Miss Sloane (2016) Poster


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Good Movie.
movieliker110 May 2021
This was an entertaining movie. Jessica Chastain is gorgeous. The acting, writing and dialogue are good. The subject material is smart.

It's not really about guns or gun control. It's about corruption in Washington. And how lobbyists and politicians don't really do what is best for the country or it's people. They do what is best for them and their careers. And what will get them money and power.
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Worth an easy 8/10 - Pro gun folk are manipulating it
chrisjewyett27 January 2017
So many users are getting their knickers in a twist. They are giving this excellent movie with great twists a low rating because the story is about gun law, and sides with, yes you guessed it, anti gun lobbyists. All the 1/10s own a gun lol.

It's actually not about gun law at all. Gun law has only been used as the subject of the day, to put the point across about dirty politicians and lobbyists.

This movie is terrific. It's complicated at the start, but soon starts to make sense.

The main character is terrific. Cold, hard and calculating. Great job!

I can't say anymore because I never include spoilers. Just trust me.

Whether you're for or against guns, that's not the point. This is a political thriller folks. Sit back, relax and enjoy it!

BTW....it's not a true story. Don't take it so seriously.

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One of the Best Thrillers Recently Released
claudio_carvalho28 March 2021
In Washington D. C., the lobbyist Madeline Elizabeth Sloane (Jessica Chastain) decides to move to a minor agency owned Rodolfo Vittorio Schmidt (Mark Strong) as a challenge in her successful career. While facing the Powers That Be, she has to prove her competency paying a high-cost.

"Miss Sloane" is one of the best thrillers recently released by the Cinema Industry. The powerful story and screenplay has complex dialogs and the magnificent Jessica Chastain in the lead role. This is the type of film that deserves to be watched more than once. My vote is eight.

Title (Brazil): "Armas na Mesa" ("Weapons on the Table")
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Great movie, Outstanding performance by Jessica Chastain!
ipekevamy27 January 2017
This is a powerful female driven film about the title character and politics.

It's one of Jessica's best performances if not the best. This character allows her to show so many things of her skill set. She's so believable, every nuance, every line she delivers is just so perfect. She should have been nominated for this role for every award show...

Miss Sloane is a great movie which has a very fast pace. You can't predict what's coming next, great performances by everyone on the cast.

Forget about the bad reviews, even if you don't like politics this movie will keep you interested.

It's upsetting that It bombed at the box office. I think It's because of the subject matter and people might had enough of the political climate in real life. But It really deserves to be seen.

I highly recommend this awesome, very underrated movie.
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From the standpoint of a dispassionate observer separate from the tangled mess that is US politics.
edwardgaremo27 January 2017
From the standpoint of a dispassionate observer separate from the tangled mess that is US politics.

One of the best movies I have ever seen. The intensity of the movie is unrivaled. The genius who designed the plot of this movie deserves a whole host of accolades for them personally.

Twists and turns around every corner making it engaging on a level similar to that experienced when deconstructing a Shakespeare play. This movie is for anyone who desires not only a piece of quality entertainment but also something that stretches their intellect. Aside perhaps from the role of Tony Stark I have never encountered a more badass main character.
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Ignore all the 1-star comments!
janenicole14 December 2016
The main reason I'm posting a review is to counter all the 1-star reviews left by pro-gun advocates who obviously have not seen the movie. I saw it last night and it is *not* about the gun lobby, although that's part of the story. In fact, the movie does a good job portraying both sides of the argument.

About the movie. I liked it and thought it had depth and raised a lot of questions about power, greed, corruption, the weakness of some of our laws, means vs. ends, and the motivations of some of the country's movers and shakers and elected representatives. I plan to see it again. It also brings up the question about males vs. females in high power jobs. Men who act one way are called leaders, women who act that same way are called ice queens or something like that. For example, I'm sure there has been a lot of discomfort over her, er, sex life when I don't think audiences would have had the same discomfort if it had been a male lead.

On the downside, I thought it was a bit "over the top" at times and I just didn't buy into some of the motivations or plotting, but what do I know about power politics in Washington?
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Awesome film
dj_shamrock24 December 2016
Loved it. Jessica is very believable as uptight and smart, her lines are delivered with sharp intensity and she is just darn right sexy.

Beautiful sets and cinematography. Cool wardrobes. Excellent whistle blowing. Any film that exposes truths about how massive greed and corruption are is a needed film to see.

The hidden message is NOT about gun control, it's about corruption and how deep it goes.

Seeing an educated, powerful women with needs also shows realism.

The score is also nice.

This is a great film and is very underrated!
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Real People Don't Talk Like This
michaelr-0721729 January 2021
The plot line was quite engaging, but the dialogue sounded like scripted sound bites. The characters are primarily stereotypes, thus making the entire production feel like a cartoon.
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Why is this bombing at the box office?!!
davispittman23 December 2016
It makes absolutely no sense that this film is bombing at the box office, this is a great film! Maybe it's because it's fresh off the heels of an exhausting election, or maybe it's because of the other big time films out right like Star Wars. I sincerely hope that it's not because of the NRA, I hope that people won't avoid this wonderful movie just because of the gun lobby. Jessica chastain gives a real powerhouse performance as Elizabeth Sloane, a tough as nails lobbyist for the Brady campaign. Also here is Sam Waterson, who works for the gun lobby, and I really liked him in this role, he fit in it well and gives a good performance. I loved the great writing in the movie and the clever moves that are made. This political drama is so interesting and well constructed. Mark Strong is so good here too, chastain and him have a great on screen chemistry/presence too. The film will keep your attention the entire way through, it has too because there is just so much happening. Now I know that plenty of conservatives and big time Pro-NRA people will want you to avoid it and maybe even write a bunch of scathing articles slamming it, but don't listen, oh what a great movie this is! 10/10!
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The redeeming part comes a bit too late for this long overdrawn political drama
andynaik2 December 2016
It's almost like there are two separate movies within one.

The first part is a tedious almost a hour and a half political and legal jargon filled introduction to Miss Sloane and her pompous must-win attitude. She is lobbyist living in D.C. working for a large firm but has a unfriendly fallout and joins another firm to lobby against the 2nd amendment. She gathers some team members from her earlier firm and in Esme she finds someone who would come to play a crucial role later. We also get a look into Miss Sloane's personal life and what's the reason behind Miss Sloane's 18 hour workdays and insomnia.

Once we gets over the initial slump, there's a turning point after which the film really picks up the pace for a thrilling finish although it comes a tad too late to save the movie.

Jessica Chastain is a strong actress and the later half really drives home the point but the first half doesn't highlight it. If you're patient enough, it still works but I wouldn't be surprised if people are turned away by the tedious first 90 minutes and walk out the theater.
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Just look a great book - impossible to put down!
trevorhunt-1864125 January 2017
Fantastic movie - exceptional acting, intricate plot, suspenseful scenes throughout and an unbelievable twist at the end, which was impossible to predict.

Whilst some gun-tooting viewers may not appreciate the biased view towards the need for greater gun control measures (a point so intelligently made by drawing an analogy with car ownership), there can be no doubting the quality of this piece of work from a cinematographic perspective.

The recurrent theme not of gun ownership issues but rather of aberrant behaviour by self-serving politicians, if indeed not evident corruption and nepotism, is a theme that will strike a strong cord in many Western countries today, and lead us to question what democracy actually means in a world where money plays the role of god.
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Chastain Does The Empowered Woman
vanapa924 January 2017
Empowering women on the Big and small screens, is very Vogue. Chastain does it as well as any women so far. very convincing, and she proves once again, any role she does, she does better than most, if not all-just like her screen character in this flic-Miss Sloane. The cast is superb, I would only second guess using the "tried and true "ie-over done/stereotype actors, and you know who I mean!!

Lastly- I would have had a certain someone {Mr. Ford} waiting for Miss Sloane when the curtain closes.Her blank stare-as if startled..BEGS for something!!! Or...is the somewhat startled and surprised gaze...a GUNMAN..outraged by her triumph over the gun Lovers she so brilliantly foiled ?? Maybe a sequel ?? What do you say ?
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I'm an actual liberal and I found it mind meltingly bad.
hartj-7598323 January 2021
Some claim that this movie is propaganda and it is but it is *much* worse than that because it is bad propaganda which is the kind that converts no one.

If anyone thought that The West Wing was a liberal smugfest then you wouldn't want to see this. Alternatively if you really enjoyed The West Wing then this movie is probably for you but here are my criticisms of it.

Jessica Chastain's character is supposed to be good at her job yet in every single scene and every line of dialogue she comes across as a student union yahoo. It isn't just the hard right who have their collection of braying idiots and here is a prime example.

This whole movie is like watching an alternative version of reality where a person isn't immediately fired for insulting a client and I don't just mean doing so in a Don Draper sort of way but by literally laughing in their faces and then offering to work with them. I mean, really?

The story line is silly, the cast are all idiots and nothing is believable.

This movie is smug, pretentious and utterly unbelievable on every level.
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Maybe not for 10, but certainly it's above 7.
antonionevescanin28 January 2017
Just watched the movie and I have to say I'm shocked that it's rated so low on IMDb, as I have watched much, MUCH worse movies with better ratings. Scrolling to evidentially biased ratings and reviews I'm giving it a 10, just hoping it will balance out the harm done. Jessica Chastain delivered great performance, but she wasn't the only one, whole crew was really good, but she really did earn that globe nomination. Furthermore, movie is beautifully captured, cinematography is great and whole atmosphere is really nice. The last but not the least, it's a great thriller, with an unpredictable twist and not boring for a moment. I do understand it's might be different experience watching it for an European audience, as from the start second amendment and gun legislative is for most of us here absurd, however, although I can understand that for some Americans it might seem one sided story, my question is aren't many of story lines one sided, to be honest it's not advertised as documentary, so why should you even expect other side to be equally represented? Strongly recommend to give this movie attention it deserves.
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Fantastic writing with only a little contrived ending
harineem-209-52548810 October 2021
I had never heard of this movie till a youtube channel recommended this in their list. What a gem of a movie! After a long time I saw a movie which had dialogues to remember, fast paced screenplay and a performance par excellence by Jessica Chastain. I am not American so the movie was a revelation of sorts on their political process. I give only 8 as the ending felt a little contrived. Sad it didn't get the attention it deserved when it was released and Jessica Chastain was not nominated for a Oscar. She lives the role, impossible to even imagine anyone else in the role. One thing that I kept waiting for , was the background on why Sloane is the way she is, the director kept hinting on a reveal which never comes. But thats fine, keeps the character ambiguous till the end. And its not liberals vs republicans etc, I didn't see them take sides.
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Slow to start, but picks up the pace. Interesting story with good performances
atcallan29 January 2017
It is clear from reading other reviews that this film has upset some of the NRA gun lobby people. Despite the narrative that runs through the film, about "control" not meaning, "the lefties are coming to take your guns". Clearly many of these people slating the movie have not even bothered to watch it. In my mind the film promotes common sense and suggests the petulant bickering of both sides to be nothing more than political jousting, rather than genuine concerns about rights or safety.

The film itself has many positive performances, it is well shot, and despite a slow start. The story picks up pace to a superbly crafted ending. The leading lady is an intimidating hard faced lady, who will be attractive to some, but perhaps not to all. That said any movie where the leading character is not easily likable, can be refreshingly interesting.
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great movie
polychron25 January 2017
i can tell that the gun lobby is also active on IMDb. this movie is straight told with unexpected moves. it is realistic as well as true. but in a world of alternative facts difficult to accept. it goes on too long far too long.. it has to stop here and today. the connection with the gun lobby and the senate is authentic. the characters are real. what i liked most of all was the fact that everyone is selling out anyone except the call-boy. in this world of business and in the world of politics , the decent one is the one who sells his body. while everybody would kill for their ego or for wealth.. he remains sincere and surreal . the whore is the only person with ethics and value is messed up world is quite a message, although it had little to do with the main story... again i feel disgusted by the reviews who have nothing to do with the movie but a lot with their political views... the reviews prove this movie is true!
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Good political drama, and a great performance by Jessica Chastain
subxerogravity29 November 2016
I went to go see this movie simple because Jessica Chastain was in it. I'm a fan of her work in drama, the same way I'm a fan of Kristen Wiig in comedy, Zoe Saldana in Sci-fi and Michelle Rodriguez in action (Hopefully one day they'll let her get top billing), and this was great drama.

It was never boring, Thank God! Cause these things can easily bore me. It's filled with a lot of political mumbo jumbo that was not fully easy for me to comply, but the emotional tones coming from the amazing actors really help me grasp all the legal stuff happening.

Overall, Miss Sloane is a very political fantasy style movie, and I say this with a jaded tone due to where the U.S is politically right now. I feel like Miss Sloane is telling a story only true in Hollywood. It tries not to be that Hollywood formula, it's buried nice and deep but it gets there.

Still, it is a well done story. I like when movies give you enough clear information that allows the viewer to understand and see where the movie is going, I especially like it when the movie is capable of giving the viewers a lot of twist and turns to try to toss you off the sent of what's going to happen, but at lease when it does happen the montage recap that you see in all movies like that is not out of nowhere. The clues are not just made up but were very clear from the beginning.

The political thriller had me on the edge of my seat the whole time like it was an action movie or a horror flick, and Jessica Chastain has the kind of charisma that keeps you rooting for her, even though Miss Sloane is not always the nicest person.

The film has grace and style and a great ensemble cast that includes Mark Strong, Alison Pill,John Lithgow and Sam Waterson, but keep in mind, this is Miss Chastain vehicle and she drives it well.

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I used my brain!
neil-4769 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Liz Sloane does not relate well to people: she has little empathy for others. She does, however, understand what makes people tick, which is why she is an excellent lobbyist. She is working for a firm which is seeking to generate senatorial support for a bill to require greater background checks for those buying firearms: the gun lobby is fiercely opposed to this. All this is presented within a framing story by which we know that there is a senate hearing into Sloane's alleged rule breaking during her lobbying activities.

Let me say at the start that this film engages the interest at the start and holds it throughout. It is a great pleasure to find one's brain in use all the way through over two hours of a movie: the story is fresh and always moving, with much drama along the way. Never difficult to follow, it has a couple of dramatic high points along the way, and a great ending - fair, but unexpected. I really liked the story here.

While I like Jessica Chastain on chat shows, I always find her performances a little cold. That very coldness suits Liz Sloane, however, and Chastain really impresses here. The rest of the cast are good too, providing some of the emotional connection which Liz Sloane can't (or doesn't) offer. Gugu Mbatha-Raw is as impressive as she was in Belle.

I wasn't expecting to enjoy this, but I did, a lot.
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A nice smart movie about an unpopular subject.
MOscarbradley1 March 2019
More dirty politics and particularly prescient in the time of Trump. Elizabeth Sloane is a lobbyist whose failure to get into bed with the NRA seems to be her undoing, especially when she decides to change sides. It may or may not prove to be a smart move but this is a smart movie with a cracker of a script from Jonathan Perera, a typically high-powered performance from the always reliable Jessica Chastain and a terrific supporting cast that includes Mark Strong, John Lithgow, Michael Stuhlbarg, Sam Waterson, Alison Pill and Gugu Mbatha-Raw.

It looks good and it sounds good but it's not likely to please the multiplex crowd; no matter how you dress it up, politics just aren't sexy and any plot concerning gun-control means you have to take your brain into the cinema with you, something most people aren't prepared to do these days so while Miss Sloane may be good at her job, and by all accounts no slouch in bed either, she will be fighting a losing battle at the box-office.
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Smartly written, Brilliantly acted, Perfection.
OGmacadamia3922 March 2019
Anyone who dislikes this movie is cray. I didn't know what I was getting into watching it, I just knew I loved Jessica Chastain, and she KILLED it.

Truth: The second I watched it I was blown away and I rewatched it almost instantaneously to see the pieces put together.

This is a thriller in that it's suspensful, smart and taking on the subject of corrupted politics. I can't recimmend it highly enough.

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Top-notch, Hitchcockian thriller
leotkonewton16 December 2016
Lots of one-star reviews, and all for the ridiculous reason that a small part of the film uses gun-control as a means of moving the script. The movie is really about exposing corruption in Washington, an issue that the Right should be on board with. Chastain is great, and the pace and plot make the movie seem much shorter than its actual run time. Again, you can safely ignore the one and two-star reviews, as those are just for two issues: 1) the film dared offer facts about gun crime, and 2) it had a woman in the title role as someone ten times smarter than everyone else. If it had been a man, somebody like Kevin Spacey from The Usual Suspects, then these Righties would have no problem. But a WOMAN being THAT smart? Please. And gun-control too? SO, please, ignore the one star reviews and give this thriller a shot.
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Not as good as i hoped.
heffner_lara13 December 2016
I live in Norway, we have one of the strictest gun control-laws in the world, I am anti-gun and even I got some heavy propaganda-vibes from this movie. The movie picks ups hot topic but does not invite to debate, you get force-fed a certain viewpoint and it just falls flat. I had hoped for something much better but i was sorely disappointed, this could have been really good but you are forced to think the same way as the main character and that does not make the viewing pleasant. I would much more recommend that you watch a real debate on the topic where both views are presented by both sides, movies like this one will only get this ongoing debate stuck and we will never hear the end of it.
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A thriller with a surprise!
louehp27 January 2017
I picked this movie without prejudice, as I hadn't heard a word about it. And I loved it!!!

The tempo is sustained, the performances outstanding. An interesting story with a twist, well written, and the perfect cast.

One element that also enhances the movie: its diversity. Multi-faceted characters which gives spice to the story's meat.

The only downside: the way love is given a bad name. How do you want the youth to connect if you keep telling them that love ain't the sh*t?? It is a recurrent theme in 21st century cinema that i condemn, because it perpetuates mechanic sex--humans deprived from feelings. I am for a little more optimism in that domain and the human species.

My 2cents; LM ARNAL
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f-rabit20 March 2017
This movie is awesome. One of the best pictures I've ever seen. Very strong emotionally. The performances are top notch; all of them. But In my opinion, this is Jessica Chastain's all time best role. She deserved at least an "actress in a leading role" nomination. She achieves a better performance level than Natalie Portman - "jackie", Isabelle Huppert - Elle" or even the winner - Emma Stone in "La La Land". Again, my opinion, of course. The interest prediction on this movie describes an ideal curve, growing strongly from the start till the end. And at the end it explodes in a rainbow of emotions you could never predict. It's absolutely astonishing. Loved it.
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