Hitman: Agent 47 (2015) Poster

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Unfortunately, only an action movie
Maleplatypus28 October 2015
Despite good casting, very good performances, more than a correct direction, camera work, sfx, editing and music, this movie is not excellent. It has no soul, as previous version (with Timothy Olyphant, 2007) did. Comparison is inevitable. This is only an action movie: a good bunch of action scenes and essentially a mindless fun. However, no character development or an explanation who, why, where, when and so on. Previous version had it all and if someone planned sequels (or a franchise), they should have done it eight years ago. Then it would make sense. Don't get me wrong here. This movie is not a bad one and the cast gave it all to make it entertaining. But for me that is just not enough, considering the template (video game) and possibilities to develop a good idea into a more complex and challenging story. This movie returns all to the level of the video game (maybe even below that). I think that these characters deserve more. So do we. Recommended for "set-brains-to-off" fun on a weekend afternoon.
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Makes the 2007 Hit-man film look like a masterpiece!
alex-christian21 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I never expected anything more of this film than run of the mill action with the Hit-man flavor. I was sorely disappointed. Firstly I felt like the first hour or so of the film was a take on "The Terminator" with a bit of a "Leon: The Professional" vibe too. There was even an antagonist who had rejuvenating body armour like a Terminator cyborg. He got shot plenty of times to kill him and even electrocuted but wouldn't die. Agent 47 was basically reduced to a supporting character and the "sixth sense" nonsense where the female protagonist learns to harness her own Hit-man skills is laughable. Throw in the old "you're brother and sister" and you've got your classic 1am made-for-TV b-movie. However my greatest disappointment was at the end when they take the HQ down and do all of this "in-sync" shooting with one another, crossing arms etc... it was so cringe worthy. The only cool part of the film for me was when I accepted she had a sixth sense of a sort and at the very end where the female protagonist anticipated a powerful army or special ops team of sorts coming up the stairs to get them, when in fact it was Agent 48. Then the film ended. It was kind of cool. I love Hit-man but was very disappointed although I do feel if they ever make another one they need to have an actor who is essentially a no-name because 47 is so blank in the face if you had a famous person playing the character I feel you would lose your suspension of disbelief. No disrespect to The Late Paul Walker who was in talks to play the iconic video game character. Lastly I feel that what the Hit-man games are about; stealth and creative ways to execute contracts is not what an action films wants which is full on shoot-outs. In the game Hit-man if you carried on the way they did in this film (or the last to be honest) then you would lose so many points for not being a "silent assassin" as he "goes loud" almost every time in this. The need to go Nolan-Batman, dark themed if they were to translate this into a successful film franchise.
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Not that bad
misha_kerogazov31 July 2020
Hitman: Agent 47 is a pretty decent thriller/action movie. It was probably not as cool as I expected after watching the trailer, but I still enjoyed it.

The story of course has wholes, inconsistencies and illogical moments, but if you just want to see some action and let it flow, then you will enjoy it as well. The main characters deliver and my rather small complaint would that neither of them are actual martial artists and as there are a lot of hand-to-hand combat, sometimes it was not as smooth as it was supposed to be, but still very watchable.

Recommended for action movie nights.
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Agent 47
0U1 March 2020
There seems to have been a great opportunity here to do something very Bourne-esque with the premise, but alas, it's just another average Hollywood action movie where everything is very silly, totally unbelievable and lacking depth. Still, if you just want to watch something with some action, then this is as good of a time-killer as anything else, maybe even more so if you're a fan of the video games that it's based on, although I suppose that would depend on just how faithful they've been to the source material. There's been better and there's been worse.
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The lead actor...
stosicpavle23 August 2015
One thing that bugs me more than any other about this film is the choice of the lead actor. He looks more like poor man's Orlando Bloom, and less like Agent 47 from the video game. IMHO he doesn't look convincing enough to play this role. He looks too skinny to be an engineered human being, bred for one purpose, to be a killing machine (just shaving some actors head doesn't make him an Agent 47). Wouldn't all those years of physical training be visible on his physique? Maybe I'm wrong, and he was bred for stamina rather than strength. The action scenes are very well done with some genuine WOW moments, but the story feels too generic, and plagued with the same problems like the first attempt on turning this video game into a movie (they just had to have a woman as his sidekick again!!!). If you expect a good action flick, you will be satisfied, but if you are a video game fan, this just won't do it for you, as it didn't do it for me.
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Loud, dumb but executed with enough flair and momentum not to bore, this 'Hitman' reboot is a passable diversion
moviexclusive19 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Anyone who's ever harboured the dream of seeing Singapore feature prominently in a Hollywood movie will certainly be pleased with 'Hitman: Agent 47", which features iconic landmarks such as Gardens by the Bay and Marina South in their full glory. A pivotal supporting character is seen admiring the orchids in the Gardens' Cloud Forest dome, before taking a stroll along the OCBC Skyway. The headquarters of a sinister group known as the Syndicate Organisation is situated right in the heart of Marina South, against the backdrop of the Marina Bay Financial Centre and Asia Square towers. And last but not least, there is even a full-scale shootout in broad daylight along downtown Robinson Road, which probably has never seen and will never see as many Comfort taxis at the same time.

We're not sure what it took to convince the producers and filmmakers of this video game adaptation to bring part of the production here, but hey it is one of the few thrills in an otherwise loud and dumb action thriller. To be frank, we weren't expecting much from this reboot of the earlier EuropaCorp film starring Timothy Olyphant in the titular role of a chrome-domed, genetically engineered, emotionless contract killer from not so far back in 2007; after all, if there is one demographic that it would try to please, it is the video-gamers who adore stepping into the shoes of the cold-blooded assassin to kill off his enemies while wrecking maximum carnage in the process, which was probably in the one-line brief that Fox gave to veteran commercials director Aleksander Bach here.

Hamstrung by a muddled script by Skip Woods (who also wrote the earlier 'Hitman' movie) and Michael Finch, Bach falls back on a breakneck pacing and flashy visuals to gloss over the film's obvious storytelling flaws. Yes, despite an intriguing first half-hour that teases the characters' motivations, the rest of the film is unfortunately as straight-forward as it gets in plotting the cat- and-mouse game between Katia (Hannah Ware) and a certain John Smith (Zachary Quinto) dispatched by Syndicate HQ. Katia is the crucial link to the Agent programme's lead scientist Dr. Litvenko (Ciaran Hinds), whom the Syndicate's head honcho Le Clerq (Thomas Kretschmann) needs to restart the programme. Another organisation however has sent Rupert Friend's Agent 47 to prevent Katia from falling into the hands of the Syndicate, though it isn't quite clear what they want from her.

The less you think about the plot, the more you are likely to enjoy the visceral pleasures that the film offers. True to the spirit of its source material, the action here is brutal and pulsating, with heads blown off, bodies sucked into giant jet engines, limbs slashed and blood basically splattering everywhere (and for those who are wondering, much of the bloodletting takes place in interiors rather than exteriors, so don't get your hopes up about seeing all that happening along our streets). Bach choreographs and executes the action with gory flair, and fans of the IO Interactive game will be glad to know that he makes the effort to retain its aesthetics.

Yet no matter how diverting the shootouts or fisticuffs may be, there is no hiding the fact that the characters are under-written. Though Friend makes for a surprisingly good Agent 47 - and we are not just talking about his looks - the actor best known for his supporting part in 'Homeland' is shortchanged by the script's reluctance to develop fully the theme of choice versus blind obedience. Ware makes a sufficiently harried female protagonist, but Quinto is utterly wasted in a role that doesn't quite know what to do with him after it is revealed that he is actually working for the Syndicate. Veterans Hinds and Kretschmann have even more limited roles, but their natural gravitas elevates their presence just ever so slightly.

Of course, you'll probably should not expect a film like 'Hitman: Agent 47' to be moulded on an intricate plot or deep characters, and true enough, it isn't. Rather, it takes its action seriously, which is what its target demographic is likely to assess it on anyways - and in that regard, it succeeds as a fast-paced thrill ride all right, even though it is equally mind-numbing. That said, there is greater relish watching some of the action unfold in our very own backyard, no matter that the reasoning for re-locating the action from Berlin to Singapore midway through the film is tenuous at best, and the novelty in watching the sights we are familiar with within a big-budget Hollywood action thriller makes it slightly more enjoyable.
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It has nothing to do with Agent 47
ozcosmin26 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
If you have played one of the video games for at least 45 minutes you know that Agent 47 is all about discretion. DISCRETION!

It's all about how he blends in, how he hides in the shadows. If you have to physically engage guards or any other people except your target you feel like you did something wrong.

This movie was just an action movie that tries to get some of the video-game franchise fans to pay for the ticket. Bu that's about it. So instead of discretion, finesse, elegance... you have speed, force, super-intelligence... Not bad but NOT AGENT 47.

Looking forward for a real Hit-man movie.
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I have not played the game. I still didn't like the movie.
siderite11 December 2015
It felt like the team that made the Resident Evil films- another failed attempt to turn a game into a movie - has worked on this as well. It is an Apple-style, gun kata, Matrix derived, James Bond cloning, CGI filled, Resident Evil sequel.

I wanted to watch it because I like Rupert Friend in Homeland. He did not disappoint, but neither did he blow my mind. It is clear that he needs better direction than the one time director Aleksander Bach could provide. Zachary Quinto does a decent job as well, considering the script. Hannah Ware is... cute and has a British accent. That's about it.

I could waste time telling you about the story, but it is rather silly and obvious. Even the twists, you see them coming from miles away. I think one thing only explains the film better than any review: Jürgen Prochnow gets less screen time than Angelababy in this movie. Yeah, I had to google her, too.
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This is not a hitman movie
zathan-3284814 October 2019
This is not a bad action movie, but it is not a hitman movie. Its not about a sneaky hitman. And rupert does not get the part right... This is not living up to the first hitman movie that was awesome
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A Better Attempt But Not Quite There
nick-sultana23 August 2015
When it comes to movies based on popular videogames, a majority of them intend to fail and get the fanboys of the game source to rave and rant on what's wrong with it and question why it was made. In this scenario, Hit-man: Agent 47 does stand somewhere near there, but it does improve on its 2nd attempt to bring the 'silent assassin' on screen in the best way possible.

The film follows an assassin known only as Agent 47 (played by a great and bald Rupert Friend) who seems to team up with a woman named Hanna (Hannah Ware) to help her find her father and uncover the mysteries of her ancestry. Together, they aim to take down the leader of Syndicate International, a terrorist group who is aiming to discover and create more deadly hit-man that process Hannah's unique ability and are more deadly than the assassin himself.

What makes Agent 47 so redeemable is the fact that it tries to improve on its plot and following the game source material than what the 2007 adaptation did (not to mention that the casting of Timothy Olyphant is mixed for me), it may not have done its 100% faithfulness to be label how game-to-movies are made but it's better than what most people say. The plot itself stays simple and is a no brainer to follow what's happening, but I did feel that the movie itself ran smoothly and kept pace in strong hold but the 96 minute running time is still considered short for my tastes (hopefully in future there will be an extended cut of the film that could help bring the film longer).

The casting range here may or may not seem recognisable but the cast do put on their best performance roles, Rupert Friend (from TV's Homeland) suits better as Agent 47 than what Olyphant's take did. Agent 47 is pretty much an emotionless, ruthless and yet cunning like in the game and Friend sticks close to that with good results. Ware makes a good impression as the female lead, playing a character that is searching for not only her past but embracing the future ahead as she learns more about her 'unique' side. Zachary Quninto plays a decent role as well though other reviewers say that his role was wasted, I won't give away too much but he does give his best on-screen role that's not a waste.

Pros: + Better plot than the previous film + Great performances from Friend, Ware and Quinto + Fun and well-set action pieces that are structured much well better than the first film

Cons: - Short running time, I would have loved to seen the film go longer and see itself expand into something unique- CGI may be clearly noticeable in some of the action set pieces

OVERALL: Hit-man: Agent 47 is a better but not yet best game to movie adaptation to surface in years, Arming itself with a great choice of casting, direction, plot and action, the film is a worthy watch on a lazy afternoon and it's a 'leave the brain at the door' so you can't take it to be full-on serious.
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You should watch the other one, seriously
jatsi00118 January 2016
This is a great, big, steaming pile of tripe on your plate, so make of it what you will. If you like it, I won't hold it against you. Personally, I thought it was insultingly stupid at times, at least when it wasn't completely screwing the original character over. When they started harpooning cars, I just threw my hands up and said: "I give up!" Please, no more of this. It. Was. Awful.

Mr. Friend, Mr. Kretschmann or Mr. Hinds aren't to blame. They delivered their parts with their usual professionalism. Mr. Quinto was okay too.

If you want to see a decent movie about Agent 47, watch "Hitman", starring Timothy Olyphant. That movie is much better and much 'closer to home', so to speak.

47 is an assassin, not a superhero, or even a hero, for that matter.

Just an assassin.
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I liked it!!
media-10416 February 2016
A straight forward Action Movie

I don't understand the low rating.. Honestly..

A postmodern bulk action movie, with a rather cold (cool) edge. With a lot of stock actors (redshirts), tons of bullets, car chases and a straightforward story.. Would make a great TV Show. Good entertainment with agreeable acting. Rupert Friend is a believable fighting machine.. All in all a straightforward, no frill action with no higher aspiration..

I did enjoy this compact gem..

Therefor I give it a solid 8/10.
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dustin-3100722 August 2015
Went to this not knowing anything about the video game, previous films, etc.

It was pretty decent. Nothing earth shattering or monumental, but competently done and a pretty decent action movie overall.

I gave it 6 out of 10 as I felt it was slightly above average.

There were a few scenes where the actors didn't quite maintain their characters, but the directing / editing covered it up pretty well.

Pretty good action sequences and special effects. It is quite bloody and graphic with a lot of killing, so if that sort of thing bothers, then you might want to think twice.

The plot and character development are average, but at least this film does have a plot and does attempt character development which is more than I can say for most films these days so . . .

Overall, decent.
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wybe-212 November 2015
I'm very much a fan of the Hit-man games and was (again) shocked by the sheer ignorance in this film. Obvious mistakes and plot holes were apparent from the first minute; things like reloading guns only when it looks cool, guards with their backs to the elevator, contradictions in speech. Lack of a credibility of the entire storyline can be forgiven, since it's still a dystopian video game and don't we all love a dame in distress. The disrespect director Bach shows in ignoring the very nature of the games (stealth) and treating the audience as idiots is culpable. Most of the shots seem to have been made just to look good. CGI was not too good but unlike the rest of the film, functional.
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Far Better Than Expected
SpotMonkee23 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Going into this film, as a fan of games, I didn't have much in the way of high hopes, considering it was written by Skip Woods, the same writer as the previous adaptation from 2007. However, I must say I was pleasantly surprised, as this was a well-made and enjoyable, if a little bland, action-thriller with solid directing and an excellent cast. The plot, following Katia (Hannah Ware) in the search for her long-lost father in the midst of a war between rival mercenary factions, is well-paced and scripted, with a nice balance between action and character moments. Said action is shot and edited quite well, and does a good-job capturing the mixture of martial arts, gunplay, and stealth from the games. Rupert Friend was great as the ice-cold Agent 47, showing only hints of emotion here and there, and Hannah Ware as Katia felt like an actual character and not baggage. Zachary Quinto was effective, if a bit hammy, as villain John Smith/Mark Parchezzi, though I could have gone for less of his cheesy one-liners. The score by Marco Beltrami is nothing to right home about, but decent enough. Overall, this is fun but imperfect action flick that doesn't quite live up to it's namesake but provides some thrills none-the-less.
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Enjoyable popcorn flick for Hit-man fans
sedativchunk4 September 2015
I am a huge fan of the Hit-man video games and have been playing the games for several years. I could resist but to give this movie a shot because I simply love the Hit-man franchise and will support anything they put out there. The positives - this movie hit the nail on the head perfectly in some areas. Hit-man really looked like "hitman" at times. The lead actor I found to be a fine choice for agent 47 and had that kind of creepy look to him like in the games. And the moves, costume changes, props (including the silverballers and fiber wire) were well demonstrated. Some parts of the movie very accurately portrayed the behavior and attitude of Agent 47 based off his video game persona. I also have to say that in general, the movie was also well directed/produced with no major flaws and it fell like a well- budgeted film.

The negatives - first, the action sequences were a bit over the top. Being a fan of the video games, Hit-man was always a stealthy assassin. But this movie turned him into some gun-and-gun super soldier at times. Some parts of the film they did so right but then others they got a bit carried away with. There were definitely one too many car chase scenes (with some obvious Audi product placement...). If my memory serves me correct, not one time did you ever drive a car in the Hit-man games. Hit-man was always a character that went for his contract, kill who needed to be killed, and leave with a clean job. This movie is polar opposite of that. Besides the action, the story, although passable, felt very generic. Final verdict - I would say this movie is average at best, a 7/10. Part of my wants to like it more, but I felt like I wanted more out of this film. Also, I have to say if you are NOT a fan of the video games, well, I can't see you liking this movie too much, not compared to more superior films of it's style. With that being said, I did enjoy it and I would love to see a sequel made. I think if they continue the story things could get more interesting and better developed with this reboot.
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Terrible, Terrible, Terrible!
nairby-122 August 2015
I have been a fan of the Hit-man games for a long time, and this movie is absolutely awful.

The actor who played Agent 47 is terrible. The story is awful. The character of Agent 47 was the complete opposite of the character in the games.

In the games, Agent 47 is methodical, stealthy and calculated. In this movie, the character throws all of that out the window and turns the movie into a typical shoot 'em up. So much terribleness. The first Hit-man movie is much better.

This movie is so bad that all comments on the Facebook page are positive, only because all negative comments get quickly deleted. Some people have even had the audacity to say that this movie stays true to the games. Other than the title and Agent 47's suit, nothing. Terrible! Save your money.
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No lack of action, haahah. Bit too bloody, but action wow.
georgecoffeynewyorker17 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
It was quite an interesting Movie. I wholeheartedly enjoyed. I was kept on the edge of my seat. But more so, I was left questioning who should Katia (Price) believing. Either Agent 47(Friend) OR John Smith(Quinto). The film did eventually say who is who. For the purposes of the review, I won't divulge the information. ahahaha. But you will be pleasantly surprised. Great ACTION no doubt. A bit too bloody for my liking, however I understand this is part of the Franchise series and the movie is actually based on a VIDEO game. hahaahah.


The film starts off with explanation of the Agent and how its made. We then are treated to great action of Agent 47. Agent 47 is hunting down Katia who herself is hunting down Litvenenko(Hinds) who we find out that he's her Pappie. However soemonesels is hot on their tale John hisemfl.

PS Please wait til END of the film, BEFORE Credits start rolling up. A clue is given. That's all I'm giving you. haahha
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so boring and no where close to the franchise
patriedaniel2 November 2015
So agent 47 the great, the fantastic the unhuman , what the hell is this, i had the impression of watching a movie about metal gear solid, agent 47 is silent, classy, a ninja et doesn't draw attention, in that movie you see him has a beast, gun blazing shooting people not giving a ... there's somehow a guy made out of metal god what a shame. i wasn't expecting a great movie either i'm not even surprised i was bored after an hour watching that fake hit-man, plenty of car chase and shooting, are we ever gonna get a great movie game EVER ?? please don't watch it, there plenty of good movie that one isn't, i'm not giving more than one the action scene almost made me puke with the shaky camera , it doesn't represent hit-man at all.
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7.5. I don't get all the hate, it is rather good for a action movie
nekoinesto30 August 2015
I entered the cinema with low expectations. The movie started off slow, and the middle of the movie was a bit confusing for me, but as long you manage to keep on to the story, you will enjoy it. This is indeed a good reboot, and it really has no sense to give this movie a rating of 5.9, while some movies who definitively don't deserve it's ratings get rated much higher than this. There are some clichés about technology, type of "Press to hack" stuff, but it's not the only one, is it? The ending won't be understandable for some people if they don't know something about the series already. Bottom line, you shouldn't come to the cinema not knowing anything about the series, you should at least know some basics to understand the movie totally.
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total garbage
engkoamiaw1 November 2019
To whoever played the game, this movie was a total garbage: -the actor does not like 47 at all
  • where the F is the stealth elements
  • sh**** story plot, more like a failed john wick wannabe
  • i got a nausea watching the million cuts in the fight

i sugggest do not watch this piece of trash, especially to the fans
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I liked it for what it was
DarkVulcan2924 August 2015
The video game based plot comes to the big screen for the second time in a reboot, the first one that came out in 2007, which was okay. I'll admit I never played the game.

The plot seems nearly similar to Wanted(2008), action scenes are pretty well done, the film is shot in a film noir like style. Rupert Friend plays Hit-man Agent 47 as basically a human terminator, he does play it well I must say. Everybody else plays there parts pretty well. There are some surprises in some corners. But the film itself is enjoyable for it's action and nothing more. In a film like this you have to suspend a little dis believe, I never take it seriously, I liked it better then the last Hit-man movie.
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Hit-man: Agent 90 - Judgement Day
BigNadz8915 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
He is out there! he can't be bargained with. He can't be reasoned with. He doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And he absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.

I am of course talking about the Termina...... Hit-man! After Fox had their pathetic attempt at cashing in on a popular video game franchise and failing terribly. They figured "hey! why not have another go" and decided they needed to do something different. So naturally they came up with this pathetic attempt at cashing in on a popular video game franchise, and surprisingly failed terribly at it once again.

Not only does this film shamelessly steal plot points from the Terminator movie series, but it also follows the Terminator tradition of spoiling key plots of the film in the trailer.

We have the awesome Rupert "Jack Bauer of Homeland" Friend playing the lead role as the unstoppable killing machine; Hit-man: Agent 47. Zachary "who is junglejim4322@yahoo.com?" Quinto playing Kyle Reese....Sorry I mean John Connor....wait no I mean John Smith....Or is it Brian? Oh who cares. Moving on, we have the lovely Hannah Ware playing Katia "Not a Sarah Connor rip off" Van DeezNuts.

Let's get to the story! The story is about the Agent T4700, who hunts this woman because he is apparently trying to kill her for some reason. Luckily for her she has Zachary Quinto who has been sent to save her from this unstoppable killing machine. However, brace yourself for a twist that you will never see coming (unless if you've seen the trailer) The woman in question is Katia. A normal girl living in Berlin who for some reason has heightened senses and is obsessed with finding an old man, she doesn't know why though (you'll probably figure out where this storyline is going assuming you haven't suffered a severe head injury, or destroyed your brain cells due to heavy drug usage) She meets the charming John Smith who gives her a paraphrased version of the speech that Kyle Reese gives Sarah Connor in Terminator (but that's homage people! not plagiarism, so keep your pants on for Gods sake!) The Hit-man arrives promptly and all hell breaks loose. He tries to kill them but he naturally fails. Then the twists start to happen. I shall not go into them because if you've seen the trailer then you've seen half of the movie anyway.

The film should really be called Hit-man Agent90 featuring Agent47. It's hardly about him and his story (or even being a Hit-man in general) but him training this girl on how to survive. If this film was called Guardian47 then that would be alright, but it's not. It's called Hit-man, so it should be about him being a contracted killer (which he is, but not for the most part)

There is one scene that I "enjoyed" (it's not a spoiler, it's in the trailer!) There is a scene when Hit-man is being interrogated, and the cop in charge brings his confiscated Sniper Rifle into the interrogation room. Now that scene has to be one of the worst written scenes ever, there is absolutely no logic in doing that. What was his plan? To threaten Hit-man at gunpoint? It was just a silly plot just so Hit-man can have his guns in the room when he needs them.

The action scenes are decent, definitely an improvement over the action in the previous turd that the studio churned out. They find new creative ways of killing people which is keeping in the spirit of the Hit-man games. The acting (other than Terminators and Sylars) is pretty crap. The soundtrack was decent though.

Does the film deliver? It has plenty homages to the video games. The action is sufficient, and in the same style as the games.

That being said, it was a somewhat enjoyable movie (in a turn your brain off and enjoy this popcorn flick way) with a story that should keep you interested for the most part. Action that you should enjoy and some nipple pokies thrown in for good measure.
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There is not much to say about this
judas900026 May 2023
Besides the following two questions maybe:

1. Who greenlit this?

2. Why has this even been made?

The only thing this movie has in common with the IP is that the main dude is called 47, is bald and has a barcode on his head. Thats it.

Bad action, bad effects, abysmal story, guns that dont cycle when being shot, an absolute weird attempt at trying to establish a sequel (dear gods please no) with a cringemax post credits scene.

If i would have gone to the cinema to watch this burning heap of dung i would have had the very strong urge to burn the place down to the ground afterwards.

Nobody asked for this movie. I hope everyone involved in its production is having a cringe-seizure every single time the thought of it comes up.
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Nonsense ethics, bad guy clichés, clean action
ericzillazillo8 January 2016
Hit-man is about a bio-engineered hit-man who... what? Look. There are problems with the film's storyline. In the beginning, it bears too much resemblance to a video game where there is literally a tutorial mission (sorry, I mean "scene").

Then the film commits what I view as the cardinal sin of having supposedly intelligent bad guys do stupid things, although they do try to justify it with "duh arrogance".

However, the action in this movie is fantastic, and ultimately that is the context this movie should be viewed in. Within the context of bioengineered killers, I am absolutely delighted with the precise (though obviously choreographed) shooting where superhuman shooters dispatch of their enemies cleanly, never missing their shot - which is what I EXPECT to happen if you're telling me some guy is a highly trained magical cyborg unicorn enhanced murderer.

Given that the film is based on a video game, the action happening is consistent with the rules of the universe - no bullet feels unaccounted for by the film-makers.

Where the film really falls short is its discussion of ethics. Bioengineering killers for profit is wrong, obviously, because both greed and murder are wrong. However, while the film manages to depict engineered superhuman abilities as being sometimes worthwhile to have, the dialogue never once considers the possibility that enhancing ordinary people may not be such a bad idea.

Oh yeah, also, ******* Audi product placements. Still overall if you like it when a supposedly perfect killer actually performs perfectly, this is the film to see.
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