Someone Marry Barry (2014) Poster

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Very trashy but entertaining comedy
joshua-303-9277814 February 2014
I see there aren't many reviews for this movie yet. Therefore I should let you know that this is a funny but very crude comedy. Definitely not for the kids. You don't even need to be a prude to be offended by this; I think any normal person probably *should* be offended by the antics of Barry, a chubby party animal, and his socially inappropriate girlfriend Mia, played by Lucy Punch.

Tyler Labine handles the lead role with confidence, and whose career looks ready to blast off. Lucy Punch is also very effective as Barry's partner in crime.

The film loses a lot of steam in the second half. But there's a steady drumbeat of funny situations to keep you entertained, sort of like watching The Simpsons. Have fun.
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Do you feel lucky, twunt?
GodsPrototype5 March 2014
Another evening browsing the unknowns on Sky Movies and I find my way to this little gem.

I knew nothing about it beforehand and had no idea what to expect - having been sorely let down by previous American comedies of recent years I really wasn't expecting anything to enjoy.

Some highlights - The taxi ride from the restaurant, it was well written and introduced 'twunt' to my vocabulary -and "Chugga Chugga Chugga Choo Choo" !! It's not laugh out loud all the way through and certainly not completely 'gross-out' as advertised. But it is a very real kind of humour that most people do as part of everyday life, or think about at least - "What do you think I do in the bathroom every morning - I masturbate for an hour with your electric tooth brush - it's more powerful than mine!" - from the main female character!

Lucy Punch is the highlight of the film for me, she has the style and flow of a slapstick actress who isn't afraid to push the boat with a distinct British comedic feel - why does she remind me of a female Simon Pegg?! Besides the main storyline of Barry Burke and Melanie Miller we see the love lives or lack of them from Barry's friends and although not necessary to see, it does add a fresh level to the movie which is nice to see - it also makes for some very funny situational comedy when they go away together.

It does have a low production quality which is a shame as I feel a bigger budget would have done this film better. Yet, the script is very good and there are some VERY funny moments in there, especially the dynamics between the two main characters and their 'better living' friends.

If you've got nothing else to watch and you're looking for a good comedy film that is different from the rest, then you can't go wrong with this.
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great premise. it's okay.
ksf-224 May 2021
Tyler Labine is Barry, the really annoying pal to Desmond, Rafe, and Kurt (Wayans Junior, MacArthur, and Middleditch). This movie is and will be exactly what you expect. Hayes MacArthur sounds just like Michael Keaton. So the friends decide to hook Barry up with someone. Anyone. They try dating services. They try marrying euro-women. Lots of swearing! And when he meets a chick just as tacky and rude as he is, it's love at first sight! Lucy Punch is Melanie, who can dish it out as well as Barry! So the gang all goes off on a weekend getaway. And it all blows up. Can the friends all recover, as they go through their various personal issues? Its corny. And okay. It's a cross between an adam sandler and a bachelor party in vegas. Written and directed by Rob Pearlstein. This appears to be his first full length film directed. He was nominated for best short film in 2006.
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Offensive and rude in a non-offensive way
Gordon-113 April 2014
This film tells the story of a socially awkward man who meets a woman who is completely compatible with him.

"Someone Marry Barry" is a romantic comedy with a twist. The protagonist is a rude, juvenile and very annoying man, and everything he touches turns into dust. Despite him being so unlikable, he is still adorable and charming because he is genuine and fun loving. I have this interesting ambivalence of feelings towards him, which makes the film engaging.

"Someone Marry Barry" is an entertaining romantic comedy. I did not find it offensive or rude, even though the contents are offensive or rude. It manages to find the right tone and balance between humour and rudeness, it's offensive and rude in a non-offensive way. I enjoyed watching it.
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Rude, Funny & Hilarious at times..... Absolute Adult Comedy
nhmom21 March 2015
We have all known this person, the kind that just doesn't care less about what anyone else thinks....even though the humor is way nasty at times we couldn't help laughing our heads off throughout the entire flick....of course while we were enjoying the laughter the high level grossness was also making us shake our heads, scrunch our noses think EEEWWWWWWWWW!! All while actually saying out loud OMFG!! Definitely worth seeing if you have the stomach for things like this....would def stay away from kids and farrrr away from any kind of first dates or newer relationships unless crude humor is the type of comedies someone one has particularly shown an interest in....Enjoy!!
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New story,, Amazing Comedy by a really talented cast..
Aktham_Tashtush14 March 2015
Ooh Barry .... as much as he's irritating and stupid .. he is so funny and he's this guy who you'd probably known sometime ago ;)

The plot is fresh and new ,, their are a lot of hilarious scenes ,, the writers did a freaking great job.

The cast is fine,, Tyler Labine is amazingly funny with his weird bearded look i'v watched him in "Mad Love, Sons of Tucson and Reaper" and it's the same funny irritating character, He and "Lucy Punch" made an awesome couple... Damon Wayans Jr., Hayes MacArthur,Brett Gelman and Thomas Middleditch ,they all also did a great job.

Overall the movie was really nice,, even though by the first look you might not see a well-known Cast but they were mirthful to watch.
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Barry isn't just annoying to his friends
mstabin24 June 2014
When you set out to make a character annoying, you need to make sure that they aren't so annoying that it becomes tiresome to watch. The writers for "Someone Marry Barry" did not achieve this.

I can understand crude comedy. I have laughed at plenty of fart jokes in my time. But Barry and Mel play characters so who are so annoying and unnecessarily crude that it just becomes hard to watch. I found myself cringing way more often than I was laughing, and not the funny "Office" or "Curb Your Enthusiasm" cringing, but more cringing at how bad the writing is or how flat the jokes are landing.

I'm giving it a 3 just because the actors do seem to genuinely be trying to salvage something from this film. I like Labine, Wayans Jr., and Middleditch. And Amanda Lund had us chuckling a couple of times, but the writing was just so poor that none of the charisma from the actors helped.

It might just not be my kind of comedy, or maybe I was just in the mood for something a little smarter. Or... no, this movie just kind of sucked. Trying to shock you with dirty words, or scenes that are not funny but just ridiculous on paper do not constitute good writing or good comedy.
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Labine and Wayans are hilarious
ArchonCinemaReviews2 September 2014
You know that embarrassingly juvenile friend you can not shake? Magnify him by a thousand and you get Barry.

His three friends can not take it anymore and think if he just found someone then they could be rid of him. And that's how you get: Someone Marry Barry.

It's not that Desmond, Rafe and Kurt hate Barry. They just don't want to be active friends with him anymore. Their camp mate friendship with the 'inappropriate dude' from elementary school doesn't justify a friendship that should have faded away long ago.

Barry is not necessarily a bad guy, he is just an embarrassment, a detriment to their livelihood and reputations, a social wrecking ball. Tyler Labine is pivotal to the success of this movie, his likability makes Barry's antics not completely intolerable and at times endearingly oblivious. Labine plays the crudest, lewdest, bluntest character imaginable but the film isn't at all cheap or grotesque. His friends, played by Wayans, MacArthur, Middleditch. are not malicious and the search for Barry's mate comes from a place of desperation and love; keeping the film light and entertaining. Damon Wayans Jr. is the comedic star of the trio and I can't wait to watch his career progress.

All plot points and scenarios are sufficiently ridiculous for a comedy but written by Rob Pearlstein to be cohesive with the story. Someone Marry Barry is about a crass man meeting his equal and opposite in a mate so the humor is offensive and perverted by nature.

After Barry meets his love interest Mel, played by Lucy Punch, the film slows down significantly. The main source of entertainment and humor, the friend dynamic and their interaction, changes with the addition of Mel and 'find him love' dilemma removal.

Someone Marry Barry is a unique and refreshingly light comedy but is not for everyone.

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I Could Be That Someone
thesar-29 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Tyler Labine has always been a hot spot for me…hot, so very hot…so, frankly, even in his worst movies, he still brings a charm of someone who wants to be there, does his best and always entertains me. Add his charisma and undeniable likability and humor, the always wonderful Damon Wayans Jr (whom I've loved since the criminally cut short Happy Endings show) and the very funny Thomas Middleditch, you have one cute movie. Completely predictable and clichéd, the crude to a fault Someone Marry Barry is still hilarious at points and has solid performances all-around. It's not trying to be anything it's not and never takes itself too seriously, even when it veers into familiar, sitcom-gone-dramatic territory. For fans of both THAT ANNOYING FRIEND genre and Tyler Labine films, you'll sink in and enjoy your stay-at-home-movie-night.
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"Don't Bury Barry"
Kamurai257 February 2021
Good watch, could watch again, and can recommend.

I'm not a big fan of either Tyler Labine or Lucy Hall, but they do quite a bit of heavy lifting in this, and it's not that they don't do a good job, but if you don't like them, you're not going to like this.

The other "sane" characters are really more of a background set for the events of Barry's rom-com, allowing a structure of motivations and weird adversarial obstacles.

If you like Labine and / or Hall, then check this out, I think you'll be delightfully surprised.
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Slapstick Barry
Prismark1011 April 2014
Someone Marry Barry is a bad taste romantic comedy where the protagonist (Barry) is obnoxious, rude and an embarrassment to his friends who have grown up and he has not.

The only way they think he can be dealt with if he was fixed up with a girlfriend who will mature him and in a twist of circumstances via a cameo from Ed Helms he hooks up with an English girl, Melanie who is equally crude and obnoxious and they get on like a house on fire. In fact somewhere along the line a house does catch fire!

Tyler Labine and British actress Lucy Punch have great fun as Barry and Mel with the rude, crude behaviour which fits a more British slapstick style of low brow humour.

However the film is not very funny apart from a farting scene in a van.
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Someone Marry Barry is hilarious!
madroseproductions11 February 2014
This is just a straight up fun film. Tyler Labine and Lucy Punch together are amazing. They keep you laughing the entire time. If you need a laugh go this this immediately! Damon Wayans Jr., Thomas Middleditch, and Hayes McArthur also put together solid supporting roles. Ed Helms (of Hangover fame and the TV show The Office) had a very funny cameo. What makes this comedy different and special is the endearing love story. When you push aside all of the inappropriateness and lewd behavior, Barry and Mel are very cute together and that comes out in their strong performances. It is a take on the old saying, "there's someone for everyone". Very very fun film. A must see.
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My Wife's Choice of Movies Has Me Concerned...LOL
docm-323044 February 2021
What can you say about this film other than , "why was it panned by the Academy Awards?" This film is stupidly funny, especially if you're a Barry yourself. My wife and I laughed our fool heads off. Besides...when did fart scenes get labelled as in bad taste?
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Comedy for dummies
Ana_Banana8 October 2014
A film with an apparently fresh start, crude humor (junior high level), unbelievable situations, and a few rather good actors trying to save the sinking boat. If this is humor these days, then I'll pass. It's not about the trashy 'jokes', it's about the unnecessary rudeness, which would hardly ever be tolerated in real life. Take the scene in the cab, for example: a real driver would have kicked them both out in no time.

Filmmakers now think the public was dumb, and sadly they are partly right (due to themselves, too). From now on, I'll check the billboards of new comedies for the phrase 'farting jokes free comedy'.

But the worst thing is that a movie with jokes about sticky panties and smelly fannies becomes mushy and predictable like your ordinary 'romantic comedy' (we only have 'romantic' comedies now).
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Something fresh from normal comedies!
cpcs197213 February 2014
Tired of watching the same ole same ole? This is different the plot is similar to other comedies like this but the acting is top notch! & the script is great, its NOT something to sit in front of a log fire with grandma and the kids on a Saturday night! So be aware of that there is a lot of adult talk! I wont go into the plot and story but i have to hand it to the actors I've watched films for year decades and i found the acting in this was really amazing you never see any signs of weakness or bad acting throughout the film! Without been rude to the actors what i liked about this is all the actors where not like normal actors in films where everything is airbrushed or perfect models these guys are all nice looking above average but not materialistic or too false looking which helped a lot with the realism of the film, I've seen them all American Pie's Porkies National Lampoons but this is a modern day laugh a minute film its a bit hardcore but they pull it off, i would give this 8.5/10 & i cant accept anyone would give it any less it is simply worth that credit all week long! well done to the cast well made fantastic acting and actors you all really did a great job. :-)
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Stupid funny!
tobimmeyer25 November 2018
I love me some stupid funny! I enjoyed this movie and would recommend it to others.
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Funny and daft loved it
josieweaver-754175 December 2022
Throughly entertaining and daft a bit like the hangover type film type or horriable bosses type

Barry is annoying and idiotic and his friends have had enough of him Some bits are a bit over the top but if you want a laugh then this is for you The characters are good it does make you laugh The girlfriend is hilarious and both are embarrassing but they are suited

So if you feel like a laugh you should watch it you will laugh out loud The acting is good and the friends have their own storylines too which are a bit more serious It's a friends movie I was actually pleasantly surprised about the film.
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Not Horrible
patrolman80922 April 2021
I was looking for a comedy my wife and I could enjoy together......this is definitely not it. I think the actors all did the best with what they were given, but the material was so juvenile and crude to save it. Too bad because the premise, while trite had promise. Barry & Mel had seemingly no redeeming qualities to keep me interested.
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BARRY is everywhere, in your life, mine and in this film.
Reno-Rangan11 May 2015
There are no mass actors in this film yet fulfills with the quality of the A list movies. What a wonderful launch pad for an aspiring filmmaker. He wrote it, as well handled everything and everyone carefully. In the name of comedy, he did not go lousy, like most of the B movies do. One of the best main roles ever it was for Lucy Punch in her entire career as far my observation and she outclassed it. Daman Wayans also having a good time recently with movies like 'Let's be Cops', 'Big Hero 6' and this. Certainly his career graph mounting like any actor dreamt for.

Very similar storyline to the movie 'Let's Kill Ward's Wife', but instead 'kill', it replaced with the word 'marry'. Yep, Barry is the character in the movie who is very annoying, so his best buddies plan to set up with a woman to get rid of him. The title character Barry was the most important in the movie and it went to the right person to play. I know him barely, seen in a couple of films and again he was splendid with a casual performance. I am pretty much sure, the sequel is on the card. It will be a double trouble for Barry's buddies, but all my concern is the filmmakers don't want to mess it up like 'Horrible Bosses 2'.

So hilarious, even though, consider it is not a so popular flick. Worry is people will miss this enjoyable movie due to the unaware of its existence. That's the reason I review not-so-popular-good-movie on the regular basis. In my opinion, disappointment is not on the card. Believe me, the movie might not be a good as I am stating, but definitely not a bad one. So in the end, it's up to the collective of the individual's statement that decides the fate of a movie which involves yours as well.

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I had rather mediocre expectations
jpapanone31 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Hoping for a pleasant surprise.


Tries too hard instead of being naturally funny. I can always only take so much lucy punch.

There are definitely some funny lines and scenes but not a really rewatchable movie. Could have/ should have gone in different directions with different things.

I'd say a rather typical Middleditch movie. Makes me wonder what all the hype's about.'s a mediocre guy who is mediocrely funny...HE'S THE NEXT BIG THING!

Tyler fine.

The Wayans guy fine.

The other guy who's dad died...I've seen him in stuff before. No clue his name.

I will have forgotten that I watched this movie in what...2 months...3 months. Great sign when you can't even remember whether you've seen the movie before.
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Someone Watch Barry
TheVideoGameScrub25 June 2022
This movie has good acting, an acceptable storyline and is filled with laughs. Chances are you either know a Barry or are yourself one. Most likely you will think of someone you know or will do some self reflecting and say 'Yep, he/she or I is/am a Barry". The movie is good for what it is and exceeded my expectations.
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An older person's perspective
lordpatrick-4194718 April 2022
I read some reviews where people though this was great and very funny.

As an older person (72) i didn't find it at all funny. It seemed more like a bad TV show.

I'm not at all prudish and the grossness didn't bother me at all.

Simply zero on the funny meter.
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Haven't laughed so hard for a long time!
jscleary16 February 2014
This movie kept us laughing though the whole thing! We were looking forward to seeing Labine after falling in love with Tucker and Dale vs Evil and were not disappointed. I think we all have a "Barry" in our life so it was easy to relate to and fall in love with the character.

It was raunchy but so funny, comic timing by Labine and cast was perfect! Punch was hilarious and there were some great cameos.

Typical,predictable storyline, but the acting and comedy was superb! We truly enjoyed the movie and were disappointed that it did not get better reviews. Common reviewers, it is what it is! Pure comedy genius :)

Put the kids to bed and watch!
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Funny Character Barry
ragpap9326 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
He is frank and says whatever everyone is thinking but too afraid to say out loud. He is also an idiot and his friends have had enough with his shenanigans. He gets Desmond fired by talking to the boss about this girl that Desmond thinks while having se* and pictures this girl while he climaxes. Turns out that was the boss' daughter. Barry also gets caught jerking off to a picture of Kurt's girlfriend in a slideshow that was meant to be used as a proposal. Kurt says that it is a surprise waiting for her inside the house and boy was it a surprise. Barry was like It is what it looks like. For some reason he decides to hug them even though his pants were down. So naturally she dumps Kurt. When the guys were plotting to somehow get rid of barry Kurt keeps talking about murdering Barry which was friggin' hilarious. But the real comedy begins when Barry meets female Barry. The couple were adorable in their frank and vulgar way which not only beats the point of Barry's friends trying to get him married so he would be put on a leash by Barry's wife or at the least he would be her problem or he would be too busy to bother the guys but now there are two Barrys one for each gender which they find out in a trip they make to the cabin. This is where the plot gets a little slow, sad etc. In the end it is just an average romcom but with plenty of laugh out loud moments. It also ends with the introduction of Barry's very own Barry. Enjoyable.
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Laugh out loud and completely inappropriate, but you will be so glad you did.
face-819-93372614 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is a prime example of casting perfection. Lucy Punch and Tyler Labine are so perfect for these rolls, and they play them so well. This is a fantastically funny romantic comedy. A laugh out loud and in your face movie that is rock solid, and never wavers from being as completely insulting as possible, and I Enjoyed every minute of it. You will be seeing this one. Just a fact, the wit, and charm of this movie; even in it's most childishly gross moments, is just simply enduring. These are all such well developed characters, but the "Barry's" are like my people so you know I have to shout from the rooftops with ma' balls out for them all. I really do recommend this movie to anyone who is still reading after that last line, you will love it.
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