The Coffee Table (2022) Poster

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A film I won't soon forget
jtindahouse2 October 2023
Short review: I've always loved the concept of one small decision changing everything in a massive way. We were actually warned by the director before watching this film not to watch it. I thought to myself, I've seen the worst of the worst, how bad could it be? This isn't a film like 'A Serbian Film' or 'Hostel' that sets out with no purpose other than to shock you as much as possible. But this film will drain you and have you thinking long after the credits roll.

There are a couple of moments of humour in the film, and they are genuinely funny moments, but because of the subject and tone of the film you feel like a monster if you laugh. I can't remember experiencing that before.

This is an emotionally draining film and not one that is designed for everyone to watch. However if you are game I think you will find it both rewarding and memorable. 8/10.
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Anxiety Inducing Nightmare
macabre_ish15 April 2024
This movie is deceptively intense, all the way through. A man who has a habit of leaving things unresolved, makes one terrible accident that changes the trajectory of his life and because he can't cope, he chooses to stay silent. And as expected his silence makes it worse and the reveal coupled with other unresolved issues culminate to destroy his entire family. I was stressed the entire movie and though it had moments that were very bloody, it's not graphic, it hints at the graphic moments rather than shows it. There's a small but great cast, only a few locations but mostly takes place in an apartment. This was much better than I expected. Well done.
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Butter fingers.
BA_Harrison25 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
When my son was still a baby, I slipped while carrying him down the stairs. When I came to a stop at the bottom of the stairs, dazed and confused, I had a moment of sheer panic, thinking I may have let go of my son while falling. We were lucky - my natural instinct had been to hold on tight. I had a few bruises but my son was safe. It could have been a whole lot worse...

Jesús (David Pareja) buys an ugly glass-topped coffee table, against the wishes of his wife Maria (Estefanía de los Santos), and it turns out to be the worst decision of his life. Looking after his newborn son while Maria is at the shops, he has an accident, the glass on the coffee table shattering and decapitating his baby. What follows is a most uncomfortable watch, as Jesús - in a state of shock - is unable to come to terms with what has happened, fear and guilt eating away at him until he can take no more.

There was absolutely no way this film was going to end happily, writer director Caye Casas deliberately putting his viewers through the emotional wringer to leave them drained and exhausted. It's a well acted and smartly directed movie with touches of dark humour which serve to make the film an even more uncomfortable experience.

Definitely not recommended to new parents, but if you're in the mood for something challenging and bleak, The Coffee Table should do the trick.


N. B. Despite how it looks, the coffee table salesman is not played by Ron Jeremy and Jesús's brother is not David Baddiel.
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youll need a ...
ops-5253510 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Strong stomach and nerves of steel to watch this spanish appraisal of the coffee table, a gadget well as important for the spaniards as the tea tray for the brits.

The keyword though is glass, a matter of substance that maybe so extremely strong , at the same time so brittle and may break with a stroke of a fingertouch if your born under a doomed star.

So if your going through a post-partum depression or do have an overly protectionistic personality, then you may wanna skip this niche product of spanish pseudo horror, its some of the most heartbreaking and deteriorating cinematic art ive seen lately. The small cast delivers so utterly spot-on, especially the facial mimics are fantastic, also the musical score composed, are some of the finest of spanish filmproductions.

A horrific story of seredipitusiousness from everyday life, that will turmoil the guts of even the squemiest of filmnerds, dont say i didnt warn you, a recommend from the grumpy old man.
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Heady concoction
begob14 May 2024
A put-upon husband gets his way for once, and then screws up in the worst way imaginable.

Not a horror, but a black comedy fuelled by the awful unease of having to own up to the unspeakable. It is engaging, but doesn't really amount to much, and the comedy relies on heavy-handed irony and a score that tries to mix a sense of spaghetti western showdown into the mounting dread. Also very heavy on dialogue, which crowds out the need for action.

The central Event is dealt with off-camera, and only referred to afterward through the stains it leaves behind. A secondary Event is thrown in for gratuitous plot complications, but can't really be sustained by the rather plain characters. I thought the chance for dramatic irony was missed in not getting the wife to decide for herself to stay out of the room: "I promised not to become over-attentive, like my mother" - along those lines.

The performances are good, with the psychic pain of the lead character well delivered. And the direction keeps up variety in a tight location.

Overall: notable oddity.

P.s. There is a Jesus theme, but I don't think it informs the story. Maybe I need to think harder.
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Absolutely disturbing
xavierpujades7 December 2023
What to say... This film, knowing it's completely independent, with low budget, made just with a good script and good performances, that's it. And what a film! Absolutely distressing movie, where the characters get you to feel the same unpleasant feelings they are feeling.

Tons of distresses, but even being the plot surreal, it could actually happen. That's the worst. Hints of black humor make the whole thing bit sweeter, or I should say, bittersweet at most.

Couldn't be more politically incorrect, and that is huge value nowadays. For this reason has been banned from the official circuits. One more reason to watch it and support it.
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beating a dead 'horse'
exlana15 May 2024
... sorry for the bad pun. I have read and saw many reviews that The Coffee Table is one of the most disturbing film of the year. And sure, there are some disturbing aspects but they're beating a dead horse by trying to make a coherent film off one scene. For almost 45 minutes the film continues, without actually going anywhere

That being said, It's not necessarily a bad film. In fact, i enjoyed it. But if you expect something 'disturbing' you might want to lower your expectation. This film is advertised as 'uncomfortable, utterly dark film' and honestly think film is as 'anxiety inducing' as Shiva Baby.

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Have you ever been to hell?
treishsase11 May 2024
Do you want to experience hell? Do you want to know what hell fells like? Now possible through La Mesita del Comedor!

I didn't know much about the movie, just enough to be curious. The movie gets to the point fast, there's no time wasted and out of nowhere boom the nightmare is on. If you are into tense, atmospheric, anxiety inducing movies, go watch it, you will find yourself in a tour of hell.

I am sure from now on whenever I will hear or see anything related to coffee tables my heart will stop for a second. Also, I have recently become a father which contributed tremendously to how I experienced the movie.
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I wanted to finish at min 35
gerardo_gonzalez1822 May 2024
When I saw michael Hanneke's funny games i thought that was the movie i would never wanted to see again, but this picture came and... It's not bad, I hated the movie I really did but the picture itself wants you to hate it, so I guess it made it. Everything is a roller coaster, but theres no ups, just rolling down from the top and you don't see where the end is near. I wanted so desesperately to this movie to end, every five minutes is just me checking how much time is left. THE scene, is so unoredictiable and that was when this movie hit me and dragged me. So ig you're sicko and you love you to see when a baby is crying, when somebody falls from a chair, when someone forgets a speech, You'd like this movie. I hated it and I loved it.
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All the spoilers
BandSAboutMovies30 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Maria (Estefanía de los Santos) and Jesús (David Pareja) have just had a baby. He's tired of her being the only one to make decisions, so he buys a coffee table without asking her. It is the most horrible piece of furniture ever. He pays for it for the rest of the movie.

This is being sold as "an uncomfortable, politically incorrect film with extremely black humor and a brutal tragedy." That's truth in advertising.

Directed by Caye Casas, who wrote the script with Caye Casas, this isn't for everyone. But if you're ready, I'll give you a spoiler.

I mean, it's going to ruin this, because the surprise is what the movie is all about.


The table is missing a screw and it's not stable. While Jesús is playing with his newborn son, he drops him onto the table and it slices the baby's head clean off. Now, he has to hide the corpse from his wife, his brother, his brother's wife and everyone else that comes to see the child, whose head is somewhere under one of the chairs.

If that's the kind of thing you find amusing, you're going to love this, one of the tensest times you'll spend watching a movie. Not for expectant fathers. Or mothers. Maybe not for anyone.
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ferguson-62 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Fantastic Fest 2023 Greetings again from the darkness. A smarmy furniture salesman goes overboard convincing Jesus that a particularly hideous coffee table "will change your life" and guarantees it will "bring you happiness. He also claims multiple times that the glass top is "unbreakable". Jesus and his wife, Maria, argue over the piece. She scoffs at him for believing the outlandish promises. What we soon learn is that Maria 'rules the roost' in this marriage and is accustomed to her word being the final word. She planned the wedding, named their newborn baby, selected the color and décor for the nursery, and has been decorating their new apartment with no input from hubby.

The purchase of the coffee table is merely Jesus standing up for himself and making a decision for their family. This couple argues over trivial matters, and they've yet to address the absurd accusations and demands being made by the 13-year-old neighbor girl who fantasizes about Jesus. Maria heads to the market to prepare for dinner with Jesus' brother and his barely legal girlfriend, leaving Jesus in charge of the baby.

By the film's end, one of the furniture salesman's promises has come true while the other two have proven absolutely not true. We watch in amazement as Jesus desperately tries to find a way out of the worst imaginable situation ... one made even worse by the extended discussions on the joys of parenting. The tension here is palpable and the subject matter is about as dark as any movie I've watched ... it's not for those who enjoy lighthearted flicks, but the film is about as well-made and well-acted as you'll ever find at an indie film festival. The awards ceremony rarely matters much to me at festivals, but I was disappointed this one didn't gain some recognition.
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Not as disturbing as they say, actually boring
feguiza12 May 2024
The movie has one disturbing scene, just one, and then it lingers forever with the same exact thing. The worse part is that the whole second act does nothing for the story to move forward, it really feels like that disturbing scene happens (at the beginning) and then nothing else moves forward until the last 5 minutes of the movie.

This could easily work better as a short film, 15 minutes tops, the simple fact that we have to wait about an hour for something to happen after the setup is just crazy.

I mean it's not a bad film, it has some good parts but in general is quite boring and really stale.
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Elements of greatness that go nowhere
imdb-2382117 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It's difficult to take the reviews here seriously because you'd think that this film is just an epic horror film or black comedy film when it isn't really much of either.

A 40s something man and wife have a newborn along with a strained relationship. She wears the pants in the family and they argue with a furniture salesman looking to sell them a tasteless coffee table that the husband loves. The table will become the source of a tragedy that will affect their lives and the movie is drawn out to reach the eventual conclusion.

What's disappointing is that there are so many great elements to this film. The acting is top notch even though we really don't like the protagonist's wife (if we call him this.) The subplots are funny in their own right but they could happen without any tragedy to take place and laughing at them is not black comedy. It's not humor in the downfall. It's just there and also goes nowhere, leaving all the potential out there.

At the end I was left just thinking "that's it?" The intensity is just the build up to the inevitable conclusion you know is going to happen once the reveal takes place, relatively early in the movie. Snickering at the comedy in the every day life is not something one needs to be in awe of as in 'bad taste' since it has nothing to do with the tragedy in this film, which there is almost nothing humorous about. A great film with a wasted opportunity.
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This is not a comedy or even a dark comedy
kskmah20 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
There is absolutely nothing funny about this movie. There is no dark humour. If you find anything funny about this movie, you are probably a psychopath. Great acting from all, but the wife is such a nag. I wonder why so many people get divorces. This movie will really disturb parents of a new born for sure. Even parents with kids will be disturbed and shocked. I'm not sure a father would try to hid the dead baby. I'm not sure how you would think you would get away with anything. I would of probably thought of killing myself too. I don't think anyone could live with killing their own baby. A really tragic movie and definitely not a comedy or dark comedy.
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Black black 'comedy'
dweston-3866912 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Great acting by David Pareja and Estefania de los Santos (looking like a brunette version of student nurse St Benedicts ex student Katrina Greenleaf) with an extraordinary demonic voice elevate this hyper tense,stomach churning dark comedy.

The fear on Mr Pareja's face is all too palatable and real and one does feel for his character and his horrific predicament.

The darkly funny ending, when they discover' the head' had me chuckling in a warped way and I liked how it says something about having a child whilst in a toxic relationship is the saving grace for both parties.

The story does sag in the middle as we watch Jesus try to cover up the accident because the audience knows pretty much what he will act and say to prevent it from being found and it does become a little talky especially the dinner table scene.

I think this would be best suited as a Black Mirror episode, all done in 30mins- one hour.

However as a piece of Haneke/Wheatley cinema of unease this is a sharp,one watch only black comedy.
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Good Film with a really bad and unneccessary soundtrack
tchnrik21 May 2024
The film itself is good and well written, decently directed overall, nothing too fancy but do his things and unroll his plot in a proper manner, some not so stylish choice here and there (last frame of the film for example) but overall it's an above average fun experience.

Now let's talk about the soundtrack, if they just didn't put that I would have give the coffee table an honest 7. But Jesus (and Maria too) this is one of the worst Ost I've ever heard in a supposedly Horror/Drama film, so deliberate in this western style, so annoying and without any kind of sense of what was happening in the scenes.

Really I wanted to give more to this film but this Ost is so poorly executed that prevent me to do that.
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A Hidden Gem
billcr1212 May 2024
Jesus and Mary begin, not in a manger, but in a furniture store where an overbearing salesman works tirelessly to sell them a coffee table. The hideous piece features "fake gold" nude women figures and what the man describes as "unbreakable" glass.

The new mother is a bit long in the tooth for childbearing and the pair seem to be going through a difficult time in their marriage. The first ten minutes or so can be described as a comedy but by the halfway point, things take a dark turn.

Jesus needs to assemble the coffee table and an accident causes his world to shatter and the final act is as well done as anything I have ever seen.

A ten day shoot is a miracle these days and the script is concise and smart. Do not miss The Coffee Table. A solid 9/10. Do not miss this gem.
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The darkest commedy I've ever seen? Sure!
ab_intra18 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Wow. This movie was a rollercoaster of emotions and impressions. The main protagonist gets in a situation that I do not understand anyone could comprehend and he then tries to brush it over and go about the day, until his brother starts asking questions and then it comes to light what happened. The second the thing happend I was in shock because you don't really expect this outcome whatsoever. You think the director is not going to break the "golden rule". Well he did and it came out in an excellent movie that will shock your for the duration of the movie and you will most certainly not forget this insane flix.
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Disturbing is an understatement.
manuelasaez3 May 2024
A witchy, domineering wife and her husband go shopping for a coffee table and are about to enter a world of unimaginable horror....

I've seen some truly horrific films in my time, and truth be told, it's my favorite type of movie to watch. Some of them rely on excessive gore and violence, others on showing disturbing acts between people. None of them compare to how utterly devastating this movie ended up being. I have always been a fan of films where one small, seemingly insignificant decision alters the course of a person or families life, but this movie was so bleak and dark, I don't know if it will ever be topped.

Everything about the film was so well made, it's tough to pick the stand out. The acting was phenomenal, the cinematography was well done and even the special effects looked realistic and impressive. But it was the subject matter, the story itself, that I guess would take the prize for truly bringing the entire package together to a cohesive whole. The script was equal parts hilarious, shocking, depressing and tension filled, that it really created that rare movie that has no flaws worth mentioning. It's just a really well made film that ticks off so many boxes in what makes a great movie, that in the end, I'm happy for having seen it. Seeing this level of artistry always raised my spirits, regardless of how horrific the events that transpire end up being.

I can go on an continue to sing praises for this film, but I think I'll just end in saying that where many movies feature constant plot holes, disjointed storylines and poor pacing, this one does everything just right. It doesn't overstay its welcome, and the only reason you want it to end is so that the beating of your heart can finally subside. A truly magnificent film that deserves as many fans as it can get.
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Definitely good enough for how disturbing it is
trentagardner31 May 2024
This movie is very effective. It sets out to be an incredibly disturbing black comedy. But where it thrives is TENSION. I have not seen a film that has made me this tense in a long time. And that's how this film sticks the landing for what could have been another grotesque gross-for-gross-sake. The film is really just a tension narrative with tons of deception which tantalizes the viewer into thinking "it's gonna happen NOW." When the pay off happens, it's great and tasteful. So while this might be advertised as a big disturbing story, it's really a story about putting a machine in motion and letting it work until the last satisfying ending. Definitely not for everyone and I can't per se recommend it. But if you know you know. This film works, and it's not in my preferred genre at ALL.
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Great opening 40 minutes. Then boring and dull.
pridgeondesigngroup14 May 2024
I am going to take the opportunity to discuss Steven King's movie or series recommendations. His first recommendation that I listened to was the series, bad sisters, which I hated. Then he recommended baby reindeer, which I thought was disgusting and degrading. His latest recommendation was the film coffee table which I admit was fantastic for the first 30 to 40 minutes but then it was just a snooze fast, boring, dull and it certainly wasn't a dark horror film as he described it. So I guess I've learned my lesson that I should ignore everything that Steven King says. I believe that he smokes too much pot and he watches too much television.
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An awkwardly nervous comedy
Sankari_Suomi15 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
(Spanish title: La Mesita del Comedor entonces pero Coffee Table).

New parents Jesús and María visit a furniture shop, where Jesús, against his wife's loud objections, purchases an expensive but tacky flatpack coffee table with a glass top.

Returning home, they briefly chat to a female neighbour, and Jesús spends a few agitated minutes fending off the romantic advances of her 13 year old daughter, who is obssessed with him.

Having retreated into their apartment, Jesús assembles the table while María complains at him and then goes shopping. While she is out, an incident occurs involving the coffee table.

The rest of the movie involves Jesús' hilarious attempts to conceal his embarrassing mistake from his wife, his brother, his brother's vegan(!) girlfriend, his neighbours, and, somewhat bizarrely, the furniture salesman.

This sharp little comedy will delight and surprise a wide range of viewers, but particularly those with small children.

I rate The Coffee Table at 26.64, which works out as a zesty 8/10 on IMDB.
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The hyped table
danielcereto18 May 2024
I had read about this movie and how good It was, so consequently I have decided to watch it with high expectations. But I was wrong, this movie is over hyped because several reasons.

First, the movie is overall weird, acting is bad (Except from the main male character) and the plot weak.

Second, the psychological tricks here doesn't work. It's a bit forced and not real. Again weird unrealistic situations.

Third, the characters are not likeable. I only root for one. All the others I just wished the worst for them lol.

So, overall the movie is not good. Just forced. Yes, there is one big hit, but that's all. Sorry, I don't buy over hyped movies.
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Ummm wow!
gsurveil118 May 2024
I saw that The Coffee Table is making its rounds on social media as "influencers" and "reviewers" cash in on clout on how disturbing this film from Spain is. They are right. Not in a gorefest way, though it has some but in a way that will mess with your head for the entire film. I gave this an 8 and I can see how others may see it different this film is different. The acting is spot on and the fact I don't want to reveal a thing but this has to be 600 words or it's too short. No spoilers at all here. Try not to watch the reviews and just watch the movie. It clocks in at around 90 minutes and you will be affected in some way. Enjoy!?
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Dark Subject Matter with Great Atmosphere and Stress
Reviews_of_the_Dead22 April 2024
This is a movie that I got the chance to see via screener thanks to Scott from Cinephobia Releasing. The title caught my attention. When I figured out that this was a horror film, I knew that I'd check it out. What I found interesting is that this got its official first screening at a film festival back in 2022. It got its wide release in 2024, so that gives me another to add to my list.

Synopsis: Jesús (David Pareja) and María (Estefanía de los Santos) are a couple going through a difficult time in their relationship. Nevertheless, they have just become parents. To shape their new life, they decide to buy a new coffee table. A decision that will change their existence.

We jump right into this with our couple from the synopsis at a store looking at a coffee table. I'll be honest, it is hideous. The salesperson is played by Eduardo Antuña. He is making the table sound better than it is. To give more information about it, it has two golden women, who are naked that are holding up the glass. This couple bickers in front of this salesperson. We learn that Jesús might not have been fully ready to have a child. María mostly decorated their house, with Jesús getting little details here and there. He was told that he could pick out any coffee table. Because she hates this one so much, he wants it even more. That is the one that is bought.

The movie then shifts to Jesús putting it together. It turns out that he's missing a screw. He called the store, saying that it wasn't in the box and that he needed it brought to him today. He cannot come back to get it. María decides to go to the grocery store since Jesús' brother and his girlfriend are coming over to meet the baby. The child is left in the care of Jesús.

This is when tragedy strikes and it rocks Jesús to his core. He can't even move. He doesn't know what to do. There is a couple of storylines that complicate things further. I've already brought up that Jesús' brother Carlos (Josep Maria Riera) along with his vegan girlfriend Cristina (Claudia Riera) are coming over. There is also Ruth (Gala Flores) who is 13 years old. Her mother tells María that she's been moody about a boyfriend. This turns out to be Jesús. This teen is convinced that she is in love with him and that he feels the same back. This day cannot get any worse and tragedy looms.

That is where I'll leave my recap and introduction to the story. Where I want to start is re-iterating that I came into this one blind. This movie was uncomfortable for me in the best way possible. It sets the stage about where this couple is currently. I've been here before with my wife. You just get in a rough spot and bicker constantly. Then this takes a nosedive into a dark event that rocked me to the core. I should say here, this affected me differently than most people, I'm sure. Please keep that in mind when going forward. I will also avoid spoilers.

Now that I've gotten that out of the way, this becomes a character study of Jesús for the most part. He knows everything that has happened. I could feel the weight of the pressure mounting on him. Things aren't good with María. By having their son, he has lost himself. A newborn completely changes things and we see that it has strained their relationship. What is interesting is the first reveal of what Ruth thinks, Jesús is annoyed and doing what he can to make her stop. She is misreading things. This is just another added wrinkle that complicates Jesús' life as he tries to figure out what to do after the event.

I'm going to shift over to talk about Pareja's performance here. He was great. Despite the bickering with María, I get the sense that he has a good sense of humor. He delicately manages talking to Ruth, keeping his cool there. After the event though, the amount of stress he's doing to not only hide what happened but try to figure out a way to reveal it. I've held on secrets and it can feel like the weight of the world on you. How this is presented made me feel that. I'm not always the biggest fan of comedy in my horror. Since this goes into the realms of dark comedy, it is perfect to help alleviate tension. It was well done.

Since this mostly focuses on Jesús and doesn't have the deepest story, let's shift to this to the other cast members. They push things to where it ends up. De los Santos and Pareja feel like an old couple. That helped me connect since I've been in that spot of a relationship. It feels real. The Rieras help complicate things even more when they come over. They are fun while also making it more difficult for Jesús to think. Antuña, Flores, Dilla and the rest of the cast also add their own quirky characters to this as well.

All that is left then is filmmaking. I thought this helped to build that atmosphere. We get the idea that the place they're living isn't big. That becomes even smaller when Jesús becomes stressed. I wanted to credit the cinematography and the framing there. Then to go along with this, they do good things with the sound design. There is a baby monitor that relays different conversations from earlier. They are almost haunting Jesús. That was good. We also have limited effects. They were good though. The blood looks real, which I appreciated.

In conclusion, I know I'm going to higher than others on this. This movie has a simple story. It sets up the characters and then tragedy strikes. From there it becomes a character of Jesús as he tries to come up with a plan of what to do with different complications. Pareja carries the weight of this film on his shoulders. The rest of the cast help push things to where they end up. This was well made with the cinematography, framing, sound design and effects helping there. I don't think this will be for everyone. It just hit me perfectly.

My Rating: 8 out of 10.
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