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From crying with laughter to tears of despair
nbenardout25 December 2019
For me this film is a total paradox. I have never laughed so hard in one scene and then cried like a baby in the next. It's unique. Go watch.
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Through a child's eyes
bkoganbing3 September 2020
Jojo Rabbit tells the story of the final days of World War II through the eyes of a child. To be specific a member of the Hitler Youth. Young 10 yar old Roman Grifin Davies is our protagonist in this story.

When the Nazis gained power the Hitler outh was one of the most insidious ways of consolidating futue power. If they hadn't started the European portion of World War II who knows how long they could have stayed with a whole generation of youth indocrinated as it was.

As with youth all over the world Davies is subject to peer pressure. He's not the most athletically inclined kid around and has a problem with the physical stuff. He has however an imaginary friend. The Fuehrer himself played by director Taika Waititi encourages him on. The title comes when the kid gets sqieamish about killing a rabbit and earns Jojo Rabbit as a title of derision.

But his mother Scarlett Johansson is a lot less enthusiastic about the Nazis and she's taken to hiding a Jewish teen Thomasin McKenzie. When the lad discovers this it puts him on the horns of a dilemma.

Part drama, part comedy, part satire, Jojo Rabbit has something to appeak to all tastes. Jojo Rabbit won an Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay and was nominated for a flock of other Oscars inclding Best Picture and Best Supporting Actress for Scarlett Johansson.

Once viewed Jojo Rabbit is a film that will linger on.
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There is hope
gregoryblanch8829 February 2020
Jojo Rabbit demonstrates that there is hope, both for humanity and Hollywood. By the latter I mean it's hard to imagine how a film this original got made in an era of reboots, remakes, sequels and prequels (mostly bad)

The characters are charming and quirky, the dialogue clever and the plot wisely confines itself to telling an intensely personal story rather than one of the war itself. The young male star is perfect, and the other performances shine as well. It does seem though that Scarlett got less time on the screen than she deserves.

The director cleverly doesn't show us certain things, and a lot of good choices were made in the editing room.

Hollywood, if you're listening, more like this please.
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I laughed and I cried
pnathan285 November 2019
This film was exceptional and one of the best I've seen this year. Watiti has great comedic vision and the cast is phenomenal. Jojo Rabbit was wierd , funny , heartwarming and heartbreaking and I think its definitely worth the watch.
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Moving, hilarious...tragic
EvilMissQB3 November 2019
The trailer for the movie had me scratching my head but as a HUGE fan of Waititi I felt I ought to give it a shot.

My best spoiler free review is that this is an original, outrageous film. The emotional gamut we are subjected to is whiplash inducing, but without the neck brace and ambulance chasing lawyers.

Every actor is perfection. Young JoJo and Yorkie are devastatingly earnest and so talented. Sam Rockwell is always a master. Every subtle satire is underwritten with a grim level of truth. The soundtrack n unexpected choice.

Go see it. Prepare yourself for quite a ride.
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one of year's best
SnoopyStyle22 February 2020
It's WWII and Germany is losing the war. 10 year old Jojo Betzler (Roman Griffin Davis) can't tie his own shoes and has an imaginary friend in Hitler (Taika Waititi). He is starting Hitler youth training under weary war veteran Captain Klenzendorf (Sam Rockwell). He refuses to kill a rabbit and the guys ridicule him as Jojo Rabbit. One day, he finds a girl living in the wall of his late sister's room. His mother Rosie (Scarlett Johansson) is hiding Jewish girl Elsa (Thomasin McKenzie).

This is an inventive film. It is feel-good and heart-breaking. It has comedy and tragedy. It is an outside-the-box, brilliant film from the unusual Taika Waititi. The kid is brilliant. The best friend is funny. ScarJo is terrific. There are some big-time emotional gut punches. There are surprising turns. This is one of the year's best.
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wacky with feeling
ferguson-61 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Greetings again from the darkness. Welcome to the most divisive movie of the year. Some will scoff at the idea and deride the filmmaker without ever even seeing the movie. Some will relay disgust after seeing the movie. A few won't appreciate the style or structure, and will fail to find the humor. Ah yes, but some of us will embrace Taika Waititi's wacky adaptation of Christine Leunens' 2018 novel "Caging Skies" as one of the funniest and most heart-warming films of the year ... fully acknowledging that many won't see it our way.

One wouldn't be off base in asking why a successful filmmaker would tackle such a risky project: a coming-of-age comedy-drama-fantasy about a 10 year old Nazi fanatic who has as his imaginary friend, not a 6 foot rabbit, but the Fuhrer himself, Adolph Hitler. After all, writer-director Waititi is coming off a couple of brilliant indies (2014's WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS, and 2016's HUNT FOR THE WILDERPEOPLE) and a major score with Marvel money on THOR: RAGNAROK (2017), arguably the most entertaining superhero movie of the past few years. He certainly could have continued to cash in with 'safer' choices; however, Mr. Waititi sees the world differently than most of us. He finds humor in the drudgery, and humanity in malevolence. He's also a bit goofy.

Playing over the opening credits is the German version of "I Want to Hold Your Hand", as we see old clips of German citizens cheering for Adolph Hitler in a similar manner to how fans used to scream for The Beatles. World War II is nearing the end as we meet 10 year old Jojo Betzler (newcomer Roman Griffin Davis). Jojo is fervent in his fanaticism towards the Nazi way, and buys into the belief that Jews are monsters with horns on their head. He's such a believer that his imaginary friend is actually Hitler, well at least a bumbling boisterous version played by the filmmaker himself - enacted to extreme comedy effect (recalling a bit of Chaplin in THE GREAT DICTATOR). Mel Brooks managed to play Hitler to a laughable extreme in "Springtime for Hitler" in THE PRODUCERS, but the only thing missing her from Waititi's costume is an old timey dunce cap.

Jojo lives at home with his mother Rosie (Scarlett Johansson), while dad is off fighting on the front line. Ms. Johansson's performance is terrific (despite limited screen time) as she creates a believably warm bond with her son during horrific times. Soon, Jojo is off to a Nazi camp designed to teach the boys how to fight (and burn books), as the girls learn the virtues of having babies. The camp leaders are Captain Klenzendorf (Sam Rockwell), who is a bit of a joke on the surface, but more interesting the deeper we dig; Fraulein Rahm (Rebel Wilson) who boasts of having 18 Aryan babies; and Finkel (Alfie Allen) a violent psychopath. At camp with Jojo is his best friend Yorki (newcomer and scene-stealer Archie Yates), and the two show what a genuine friendship can be as the movie progresses.

Things change quickly for Jojo when, by happenstance, he discovers a Jewish girl living in the walls of his home. Elsa (Thomasin McKenzie, LEAVE NO TRACE) shows none of the characteristics that Jojo has been brainwashed into believing all Jews possess. She has no horns, flashes a good sense of humor, and is actually very nice and knowledgeable. In other words, she's no monster. As they get to know each other, Jojo realizes this "nice" Jewish girl contrasts starkly with his lunatic hero Adolph.

Waititi's film is ingenious satire, and it likely won't sit well with those who think not enough time has passed to justify making fun of Nazi atrocities. It's funny and heavy, and deals with some thought-provoking matter in an unusual way. The "Heil Hitler" count approaches the 'F-word' frequency of most Tarantino movies, and there is a German Shepherd gag that caught the audience off-guard. Stephen Merchant's Gestapo search of Jojo's house is comedy at its weirdest. The movie messes with your head as it's some odd blend of SCHINDLER'S LIST, "The Diary of Anne Frank", and an extended Monty Python skit.

It's rare for a film that borders on slapstick at times to have so many touching and emotional moments. The actors are really strong here, especially Ms. Johansson and Ms. McKenzie, who as gutsy Elsa, proves again she is quickly becoming a powerhouse young actor. Roman Griffin Davis carries a significant weight in the story despite being a first time actor, and I can't emphasize enough how young Archie Yates will steal your heart while he's stealing his scenes. Michael Giacchino's score and Mihai Malaimaire Jr's terrific cinematography work well with Waititi's vision ... a satirical vision that would never work outside of his unique filmmaking talent. The story is basically proof of the adage, 'Kill 'em with kindness', when what we are really killing is hatred. At its core, this is a story of humanity and human nature, and how we grab hold of the wrong thing until the truth becomes evident. Now, please pass the unicorn.
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Very funny, though it falls short of what it could be
Jared_Andrews25 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
"Jojo Rabbit" is a light-hearted comedy exploring dark elements. It tells the story of a 10-year-old boy growing up in Germany near the end of World War II. He's a lot like other boys his age, struggling to fit in and find his way, searching for group and sense of belonging. Unlike a lot of boys his age, he is a passionate Nazi who gleefully exclaims, "Heil Hitler!" as he skips down the street to a camp for young Nazis-in-training. Accompanying him as he skips, cheering him on, is his imaginary friend, Adolf Hitler, himself.

Hitler, played with uproarious levels of buffoonery by writer/director Taika Waititi, provides many of the film's early laughs. Sadly, the movie fails to deliver on its early promise. It doesn't crash burn - the end product is still respectable - but all the parts never totally come together in a completely satisfying way. We hope for more from a proven entity like Waititi.

The title "Jojo Rabbit," as it turns out, is half the name of the 10-year-old boy and half the name of a cute, fluffy animal. Jojo (Roman Griffin Davis) becomes the begrudging recipient of the nickname "Jojo Rabbit" for his choice to not coldly murder an innocent rabbit while at Nazi camp. An older boy makes a different choice regarding the rabbit, then callously chucks the body across the woods.

Jojo doesn't fit in here. He doesn't want to be a Nazi. He just doesn't know it yet.

Jojo lives with his loving, playful mother, Rosie (Scarlett Johansson), who secretly works for the resistance. However, she allows Jojo to follow his misguided Nazi ways, knowing this will keep him safe from party members who search the town for dissenters. Johansson plays the part with impressive layers of complexity. While appalled by her son's Nazi passion, she understands that now is not the time to reprimand him. She quietly does her work and continues to love her son dearly, which is precisely why she opts not to tell Jojo about the young Jewish girl she is hiding in her wall.

When Jojo finds the girl (Thomasin McKenzie), he is shocked and horrified. But he quickly discovers that she isn't at all the way Jews have been described to him. "Where are your horns?" He asks her sincerely.

It's not long before Jojo begins to realize the girl he has been told is a monster is actually a friend, while his imaginary friend is the real monster. If you've seen any movies before, you know this is coming. Nevertheless, a few moments successfully tug at the heart strings. Another moment doesn't work quite as well and ends up feeling forced, even manipulative.

The movie's execution winds up being a bit disappointing because of how much potential seemed possible in the opening act. The best moments are the funniest ones, usually featuring Hitler and Jojo, along with a few others that include the scene-stealing Archie Yates, who plays Jojo's friend.

Despite the movie's success in comedic execution, the heavier material waivers, leaving the vision of the story a bit foggy. What could have been a best-of-the-year contender, winds up being merely an above average comedy.
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Humanity at its best
blairpedersen2 November 2019
So good. Taika makes you experience joy, terror, love, hate all in one minute and then he jumps out and runs around in a Hitler costume.

It's historically accurate too showing the polarisation of Germany during war time, indoctrination into the hitler youth and the storming of Berlin.

100% would watch again.
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Over-rated and Over-hyped
truemythmedia26 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Taika Waititi ("Thor Ragnarok") is an auteur who I really respect, a lot. He has an incredibly unique, soulful, and humorous sensibility which, despite walking through dark themes and imagery at times, always seems to find a settled place in hope and peace. He has been able to keep this soul throughout films about vampires, foster care, parental death, and even the MCUs "Thor Ragnarok," one of the best entries into the MCU Canon.

It is a rare thing when a truly unique voice is given the opportunity to make a blockbuster like Thor and even more rare that they manage to maintain their artistic integrity as they do so. Considering this, I was eager to see "Jojo Rabbit," apparently the film you make after a smashingly successful first go at a major Hollywood blockbuster and the cache' that success garners you, at least, that is, if you are Taika Waititi.

The concept of this film is the other half of the draw, for me and, most likely, for many people who have seen the trailer. It's a pretty wild concept to look at the fall of the German Reich from the perspective of a naive wide-eyed eager young boy who is actually a pretty big fan of Hitler and really hates Jews. As I sat down to watch this film, I had moments where I hoped I was about to see something akin to "Death of Stalin," poignant and cutting satire that leaned hard into its themes, with a dash of "Moonrise Kingdom," childhood antics and adulting.

In this regard, the film did not disappoint. Especially, the first 30 minutes or so of "Jojo Rabbit" is chock full of children hurting themselves, engaging in hilarious ignorance driven misspeak, and a healthy dose of sardonic wit in which the young troop of pseudo cub scouts seem more like children being thrown into basic training and brainwashing. This section is so enjoyable, partially because of the child actors who are simply stellar throughout. The thrill of team activity and camaraderie is writ large across all of their faces even as their confusion about things 'too-grow-up' for them begin to encroach on their happy go lucky fun in the woods lifestyle.

This isn't all there is to life, though, as Jojo (Roman Griffin Davis) is soon to learn. Although he doesn't know it, his mother (Scarlett Johannson, "Her") is a member of the resistance and is hiding a Jewish girl in her attic. With Elsa (Thomasin McKenzie,"The King") we get the introduction of an Anne Frank sort of character who forces Jojo into a bit of a quandary. On the one hand, he feels like he should turn her in but he also fears the 'devious ways of the Jew" and suspects that turning her in may end up getting him and his mother in trouble. He decides instead to dedicate himself to learning and writing about the things he learns from her as a sort of study on Jews and why they are so awful.

As you can see, this film has some really interesting character complexities at play and I haven't even gotten to Sam Rockwell ("Moon") as the Troop Leader for the kids or Jojo's little fat friend in the Hitler Youth who has some of the best lines of the film.

Unfortunately, this is where I have to say that I didn't love this film. For all of its great qualities which I described above, the film left me wanting. I don't think everyone will feel this way but there is no way around the fact that this film just didn't stick the landing for me. Why? I'm not exactly sure, and I'll own that.

I don't know why I didn't walk out of the theater shouting about about how much I adore this film. Maybe, the humorous and dramatic parts weren't balanced in the way that I typically like or certain sections weren't as snappy as I expected. Either way, I end up feeling that, while it is a good movie, it isn't one I expect to watch more than once more in my life, if that.

However, I do think that the film has an audience out there and I sincerely hope it finds that crowd. It is full of heart and the themes of seeking understanding about those different than us, the drive for acceptance, and confronting the ugly realities of life but not losing hope are surely important ones that anyone today will see the value of. Also, if you want to see a kid shoot a bazooka by accident and react as if he just spilled the milk instead of blowing up a building, then you may need to run out and see this film.
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"What? You can 'Heil' me better than that!"
classicsoncall25 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Well, it's not "Schindler's List", and it might demonstrate a bit of Monty Python inspiration, but at heart this is a biting anti-hate film that uses drama and humor effectively to tell the story of a Nazi youth and a Jewish girl about to discover the world and themselves as part of the human condition. Films like this remind us that the differences that exist among disparate ethnicities or races are almost always an accident of birth, and if left unchallenged, people can generally learn to get along with one another. Young Johannes 'JoJo' Betzler (Roman Griffin Davis) is determined to uphold the will of The Fuehrer in the form of his imaginary friend Adolf (Taika Waititi, who doubles as the film's director), and is left conflicted over the actions of his mother (Scarlett Johansson) when he learns that she's been hiding a teenage Jewish girl in a disguised passageway of their German home. Over time, Elsa (Thomasin McKenzie) and JoJo form a relationship that evolves into friendship, and in JoJo's case, borders on a case of puppy love, all while in the midst of Allied forces about to break the back of the Nazi stranglehold on their home town.

You wouldn't think that a film dealing with Hitler would be fodder for comedy, but director Waititi manages to walk a fine line between drama and humor. There will be those viewers who vilify the picture for it's dialog and treatment of Jews, but that's one of the things that always bothers me about a movie's detractors. By showing what occurred at one time in history isn't the same thing as supporting those actions, as deplorable as they might have been. The picture finds it's balance in the caricatured treatment of Nazi villains like Sam Rockwell's Captain Klenzendorf, Gestapo leader Deertz (Stephen Merchant), and the riotous Fraulein Rahm, portrayed by Rebel Wilson. One might even conclude that Klenzendorf, as loyal as he was to the Nazi cause, had at least a spark of humanity by disavowing JoJo in the presence of American soldiers so the young boy wouldn't be considered a Nazi sympathizer.

I couldn't think of a more perfect ending for the movie, reminding us of Elsa's promise to dance when she knew that the war was over and that she had finally acquired her freedom. Having survived great personal tragedy with the death of his mother and loss of a sister, JoJo looks himself in the mirror and vows that "Today, just do what you can". The closing soundtrack echoes JoJo's sentiments, and those of all people who are inspired to overcome their own unfortunate circumstances, as David Bowie's German lyrics relate how 'We can be heroes, just for one day'.
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Taika Waititi's best film
iamkeysersoze-1322817 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Taika Waititi delivers not only his best film to date but one of the finest films of 2019. It is everything you could want from a movie. Its funny, its sweet and has a lot of emotion plus its original and one of the best performed films of the year. Roman Griffin Davis is really great here. He carrys this film. Everyone is exceptional here including Merchant, Johansson, McKenzie, Rockwell and Wilson (surprisingly). Taika Waititi is ace here. Delivering a rather genius and unique performance. The whole style of the film is fresh and unique, thanks to Waititi being such an auteur and it's seriously well done. Waititi has a style which I adore. His direction and writing is seriously top notch quality here. And he manages to blend something serious with something funny yet at times really sad as well. It all pays off by the end. I had a blast with this film though. It's a 108 minute film without much fault. The third act really makes this film amazing. Don't really have much wrong to say, sometimes the film doesn't always work with his style but that's few and far between and one scene didn't have the emotion, you would expect, other than that it is terrific. Definitely in the top 10 of 2019 so far.
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An 'Anti Nazi', not 'Anti Semitic', movie which has divided the critics.
RatedVforVinny17 February 2020
Every war film, even subversive comedies about 'Hitler Youth', contains some heroic action by the American forces (even if they were not there). At the end of the movie which concerns the 'Invasion of Berlin', it looks as if they were fighting hand in hand with the Russians, which kind of ruined the story a bit (did they not show up two months later!?). The rest of the movie is funny, moving and suitably disturbing (in places). I really loved the cast of actors though not too keen on the obese kid with glasses. The stated character would never have been part of this regiment of child soldiers. I think belief in cinema, even within the most fantastic plot structures, is hugely important and please don't muck around with the history. I actually find the changing of military events, way more controversial than any subject matter and everyone (and I mean everyone) is a valid target for jokes; well just ask Mel Brooks. Art in any form should never be bound by moral codes, otherwise nothing of any worth would ever be produced.
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Really disappointed
naomimuldrew274 January 2020
I was really disappointed in this film and I honestly dont get all the 10/10 scores. The acting was good, but the dialogue was mind numbing to the point I almost fell asleep. I get what it was about but I didnt find it very funny or heartwarming or any of the other thing others thought of it. I really wanted to like it but ultimately, didnt.
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Don't listen to critics and see it for yourself
seanfett6 November 2019
Just watch it and see for yourself. My opinion, it was hilarious and heartfelt. The acting was superb. The story was thought provoking. It was funny at times and heartbreaking at times. I'm a huge fan of What We Do in the Shadows and I am huge fan of JoJo Rabbit. Go support this film in the theatre so more films like this can be made. I can't wait to see what Taika Waititi does next🙏🏻 P.S I'm a Jew
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Endearing and Hilarious
exiledreplicant9 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This was another of Taika at his best. Taking him back to his bittersweet indie roots, his storytelling and humanity shows through at every moment. A story of a 10 year old nazi youth in full swing of his country's ideology indoctrination, he starts his journey with his invisible best friend Adolf Hitler (Taika Waititi himself) going off to Hitler Youth camp. His mother is a wild and endearing woman with a playful attitude during this horrible time of war. The movie starts off hilariously, but it takes a little bit of time to allow yourself to feel okay laughing at this side of the german war and this little boy who wants nothing more than to do right by his fuhrer. After a terrible (and hilariously acted) accident, and the discovery that his mother is hiding a young Jewish girl in their attic, his ideals are turned upside down to the thoughts on the war he has grown up with. It's a simple message delivered in a way that tells you what you already know. Facism is bad. It's a story that Taika tells us needs to be told over and over again, because people easily turn a blind eye to the horrors of humankind, but heart and love can prevail. Roman Griffin Davis and Thomasin McKenzie are a great pair and carry the film with warmth and wonderful comedic scenes, but it's Scarlett Johansson who leaves us with the memory of what it means to be on the right side of humanity, and to take life as it comes and teach your children what you can, when you can. Even surrounded by well-known and substantial actors, these two children stand out and bring the movie's warm embrace. Taika is never afraid to lead with a joke, but he always takes the time to bring his message of humanity home by hanging on the sad moments of life too, not jumping over life's tragedies to get to the next one-liner. He balances the good with the bad perfectly, leaving you walking away with a warm feeling in your belly.
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A heartfelt satire needed for today
GODZILLA_Alpha_Predator18 September 2019
Probably one of the most controversial films to come out of TIFF, I went into Jojo Rabbit with cautionious optimism since I am fan of Taika Waititi while still being aware of the divineness it has spawned in some critics. I was pleasantly surprised on how emotional and thought provoking he made this film while still being very funny without going too far.

Jojo is a 10-year old boy who dreams of fighting for his country and making his hero proud. And that hero just so happens to be Adolf Hitler during the final year of WW2. Jojo's blind fanaticism is so extreme he imagines Adolf as his best friend to give him advice, which to no surprise, is not that helpful. After an accident at the Hitler Youth camp, Jojo has to stay with his mother only to discover she is hiding Elsa, a teenage girl who is the very thing his Nazis beliefs have told him to fear and hate: a Jew. As Jojo tries to learn about Elsa's "kind", he begins to sees Elsa as the thoughtful yet scared person she really is and not the monster his beliefs have told her to be.

The smartest thing I can say is Waitia knows when to make a joke about Nazi's beliefs and ideals but then let the bleakness of WW2 set in to embrace the deeper themes and emotions. Within the first act, Jojo sees his world through rose-tinted glasses as he gleefully gives the Nazi salute to his fellow neighbours on a bright sunny day. All of the Nazi characters are heightened and exaggerated for comic relief from Sam Rockwell's Captain Klenzendorf being a tired and annoyed German soldier, Rebel Wilson as the ignorant Fraulein Rahm to Stephen Merchant as the Gestapo agent Deertz. Waititi takes pleasure in making Nazis the but of the joke from showing them being over-committed to saluting each other for just a simple introduction to their obliviousness of believing any stupid fake news they are told came from Hilter himself. Once Jojo settles with Elsa sharing his house, his world begins show its true ugliness as Germany becomes more desperate to hold their ground against the Allied forces. At that point Waititi slows down on the comedy and allows moments of shock and drama to settle in to remind the audience what is the horrible cost of ignorance and blind faith. Cinematographer Mihai Malaimare Jr. switches the color scheme from bright and saturated to cold and grey as the seasons pass to reflect the change in Jojo's state of mind. The parallels to the modern day become very clear without getting too blunt.

The cast plays each of their roles perfectly. Roman Griffin Davis carries the story as a naïve but yet innocence Jojo. Davis is perfectly cast with perfect comedic timing while still being able to sell the emotional beats that are needed. And he has great comedic and emotional chemistry with Thomasin McKenzie as Elsa. McKenzie displays the hardship her character has gone throughout her life and yet still making her fun and sharp-witted when she points out shallowness of Jojo's ideals. Also who is worth mentioning is Scarlett Johansson as Jojo's mother Rosie. Probably the best performance of Johansson I have seen so far, she brings a huge feeling of joy and optimism that is needed to help Jojo's growth as a character. Out of all of the adults that are blind to the horrors the Axis power is inflicting upon the world, Rosie is the only one that is able to see through it and confront it. As for the big question of Waititi himself playing a young boy's interpretation of Adolf Hitler, he handles it very well. His comedic performance is there to show the absurdity of Jojo's brainwashing from the Nazis's teaching. And it helps that he never to tries to humanize the portrayal of his character. There were even a few moments where he becomes a bit more antagonistic towards Jojo as he begins doubting the faith in his idol.

Jojo Rabbit may be a controversial pick if it does get nominated for awards consideration (after I saw it on the last day of TIFF, it surprisingly won the People's Choice Award), but I feel like it is a movie needed for today's political issues. Taika Waititi uses the story of a boy's misguided fantasy and faith to show how easy it is for society to be manipulated into hating minorities, religions and/or groups of people especially when fake news and social media is present. But by the end of the day he shows that compassion and love are still worth embracing in a cruel world so as long as we are able to confront to cruelty in ourselves first.
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It's such a good film.
Sleepin_Dragon23 January 2021
I thought this was bags of fun, who said that satire was a thing of the past, Jojo Rabbit prices that it is alive and well..

It's one of those films that will have you laughing one minute, crying the next, then awkwardly chuckling in the scene after that.

It's very well acted, very well made, the production values are actually very, very strong.

I saw this on its release with a few friends, it was my choice, faces were pulled at the thought of it, but everyone enjoyed, one quibbled before the film that she thought it was going to be offensive, it isn't, it's all tongue in cheek.

I look forward to seeing it again, I recommend. 8/10.
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A Boy and his Fake Fuhrer
gortx1 November 2019
Films have parodied the Nazis even while WWII raged, including everyone from Chaplin to The Three Stooges to Mel Brooks. Enter Taiki Waititi seemingly channeling Wes Anderson in JOJO RABBIT. Waititi turns up the trademark Anderson Twee barometer to 11 right from the outset. A ten year old Hitler Youth to be named Jojo (Roman Griffin Davis) has an imaginary friend. And, he's not just your typical fanciful pal, but Hitler himself (Waititi). The Fake Fuhrer has a goofy grin and prances about like a reject from a Dresden burlesque show. The effect is like an even sillier Hogan's Heroes for a while. Fortunately, things settle down once a teenage Jewish girl in hiding is introduced - Elsa, played by the terrific young actress Thomasin McKenzie (LEAVE NO TRACE). Elsa becomes the heart and soul of the movie and keeps it grounded. Jojo's mom (Scarlett Johansson) also brings some gravitas to the story despite also being a bit of a caricature at the outset. Jojo and Elsa strike up a guarded friendship of sorts despite being on 'opposite' sides - and, of course, the constant pestering of Fake Fuhrer (not to mention the intrusions of the Gestapo represented here by Captain Klenzendorf (Sam Rockwell) and Fraulein Rahm (Rebel Wilson). Rockwell and Wilson are out-sized cartoon villains who also seemingly have studied every frame of Wes Anderson's guide to broad acting. Archie Yates is genuinely affecting as Jojo's hapless friend Yorki. JOJO RABBIT, despite far too many arch attempts at humor, eventually does get it points across. The music choices (often intentionally anachronistic) usually work (particularly for the touching coda), and Mihai Malaimare Jr.'s cinematography has some exceptional compositions. The Elsa/Jojo relationship garners some genuine moments of pathos and warmth (something Anderson rarely achieves). Waititi obviously means well, but, he is is own worst enemy as he himself turns in the most grating performance of all as Fake Fuhrer and wrote the screenplay (based on a novel). Every time McKenzie and Davis do their best to elevate the uneven storyline, Fake Fuhrer interrupts the flow and the mood. It is no exaggeration to say that the movie would be vastly improved with excision of the character entirely. At the very least, Waititi fails to give the gimmick a real reason to be. The irony is too mild, the arc so narrow that the character becomes virtually meaningless. JOJO RABBIT is affecting on a certain level, but for a movie that bills itself as "An Anti-Hate Satire" it's pretty weak tea. Making a movie with Hitler as a sidekick will offend some just on it's face, so you may as well bring something much more cutting to justify it, but Waititi is more content with playing nice. For a parable about a youth in Germany during this period with teeth, seek out Volker Schlöndorff's masterful THE TIN DRUM (based on Gunter Grass' novel). JOJO is more akin to Roberto Bengini's benign if also affecting LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL.
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MoonReich Kingdom
owen-watts20 November 2022
Waititi's affably silly fictional nazi fable is seriously fun and has bags of charm, but drags towards the end a little and strains credulity often. The king of tonal whiplash is in riotous form here and hops from dark place to silly japes like some sort of mad rabbit. Tonally it sits somewhere between Son of Rambow and Wes Anderson but with nazis. The young cast are particularly strong here but I can't help wishing, however illogically, that the central duo had been Jojo & Yorki instead. I sympathise with reviews that say the shallowness of the endeavour belies the core message, but fundamentally Waititi's swaggering charm can render even the most misguided effort oddly affable.
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Great actors, great messages
gorgos1929 October 2019
As a German, I loved everything about this movie. Absurdity from these times is captured amazingly, and now, almost a century afterwards, we can take it with some humor. Well done, I hope this movie goes on to win some awards.
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Uneven, yet touching!
AhmedSpielberg998 February 2020
Ill-conceived, toothless satire riddled with embarrassingly unfunny, immature jokes that I couldn't help cringing at. This was my opinion of after an hour of watching Jojo Rabbit. The only merits I found in the first hour of the film are the undeniably decent performances, the stunning cinematography and the impressively colourful production design that bleeds into the costumes as well. Even the "sweet' and "charming" moments were hit-or-miss for me.

After the first hour, I can say that I found myself touched and moved out of the blue. I figured out that the film dramatically is quite effective. And if that says anything, it's that the dramatic set-up is actually great but Waititi's insistence to convince us, in a most factitious and pretentious way, that his film possess the punch, which it claims to be having, utterly blinded me of its emotional heft, which it definitely there, and it did take me off guard.

What's more off-putting than the cringe-worthy, infantile humour and the lame attempts at satire is that it tries to conceal its toothless satire behind the fact it's told from the perspective of a 10-year-old boy, which is true but inadequate and even kinda irrelevant, and the fact Waititi tried so hard to make it work satirically is the ultimate proof.

The film also suffers from jarring tonal shifts, but I think this is a relatively minor issue. Maybe it's too generous of me to give this film such rating, but I can't deny how emotionally impactful it ended up being. Also, Thomasin McKenzie. WOW!

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If you think this is offensive you need to look up Satire in the dictionary
ErikLehnsherr4225 October 2019
This is fantastic Political Satire; we need to be able use Satire in the correct way and Waititi did just that. If you think this movie is offensive here is Satires definition:

Satire 1 a literary work holding up human vices and follies to ridicule or scorn 2 trenchant wit, irony, or sarcasm used to expose and discredit vice or folly
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tostte19 March 2020
This is why I rarely watch mainstream movies today: it's because they are cartoonish versions of more serious movies. Like this movie, "Jojo", which portrays Berlin at the end of ww2 as a dreamy, romantic place - let me break it to you: it was not. Berlin at the end of ww2 was all in rubble, you couldn't find stone standing on another stone, and people were starving. There weren't any postcard-like streets where you can dance and dream.

So you really have to wonder why don't people rather watch Rossellini's 1948 movie "Germany Year Zero" which is also about a boy in Berlin, although immediately after the war, facing grim reality of destroyed Berlin and whole German nation? And the answer is that that movie is too grim for today's audience, they need watered down and cartoony version of that movie - and that is very disturbing.
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BA_Harrison17 December 2019
I'm usually quite decisive when it comes to rating films, but Jojo Rabbit has me in a bit of a quandry. I enjoyed the touching storyline of 10-year-old 'Hitler youth' Jojo (Roman Griffin Davis) befriending Elsa (Thomasin McKenzie), the Jewish girl he finds hiding in his home. And I enjoyed the general irreverent tone and quirky satire. But I didn't laugh. Not once. And since I believe this is intended to be a comedy, I can't say that it is a complete success. A rating of 5 feels a little unfair, since the film is an undeniably unique and visually impressive experience, but at the same time it seems like a reasonable score for something that has left me feeling unsatisfied as a whole.

I definitely wish that Roman Griffin Davis and Archie Yates (who plays Jojo's friend Yorki) hadn't filmed an introduction for the preview I attended: it made it harder to accept them as their characters, which, to be honest, wasn't that easy in the first place because neither is particularly convincing. The adults are far better, with Stephen Merchant as a nasty Gestapo officer Deertz almost making me smile, and Sam Rockwell shining as Captain Klenzendorf, a disillusioned soldier who isn't as bad as he first seems. Director Taika Waititi mercilessly mocks Adolf Hitler, who appears to Jojo as an imaginary friend - he's fun (but not funny). Scarlett Johansson is extremely likeable as Jojo's loving mother, and even Rebel Wilson, who I normally can't stand, was bearable as cruel Nazi Fraulein Rahm.

5/10. I might like it more on a second viewing. Then again, I might dislike it more.
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