for food pantries are usually not very efficient. Donated food is often either expired, unhealthful, or is not what the people eat. Donating money to a food pantry (I would add homeless shelters) allows the pantry to purchase better food at wholesale prices. An example on the show is a pantry buying three cases of vegetables for $1.00, much less than supermarket prices.

Personal anecdote: when I lived in a homeless shelter, most of the donated food was sugary, and it made several of us sick. Also, one of the pantry workers remarked that they had to throw away a lot of canned food, because it was expired. The one or two year expiration dates on canned food are arbitrary - canned food does not spoil unless the can is damaged (the can is rusty or the button has popped). Except for fresh foods and baby formula, expiration dates usually give less than half of the time until food spoils.

5) Giving blood after a disaster can be helpful, but when people wait for a disaster then too much blood is donated and a lot of it spoils before it can be used. The show uses the example that after September 11, 2001, a huge number of people nationwide donated blood and 300,000 units of the blood spoiled). It is better to donate blood on a regular basis. (personal addition: After a local disaster, donating blood locally is useful. Blood banks usually run low toward the end of the year, so donating in November and December can be very helpful).

6) Adam also makes remarks about GMO vegetables not being unhealthy, but pesticide residue is unhealthy.

This is my biggest quibble with the show. The agricultural subjects are not well covered and I hope the show actually covers them in a future episode.

My personal research shows that the GMOs vegetables are tested to assure that they not toxic for humans, but the common corn (maize) and soybean GMOs lead to high levels of pesticide and herbicide residues in the resulting food. Part of the reason for high chemical residue is inappropriate farming practices. Since most of the feed in the US for cattle, swine, and chickens is GMO corn and soybeans, the residual chemicals concentrate in the meat - the levels are much higher than in the vegetables. Furthermore, the way GMO seed is sold reduces the variety and hybrid vigor of crops, opening the door for future agricultural disasters.
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This Show is Funny. Not Like Facebook Mom Funny, But Like Really, Actually Funny. And Interesting.
bigmikecupka1 December 2015
I stumbled upon this show at night when there was nothing else to watch on TV. At first glance it seemed like another dull educational show. Educational shows are interesting, but most of them aren't fun to watch. This show is different, I was dawn in by the intriguing information but I was genuinely surprised when the show was, like, actually funny. A lot of shows have some attempt at "witty humor" or whatever but fail to actually be funny to anyone but the people who wrote the "jokes." This show is funny. Like, I'm not an old lady or a huge nerd or a lame dad and this show actually made me laugh. And this Adam dude has some interesting things to say. For real like I'm not even stupid. I got like a 2220 on the SAT and I forreal thought this was funny and informative. Again, not a huge nerd but I'm liking this show. It's better than How It's Made and that's good enough for me.
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Adam ruins everything
sam20720022 January 2020
That's a funny informative show and I wish there were more like it
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Biased to the left?
bricksnmortar8226 May 2018
Those who complain on here that the facts presented on 'Adam Ruins Everything' are somehow biased in order to serve someone's narrow 'worldview' are themselves falling victim to the fallacy that any statement (even when backed up with credible sources) they see as running 'opposite' or 'counter' to their own opinions or perceptions must therefore be suggestive of a nefarious scheme to push some sort of agenda.

I've come to notice that the several posters who bothered to complain about the show's content seem to have internalized, as if it were a piece of their own personal identity, some of the wrongly-held misinformation that Adam Conover & his writing team are seeking to correct.

One genius basically told me in so many words that my reliance on historically credible facts, be they good or ugly, were 'biased' serving to support my proudly held leftist principles; and that though his points, while ahistorical, or just plain false, but which nonetheless influenced his 'conservative right-wing' worldview, were just as valid. As if facts had their own agendas...

While it's true I've always (somewhat cheekily) suspected reality to have a certain leftist bias, to see rightists argue themselves into logical dead-ends over and over again, while funny in a way, is still alarming.

This just goes to further proves the importance of shows like Adam Ruins Everything.
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Absolutely Excellent
suprdarb-4195411 September 2019
Adam reveals the REAL truth behind many of the things we learn from school and the media.
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Adam Teaches Everything!
myronlearn8 January 2020
This is an excellent show that attacks, convincingly, many long-held beliefs that are often passed off as fact. Adam Conover is the teacher extraordinaire, who uses well documented information in very clever and humorous skits, to dispel many of these fallacies. His show on racial stereotypes was superb. I always learn something from Adam's show and hope it goes on for a longtime. Bravo!
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Adam does factually ruin things
showpro25 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Adam does ruin everything, with factual data and online access to the sources of information.

When ruining Shopping, Adam was explaining & exposing the truth about "outlet stores" and how the company which owns it, stocks the stores with "outdated fashion." The available material in "outlet stores" were never really marketed fashions that the company put into their regular, more expensive market.

Also when discussing how supplements (not approved by the FDA) are found added to things sold in vitamin shops, is 100% true. Just like prescriptions, upon the expiration of patent protection, other drug companies add unknown supplements to the generic drugs. The addition of supplements, has caused family members of mine to be rushed into the ER, because of life threatening reactions to generic drugs. And these generic drugs with supplements, have also made medical conditions intractable (uncontrollable), causing 100% permanent disability.

Supplements has caused a family member of mine to go from making over $175,000/year to less than $17,000/year.

If you don't believe what he's saying on the show, with Ivy League University Professors, take a look at the show's list of resources & look up the facts for yourself.
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Should be called "Adam thinks he's right about everything".
chadbologna-2634918 October 2018
Snarky, Sarcastic, totally un-comical. Even if he is "right" about everything the way he goes on about his "facts" from various sources are extremely biased. One should take this show as a cheap ideological cluster of cherry picked instances.
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VERY entertaining and informative
Darkdemonqueen24 May 2016
I love this show not only because its entertaining but because it does what I think a lot of people and shows are afraid to do: debunk social norms and show the insanity to where a lot of our American customs originated. If you see anything negative about this show its because someone was offended by something they discussed on the show and explained how silly the practice of that particular belief was/is. For example: The show explains how we've been brainwashed as a society/culture to believe diamonds are the greatest way to show a woman you love but in fact they are "intrinsically worthless".

This show teaches people to ask themselves: "why do we do this? who started this custom and why is it social norm now?" Its truly fascinating. Its well worth the watch. The host/show backs up all his facts by displaying source on the screen so that you may look into it yourself.

The host comes off a little condescending at first but if you think about it its almost impossible to explain something to someone when they thought they knew "how" "why" & "where/when" in the first place. I am more than happy to admit that I did NOT know most of the things they teach on the show! That is why I love watching though....I just keep learning so much and you will too!!!
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rzajac5 January 2016
It's everything great infotainment should be: Snappy, truly informational, truly humorous, inspired and inspiring, well-directed, well-acted, more- than-adequately produced, yadda yadda yadda!

Re: Direction: It may be over-the-top, but at least the tone is consistently managed. It's a roller-coaster ride of boffo emotional ups/downs/lefts/rights that doesn't let you off 'til it's over. And correspondingly the medicine goes down nice and smooth.

Currently binge-watching... and it's like crack!

Check it out! Hope Adam's been picked up for another season... I'll look around and see.
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Funny and Informative
slydude0727 August 2019
I just discovered Adam Ruins Everything a few days ago and now I'm recording it and watching every episode I can get. I see the reviews are cluttered with angry right-wingers who are trying to destroy this show because of its leftist bent , but with over 5,000 votes and a high rating, it tell me that most people like it as much as I do. All I can say is, if you're a right-wing nut job, DON'T WATCH IT and turn on Hannity. Or better yet...Get A Life!
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The shoe is amazing
michaeltierney3222 January 2021
Great fun to watch! Also very informative and makes your question all things.
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