Cas & Dylan (2013) Poster


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Pretty Ordinary but worth seeing for the two Leads
bobnessuk14 January 2015
I haven't written anything on IMDb for Ages, but Tatiana Maslany's appalling snub at this year's Golden Globes has prompted me to vent my anger in some way...So....

If you get off watching TV Movies about 'Life Stories' you'll pretty much know what to expect from this film.

"A dying Doctor, who plans to check out on his own terms, takes a reluctant detour when he inadvertently winds up on the lam with an 'anything-but-normal' 22-year-old girl."

Yep..that's pretty well it, but it does star Tatiana and Richard Dreyfuss.

Like meself, I'm sure most of you watched this because of 'Orphan Black' and wanted to see Tatiana in something where she is only playing one part. And you won't be disappointed. She starts by playing a part that, to be honest, is probably too young for her. However since her role is about someone who has to grow up and face reality, this more than compensates. In the same way, Richard Dreyfuss's character thinks that he can only face the end by turning his back on the rest of the world, yet realises that there is still time for new friendships.

You can almost see him warming to the part. There is some genuine chemistry (in a Father/Daughter way) between himself and his co-star as the movie progresses. Probably the best scene in the film is when her dreams are crushed and she says she is just "ordinary", to which Richard's character lets loose with that famous 'Dreyfuss' laugh.

So, the obvious question, can Tatiana hack it as ('just') a leading actress? Damn straight. Will she get parts in films which she richly deserves? Well..probably not.
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Tatiana Maslany does well with Richard Dreyfuss
SnoopyStyle22 November 2014
Cas Pepper (Richard Dreyfuss) is a 30 year veteran doctor in a Winnipeg hospital who is suffering some sort of life changing experience. His dog dies. Dylan Morgan (Tatiana Maslany) is a talkative compulsively-lying writer who spends her time in the hospital getting inspiration. Cas reluctantly drives her home. She leaves her notebook in his car, and even more reluctantly, he goes back to return her book. Her boyfriend Bobby comes chasing her out with a gun. Cas hits Bobby with the car and they both go on the run. He's going west. Dylan finds that Cas is trying to write some sort of end-of-life note. Both are holding onto their secrets. Oh and Bobby's not really hurt.

Tatiana is playing the MPDG role except without the romance. She's great at this manic character. She has some hilarious lines. Richard Dreyfuss is playing the straight man reminiscent of 'What About Bob?'. They're both great at their roles. It's a fun road movie mostly for the two actors involved. Jason Priestley is a competent director. He's not really showing anything special but it looks very professional despite it being a low budget indie. I would like a few more dramatic scenes to build to the final act and dig into Cas' past a little more. Both actors are able to transition well nevertheless.
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A sweet and touching story worth seeing
Robert_duder16 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I admit, even as a Canadian, I am always a little wary of Canadian film. It hasn't always had the best reputation. Canadian Films tends to be low budget and go out of their way to be so called "uniquely Canadian" while sacrificing entertainment and sometimes plot to do that. I watch films to be moved and entertained so I don't care how "Canadian" it feels. I also admit I watched Cas & Dylan for one reason and that is Tatiana Maslany. I adore her. I have a huge crush on her and I think she is a brilliant actress. I base all of that on the fact that I became an enormous Orphan Black fan this year and I think she is awe inspiring in her multi-roles. I was excited to watch her in a film doing something a little different. Cas & Dylan starts out a little slow and then gradually works its way into your heart...not unlike both of our lead characters in the film. It is a sweet, fun, sad and maybe just a tad predictable story about two unlikely friends travelling across Canada. What started as an okay 6/10 movie ended with me having tears in my eyes and giving this a solid 8. It is well acted, carefully plotted and features two very, very good actors doing what they do best. Its a buddy film, a road trip film, a dark comedy and a deeply touching movie that will have you thinking about it long after its over.

Of course I already pronounced my adoration for star Tatiana Maslany. She is charismatic, strong, and a complex character that you really have to watch to appreciate. She has a lot going on in this film and not all of it is explored but she does an excellent job. As in Orphan Black she commands your attention and carries the film flawlessly. She does this with the help of a legendary character actor in the form of Richard Dreyfuss. I've always enjoyed his work but its been a long time since I've seen him in anything. He is exceptional in this!! The chemistry between him and Maslany is near perfect and grows throughout the film as you watch their turbulent friendship unfold. Dreyfuss gives a subtle performance that you think about after and simply The two of them are absolutely the backbone and focus of the film. Costs are obviously kept low by this being nearly a two person film with a few quirky characters along the way including a small role by Canadian legend Jayne Eastwood.

Anyone who says "Jason Priestly" immediately makes everyone think 90210 but he has been a film maker behind the scenes for awhile now. He has done a lot of directing various types of Television series and honing his skills and I happen to think he did a very good job with this. It wasn't perfect, he certainly doesn't use the Canadian backdrop the way some directors would but to me...I couldn't care less. This is a character study through and through and he makes those characters come to life. Unlike many independent films the director did not write the film and this is a positive move as well. I don't think a writer very often knows how to properly direct their own work. Cas & Dylan is definitely not a mainstream sort of film but anyone who wants a nice story, a solid drama, with good performances and see something uniquely Canadian that is very entertaining and moving then you shouldn't be disappointed by this. Absolutely worth seeing especially if you too are a fan of Maslany or Dreyfuss! 8/10
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Cas & Dylan
hediditallrelaxed16 May 2014
"A journey is a person in itself; no two are alike. And all plans, safeguards, policing, and coercion are fruitless. We find that after years of struggle that we do not take a trip; a trip takes us." John Steinbeck The concept of a road movie featuring a mis-matched duo who don't get along, directed by Brandon from Beverly Hills 90210, sounds like a horrendous straight-to-TV movie. The reality is that this might just be this year's Little Miss Sunshine. It is a surprisingly sweet movie, tinged with darkness and light in equal measure. The plot centres around Dr Cas Pepper (Dr Pepper!!!), who at the start of the film is diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor and decides, rather than spend his few remaining days in a hospital bed hooked up to machines, he is going to go out on his own terms. At the same time Dylan, played by Orphan Black star Tatiana Maslany, literally barges her way into the Doctor's life and the unlikely duo begin their journey "out west" where, along the way, Dylan plans to help Cas with his suicide note.

The storyline is nothing new, however, what sets this apart is the two magnificent leads. Richard Dreyfuss delivers his best performance in decades, sidestepping what could have been a clichéd grumpy old man performance into a fully developed character that demands both sympathy and respect. Tatiana Maslany is practically incandescent, bringing Dylan to life with charisma and sadness that contradicts her front of being a fee spirit. Her obvious lies and exaggerations do not convey an irritating Zooey Deschanel level of kooky, but instead make the viewer pity the girl who is obviously inventing a life better than the one she currently occupies.

Jason Priestley seems a bizarre choice for someone who is known primarily as a teen heart throb and has only previously directed television episodes. However, he displays a wonderful eye for both characters and visuals. The scenery, as the duo take their cross country trip through the various landscapes of Canada, is as beautiful as anything a Planet Earth documentary could show. For a film that is primarily just two people in a car talking, he avoids any gimmicky shots and shows a confidence in his two leads to hold the audience's attention. Priestley has shown hidden depth as an actor before in both Tombstone and the criminally underrated Love and Death on Long Island, which was sadly eclipsed by the similar Gods and Monsters. He is just as surprising as a director and one gets the feeling that his accomplishments behind the camera will soon outstrip his achievements in front of it.

The film is laced with wonderful moments of humour and heartbreaking moments of tenderness that never leaves the viewer feeling emotionally manipulated. It is rare that comedy-dramas deliver on both fronts but this one does wonderfully. The unlikely trio of Dreyfuss, Maslany and Priestley has delivered a beautiful film that will hopefully find a deserved audience and, if nothing else, should see a rise in the sale of orange VW Beatles. You may leave the cinema with a tear in your eye but you will have a smile on your face. - See more
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Just a little movie but worth it
rjp-4090123 July 2020
This seemed silly and contrived at first but instead turned into one of those little Canadian movies that work. The cross-Canada scenery of wheat fields, lakes, mountains and sunsets didn't hurt either. Both acting leads were very good.
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Formulaic But Charming
xxxtwalker25 October 2016
I love road trip movies, mismatched pairs, and irrepressible young women. this movie has them all plus the old pro, Richard Dreyfuss, perfect as the loner-curmudgeon. Hard to see how any man could resist the looks and charm of his female co-star, also. The movie does not attempt to have Big Meaning, but should be enjoyed on its own terms. Also, some nice scenery on the journey. The story is well-paced with no overly long scenes. it will not appeal to those of the hard-boiled, real life school, although it does have a good measure of that. But it is mixed with the whimsy. You can see the relationship between the two actors develop throughout the trip and that is the heart of the story.
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suchgreatheights8725 February 2014
I saw this film at the Glasgow Film Theatre followed by a Q & A with the cast (bar Tatiana) and it made me cry.

It is a road trip film following the relationship between a terminally ill doctor (Richard Dreyfuss) and a young carefree female (Tatiana Maslany). I wasn't sure what to expect from the trailer but the movie is funny and gets funnier as the dynamic between the two characters strengthens, however there are also some very emotional parts in the movie and it's hard not to shed a tear or two. As the film develops you learn a little bit more about each of the characters and how they could learn a thing or to from each other. It's a charming movie with wonderful acting throughout and a strong directorial debut for Jason Priestley.
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Simple but entertaining.
deloudelouvain20 March 2023
Tatiana Maslany and Richard Dreyfuss are basically the only two actors of importance in this movie. One plays the young joyful girl with no worries and a solution for everything and the other plays the old grumpy man that wants to be left alone. Together they go on a big road trip so that's basically what you will get for the entire movie. And of course like in all movies with this theme opposites poles attrack each other so you get an entertaining story, a bit sad at times but also with some happiness. The acting is good, the story very simple without too much action, overall a movie worth watching if you don't need constant action.
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Great movie
pnck712 March 2014
Just saw it at the Dublin Film Festival and it's an absolutely great movie. The acting of both leads is perfect. You never stop believing them. And you go with them through the whole journey (both the literal road journey and the bigger metaphorical one). The movie is actually surprisingly light and funny (considering the story). Even though it touches rather serious topics of life and death, it manages to do so very gently and inoffensively and with a good deal of humour. It kind of focuses more on them learning from each other how to live then on him dying. So the overall feeling is surprisingly optimistic. And, since it's a road movie, you'll get some beautiful wide-screen shots of Canadian landscape to enjoy as well.
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Simple Story, Yet Charming, Heart Warming and Refreshingly Well Acted
terkoss7 June 2016
I did a "quick check" on Cas & Dylan on IMDb when I saw it on the TV listings, and was reluctant to watch it for several reasons: Firstly, I saw that it had only been rated by a whopping 635 people, had a rating of 6.6, and lastly…starred Richard Dreyfuss. The truth is, Richard Dreyfuss' films of years ago are seriously among some of my most cherished of all time, including Always and Once Around. But I hadn't seen him do anything in years, and when I did, in Leaves of Grass (small role)…his acting seemed unnatural. I was left thinking that he had lost his acting skill.

Anyway, thought I'd give it a shot anyway. And it only took five minutes into the film before I was taken in, and smiling at both his smooth acting as well as Tatiana Maslany's. After five minutes more, I was further charmed by Mr. Dreyfuss' timing and humor, and pleasantly pleased that considering his age, he was very well cast for the film.

I've read reviews of others who are familiar with Tatiana Maslany, but I've never seen her before this role. So I was struck by this surprisingly talented young actress's personality and presence. She was a big part of what had me so much enjoy this movie. I'm very attracted to films like this, that focus on the characters, the heart of the film itself and the subtleties within it, as the "goal" or the intent of the film.

All in all, this was a quite enjoyable little film, with beautiful scenery, charm, and enough to have me shed a couple tears (the good kind). And any movie that does that has accomplished something special – touching one's heart is a good thing. So bravo to Mr. Dreyfuss for some pretty darn good acting in front of the camera (at ~70 years old!), and bravo to Tatiana Maslany for a perfectly natural and wonderful personality shining through in her acting as well.
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Film Review: Cas & Dylan/
lucasnochez12 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
There are two ways one can conquer a road-trip across the vast landscape of Canada: you can cram everyone and everything into an old, cramped vehicle with a shaky engine and tires that are just as worn out as the seat cushions; or you can travel in relative comfort in a brand-new RV. Sadly, Jason Priestley's feature film debut Cas & Dylan is similar to that moment on any road trip when the big, luxurious RV passes the tiny little excuse for a car, gaining a jealous glare from its passengers. Cas & Dylan is that small automobile, left way behind eating the dust of other infamous Canadian road-trip films using the majestic Canadian landscape as an additional character which adds to the arduous journey of its protagonist(s).

Although its roots travel back to its motherland Canada, the film is ultimately a boring road trip. Cas and Dylan chooses to always travel smoothly on asphalt, without ever getting its tires dirty by veering off road for a real adventure. Despite the miles travelled by the characters in the film, the audience stays parked in the driveway.

First time feature film director Jason Priestley, famous for his role as teen heart-throb Brandon Walsh in the 90s drama Beverly Hills, 90210, seems to abandon the use of any genuine additions to the narrative thanks to a lacklustre and very familiar TV-style script from writer Jessie Gabe. Struggling to find a connection between his two main characters Cas and Dylan, played by the up-and-coming Tatiana Manslany and the seasoned Richard Dreyfuss, the film is constantly on a bumpy ride with forced meet-cutes, predictable stereotypes and cheesy one-liners.

After learning of his inoperable brain tumour and the sudden death of a very close companion, Dr. Cas Pepper (Dreyfuss) decides that his career as a doctor has reached its end and wishes to continue the rest of his life living amongst the beautiful landscapes of British Columbia, Canada. While picking up the last of his belongings from home, Cas decides to make a quick stop at the hospital, picking up some essential medicine for his travels, only to be hassled by a familiar face in one of his operating rooms, a young woman by the name of Dylan Morgan (Manslany). Desperate for a ride to her boyfriends house, Dylan pesters Cas until he gives in to her request for a lift. What should have been a simple stop, turns into a hit-and-run incident that finds Dylan and Cas fleeing for their lives on the gorgeous Canadian open road.

The open road narrative is, in my opinion, one of the most sacred and profound pieces of soul- searching artwork anyone can produce. From masterpieces like Jack Kerouac's On the Road, to Walter Salles' 2004 gem The Motorcycle Diaries, deeply complex revelations of identity and the open road seem to share a stark similarity: it is not others that teach you about yourself, it is life! Cas & Dylan is a film that not only makes every obvious reveals of its characters front-and- centre and without any ambiguity or thought, but its as if each new, profound character trait learned by our protagonists (mainly Dylan), indiscreetly yelled at the top of your lungs, and at the pit of one's diaphragm. At times, the film's obviousness is insulting to the genre. It quickly becomes clear that subtlety is not Priestley's forte.

Lacking any confident finesse on screen, Priestley relies heavily on his actors to make the words on paper work, without much luck. Despite enlisting the help of veteran actor Dreyfuss and blooming television actress Manslany, it is still plainly obvious that this is a television movie, made by television talent. Dreyfuss hints at scarce charming, but mostly blunt and ineffectively weathered acting techniques, while Manslany outshines her co-star for the entire film, even if you have to dig through amplifications and over-acting to find her ability.

Missing focus and substituting its greatest asset (which is the indescribable Canadian open road) for clichéd stereotypes of iconic Canadian-ness (long-winding highways, mountains and sunsets, ferries, etc.), the film becomes more of an idealistic portrait of a moving postcard than it does a motion picture. Often times, as its male protagonist describes as "being too easy", Cas & Dylan could simply be described as a film that took all the shortcuts possible to reach its destination, without making any emotional stops for its viewers. Sentiment is thrown out the window as easily as a candy wrapper and Priestley can be happy knowing that he has directed one of the most obvious made for television films of his career, despite it debuting on the big screen. Every journey is an adventure, and Cas & Dylan is a valiant effort by a proud Canadian talent who needs to learn from this journey so that he can venture off into original and risk-taking territory on others.
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Canadian Moments for the Soul
As a Canadian, I have a soft spot for films that depict my country. Cas & Dylan is a remarkable film starring Dreyfuss who made his international debut in The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz, another great Canadian movie. I feel that Dreyfuss should be given some Canadian award for the work he's done here, because Cas & Dylan is a great depiction of Canada as far as Canadian sensibilities to the issues that are brought forth in this film. This could not have been filmed in the US. It simply wouldn't have worked. Throughout the movie, you are brought along on a journey of discovery, a journey that culminates in a surprisingly positive vibe. This is a journey not only across my beautiful country, but a journey through the souls of two peculiarly matched characters. For fans of Dreyfuss, this is a treat. Overall, this film is geared toward filling your heart and soul. Highly recommended.
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Heartwarming and funny!
HugsterLindstedt25 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
(Minor spoilers!)

Expecting an average comedy this ended up sky-high above my expectations.

Starting up very lightly and making you crack a few smiles and laugh along the first third of the movie you wouldn't expect to be shedding tears by the end.

Richard Dreyfuss and Tatiana Maslany are just as good as you would expect them to be, creating perfect chemistry between two characters that are complete opposites.

Clever writing, great acting and a neat soundtrack to go with it coupled with great scenery makes this a MUST WATCH, don't miss this movie
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Tatiana tames Dr Pepper
ferguson-622 April 2015
Greetings again from the darkness. Jason Priestley is well known for his acting career, and his first feature film as a director combines two of the more familiar movie paths – the odd couple and the road trip. Writer Jessie Gabe jolts the screenplay with enough comedy and poignancy that we overlook the air of familiarity and instead concentrate on the mismatched titular characters. Ms. Gabe also makes a memorable on screen appearance as a snippy receptionist.

Richard Dreyfuss plays Dr. Cas Pepper … yep, he is Dr. Pepper (I suspect that's why he goes by Cas). Thanks to the narration and early scenes, we quickly learn Cas is a widower, a 30 year doctor, and recently discovered to be terminally ill. Cas has perfectly worked out a plan to "head west" and go out on his own terms … if only he wasn't experiencing writer's block on his suicide note.

Worlds collide as Cas agrees to give Dylan Morgan (Tatiana Maslany, "Orphan Black") a ride to her boyfriend's trailer. Cas wrongly assumes that the energetic and fast-talking Dylan was visiting a relative at the hospital, and soon learns that she was experiencing "suffering vicariously through patients". See, Dylan fancies herself a writer and has developed a new genre, Action Romanture, which she is convinced will secure a publishing deal and rescue her from a world that doesn't appreciate her in the least.

An unexpected turn leaves Cas and Dylan on the road together, and quibbling like an old (and odd) couple. Nothing that follows is especially ground-breaking, and in fact, is mostly quite familiar; yet the two leads somehow captivate us with their banter and the understanding that this is leading right where we know it must lead.

Director Priestley wisely utilizes the stunning landscapes of western Canada, and allows the two actors to go at each other in a way that two different generations must – all the while building a friendship that we see long before they do. There are some interesting and effective song choices, but it's Ms. Maslany's spunk and depth as Dylan that allows the interactions to click. The legacy note may be the goal here, but the lesson is that no one should be alone … no matter if they be a 22 year old social misfit, or a sixty-something doctor near the end of life.
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An unlikely pairing forge a friendship, one which seemingly is only forged because one got sick and tired of telling the other to leave.
Amari-Sali14 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
With Orphan Black being one of my favorite shows, naturally I would want to see Tatiana Maslany be in something else between the seasons. And while she does guest star on other shows, unfortunately those are shows I'm just not into. So finding out she is in a movie is quite a treat. Though I can't say the movie itself is one.

Characters & Story

Dylan (Tatiana Maslany) is an eccentric girl who is very outgoing and has dreams of becoming a professional writer. Dr. Cas Pepper (Richard Dreyfuss) is a widow, very straight laced and plain, and just wants to spend the rest of his life in some peace. So, how do these two meet? Well, in Dylan's pursuit of understanding suffering, she decides to observe the patients at the hospital where Dr. Pepper works at. Then, with her seeing him intently writing something, thinking he is a fellow writer, she decides to force her way into his life, without an invitation, and as many times as he tries pushing her out, or outright abandoning her, something keeps bringing these two opposites together. Leading to, eventually, Dr. Pepper giving up on trying to live the rest of his life in peace, and just learning to deal with, accept, and eventually come to love this odd young lady who has somehow found a place within his heart.


When the film has perhaps 20 to 30 minutes left and the manic personality of Dylan and depressive personality of Cas start to get balanced out, the movie becomes slightly OK. For with them both revealing what the near future holds for them, you begin to actually get a sense that the characters are finally getting developed. We see Dylan's fears for her future and the lack of hope Cas has in his, and after their friendship and interactions stop seeming so forced, you finally get some sense that these two could actually intermingle without Cas trying to abandon Dylan the first chance he gets.


But until that point in the movie where both characters seem to become human, Dylan presents herself as a highly annoying character and Cas' personality is seemingly made to compensate her nature by coming off as boring as possible. Now, as for how annoying Dylan is? Well, with her being a 20 something year old who lounges around a hospital to try to vicariously suffer; someone who never shuts up, or says anything intriguing; and also pretty much forces her way into Cas' life, but seems ready to abandon it when she realizes what he can't give her is fun and games anymore, it makes the majority of the time we spend with Dylan to be a test of patience. Though what makes things worse is that you don't really get any real sort of back story when it comes to Dylan to even really understand her.

A problem Cas also has for his back story also is ignored. But it is a bigger tragedy for Cas' character since we are introduced to his former wife and with him being a doctor it really seems like he could have been given some depth. As opposed to what the film decides to waste time on which is us thinking Cas may have accidentally murdered Dylan's boyfriend. Much less the constant back and forth of Cas not wanting Dylan around him and then him allowing her to return with him seemingly regretting the decision as soon as it is made.

Overall: Skip It

Though the last half hour or so of the film was far better than what preceded it, unfortunately it isn't a complete 180 degree turn which makes the film worth watching. If anything: the climax of the film leads to a rushed development of the characters, which feels sort of shallow. For after us seeing Cas push away Dylan constantly, him suddenly feeling for the girl, and acting like a father figure because she faced disappointment just seemed a bit weird. If just because they waited so long to turn him into such a figure that it felt a little too little too late. Hence the "Skip It" label for the film tries to do a last minute save, but it is so below average throughout that to recommend this for anything besides background noise for a nap would mean I was getting paid to write this.
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To Bad
revrobertv26 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's hard to really review this movie. Both the lead characters are excellent. Really good actors. This basically goes without saying for Richard Dreyfuss. I've been a big fan of his since Jaws. There are some really nice themes in this movie. It's not extremely fast paced. That's not always a bad thing, it can leave some time for perspective, and what's actually happening here. Obviously the two of them are good for each other in this setting. I absolutely love the volkswagen. It's like a third character in the movie. For me, and possibly it's just my age. I find the music atrocious. Whoever was put in charge of the music for this movie failed miserably. Most of the time the music is just distracting. I guess whoever picked the music tried to be relevant for the time. This will not age well. So if I gather up my two largest complaints, the movies a little slow, and the music choices are questionable. If you can get through these two things there's almost a little gem in this movie.
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Sweet and likeable road movie winner
Woodyanders21 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Cranky terminally ill loner Dr. Cas Pepper (a marvelously crusty performance by Richard Dreyfuss) finds himself saddled with flaky and free-spirited aspiring writer Dylan Morgan (a fine and charming portrayal by Tatiana Maslany) on a cross country road trip that has more than a few complications along the way.

Director Jason Priestley not only relates the familiar, but still enjoyable and engrossing story at a constant pace, but also adroitly crafts a quirky low-key tone that manages just the right balance between gentle humor and bittersweet sentiment. No big surprise that both characters start off adversarial before slowly, but surely warming up to each other. Fortunately, Dreyfuss and Maslany play off each other exceptionally well, thereby making the friendship between this umpteenth endearing odd couple both funny and touching in equal measure. Best of all, this film possesses a teeming surplus of pure heart that along with the top-notch acting by the leads makes this a road trip that's well worth taking.
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Cassiopeia & Dr Pepper
Argyle30215 February 2021
A formulaic movie about two people on opposite ends of the spectrum who go on a journey together. Similar to the movie "Wildlike". This movie is a little bit weak in the beginning, but gets better near the ending. Worth at least one watch. Good performances by Dreyfuss and Maslany.
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Well worth watching !
cekadah25 October 2014
Well worth watching! An excellent story to add to the many 'on the road' movies that seem to be popular with writers and directors.

This is the usual story of self discovery between two unlikely people that have different reasons to cross the vast stretch of land from coast to coast of Canada. I believe the intention of the director, Jason Priestley, was to show two very real people but everything in the story is not necessarily real. The viewer is won over by the charming portrayal of Cas & Dylan by Dreyfus and Maslany. This isn't a profound story to discuss nor think too much about, instead it offers us a fine story that works well, beautiful photography, and a chemistry between Dreyfus and Maslany that makes you care about their purposes to cross the country.

This is a simple joyful and sorrowful film that delivers 90 minutes of good entertainment.
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Looking to bury a dead frozen animal kept in a cooler I prefer "Rubin & Ed "..
merklekranz1 September 2015
I mean as bizarre as "Rubin & Ed" starring Crispin Glover and Howard Hesseman is, at least it is not boring. "Cas & Dylan" on the other hand is a road trip that goes nowhere. The acting is strong by Richard Dreyfuss, but the screenplay meanders and quite frankly is sleep inducing. The subject matter borders on depressing, and suicide never has been dealt with very successfully, except perhaps in "The End", which is a hilarious "black comedy" starring Burt Reynolds and Dom DeLuise. "Cas & Dylan" has neither the outrageousness of "Rubin & Ed", or the "dark comedy" of "The End". So the movie really just sort of drifts along to the end. - MERK
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Another opus for Richie
brad_62115 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Solid all around. Started it late at night about to go to bed then happily stayed up to finish it. I loved their final location (Vancouver Island) and recommend a trip there to those who haven't been before.

Still waiting on that frothy latte D! Wtf
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Not worthy
fmwongmd5 July 2020
Having an overweight Richard Dreifuss fails to rescue this abysmal and flawed story best confined to the bins of forgotten films.
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Great film!!!
rps-28 January 2015
This is one of the warmest, loveliest, touching yet funny and original films I've seen. It may be the best performance Richard Dreyfuss has ever given; a curmudgeonly doctor with a terminal brain tumour. That sounds like a downer. Not at all! There is amazing warmth and a lot of great humour here. Through an unlikely series of events. Dreyfuss ends up driving across the country with a kooky lady played intriguingly by Tatiana Maslary.What starts with hostility and misunderstanding develops into a unique relationship. They are a great team. Eric Peterson (of Corner Gas) and Natalie Radford are wonderful in a funny cameo as an odd but loving elderly couple. And...Hallelujah!!! This is a Canadian movie actually set as well as shot in Canada! I've been a frequent critic here on the IMDb of the many ghastly Canadian films shot in Canada with Canadian government subsidies but set in the United States. Cas And Dylan proves that you can do something on a low budget, set it in Canada and deliver a thoroughly original and captivating product that will play well anywhere!
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great acting on a beautiful road
deborahbliss26 October 2014
Enroute Air Canada is airing this movie. I managed to watch the first hour and looked forward to my return trip to re watch from beginning to end. What a great movie. Considering that the two main characters carried the whole movie along with beautiful visual scenery, it was quite remarkable. Enjoyed it thoroughly, but then I am a huge fan and champion of all things of Canadian. I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys good acting, great humour and an ending that is up for debate these days. And appreciates Canadian film and Canadian actors.Why you have to have ten lines review, I will never know. Sometimes a short review that gets to the point is far more effective than a long drawn out review that peoples eyes just glaze and gloss over. All in all....a good movie. p.s. why can I not find the soundtrack list anywhere? any help there?
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Richard Dreyfus is one of the Great Ones!
sjanders-8643012 January 2021
I stand and applaud this performance by Richard Dreyfus who has amused me his entire career. His authenticity rings in every line. He is one of the greats! Tatiana Maslany holds her own with Dreyfus. It is her innate innocence that makes this script work. He is at the end of his life, and she is at the beginning. Fate brings them together, and both are rewarded by the connection. Never miss a chance to view Richard Dreyfus!
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