Ice Age: Collision Course (2016) Poster

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Losing steam
neil-47623 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Acorn-loving rodent Scrat inadvertently puts a comet on a collision course with Earth (don't ask!), following which our mismatched mammals have a world to save. And, all the while, dad Manny is having to deal with daughter Peaches' plans to go travelling with idiot boyfriend Julian. Assuming mammoths have boyfriends, of course.

The fifth entry in the Ice Age saga once again finds a potentially earth-shattering disaster sharing centre stage with the soapy shenanigans of the main cast (as well as Peaches and Julian causing Manny heartache, Sid the Sloth actually has sufficient love-life for it to be causing him problems).

The impending cometary collision is caused by Scrat pursuing acorns onto a flying saucer, frozen in ice, and then inadvertently piloting it into orbital disaster (fortunately, all the planetary bodies in the solar system are within about a hundred yards of each other, but it's a bit foolish of me to sarcastically make this point about a film featuring a cast of friendly talking mammoths, sloths, and sabre-tooth tigers). Scrat's stuff is, as always, comical knockabout humour and, for me, it was the best part of the film.

The disaster plot fell a bit flat, as did Manny's concerns - these elements felt like little more than revisiting the difficulties in Continental Drift, and set me to wondering if these characters have now reached the end of their shelf life. They are pleasant enough company, but do they need to break new ground and, if so, how?

Something else which seemed problematic to me was the CGI. The original character designs, of necessity, were blocky and relatively low on detail (CGI has moved on a lot in 14 years), and I've got used to CGI movies looking a great deal slicker than Ice Age 5 - which needs to share an aesthetic with its predecessors - does. Oh, it has moved on, but it has a tricky line to tread.

The voice cast does fine, as always, and I suspect that this will sit happily in a 5-movie set but, to me, it felt as if this series has reached the end of the road.
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scottshak_11131 August 2016
Okay, so I will be honest. Ice Age Collision Course wasn't really needed, and we could have lived without it, unless we were driving on a stupendous plane that would have thrilled us beyond limit like Pixar movies generally do. Despite the apparent, Ice Age: Collision Course still manages to pull it off, owing to their awesome sense of snappy humour and their fascinating CGI that makes everything appear stunning.


Ice Age Collision Course comes with a very banal plot. The implausibility of Ice Age keeps on degrading as we caper towards exploring new parts of the franchise. Maybe Blue Sky Studios have been milking its installments too much, so much that they are actually running out of material. No doubt there is always humour galore in their work, but at one point it becomes kind of pointless when there is nothing in their baggage and they still try to squeeze every bit to make jokes out of thin air.

The plot of Ice Age Collision Course is something as dumb as Scrat messing around with the universe. That's what he does. He keeps showing up throughout the movie to accidentally mess with the fate of the planet. Things that avalanche therefrom aren't exactly what we were expecting. It toys with everything – the story-line, the credibility, jokes, everything!


Remember Buck? Well, the awesome weasel is here as well, and he is probably one of the best things about the movie. Simon Pegg returns to voice the one-eyed chap who will take you on a joyride to saving the planet. He is just the way we left him in the prequels. Totally loco! A side plot of Julian–Peaches story was an impending steer, which was quite thoughtful. It tried to give the story a perspective and a good direction. Granny returns once again with her incessant nagging which never bores you. Oh and we should never forget the true antihero of Ice Age franchise, Scrat who always brings hilarity to no matter what he does.


I say the humour is way better than what the Angry Birds movie came up with. If you liked that you are definitely going to love this. If you didn't, well, you are still going to like Ice Age Collision Course for its magnificent animation and rib-tickling humour.

Read all my reviews here:
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Yet another Ice Age movie, just about wearing out its welcome.
TxMike3 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
We saw this at home on DVD from our public library. About halfway through my wife commented "This is not as good as the first one." True, nor as good as the second one, or the third one, etc.

Part of the initial enjoyment was the novelty of the various wild animals getting along in prehistoric times, during the Ice Ages. Never mind that the actual chronology is inaccurate. In fact there is an 8- minute "extra" on the DVD where Astrophysicist Neil Degrasse Tyson addresses a number of the "scientific" points in this animated movie and explains why they might be grossly different from reality. All in fun of course. He even voices one of the characters.

Where the other movies featured a short segment of Scrat getting into a bind, the story here in essence features Scrat's bind within the core story. Because of Scrat's ineptness he accidentally sets in motion events that created the Solar System as we know it, forming Jupiter's giant red spot, formation of the asteroid belt, the moon's orbiting around the Earth, and a few others.

The big one amounted to an asteroid that would hit Earth soon and result in another mass extinction, all because of Scrat's ineptness. So all the animals on Earth have to pool their wisdom and strength to divert the asteroid.

It runs 90 minutes and often gets tedious, the core story interrupted by sight gags and short vignettes. I laughed a few times but if I had never seen this movie it would not have been a significant loss.
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series going down
corvoifar15 October 2016
this movie is total bad movie. The movie does not contain any depth in the story. Really no story at all. total time waste for me, there was a few time where I laughed, but it is merely enough. I am really disappointed the way the series is headed. Ice age 1 was the best and so is Ice age 3. Ice age 2 was OK. I laughed many times for the 4th title that is continental drift but Number 5 i.e. collision course was not met my expectation. The movie is worse than other four movies in the series. I lost my valuable one and a half hour behind this. The production makes this movie as they have to make another sequel. No real sympathy moment in the movie as well. But one thing was good about this movie was Simon peg who voiced buck, I liked buck character from previous movies as well. Overall the movie is flop to me.
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Could this be the last Ice Age movie ever?
lisafordeay4 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Yesterday I went to see this(the preview) in the cinemas as I have seen all 4 of the previous films,and since I am a huge animated buff I treated my younger brother to it and my mom who likes some animated films. Ice Age: Collision Course is the 5th installment(and maybe the final Ice Age film of the series who knows right)and this time Scratty the squirrel is up in space trying to get the acorn(once again)causing a meteor strike to arrive on Earth,causing mayhem for Mammy and his gang. They later team up with Buck(from Ice Age 3)and they stumble across the meteor which is magnetic,and they meet up with some engaging characters that are centuries old(one voiced by English singer Jessie J)who becomes a so called love interest to Sid. So will Mammy and the gang be able to save their place from destruction.

Bottom line this was a pretty decent animated film. I was amazed how far the series has reached as the first two the animated was terrible and then the next few the animation got better. If you ask me I think this was a total cash cow in for Blue Sky Studios,it was unnecessary to release yet another Ice Age movie and who knows there might be another one coming in the next 7 odd years mark my words.

Overall I thought it was good and my family all enjoyed it which was the main thing.


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Milking a dead cow
prasanth-ajithkumar19 December 2016
You gotta know when to stop. This franchise has run a couple of movies too long.

Now concentrating on this movie only, not the franchise, plainly put, it is a bad movie. If you are a die hard fan and want to pick positives and try desperately enough, you can do so. I am not that desperate and I take my movie watching pretty seriously and there is nothing good I can say about this movie. There is no point in going into the plot and dissecting it. Scrat used to be funny, but that seems to be a lifetime back. Sid used to be lovable, but I can't even remember the last time I felt so. There is no life in this cow, let alone milk.
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Ice Age in Space
BabelAlexandria2 May 2020
The concluding episode, in which Scrat's escalating comic buffoonery is taken to its insane/extreme conclusion, as he ends up destroying life on Mars! Is that supposed to be funny? Anyway, anachronistic isn't enough to describe the lack of grounding (or icing) in reality: there is confusion between multiple eras, but at least we can enjoy some laughs with the old gang. The end of the series is signaled by Manny's daughter marrying and moving away: perhaps an allegory for children who grew up over the more-than-a-decade in which the Ice Age series was produced.

Sienna's Rating: 6 Stars Paul's Rating: 5 Stars Seb's Rating: 6 Stars.
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Time to put this franchise on ice forever!
l-6291114 January 2017
Original is not a word that comes to mind when watching the fifth (yes FIFTH) entry in this tired, worn, quite frankly burned out franchise.

What does come to mind however is the fact this franchise has gone on for far too long.

If you can't come up with any original ideas and you have to scrap the deepest barrel for the most unoriginal idea as possible, it's time to go.

If you can't keep your characters fresh and funny and make them more boring, dull and annoying to watch, it's time to go.

If you're out of jokes to use and you pull some random rabbit out of a hat and it's a rabbit that says "Think of some really bad jokes mate.", it's time to go.

If you have 4 (yes, I do mean 4) writers and not one of them can give any good dialogue out, it's time to go.

And when a franchise that is constantly dead in the water is still going like THIS, it's time to go.

I don't care if these films still make money, Fox, it's time to put this franchise on ice forever!
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A Collision of Kiddy Fun and Bland Plots:
rgkarim24 July 2016
Sequels, sequels, sequels! It seems that the only thing that Hollywood wants to make is a sequel these days, at least in the animation world. And what franchise is a better example of this than Ice Age. Years ago, the idiotic animal cast warmed our hearts with an adventure that was fun, funny, and cute. Over a decade later, the adventure still continues, but it has now crossed over into the ridiculous zone (especially with the last movie Continental Drift). Nevertheless, we have the fifth installment dropped onto our laps and yours truly is back into the theater to give you some insight. Let's get started.

The GOOD • Same cute feeling to it • Voice Acting is just as good as always • Science behind the magic • Return of Buck

No surprise, Ice Age remains cute to appeal to the target audience of families. Manny (Ray Romano) and his crew continue to stumble, bash, and insult each other in a manner that is kid friendly and semi-entertaining. Your little ones will be laughing in high-pitched delight as Sid is smacked, Scrat is consistently punished, and insults fly through the air in some ridiculous screaming manner. Yep despite the new gags, it certainly feels like an Ice Age Movie. And when the comedy dries down to a trickle, there are those touching moments, well there are those heart warming, morale filled sequences that will make you say Awwwww.

While the dialogue and storyboard have certainly set the groundwork for the silliness, it is the voice acting that brings it to life. For this reviewer, John Leguizamo (Sid) was my leading voice as he delivers consistently stupidity and forlorn through the movie. Ray Romano's sarcasm and timing help support this, but Manny's role has been reduced ever since the birth of his daughter. As for the rest of the cast, well they do their parts justice, despite the limited characters they play, but not enough to call props on (more on that later). The exception to this is Neil deGrasse Tyson (Buck). Once more Tyson brings energy, whit and well-timed delivery that we loved in the third installment. Buck is just as chaotic as you remember, which often leads to action and genius wrapping into a product that continues to be impressive. And in this installment, Buck brings a lot of scientific principal, some realistic and others purely a stretch of imagination, that can at least stimulate some thoughts. It's an engaging character one I hope to see in the inevitable sequel to come.

The BAD: • The characters are not balanced • Crossed into kiddie zone way too much • Rushed story with pointless bad guys

The biggest thing I had an issue with, was how disproportionate the characters were in this movie. It's no surprise that as the cast continues to expand, there is less time for each character to make a worthy contribution. Ice Age has officially hit that road focusing again on the Mammoths and Scrat and forgoing most of the other characters. Sure Sid and Buck get their fair share, but the other characters are reduced to only a few lines of dialogue and nothing more (I'm talking about your character Jennifer Lopez). Such unbalanced character emphasis is a flaw for me and like many of the characters we need to move on from them rather than pointlessly include them. As mentioned earlier, the movie is family fun, but each installment continues to go deeper into the kiddie pool. Crash and Eddy have been reduced to very stupid humor that involves mindless banter and getting into fights. Manny's filter has been set to full power as his adult jokes have been reduced to just straight up bitterness. Even Sid has managed to dumb down his comedy so that is kid friendly. Wanda Sykes' edge that we got in the fourth film had flare and sassiness, but they limited that role so much in this installment. Therefore, the adult spectacle of the first Ice Age continues to be lost with each continued sequel. Finally, we address the villains of the movie. The new cast members in the film have great voice work, when they are actually on the screen. However, the raptor birds of this movie have little danger, edge, or even threat compared to the natural disaster careening towards Earth. In the first few movies, the villains that were hunting our crew had bite, edge, and terror. These villains were just sad, and another medium for comedic ploys. Throw in a rather rushed and blunt tale with a hastily concluded ending and you only get further lack of suspense.


Ice Age: Collision Course is certainly continuing the trend we've seen in the series. While it is certainly kiddie, it is still somewhat entertaining and funny, and not the worst of the five movies. However, it still is not anything like the first Ice Age and the studio should think about dropping it to Netflix for the future instead of polling it in theaters. Therefore you can guess it probably isn't worth a trip to the theater, and certainly not in 3-D.

As a result, my scores are:

Animation/Adventure/Comedy: 6.5-7.0 Movie Overall: 5.5-6.0
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Time to end the franchise.
paulclaassen1 July 2018
Completely and utterly stupid. This is definitely not for a mature audience. Its time to go back to the drawing board, or even better yet, kill the franchise. There really is nothing more to tell. Even my favorite Scrat was not funny.
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Entertaining For Kids & Adults .
HealthyLove25 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
While trying to bury his acorn, Scrat accidentally activates an abandoned alien ship that takes him into deep space, where he unwittingly sends several asteroids en route to a collision with Earth.

Meanwhile, Manny is worried about the upcoming marriage between Peaches and her fiancé, Julian, while Diego and his wife Shira want to start a family but their fierce appearance tend to scare kids, and Sid is dumped by his girlfriend, Francine, just as he is about to propose to her. During Manny and Ellie's wedding anniversary party, some of the asteroids strike the place and the herd barely escape with their lives. Meanwhile, at the underground cavern, Buck returns a dinosaur egg back to its rightful owner after it was stolen from a trio of Dromaeosaurs led by their father Gavin, only to discover an ancient stone pillar, which he takes to the surface, where he meets Manny and the others.

Buck explains to the herd that according to the pillar, the asteroids had caused several extinctions in the past and with a massive one still incoming, he claims that the only place they could find a clue to stop it is on the site of the impact of the previous ones, as according to its engravings, they always fall at the same place. However, the three Dromaeosaurs, having listened their conversation, decide to stop them, believing that they could be safe from the impact, as they can fly, thus not only getting their revenge on Buck, but also killing all mammals and securing domination over Earth for their species.

As the herd travels to the crash site, they discover that the asteroids have electro-magnetic properties, thus if a huge quantity of smaller asteroids should be gathered and launched into orbit, they could attract the main asteroid as well and prevent it from falling on Earth. After facing several obstacles and the interference of the Dromaeosaurs, the herd arrives at "Geotopia", a community of animals formed inside one of the asteroids that have fallen long ago, where Sid meets Brooke, a female ground sloth who falls in love with him. However, Shangri Llama, the leader of Geotopia, refuses to cooperate with Buck's plan to send the city's crystals into space in order to prevent the imminent impact, as they are the key to the residents' longevity, until Sid unwillingly destroys the entire city when he attempts to remove one of the stones to present Brooke with, making all the Geotopians grow old up to their real ages, including Brooke herself.

Once Brooke convinces the Geotopians that preventing the asteroid's fall is more important than their lost youth, they and the herd help with Buck's plan, which is to fill up a geyser with the crystals so that the pressure launches them into space to draw the asteroid away, but the Dromaeosaurs attempt to intervene, until one of them, realizing that they will not survive as well if the asteroid falls, convinces the others to also help. The plan works, and the asteroid is pulled back into space. The herd then departs back home, including Sid, who parts ways from Brooke, but just after they leave, an asteroid piece falls inside a hot spring, giving it rejuvenating properties and making the Geotopians and Sid's granny, who stayed behind with them regain their youth. After the herd returns, Peaches and Julian celebrate their wedding, Diego and Shira become heroes to the kids who were scared of them before, and a rejuvenated Brooke appears during the ceremony to reunite with Sid.

In the film's epilogue, Scrat keeps struggling to control the alien ship until it crashes on Mars, destroying all life on the planet.
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OK sequel. Very Standard, everything you love about Ice Age, if you love it. (and nothing more).
subxerogravity25 July 2016
Here we go again! Milking everything you got out of a franchise. They say this is the final chapter of Ice Age, but we'll see how much money it makes to be sure.

Nothing overly imaginative about the film as the tribe attempt to survive a big rock about to hit Earth.

It was filled with good jokes that made me laugh hard throughout. It better with comedians like Ray Romano, John Leguizamo, Denis Leary and Simon Pegg, voicing the main charters. Although, four sequels made for too many main characters for any of the all-star cast to fully shine .

The animation was good, but nothing new stood out (I hear it only takes eight mouths to do these movies)but I really like the character design. Plus it's worth seeing for some great 3D images.

But the film works best if you are a huge fan of the ones before it(especially if your a fan of Scat, the saber tooth squirrel who has particularly created the entire universe in an effort to get that nut) . Without having that connection, it's a bit bland.
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stop milking the cow
rdvljunk30 September 2016
OK, ice age 1 was hilarious and a new standard for animation humor; together with Shrek, that came a year earlier. But where Shrek kept pretty consistent through the sequels (the attack of the princesses in part 3 was a absolute high in animation comedy), Ice Age dropped away further each sequel. Shrek stopped in time, Ice age should have stopped after 3. Continental drift was already hardly worth watching.

This latest sequel is maybe one of the worst animation movies ever. The story-line is horrible and it is simply not funny. The writers are clearly struggling to make up a story the use all clichés they can find. Even Scrat is not funny most of the time, although he lifts the rest of the movie up.

Will kids like this movie? Probably, but it lacks the wonder and quality of the first Ice Age. An Ice Age fan better avoids this movie
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An entertaining but unnecessary sequel.
Anurag-Shetty17 July 2016
Ice Age: Collision Course continues with the adventures of Manny(Ray Romano), Diego(Denis Leary) & Sid(John Leguizamo). When Earth is about to be bombarded by a meteor shower, it is up to Manny, Diego, Sid & the rest of the herd, to save themselves & prevent the end of the world. They take the help of their old friend, Buck(Simon Pegg).

Ice Age: Collision Course is a fun film. Kids will love it. However, adults will only find it mildly entertaining. Personally, I feel that the Ice Age franchise should have ended with the fourth movie. Ice Age(2002), Ice Age: The Meltdown(2006), Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs(2009) & Ice Age: Continental Drift(2012) are all great movies. Ice Age: Continental Drift(2012) has a perfect ending & there was absolutely no need to make further sequels. Blue Sky Studios decided to make one more Ice Age movie. This film is not boring at all. However, I am a fan of the Ice Age movies and, I am slightly disappointed with this film. There is not as much humor in this movie, as there is in previous installments. There are funny scenes but, there are not as many of them, as I would have liked. There are a slew of new characters. Some of them are welcome additions but, some of them are not. Due to the fact that there are too many characters, some of our favorite characters get sidelined. These are the movie's flaws. The animation is great. The 3D is impressive. The voice acting is amazing. Ray Romano is awesome as Manny. John Leguizamo is outstanding as Sid. Denis Leary is brilliant as Diego. Simon Pegg is spectacular as Buck. Queen Latifah is good as Ellie. Keke Palmer is superb as Peaches. Adam Devine is endearing as Julian. Wanda Sykes is hilarious as Granny. Seann William Scott & Josh Peck are funny as Crash & Eddie, respectively. Nick Offerman, Max Greenfield & Stephanie Beatriz are adequate as Gavin, Roger & Gertie, respectively. Jennifer Lopez is effective as Shira. Jesse Tyler Ferguson & Jessie J are impressive as Shangri Llama & Brooke, respectively. Chris Wedge is hysterical as Scrat. Ice Age: Collision Course is worth a watch. However, watch it with low expectations.
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Above Average family fun
SpoilerAlertReviews3 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Roughly thirteen years on since the first Ice Age was released and the gang are still going strong. Manny, Sid and Diego, this one being the fifth in the feature length series and the longest, by only a few minutes. Supposedly the final in the franchise we see an expected happy ending instead of total extinction.

It's the full film extension of Blue Sky Studio's short, Cosmic Scrat-tastrophe which was released last year, obviously starring Ice Age favourite Scrat, who intergalactically haphazardly arranges the planets in imaginative fashion whilst inadvertently thrusting an asteroid towards the Earth threatening all of it's existence, of course, all because of that elusive nut.

Simon Pegg's Buck returns for more of a main role, leading the team to save the planet and is highly entertaining, more so than the rest of the pack. The story sidetracks a little more with Manny than Sid and Diego and there's quite a lot that goes on with an assortment of fresh characters including dino-birds and a spiritual spitting llama.

There's an underlining message about excepting change and moving on, letting go and growing up which makes way for the subplot of Julian and Francine's relationship. It's seems family and marriage plays an important part of the story but not to the level to become boring of bogged down by it.

John Debney composes the score this time round taking over from John Powell who has done quite a lot of animated features, like Rio, Happy Feet, Shrek and How To Train Your Dragon. Nothing really stood out from the score but the soundtrack, using Trevor Rabin's Armageddon theme tune was cheeky and Buck sings a clever twist of what I'm sure is Mozart's Marriage of Figaro.

The animation is far superior than when you look back at the first Ice Age in 2002. It's come a long way since then and while I was watching Scrat move planets I was thinking this might be worth the extra to see in 3D. Incredible detail and the action flows superbly, especially Buck's scenes.

It's fast paced I believe in hope to not lose the attention of the kids, it has a surefire script where characters literally bounce off one another creating enough comedy for everyone though it lacks the out loud laughter and some Sid silliness falls flat.

It's above average, light entertainment for the whole family that is, for some part, visual stunning and fans of the series should enjoy it, but I doubt it'll be a film to end up on my shelf.

Running Time: 6 The Cast: 7 Performance: 7 Direction: 7 Story: 5 Script: 6 Creativity: 8 Soundtrack: 6 Job Description: 6 The Extra Bonus Points: 0

58% 6/10
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This series really went down hill, and I'm sad to say it
paulijcalderon17 September 2016
I've seen all the "Ice Age" films in the cinema.. Except for this one. And I'm glad I didn't. It fascinating to see how weirdly this series evolved over time.

I remember going to see "Ice Age" in cinemas in 2002 and having a great experience. The first movie really hit the mark for me when I was young. I thought it was good how grounded it was, yes it had jokes, but it was all grounded in the era the film took place in. A kid could enjoy all of the humor, but at the same time learn a little bit of prehistoric animals. It had its serious moments too. Like for example, it showed the humans hunting mammoths and the saber-tooth tigers hunting as well.

Now this series has gone overboard and exaggerated everything. It opens with Scrat the squirrel basically destroying the solar system with a space ship. I mean, what happened? How did we end up here? The movies just got more and more ridiculous every time. I liked it when the threats and settings felt real, because I could fear for what could happen to the characters. And sad thing is, they had a chance of a having a threat like that with the meteor. But guess why the meteor is gonna hit the Earth? It's because Scrat smashed into it with the space ship. Look, I can suspend my disbelief and believe that Scrat can survive a few falls from a cliff and land in the snow, but surviving in space in nothing but a helmet?

I know these are for kids and you should have fun, but at least have it grounded like the first two movies. As a kid I liked that these films weren't just sitcoms with immortal characters, I liked that they could dare to be serious and even be emotional sometimes (like Pixar you could argue). I praised Blue Sky studios for balancing the serious scenes with comedic ones. One of their first short films is called "Bunny" and I watched it on the Ice Age VHS tape as one of the bonus features. It's a short that has a lot of heart to it and it had an impact on me.

I'm sorry if I'm sounding way too negative here. These are my opinions and I gave the movie a chance, but it lost me as soon as Scrat went to space. I for one don't like how the series has gotten more exaggerated and less true to what the first one did so well. The best thing about it is hearing the original voice actors reprise their roles. The overall animation is pretty nice too.
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It'll Ice You
rannynm28 July 2016
Ice Age: Collision Course is a good film with excellent animation, laugh-out-loud comedy and includes all your fun and favorite characters from the past movies. The film follows Manny (Ray Romano), Sid (John Leguizamo), Diego (Denis Leary) and the rest of the Ice Age gang as they must divert an asteroid from flinging them into a new age called extinction.

My favorite character in Ice Age: Collision Course is Scrat (Chris Wedge) who started out as a small character in the first Ice Age film and slowly became a fan favorite and the mascot of the franchise. Scrat lights up the screen every scene he is in. His brand of slapstick humor is more present here than in any other Ice Age film. I even kind of sympathize with this character because he goes through all this trouble just for an acorn.

Another character I like is Buck. Simon Pegg's talent really shines in his voice over work here. Buck has a big personality and, just like Scrat, has some of the movie's most memorable laughs. He is in a lot of my favorite sequences. My favorite part of this film is when Buck tries to find a strategy to save the mammals from disaster. He seeks help from personalities in his mind including Neil deBuck Weasel. I'm a big fan of a television show Neil deGrasse Tyson did called Cosmos, so it was funny to see his foray into voice acting.

This movie is a pleasant surprise considering this is the fifth film in the franchise. I thought by now the series had run dry, but this one excels on several fronts in terms of how it looks and how much it will make you laugh. I recommend you see this in 3D. It was cool seeing asteroids barreling towards me. The effects are very polished. The computer animation in this film excels and mixes lush backgrounds with great character design. The film has good comedy, most of the time. There are one or two scenes in this film that take the joke one step too far or where it is just plain gross.

I give Ice Age: Collision Course an age rating of 5 to 18 because of some crude humor and sequences that could be scary to younger viewers. I give Ice Age: Collision Course 3 out of 5 stars.
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It's important always to know when the fun is over
simonheranig16 June 2019
Surely the worst part of the saga (bet u all agree with me). You notice that they're running out of ideas. Nothing special: the topic was Not at all Creative namely very similar to that one in the former part. The same applies To the exaggeratedness of the plot's implementation. I also criticized that in the 4th part, but not to compare with this part. I mean the UFO with all these high-tech functions, this is definitely not something which belongs to the glacial age. Somehow, they also lost their sense of humor. Compare it with the other parts. Not at all funny anymore, just only childish. They should have bring this to an end when it was at its best. Entirely unnecessary and trust me, u really didn't miss anything if u haven't seen it.
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Not as Good as the first, but it's still a Nice Age in the new Ice Age
harvardjimbo13 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers

The buds are back in town! Woo Ho, the gangs all here, Romano, Latifah, Leary, Leguizamo, even that annoying little rat guy. So the story is, our bros are out stuck taking a collision course in school. The ice bros all neglect class when Sid finds a turtle eating it's own feces, and bets the others he won't lick it. Ray Romano goes to class and learns all about the dangers of fossil fuels and greenhouse gases. Al Gore has a surprise role as Professor Snail Gore, which is Al Gore green screened into the movie wearing a snail themed shirt. he and Leary the cat thing get into a HUGE scuffle and Leary ends up ending Gore's life. In order to do right in the universe, the gang gets in a time machine and each wear a costume made out of Gore's skin, to appear as him for presidential duties in the 90's. Then its pretty great how it ties together when Romano the mammoth spreads his knowledge and eventually reveals his identity as Actor Ray Romano doing voice over for an animated movie. "I got a pretty fat paycheck actually, It's no Pixar but, what're you gonna do, right?" It was a truly splendid affair. every cast member was great. Sid did a funny thing when he almost smothers the infant trying to get a free Nutter-butter candy. and the rat guy, he p's me off. get the dang nut you dope. quit wasting my damn time. all in all great, would love an "exterminated" cut where they remove the rat scenes, make me sick.
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The Worst Movie of the Entire Series
MovieFan09516 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Ice Age: Collision Course is a film that I thought was horrible and the worst of the Ice Age series.

This time around, Scrat is yet again trying to bury his acorn. He comes across an abandoned UFO, and ends up launching himself into outer space, causing chaos and creating an asteroid to head towards Earth. Manny, Sid, Diego, and the rest of the herd find out about this when a meteor shower strikes and Buck the weasel comes back to give them info about what is going on. They now have to do anything that they can to stop this disaster from happening and save the day.

Now, there are alot of major issues with this movie. First being the comedy. This movie was not funny at all. I didn't laugh at any scene in this movie at all. The stupid stuff that happens really kills the movie's humor, making it completely unfunny. Second, the plot. The plot seemed too identical to "Ice Age: Continental Drift", where a natural disaster that Scrat causes is happening, and the herd has to survive it. Not only that, but this movie stole the plot of "Armageddon", where an asteroid is about to hit Earth, and people have to figure out how to stop it. So, in other words, the plot is unoriginal. The posters for this movie also makes it look like a childish version of "The Martian".

There are no redeeming qualities, in this movie.

The animation and voice acting are okay at best. The film's animation looks fine, and the voice acting is fine coming from some really good actors. I really like how they got Adam Devine as the new character, Julian, to voice him.

Speaking of new characters, that's another minus. Julian is a mammoth that is Peaches' fiancé, Brooke (voiced by Jessie J) is Sid's new girlfriend, and Shangri Llama (played by Jesse Tyler Ferguson) is a leader of a crystal palace.

"Ice Age: Collision Course" is the worst movie of the series, one of the worst animated movies I've ever seen, and one of the worst movies of 2016.
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Awesome as usual
Violent_Delight28046 October 2016
People need to chill about this movie! Like, seriously, based on all the negative comments I've seen, I've come to the conclusion that people have a tremendous lack of sense of humor! This movie is not to be taken seriously, to be analyzed, or to be hated upon - it is to be ENJOYED! I laughed my a** off :D The characters are absolutely adorable, as usual,the voicing is brilliant! I loved everything about it (obviously) and I don't know why I felt the need to come here and read the comments...I always seem to make that mistake. All in all, I had a great time, planning to watch it at least another 3 times :D *need to have 10 lines of text*
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Fun and laughs for the kids
Tkbn38129 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Ice Age: Collision Course is the fifth instalment in one of the longest animated franchises of all time. Kids will definitely enjoy this humour-filled film, but the adults will be less amused by the stereotypical animated comedy. It's not perfect, but it's definitely a great end to the Ice Age series.

There's no way to start an Ice Age film without our favourite squirrel, Scrat. In his attempts to hide his acorn, he ends up in a flying saucer and then space, setting off a chain of events that send an asteroid hurtling towards Earth.

On Earth, each character is having a host of problems, a tradition to the start of every Ice Age movie. Of course, all these petty matters are turned awry when a meteor shower comes pouring down from the heavens. But that's just the beginning; a huge asteroid as big as the one that wiped out the dinosaurs is speeding towards the planet.

And so starts off a series of events in the gang's quest to somehow stop the huge asteroid from colliding with Earth and wiping out life as we know it.

The return of Buck from Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs was a great choice. As he did in Ice Age 3, he's back at the front of the pack leading the way to stopping the asteroid. His lunatics and plain insanity are funny, bound to garner laughs from everyone.

The antagonists of this story, a trio of flying dinosaurs, are fairly weak in their influence and overall ''scariness''. While they are a little threatening in the short amount of screen time they receive, they lack a certain menacing feel to them, only supported by how quickly they turn to the ''good side'' by the end. Considering how good a job was done on making Captain Gutt, from Ice Age 4: Continental Drift, scary, this trio could have done with some work.

The story of Sid falling in love with Brooke, a new character, is also fairly abysmal, more so than that of Diego and Shira in the previous movie. It's unrealistic; they propose for marriage only after 12 minutes! Clearly this hastiness is part of the joke, but this is still an evident attempt by the writers to cram more into the film. Even so, it's great to see Sid find the love of his life...finally!

The Shangri Llama, which featured in the trailer, falls completely flat, barely making any screen time in the film. He's supposedly meant to save the entire pack from the asteroid. But when he does make an appearance, he's a whingey, demanding character that if anything does a better job at antagonising than the three dinosaurs.

One of the more obvious underlying themes of the story features Manny and his typical over-protectiveness over Peaches, who has just gotten engaged with her fiancé Julian, another new character. The morals of trust are explored, even if a little too quickly, between Manny and his to-be son-in-law Julian, along with faith between Manny and Ellie, and their daughter Peaches.

The biggest (and possibly only) improvement on Ice Age 1 is the high quality animation, which is obviously a given considering the 15-year gap between the films.

Starting off with 3 main protagonists in Ice Age 1, this film now has almost ten. This brings with it less screen time for some characters. As was the case with the antagonists and the Shangri Llama, Diego saw barely any time in the limelight. The writers attempt to create a story of how Diego, alongside Shira, want to have children but can't due to how scary they appear to kids, but again this story completely dissolves away.

Perhaps this is the biggest problem with Ice Age 5; there's quite a lot going on. It's not that it is hard to follow, more so that not enough time can be spent exploring the most important themes, which is partially the problem in all the other Ice Age sequels. Ice Age 1 found this delicate balance, however with the addition of so many characters since, this clearly became difficult.

Ice Age 5 is a film the entire family can enjoy, but it's definitely more suited towards the younger children. This film is not perfect, not even close to reaching the quality of Pixar films, but considering it is the 4th sequel that's understandable. In the end, it's just another Ice Age movie, and you're bound to enjoy this one if you've enjoyed any of the other sequels. It has humour, romance and moralistic themes, and is a film that's enough to entertain the family.
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A horrible sequel to the ICE AGE franchise
dburris-4593310 December 2019
I love, love, LOVE ICE AGE 1,2,3,4!!! But the 5th film was way off the map of story telling😡 they have ruined a perfectly good franchise with "ICE AGE: Collusion Course" (2016) the comedy in this film is horrible!! They tried way to hard on coming up with funny scenes. And scenes with Scrat was very disappointed and disturbing 🤢 I totally wished they ended on "ICE AGE: Continental Drift" (2012)
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"Collision Course" Exceeds The Low Expectations
FelipeCarrillo9 July 2016
The prehistoric animals most successful in the animation films return to the movie theaters for fifth time, now, the end of the world is their great concern.

"Collision Course" is titled the last adventure of the franchise most recalcitrant in the animated world - with reference to revenue at the box office -. What started as a emotional and poignant incident more than one decade ago, has evolved admirably, but not always with satisfactory results. The fifth installment opens with a shameful but entertaining prologue focused on the endless mishaps that suffer our saber-toothed squirrel, Scrat (Chris Wedge), mishaps that leading him to outer space, seemingly, a safe place, however, Scrat continues his battle causing a chaotic clash of worlds, projecting millions of purple meteors to planet Earth, endangering the life of all animals.

Indisputably, Scrat is Blue Sky's emblem, what is Buzz Lightyear or Nemo for Pixar. Regardless of the frequency of his appearances, he always maintains his crazy and stimulating essence in each act, and without him, it would not be possible more films in the saga. Screenwriters and writers have discovered the rough gem that was hidden since 2002, a small and irritating animal, focusing on each plot twist as a consequence of the facts carried out by the squirrel, one point in favor. "Ice Age" still has future and even with Pixar ("Finding Dory") and Illumination ("The Secret Life of Pets") on the look-out, Many, Diego and Sid have high possibilities to continue with the winning streak at the box office, at least, that seems.

The fate of prehistoric mammals has been relatively good, and it seems that everyone (with exceptions) live in pairs. Manny (Ray Romano) and Ellie (Queen Latifah) face the rapid maturity of their daughter Peaches (Keke Palmer), who is in a kind of relationship with Julian (Adam Devine). A sub-plot anything original and very predictable, since Julian did not get along with Manny, but yes he got along with others, unleashing the envy and jealous of the mammoth, and if there is someone so naive, it has a happy ending. Nothing new!. Diego (Denis Leary) and Shira (Jennifer Lopez), the saber-tooth tigers, get supporting roles and their characteristics fades for a moment, besides, the screenwriters give clues of a possible litter between these two tigers in one scene, something that continues leading it astray. They should perhaps rethink the spin-offs about a character in specific, for not to damage to generational characters. Sid (John Leguizamo) is still in an emotional imbalance, something by what we love him, much of the comedy is centered in this cute animal that will continue producing loud laughs for the rest of our lives. The opossums, Crash (Seann William Scott) and Eddie (Josh Peck) remain comical objects used for the humor of the film. Buck (Simon Pegg), the star of "Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs" is infuriating, cumbersome and rough, his jokes and eccentricities did not entertain children nor adults, a character who has to be eliminated immediately. Despite this, he's who predicts the catastrophe, and he's who attracts new, humiliating and poor villains, more filler unnecessary to the story.

With the seriousness of a cataclysm and so witty characters, Mike Thurmeier and Galen T. Chu recreate a balance between comedy and drama, unbalancing briefly because of Buck. It still is space for moments unique and even memorable, but in a epoch in where is difficult find interesting proposals, "Collision Course" comes off well rid, despite its reused plot. The teachings are also present, the acceptance of a father to the maturity of his daughter, a young's independence, over-protection errors and family work are some of the lessons that the movie wants to assert.

Soundscapes doesn't reach the visual spectacle that has been regenerated with the passing years, however, it achieves the ambitions proposed. Purple's tonality of the shooting stars , the textures of reptiles and mammals, effects in the sky, the brightness of Geotopia and more details open a privileged place to position itself as a nice addition to the animated world. New characters are insufficient and none manages to deliver what they promised, so it leaves on a slope to the likely next sequel. We want to continue to seeing what it is capable of providing that ice age that once shook us, those mammals, who still do not deserve to die out.
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Even space is not safe from Scrat...
paul_haakonsen3 May 2017
"Ice Age: Collision Course" is easily the best of the entire franchise. And that is not only because the technology has gotten much better since the first "Ice Age" movie from 2002, but also because of the storyline and the comedy.

I sat down with my seven year old son to watch "Ice Age: Collision Course" and I think we ended up being equally entertained and amused with this 2016 addition to the "Ice Age" franchise. Personally, I sat down to watch this because of Scrat, as he is just hilarious, despite him only being a supporting character.

The story in "Ice Age: Collision Course" starts out with Scrat accidentally managing to trigger a cosmic event that comes to threaten Earth in his constant quest to acquire his precious acorn. With doom fast approaching it is up to the ragtag group of friends to come together with a plan how to save everything they love and hold dear.

The animation style and art style is just lovable, as it has been in all of the "Ice Age" movies. But of course this becomes improved with each movie as the technology becomes better. And the level of detail and finesse the animators manage to come up with never cease to amaze me. It is visually stunning to sit through "Ice Age: Collision Course", no doubt about it.

And it is also always a treat when they get the same voice actors and actresses to return to revisit their characters, as it gives a good continuation to the characters and you easily reconnect with the characters from that recognition of a familiar voice.

As for the voice acting, then they really managed to get an all-star ensemble of voice acting performers together for this movie. And aside from Scrat, whom is relatively unvoiced, then my favorite is Denis Leary as he puts a voice to Diego.

"Ice Age: Collision Course" is filled with lots of laughs and really funny situations that are so nicely animated and brought to life on the screen. And it is especially great because they continue on with the type of comedy established in the first movie and seen throughout the entire franchise, but also manages to add something new to each movie.

If you enjoyed the previous "Ice Age" movies, then you definitely do not want to miss out on "Ice Age: Collision Course".
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