Detention (2011) Poster


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A fast paced Genre jumping Comedy/Horror!
Michael-Hallows-Eve22 July 2012
This is a fast paced comedy/slasher type film. It uses references from different genre's and different movies. For me, this is part of the attraction as it jumps from one genre reference to another all while paying homage to some classic horror films. The story, although for some seeming to be all over the place, all makes more sense towards the end of the movie. I can't go in to the how or why because I will be giving away the plot, but it comes together and travels along quite quickly. It's no 'Shaun Of The Dead' (that will hard to beat), but it is different and also takes the p!ss out of the teens of our generation, and who doesn't like that? So I give this film a 7 out of 10.
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Too cool for school
kosmasp25 January 2012
Actually you might feel this tries so hard to be cool, that it never quite achieves that goal. But is that a criticism? And if you think that the same man who directed this took a hiatus after his last movie (Torque), just because he wanted to find himself and his own style rather than just do one studio movie after the other. The director himself will be the first to tell you how much he despises the movie itself (though I do think he is a bit too hard on himself on "Torque"). Still it's refreshing to see a director not being full of himself. Kudos for that and the movie he made here.

Detention is worth watching a second time. Just to see if you got everything right the first time around. And because of the dialogue. If you want to criticize something, I guess you can say, that every character is fast with a witty response, making them all seem alike. Characters could have been developed a bit better. Still good throughout, with a rather complicated story.
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Full of everything
gedikreverdi5 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It feels like a fever dream. It feels like they add everything to the script and at times it feels boring and overwhelming and the first part of the film is such a cringe fest but overall I mostly enjoyed it and I might give it a second watch because there are so many references that I probably missed a whole lot of them. The lead character is hilarious and so are the time travel thru the bear, body swap between the beautiful girl and her mother (so we're bombarded with the 90s references as well). I thought I was going to watch a slasher so it was kind of a let down for me at first but it turned out to be quite a original film.
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It's not my fault majoring in Inuit literature doesn't replenish your trust fund
tieman645 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
"For fast-acting relief, try slowing down." - Lily Tomlin

Directed by Joseph Khan, "Detention" plays like 3 decades worth of teen and slasher movies condensed down to 90 minutes, sprinkled with hyperactive glittter, shot with a cameraman high on Ecstasy and printed on film chemically engineered by Attention Defecit Disordered factory workers to zap your eyeballs with kaleidoscopic kangaroos.

The plot? Who cares about plot. Khan's film is so postmodern, it makes "Scott Pilgrim" look like a 19th century porcelain vase. When his tale is not looping back in time via a time travelling grizzly bear, Khan's suckling on the teats of body-swap comedies, 1980s teen movies, 1990s horror flicks and 21st century sitcoms. Watching "Detention" is like watching eyeballs affixed to a jet engine struggle to count street-lamps. One, two, three...forty four frickin' billion.

Proudly convoluted, "Detention" spends most of its time playing with films within films, darting in and out of shuffling Ipods, salivating over text messages and watching as ultra jaded teenagers bounce barrages of barbs like Bogart. When one kid, kitted out in Sigur Ros paraphernalia, chooses to rob another, his victim replies with a quote by Tolstoy: "Vegetarianism is the taproot of humanitarianism." What the hell? And actually: hmmmm.

One chunk of dialogue succinctly sums up the film's approach: "Why are you dressed like a lame movie character?" one girl asks. "Read a book," comes the reply, "it's called post-irony". In the world of "Detention", regular postmodern irony isn't enough. If films like "Scream" put films like "Halloween" in quotation marks, then "Detention" puts the whole world in quotations, wraps it in a box of quotations, and lacquers it all up with yet more quotations. With sincerity thoroughly dead, the film then self-destructs into a giant ball of meta grotesqueries.

Fittingly, "Detention" ends with a young woman's ironic closing narration. She speaks of beginnings, ends, the past and the future, before her speech degenerates into incoherence as she admits that she can't "think straight to this song". Postmodernism, the schizophrenic, aesthetic of hyper-capitalism, itself has a parasitic relationship with the past. It's hyperactive, yet stationary, contemporary, but desperately nostalgic, always moving, but going nowhere. It's not that everything then becomes poses and surfaces, with character irrelevant, but that character is itself now understood as being inherently vacuous; a blank slate upon which the social forces itself, like so much graffiti. "Detention" ends with aliens arriving on earth and killing humans for eating vegetables. Seriously.

7.9/10 – Worth one viewing.
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I'm almost 60
deraldg-105-7702112 September 2014
I'm an old fart that still loved this comedic teen scream. The acting was very good, not Oscar material, but fun and talented. And hey the kids are still young, who's to say there's not one in their future? Shanley Caswell and Spencer Locke were great and cute as buttons.

Josh Hutcherson made a likable leading man.

The movie itself was eclectic, space ships and time travel to ax welding prom queens. A little bit Scream, Animal House, and Back to the Future.

Cinematography was great as was a wonderful soundtrack.

Note: Yes brief nudity, and the other stuff you have to consider if young kids watch. However, the gore was limited and comedic. Your kids, but about 12-14 years old would be my cut-off.
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Not another teen detention movie
movieman_kev6 August 2012
The self-referential pop-culture meta-jokes run fast and furious in this mess of a film for the ADD adderal-adled generation. Imagine if Scott Pilgrim forcibly had his way with Heathers. Now imagine that... On drugs and you won't even come close to the ridiculous little idocracy/deconstruction of genre movie isotopes. Perhaps a few laughs are to be had scattered amongst the running time but that's only playing to the law of averages as the 'film' plays fast and loose with anything approaching a comprehend able story and thus it's scatter-shot jokes are sure to hit the bullseye at some points. Alas the ratio sadly skews to the awkward missing side, consider this an experimental hipster failure if you must, I'm more likely to think it a "Not Another Teen Movie" lamester parody.

PS: Dane Cook is awful, just throwing that out there
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10 Year's Later!
SamJamie27 May 2021
Lately, I've been rewatching films released 10 years ago, to compare my opinions from then to now. However "Detention" is a film I'd almost completely forgotten. But I did remember it being the first film I watched on Netflix and it starred Josh Hutcherson. Let's see how it holds up.

The film follows a group of students at Grizzly Lake High who are sent to detention after one of their classmates is murdered by a killer, Cinderhella. Now they must work together to figure out who among them is the killer.

Firstly, the dialogue in this film is very much aimed at "Gen Z" and millennials, with constant references to social media and current trends of the time along with some 90s references with the films theme of time travel. On the surface, the film may look like a giant mess, but overall I did think it was a very entertaining film. It's a genre mashup unlike anything you've ever experienced - with it's blend of bizarre stories about aliens, time travel, body-switching, and apocalypse. It's unlike any teen slasher I've ever seen, or quite possibly will see. It's proof that fresh ideas and off the wall filmmaking are still a possible. It's hard not to admire the absolute commitment to a script that is very ambitious and totally bonkers in the plot department. And maybe its lack of focus is meant to reflect the scattered attention spans of its audience. It's like The Breakfast Club meets Scream with elements of Freaky Friday, Donnie Darko and a string of other movies thrown into the pot too.

Although sadly it's largely forgotten since it's release, and I haven't heard or seen a glimpse of the film since it's release (I had to seek it out on DVD) I still think it holds up rather well and is worth your time.
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Never before has a movie tried so hard only to fail so miserably
scruffy_dog10124 August 2012
I went into Detention having no idea what the movie was about. My girlfriend had wanted to see it and told me that it was an 80's style teen slasher, with comedy elements. Nothing about that sounded bad.

Within minutes it was obvious the makers of this movie were trying REALLY hard to achieve... something. I'm not sure exactly what that something is, so without knowing that it's difficult to tell if they achieved it or not, but I'm fairly certain they failed. I have seriously never thought to myself 'wow, these guys are really trying here' in a movie before this one, ever. That's probably not a good thing either.

This movie is like the result of putting Donnie Darko, Scott Pilgrim Vs The World, and Scream into a blender. Now, you might think that sounds good, because (especially if your tastes are anything like mine) you may think that all those movies are great, and therefore a mixture would be good too. However, I also like cheesecake, steak and Spaghetti Bolagnaise. I'm fairly certain if I put all of those into a blender, I wouldn't enjoy the result. The result would be a disgusting mess; much like this movie.

I can't really fault the acting in this movie, and the 90's 'retro' elements (Hanson, oh yeah!) were fun. Also, some of the ideas seemed to be on the right track, and like I said, they obviously really were trying to make this into something special and VERY occasionally they pulled something off. So I can't give it no stars. That is unfortunately the only praise I can give this movie.

The story lines (not 'storyline', because to say this has a singular coherent story would be a lie) are just insane messes, and while you'll keep waiting for things to 'get good', the only reward you'll get for continuing to watch this movie is that it'll get more and more confusing. I can't really give too much away without spoilers - so I'll just say this 'what the hell???'

So in closing, I would recommend this movie if... every other movie is erased from the face of the Earth. It was painful.
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The Absolute Best Movie from the Sea Int'l Film Festival
jillayne19 March 2012
I have been waiting for this movie to go into wide release since being in the audience at the 2011 Seattle International Film Festival when the director brought this film to town. The entire theater was packed and I don't know of a single person who was not having a blast. The film grabs you from the beginning and you're hanging on to the arms of your chair until the end. I'm not talking about horror...I'm talking about the sheer PACE of the movie.

The film is VERY fast-paced. So fast that when the audience was cracking up from a line or a scene, the next scene had already started and we missed the first several lines. It took me about 15 minutes to adjust to the pace, kind of like when you watch an Irish film it takes the same amount of time to figure out What ppl are saying and then once your brain gets into the groove, you're off.

I would describe this film as a mash up of Heathers, Donnie Darko, and The Breakfast Club on acid, with a Red Bull soda chaser. Super fun, destined to be a classic.

I wonder if they've waited for a release so that Josh Hutcherson can become a super mega star via The Hunger Games, in order to boost revenue. Not. A. Bad. Plan.

Go see this movie. You're welcome.
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Could see this as a weekly show
jerrywright1510 December 2012
You know to be honest with you this movie wasn't half bad. No, its not going to win any Oscars or become a box office hit, but its definitely something I wouldn't mind in my DVD collection. This movie is by all accounts strange and all over the place but you can't help but like it. You smile at the awkwardness and at points it does make you stop and recall your own fond, or embarrassing, moments in high school and almost miss them.

I like the slasher aspect of it though it does play a back burner to the film. Which is odd because there is no real plot in my mind its just a bunch of random silly funny scenes thrown together that somehow work. The cast was spot on Shanley Caswell does an excellent job at playing the social outcast that you can't help but love and laugh at, at the same time. Josh Hutcherson, who is one of the reasons I watched the movie, plays a laid back skater just looking to enjoy life while it lasts, a kind of live in the moment guy (who still has messages of wisdom), and does it to perfection. Spencer Locke was also very entertaining to watch, playing not only the popular girl of the school but.....well watch the movie and you'll see.

I love the fast pace that the film has,I have seen a couple reviewers mention that and I agree, the film never takes a break or slows down and you love every minute of it. The movie is rated R but to be honest aside from a TON of cussing you won't see anything that wouldn't be in a pg-13. I mean yes there's blood but it screams fake. You won't believe it for a second though still entertaining. Other then that I think there is maybe one disturbing scene and it takes place in a movie theater on a movie being watched. As for nudity you get a five second boob shot. Other then that you'll see implied scenarios with people making the motions and such but their covered from the bottom down and the women have tops. To me, its a lot of what they say and imply that take this movie beyond a pg-13.

I was also surprised to see DummbfoundDead, who I watch on YouTube on a pretty regular basis. Its always cool to see YouTube sensations on screen.

As far as letdowns go I'd say at times it does become a bit complicated with the plot and you end up going "huh?". If you stick through it though, and maybe rewind here and there you'll get the gist of it but I swear if you leave for a moment and come back you'll be lost; and probably miss some hilarious scenes. The motive behind the killings also seemed rather dumb, there is not a lot of killing by any means, they added in this weird side story about a boy with fly genes or something that did nothing for the movie and I'm not exactly sure I understood the resolution as to how some people lived and others didn't but that's just something I'll have to go back and figure out.

All in all this movie is funny, silly, embarrassing and yet unforgettable. Underneath its comedy were some interesting morals and beliefs, that I enjoyed seeing. I could honestly see this being a Saturday morning show. (not on a kids channel of course) It could follow the friends as they go through weird high school adventures such as this one all the while trying to figure out their place in the world (like a comedic Degrassi). Course of it was a show I would want to see the entire original cast back as I really loved their characters and how they were portrayed. This movie is for anyone who is just ready to enjoy a film with a smile on their face from beginning to end. Its for those who look back on high school with dread and happiness. Watch it by yourself or watch it with friends either way your sure to enjoy the ride. 7/10.
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I like to think that this was an accident.
Hank_Melluish12 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Well, this movie was an insult to the craft. I have never actually seen a movie that is worse than this one, and I've seen lot of movies. Just this week, I watched Scary or Die, Taken 3 and Patrick: Evil Awakens. These movies are, by no means, good, but they didn't make me ashamed to admit that I enjoy film. This movie, however, did. Before I continue, I'd like to say that there was much more wrong with the movie than 1000 words can hold.

For starters, it is trying to be the Scream of our generation. The stereotypical teenagers being killed off one by one, constantly referencing movies, and pointing out clichés. This movie though, was absolutely terrible. The characters were unlikeable, and unbearably predictable. The visual effects were cool to a certain extent, but they couldn't even afford to break real glass. Here's where I'll get into the REALLY crappy aspects of the movie. Time travel. It's a thing. And I won't go into much detail, but let me just say: It makes no damn sense.

Well, I'm running out of characters to use, but another HUGE issue about this movie has not yet been brought to light. One of our characters is part fly. Why? It actually serves no purpose in this story. He pukes acid, can sprout wings, and is super strong (a typical fly trait). We are led to believe that this will at some point come back as a plot point, but he gets butchered soon after this realization comes to light. Seriously.

So, watch Detention if you so wish, but be prepared for shockingly poor acting, predictable story progression, nonsensical plot, serious plot-point abandonment, and really BAD character names.

All in all, this is the worst movie that I've seen in years. And I have seen Patrick: Evil Awakens.
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9/10 - Not for Most people but if you get it you get it.
Raglan2224 August 2012
I wasn't going to write a review but so many people on the boards don't seem to like the movie at all. Detention is a sharp, extremely fast paced parody/homage/comedy/slasher/WTF?!?! film for people who watch a LOT of movies. I honestly don't know if it would have been as enjoyable if I hadn't understood most of the references to teen culture, movies, bands and high-school life that peppered the movie every thirteen seconds, but I got more than a few and thought it was perfect.

The editing. Wow. The editing was certainly unique and I loved the jumps and cuts that kept the story moving far faster than most movies I've seen lately. It's probably not for everyone, but again that seems to be the consensus on the entire movie. The way the flashbacks were done was especially fun. I assume the director was responsible for how the film was edited and I'm going to hunt down everything else he's done and watch it now. Assuming he's been able to get money for anything else. I don't know if this was or will be a financial success. Josh Hutcherson should give it a bump in viewership but I don't know if the people who would want to see this will be able to find it. Hopefully it will become a cult hit over the next few years, circulating among folks who appreciate this kind of thing. Speaking of the acting - it was all spot on - exactly how you'd expect people in that situation to act :) Seriously though Hutcherson and Caswell were both very good, as were the supporting characters. The Bear did a fine job as well.

If I had to describe this movie I'd say it was a cross between Brick, Donnie Darko, and Not Another Teen Movie. Would I recommend it? To those of my friends I think would get it. Will I watch it again? Definitely.
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one for youngsters but not for the old school horror buffs
trashgang10 September 2012
Over here in the dark regions of hell Detention is being sold as a horror flick. Naturally being hyped in the states I thought that this was going to be a hell of a flick. Sadly it failed on the part of horror but on the other hand I can understand that youngsters will love this for a few reasons.

Let one reason be the face of Josh Hutcherson, I can understand that girlies in their teens and even twenties will love him. he's also one of the main leads of the over-hyped Hunger Games (2012). So on that part it will be a big success. The second reason is that it do take place on a high school and that it does fit in on the needs and deeds of youngsters nowadays. You get the feeling. If you are above thirty then forget it. There's not that much to see. Okay, it can be compared with Donnie Darko (2001), another weird story. But here it's not really the story but the editing and effects used that makes it a great flick for youth. It's a fast movie with recognizable situations. I liked the effects and even the way the first victim was killed. That's a must see even for horror buffs. But to file it under horror, no can do. It even picks up the story as been told in Scream, you know, the person headlining coming out of that flick and really starts to kill people, or isn't it?

There is even a real boob to see and even some fake porn (Brooke Haven) tits to see. I guess that flicks like The Hunger Games, Twilight and Project X will be the next thing for youth but for an old victim like me raised in full slasher era this wasn't my cup of tea.

Don't get me wrong, I still can dig new horrors but Detention sadly not.

Gore 2/5 Nudity 0,5/5 Effects 4/5 Story 3/5 Comedy 1/5
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Hodgepodge of pop culture nonsense. Warning: Spoilers
My sister and I love to talk about how our even favorite actors have been in some terrible movies, and this is a perfect example. This movie is 95% misleading. It's about detention, sure, but only for ten minutes of the movie. The rest of it is ludicrous time traveling, ridiculous pop culture references, and wholly unattractive boob flashes. It's listed as a horror, but nothing was even remotely scary. (And just for the record, Clapton Davis is a pretty kickass name.)

If this seriously toned down the pop cultures 'jokes' and removed the horror aspect, it might have been a funny time-travel themed teen comedy. Instead, it's a low-brow, unclever attempt at... I don't really know. Nothing is clear about what this movie is trying to be, except a huge failure.
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najwa-sky-limit27 April 2013
i saw the trailer of this movie and didn't understand anything but i love josh hutcherson and i watched all of his movies so i thought i'll give it a go, thank you josh for introducing me to one of the craziest movies ever. this flick you either absolutely love or hate, it's not one move it's a bunch of movies mashed up together like the director took a dozen films put them in a blunder and came up with the weirdest most addictive cocktail ever, what's more cool about it is that it doesn't take itself or other movies too seriously, it's direct and honest to audiences, it tells you from the start , we're here to have fun but that doesn't mean it's empty, oh boy it's full to the brim with crazy ideas and outrageous twists it's a popcorn movie that makes you think and ask after watching because while watching you'r too busy catching up with it's fast pace and different stories which all connect at the end. the cast are pretty good especially that girl who plays Riley and the popular girl ione and of course josh"Clapton Davis" with his cool shades.this is one of few movies i watch repeatedly because it's fun and interesting
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So many movie in an hour and a half
jackmeat21 July 2017
My quick rating 6,5/10. I haven't enjoyed a movie I knew nothing about like this in a long time. Take basically every movie genre, think of a bunch of titles from each, and mash them all up into one all over the place package. To attempt to pin this to one genre is impossible, it attempts them all, and does a pretty good job. Explaining the plot is tough, but this often funny movie encompasses time travel, slasher films, teen comedy and the breakfast club just to name a few of what you are getting into. Nice performances from quite a few unknowns as well. The timing is pretty spot on for the jokes, and are so far off for the scares it is just fun. I am sure anyone can pick this movie to shreds for continuity if they so desire, but very much not worth it. "OMG is she going to give birth to herself" LOL. Suffice it to say, in being so much like so many movies you have seen, this is something you have never seen before. I am unsure why I hadn't seen or heard of this before now but I am glad I finally ran across this one. Oh, and apparently Dane Cook still does have a job...then again, he did recently pop up on American Gods. Good stuff, check it out.
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Tries too hard
JenEvans119 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Sorry but this movie is just a waste of time. It tries very hard to be cool and quirky but sadly it ends up just being really annoying.

Some folks have compared this to the Scream movies - What an insult to the Scream movies!! (which by the way I adore) Now THERE is an example of funny, quirky, etc.

The plot of this one (what there was of it) was difficult to follow, kept jumping about and left me feeling very irritated. Personally, I didn't find it at all funny - it tried too hard and ended up failing on all levels.

I didn't care about any of the characters but was only too glad to see the back of them as they each met their ends at the hands of the laughable 'villain'. My only regret is that he didn't get them all.

Wish I hadn't bothered.
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Very slick
christophersarles28 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Full of slick humor, like when the kid says "it's as confusing as that movie, torque", that's the first film by the same writer/director... plenty of wittiness and campy fun. It's a PARODY people, don't be expecting a serious horror film or you WILL be disappointed, however, you want a few laughs then this is for you.
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detention to watch it
nicholasmoulaison9 August 2012
This movie is absolutely terrible, now I love movies like this usually so I was excited to watch it. This movie never seemed to get to the point adding in a huge amount of random things they really didn't need to "entertain" the viewer, the plot isn't even clear as the movie fades away to a ton of different mini stories confusing the viewer to the point that it becomes hard to watch along with its terrible sense of humor with jokes about fashion and over exaggerated stereotypes of teenagers with a cliché cast this is probably the worst comedy movie I've ever seen. Please save yourself from watching this piece of garbage, but if you have 93 minutes to spare you can have yourself a "Detention".
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Very cool
rivertam2621 September 2012
Yes this is a convoluted, over the top, cinematically offensive mess of a film but it's also one of the coolest films I've seen in quite some time. Embracing every tired cliché and exploiting the hell out of them Detention is a hard movie to even sum up. If in fact you can even call it one. I'm sure as many people will hate it as love it. The bizarre social subtext and plastic infusion of stereotypes flipped on their sides while on acid lends itself to an always surprising and creative vibe that works more than not. Sure the film feels a little long in it's three ring circus finale trying to make insane sense of the events that proceeded it but the film works best when just making clever stabs at modern teen thinking and astute observations on the trendiness of trends. Joseph Kahn redeems himself of the cinematic stink from his previous eye popping but soulless feature Torque even adding in a few jokes at his expense.A music video director magnet of Britney Spears fame he unleashes Detention with a visual pizazz and over the top cinematic foray into smart thinking for 90s bad cinema buffs. Being a child of that era I couldn't help but appreciate all the references and the way it all added up, seeing the blatant irony in the films entirety it's hard for me not too overly praise the films bombastic effect but a second more in tuned watch I feel would expose the films faults and maybe a sense of brilliance I may have created. but at this point Detention is just really cool!
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Scott Pilgrim vs. Freddy - only mild spoilers
witster1815 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Detention(65/100) is an absolutely CRAZY film. Think of Scott Pilgrim, only much lower budget with horror elements.

The film moves at a breakneck pace, and I found it wittier and more entertaining than Scott Pilgrim(63/100). Like they had half the resources, but somehow trumped-it in nearly every way.

The writing is clever, the camera work is commendable, and the story is just so bat-(*%#-crazy that there isn't one dull moment.

Now, the story IS unbelievable, most of the characters unlikable, and by the time the ending rolls around, your head will be mush.

The slasher elements are kind-of ignored throughout the middle third of the film, and the film could have been scarier.

The comedy elements will probably only appeal to the 15-40 year-old age brackets, and the film dropped the ball in terms of "the look of 1992". 1992 looks like 1982.

All that said, I'm putting this on the Jeremy's B Movie Marathon.

I wouldn't have any trouble recommending this to movie-buffs, teenagers, or just about anyone under-40, but it might prove to be a little corny and disjointed to appeal to an older crowd. There are many references to the 90's, and also to present-day High School.

Imagine if Scott Pilgrim went back in time and had a daughter who was raped by a serial killer and had another baby who went forward in time because 'it was just a better place to live'... that would be "Detention". :) Warning! THis film is crazy.

You MIGHT like this if you liked:Youth in Revolt(slightly better), Scott Pilgrim(about even, or slightly below this), 3 O'Clock High(about even and this film gives a little homage to that film), and 21 Jump Street(slightly better).
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Horrific Waste of Time
eleanorbjones20 November 2012
Wow don't know what to say.

It is a non-funny, attempting to be cool,disaster.

A bad story line that drags on and has been covered several times before.

The gore in this film is too much for some, and definitely too much for a 15 rating. As a very squeamish person, I almost had to put the film off due to this.

This film also contains very shoddy acting from supposedly the best young actors around.

Avoid this film if possible.
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mikeydoeshorror1 August 2012
This movie, while it is extremely fast paced and may overload many people's brains, is refreshing. I wont lie when the movie starts off I was a little apprehensive, I thought about turning it off but I am glad I stuck with it because it completely turned around. It's one of those that I know and WANT to watch more than once to catch what I missed. It's silly good fun, I wouldn't watch it to be scared or have my mind probed but it was different. I give this title a 8/10 because its way different than horror flicks that have been coming out, it has a great soundtrack, and it was shot beautify. The movie is an extra treat for those born in the 90s because there is a lot of references to 90s culture.
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This Detention could be your last
rgblakey5 August 2012
The horror genre is one that sees very little original stuff anymore. Most of the stuff that is churned out is ripped off from something else, but if done right can be really fun. Sadly, most of the time these films miss the mark, flooding the video shelves with forgettable editions to a genre that begs for something new. The latest Detention seems to be taking a different approach that could work, but easily go horribly wrong.

Detention follows a young girl just trying to survive her senior year of high school, but when someone dressed as a fictional horror villain starts killing people during detention, it becomes a fight to save the world as she knows it. This is one of those very strange and unique films that have no grey area, you either get it and have fun or you don't. A mix of Breakfast Club, Scream, Back to the Future and sprinkled with a bit of every teen movie you can think of Detention manages to deliver a fun movie that slaps you in the face with wackiness. It's not a spoof or really stupid, it is just all over the place with such a unique take on the idea that it works for some strange reason where it shouldn't. This is one of those movies that have to be seen to really understand what they are trying to do. This is a very original slasher movie that manages to throw in aspects that make little to no sense with the story you think you are going to get and creates something new to the genre. While not overly gory, there is just enough slasher gore to make please the horror fan while taking them on a journey like no other.

This is one of those films that will either suck you in for the fun or drive you away by the silliness. Delivering something original is a big gamble these days as people complain about not getting it, but as soon as they do they complain. Detention delivers an original film like no other and is sure to entertain more than disappoint. It's meant for those people that just like to have fun and step out of the real world and maybe get a little silliness in their life, along with some blood.
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A mess of a movie.
andrewhuk21 October 2019
I went into this knowing very little, on the back of seeing Detention mentioned in a horror movie list and attracted by the promise of a very different kind of horror film.

From the very opening line of dialogue (I'm Taylor Fisher and I'm a B**CH - beauty, intelligence, talent, charisma, hoobastank) the film picks no bones in immediately letting you know what you're in for and the satirical, self referential kind of humour we're dealing with. Unfortunately the film misses the mark on this front far more often than hitting it. I have no issue with this kind of humour (see Josie and the Pussycats or The Cabin in the Woods for stellar examples of it done well) but it feels far too much like an exercise in throwing everything at a wall and hoping something sticks in this case (as does the convoluted plot). Admittedly there are a sprinkling of lines that hit the spot but in order for this kind of humour to succeed it has to be razor sharp and Detention just isn't there. Eventually the relentless culture references become tiresome and I found myself disengaging from the movie.

On the plus side the film is acted perfectly well and the cast is obviously giving it their all (Shanley Caswell carries the movie and is particularly watchable) and to be fair you can't say the filmmakers aren't ambitious and trying to do something different, which has to be commended, but assuredness and ambition unfortunately can't save the movie overall as it descends further and further into ridiculousness and leaves you with the feeling that the movie isn't as smart as it thinks it is.

If you're looking to pass 90 minutes without particularly needing to heavily invest in something then you could do worse than Detention, but otherwise it's a film best left in the annals of relative obscurity.
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