Berlin (TV Series 2023– ) Poster

(2023– )

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themiddleofnowhere-4486830 December 2023
The title of this should have been "the love life of thieves!" - very disappointing, messed up and very far away in format from the original as the priority here was to find the right love match for each of the participants! Unnecessarily melodramatic to the point I had to fast forward most bits to get back to the story.

Also parts were too far fetched and lacking detail, like for instance they were all super meticulous about not leaving forensic signs anywhere, and yet they lost a necklace and a bike?! Come on! This was a parody - not a serious heist story, all any of them cared about was their feelings. And how is it possible that people who live a life of pure excess, indulgence and zero exercise can cycle on the mountains for days?!

What about the women investigators who look older here even though this period precedes money heist - did they run out of actors??

Fun to watch, funny at times, and even moderately suspenseful, offering a bit of the feeling of the original, but overall not nearly close to the brilliance of the money heist script.
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Stop comparing to Money Heist!!
Rylan5531 December 2023
I think the main reason so many people are disliking Berlin is because they go into the show with the notion that it will be exactly like Money Heist but with different characters. In my opinion, Berlin was a perfect showing of what it was trying to make.

And don't get me wrong, Berlin was more like a romance show with a heist in the background, and there were a few moments that left me feeling unsatisfied but all and all, it is one of the better shows (within its category) that I have seen this year

Once the show ended I was left with wanting to see another season. I truly believe that if people start watching with no expectations of how Berlin should be, then it will be an enjoyable 8 episodes.
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Entertaining but not great...
planluislopez3 January 2024
This series is about a heist but it turned out to be a love story for all the main characters. Like many Spanish drama the dialogue can be very corny and the over acting is omnipresent.

Let's begin with Andres (Sergio) who is like a "Wish George Clooney" but with a touch of evil. Like Clooney, he puts in danger the heist for a woman. I understand his pedigree but he is simply too arrogant and even not "manly" enough to be a lead, specially is the plot has to do with love making. And, like we say in PR, "she (Camille) is too much for him".

The "Robin" is Damian who at some point was like in a competitive race with Andres for the title of who suffered more for a woman. Any resemblance with Einstein is pure coincidence.

The only positive outcome is Begoña. She is a very attractive woman. I discovered her in this series.

The music is not bad...
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thelegoman-050274 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Very enticing and entertaining. Something you can emotionally get attached to, especially Berlin and the relationships within the story. As the story progresses and unfolds it just kept getting better and better. I would have loved for it to be longer as I could not stop watching. I finished it too quick as I normally do. I am glad however that even after the heist had been finished there was a few more episodes of what happened after including more of the relationships within the story and a beautiful ending.

Amazing sequel to Money Heist. Will they be doing other sequels for the other characters in the original Money Heist or perhaps a second season with a new heist based upon Berlin? I sure do hope so.
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Better than expected
Luigi Di Pilla2 January 2024
A very entertaining sequel after the great Netflix series of La Casa de Papel. It's challenging, amusing and takes sometimes your breath away.

I really didn't imagine so good.

In fact I loved very much how the love story between Berlin and Camilla has been developed. So much fantasy in the story and an incredible countdown of their escape from Paris. This is highly recommended when you like heist movies with adventure touch.

All the actors were top and delivered outstanding performances. It shows that many details has been worked out accurately even if some actions.weren't executed deeply. But it didn't disturb at all if you can accept it just episodes for fun. 7/10.
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It is really good! What are the bad reviews thinking?
blue-lightning-ro4 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I don't usually write reviews on IMDB, I stick to just giving them a grade and that's all. But I almost skipped over this series because of the reviews (I try not to watch series that have under 8 due to time constraints), and I am mad that could have happened.

First of all, Berlin was one of my favourite characters in Money Heist and after *spoiler* he died *end spoiler* the show felt empty for me. So when I saw they were making an entire series I was excited.

Does it have people acting very annoying and stupid? Yes! Does it matter? Not really. It is still a great show.

Love is in the center, but I don't understand how the heist is considered not important by other reviews? It was, but love was the main thing impacting it. Because, love is the most important. And sometimes it makes you do stupid things.

Anyway, TLDR, please give it a shot and don't skip it as I almost did. You might actually enjoy it a lot, like I did.
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Great Fun!
lesley_653 January 2024
If you liked the character of Berlin in Money Heist, and enjoyed that show's more quirky and playful moments, you'll probably enjoy this series. It's more of an ode to love than a pure heist tale, but there is a clever heist that drives the story, and which provides some surprising and very satisfying twists and tension. It was a little melodramatic in places, but maybe these scenes were meant to be tongue in cheek. However what really stood out to me was the humour and the terrific production. The sets, locations, lighting and editing were all top notch and the casting of the main characters was great, with good chemistry between the romantic couples. It was frequently hilarious, very imaginative and kept me entertained throughout.
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It's called Berlin and not Money Heist 2 or 3!!
drana-8671630 December 2023
I liked the show. Don't know about others!!! The series shows a heist and the characters' backstory. Maybe the next season they will show multiple heists which people apparently need the most!!

The characters are not irritating in this show as it was in Money Heist. Like Tokyo and her man-child boyfriend in MH!! I think they were irritating. In money heist there were over the top unnecessary s*x scenes. These things are not in this one!!!

In Berlin, I liked the casting. Actors did a great job. I liked Keila's story.

This time writers didn't put extra twists and turns to this plot to strech the story little bit more to increase the episodes. Berlin ended at the right time and without getting on my nerves!!! Must watch!!
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Good, but Not as Good
dgftransport29 December 2023
I had high expectations of Berlin because he was one of my favorite characters in Money Heist. His character was poised, reformed, sexy, and incomparable. However, one of the things that made him appear sexy and reformed was his voice. The English voice-over actor for the dub on Money Heist made the character desirable to women and caused men to want to be him. The voice-over actor for Berlin makes the character seem very ordinary, almost dull. This tone affects the interest in the storyline. I kept binging the series because of my love for Money Heist and believing that I would fall in love with the show eventually. However, if I'm being blunt, I found the show to be only subpar, yet I kept rooting for them. Hopefully, next season they will find the voice-over actor from Money Heist and use him. The other actors will then seem more appealing and the story line will garner more interest.
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Same crap why are they so obsessed with love and sex?
katherinebs30 December 2023
The Casa de Papel was an excellent idea; the plot and characters were cool, but the made the same usual mistake of many series / movies : unnecessary love stories. Like literally all the characters were involved in relationships or affairs ALL the characters. What's the need? Too easy and cheap.

Now, with Berlin, is just the same.... but now the characters are too obvious, clichéd, predictable, I feel like I amWatching kind of the same characters from La casa the papel with a little twist and again: unnecessary love stories with the same old problems: we're so different, age difference, one in a relationship/unavailable , we together so we shouldn't hook up . Basically, all the same.

Stop forcing love stories into everything!! It ruins everything and work better on the charters. They are so obvious Not everything needs romance and sex to be good.
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Love Story Heist
tlove213 January 2024
I can understand many wanted this to be like the other Heist. However, it is about Berlin, a passionate man, and a great actor. The show is a true love story, that has 4 arch's that goes in different paces and directions. The dynamics is great, and the acting is sublime, but this is not really about Heists. So as long as your expectations are tempered that this is about Love Stories you will give this a high mark. Berlin the connoisseur of love lines in Heist shows. Is what made me know this was not about the Heist as the title shows his name huge. Berlin gets a lot of time early on, but I think it is balanced in how they present the other love stories. Go in with your expectations that this is a love story and less about Heists.
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Suspenseful but cheesey
ameer_mousavi23 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The show Berlin is a prequel to the original series Money Heist. It started well and very promising, with suspense and drama, but as the show went on, the story became boring. Despite the beautiful cinematography of Paris, the repetitive dialogues and too much love story cliché made it look like a low-budget show. Besides these, the characters were so lucky, they were always not one step but 100 steps ahead of the police. And speaking of police, the French police and Europol were shown extremely dumb. They were searching a hotel for robbed jewels worth 44 million euros and they didn't even think about locking down the area around the hotel before entering?! And how could someone hack all the cameras and delete the recordings while she was on a high-speed boat in the middle of the river surrounded by mountains?! I think that this was insulting to the viewers' intelligence. As I said before, making prequels is much harder than sequels, but take a look at Better Call Saul for God's sake! The BCS totally overshadowed the original series, Breaking Bad. It had a strong story with some wisely selected drama and love that made you cry after the ending.
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Junior-league Money Heist Lite
grayner-26 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted to like this show. I understand there are some differences between the original and this show: They are out in the world, not sequestered in one location. They cannot make as much use of flash-backs. They are in another country etc.

Having said that, everything kind of falls flat. Money Heist played off the anger many people feel in their countries about government incompetence and the inequality it promotes. You definitely felt for the criminals and were vested in them escaping.

That is all kind of lacking here. We get a bunch of people who are just there for a robbery. No particular reason, not a lot to make you particularly care about the characters.

In the original too, the mission was always prominent. Yes, it was lost out of sight sometimes, but always there, Here, it was as if the mission were a big afterthought. Pretty much time is spent on 3 sets of characters hooking up. There is a whole ridiculous story arc about one of the characters being bitten by a snake. And we see Berlin spending more time trying to seduce a woman than really caring about the mission or the team. They are incredibly sloppy about so many aspects - like Berlin staying in the same hotel with all of the compromising equipment days after the heist.

There were some fun moments but sadly it was more about 6 people trying to hook up.

It was nice seeing 2 Money Heist alumna on but they too were duped.

Pedro Alonso was delightful as the extremely selfish, egotistical Berlin but that, IMO, was not enough to carry the show,
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Perfect post holiday tv
mgumsley4 January 2024
Berlin was the Professor's second in command in the popular 'Money Heist' series. Although not as altruistic as most of his companions, his sardonic humour made him popular with viewers, and he was given the spin off series, 'Berlin' which is naturally about another previous heist, set in Paris.

It's a smaller gang and the ambitions are not as lofty as in 'Money Heist', but the hallmarks of the earlier series are here in the electronic wizardry and the offbeat humour. Alonso carries this series with ease, and the romance which almost upsets his heist gets in the way of the story at times. However, I feel this is intentional and keeps things off balance for the viewer.

I loved the Paris setting, and Alonso's gang are a nifty bunch who knit together well in this fast paced story. A lovely touch was the addition of the two female detectives from 'Money Heist.' They were bitter enemies in the previous series but here they form an amusing and surprisingly effective duo. I loved it all, and hope Berlin gets more outings with Netflix.
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Not upto the Mark
aryanthedentist1 January 2024 of the most flamboyant characters of Money Heist, deserved his own series. And sadly, it was disappointing. The series has virtually no plot apart from looting an auction house which too is very naive. Money Heist was exciting and it had on-the-toes plot and picturization. Berlin is just reduced to more of a "not-so-exciting" love-story of Berlin rather than emphasis on his brilliant, masterful mind.

Apart from Pedro Alonso (Berlin) and Tristán Ulloa (Damien), nobody else stands out. Even old Money Heist characters, cameos played by Najwa Nimri (Insp. Alicia Sierra) and Itziar Ituño (Insp. Raquel Murillo) are absolutely wasted. Money Heist had characters which people still remember till date, but this can't be said about Berlin.

Many of the scenes are too stretchy without any relevance. The heist cannot be even called a heist. Audience expected more thrill and excitement from Berlin, sadly enough to get only a bland screenplay and amateurish direction.
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It was thriller and good web series
kaartikesh4 January 2024
Enjoyed watching the web series and we needed season 2 of Berlin web series with professor of Money heist also included for some fun and Despite its last two seasons not being on par with the first three, the Netflix series Money Heist has undoubtedly transformed into a phenomenon. The show's iconography - like the red outfit or Dali masks - became a symbol of rebellion and, unsurprisingly, even led to real heists with thieves wearing the same costume. 'Do burglars strike twice?' may not have a definitive answer, but like most successful franchises, it was expected of the makers of Money Heist to bank on the success with spin-offs; after the South Korean adaptation Money Heist: Korea - Joint Economic Area, we now have a spin-off series titled Berlin, based on the eponymous larcenist.
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Don't be harsh!
barbarabaker-240225 January 2024
I realise I'm out on a limb here! I wasn't impressed with the first 2 episodes but watched it all. Disappointment switched to enjoyment by ep. 4. It was a bit clunky, daft & disjointed I agree. And it was inevitable that, apart from Berlin, I probably wouldn't feel the same love of all the characters in this as I did in Money Heist, not least because 8 episodes isn't really enough to make that happen. But it still gave me a good dollop of what I love about MH. Edge of seat and surprise twists and turns, passion, laughs, love, fun and entertainment, and more passion. I enjoyed it. Hope every MH character gets their own mini series too.
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Greatness and good vibes
salimsaoun30 December 2023
Don't read those bad reviews about the series , people is taking things very seriously , the show is great with good vibes , it gives you the same vibes about money heist , berlin acting is wonderful ...everything is great in this show , graphics ... the vibes in Paris , the songs .... I don't understand why people are giving those bad reviews ,and try to analyze everything and focus on those small details , enjoy the serues .. the language , the culture ... the flashbacks , I liked how berlin mentioned Sergio in a way, How we knew Lisbon characters ... that girl that we've seen too many times with Berlin wnd we didn't understand what's happening ... but now we've got everything we wanted ... BAD REVIEWS ARE DELUSIONAL.
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Adventure Comedy.. Nothing more
saadra-968452 January 2024
Don't expect to see something new, it's always the same tricks, the same story and the same characters .. The (Smart) guy who already planned for everything, the sexy girl who falls in love with that reckless guy, the loyal friend who gives up everything for his team, and don't forget the weirdo, the nerd and the funny policeman .. It's entertainment, nothing more, they built up a new TV show over the success of the first season of La Casa de Babel, actually I give it 6/10 just because it is a little bit entertained me, so please don't give it more than 6/10. It does not deserve more than that.
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Everyone speaks Spanish in France
Kalamoren6 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
After La Casa De Papel, La Casa Del Soap! (Telenovela)

Berlin is very high on drama and love, love, love, love, love, it's all about love. The heist is secondary. Actually no... tertiary. As soon as a love romance ends another starts immediately. Literally all the characters have some romantic/relationship drama going on and on and on.

And like I've mentioned in my headline, literally everyone they meet in France speaks Spanish! And not just a little, fully fluent!

Maybe if they were in south of France it would be a little easier to swallow, but in Paris?!

Disappointing and unnecessary sequel (sorry prequel).
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Its about Love over Money
dogukanbektas-830763 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Despite some negative reviews, I found the show to be a compelling and well-crafted experience.

The actors excel in bringing their characters to life, contributing to a captivating narrative. One noteworthy element is the exploration of the theme that love surpasses the importance of money. Berlin's decision to give 40% of the money to Camille at the end beautifully underscores this theme, adding depth to the storyline.

The series offers a thrilling blend of action and variety, ensuring that the audience remains engaged throughout. Personally, I was never bored and thoroughly enjoyed the dynamic and thought-provoking aspects of Berlin.

For those seeking an engaging series with stellar performances, intriguing plotlines, and a unique perspective on the interplay between love and wealth.

Was happy to watch it!
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To much drama romantic than crime action
meilindebo6 January 2024
To much drama romantic than crime action. I don't like the emosional scene. And simple crime scene. Why the writer put so much drama romantic in this series. Coz i skip every single time this scene. To much drama romantic than crime action. I don't like the emosional scene. And simple crime scene. Why the writer put so much drama romantic in this series. Coz i skip every single time this scene.

To much drama romantic than crime action. I don't like the emosional scene. And simple crime scene. Why the writer put so much drama romantic in this series. Coz i skip every single time this scene. You guys can do so much better than this.
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Extremely underwhelming
cris_meinen2 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I had high hopes for this series because I actually liked Berlin in Money Heist. However this series seems to me like a South American Telenovela ? Everything is about love and affairs and nobody cares about the job. They just run around doing whatever they want.

Moderate acting. But really underwhelming writing.

Like what's wrong with these dudes to sing in Spanish at a French wedding in the Hotel 5 days after the heist ??

Who does a car race with people strapped on top of the roof ? And who stops the car because of a missed call at 130 kilometers per hour.

There are endless more cringy situations.
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Good, but that's it.
Tobannn31 December 2023
Although it is not fair to compare it with Money Heist as they are two different concepts with different approaches, I have to say that it was not at the level I expected.

It is a very good series, with a new creative robbery, the same inspectors from Money Heist and with Pedro Ochoro's acting on another level.

However, I feel that they gave too much thought to the theme of romance between the protagonists, and it became a bit tiresome at times.

Other than that, I feel that it was quite well executed, with good shots and being fun, funny and ironic at times.

I hope to see a second season with another robbery and bringing more characters already seen.
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Average script with a creative plan
arthurvians5 January 2024
I watched the series in one week. It was fun and entertaining to watch. However, it has nothing to do with Money Heist, that's why people are getting too upset on how the series turned out.

Also, if you are a fan of romance, obviously you are going to like this. Personally, the script could be much better developed and described, especially the past life of Andres and how they got to know each other.

Also, a connection with Money Heist or hints would be so fun to make connections and think about.

In general, it was entertaining series with a taste of lacking effort and passion for this project.
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