Just Before I Go (2014) Poster

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A funny and heartfelt movie that wasn't what I thought it was going to be. It was better.
cosmo_tiger11 May 2015
"My life had been a complete failure sure, but at least I could get my death right." Ted (Scott) has given up. His marriage has just fallen apart and he is left with only one option. He is returning to his hometown to tell off his old teacher, fight the man that bullied him in school and then kill himself. After finding the teacher, things don't go as planned and he starts to re-think his plan. This movie is surprising. It is at once funny, sad and entertaining. I expected this to be a very funny movie, and while it had its funny parts the movie is much more sweet and heartfelt that I expected. This deals with some very heavy issues, but in a way that it doesn't seem preachy or in your face about it. I did like this but it wasn't what I was expecting, not that that is a bad thing. Overall, a funny and heartfelt movie that wasn't what I thought it was going to be. It was better. I give it a B.
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bold, cross genre pleasant surprise
witster189 September 2015
Well, first of all the film is hilarious. A little crass and dirty at times, but nonetheless, truly hysterical. It's the films saving grace.

The subplots abound and at times feel a little preachy, but the film still has it's heart in the right place and it's never, ever dull.

Sean William Scott is perfectly cast, and other casting choices were also spot-on.

This film falls in that late coming of age slash cali-alt humor genre.. King of Cali, everything must go, seeking a friend, or jeff who lives at home mold. And much like the latter 2, it's solid. These can certainly be hit or miss, but i laughed and smiled my way through 80% of this film.

Certainly worth a redbox considering all the crap pictured next to it. See it!

It's daring. The film tackles some heavy subject matter in some politically incorrect ways, but thanks to the humor we all shouldn't take any of it too seriously - besides the film does have some positive messages thrown-in there - they're just a bit dampened by the whole crassness and in-your-face humor. It bites off a little more than it can chew, but it's still a very funny and enjoyable film that could barely catch the back-end of a top 25 for 2015 if this year keeps on stinkin'
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This movie left me with a big smile on my face.
vlajko1-359-3223659 July 2015
This movie is just like so many other movies... but then it's not. It's quite transparent and obvious, but equally entertaining, well paced and emotional, with quite a few pretty hilarious moments.

While it is in no way epic, and does not answer any deep questions or will change the way you think or influence your life in any way, it will leave you smiling for a while.

Decent story, nice funny moments and pretty great casting (imho). I very much like most of the characters, some well known actors and very good behind camera work from Courteney Cox, no less.

Definitely a recommendation for a dull evening, especially if you're feeling blue. Very positive energy.
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Very well made, entertaining movie. Definitely recommend.
BeavisMoon11 May 2015
As others have said, surprisingly good movie. I liked Sean William Scott before, now I respect him. It wasn't just him though--really, all the characters were genuine, and made me like them/the story. Sure, the humor is juvenile (my 65 year old mother wouldn't like it either), but I was cracking up throughout the whole thing so...

The main plot is predictable, but the side-character interactions are gold (sometimes hilarious, sometimes oddly touching). I feel like the casting/writing/acting were all so good that the cookie-cutter plot (depressed lonely guy, by huge coincidence meets beautiful depressed lonely girl) was pulled off quite nicely.

Overall, quality. Very enjoyable film.
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I didn't want to like it... but I did!
Cez_Aslak5 September 2015
After reading the synopsis... I thought that I guessed the whole plot, that it would be cheesy and just bad. I'm happy to admit that I way totally wrong. I loved it. The crass jokes worked, the bad jokes were "so -bad-they're-good" and the good jokes, well... can you see the pattern?

This was a heartfelt touching "dark" comedy that still remained light. It touched the larger subjects with ease, the smaller subjects with humor and the all around goodness of the movie came through.

I cried at the end, which isn't something new since I cry at all touching movies (good or bad just as long as the moral is well portrayed), but it was a "good cry". Common ladies, you know what I'm talking about here, don't leave me hanging. Just a really good flick. Way to go Courtney Cox, was not expecting that at all...
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I thought it was amusing
KineticSeoul13 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The main reason I wanted to check this movie out is because it has Seann William Scott in it. I don't know, I just usually found him likable on screen. Plus he usually picks interesting or amusing movies to be in. Despite the negative reviews this movie has been getting, I personally enjoyed it. Sure, it can be a touchy subject when they decide to make a comedy about a guy that thinks suicide is the answer. But it goes in a endearing, kind of heartfelt and empathetic direction. With some awkward humor thrown in there. Seann William Scott constantly has this WTF face throughout the whole movie, but the thing is it actually works when it comes to the premise. So the story is about a guy who feels he is down on his luck, feels insignificant and thinks suicide is the only way. I think this is something that crossed most people's mind in their life, even if it's very slightly. Evem though there is no intention of going through with it. Anyways before he takes his life he wants to go back to his hometown and confront the people that have wronged him. He meets a girl who is the daughter of the teacher he detested in the past. I didn't think this was a laugh out loud comedy, but I did like the raunchy humor and didn't find it annoying to watch. Overall I personally think this is a very watchable movie, and at least think it's a okay movie to sit through at least once.

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for the crying and laughing at the same time...
yusufpiskin25 October 2020
"i'm gay, dad, not blind."

I love this movie. Realised on the second viewing how much of an ensemble this is, as the script is concerned with the lives Scott's central character touches on his journey to suicide. The cast is amazing. Scott is at a career best here, with Thirlby, Dillahunt, Walsh and Riggle bringing so much life to their characters. It's a beautiful script from Flebotte, at times hilarious and moving, and Cox manages the tone perfectly. Easily one of my favourites.
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Dark and twisted yet beautifully insightful.
DeviantHitman1 May 2015
Somehow Courtney Cox managed to capture some of the everyday complications of life, parenthood, sexuality, marriage and adolescence and shaped them into a wonderful piece of beautifully twisted dysfunctional art.

Fine performances from everyone in the cast. Especially Sean William Scott as I am used to his 'stiffleresque' performances. He really shined in his performance which was quite refreshing and a good change of pace.

I wasn't sure what I was walking into when I sat down to watch this film but what I discovered was a rare gem of a film.

Great job Courtney Cox. A truly unexpected find this film was.
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I should have hated this, but I liked it.
Lambysalamby7 May 2015
What can I say about this movie, well it had really crude juvenile humour that I did not find funny and never do. For example: making "retard" Jokes. Courtney Cox (director) seems to be self aware however and even has characters say; "actually I find that offensive" That doesn't correct a bad joke, it's more saying my bad, we didn't have something better to say... The film did have a good message, but it could have been presented with less sharp edges.

This should have plummeted my rating of the film except for the fact I really liked the main characters. Scott is a likable guy and I have never disliked him in anything. I have also gone through my own depression in life so I identified with his character and the message of relishing what is good in life. Olivia Thirlby may also be the sweetest woman alive! I quite liked her character and they have good chemistry together..

But hey, this is no masterpiece, it's full of bad humour that just isn't funny... You can pretty much guess the outcome of every plot line. But its got likable characters and it didn't drag..

Overall: Enjoyable easy going film, with some faults.
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Has some merit as a 'social awareness' film, but has too many flaws for it to be entirely successful
jimbo-53-1865115 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Ted Morgan (Seann William Scott) is a man on the verge of suicide and decides to head back to his hometown to have one final showdown with everyone he feels has treated him badly over the years. Once he has faced his past demons, Ted is intent on seeing out his 'plans' but a series of events back home make Ted re-evaluate his life situation.

The first thing I'll say here is that it is nice to see Seann William Scott play a likable character. In fairness to him though he is very good when he's playing an obnoxious character, but it's nice to see him do something else (and he also gets to showcase that he is not a one-note actor). The premise and some of the themes that are explored in this film are certainly worthy and the film itself rolls along fairly well and very rarely feels boring. However, as I've mentioned it has many flaws which sadly do drag it down somewhat....

For starters, the filmmakers seemed to bring up several pertinent areas within the film but seem unclear where to take these themes or how to expand upon them. The first example is Ted's brother and his relationship with his wife - in the early stages of the film she wanders into Ted's bedroom and masturbates in front of him - this is initially passed off by his brother as her sleepwalking, but it later transpires that she was awake the whole time. Clearly this aspect of the story was quite amusing (albeit a little repetitive), but it's never really expanded upon or explored further meaning that it seemed to just be done for cheap laughs (rather than being introduced to make any sort of point). Another example comes with the guy who bullied Ted when he was a kid - although this story arc was probably the strongest in the film (we learn why he bullied Ted and the bully acknowledges his past mistakes), but this aspect is almost single-handedly ruined by the silly direction that this thread takes - him wanting to kill his dad was a little unnecessary and gave it a goofy 'Throw Momma from the Train' feel to it which I felt wasn't really needed. For me, enough had been done to make the point without adding this subplot. I also can't say I was that impressed with the ending - giving the film a cheesy 'audience friendly' ending without properly addressing certain issues may work for some people, but I would have preferred it if the themes were expanded upon and consequences of wrongdoings were at least discussed or commented upon (such as the kids that bully Romeo for being gay).

I've given this film a bit of stick but it isn't all bad (the performances are good) and the themes explored here are generally themes that many people will be able to identify with. But for me, it's wavering, uneven tone and the approach to the material didn't always strike the right chord with me making it merely a 'semi-satisfying' social awareness film.
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Really good film
helpme-488-3056314 May 2015
Excellent character creation, simple but thought provoking concepts.

Those expecting something like American Pie will be disappointed, its kind of more a movie for grownups.

Dramatic comedies are super hard to get right. Too much humor and the drama is overshadowed, too much drama and not enough laughs and the humor seems totally misplaced. The mix here, is really well done.

The humanity of everyone involved was awesome.

I was expecting a lot less, I just got watched it as a time killer and was so pleasantly surprised. In the same week I watched Jupiter Rising which was kind of the opposite quality.

Characters you didn't care about. A ridiculous plot that required all common sense being suspended.
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edwagreen4 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Contemplating suicide is no joke as this picture proves.

Disillusioned with life, a young man returns home to kill himself, but first to tell off the people who made his life miserable.

There is the unsympathetic 7th grade math teacher, who despite his father's death that year, made life miserable for him. Now, years later, she is in a nursing home and he discovers why she was so miserable to him, as well as meeting her granddaughter.

Then there was the class bully who has become an endearing person, a widower with a down-syndrome child.

His immediate family best describes dysfunctional. His widowed mother living with a female Elvis impersonator, a fling with the one girl in school who showed him kindness, a police officer brother with a dirty mouth whose son is a homosexual with relations with a young black man. It just goes on and on.

This is a film that best suggests that life is worth living at all costs. The only way to confront his situation is to deal with it when another family member contemplates doing away with himself as well.
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So Bad
Astaroth2211 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Terrible movie. While there's "stupid comedies" this is a stupid "stupid comedy" that also masquerades as a part-time drama. Everything designed to be funny was mostly cringeworthy. Look, I'm the furtherest thing from being PC but calling Vickie (Mackenzie Marsh) fat wasn't funny. All it did was make me wonder how an actress who is overweight might feel about subjecting herself to these humiliating lines. The "sleepwalking" scenes weren't funny either - they were disturbing. Next, watching the only sane character get wolf-packed because he was gay made me want to turn it off.

In short: Nothing worked.

I would have rated it a "2" (D-) if not for Cleo King. She was the only character in the whole damn movie that made me laugh. At least she was actually funny.

Anyway, while there are some other names here that will draw your interest - fight the urge to investigate. Do yourself that favor. Just walk away.
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srobertson-751038 September 2020
Surprisingly funny movie about a guy who goes back to confront his past before he takes his life. He visits old teachers, his brother, mother, his high school bully and an old flame. Many of these people were part of his troubled past but he learns a lot about why people acted the way they did. Their lives wound up being a lot more screwed up than his. This movie has some mature themes so it's not for everyone. I was laughing out loud for much of the movie, but that alternated with some really touching scenes. Overall I found it very entertaining!
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A great movie!
anglegirl-3303710 October 2015
I really loved this movie. It had so many different character types that all played together very well and made a really great story line. I loved the plot. When my sister brought the movie home and told me what it was about I was kinda freaked out... but I think they took a gloomy situation, and situations that are very real and things that people really struggle with, and brought light to them. It reminded me of the show shameless in some way. With all the family dysfunctions. But at the end of the day, what is more important than family?? I laughed a lot, and I even cringed at some parts. I honestly cant think of anything that I dislike about the movie!
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It has a nice fresh story so it's worth to be seen ,, "When it's darkest you can see the stars" ,, and i think this was a star in the drama-comedy genre this year.
Aktham_Tashtush6 June 2015
The movie started of smoothly but in a mysterious intriguing way ... gives you his life story in three minutes and then 3 weeks earlier like a classic leap flashback to confront his own predators in the past. The idea of the movie is new to me,,The plot is unpredictable, yeah you might say he'll try to kill himself and somebody will save him or stop him in the last minute or something like that ,, but the story in between where he tries to get even with his old bullies and how the events evolve it could get so Unexpectable. The Comedy and the Drama is so properly balanced switching in between,,

Courteney Cox has trained herself well on "Cougar Town" directing a couple of episodes but here she made something really good, also with a guy with broad experience like David Flebotte it all went really good. And in one of the final scenes where he's about to die in the lake was so sensationally emotional,, and in the end is a bit funny how "Lucky" reacts :D

As for the cast; Seann William Scott is usually this dorky funny character but here it's so different with his stable personality but a bit angry at the world was hard to digest :D :D .. Garret Dillahunt gosh i love him since "raising hope" he went so full on hilarious.

So overall,, the movie is not full drop on your back laughing kinda comedy but it really has a nice new story ,, so it's worth to be watched.
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More of a drama than comedy
Floated215 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is a film which may have went under the radar during its release. It isn't too special but there is enough interest and engagement to keep watching until the end.

Lead by a very solid and likable lead character in Seann William Scott, he shows he is more than capable of playing a Stifler.

With little expectations, Just Before I go is quite a depressing but thoughtful film. Although predictable- especially in the end, the journey we see the character going through from start to finish is worth the watch.

The critics appear to be quite harsh with their rating- with a current 10% on Rottentomatoes, that doesn't do this film justice. Am glad having watched the film before seeing its rating, otherwise may have skipped out on this one.

We understand this isn't the best film out there but for what's its worth, it is solid. Not too long either, good for an afternoon viewing alone. Makes you ponder about life afterwards. Perhaps critics expectations were too high?

Some of the comedy was rather unhumorous, over the top, and could have been left out (for instance a running gag involving the wife "sleep masturbating"- one time was enough. It just wasn't funny and seemed a little forced for laughs). As well as the character of Lucky- he was there for the comic relief but was rather annoying.

The film shines most during the scenes involving Seann William Scott and Olivia Thirlby. We see the chemistry evolve as expected.

There is also a running subplot involving the son and his coming out. Everything in the end comes full circle and seems to work out for the best. It may be predictable but it was the most justified way to end the film.

For a film that isn't exactly old, there is definitely a certain "nostalgic" feeling. Perhaps others may feel the same way watching for the first time.
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Kind of hit the right buttons about mid to late 2000s society
answerscommentsadvice19 February 2020
Kind of hit the right buttons about society being bully, about being scared about their sexuality being announced , about their family problems, husband & wife problems, siblings problems etc. They covered all of the little bits of the above list. Is kind of drama with bit of comedy but with the cast of old Stiffler from American Pie; you can't really make a drama movie with him no matter how hard anyone tries. But def worth to watch once or twice. If this movie was 50/50 of drama & comedy then would've been better but is more 80/20 that's why I gave it a 6 out of 10. Maybe would be better if it was another cast than the old Stiffler
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Great Movie, Worth Seeing
rillz17 May 2015
There are many laughs to be had and the acting and settings are on point enough never to detract you from the movie. Sean William Scott plays a relatble character that keeps you in engaged and laughing through the entire movie. The supporting cast is equally as fun to watch as the movie unfolds. Rob Riggle and the bother in the movie are fun to watch. I have seen countless movies that do not entertain half as much as this one. They touch upon issues that are faced by families in today's day and age. This should of been released in the movies as I wouldve paid to see it. Easily worth the price of admission. Keep up the great work SWC.
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Surprisingly liked it!
amybouchaala13 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
You know the movie ''40 year old virgin''? Yeah, thats what I thought this movie was going to be like, dull, cheap repetitive comedy, no climax, terrible plot. But no, this movie had a great message behind it. I cried twice at the end (it could just me be because I'm an emotional person), but this movie should definitely be watched. Although there were signs he 'wasnt going to go through with it', I was still surprised by the ending. I enjoyed this movie very much. Even the short funny bits got to me. I don't think its worth watching at the cinema though, i think its more of a stay at home and sob. Anyways i highly recommend watching, maybe not with kids younger than 16 because of the language but thats about it.
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tamarabulmer27 December 2018
This film tries hard to be funny with the use of foul language and some crudity...but unlike Seans older films, it fails miserably. Total fail
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Absolutely Brilliant
dextermorgancsi24 May 2015
Being a Sean William Scott fan I thought I'd watch this movie and boy am I glad I did. I was dubious at first as Courtney Cox was directing it but I gotta admit - she nailed it. This movie hits on many layers in life, some things you'll relate to, others you won't but you'll understand where it's coming from. It's a dark comedy drama with some smutty but funny humour that will either have you laughing out loud or looking on in shock. This movie is not only great acting, writing and directing but it has many hidden messages in it which makes you think about your own life, family amongst other things. Acting wise this is Sean William Scott's best movie. I cannot recommend this enough and I hope it gets the recognition it deserves. You rarely wake up the following day thinking what a great movie you watched last night - well, this is one of them.
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I guess it was OK
jebotecovjece26 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
It's not a comedy. Don't believe what they tell you. It's a drama. The story is just fine, nothing special. You can't see the reason why this guy wants to end his life. He doesn't seem as depressed as he should and people who really want to kill themselves won't bother to "clean up their past", because they wouldn't want to get out of bed. The gay side story seemed interesting, but also a little forced- like it had to be in the movie to show how modern and liberal it is (I think this is happening quite often in movies these days). The movie seemed like it was written by a politically correct mother. It was emotional and it covered all kinds of people, like a gay teenager, a fat mother who was once hot, an ex bully, who found the right path and his dawn syndrome kid, and so on... So, you can watch it if you're bored. Some scenes are really nice to watch (like the main character floating in the water), but you won't miss anything if you don't.
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An Embarrassment for Cox
GeorgeMcIII15 October 2015
Just Before I Go is one of the silliest, pointless films I have ever watched.

There was one particular scene, where the character Greta is talking to the character Ted during what was supposed to be an intense, high-drama scene. The syrupy, ridiculous and silly words that come out of Greta's mouth were so inappropriate for the scene that I was instantly embarrassed for her that she had to say them, and I alternated between being embarrassed for Courtney Cox to being angered at Cox that after seeing that scene so many times during the performance, dailies and screenings she said to herself, "Yeah, that's good" and included it in the film.

The lines that were meant to be jokes missed their marks by a long shot, with some even being insulting, like a running gag about someone becoming a "retard." Sure, a minor character does pop his head up and says he finds that word offensive – ya think? – but that hardly makes it OK for the use of the word and the way it is used. And to be sure, I am not someone who is caught up in political correctness; quite the opposite.

I feel the worst for Olivia Thirlby, who is a classically trained actor, having trained extensively in classical Shakespearian acting in New York at the American Globe Theatre, and in London at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. Why on earth would she accept a role like this?

If this is the best work Courtney Cox can do as a director, she needs to go back to acting and leave directing to professionals who know what they are doing.

There is a reason this film grossed only $8,129 for its US opening weekend. Heck, you could put your home movies on a few screens around the country and gross more than $8,129.

This movie is terrible.
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awful in every way
Dash196911 February 2020
This is just a terrible movie. Horrible cliches, and absolute promotion of mental illness at every turn. I know people like that are out there but a film should never condone, encourage or support mental illness. Mental disorder and harming yourself it's not funny.
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