Sniper. The White Raven (2022) Poster

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mason252 December 2022
Starts out bizarrely, a teacher and his wife are living the ultimate hippy lifestyle off the grid, maybe this is more prevalent than I've been exposed to, but for the movie, it just seems weird and pointless.

The news reports on them for a sensation piece presumably, but doesn't immediately follow up after his wife is killed..... odd.

It's a great motive for joining a military, but he simply doesn't fit in, and the training, if you want to call it that, is on par with kids playing, but with real guns.

There is literally 2 training scenes on the range, and we're off to fight the war.... except hero boy doesn't bother to listen to his commander, because he's got a good shot on 2 random fighters. Never mind that the commander knows why they're out there, looking for the enemy snipers, but nope, blown away because hero boy couldn't keep his round in his rifle.

Jump to our hero immediately somehow being the go to guy for sniping.... and now he's of course refilling his own ammunition and everything..... So either the pacing of the movie is terrible, and a fair amount of time has passed without any indication of such, or it's just a terrible script.

I'm suspecting it's the latter, since randomly hero boy who didn't seem to get along with his 5 classmates (though he also didn't seem to not get along with them either, there was next to zero emotions showed either way). When two of them went on a mission, off screen and unbeknownst to the viewers, he starts asking about them multiple times, awkwardly. Only for one of them to be dead of course. But wait.... here comes more lack of any emotion...

It ended quite predictably, not a bad thing, but also not riveting.

For the life of me I cannot figure out why they were constantly loading their first round by hand, when the rifles were all magazine fed, unless it's for that one extra round of capacity, than that's fine, but other than that, it makes no sense to do it. I've served in the Canadian military and fired an assortment of weapons, semi auto, full auto, belt fed, mag fed. Never any sniper rifles, so maybe snipers do have a reason for it, just seems unlikely though, and that it was added by someone unfamiliar with weapons.

Oh and to say it's a political statement or propaganda movie, meh, almost every movie is to some extent, even children's cartoons, this one just happens to be a current issue one. It doesn't even detract from the movie.
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[6.8] Relentless till the end
cjonesas28 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A big effort of patriotism shown and depicted in this movie.

It is not bright in the realism, flow and VFX sections, many happenings and characters' decisions on both sides could be questioned; on the other hand, it is very good in its patriotic acting, the Ukrainian language in near every scene spoken by all Ukrainian characters (sometimes not realistically though).

In its essence, The White Raven shows ordinary people's determination to defend their country and is a small window to the suffering that a whole country keep enduring.

It is certainly not a 4.2 average rating and some viewers need to see and think beyond the limits of their Hollywood-ridden brains to properly appreciate the true colors, strengths and positive aspects of this film.

  • Screenplay/story: 7
  • Development: 7.5
  • Realism: 6.5
  • Entertainment: 7
  • Acting: 7
  • Filming/cinematography: 7
  • VFX: 6.5
  • Music/score: 7.5
  • Depth: 7.5
  • Logic: 6
  • Flow: 6.5
  • Drama/war: 6.5
  • Ending: 6.5.
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Fairly good one-sided sniper movie
davidink30 July 2022
The movie is about the life of a sniper in the Ukrainian army.

The first 30 minutes depict his civilian life until he is dragged into the military conflict. I give this part barely a 5 rating, but that's mostly because I don't feel connected or even very interested in any of the characters. The cinematography is quite good throughout. The actors do their parts ok but do not stand out.

It feels like the movie is made mostly for an Ukrainian audience. For others, it can be worth watching to get an insight into life in this war from the Ukrainian perspective. Some parts of the movie I give a 6 rating, since they are a bit exciting.

I think it is fair to call it a propaganda movie since it gives a quite one-sided Ukrainian view on things. But that doesn't mean it can't be a good movie, e g Humphrey Bogart did 12 movies during WW2 of which at least Action in the North Atlantic (1943) was a propaganda movie and also very good. It also doesn't necessarily mean the contents isn't true or truthful, just that it is all from one perspective.

Please note that even if it is clear to me which country is wrong in this conflict (the invaders) I don't think an IMDB review is the right place to elaborate on that, reviews are to help people decide if to watch the movie or not.
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Sniper: The White Raven - Passable War Flick
arthur_tafero9 April 2024
Pavlo Aldoshyn gives a convincing performance as a Ukrainian sniper in their war with Russia. After a overly sweet ten minutes or so of little house on the prairie, the film gets down to brass tacks as we follow Pavlo's character going from Michael Langdon to Arnold Schwarzenegger. He learns to be a sniper to get revenge on the Russians. The training segment is interesting.

Although the Ukrainians have inferior tech for scope rifles, they get the job done most of time due to their discipline and controlled hatred of the invader. Some of the segments of the Russians getting drilled are quite satisfying. Worth viewing.
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Skip the first 30 mins. Then it's not bad.
roy-9583028 February 2024
Takes thirty minutes to start the film. Nothing preceding it explains how come our hero can strip and rebuild a rifle blindfold.

The first thirty minutes also has all the propaganda. Depending on your viewpoint this is OK or not. I liked the female sniper character and the Russian military (was Ukraine/is now) does have a history of successful women in the role, most famously Lyudmila Pavlichenko.

But we never get to understand her or learn much. Shame.

His motivation is revenge and was covered by Charles Bronson in Death Wish in 1974 or Straw Dogs in 1971. But you didn't come here for the acting did you?

Lots and lots of unnecessary shouting. Drove me crazy. Finally the film gets started properly 52 minutes in. It is what it is and less enjoyable for that.
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Interesting movie
artera-273985 November 2022
Interesting movie, it's entertaining, after the first hour, as happens with most, it's short, it's not the best of the year, but it doesn't disappoint, maybe a little superficial, but it's entertaining.

The actors are good, one gets into the movie, the setting, more than correct, there is nothing that squeaks, it simply shows what a war is, from the point of view of the snipers.

Lately one ends a certain type of cinema, not only tired of what he sees, but even angry for having wasted time, it does not happen with this movie, it entertains, and it does not indoctrinate you, that the way things are currently, it is another point to favour.
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Too predictable and unrealistic
aleksydvorak18 March 2023
As a Ukrainian native I have been waiting for movies to come out about the current conflict and I have to say I am unsurprised that the first one is totally bad. Writers and directors didn't care, they wanted to make a buck with whatever they could come up with. Totally unrealistic, silly scenario, they just have a guy who stereotypical has wife and kid killed and now he wants revenge. And he all of a sudden goes from a nerdy teacher guy to he can build the gun and shoot it in ten seconds and kill everyone in the room. Totally unrealistic and boring, I would rather be in Bakhmut right now myself than to watch this terrible movie again. Do better Hollywood !
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Ukrainian sniper vs Russian sniper
searchanddestroy-16 July 2023
Doesn't that remind you another movie, where a Russian sniper was trying to wipe out his nemesis, a Nazi sniper? It was then Jude law vs Ed Harris who played those opponents and it took place during WW2, in a movie directed in 2001 by Jean Jacques Annaud...I won't name it, you all know which film it is about, and it is more than obvious that the Ukrainian movie which I review now is inspired by this 2001 one. This time, the Russians are shown as the Nazis and the Ukrainians as the "former" Russians, who, strangely NOW, in 2022-2023, accuse Ukrainians to be themselves Nazis.... Plus lead by a Jewish !!!!!

So that said this war movie is one of the first describing this gruesome war. It is tough, rough, gritty, riveting. It is a hit in the face. A true gem.
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Don't mess with the .. Raven
kosmasp16 April 2023
No pun intended - and definitely not funny like Zohan (if you got my reference from my summary line). The movie is interesting and comes in a time where the war is still going on strong - and while this covers a different ... well not sure what to call it ... it wasn't full out war back then. But Russia still going in strong - not caring about borders or other humans. The soldiers and politicians that is.

While you can see and feel the racism towards a teacher with roots from the Ukraine, I am quite certain that most Russian people do not have issues with people from the Ukraine. One thing is for sure: this shows the strong will that is on display from most people in the Ukraine. I am not sure when the war will end - and who will be declared a winner ... seems to be a losing thing for both sides ... which is also true for our main character. He does hit rock bottom ... as is necessary for our main hero to rise ... to become an angel of vengeance of sorts ... or Raven of vengeance to take the clue from the title.

Very well shot and made - with some cliches that are needed ... though reality has become way worse in a sense ... destruction wise.
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Boring & uninspired mixture of two genres
eliasrafael21 January 2023
Let's start with the good points. The story has no plot holes, and paints the picture of a civilian who is pulled into the war due to a personal trauma. The main actor does his job quite well, although the script does not give him much room in the second half of the film. And the location shots have some quality with regards to a restricted budget.

But overall I found the whole movie very boring and uninspired. The script tries to combine a text book hero story similar to classic 80ties action movies with the claim to be based on authentic events. Well, this mix combines the worst of two worlds and the result is very shallow. As soon the movie loses interest in its main character who found his mission the movie shows the ever the same sniper scenes. It might be realism, but it's just dull to watch. There is no much variety in scenes and the movie continues fron Sniper scene to Sniper scene. The Russians are not "evil" enough to be a real threat for the viewer, and the the movie doesn't take time for its characters on the Ukrainian side. The lack of another layer which may have added some complexity to the story is not helping here.

If you want a realistic story with a good set of characters and a flow it can be done much better, movies like Hurt Locker or Mosul have shown it.
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Ukrainian cinema is developing, and it's nice to see!
obi_wan_kenobi_UKR30 July 2022
It is very nice to see that Ukrainian cinematography is developing. It is all the more important that the picture was released in such difficult times for our country.

Of course, the picture does not reach the level of Hollywood action films or films about war. But it is still a worthy attempt to reach a new level. A good story that develops rapidly. A character who adheres to his principles develops and changes. It's cool and it's addictive.

I give 8 points. Yes, maybe overstated. But I myself know very well what war is. And how difficult it is to step over one's own boundaries in order to effectively fight the enemy.
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the worst waste of my time
malenadhk4 May 2023
Low budget film which shows the dream of ukraine to win the war only the actor zelensky is missing. It was created.

But overall I found the whole movie very boring and uninspired. The script tries to combine a text book hero story similar to classic 80ties action movies with the claim to be based on authentic events. Well, this mix combines the worst of two worlds and the result is very shallow. As soon the movie loses interest in its main character who found his mission the movie shows the ever the same sniper scenes. It might be realism, but it's just dull to watch.

If you want a realistic story with a good set of characters and a flow it can be done much better, movies like Hurt Locker or Mosul have shown it.
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KenSuperFly5 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Its really bad when politics and agendas more often are being promoted in the movie world.

There must be some new variant of operation Mockingbird lurking in Hollywood !? I mean how could you else get the world on your side when you provoke a war in Ukraine, using Ukrainians as cannon fodder in the US attempt to dominate the world and make Europe unstable in the process ?

"It was created with support from the Ukrainian State Film Agency" "features about 100 members of the Ukrainian armed forces and national guard" "several of the main cast members are currently fighting on the front lines."

This is a movie with an agenda, just like the White Helmets in Syria movie, and gets the lowest rating, which it deserves...
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Unfortunately very real
nhmbwngrt31 July 2022
I see a lot of 1 star ratings but all this are from russians watching this movie.

So I had to give 10 stars but in fact its 7-8 star movie. Definetely watchable and good spent time.
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First thing it is biased
goodsunstudio27 August 2022
Ok, i love movies whatever its origin, i have watched another movie "sniper" as russian movie or not not sure but sniper was serbian in that movie. So both movie gives contradict point of donbass n ukraine. I am not here to judge anything about current issue. But review is mostly biased than reality, since both ways there is death that we dont like. We want peace. So i am sure this review will not publish. I want to salute both daring movie to premiere in such time after 2014. N just like wish u all the best for both team, coz i stand with humanity n human lives matter no matter who they r. Try to watch both movie n judge urself. I am not capable of judging anyone. I am neutral here. I at least request u to c both side of coin since innocent lives r taken down. N thats big deal. Lets not drive with geopolitical issues via movies nomaatter who they r. Be who u r n respect humanity. Still u want to debate its ur democratic view. No comments at all. Try to grasp both movies here.thanks.
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Well made and rather timely!
npvarley27 July 2022
The intro claims this movie is based on a true story, but I have no idea to what extent. That said, it's a pretty well-made movie. It was made in 2021, well before the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, and is based around the 2014 annexation of the Crimea by Russia.

The main protagonist, the titular Raven, played by Aldoshyn Pavlo, does a very good job of portraying the impact of such conflict, with transition from pacifist to war hero. The other really good performance is from Andrey Mostrenko, who plays Raven's commanding officer.

The sniper scenes are well shot and credible. The sound effects are on point too.

The movie paints a bleak picture of war and there's nothing glitzy and shiny about it. Men killing men in bleak conditions.

Well worth watching.
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Bias and boring
mozalattar8 June 2023
I can honestly say that Sniper: The White Raven is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. From start to finish, it is a complete disaster that fails on every level. The plot is convoluted and nonsensical, leaving the audience confused and disinterested. It feels like the filmmakers tried to cram too many ideas into one movie, resulting in a messy and incoherent storyline.

The acting in this film is abysmal. The characters are one-dimensional and lack any depth or nuance. It's as if the actors were just going through the motions, delivering their lines without any emotion or conviction. The dialogue is cringe-worthy and filled with clichés, making it painful to listen to.

The action sequences, which should be the highlight of a movie like this, are poorly executed and lack any excitement or tension. The cinematography is dull and uninspired, with no creative shots or visually engaging moments. Even the special effects are laughable, looking cheap and unrealistic.

The pacing of Sniper: The White Raven is incredibly slow, making the already unbearable runtime feel even longer. There are numerous scenes that serve no purpose and could have easily been cut. It feels like the filmmakers were trying to stretch a thin plot to fill the entire running time, resulting in a tedious and monotonous viewing experience.

To make matters worse, the movie is filled with offensive stereotypes and insensitive portrayals. It's disappointing to see such regressive and harmful depictions in a modern film. It's clear that the filmmakers didn't put any thought or effort into addressing these issues, further highlighting their incompetence.

Overall, Sniper: The White Raven is an absolute trainwreck of a movie. It fails to deliver on any level and leaves the audience with a sense of regret for wasting their time. I would strongly advise avoiding this film at all costs.
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Propaganda movie, but for a novice regi not too bad
linuxoid-218674 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It definitely grabs your attention if you like sniper movies. Some minor faults like loading round by hand in rifle which has magazine is a nonsense. Training scenes have great operator work, in general camera-guys deserve huge applause. However this political theme which is shown only from Ukrainian point of view on war situatipn spoils everything. It is just a lowlife attempt to get himself a better ratings because of ongoing war, hetting a free ride on Ukrainian war hype. Would be a lot better if a movie did not get into ongoing political conflict. Also it will lose ratings once ongoing war is over.
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Nice film, I'm glad that Ukraine start to create smth like this
Dnipriansky29 July 2022
Maybe that movie is not truly documental but it's close to what really happened and it's even more close to what we Ukrainian really feel.

All bad rate from russian b..tards😉
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Sniper Ukraina
JohnSeal22 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This well-made but heavy-handed piece of Ukrainian propaganda asks the question: what would it take to turn a peaceful hippie dropout into Rambo? The answer is the murder of his wife by Russian (or Russian-supporting) paramilitaries during a border incursion into the highly contested Donbas region of eastern Ukraine. Apparently based on a true story, the film tells the tale of. Mykola, the aforementioned pacifist who does a 180 and somehow learns how to dis- and re-assemble an AK-47 in 18 seconds. The story seems far-fetched but who knows...stranger things have happened, I suppose. If you've suffered through recent Russian agitprop such as 2013's Stalingrad, Sniper White Raven (as the title appears on screen) can serve as either a pallet-cleanser or corrective. It's nothing special but not bad.
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Nice production and tone, enjoyable to watch!
prendj0128 July 2022
Ignore the negative hit pieces reviews that are clearly political coloured.

IMHO and simply taking this as a straightforward movie without any political consideration, it does it's job really well. None of the emotionally fraught moments of the journey are over dramatized. Nothing is swelled on so there is a constant sense of progression yet nothing is rushed. Attention to detail is good and the acting and cinematography are both strong.

If you like war films and particularly ones with a Sniper focus or element, and you do not have strong political views over Ukraine vs Russia I think you will thoroughly enjoy this film.
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Well shot, country people against trained snipers. Guess who win?
carnofagus26 February 2024
Really nicely shot, but the "enemies" are really comedic, (reminds me of a early Zelensky, wasnt he a comedian?).

The usual plot: a noboby fight hardened tranied russian snipers and win (duh). Mentally underdeveloped russians soldiers running towards bullets, their best sniper killed not with a bullet, etc.. The scenes were shot really nicely, i liked the detailed about the rifles, even though the unexplicable loading of the bullet when you are about to shoot.

It would heve been much more realistic if there was one sniper against another, like the immensly better "enemy at the gates".

Well made and shot but funny story.

I wander where all the voters of 10's here are from? LOL.
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What's not to like?
tdonnelly-429 July 2022
Snipers shooting foreign invaders trying to steal their country throughout the movie.

Loved every moment of the movie 9/10. I truly Hope for a part 2 coming out soon.
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Probably the best international film I've seen. Bonus: it was created by a newb filmmaker, and is based on true events.
Top_Dawg_Critic28 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's like playing some ultra advanced level of Call of Duty by meticulously training and preparing to be the best at your craft, the sniper. It's not your typical Hollywood action film, but instead, a smartly crafted, gritty and evocative film that follows the real life events in 2014 of a pacifist physics teacher who suffers a family tragedy at the hands of invading troops, then joins the army as an unconventional sniper, determined to gain revenge, and defend the future of his country.

What's really impressive, is that this was newb director Marian Bushan's first full length feature film (with only one previous TV-movie credit), and the directing combined with the outstanding cinematography is near perfect. Bushan's film could easily shame some seasoned Hollywood filmmakers movies I've seen lately. And the writing by Mykola Voronin - the real-life sniper whose story is portrayed, is as genuinely and beautifully portrayed and filmed by Marian Bushan.

Casting and performances were spot-on, especially considering about 100 real members of the Ukrainian armed forces and national guard were part of the cast. Even the score - for an international B film, was on point, and not the typical loud, overbearing, constant and unfitting score always found in B films. This was a solid and impressive production overall, and I cannot give it enough praise, and I applaud Bushan for giving us this timely little gem.

So for those few that can't count higher than one, and feel that's what this film is worth, give your heads a shake. And do your research before you comment incorrect information or say this film has underlying intentions; it doesn't, it's someone's true life experiences. Try searching "Mykola Voronin - sniper", and you'll learn some things. This is a near perfect film, and well deserving of my 9/10. I'll be watching this little gem again, and highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys a solid sniper film.
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Nice movie...
Thanos_Alfie5 March 2023
"Sniper The White Raven" is a Drama movie in which we follow an Ukrainian teacher seeking revenge after suffering a tragedy from soldiers in Donbas. He focuses on his goal that is the elimination of an important Russian sniper.

I have to admit that for a lower budget movie it is very good and presents very realistic the true face of war. Despite that the plot was simple it contained plenty of action and also some plot twists that made it very interesting. The interpretation of Pavlo Aldoshyn who played as Mykola was good and he made the difference. The direction which was made by Marian Bushan was very good and he presented very well the war and some imperfections of the movie made it more realistic to the audience. To sum up, I have to say that "Sniper The White Raven" is a good movie and I recommend everyone to watch it.
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