A Million Miles Away (2023) Poster

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on the way up
ferguson-613 September 2023
Greetings again from the darkness. A tongue-in-cheek note just prior to the closing credits provide us with one final smile: "Jose is the first migrant farmworker to have traveled to space." This footnote encapsulates what this biopic is all about - dreams, commitment, sacrifice, and overcoming obstacles. Writer-director Alejandra Marquez Abella and co-writers Bettina Gilois and Hernan Jimenez adapted this from Jose Hernandez's memoir, "Reaching for the Stars: The Inspiring Story of a Migrant Farmworker Turned Astronaut", creating a wonderful (and yes, inspirational) viewing experience for the entire family. In fact, it's the perfect selection for family movie night (other than the youngest kids who won't understand the themes).

Superb character actor Michael Pena (the underrated END OF WATCH, 2012) takes the lead as Jose Hernandez, who grew up in a family of migrant farmworkers bouncing from town to town for harvesting work in the fields. Even as a child, Jose worked alongside his family whenever he wasn't in school. And it was one teacher in particular who went above and beyond to change the trajectory of Jose's life. Recognizing his potential, and his dream of going to space, the teacher spoke with respect to his parents in terms that made sense. Her actions, along with Jose's dad passing along his recipe for success ... the five ingredients serve as chapters in the film ... allowed Jose to passionately pursue his dreams.

Along the way, Jose met and married Adela (Rosa Salazar, ALITA: BATTLE ANGEL, 2019), and the two began a partnership and a family ... a large family. The theme of family is present throughout Jose's story, as support and sacrifice are necessary at every step. We see group hugs in good times and bad. We see doses of reality when needed, and we learn that "tenacity is a superpower" as Jose begins his years-long pursuit of being accepted into NASA - a goal he achieved after eleven letters of regret.

Everyone faces obstacles, and some are greater than others. What sets some folks apart is their motivation to continue the pursuit. Perhaps words of wisdom from a parent or spouse hits at just the right time, or maybe it's that one teacher who inspires a "can do" approach with a response to the "When I grow up ..." essay assignment. Whatever else is involved, we recognize the tenacity that Jose displayed, and this film will likely inspire others to follow their own dreams. Supporting roles are played well by Julio Cesar Cedillo and Veronica Falcon as Jose's parents, Garret Dillahunt and Sarayu Blue as astronauts, and Bobby Soto as a special cousin. Pena flashes the charm and likability to become the hero we admire, and director Abella eschews the cliches expected from such a story. The actual clips and photos at the end only add to this heartwarming movie perfectly suited to family movie night.

Premiers on Prime Video on September 15, 2023.
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Totally human and inspiring
channelnoise16 September 2023
Wow! What a film ive seen after a long time. Its totally human and natural. I dont see directors over doing it which makes it beautiful. He is a family man with ambitions and I am glad that the portrayal of migrants is excellent. Would strongly recommend it to parents/students looking for some inspirational content. The acting was marvelous. The sets were great as well. The film portrays American rural life, ambitious struggle for education and a dream larger than life. Moreover its humanized in every sense as it portrays rich family and cultural values amongst migrants. A true definition of American dream for outsiders. Beautiful film!!!!!
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Inspiring true story...
mehmetuyarmd18 September 2023
The inspiring true life story of Jose Hernandez, a Mexican immigrant who set his eyes and heart on the sky from the time he was a child...

There is a lot to say about the movie but; When Jose asked his father "You say you're tired but you don't show your tiredness, how do you do that?". His father's advice to him, sums up the whole movie in the best way:

1. Set your goal 2. Know how far away you are 3. Draw a roadmap 4. If you don't know how, learn it 5. (And most importantly) the moment you say "I finally did it!", you may have to try even harder.

One of the best biopics of 2023 and the motivation you're looking for ;)
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'Persistence is a Super Power.'
TxMike18 September 2023
This is a really fine movie of a great story, of a boy named José who, as a Mexican migrant worker with his family, looked up and asked, "What are the stars for?" And then decided he wanted to become an Astronaut. As he found when he became an adult with an Engineering degree, the odds were stacked heavily against him.

I can relate, as a boy of 11, I remember standing outside with my dad, looking up in the Houston night sky and trying to spot Sputnik, the Russian satellite that became the first one in 1957. However, unlike José, I didn't have any grand dreams and I made my career here on the surface of Earth.

The adult José is played by Michael Peña, which was an excellent choice. Although born in Chicago his family were workers from Mexico, I'd bet that helped him relate to the character he played. Even though Peña was already in his 40s here, he had to play a teenager graduating from high school and with makeup it didn't seem too much out of place.

My wife and I enjoyed it at home, streaming on Prime. Excellent movie. It shows that you can never know from what background a stellar performer will originate, and the power of persistence.
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What I've learned from Jose Hernandez is that hard work and the ability to forgo indulgence are key.
noshouse16 September 2023
Whether it's from movies or from our own lives, aspiring to be a certain profession or person has never been the issue. What I deeply realize is the cost of the choices we make. Becoming a doctor, is it difficult? Yes, it's tough not in the sense of becoming a doctor itself but in the sense of whether one is willing to give up indulgence, focus on studying in medical school, work hard during internships, pass the medical licensing exams, and be willing to help and treat patients. What's truly challenging is whether one chooses not to slack off or take shortcuts in between.

In the case of Jose Hernandez portrayed by Michael Pena, he went from being a migrant farmworker to aspiring to be an astronaut. If it were me today, I might think that fulfilling such dreams requires a hefty sum of money. But this is an inspirational movie, a tale of perseverance, community, and sacrifice. It's not necessarily about being a passenger who enjoys the ride but rather becoming a valuable member that the government needs. It's like wanting to go to the United States; you can pay for a vacation or it could be a business trip or assignment required by a company, viewed from different perspectives.
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What a spectacular beautiful movie
gsboy100000023 September 2023
Viva Michael Pena. One thing comes to mind, a true story is a true true you can't make it up, everything else becomes technicality.

Another thing to me it doesn't mater where you coming from because it's all about soul and tenacity and persistance and character, and I could go on and on, they are not enough movies like this one these days, it reminds us today, when we certainly do need it, what America is all about. Actors are wonderful, their acting is so transparent they have created a movie so real it seems we are living every second of their lives.

And of course I wasn't crying watching the movie, I got something in my eye.
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A decent biopic worth a one-time watch.
Top_Dawg_Critic16 September 2023
Never mind the new account 10/10's, this film is very far from perfect, but a decent enough biopic film to see once. The main issue with this film is the underwhelming filmmaking with the long and dragged out first half and the very slow pacing. Although all casting and performances were decent, Pena's acting lacked urgency with blame falling on the director's inability to direct her cast effectively. The just over two hour runtime really dragged out, especially the first two acts. This film needed a good 15-20 minute trim, and the pacing picked up by at least 1.2x. The third act was by far the most engaging and entertaining. I'm sure in the hands of more experienced writers and director I would've enjoyed this more, and feel this film missed the opportunity to really showcase Jose Hernandez's incredible journey.
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Reading some of these low reviews...
ellenr-8639524 September 2023
I understand that sometimes entertainment is subjective. But I have to laugh after reading through the negative reviews (which are of the minority opinion for a reason).

One review said we don't get to know the main character, his struggles, or his culture (clearly that person wasn't paying attention). Another said there is too much focus on the emotions (I guess they saw a different movie than that other guy). Several implied that the story was either boring, played out, or unrealistic. Ridiculous.

Those reviewers either A) didn't watch the movie, B) didn't understand that is based on ACTUAL PEOPLE AND EVENTS, or C) possibly are just 12 years old snots (actually or intellectually) and/or trolls.

It's an excellent movie. The acting, direction, storyline, character development, message, and feel-good moments are all on point. I LOVED it, and I think anyone with even the slightest interest in the subject matter will, too.
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Inspirational but tedious and boring
michaelr-072178 February 2024
The story was certainly worth telling. Anyone's journey to becoming an astronaut would be, but Hernandez's unlikely journey from his humble roots is noteworthy. The problem with the film is the length and pacing - it simply does not contain enough meat for 2 hours of film time. While the production team attempted to chronicle the personal and emotional struggles of Hernandez as he strove for admission to the NASA program, it was just miserably paced and frankly, mostly boring. Of course it was a struggle! Of course it was a sacrifice for his family! Honestly, the entire story could have been told in 75 minutes, but here we are at 1:45 and he finally gets to see outer space. The quality of the performances was adequate, but the entire project just became cumbersome and dull.
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By far the Best movie I've seen in a while!
mandoz15 September 2023
This movie quickly attracted my attention and didn't let go! An excellent combination of true to life characters! Michael Pena did an outstanding job as Jose, as did Rosa Salazar. Although Bobby Soto, Beto's, part was small, his contribution made the story flow smoothly. The writers also deserve a Lot of Credit, the emotion that I felt was at times was very moving. I also loved the comedy built in to it. Jose's perseverance and Love of his roots along with the plight of the Farm Works that comes to the forefront. I expect this movie to get world wide attention, as it is a large part of Americana!
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paul_haakonsen16 September 2023
I had the opportunity to sit down and watch this 2023 drama titled "A Million Miles Away", and of course I did so. In fact, I hadn't heard about the movie prior to watching it, nor was I familiar with the story upon which the movie was based.

The storyline was nicely written, and it proved to be an entertaining movie to sit through. Of course, I have no idea how close the events in the movie were to the actual facts upon which it is based. But in terms of it being an entertaining movie, then writers Bettina Gilois, Hernán Jiménez and Alejandra Márquez Abella definitely delivered.

When I sat down to watch "A Million Miles Away" it was because I hadn't already seen the movie, but most certainly also because it had Michael Peña in the leading role. And he really performed well in the movie and carried it nicely. THe movie also have some nice performances from Rosa Salazar, Garret Dillahunt and Michelle Krusiec, to mention but a few of the great cast members in the movie.

Visually then "A Million Miles Away" was good. It wasn't an over-the-top special effects and CGI galore, and the movie did quite well without such displays, proving that a well-told story and good cinematography can go a long way.

I thoroughly enjoyed director Alejandra Márquez Abella's 2023 movie "A Million Miles Away", and it certainly is a movie well worth spending 121 minutes on watching.

My rating of "A Million Miles Away" lands on a six out of ten stars.
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Definitely worth watching
teresa_ramirez16 September 2023
I liked this movie for the honest approach it took to the times but didnt let that overshadow or even crowd the real message, which is - follow your dreams - or maybe - dreams CAN come true.

Although my mother's parents were from Mexico, I knew nothing of the culture or hardships until about 10 years ago when I took a job in South Texas and an older man shared a few stories with me. It was eye-opening, almost unbelievable to hear how hard some people had it. But he didn't only share the hard times, they had happy times, as a family.

So thankful to the writers, directors & producers for keeping us focused on the dream and not making the movie all about pain.

Because I watch movies to be entertained, to take me away from everyday life and I love a happy ending. This is a light-hearted story of not getting sidetracked while following your instincts. Great acting, music was very nice, altogether a great movie.
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Inspiring But a Little Bland
brentsbulletinboard25 September 2023
As uplifting tales of inspiration and motivation, movies about underdogs and beating the odds have become increasingly popular in recent years, especially when based on true stories. And this latest Amazon Prime Video offering is yet another offering to come out of that genre. Writer-director Alejandra Márquez Abella's biopic about the life of José Hernández (Michael Peña), the first individual from a migrant farm worker background to go on to become a NASA astronaut, chronicles the impressive journey of a young Mexican-American from the agricultural fields of California to the flight deck of the Space Shuttle Discovery. The film provides a comprehensive view of this unlikely hero's life from his often-disrupted childhood to his career as a Lawrence Livermore Laboratory engineer to his tenacious efforts at becoming a space-faring explorer, an uphill battle during which the odds were often stacked against him, both professionally and as a dutiful husband, father and son. It's a moving story, the kind of picture that makes a good viewing choice for impressionable, wide-eyed grade school students with big dreams of their own. However, it's also extremely formulaic in its storytelling approach, precisely hitting all of the requisite high and low points in just the right amounts and at just the right times. The downside in this is that it becomes predictable, at times blatantly obvious, even without knowing the particulars of the protagonist's story, seriously undercutting any meaningful attempts at narrative originality. The picture is also a little on the long side; in its sincere attempt to be thorough, it sometimes incorporates so much detail that the story's more incidental moments start to bog down the flow of the film. To its credit, this release has its delightful moments of unexpected humor and features fine performances by its capable cast, even if the material they've been given to work with at times seems a little lackluster, despite the underlying heroic nature of the story. "A Million Miles Away" is certainly a decent watch, but don't be disappointed if you don't feel like you've been rocketed into orbit by the picture's end.
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Should have been better than average.
justahunch-705493 October 2023
Based on a true story, though I've read there are inaccuracies, but there probably are in all film depictions of true events. This seems mighty popular here on IMDB, but I thought this was a weak movie that's more about his personal life than his professional one. Perhaps I was disappointed as I expected something a bit different. I literally fell asleep twice watching it I thought it so boring at times. I usually like Michael Peña, and he's not bad here, but I've seen him do much better work in much better films. No one else in the film made any particular impression on me and the writing and direction are very pedestrian. This story of the first Latino in space should have been something special and this just is not. It's not terrible, but it reminds me of old TV movies before premium channels existed.
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We pick your food
nogodnomasters24 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Based on the true story of Jose Hernadez (Michael Pena), an engineer who became an astronaut. The story starts out with him as a child being jerked around from school to school as his parents pick food traveling from job to job. Jose is very family-oriented. It takes a while for him to achieve his goal.

There was no real drama in the film. It is almost all feel good. The biggest conflict was when his wife didn't get a restaurant on her own time schedule, but eventually got one. It showed us how he was the smartest man in the room at Lawrence Livermore and took up hobbies, like flying to help him get into NASA. The Columbia disaster moved him up in consideration. Semi-boring.

Guide: No swearing, sex, or nudity.
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What a beautiful inspiring movie!
lizzycarina26 September 2023
Being the daughter of immigrants and being a migrant myself, I had to work 10 times harder than anyone. This movie has made me cry so many times. The quotes, the encouragement, the cinematography, the actors, wow! I would highly recommend this movie to anyone who is need a little bit of encouragement, just like I did, as I am currently going through a difficult path and doors being closed on me. This movie has reminded me to ask myself "what do they have that I don't?" It also teaches you that despite others might have some advantages, hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard! I will continue advise people to watch this movie and be inspired as I am. :)
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Good story, but not a great movie
kcrateau16 September 2023
While, the story and the plot was very enjoyable and heartfelt, the actual movie itself was not my cup of tea. There were so many gaps and things that happened in a vacuum that you never saw develop. He was running in the street and saw a restaurant, and it just happened. His dad decided to leave the fields and all the sudden he graduated from college. He started at the lab and was treated like a servant and janitor, but all of the sudden was teaching classes. It just seemed to jump around without any real struggle or storytelling of how he got from one place to another. It just felt like a movie that should've been three hours long to tell the real story but it fell short of telling it truly as it happened. Not saying I love a slow burn movie, but this just didn't feel like it told me the whole story about how it really went down.
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One of the best films of 2023
pgvpwqqjb14 September 2023
I wasn't expecting much of this movie. My wife (who worked in the space program for 37 years) and I (a lifetime space geek) saw that we could go to a premiere of the film in a local theater, so we went.

It was excellent - acting was top-notch from all of the actors, it's definitely something you can bring the family to see, and the story spends more time building up from José's roots as a migrant worker to his launch on STS-128. Along the way, there is a deep and heartfelt story about his family, his wonderful wife, his parents, and his determination to go from picking crops to being a NASA astronaut.

Now, here's an admission - I usually don't cry at movies, but this one was so full of love and emotion that I had tears in my eyes (of JOY!) at many points during the movie. Michael Peña was outstanding as astronaut José Hérnandez, and the direction by Alejandra Márquez Abella was some of the best I've seen in years.

One thing I loved about this is that it is about family, about dreams, and it is something that any kid (and their parents) can see. No language, no sex, no violence - just one of the best true stories you've watched in a long time. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
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It's not terrible
jeffchance4 October 2023
I don't know what to say other than it's not very good. I didn't hate it but i fast forwarded a few scenes and then about an hour in I kind felt like fast forwarding to the end. It's a nice story, the acting isn't terrible, but it's just not very engaging. I want to rate it a 5 for being boring but it's not that bad of a movie so I guess 6 is ok but pushing it. I feel like they could have streamlined a lot of the early stuff in the movie and focused more on the time at NASA. I don't know what the budget was but it couldn't have been a lot. Some scenes seemed right for the time period but others just seemed off. It's definitely not something I'd ever watch more than once.
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Truly inspiring
moniquemorales-4647224 September 2023
I've been admiring this man since I saw him in an interview In Don Francisco Presenta . I can only imagine how proud his entire family is .

I've always thought his story should be taken to the big screen . I'm so glad it finally happened 👏🏼 . I'm 35 years old and watched this movie with my 15year old daughter and my mom who's 60 we all loved it . I like the message it gives of never giving up on your dreams because everything is possible .

This by far one of my favorite movies . I recommend this film 100% specially if you're watching it with your kids as the message it gives is truly inspiring the sky is not the limit .
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nathanrmahoney4 October 2023
A Million Miles Away is worth watching as it does have some important messages, although they aren't delivered in a compelling way. It took me three nights to watch it. Everything about this movie is bland: acting, storyline, dialogue, themes, pacing. Sad to say nothing hits hard emotionally or intellectually. The last scene with the real Jose Hernandez was the most interesting.

Michael Pena needs a shot of charisma and brain cells before each scene. I didn't buy that he was an engineer or NASA caliber. Maybe he was staying true to the personality of the real person, although he had the same characteristics in Jack Ryan.

This movie is like drinking iced tea on the porch on a hot summer day and watching tge leaves rustle in the wind. The movie's blandness is peaceful. Maybe that's why Amazon classifies it as spiritual. The fact that it's a space movie elevates it from a 6 to a 7.
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Inspirational and heartfelt
ferniehernandezjr15 September 2023
9.5/10 A million miles away is a really good movie. It is inspirational and heartfelt. The two main actors #michaelpena and #rosasalazar were outstanding in their roles. Their chemistry felt authentic. Rosa steals the scenes she is in as the supporting wife. The film portrays the struggles of Jose Hernandez and his migrant farmworker family and how they overcome them. It is fun and never boring. It is funny and emotional and makes you cheer for Micheal Pena's character. The film keeps you engaged from beginning to end. The music was great. Everything about this film was wonderful. If you have a chance, watch it!
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A gentle slow burner to enjoy
Pumpkin087019 September 2023
While it was a slow burner, I thoroughly enjoyed watching this movie. As if the slow pace of the film took us on the long journey this inspiring man had to endure.

Some wonderful themes throughout, this film has a lot of feeling to really enjoy following along.

Watch it with your partner, friends or family, this is a movie that can be enjoyed by all, young and old.

I always appreciate a movie that is based on real life and seeing real life footage and photos during the credits, also one of the actor with the man himself, is a lovely way to finish this journey of tenacity, a real superpower!
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Cheesy Cliches and Tropes from a script writers manual
Rob-O-Cop27 October 2023
We went into this one knowing nothing about the film and it quickly started delivering tired and worn out plot details without any insight or depth. I let a few go by to give the film a chance to find itself but they just kept on coming.

Salt of the earth farm workers, uptight and prejudiced company people, evil Russia and the team work to stop them from their evil plans, the right of passage to date the daughter of a strict family, the focused character who just wants to be an astronaut not 'getting' the importance of his wife's dream to run a restaurant?, on and on they kept coming, nothing original, nothing insightful, cheesy and bland, it could have been written and made by AI, it might have been better and more original if it was.

This was shallow mind numbing, IQ draining pap, If it was meant to be a morale boosting you can do it film for Mexicans wanting to attain their dreams it might have worked better if the characters weren't painted like a cliche caricature of hollywood Mexicans. I'm sure José's story deserves better and was better than this propaganda piece.
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cannot get more retro than this, but lovingly done
harry_tk_yung25 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie looks like it was made a few decades ago, and that is a compliment. It demonstrates that without the sound and fury that signify nothing, a movie made lovingly and simply can be a joy to watch. If you have seen "Hidden figures", "A million miles away" may well be a Mexican-American variation of its theme, a feel-good story about achievements of minorities at NASA.

This biopic, based on José Hernández's (Michael Pena) memoir, "Reaching for the Stars: The Inspiring Story of a Migrant Farmworker Turned Astronaut", starts with his childhood days when his father took the family through various places in the US southwest, seeking the best job available for an immigrant laborer. Not exactly nomadic; but close enough. While not particularly strong on education, his father taught Jose worldly wisdom, "five ingredients" to success. Number 5 is "when you think you are already there, that is when you have to work harder". These ingredients appear as chapter titles marking the progress of the simple but effective narrative, in tracing Jose's journey to becoming an astronaut.

Early school days already see Jose particularly gifted in mathematics. This is noticed by one person who arguably is the most important person in his life, other than his family. Ms. Young (Michelle Krusiec) goes the length of meeting with his family pleading earnestly with the father (with Jose as translator) to give up this nomadic life so that his children can settle down to receive a proper education. Towards the end of the movie, there is an unexpected, heartwarming closure on this.

The straightforward narrative covers obstacles and positive aspects in equal measures. While the backdrop is obviously the period atmosphere of prejudice towards minorities, Jose has his own fair share of personal weaknesses such as underwater surviving capabilities and occasional misses in navigation judgement. These he overcomes with gritty perseverance.

On the credit side of the ledger, he is surrounded by love and support. By sheer luck, when he purchasing a car, he meets endearing Adela (Rosa Salazar) who, in addition to giving him inexhaustible patience and support, also 5 lovely children. Cousin and bestie Beto (Bobby Soto) tells him "I just think it's great that I get to be so freaking proud and have no idea what you're talking about, cousin." When he stumbles during training in NASA, trainer Kalpana Chawla (Sarayu Blue), a double-minority herself, lends a helping hand: "Tenacity is a superpower". It is particularly poignant as both these wonderful people do not last the duration of the period covered in the movie.

The earth-shattering occasion of his receiving a "green light" letter from NASA, after 11 unsuccessful attempts, is beautifully understated. Adela, upon hearing the wonderful news, shows mixed feelings "The dishwasher is not coming" she is close to tears. Cut to next scene when we see the NASA new acolyte washing dishes!

As expected, the movie closes with photos of the real couple, who have interesting resemblance to Pena and Salazar. Sorry, should be the other way round. It is further enriched with historical footage of immigrant life and space launching.
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