A Fantastic Fear of Everything (2012) Poster

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Oddly surprising, surprisingly odd, verging on hmmm
TheSquiss16 June 2012
A Fantastic Fear of Everything is probably not what you're expecting from Simon Pegg. It's not horrifically funny like Sean of the Dead, as outright entertaining as Hot Fuzz and, mercifully, it's not as tepid as Run Fatboy Run or as stagnant as Paul or Burke and Hare. Actually, it's not very funny at all to start with.

So what is it? Well, it's a journey and if you decide to embark upon it you'll need to see it through to the end to decide if it was worthwhile. It begins with an engaging, gentle, animated title sequence before introducing us to Jack (Pegg) a flailing children's author engulfed by his research into Victorian murders for a prospective TV series that nobody wants. We quickly discover he has an all-consuming paranoia of being murdered. How do we know this? Because he tells us. And that's when it starts to go downhill.

It's a steep decline that director Crispian Mills (yes it is, but more about him in a minute) seems incapable of avoiding. He seems unaware of any filmic devices to portray the protagonist's thoughts and emotions without resorting to plodding, turgid exposition and painfully obvious statements. It's part way down this terrible slope that you'll feel the urge to pick up your coat, head for the exit and sneak into the screen next door even if it is only Top Cat: The Movie.

Don't! Stick with it. Somewhere around the halfway point the decline into cinema hell slows, stops and gradually heads up to a satisfying peak via some strange and thoroughly enjoyable scenery. For the patient and slightly off-kilter, it's a very satisfying escapade indeed.

At some point you'll discover that it's evolved into a most amusing and very dark trip through a world inhabited by the likes of Tim Burton (when on form), Wes Anderson, Dr. Seuss and Roald Dahl. It's a world I feel very comfortable in but doesn't suit every reader of my blog. There's murder in mind, paranoia at large and animation sequences akin to Fantastic Mr Fox and The Nightmare Before Christmas on LSD.

Cast-wise there's nothing remarkable on display; Pegg is good but ill served by the stodgy first act and Amara Karan as Sangeet occasionally forgets how to act but gives enough to be enjoyable if not memorable. The absolute star of A Fantastic Fear of Everything is Crispian Mills and it has nothing to do with him being son of Hayley, grandson of Sir John, nephew of Maxwell Caulfield or lead singer of Kula Shaker, although it's all interesting trivia.

No, he's a star because this is his directorial debut. And his first outing as producer. And the first screenplay he's written. As debuts go, it's not up there with Duncan Jones' Moon but it's one heck of a start and he's the star because he's dared to be both dark and different at a time when Hollywood is determined to be predictable and repetitively upbeat.

A Fantastic Fear of Everything is far from being a perfect movie but it's a solid, enthralling film that hints at the possibility of Crispian Mills becoming a very fine filmmaker indeed and a hero of the off-kilter cinephiles who are tired of Tim Burton's ever-downward spiral and in need of someone new to rely on for their fix of surrealism.
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This film is amazing, I consider it a cult that one must see.
diafora1716 October 2012
The script is intelligent, the direction is smart, the "camera move" is supreme and Simon Pegg's performance is outstanding. It's a black comedy with a rather 80's touch that renders the whole atmosphere so mystical and hysterical. The humor is totally "black" orchestrated with extreme behavioral moods, spastic grimaces, and unbelievable dream sequences that you'd love to watch over and over again. The character Simon Pegg is playing, is a kind of paranoid intelligent looser that is trapped between 2 worlds. The fears and insecurity he has carried over from the past (as a kid) have reached a point where they've become phobias, projecting outwardly in schizophrenic behavior. The character believes or rather is obsessed with the idea that he is going to be murdered. I am not going to say anything more about the plot as it's worth seeing it afresh.

This film captures some amazing ingredients of good black comedy films: mystical atmosphere, sound/music synchronization with sudden camera moves, funny faces (extreme), smart script, dream sequences and spontaneous direction. It's British humor, which I personally love, with a few deeper meanings (behind the whole phobia thing projected from a traumatized subconscious which tries to come to peace with the past).

Having read a few other reviews before watching it, I must say that I find it sad that people expect American style productions and high budgets in order to like a film. How rare good comedies are these days? I loved the film and if you like black comedy and other Simon Pegg's movies I suppose you'll at least like it, since it carries a cinematic seriousness in its humor.
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Fear fantastic.
morrison-dylan-fan18 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
With a friend coming back from Australia,I decided to look round for a movie that she would enjoy.Due to her being a Simon Pegg fan,I was happy to find that one of his lesser-known movies had turned up at a local DVD shop,which led to me getting ready to discover how fantastic this fear could be.

The plot:

Unable to sell his children's book, author Jack decides to move on to writing a book on Victorian serial killers (not much of a change there!) Delving into research,Jack starts to become obsessed by the history of the killers,and starts to become paranoid.Locking himself in his flat,Jack gets a call from his publisher,telling him that he must come out,due to their being a big shot producer who wants to adapt Jack's book. Failing to clean up,Jack accidentally super-glues a knife to his hand.Putting a big coat on to hide the knife,Jack steps out into the outside world,where he soon runs into a modern wannabe serial killer.

View on the film:

Changing chords from Brit Pop band Kula Shaker to the big screen, Crispian "son of Hayley" Mills and fellow co-director Chris Hopewell turn the pages in Jack's book with an ultra-stylised chic.Backed by pounding Hip-Hop songs and a creepy score from Michael Price,the directors and cinematographer Simon Chaudoir lock Jack in his flat with a vice-like grip,as lightning fast whip-pans and scatter shot zoom- ins uncover the terror that Jack fears has joined him in his flat.Opening with a matte painting, Mills & Hopewell show a bravely in taking the chilling mood into unexpectedly quirky routes,by bringing Jack's stories to life in hand-drawn and raw stop-motion animation.

Whilst the ending disappointingly leaves Jack's debut novel to end on a whimper,the screenplay by Crispian Mills thankfully spends the rest of the title pulling the blood red Comedy Horror nerves from Jack's paranoia.Opening up Jack's troubled life,Mills unveil all of the anxiety fuelling Jack's horror fears,which leads to bitter slap- stick laughs,as Jack faces his fears on the outside. Twitching across the screen,Simon Pegg gives a great performance as Jack,thanks to Pegg pushing Jack's eyes to bursting and shivering with terror over the smallest thing,as Jack faces his fantastic fear of everything.
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Probably not to everyone's taste, but still worth a watch
marictur18 November 2012
I was feeling very down one evening and wanted to watch something that would distract me from my thoughts. I went through a couple of lists of so-called "feel-good movies" but after realising that I can't take advice from anyone that finds the Hangover funny (no offence, just different tastes), I decided to see what Simon Pegg has been up to, as Shaun of the Dead is one of my biggest favourites.

This isn't Shaun of the Dead, and if you watch it expecting it to be, you will be bitterly disappointed, as others have said. However, the movie still has a certain dark humour, which I greatly enjoyed, and it carries a story, which for me was very meaningful.

The first half of the movie might seem a bit dragged-out (I enjoyed it though, perhaps because I know all too well how easy it is to think yourself crazy, so I was able to relate to some of what was going on on the screen), but the second half is truly excellent The negative reviews were a bit too harsh in my opinion and that was what prompted me to write one of my own. I'm not going to say you are guaranteed to like it, all I want to do is suggest you give this movie a chance, you might be pleasantly surprised.
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Amusing in places.
alangsco8 June 2012
I went to see A Fantastic Fear of Everything with no expectations as I hadn't read any reviews and had been underwhelmed by a couple of Simon Pegg's recent efforts. To use a crude rating system i'd say that this was marginally better than Paul and a lot better than Burke & Hare.

I liked the originality of the story and the journey the character took through the movie. It was frequently amusing without ever getting to real laugh-out-loud comedy levels. Silly humour mixed in with quite clever stuff. I'm not sure how it'll go down outside of the U.K. and indeed I felt that it was more suited to a television rather than big- screen format. It's the sort of film I think you could really appreciate if you put it on after coming home completely inebriated from the pub, although you'd probably have to shave 10-15 minutes off the running time in order to stay awake till the end.
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Not brilliant...
natashabowiepinky15 April 2013
Here's a bit of advice: Cult films are usually made accidentally. Something like Withnail And I or Eraserhead were not designed to be quoted or referenced decades later, but thanks to a combination of public affection and quirkiness, that's exactly how its turned out. If on the other hand, you TRY to make your movie as a crazy and as random as possible to give it distinction, you usually all goes tits-up and the ends up with a bit of a mess. Exhibit A: This.

Now I don't doubt that Simon Pegg made it with the best of intentions, and there is SOME truly inspired stuff here that made me giggle no end. But there are also plenty of feeble jokes that not even a playschooler would laugh at, and a narrative which is all rather tragic. And Pegg's character is such a shrill worrywart who does such stupid things, he becomes a figure of hate rather than a 'hero' to sympathise with... which isn't good considering he's the sole person on screen most of the time...

A curate's egg then. (Gosh, I've been waiting to use that term for AGES, man... Don't I sound bright?) 5/10
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Simple, Subtle, and Thoroughly Entertaining
Suicide_Saint27 April 2014
For any fans of Simon Pegg or independent cinema who may potentially be discouraged from viewing this film due to the low ratings, don't be fooled! "A Fantastic Fear of Everything" is an incredibly well-done film from start to finish. Pegg delivers a brilliant performance as an agoraphobic writer attempting to delve into the world of Victorian killers for a new book project. His paranoia forces him into a number of hilariously unfortunate and unexpected situations. This is not your typical middle school toilet humor nor does the film set up jokes you can see coming a mile away.

Overall, the film is humorous, entertaining, and incorporates a number of dark, unorthodox story-telling features (including bits of animation). Therefore, if you primarily enjoy big-budget blockbusters or expect that every film featuring Simon Pegg to be "Shaun of the Dead" that sadly, you will probably not enjoy this film. However, if you appreciate story-telling, exemplar acting, and something a little different than the norm, I would highly recommend this film.
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Terrible Film Some Interesting Visuals
mellowstreet9 June 2012
This film was made because it is cheap. A man stuck in a room talking to himself and shouting at shadows does not make a movie. A lot of the humour feels at least 30 years old and is the kind of thing we've seen in old cartoons. Clothes get burnt while drying in an oven, a knife gets superglued to a hand etc. There is no real story, no characters to relate to in the slightest, and a lot of padding to keep the lead alone in a studio set for as long as possible. There are some interesting visuals but they don't counteract the boredom and frustration that sets in 15 minutes into the film. Despite the visuals, the film feels cheap because large parts of it are just one guy in a room. Avoid.
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surprisingly good
gbortoli30 January 2013
I admit I like Simon Pegg, a lot, so I watched this movie just because of him. The first time I tried to watch the movie I turned it off just like after 15 minutes, today I tried again and I was very tempted to stop it at least a couple of times during the first half an hour, but in the end I sticked with it and I'm very happy of my decision. Yes, everybody knows this movies is not hilarious but that's not its goal, it's a movie about how Simon Pegg's character tries to overcome his fears. I found it funny from time to time but mostly I loved Pegg's acting and most of all I loved the direction. The animated part at the end of the movie is awesome, that alone makes the movie worth watching
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Very disappointing
grantss30 April 2020
Very disappointing, even though I didn't have high expectations for the movie. If it was meant to be a drama, it wasn't at all engaging or coherent. If it was meant to be a comedy (more likely), it wasn't funny. Has one or two good moments but it is mostly a chaotic, yet dull, mess.

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I don't know what's going on!!!!
agravelle126 October 2012
I bought tickets to this movie for its premier at the Toronto After Dark Film Festival based on the trailer alone and went in with some trepidation after checking its IMDb rating and reading some critic reviews on Rotten Tomatoes.

Having seen the movie tonight, I can honestly say I feel like I'm from another planet then those reviewers. I absolutely loved this film! It was hilarious, creepy, intelligent, and unique. I was roaring through the whole thing, and it wasn't just me! The entire theater was rolling in their seats! The directer, Chrispian Mills was there and I stayed afterwords to shake his hand and tell him I am now a fan. There was a line of people wanting do the same thing.

I made an IMDb account specifically to tell you to pay no attention to the negative critic ratings. If you've seen the trailer and you think it looks like something you'd enjoy, then for God sakes go see it!
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kosmasp5 December 2012
It's really great seeing Simon Pegg playing it as straight as possible, because it enhances the horror part of the movie. There still is comedy bits in there (the whole idea is kind of crazy to begin with), but it gets mixed well with those really great shocking moments throughout the movie.

An important character gets introduced very late in the movie, which can be viewed as a mistake or something bad, but even that sort of works for the movie. And it works because it is mainly a one man show. Heavy lifting that Mr. Pegg is able to do. The audio commentary on the disc of course showcases his sense of humor again. Not only for his fans, but for everyone who likes quirky and weird movies.
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Boring beyond words
dregj16 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
How to fill up ten lines about a boring, boring ,boring film .A comedy that doesn't make one smile at all except with relief at the closing credits.Even with lots of actors in the film pegg is usually quite annoying but on his own the effect is magnified tremendously. i would have turned this film off but i was convinced something good would eventually happen .I was very wrong . pegg wears another stupid wig for his "character" an author who is completely and utterly paranoid and still manages to send me to sleep. I do wonder sometimes how simon pegg can keep making one terrible movie after another after another not caring that there dross and a pale shadow of what hes capable of.He seems determined to become the new Steve martin I.E used to be funny but got lazy once the Hollywood money rolled in.The kind of man that endlessly criticized the star wars prequels to anyone that would listen then signed up for the prequels with no hint of hypocrisy or irony.

rest in peace
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Not Simon Peggs usual, but quirky and dark
E-shotter11 December 2012
By now we're all aware of Simon Peggs films and his penchant for the bizarre, off beat and ridiculous, although still bizarre and ridiculous this is quite a change to his more commercial films. The film focuses on the main character (in his grubby and stained chewing gum gray Y fronts and his grubby and stained bedroom) for most of the time. If this is ringing alarm bells for you I would understand if your clicky fingers hovered over the X and went roaming around for something that didn't require any thought or effort on your part, but stick with it! Peggs characters have always been amiable but lovable losers but this guy is deeply and unashamedly paranoid,unattractive and delusional..I really don't want to give any spoilers away as the film unfolds so beautifully and I went from being slightly repulsed by him initially to cheering him on by the end. I would, however, recommend that you suspend all thoughts of seriousness, its daft, tongue in cheek and very very brave of Pegg to do something so, well; weird but very black and funny.
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Quirky, relatable but a bit lagged on...
jacklowriewilliamson5 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Have you ever suddenly had a irrational fear of something? Like when you were scared of the monster in the closet as a child or the weird neighbor with the glass eye and walking stick? Well this film puts this common and often missed part of life into a quirky and amusing perspective with the gem of Simon Pegg starring. Personally this type of filmmaking pulls me in as it uses simple bit effective shots to put the characters state of mind across instead of, solely, relying on computer editing and over sized camera cranes. It also drags me in because it gives me a much preferred break from the tiresome American style, big budget, cinematography with its mind puzzling and intelligent style. It actually reminds me of some of the Sky Arts short TV films which I think this film should have been aimed at, instead of the big screen. Simon Pegg performs perfectly with is 'quirky' and 'on edge' style of acting which made him such the star he is today. His style of acting works linear to the film making it enjoyable to watch. One problem I did have with it though was how much the start lagged at the beginning which did make me ever so slightly loose interest but when it finally picks up you will be in awe at how great this film really is.

This is definitely a film to watch if you have a sophisticated film mind.
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saabyfox15 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
If you want a film with no plot, but contains many shots of Simon Pegg in his underpants, this film is for you.

If you do not subscribe to the above, Avoid this film at all costs. Assume that Mr Pegg did this film either for large sums of cash or as a favour to a friend.

Not funny, not clever, no real plot, and random hedgehog animations during the middle of the film. Made no sense whatsoever.

Not even funny as a black comedy, i think there were about 3 real jokes in the entire film, one involving somersaults around characters flat, another with superglue and a knife, the third regarding a PCSO /lollipop man.
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Not a Bad Film
jacobtinsdale30 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I am a very big fan of Simon Pegg, (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, Worlds End and Paul). A Fantastic Fear of Everything is not Pegg's best work, but still a rather enjoyable film that I found hilarious (The best was probably PC Taser playing 'Final Countdown' near the end).

A Fantastic Fear of Everything is one of those films that you just need to sit back, watch, and just enjoy the film for what it is. I have only watched it once, and, truth be told, it will probably stay that way.

There isn't really much else to say about this film. It is basically a Comedy/Thriller about a guy scared to go outside because he thinks he is going to be murdered.

Just watch it.
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A fantastic fear of pointless films
nfrankis0113 May 2013
Oh dear.....it is plain to see that SimonPegg is at his best when he has written the screenplay himself. This film left me wondering why on earth Mr Pegg would do such a film. I enjoyed the way it was shot plus the narrative alongside the film but all the while seemed flat in regards to story. I wonder if it was trying to come across in comic book style but fell short of the mark. Perhaps if Edgar Wright had directed then it may have given it a little more momentum as 104 minutes can be a long time if there is nothing gripping you and keeping your focus. It is worth watching if you're a fan of the Pegg otherwise I'd choose something else.

Give peas a chance
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Botsu4 March 2014
Before I start this review I want to emphasize that this movie is definitely not for everyone, but it sure is an experience whether you like it or not. Now, let's start, shall we?

A Fantastic Fear of Everything tells the story of Jack, a tormented, seemingly paranoid horror author gone child writer doing his daily chores and overcoming his bizarre primal fears while he's at it, and although I won't spoil anything, that's basically everything the movie does aside from the last quarter, perhaps 20 minutes of the film. Simon Pegg is for the most part great as jack, but being a fan of exaggerated performances from time to time, even I have to admit that the abundance of his character is a bit fatiguing at times, complete with panic attacks every two minutes and more to come. But that being said, aside from these two major flaws, I honestly can't say more bad things about this movie, the sheer humbleness and generally small scale of the story and Simon Pegg's nearly laughable level of over-the-top character are probably the two major reasons people were put off by this movie when it came out and have been calling it quits to date. But if you're an avid fan of Simon Pegg's work, an something new in general, this movie won't disappoint. And that's were the things that this movie DOES hit spot-on kick in: the amazing, dark camera work with small sections of gruesome, yet appealing animation (almost Tim Burton-esque), the pitch-black humour, the hilarious twist, and the terrific final seconds make this one a must-watch for horror/dark comedy/Simon Pegg fans for me, despite all its flaws.
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Waste of Time
DoraDogru5 September 2019
Just waste of time, not a good script not a good story maybe just acting is fine
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Not for mass audiences, HOWEVER a very clever, funny original
Harry-Hood22 October 2012
This film will find its audience among fans of dark comedy. Don't expect the broad appeal of "Shaun of the Dead" or "Hot Fuzz", and comparisons to other Simon Pegg films miss the point. This is a film deserving attention, especially for writers and the "cult" audience who enjoy quirky, unique dark comedies/mysteries.

Reviewers forget that some films are not for everyone, and their opinion is worth nothing in the evaluation of such films. This one may be very much enjoyed by a smaller audience, even after several viewings. "Fantastic Fear" ranks among the "love it or leave it" types; you may find it annoying or too odd, like "Dark Shadows", or it's tremendous fun.

"Burke & Hare" also divided audiences, yet this film has more in common with murder-mysteries, like a cross between "Clue" and a spoofy take on say, the recent "The Raven (2012)". Better than both films, IMO, this will live on with DVD and Blu-ray releases, thankfully.

Box office numbers and critical "consensus" are ultimately short-lived, and very deceptive. Give this a chance if you like dark comedies. And it must be said that Simon Pegg's acting resume becomes increasingly impressive. Regardless of the final product, you have to give him props. And here, the final product is better than you might expect.
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fantastic fun
soapdodgerz15 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
what is wrong with people. nothing pleases them anymore.they want the same old same old drivel brought to them and if anyone trys anything new they get slated for it.simon pegg has made some great films and this is one of them.when the film opens the claustrophobia of peggs hovel is superbly done. having not heard of this i went in blind and that is a good thing.i didn't know if this would end up being one set piece; luckily pegg leaves his abode and when he gets to the laundry the film takes off.that scene is hilarious and leads somewhere you wont expect.mills has done an excellent job directing and i hope hes goes on to do more films.this film has a magical feel to it unlike most of the dross that passes for entertainment today.a film worth rewatching again with friends.like shaun of the dead this one will last as a favourite film .
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Has its charm, but I ultimately didn't like
rmarkd19 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Simon Pegg stars as Jack, a writer whose latest project about serial killers is making him paranoid about, well, everything. He sees killers everywhere, he connects mundane situations to foreshadowing of his murder.

His agent says there's a person who is interested in his story, but it means wearing fresh clothes. He doesn't have any, and due to his trauma at a launderette in his early childhood, he is afraid of going there. He tries to do laundry at home, to mildly funny consequences, then is forced to go to the launderette. Cue up more marginally funny scenes. He gets arrested but falls out of the truck as it pulls away. He then gets caught along with forced love interest into a situation with a serial killer who will kill them both after the laundry finishes. All is saved due to a story about a hedgehog.

This one was hard to review. Reading the above, it seems like an utterly stupid story. But, depending on the person, and, something depending on how a person feels on a given day, I can see this spanning from dumb to charmingly goofy in a strange sort of way. Simon Pegg is great in the role, and the movie picked up a bit at the end. My problem was it just seemed to stay in the dumb category for too long. The jokes just didn't work. There's a scene where he's trying to feed change through the mail slot using an old sock. But why not just drop the coins? It's one of those things where someone may say "that's the point, it's just silly", whereas someone else will say "no, it's just dumb". I can see both sides, but ultimately for me, it was again, just more dumb than anything else.

Bottom line, as I saw it, 5/10, though maybe if I were high or were watching with friends who liked this sort of movie, it could have been a 6-7/10.
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Bizarre Surrealistic Fare For Those with a Dark and Twisted Imagination
lapisconnection2 July 2019
A Fantastic Fear of Everything, starring Simon Pegg, is a bizarre psychological fairytale about serial killers, hedgehogs and the world's most traumatizing launderette with a very eclectic soundtrack. I am a little surprised that the critics did not enjoy it more because I found fascinating albeit deeply unsettling.
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This a fun little story 👍
Ckn483 February 2021
Set mostly around doing the laundry but don't let that fool you, it is beautifully scripted and acted. But I would expect no less from Simon Pegg He doesn't go out and suddenly needs to, to seal a book/film deal. He has no clean clothes and fears the launderette. He tries hand washing his clothes and tries to dry them in the gas oven with hilarious consequences. He also manages to super glue a knife to his hand and can't work out how to unstick it. So now he can't raise his hand without making it look like hes a knife wielding maniac. However, hes not the manic, one of the other characters is.

This is a fun little crazy story that's well worth a watch

Good Scripting Good Filming Good Acting Good Sound Track

Its worth a watch 👍
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