Carol & The End of the World (TV Mini Series 2023) Poster

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Love it or hate it, but watch till the end
cbcanabarro19 December 2023
There is no reason to Watch this show, it is slow, doesnt make you laugh, at many times it gets bizar surreal, and the protagonist voice reminds me some kind of electronical device.... But somehow, going through this alleatory random stories, reminds us of the necessity of all getting a meanning, a certain control, and afterall is just one simple thing, human interaction in all their forms... watch it till the end and i assure you wont be able to not be sympathetic and just love Carol....regard the end of the world.

I dont know if theres a second season on the way, and i really feel it doesnt need one.
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I liked it !
jwtxlmghbon15 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A mixture of drama, comedy, and action, as well as loneliness and discomfort, a homogeneous mixture that represents the feelings of the majority of people in the world after all the difficult events we have lived through in recent years. Carol represents all of us here, She does not care about the boring news of the world, nor do people's parties make her anxious. All that matters to her is that her miserable day ends, no matter how much wasted effort, time, and energy it requires. This is how we have been lately, just waiting for the day to end to wish Sleep well for our family, if we are not alone like poor Carol. You know what, I will not describe Carol as poor after the adventures she went through, I will describe her as strong and intelligent because she not only searched for the meaning of life, but because She showed the bad side of this disgusting world. Yes, we are Carol, and Carol is us.
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Room temperature water with a faint taste of lemon...
maxdon-0432222 December 2023
If someone brought it to you no one would complain when they get it, but nobody would really feel much of anything either.

I quite like the concept of this show, but I feel that they could have done much better with the execution of it.

Maybe an anthology could have worked?

TLDR: Overall I wouldn't recommend this show to people if they have anything better to do, but it was a nice background watch.

Some things that I liked:
  • The animation was pretty nice, when they used 3D it didn't feel too out of place
  • I think that almost all the characters were at the very least mildly entertaining
  • I quite liked all the side stories

Now for some of the stuff that I didn't really like:
  • The main character... I just didn't click with her, her personality was eh, her voice was eh (very flat and emotionless), and worst of all I didn't really like her design (her eyes touching each other bothered me every time I noticed it...)
  • The nudity, yeah it made a statement in the first episode, but after that it felt needless... If anything it took away from situations...
  • The world building also kind of bothered me, how is the world still functioning if everyone is off having fun, it bothered me every time they had to do anything out in the world.
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Finding meaning in life when the end is nigh
kruiwagen200016 December 2023
The world is going to end in 6 months due to a small planet crashing into earth. How to proceed? Most people start living every day as if it's their last; they travel the world, run around naked, skydive and learn French, eat whatever they like and screw whoever they want. Meanwhile Carol is trying to pay off her debt with a bank that's not even in business anymore. She doesn't know what to do. We follow Carol as she tries to cope with the lack of meaning in her life.

The show is episodic, mysterious, dry, sarcastic, humorous, emotional. It reminded me of Bojack Horseman in the surreal depiction of real life problems like depression and coping mechanisms.

Maybe it's me. Like Carol, I'm 42, single, childless and don't know how to find the meaning in life or how to enjoy it, while it so often feels that the apocalypse is around the corner. Not a planet about to crash into earth, but climate change, wars, pandemics. So needless to say, I found Carol & The End of the World very relatable.

I'm certain the show is not for everyone. This is not really a review. Rather the void I'm filling after binge watching the whole show. Watch it, don't watch it. I'm sure some will stop after 1 or 2 episodes and some, like me, will enjoy it while crying at least once every episode. I'm sure it will find it's audience. 9/10.
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The end of the world is interesting, Carol not so much.
Weary7618 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very unusual animated series. It has arthouse vibes, and it's nice. By the time you're in the second half of the season chances are you'll be into it.

That's also partially because the character of Carol gets less attention.

That character is bringing everything down in the first half. "I don't know" is practically her catchphrase, and the way the voice actress says it got on my nerves more and more. Carol is one of those people who you see at a party, not talking to anyone and looking unhappy., you go and talk to this person because, surely, there must be more than this, and find out there is not. It's okay, but some people just don't run that deep.

And then the show starts to pretend as if Carol always was a very deep person. She preferred to be left alone, she finds people who want to be left alone, she starts to not leave those people alone and she ends up being the hero because every introvert secretly wants to be an extrovert at least a little bit.

No. This show either needs a new main character, or it needs to be an anthology with each episode focusing on new characters and show how their dealing with the end of the world.
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btolin021331 December 2023
In my estimation, there can only be a 1 or 10 rating for this show. I've never seen anything like it - so boring, yet so gripping and provocative. My rating was a 1, and a 1, but I somehow made it to episode 3 or 4, and somehow it became a 10.

What's provocative about it? It evokes feelings in me like ... am I Carol (a male version)? Episode 9 is fabulous (more on that in a second), but episode 10 is brilliant. I may say I have a bucket list, but like Carol, I really just want a sense of purpose and to be with nice people. How the creators of this show put this together - i.e., the mundane alongside the apocalypse - is beyond me and brilliant.

Do I understand episode 9? Maybe, maybe not. Was Carol dreaming or was it reality? I suspect dreaming, but who knows (or cares). It was beautiful - the animation, the vibrant and sometimes odd colors, the story. And Carol's story was beautifully intertwined with an enjoyable story about her parents throuple (another amazingly odd yet beautiful storyline), as well as the sweet (but complex) story of her one-night stand and his son.

The show should win an award but it won't. It would be very hard for me to recommend this show to someone because they might easily rate it a 1 and move on to more typical fare. And finally, I don't know if I truly understand the story and its implications. I'd like to watch it again, but I honestly don't know if I can make it through it again.

Again, congratulations to the creators for creating something so unique and thoughtful - for those that want to think a bit. And if you hate it, I don't blame you.
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Interesting start but too boring to watch until the end
ella_kelbert5 January 2024
Because of all the good rates (10/10? Oh please), I felt the need to give my piece of opinion.

NO, it's not deep and life-changing or whatever.

It starts good and in the 3 first episodes I really identified with the main character Carol, in the sense that she is an introvert. Because of that she isn't able to do like mostly everyone else which is to go and enjoy life to the fullest once they know the world will end in 7 months.

But from 3rd episode on this immobility and apathy really starts to get on your nerves as she doesn't really do anything interesting.

There's absolutely nothing comedic about it and it becomes frustrating.

The animation style is good enough, but the whole thing is just not worth it.

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Quite cinematic
calahao16 December 2023
Carol & the end of the world is yet another entry into the quiet, mature sci-fi animated menagerie of 2013 alongside Fired on Mars and Scavengers Reign. It is a bit more comedic than both, but still relatively down to earth and not as extravagant, since it deals with very real problems like depression, introversion and impostor syndrome.

The character designs are rather unique for an adult animated series, with Carol herself having this tear drop shaped eyes that quite encapsulate her character.

As someone dealing with depression and a life crisis, Carol is very relatable to me, seeing her struggle to find something to do as everyone is having their bucklists fulfilled.

Overall a very solid cartoon.
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LOVE the show, except for episode 4
Noneofyour_Business10 January 2024
OMG. I love this show but wow, episode 4 was BEYOND annoying. Carol's sister Elena is the most annoying person ever. Like if I was Carol, I would have pushed her off a cliff. The actress's voice drove me insane. I was so glad for it to be OVER like OMG. I never write reviews but I came on here to say how annoying this episode was because of Elena.

Behind that, I love the actress who plays Carol.

Such a poignant show about our own demise, and makes me wonder about what I would do in this situation.

I know I wouldn't want to go to work every day like Carol though lol but great original show, give it a watch!
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Beautiful but depressing as hell
JamieClaye22 December 2023
"Carol & The End of the World," Netflix's latest offering, presents a unique visual journey that plunges deep into existential themes, yet its heavy, melancholic tone might not resonate with everyone. Set against an apocalyptic backdrop where Earth is destined for destruction in six months (similar to Melancholia), the series mirrors the current global mood of existential dread, making it a poignant but heavy watch.

The show's narrative centers on Carol, who clings to mundane routines amidst chaos, offering a bleak commentary on human resilience and futility. This central plot, while thought-provoking, adds to the series' overall sense of despair. Each episode, exploring different human responses to the end times, reinforces a feeling of inescapable doom, resonating uncomfortably with the viewer's own anxieties in today's troubled world.

Visually, the series stands out with its unique, yet divisive, animation style. Reminiscent of the comic strip "Cathy," the characters are drawn with exaggerated, stark features that might not appeal to all. This artistic choice, while bold, often feels jarring and can detract from the emotional depth of the story.

A particularly peculiar aspect is the consistent depiction of a strange black shadow under the characters' chins, resembling a beard or an odd opening in their necks. Intended perhaps to symbolize the overshadowing apocalypse or internal turmoil, this feature tends to be more distracting than meaningful, adding an element of visual dissonance to the already heavy narrative.

The series' humor, dark and sarcastic, provides occasional relief but is often overshadowed by the prevailing mood of melancholy. "Carol & The End of the World" thus walks a fine line between being emotionally resonant and oppressively somber.

Concluding in a manner reminiscent of Lars von Trier's "Melancholia," the show leaves viewers with a profound sense of desolation. It's an artistic endeavor that delves into the ephemerality of human existence and the inevitability of fate, yet its overwhelming thematic gravity can be challenging to endure.

In summary, while "Carol & The End of the World" is visually striking and thematically deep, its depressing undertone and challenging animation style make it a demanding watch. The series is a significant contribution to existential storytelling, yet its appeal might be limited to those who can endure its heavy emotional and intellectual demands.
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Calming and thought provocing
Lug190016 December 2023
This has everything a good show needs, such a delightful surprise at the end of the year. The pace of the series is wonderfully slow, this has sadly become a rare thing in modern productions. The voice actors do a great job. Carol is relatable for anyone who is at least at times, on a deep journey to find out what makes them happy. I love how the show highlights the extraordinary in the ordinary.

I also really enjoyed how the show reveals more and more gradually what drives the other characters. I really recommend it. Watching it felt like an odd meditation and if you let the message in, it really gets you thinking about your own life and what matters to you.
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you just have to get over the unfunny and unnecessary nudity
Sussybaka_056118 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It is very slow pace but god-damn it the idea behind the show is what kept me going, like the world is ending in about 6 mouth? Ah yes, I want to see how everyone going to deal with that. I surprisingly like how monotone the main character is. She made me really appreciate my day-to-day tasks, realizing that someday I won't be able to do them.

Now, that being said... why do we get close shots of her naked parents? Yeah, the joke is that it's the end of the world, everyone is getting naked. But for crying out loud that crap is getting disturbing AND honestly kinds disgusting, like once maybe twice ok no problem, but every god-damn scene that they're in?? And the one thing that completely caught me off guard was in episode 8. Are those pirates supposed to be speaking Arabic? If so, that's kinda racist because they're literally speaking in gibberish, they couldn't hire a single person that can actually speak the language?

Anyway, the show is very smart and relaxing. My favorite character was the captain that left his ship with tens of people after realizing he has been doing his job for 30 years. The idea that you have been mastering your craft for years just for it to end so abruptly is very saddening and depressing.

Other than that, the show is kinda close to the feeling you get after watching BoJack Horseman, but not quiet. It's actually really re-watchable. Recommend watching.
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Thinks it is very deep, is actually extremely boring
rmmil17 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I watched it all. The whole thing, because I wanted to be fair in my summation of it.

This series is not in any way enjoyable to watch. It wants to be deep, it REALLY wants to be thought provoking, but the Netflix format just gives it too much room to wander, and this results in the story itself drowning under its own weight.

The series starts very quickly establishing that the world is ending due to an incoming comet, and everyone has basically stopped living their regular lives in an attempt to hedonistically ride out the end. Well...most people, some like our protagonist Carol decide they want to spend the end working to give their aimless lives purpose, and that's where the writing on this series started to lose me.

There are a lot of crazy things people would do with 7 months left to live in the world, but going back to a M-F 9-5 job is not one of them.

There's this weird Animal Farm / cringey "The Onion"dystopian idea by the writer of this show that regular people would just go insane if they couldn't work, but let me tell you, that's just not reality. Not in this scenario.

Speaking of inconsistent writing, at various intervals it's obvious society has broken down and public transportation is gone, yet somehow people are still flying and taking trips. Who is flying these planes? Who is handling the luggage? Who is feeding these people?

The military seems to be the only functioning government body, yet also not, at the same time. The world building is either wildly inconsistent or carelessly discarded.

Carol, the protagonist, is meant to be this audience view of the world, but she's so hopelessly unlikeable. Being a neurotic depressed individual while the world is also ending was already handled by the film "Seeking a Friend for the End of the World" and it was done with more interesting writing in much less time.

Seeing that Carol is so boring, the series attempts to branch out into other characters later in the show, but I didn't like any of those, either. This series feels like one of those late-night Adult Swim "deep thoughts" cartoons that were 10 minutes long. Too bad these were a half hour, getting through almost every one was a huge slog.

I say "almost every one" because the episode where Carol reunites with her sister was pretty decent, I don't know why they didn't stick with that mindset throughout the whole show. By episode 8 when the Somali pirates hijacked the nude cruise (yes this happened) I was about ready to call it quits, yet I soldiered on.

The series itself is also incredibly crudely drawn. When is it "okay" to say animation isn't a style choice, that it's actually bad? Because this one, was bad. All the naked wrinkly people just looked absurd, too, btw. Was that supposed to be funny?

The worst part is that in the end this series is just a bunch of painful stilted dialogue and staring, but is also somehow incredibly pretentious and preachy at the same time (Carol teaches us all that if you just learn people's names, "everything is gonna be okay", barf).

You ever want to watch animated characters just stare at each other? Then this one's for you.
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A masterpiece with rare imperfections
jamalouad15 December 2023
As soon as I watched the first episode, I was certain that this series reflects our current situation, lost amidst the many news, the many choices, and amidst the words of influencers and big, famous figures in this world. Carol represents every person who suffers From not belonging anywhere, Carol sums up how cruel the world can be even when it's coming to an end. In fact, and to be neutral, this work contains a huge amount of feelings and feelings represented by the events that bring us to the truth that our societies are not as perfect as we think and need a lot of reforms. To sum up what I said, Carol is me, she's you, and she's every other miserable person in this world...
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A great series
jorisgroeneveld26 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I think its a great series. It toon me some time to get in to it but when I did it was really good. There are some problems like the voice acting for the main carter Carol was just awful, at one point she ginds a dead men and there is just no emotions. It worked for the begining of the series where she was kinda going to the motions but at the end it really started to bother me. The series isnt afraid to focus on caracters that arent Carol wich is always fun and I think it really captures the realism of a world ending event. The animation was good and the storry telling was not afraid to do somithing different once in a while. I would recomend it.
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Slow burn, but worth the relaxed pacing
ybhpf17 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Carol and the End of the World (Netflix) is a limited series (they have a set length planned for the series). It's a mid-life coming of age tale in a world where an otherworldly apocalypse is less than a year away.

There's no classic hero's journey.

Instead, the protagonist is merely awakening to an appreciation of life. She's one person amongst millions but serves as a vehicle for analyzing how real-world society treats itself and the concept of a life well-lived. Lots of cameos including a vignette with Levar Burton.

It will likely fly under the radar for most folks, but it is beautifully understated storytelling.

I think this is a nicely done counterpoint to the type of storytelling in Rick And Morty (a cynical series focused on middle-aged existential crises and the futility of ... everything).
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Engaging Show
technusgirl14 February 2024
I haven't finished the season yet, but from what I've seen so far, this show keeps you interested in what happens next even if the main character, Carol is very flat emotionally.

Carol is introverted and a bit withdrawn. She struggles with opening up about her feelings to friends or family. I feel if she were honest, maybe she could work through her issues better.

Carol just wants things to be like they used to be. She also wants to be productive and have a sense of purpose regardless of the dire situation the planet is in. She doesn't want to just live in the moment, party, travel or participate in risk taking activities like everyone else she knows.

When eventually does come across people that are like her and have the same interest, she finds that's they are even more withdrawn than she is. She desperately wants to make a friend that she can relate to. But her social awkwardness and quiet demeanor make that even more difficult.

The show also realistically addresses how things might be if we were to face an end of the world situation like having the military work at the grocery stores so that people don't loot or hoard food. This is a level of forethought that I appreciate that makes the show more immersive and engaging. This show also makes you wonder what you would do if faced with a similar situation.

I look forward to seeing what the rest of the show has to offer.
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Carol & The Surreal Human Condition
anthonycfaria16 December 2023
Carol & The End of The World is a masterclass in character-driven surrealist and existentialist storytelling that seamlessly blends the many absurd experiences of the profoundly lost Carol Kohl as she attempts to find her function and peace in a chaotic universe.

Dan Guterman and his team organically push the envelope and rebel against the hyper-fast pace of today's content consumption and comedy animation by allowing the show to breathe in a cinematically visualized and scored world built on a foundation of beautifully naturalistic characters and dialogue. The uniquely surreal realism allows us to experience a super-reality rich with subjective truths that are emotionally truer than a strictly objective realist take could have portrayed.

It's a hilarious and thought-provoking triumph that delves deep into the human condition and psyche. Carol & The End of The World is a must-watch for anyone seeking a joyfully strange and existential ride that mesmerizes and challenges.
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A decent watch. Not for undereage
LancelotSB6 February 2024
Its was okay. Great concept and beautiful animation. Love the scores and music selection. Depressing (in a good way) main character and voice castings, fit perfectly with mood setup and characterisation of the characters.

Abrupted ending on season 1. Hopefully will be renewed for more episodes. Really want to know the story behind the director, the planet and etc. Some episodes on this season were totally innecessary as it doesnt add up anything to the plot. Most likely filler episodes.

Carol was somewhat relatable. Adore some of the side characters. Great representation of LGBTQ+ community as well as POC. Few nude and violence scenes, which not children friendly. Recommended.
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Carol's Lament: A Slow-Burning Show That Leaves Viewers Regretful and Depressed
stephsonelli20 December 2023
Attempting to appreciate the show, I found myself grappling with the irksome nature of Carol's character. The pacing, dragging its feet, transformed each episode into a test of endurance. Unlike many shows, this one left me with a lingering sense of regret, an unusual and unwelcome feeling. I hesitate to recommend it as the overall atmosphere is undeniably somber, casting a shadow on the entire viewing experience. Unfortunately, the anticipation for each episode's conclusion felt more like a relief than genuine enjoyment, making it a less-than-ideal choice for those seeking engaging and uplifting content.
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Achingly Beautiful, meditative and Thought provoking
samhaywardmix19 December 2023
I love this show. For me it is the emotional cousin to "Don't look up"'s more cerebral themes. How do people deal with grief? How do people grieve for themselves? There is an underrated purpose and beauty in mundanity that Carol and the End of the World lays bare.

I connected with this show on a very deep level, I laughed and I cried. And I sat with these seemingly ordinary people living an extraordinary time. In a world of spectacle and hedonism this show gives time to quiet introspection.

Perhaps this show would have connected with a wider audience in late 2021 with covid at the front of our minds. As it is I think it's a perfect metaphor for our times. I understand it isn't for everyone, it is quiet and it requires patience. But the pay off is incredible and moving.
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coles_notes27 May 2024
Created by Dan Guterman (writer on Colbert Report, Community, Rick and Morty), we follow Carol, a middle aged woman who along with the rest of the world must accept the looming end date of all life on Earth as a massive asteroid hurtles towards Earth. With less than a year of everyone's life left on the clock, Carol starts an inward journey about herself and ultimately those around her. Dark and continually sarcastic, Martha Kelly as the lead was fantastic casting, I loved her in Baskets and she brings more of her deadpan charm. As an adult comedy there is some cartoon nudity, although I'm glad to say the series never had any significant violence or those typical narratives that many apocalypse stories follow. And we do follow more than just Carol, the story is told through a bunch a different characters, often with deeper dive episodes focusing on each, which was fun. At only 10 episodes, if you like these kinds of comedic adult comedies or think you'd like the darker apocalyptic doom spin, it was good, would recommend.
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Whatever this show is trying to be, it's failling at it
Camikka25 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's not funny, it's not clever, it's not endearing, it's not motivational. It's not deep nor intriguing nor thought-provoking.

It's not an anthology of stories of how different people go about the end of the world, it's not a good study on character development (Carol doesn't care about anyone, not even herself for the first few episodes, then suddenly she cares about her coworkers and a random little kid), it's not social critique, it's not even just a silly show to turn your mind off of things.

The only thing it manages to be is unecessarily boring, because I know the creator could have done something with this premise, but for some reason, like Carol, they chose to do nothing.
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It's me, I'm Carol.
kaylinmroth18 December 2023
I really loved this series and it's refreshingly original take on an apocalypse scenario. The art is beautiful, the story made me laugh and cry, and once it was over it stayed in my head for a long time and gave me a lot to think about. I saw a lot of myself in a lot of characters but ultimately I am Carol. She resonated with me so deeply it surprised me.

If the whole planet was going to die in seven months, I don't think I'd go off on an adventure to hit bucket list items and see the world. I think I'd keep doing what I'm doing now- try to find community and connection, make friends, and stave off the general existential dread of everyday life. Find the things that makes me happy and content, and do it every day till there were no more days. This show was like a warm blanket, a favorite depression meal, and (now officially) a comfort show all rolled into one. If you don't get the show, that's okay. If you're the type that would try and see all the wonders of the world if you found out everyone was going to die soon, that's okay too.
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Late night bliss for Hobbits
glynmaclean21 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
DRY HUMOUR for insomniac hobbits.


NETFLIX. Martha Kelly.

CAROL is a monotone, blasé voice for a droll, sedate cartoon character contending with a world gone mad.

What's most important to carol is being chill. Doing nothing and avoiding excitement. This occurs against the backdrop of citizens going wild living out the last nine months of their lives completing their bucket lists before a planetary apocalypse.

Carol dreams of an uninteresting desk job.

Her aged parents run off with their caregiver.

All kinds of chaos and dramedy occur.

Slowly. Drolly.

You'll be lulled into captivity by voice actor Martha Kelly as her deadpan voice drills a hole in your funny bones and you become gently amused and resolute that anyone can change under the right apocalyptic conditions.
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