Space Cop (Video 2016) Poster

(2016 Video)

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Lacking an Individual Identity but still a Fun Experience
Raptorclaw15521 June 2020
The long and the short of it is this: if you like RedLetterMedia content like Half in the Bag, Best of the Worst, re:View, or the Mister Plinkett reviews, this will probably be an enjoyable experience for you, albeit, maybe a little more-of-the-same.

Having familiarized myself with a lot of RedLetterMedia's backlog of content going back to their Plinkett shorts and The Grabowskis, it's interesting how the advent of the Plinkett reviews and the Half in the Bag skits have seen their humor evolve. However, I can't help but feel like that this sense of humor and these characters make this film feel more like a really long Half in the Bag skit than a standalone film, which is ultimately my biggest critique of this.

That's not to say the humor is bad, on the contrary, I laughed at a lot of the jokes in this film, especially when I saw a reference to The Grabowskis included in one of the scenes. The cheesy one-liners Space Cop says are also great. My problem lies in that the characters portrayed by Mike, Jay and Rich all feel like characters we've already seen before and feels like more of the same as one of their YouTube videos except with higher production values. Coming into this film after seeing all 5 seasons of The Grabowskis and having watched The Cleaning Lady for the umpteenth time, maybe I was expecting something a little grittier and more of that vein of bizarre humor than this. There are some moments in this film where I felt the joke was included to satisfy a checklist, like Rich Evans yelling "OHHH NO" despite it feeling a bit out of character for Space Cop. I still laughed at that joke but, I couldn't help but feel like characters were being reprised in this film, either for the sake of catering to their YouTube audience who know them for those sorts of jokes on their various review series,or because it's being done somewhat on autopilot- or maybe a little of both.

There are some people who have reviewed Space Cop and have called it disappointing by pointing out technical flaws in the way it was made, but it's obvious this film wasn't made on a very robust budget which is probably why they went for a science fiction schlock comedy film instead of trying to make something more profound.

I just wish Space Cop had an identity of its own but as it is, it's still a fun experience and one that I think many RedLetterMedia fans will enjoy.
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Too Much Ham
scythertitus8 December 2019
Intentional schlock that has fun with itself and has a good character dynamic that could be worked into a serious movie and make it far better.

The only problem here is that because they are trying to be intentionally schlocky things get a bit too hammy. Fake bad acting and camera winks aren't as enjoyable as actual overacting and real attempts at coolness that are ridiculous. The Room wouldn't be The Room if it was done on purpose.

Overall if you are a fan fo RLM then there is something for you here, and the story is better than most other films of a similar budget, but it probably would have worked better if they had played the whole thing actually straight, rather than fake winky straight while always letting you know that they know how schlocky it all is.
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kjmusto31 January 2016
As a huge fan of RLM I was really looking forward to this movie, but I was really disappointed.

It's not funny.

I really like their skits that they have done in the past(HITB&others), but this movie just isn't funny. I was kinda smiling in few parts and laughed twice, but yeah there is just so many missed jokes they could have done. I was writing a better movie in my head while watching it.

They clearly put a lot of effort in to making this movie and I'm not trying to dis them, but I suggest next time they should put much more effort in to the script than the sets and special FX.

They should try making some kind of down to earth comedy(clerks) rather than a high concept one because of their limited budget & crew.

And the acting/casting choices of Rich and Mike were just horrible. Mike should be the lovable cynic and Rich the wacky one not the other way around.

I hope in their next project they don't try to do these "wacky" voices and just speak in their normal voices.

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Watch every Best of the Worst and then you'll get this movie?
powerofberzerker20 January 2020
This movie exists to showcase how every schlocky B movie of the '80s looked and sounded like and to ridicule that by exaggerating all of the bad tropes and characteristics of those films. It is all done intentionally and it's an homage to those very niche films that everyone has watched at least once in their lifetime.

Everything is here: the terrible alien costumes and low budget sets and all-around production value, terrible accents, acting, awful one-liners, and every cliche possible from that era. Music is styled in a synthy way and fits very well.

What is bad is the movie's run time. If it was all focused and condensed in a one-hour movie or even less, it would've been much better. This way you pretty much know after the first 10 minutes what you are getting and it is not really funny or fun to ''enjoy'' it in its entirety. I found it amusing enough to watch it, but I get it if people get tired of it and turn it off. I was thinking about it too. Another problem is comedy. I giggled 2 or 3 times but I cringed throughout the whole film and it can get tiring as the jokes have no breathing space. It is a pretty good movie to laugh at which is its purpose.

I liked some of the jokes and the performances because I love the RLM crew but all in all, this is a below-average parody that even parodies a parody (Scary Movie)...
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I clapped, I clapped when I saw it.
morrison-dylan-fan2 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
After watching the terrible Star Trek Into Darkness (2013),I re-watched the review on the film, from my favourite YouTube channel: RedLetterMedia. Having had it in the back of my mind for a while to check the films these hack frauds have made, it appearing fitting for this to be the time to "Engage."

View on the film:

Taking 12 years to make, (which means it must be good,since it took 12 years to make) the lads at RedLetterMedia (RLM) create a loving tribute to the shoddy-looking flicks of the video bargain bin era, from the indoor baddies talking scenes being barely lit up and ending out of synch audio, to models/low-res "special effects" being slapped on, along with the change from actor to stunt guy being clearly visible.

Stating later that they gave Space Cop no arc (it's so dense) the knowledge RLM have on Sci-Fi in some snappy exchanges, because like poetry, it rhymes.

The move to keep Space Cop in the same place, does lead to the almost 1 hour and 50 min run-time feeling stretched out, due to little chances taken to expand the buddy team-up of Space Cop and Cooper, and a surprising laid-back mood, for what should be a exciting chase of Space cop hunting for the evil talking brain.

Admitting that he can't act, Hollywood superstar Dick the Birthday Boy charges in with the best laughs in the flick when bumping into the set or screaming as he messes with the props. Attempting each time he is on screen to get Rich Evans to laugh,Mike Stoklasa brings out all the warmth and ease the RLM team have round each other, which sits half in the bag.
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I was satisfied
hlocnw4 December 2016
I enjoyed this movie because of the lessons it teaches about telling a story on a tiny budget.

Mike, Rich, and Jay (along with the other members of the RLM team) focus most of their output talking about movies, about what makes them work and what makes the fall short.

Space Cop is very self-aware, and I don't think it can be viewed by itself as a standalone movie. In many ways, it is a meta-movie, designed to point out the elements that comprise storytelling on the screen.

It's not hilarious or beautiful or fascinating; it's something else, a secondary communication from the creators that brings together many of the ideas from Half In the Bag, Best of the Worst, and The Plinkett Reviews.

I enjoyed this movie, but I did lot of homework with RLM over the years to get the points they are making. I accept it for what it is.
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Space Cop Fell Short, Mostly Flatlined
BitterJim27 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The feeling I had after viewing was a strong "Meh." Perhaps if the product had sold for 10 bucks instead of 25 bucks, I wouldn't have felt so unfulfilled. But for the price of the movie(the blue-ray version), it was not worth it. The special features did not add much either.

The audio suffered in many areas. The musical score was drab and irritating, and in some parts, even distracting due to the levels being off. The score clashed with dialogue and other sound effects, forming a mesh of noise.

There were also audio flaws. Aside from parts of the film where audio did not sync properly to characters mouths, much of the dialogue sounded dubbed, as if they had technical problems they did not realize until post production.

When actors were called back to re-record lines, they ended up sounding like they were concentrating too hard on syncing their voices to footage, which took away from the much more natural delivery they probably had on set physically interacting with each other. Most noticeably was this in Jocelyn Ridgleys character. There were also audio distortions in some of the dialogue with characters, like the mic had redlined.

When it came to the cinematography, Space Cop relied mostly on bland tripod shots, or shaky hand held shots. No steadicams, skylifts, booms, panning...just the type of cinematography you would expect from anyones low budget backyard film. For RLM, you would expect more, as you have seen them do more in several of their projects.

Mike Stoklasa and Rich Evans as the main characters, the formula did not work for one main reason. Both Mike and Rich played caricatures, not characters. The combined result of two "cartoons" took away from the film, as I found myself detached and not invested in either.

Had Stoklasas character played just Stoklasa, or a more "straight man" role, it might have worked better. Instead, Stoklasa played a caricature of a corny 1930's styled vaudevillian,(though I think they meant to do more of a 1950's style "Untouchables/Elliot Ness" type) while Evans played a cliché clint eastwood/1980's action hero. The result was being forced to listen to two "silly" voices for the whole film, and the humor you would get from it hit its punchline 60 minutes before the film ended.

When it comes to indie films, most indie film makers take advantage of their unrated status, and exploit things like sex, violence, foul language or a lack of political correctness. Space Cop fell short of all of this. It is a PG-13 film, yet the vast majority of RLM's fanbase are well over 17.

I think Space Cop may have made up for its shortcomings had they went for more blood and gore, or made the audience wince over other subject matter. For instance, Stoklasas character is a detective from the past, and they did play with some politically incorrect humor over his storyline. But they could have gone further with it, even made an intelligent and satirical statement about the subject matter.

The problem with this self aware, purposefully bad film making style(that often dominates the indie scene) is that it makes it harder for the audience to invest in any of the characters, to root for the good guy, or get involved with the story.

These things are essential to any movie. As bad as Death Wish 3 was, the producers set out to tell a story and deliver a performance. You still rooted for Charles Bronson. You still cared about or hoped his friends and allies would not get hurt. You wanted to see the bad guys get what they deserved.

In Space Cop, you just didn't care. You went a long with the story simply because it existed. The "bad guys" were convoluted, in fact in the last 20 minutes, you learn they aren't even the antagonists.

I'm sure my little review will be attacked by brainless and pathetic RLM fanboys who will defend slipshod work with excuses like "its meant to be bad" and "its JUST a b movie", but this only vindicates my point about purposefully self aware shlock.

For a group of people to make a side career out of criticizing the work of others, it must be nice to be able to fall back on such excuses when your own work flatlines or falls short.

In all honesty, the entire movie felt like a long youtube video. In fact, Red Letter Media probably would have gotten more attention and fanfare had they turned Space Cop into an internet series, broken into 10 minute videos. Not only would they have reached a larger audience by providing the content for free, but they would have still earned ad revenue on the product, and the flaws and shortcomings would have been much more forgivable.

Having seen all of RLM's films, Space Cop was definitely a step backwards. Hopefully in their next project, they will base a story on something more than just a cheap gimmick/joke, not take so long to complete it, and charge much less. There really is no need for them to bother with Blu-Rays.
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What's not to like?
cekadah1 May 2016
Perfectly funny and silly movie that maintains it's focus and consistency from start to finish. Silly cop from the future meets silly cop from the past and must solve a crime in the present!

Goofy idea from the start but that's what this whole movie is - a goofy idea and Directors: Jay Bauman & Mike Stoklasa brought it all together in a funny and low budget format that really works for this style film. The cast of actors seem to know the 'level' of movie this is and appear to have great fun in their roles. No pretentious acting or pumped up special effects to outshine the story.

This is a low brow funtime flick for easy viewing and, above all, for those times when we want to just relax and not have to think. Think of it this way - Space Cop is the well done and intelligent dime store version of those over budgeted and ignorant fast & furious flicks.
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Could have been great
chrisnbuchanan1 February 2016
I'm sad to say that after all the anticipation, Space Cop is fairly underwhelming. It seems strangely uneven, unpolished. And most disappointingly, it's formulaic. I'd hoped for something wittier, more off-the-wall, more creative based on RLM's previous work. Space Cop gave me nothing to think about -- the clichéd plot points, double entendres, tired set-ups, bad models / costumes and archetype characters aren't there to be subverted or analysed, they're just there.

The music works very well, the sets are solid, there are lots of laugh-out-loud moments scattered through. But it's not confident in itself. It feels rushed.

The script in particular feels like a first draft. Motivations and relationships shift wildly from joke to joke - it's hard to understand what we're supposed to think of the characters or how Space Cop in particular is perceived by the others. Sometimes the tone is so muddied it's tricky to tell if a moment is going for humour, tension or drama. At one point the movie slows down so we can watch a striptease and take long, lingering looks at the actress' body. I kept waiting for the punchline, but amazingly it seems to just be there for titillation.

There are highlights. Rich Evans and Jocelyn Ridgely are funny and do very well in their roles. Mike Stoklasa appears to be deliberately hamming it up, which often doesn't 'fit' with the other actors but is enjoyably tongue-in-cheek in itself. The 'real' actors and cameos vary in skill but most are solid and some are great. Len Kabasinski of all people absolutely cracked me up. This movie could have been great.

Overall, Space Cop comes across as either lazy or stumbling. Mike, Jay and Rich have a lot of talent and creativity, but only some of it made it through the filming process on this one.
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alpbal29 December 2020
I cannot believe they managed to convince a megastar like Rich Evans to play in this low budget movie. I don't know about that "Mike" guy, though. Is he some kind of secret a**hole?
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Listen to the Commentary
thomajake13 November 2020
Space Cop is a great teaching tool for independent genre filmmakers to learn the rigors of making your own sci-fi or fantasy feature, and it's great to hear the boys talk about the behind the scenes stories. Get the blu-ray for the commentary track alone!
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Space Schlock
Spike_the_Cactus26 December 2019
The issue I have with Space Cop is that it seems to pull its punches.

Mike, Jay, and Rich come across brilliantly on RLM, but their films feel like a nod and a wink to their existing audience. That's understandable, and for the most part it works well, but I feel that these guys are talented enough to go all in on a legitimate film that isn't relying on their fan-base.

Space Cop is entertaining. The opening hostage situation is old school slapstick, but it works as a set-up. I loved the matter of fact way that Space Cop seamlessly finds himself working for the local police without any attempt to hide his character, and Mike's trench coat revived detective creates a perfect comical partnership. Unfortunately I'm not a big fan of the scripted stuff. Yes there are funny moments, but it never felt like the natural and spontaneous chemistry between Rich and Mike was given any room. A lot of the humour came from seeing funny and talented guys from RLM performing in a film, rather than funny and talented guys simply being funny and talented. Clearly they're not going to make an unintentionally bad film, but why not try to make a genuinely good comedy film. They should back themselves with a bit of confidence in their ability, instead of hiding behind the 'nudge nudge wink wink' approach.

I'd love to see them try their hand at a found footage horror. Mike, Jay, and Rich performing deadpan in one of those cliched door-slamming, forest-running, cellar-screaming set-ups would be a sight to behold.
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OK, but not as good as you were expecting.
Jonsyko2 February 2016
I was looking forward to this. As other reviewers pointed out, the film has its moments, but it does get tiresome. Particularly Mike's purposefully bad acting. The film really needed a normal person to make the most of Space Cop's flavour of movie script idiocy. The bartender did this, but that was a bit part.

I think the trailer had some of the best bits. I laughed at one of two jokes in the film, but I think it needs a tighter cut - which would certainly improve it, but perhaps not enough to earn more than my generous 6 stars.

With its current pacing, it plays almost as bad as an Adam Sandler movie. Almost.
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Great lesson on how not to make a movie
ole_oberlaender21 May 2017
I love RLM and was really looking forward to this. This movie was hard to watch, but since I payed $25 for it, I had to watch it. Watching it felt like sitting in a doctor's waiting room for 3 hours. The commentary track was more entertaining than the movie itself. It surprised me a lot that RLM managed to make so many mistakes even though they should've learned from the mistakes of other film makers since they criticize them in Half in a Bag and Best of the Worst like real professionals.

The 2 main characters in this film were horrible. They weren't even real characters. I managed to accept Rich Evans' over-the-top Space Cop performance as it seemed so ridiculous that it kind of got funny again. Mike Stoklasa's detective from the past though was just painful to watch as it seemed like a cynical attempt of playing a comic relief character without any mentionable character traits. I guess Mike was aware of the shittiness of his character and felt no need to hide this. I feel bad for the other actors, because they could've turned this movie into something great would they've played the lead roles as well. Or maybe everybody else was acting too well and made especially the RLM gang look bad? I think Jay did a good job even though he seems way to nice to be a villain-ish character and fell short when acting with the real actors.

The movie as a whole was entertaining in certain moments, but boring and shameful to watch in many of the others. They often tried to be funny no matter what and sacrificed the credibility of the world they've created. As many lines were improvised there were loads of long tripod shots which made it obvious that they were on a set. More cuts and close ups instead of tripod boredom would've made this much better and less boring to watch (and much more work to edit). A shame that they cut out the ghost of Jack, which was part of the deleted scenes.

Nonetheless what they've managed to accomplish is highly impressive to me. The sets, costumes and special effects are dope! I hope on their next film they'll prioritize character building and action scenes a little more so it's not too focused on acting. Also they should make use of green screen technology more often to avoid monotone and lifeless sets.
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The Bad, The Worse and The Tribute
tostte1 February 2016
It is strange how in a rare occasions when I watch some movie all I can think of, as movie progresses, how I'm going to write IMDb review and this is one of these times. Now everybody that watches this movie is kind of a fan of guys from RLM and I know their fascination with bad movies to which this is tribute to, but even those bad movies, that RLM people watch, are trying to be good movies, but are made by people who don't know how to make a movie and they end up bad. In other words bad movies are made by people that believe in what they're doing, have at least some amount of ambition, usually wanting to push some sort of idea out there that will make people think or entertain. "Space Cop" is not. RLM guys end up looking like they're too good or just to cynical to even try to think of some story, not to mention good story or screenplay and dialogue (yes the dialogue is so bad that even actors after they say their lines look at themselves in wonder how awful it is).

One of the main jokes is that SF movies usually fail at science, no matter how expensive they are, but RLM fails to see that even when science doesn't make sense in movies it doesn't matter to viewers because they care about the story and characters. While here you have sets that look like clumps of garbage with people speaking equally appalling dialogue and utterly stereotypical characters. Of course to mention how bad acting is is too pretentious of me because RLM guys are too "beyond that" - you see the cynicism.

What they did seem to succeed somewhat is music. Soundtrack is trying to sound like John Carpenter's music and it is a decent little tribute.

What it all comes down to is that RLM guys love movies and they sometime even speak of watching good movies like the ones Truffaut made, so when you watch this the only thing that goes trough your mind is "Why would anyone intentionally waste their time making such cynical muck?" It's like Harry asking Lloyd in trailer for "Dumb and Dumber To" if he was faking insane paralysis for 20 years just to troll people.

Or maybe it's just another one of those by bi-products by famous youtubers that make an awful "book" or an awful "movie" to cash in on their fame while it's still here.
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"Space Cop" is awesome!
g-man106 February 2016
This movie is great! Not all jokes work (especially in the beginning), but the film is really funny overall. It's charm makes you forgive the budgetary constraints.

My only problem with this movie is the soundtrack. It's kind of too cheap, even though it gets better by the end. I know that Mike and Jay like to use content as a joke, but sometimes it's just too distracting.

If you are an RLM fan, this comedy is for you. I'm not sure, though, about how a generic audience member would react towards it. I think it might even confuse an ordinary person, so if you are new to RLM's content, "Space Cop" will probably be too weird for you.

Hey, that's just my opinion, though. Amazing job, guys!
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No reason to exist
scyphe31 January 2016
Ignoring the production team's, their families and friends reviews this movie is trying to be a low-budget "consciously bad" comedy yet fails even at that.

The problem with this movie is that it's not funny even in a bad way, it's just a very very bad movie with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. The script, the dialogue and directing is utterly inane.

There are a whole bunch of recent movies that borrow from bad sci-fi action from the 80'ies and infuse them with a certain amount of self- satire that works great. Space Cop failed miserably at that.

You're better off with Kung Fury, Turbo Kid and dozens of other movies that excel in what they're trying to present.
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An Arch De Triumph! A Must See!
DeadMan300010 February 2019
Top movie mate! I had just hit the bong. Cracked the beer and had a ciggie before sitting down to watch this most excellent of movies. At first the opening is a little shakey. But this is all a trick by a clever director. The amazing cinema photography, amazing special effects will soon have you absorbed in the action and oh boy! There sure is a lot of action in this movie. That's not to say there were not any emotional moments (My heart goes out to pancreatic cancer lady's relatives). But it's kept on the low as not to distract from the main over reaching plot. Speaking of plots. Well this one is great I cannot find words to explain it. You have to experience it to believe it!

This movie 'oozes' class from every 'pore'.
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Exactly what it sets out to be
tangomargarine5 August 2020
I'm not entirely sure that the movie turned out the way it did because they were purposely doing it that way, and not just out of general sloppiness and...lack of talent? But after viewing much of their other content, I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt on that.

In my mind, the whole point of the movie is that the humor, plot, effects, etc., etc. are sloppy and lazy. It's "bad" for meta reasons, after all the tearing apart of similar low-budget crapfests they regularly do on Best of the Worst. One of their repeated complaints is "I just came up with a plot that makes more sense in the last five minutes", so they're putting their money where their mouths are, so to speak.

Yeah it's not going to win any awards (my one major complaint is Mike's "acting voice" is irritatingly phony), but I thoroughly enjoyed it for what it was. If you're a fan of the RLM guys already, just sit back and enjoy it for the dumb fun that it is.
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Not so bad it's good
lennholm825 December 2017
This is an intentionally bad movie from the guys who frequently says, on their review shows, that the "so bad it's good" thing only works on movies that are unintentionally bad. Nothing more needs to be said about this movie. It's not funny and it's not entertaining.

They should stick to talking about movies, that's where they're entertaining.

For all their "insights" into the flaws of big budget movies, it seems they simply aren't competent movie makers themselves after all, and because of it they hide behind the "intentionally bad" shield so that they can say:

"It's stylistically designed to be that bad, we know exactly what we're doing! Aren't we wacky and funny and genius by doing something so bad it's great?".

Of course, eagerly cheered on by their fan army. Although it's not cheering, instead they're called "hacks" and "frauds", which here doesn't mean what it actually means but instead is RLM code for "I'm in on the joke! I'm part of the club! I'm a comedic genius just like Mike!"
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Heartwarming story told through the lens of past and present
josephwallbank12 January 2021
Heartwarming story that plays on one's heart strings. The gripping story of a begrudged policeman from the future that returns to the past to share his life wisdom with a younger man whom is at the beginning of life's lessons
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Fairy decent flick made by film lovers
KineticSeoul6 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
For what it is, it's a alright movie. It's not one of those bad movies that is so stupid that is actually really good. But I appreciate what it tried to do with the resources they had. The main reason a movie such as this got the recognition that it did was because it was made by RedLetterMedia. And if you are a fan of RedLetterMedia, you just might have more appreciation for a movie such as this. Because it's created by people that are huge fans of movies and it took like 3 years to make this movie. I could tell some parts they were trying really hard to make it funny by making homage to some B movies that are unintentionally funny. With it's low production value actually adding to the humor. What this is, is a low budget buddy cop comedy that takes on a really bizarre route with a cop from the past teaming up with a cop from the future. Which does lead to some amusing moment, not super funny or anything like that but it was amusing. Even if some of the jokes dragged on and on, overall it still was a amusing movie to sit through.

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An exercise in ironic detachment and money embezzlement
MrCaine27 January 2018
You can't make a 'so bad it's good' movie on purpose and have it be good. Jay Bauman and Mike Stoklassa said that but I guess they both forgot about it.

Space Cop is a comedy that manages to not land 99% of it's jokes. Pure non-medy as Rich Evans would put it. This movie is utterly miserable to watch. An exercise at ironic detachment,too afraid to have even a single moment showcasing genuine vision or ambition or at least effort and passion.

With this excrement of a movie,RLM joins the ranks of countless other youtuber movie critics who can criticize other people's genuine attempts at entertainment/art but are too afraid themselfs to make anything other then an overlong&unfunny youtube skit,masquerading as something cinematic.

Where did all that money earned from Patreon go? To fund their alcoholism probably. But hey you too can pay 25$ for a Blu-Ray copy of this movie and watch a testament of contempt these losers have towards the audience that allowed them be youtube celebs for a living!

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stupid movie
donaldarnold-002126 February 2016
maybe one day there will be a technology to go back to the past to replace the braincells lost from watching this movie, matchbox wants their car back.

the acting was so bad and the quality of the script was to the point that i believe i have gotten cancer from this.

spare yourself and your sanity and avoid this unless you are a total pot head.

I think that the budget for this film was under 40 dollars.

honestly thought films this bad were long gone with the invention of modern film making software and special effects but then with the budget of less than a child's allowance its to be expected.

anyone attempting to watch this should go out and get a huge bag of weed to be able to get any enjoyment out of watching it.

space cop 2 should not be made ever this should die here! the police have enough bas publicity as it is they don't need this kind of movie.

i watched the whole movie and now i'm going to go get mental help if you watched it too meet me at the mental ward.
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Brilliant, so funny, best ever ... OK I'm lying.
kdump13 April 2016
To say that this movie was awful, abysmal, appalling or atrocious would be incorrect as this movie (on Bluray !!!!!!! what?) is far worse. I cannot think of a single adjective in the English language which would give the reader even a slight inkling as to how inane and puerile this thing is (I cannot bring myself to label this BoS as a movie).

I was fortunate as to be able to skip-view this (took about 5 minutes) with brief plays of about 10 or 15 seconds. That was much more than enough to determine that I actually spent 5 more minutes than this turd deserved.

Avoid, as in avoid like the plague.

I did learn something though, now I know of the existence of RLM. Judging from this movie this is akin to knowing about Ebola .... just say no, don't, avoid, run for the hills ....
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